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tv   KRON 4 News at 8am  KRON  August 5, 2019 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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reeling and hundreds are mourning. the morning in general following those deadly shootings. we have team coverage about all of that in the next hour. i asked so many people when you think about it between those 2 shootings. >>this is the scene outside of the bar in dayton, ohio where a gunman opened fire killing 9. can see everybody running for cover there. he shot and killed among the victims his own sister and then before that within 13 hours or to she's before that it was it na paso texas right at this big mall where there's a walmart in this is a community that has a lot of immigrants apparently this gunman was upset with them drove there and opened fire with an automatic rifle killing 20 people we want to go to el paso texas right now with whitney wild. >>that 21 year-old shooter is now sitting in a local jail this morning. he's facing state capital murder. this as a community mourns in measurable. >>2 amazing humans or strip from their babies. i laugh now
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parents live. >>jordan and andre on john doe parents of 3 young children were among those killed saturday. they had dropped off their oldest at cheerleading practice before heading to walmart to do some back to school shopping. they died shielding their 2 month-old son. >>maybe paul was recovered from the crime scene with his mother on top of them and we got word. not andre head jumped in front of his. his wife to protect his wife and son. throughout the whole circumstance. >>a 6 year-old angie and glispie was in the store checkout line when the gunman walked in she had been on the phone with one of her sons just minutes before they spent hours waiting for word about her sunday they found out she was among those killed. army veteran and bus driver art robot of the dust age 60 was known all throughout the community according to his niece. she described him as someone who would give you the shirt off his back 7 mexican
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nationals were also killed saturday in the border town. >>in one voice our nation must condemn racism. a country and white supremacy. >>federal authorities are considering filing charges under the domestic under domestic terrorism. they're also considering filing federal hate crime and firearms charges that could mean the death penalty for the shooter live in el paso and in the wild. >>thank you with me right from el paso. now let's get the latest from the shooting that happened after that that killed 9 people and injured dozens and that was in dayton, in an area of town popular with nightclubs and restaurants. >>a vigil was held in that section of town last night. and you can see the candles that were lit the gunman has we understand started shooting near a bar, surveillance video actually shows police who were on patrol nearby responding to the scene in under a minute but in that time the gunman was able to fire dozens of shots. before it was ultimately killed by police.
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>>police ended up shooting the gunmn. immediately and that's what they say saved so many other lives. >>i thought about the data officer. he's like stand over the top of thetar. she met a guy so the 2 say dear buddy was i. >>this is my town and this is where i hang out with my friends. i mean i i it could have been my friends it could have been me and my family. >>you can just go and buy guns and you know not even be registered or not eating qualified you know they can just walk into a gun store and buy high powered equipment and walked right out of 2 people in broad daylight brought night. i mean on singing like this has got to stop my cousins did not deserve to lose their life to have children. hard working people. audi was join tonight on the tail in the day. >>and there's the gunman was also dead. he was shot by the police 24 year-old connor bets who among the victims killed his own sister megan who was
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apparently that club as well in a car with her boyfriend, she was shot and killed police still trying to. >>determine a motive behind that shooting will let you know when we find out more the meantime we will continue to update you on both of these shootings just tune into not only a broadcast but also download the kron on app thtt's where provide 24 hour streaming service throughout the day. >>for is a time right now and get a look at weather and traffic on this monday morning and let's go first to the traffic center. yes cruz have still not up bright and clear this overturned rv check out this photo we got this from the oakland police department. >>there on scene right along 5.80 assisting chp with a major accident. that happened shortly after 5 o'clock you see that suv on its side and shattered in pieces. it was stolen. the driver crash ash with another vehicle that vehicle ran off the road. this is all still going on it's under investigation east 5.80 between seminary and edwards what happened at 5 this morning, a look at the back of that is causing to your morning commute or for your morning tree will switch over to traffic tracker there's one
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lane open and east 5.80 stacked up be on high street, it's also impacting your westbound commute. although nothing is blocked on the westbound side everybody has to slow down and take a look so it's a mess out of san leandro you may just want to stay away from all together because we do not have an estimated time of clearing. it's a little crowded on the nimitz but for now it's better than 5.80. so that's something to keep in mind and leave extra early as crews are still dealing with this crash. we'll check in on some more slowdowns and they are your bridges coming up in a bit john. >>well robin it's not just crowded on the roads but the skies are packed with some fog this morning you do see that over the golden gate bridge, not that you'd be able to that was the bridge from looking at the scam right here. it is definitely packed in right along the golden gate and then also seeing some dense fog stretching out into the east bay up and down the coast at times this morning areas like oakland in hayward have seen visibility falling below a mile now fog is already begun its retreat for parts of our inland bay area such as the
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east bay, but it's going to stay pretty president along the coast, even into the afternoon something else you're going to see into the afternoon and increasing cloud cover today after heavy morning fog areas like oakland will be in for a partly cloudy afternoon ahead daytime highs cooler than they were this weekend into the low 70's for oakland and for san jose cooling into the low 80's today, more in you forecast is still to come daryn 6 is the time in the city of gilroy is still reeling from the big shooting that we had at the garlic just yeah then just within less than a week we had these 2 mass shootings over the weekend and that's of course bring up more memories and more. >>a moment of mourning and condolences for the people of gilroy we've got kron four's will tran live there this morning and will imagine with people even talked to this morning. they have to be. >>just exasperated that this is still continuing. >>is there not shocked they're just sad like again let us be the bearer of bad news so to speak let us feel the pain and
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all of a sudden now over the weekend, they know to other communities in the country feel exactly the way that they're feeling and there's there's still healing and now they're really bleeding from the heart in emotionally because what's going on in el paso and even so before we get reaction let me show you the very latest on what's going on the crime scene which is about 2 miles from my location we're here to get reaction. but the deal of gilroy garlic festival grounds still considered a crime scene as the fbi and other law enforcement agencies have shut it down and have ever since sunday when a 19 year-old gunman. bypass the metal detectors went through the fence purchased a legally purchase assault rifle and started shooting at people at the festival and james and darya it was about 90 minutes from shutting down for the year. when all of a sudden shots ring on 3 people were killed. 2 of them were kids,
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16 others injured. if it wasn't bad enough they woke up on sunday morning to back to back shootings and we came here specifically to get reaction from people from gilroy but here's a woman from southern california who probably echoes what everybody are most people and the country's feeling at this very moment. makes us care to get out of the house and you just innocently to the store and you don't get that you don't know what you can expect. >>you ta scope is it happening cross go in my community up in in temecula it could happen anywhere. walmart you're not safe anywhere. >>saying that you were talking to your husband about shooting yes like we're afraid that you know we're going to go to a store or a gate gas somewhere in you know when it's going erupt. >>you don't know when it's going to draft and i talked to another woman. she's from gilroy and she said with school starting in a couple of weeks that sense of fear
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sadness is even more elevated because of what's going on not just in gilroy but now we know into other communities and savvy james and daria we're in news, we know this is not matter of ifs according to a lot of people but when it will happen again well reaction coming up at 9 o'clock. >>in 9th place in the east bay are looking for help to sauce and home invasions to home invasions that happened within hours of each other. they don't know if they're connected, but they both happened in albany. a person snuck in through an unlocked door or an open window in each case. in one case it was a man with a flashlight who got into a house in the 500 block of cain's avenue about 1130 friday night, somebody was in the home sleeping when they woke up and saw the burglar the burglar took off and then there was another home that someone stuck into want half street. and there was a person home at that time as well, and that person saw them and take
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off in both cases they don't even know if anything was taken. >>by hearing about is just kind of like surprises me especially in albany, you know because was just it's just so quite the there's nothing happening. this point you know. when you hear something like this everybody just kind of freaks out and you know like people like oh my god, what's next was going to come let you know. >>the go d thing is that nobody got hurt. happening now marsh creek road is still closed this morning in contra costa county because crews are still putting out the marsh complex fire which is burning just north of mount diablo in clayton. morgan territory road and deer valley road that areas what's closed because there mopping up and still wrapping up the fire t 5% contained. >>people along with a little long marsh creek road. those are the only people who can use that roadway right now. it has burned 655 acres so far but the shelter in place that was issued immediately when the flames broke out that has since been lifted. >>new this morning 2 people are displaced after a fire
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destroyed their home overnight and filet o you can see in the video here from fire department what it was like when the fire was burning. it broke out around 11 o'clock last night on severus drive that just west of highway 29. took firefighters about a half and his 18 year-old friend gabriel a tally, your us were arrested last month after police say they killed officer mario reagan during an undercover drug deal. one of the teens in security video can be seen carrying a backpack that was allegedly stolen during the encounter the time police say both teams confessed to taking part in the assault of elders father says there's more to the story. the truth. >>will set you free. we look forward to the truth coming out. and to our sun coming out. >>neither elder nor your son
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has been indicted in fact italian authorities can hold suspects for up to a year before charges are filed. >>it's 8.11 and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news governor newsome is calling on federal lawmakers to do something to stop the gun violence. and the smash and grab robbery in the east bay caught on camera will hear from neighbors. >>bart is transitioning away from paper tickets coming up in a live report will tell you in a live report will tell you which part station starting oh thaphenomenal!, that's unfair. that's so unfair. c'mon jay-bo. let's go. let's go. woahh! try my $4.99 bbq bacon double cheeseburger combo. only at jack in the box.
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♪ try my $4.99 barbeque bacon double cheeseburger combo.
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>>ever back happening today bar is starting to phase out those paper tickets at certain stations in favor of those plastic litter carts kron 4 sarah stinson is live at the embarcadero bart station that's the first one then they'll be more. >>yet 19th street station in oakland that's going to be the first today too transition away from those paper tickets but then after that will be a market air stations where i'm standing right now no these. >>clipper cards a reloadable their reusable they cost about $3 and then you're done you have to reload it. >>you can even get deals if you do auto reload so up for it, convenient for people take a look at your screen you can get a better idea of what stations are going to be transitioning within the next 2 months as i said today, the 19th street bart station in oakland will be clip for only now the only be selling those then 2 weeks later the embarcadero stations will follow then in september the
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powell street station and the downtown berkeley stations. we'll also be accepting this couple cards only tell you have a paper ticket you still have money on it, you can still use it to enter and exit the stations for as long as the money remains on it. at those stations once they become so for only then you can only use that you got to transition over to the clipper card. now this pilot program will expand in 2020 to all the other stations making that clipper cards, the bay area's one only transit center transit card and this could be used for the bus you can use for almost every single try transportation agency so it makes it really easy to use and that wages pull it out you can use it for everything also it saves you money actually. clearly people are hoping to hear off to do with all the traffic can just hop on bart and get to where you're going so just keep in mind starting today 19th street in oakland is going to be clip for only we'll send it back to you. >>all right very good, yeah and less talking on for sure.
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>>thank you sir now there's some hawking for hot spots with an update on one from robin there is indeed and i'd say hop on barr to use bar instead of sitting in traffic on 5.80 because we have a big mess. look at this overturn rv it was stolen early this morning, the driver crashed on 5 80 in oakland with another vehicle and it's been blocking fence. the 5 o'clock hour. this is east 5.80 between seminary words and at last check the latest something that we got from crews on scene was that only the right lane is open. so that's why it's such a big mess and a big backup here for both sides it's on the eastbound side which is backed up be on high street. but the westbound commuters they have a view of the eastbound action which involves a police investigation. so westbound going to be sitting in traffic out of stanley and roll just trying to make it up to the oakland side and then the eastbound backup is now impacting 13 as you emerge from 13 over to 5 heavy all around there is always the nimitz freeway which looks a
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little bit better, but so many people are starting to use it you're not going to save a whole lot of time so i just want to put that in there they're going use him you over to the nimitz but it's just as bad. it looks just a little bit better as you work your way for milpitas to fremont northbound 6.80 it's got creek. we have this crash in your left lane it is crawling from land s that's an unusual slowdown. so keep your eyes open for that and when you have problems in the east bay, sometimes that keeps traffic light at the bay bridge toll plaza so it is spinning out, but keep in mind. a lot of folks are stuck on 5.80. they haven't made it to san francisco yet so that's partially why 14 minutes off to fremont street i'll give you one more it's an improving bridges. well 92 san mateo bridge 60 minutes that is not bad at all from hayward over to the peninsula. now let's get a look at the forecast and see how this weather shaping up john. >>well robin skies still very gray out there, but we will have more blue to the skies later on today, although not quite as much as what we did see over the weekend san francisco, one of our fog year
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spots this morning as the has been all morning long up to this point and look at this san jose also checking in with some low clouds hanging out overhead not near as much over mount diablo this morning you can also see a little bit of blue and some sunshine shining through some of those clouds that are hanging out further inland cloud covers mostly moving into that are the bay area from the southwest and that is streaming its direction our way from the remnants of what was a tropical system further south in the pacific shouldn't be offering up any chance of rain for us but it's going to help to contribute to some slightly cooler temperatures ahead of us lot of that cloud cover today means temperatures don't have a chance to warm as much she won't notice as much of a difference on our near the coast were 60's 70's are going to remain pretty steady as we make our way through the day today. it's our inland spots and then the south bay which are going to feel a difference from this weekend with daytime highs falling into the low 80's for much the south bay and even areas like free monsoonal livermore on up to concord
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walnut creek and danville in the upper 80's today, trading in those 90's that you saw this weekend just to 90's remain in this forecast. that's in pittsburgh in vacaville today, elsewhere in the bay area it 70's 80's or and coastal areas, the 60's for your highs. temperatures the next 7 days looking a little bit cooler, especially come wednesday thursday and friday these will be the coolest days on average across all of the day skies will really start to clear out come thursday after what will be overall a pretty cloudy start to the week partly cloudy skies remain through wednesday. saturday and sunday we reverse or cooling trend and warm up yet again eventually by sunday, it's back to the low 90's inland. daria thanks a lot at 08:20am. >>and a california beach is going remain closed because a bluff collapsed, killing 3 people. it happened in san diego was friday at grandview surf beach. in san diego, and you can see the aftermath there after the cliff came down 5 people were trapped
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under the dirt and rubble, one person died right there on the beach to other people were taken to the hospital where they died and the beach is closed because they don't want more of that cliff to give way in her anyone. >>stretch of coastline and pretty much all the and in san diego counties naturally. that's why we're very excessive warning folks those >>engineer to inspect the area before they reopen it. >>in national news, the chinese government is warning of an economic counter strike. >>after president trump announced the us would hit china with another billion in tariffs that move essentially taxes all chinese exports to the united states and with few american goods left attacks, china's remaining targets are going to be tech favorites lie iphones cameras and tv's. >>and that's one of the biggest dangers. we know that us companies and the us economy rely heavily on technology.
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>>the next round of tariffs are set to begin september 1st trade talks are supposed to restart next month in washington. >>drowned at a water park in florida over the weekend that happened at the dayton lagoon lifeguard spotted the truck floating in the wave pool saturday afternoon. they tried to resuscitate the child aghast at the park 11 to be a doctor also tried. but in the end he was pronounced dead at the hospital later that day. >>our hearts go out to the family the child. over employees really do care. >>now the water park will conduct a thorough review of exactly what happened. >>22 coming up on the kron 00:04am morning news. we're going to take it to the memorial honoring the fallen officer from the bay area.
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>>news and back to our big hot spot of the morning, this overturned rv it's been blocking since around 5 o'clock and it was stolen the driver crash ash with another vehicle and it's been a big problem since the 5 o'clock hour east bound 5.80 between seminary and edwards in the city of oakland, it's about halfway between those 2 points so a special traffic alert remains in place. no new updates from the oakland police department or chp just yet. at last check they sent the right lane is close and we can see from sensors said it's just awful on both sides are back to will be on high street
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westbound the opposite side there just mostly folks looking at the crash of their backed up all the way into san leandro there's nothing blocked on 5 of the westbound here is your drive time almost 40 minutes from castor valley to downtown oakland because of that. now when you compare it to the nimitz freeway, it's only 22 minutes so it's going to be slow on the nimitz but who are saving a little time from 2.38 to downtown so that is an option for you one more problem northbound 6.80 scott creek injury crash year working it's going to be pretty heavy back to lend s as you work your way out to milpitas john. >>while fog and cloud cover pretty heavy today robin you are seeing some cloudy conditions over sfo and of course that does mean conditions are all right for a delay which we do have of over an hour currently oakland and san jose in the meantime sitting delay free despite the cloud cover in both of those airports as well, 50's and 60's is we're sitting for temperatures conquered and pittsburgh some of our warmest of spots in the bay currently
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at 64 degrees. each. all timber on up into the north bay after that a look at some of our cooler temperatures only in the l to mid 50's this morning. now overall today is going to be just a touch cooler than we have been temperatures already down just one to 2 degrees for much of the bay area that's something that will continue later on into the afternoon. daria. >>thanks a lot john 08:27am and when we come back we're going to follow the very latest on the deadly shootings that happened throughout the
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lowe's knows you're a team who does remodeling right. we do it right too with stylish collections that pull it all together. so you can rethink your bathroom without rethinking your budget.
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>>on a look at weather and traffic and we've had some trouble on the road. so let's see if we need to start there. yeah, yeah still have a big problem at oakland, it's still blocking still backing up traffic and still no estimated time of clearing so this is a big trouble spot. if you take 5.80 through oakland, you're going to be sitting in traffic in both directions because of this overturned rv was involved in a crash with another vehicle early this morning in the 5 o'clock hour the rv was stolen by the way so we have oakland police as well as chp on scene investigating this crash and as you can see it's pretty much destroyed right on its side to shattered debris all over the road. so they've been working with this. what 3 hours now to give up riding cleared and out of the way in just hasn't happened yet. so a special traffic alert remains in place you're squeezing by in the right lane. so if you use 5 of the east behind the crash are going to be sitting
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in traffic. it is back to be on high street a little bit closer to 35th. and if you're heading westbound this morning. there is nothing block but we have rubberneckers and that's causing a big backup out of san leandro so just keep that in mind. 'll compare 5 80 with the nimitz so you can look at the 2 freeways and see you know what the time difference is so if you take 5.80 it's going to be almost 40 minutes because of that crash. but if you use the nimitz instead read 22 minutes, it's not great. it's not as bad, but you're saving time so that's an option for you and then 2.80 pretty quiet san jose to cupertino at 17 minutes, our bay area bridges are thinning out there looking much better sold to a bridge check coming up in my neck support john. >>glad to see those bridges clearing out robin because th fog certainly has not yet look at how dense it is over timber on skies, hardly even offering up a view below this camera right here just a couple of bush's there at the bottom of the screen. that's because fog is very dense, not just along the coastline but streaming through the golden gate this morning watch out for a few spots that persist
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to be very low as far as visibility goes right now and it's going to stay that way out in half moon bay. even as we move into the afternoon now while much of the rest of the bay area says good-bye to the fog throughout the course of our morning going to be saying hello to some cloud cover even with our afternoon sunshine. it's going to be accompanied by some partly cloudy skies that's going to help to keep temperatures just a little bit cooler today than we were this weekend for areas like the south bay in san jose. that means temperatures down from the upper 80's and low 90's where we were this weekend into the low 80's today, more in your forecast is still to come. darya james, thanks a lot. let's get back. >>back to the big story this morning which are the mass shootings that have happened over the weekend killing 29 people the latest shooting was in dayton ohio that's where. >>9 people were shot and killed dozens of others also wounded with katharine ross now with more on that story. >>in a community and a nice still reeling from this horrific tragedy that we've also seen an outpouring of
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support here huge a vigil last night also seen candles police downside of net peppers where this all unfolded 9 lives cut short in less than one minute of terror. police say 24 year-old connor bentz was wearing a mask body armor and hearing protection when he opened fire in the crowded entertainment district. just after 1 o'clock sunday morning. police chief richard biehl releasing a timeline of events surveillance showing 6 officers taking down the gunman within 20 seconds. >>yeah, one oh 05:00am trolling the oregon district. are losing time in her gunfire. the observed a large crowd running away from this gunfire, the officers immediately advance. >>for the gunfire within approximately 20 seconds being engaged suspect was actively attempting enter routed liquor establishment. >>but in that short time frame the suspect managed to fired dozens of shots killing 9 including his 22 year-old sister and injuring at least
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27 others. the terror alarming a community. >>you know we need do what's right you know if the civilians walk around body armor we call that clues so you know why does the civilian that body armor, you know, somebody is not acting right now high powered weapons reach out to him meaning we all know when someone is having problems we have to the community support people start doing what's right. >>now the question remains why investigators are searching the suspect's home 15 miles outside of dean. but his former classmates called him quiet. some reporting. he was suspended from high school for creating a hit list. analysts to girls he wanted to sexually assault. police are still looking for tips on a potential motive for the oregon district shooting. they say it's too soon to come to any conclusions. >>there is far too much information we have to review before we can even begin a conversation a possible motive. i want to talk about any potential slice of evidence. it is value or not at this time is just way too
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early and police tell us right now there's no evidence to suggest that this was a bias motivated attack the only things on but his criminal record. >>for a few traffic violations. he's also say that those firearms were obtained legally. in dayton gather on us. >>another big story is the other shooting which was more deadly in el paso texas at this walmart where a gunman opened fire, killing 20 people and wounding dozens more that 21 year-old shooter is now expected to face state capital murder charges and maybe face hate crime. charges as well among those who were killed a couple who died shielding their 2 month-old baby son. >>baby publish recovered from the crime scene with his mother on top of them and we got word. not andre head jumped in front of his. his wife to protect his wife and son. throughout the whole circumstances.
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>>also 7 mexican nationals were killed in this shooting and mexican authorities are now looking to possibly requesting extradition to try the gunmen there as well we'll continue to give you the very latest with team coverage on the 2 deadly shootings that happened over the weekend and the latest. this on the heels of the garlic festival shooting as well in gilroy that's all on kron 4 dot com. all right here on kron 4 and on kron on our mobile app. >>he is still in mourning from last week's deadly shooting at thh garlic festival christmas hill park remains a crime scene investigators still sifting through about 50 acres of land searching for evidence 3 people were killed in that shooting more than a dozen were injured. and the city knows all too well the pain that's being felt right now in texas and ohio as residents of gilroy continue to work through the grieving process themselves. >>they're frightened and afraid certainly i'm upset about what happened in particular those that were. that family members that perished in that event so we're very now from
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unfortunate we're very familiar with what they're going through a really really deep tragedy in a very very deep sadness, but. >>and it's and it's incredible struggle for everybody, but it's also giving us an opportunity to be thankful. >>the festival grounds will remain closed its a crime scene at least for the next few days. there was a fund-raiser over the weekend for the youngest victim killed in the garlic festival shooting, dozens of people came together a car wash saturday and sunnyvale for 6 year-old stephen romero stephen's mother and grandmother still recovering in the hospital. they suffered gunshot wounds. the day the gunman opened fire, many drivers waited patiently for the opportunity to support stephen's family during the event first responders actually work with friends of the family to organize this car wash. >>i have a 7 year-old boy 10 month-old daughter so could have been it just really hit song when it's when it's somebody that age i just honestly doesn't deserve that. i just felt like we had we had to do in us.
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>>friends and family have already raised more than $67,000 online for the rim, errol family. >>in the wake of the garlic festival shooting of the governor is calling on the federal government to do something because the shooter managed to bypass california gun laws and purchase an assault weapon in nevada. federal data shows in fact in recent years more than half of the guns. recover that were used in crimes in california. we're from another state, so now governor newsom says is that it's up to the fed and to do something. >>need a national background check system we need to close the gun show loopholes week. we did just the of certainty that you can't even rent a car at 19 little drink. but you can buy a weapon of war and gunned down 1215 people. it's absurd. i mean that's extremism and the current the debate in this country.
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>>and nevada is the second largest supplier of guns recovered used in crimes here in california. the number one is arizona. it's a 38 and still ahead a smash-and-grab robbery in the east bay is caught on camera we're going hear from neighbors.
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>>back to the kron 00:04am morning news and back to our big traffic story of the morning this hot spotted overturned rv still blocking several lanes in oakland east bound 5.80 after seminary this happened shortly after 5
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o'clock and it's still causing major delays so eastbound you're backed up the on 35th westbound you're backing up the on golf links so just stick with the nimitz to save a lot of time 80 looks much better than 5.80 right now. checking in on your drive time it's a 33 to 35 minutes which is a little bit better to
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welcome back to the kron 4 morning news and the
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time is 8.44 back to our major hot spot. this overturned rv in oakland, it's been blocking since 5 o'clock. >>it crashed was involved in this accident with another vehicle which ran off the road early this morning and crews are still investigating. they have 3 lanes close on east bound 5.80 between seminary and for it and that's why the traffic has been so bad for the last 2 hours or so backed up the on 35th back to a 206 as you leave the san leandro oakland border here heading westbound that's opposite side of the crash. and this is just because of the rubberneckers so your drive time it's been going back and forth between 3540 minutes because of that that will save you some time. bay area bridges are thinning out there looking really good so we're checking in on 92, this is the san mateo bridge. >>that it's looking pretty good right only 15 minutes from the nimitz over to the bay shore freeway. so that's a nice improvement compared to the last hour check out the bay bridge. not much some of the folks are stuck on 5.80 they haven't made it to san francisco yet. but this is
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still great a little crowded on the span but no delays behind the tolls will put it at 14 minutes to fremont street. we're also give you one more i'll give you one more good bridge and that's the richmond sandra fell it has also fanned out so yes we have some early clearing we always celebrate that 10 minutes here from the pay gates to one oh one in sandra fell john. >>well, robin skies are clearing out just yet even though our roadways look to be in some cases, san francisco is one of our spots that continues to hold on to quite a lot of cloud cover and fog very much so the case along all over coastal areas, san jose now the opposite starting to clear out just a little bit you saw some cloudy skies earlier today even some fog earlier this morning. now a hint of blue to those mostly cloudy skies and a mount diablo keeps looking better there's your sunshine breaking through those clouds still partly cloudy overhead though just as will remain for most of the day today. you're seeing some cloud cover streaming on into california and the bay area itself from
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the southwest, this associated with some tropical moisture that uh is making its way on into the state not going to result in any chance of rain for us. but all this cloud cover is going to help to keep temperatures down compared to where we were this weekend. now for coastal in bayside areas. it's not gonna make much of a difference. we're going to hold pretty steady in quite the cool down cooling us into the 80's today for the south bay and for the tri valley today a range of mid to upper 80's, 70's rain from union city through san leandro to berkeley richmond in oakland, while 80's now seen in danville walnut creek in concord on upper 80's at least out of the 90's pittsburgh in vacaville or 2 spots still left holding on to the 90's while santa rosa in petaluma only peek today in the low to mid 80's today cooler than yesterday tomorrow going to be even cooler yet with wednesday thursday and friday, the coolest days of your forecast
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low 80's inland with low 70's by the day after this temperatures will start to boost again into the upcoming weekend eventually taking us back into the low 90's by sunday of next week. james. thank you very much. a vigil was held over the weekend to honor east bay native in sacramento, police officer tower o'sullivan. >>she was killed in the line of duty back in june while she was helping a woman leave an abusive relationship. dozens of people came out to martinez city hall to remember o'sullivan. among the speakers row sullivan's parents and her best friends. the daughter of a family friend has been making bracelets with the proceeds going to one of tires. memorial funds. >>my daughters really felt a responsibility i'm just to let law enforcement know how important they are and i'm just hoping that we can keep cars memory alive. >>a message box was also set up for people to share letters or cards. in other news take a look at the smash and grab that was caught on camera in oakland, so 2 men were driving
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the black car into a parking lot near lake merritt in a minute you see one of them sneaking up to another car that was parked there. and then his accomplice comes up a moment later, and you watch he ends up smashing the window and snagging a backpack that was in the passenger seat, what you don't see is the backpacks owner was actually sitting in the driver's seat, the whole time. people who live and work in the area say that burglaries are an ongoing problem and some of the people we spoke with asked us not to reveal their identities as they shared their thoughts. >>belongings in there they're getting out of the car and they're really making it. >>that's another level it's scary but it's normal. i feel like we see or hear something about this every couple of days. >>scary but normal. neighbors are asking for more police presence in the area they've reached out there we've reached out to oakland police but so far haven't heard back. outline was spotted twice near the napa county airport over the weekend someone saw the big cat at fagan creek and then at the railroad tracks
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near the intersection of airport boulevard and north airport road. the sheriff's office is asking anybody in the area to just be aware of your surroundings when you're near the airport and just be careful. >>in the north bay police are on alert because more than a dozen hom have been burglarized in sandra fell in the last week kron four's justine waldman has the story. >>yes, and all the obvious here very a very nice community. it's very safe community. >>we don't see a lot of these a lot is 14, 14 homes broken into in the last 4 weeks all during the hours of 09:00am and noon all 14 of the burglaries that residences were unoccupied. >>so we think there may be some casing going on by the suspects sandra fell police lieutenant dan thing tells me the burglars are taking jewelry and electronics. >>things that can be easily pond are sold. 8 of the homes hit are in the terra linda area. the other 6 are spread out in different parts of the city, some of the burglaries have been forced entry with either a broken window or upright tool to a door and
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some the burglaries have also been unlocked a resident says that they've walked into. >>in response to the increase in home burglaries since all police are now stepping up patrols in the neighborhoods hit hard by these crimes central patrol officers are doing extra patrols in their beats. >>specifically looking for suspicious people and suspicious cars and neighborhoods there is no security video of any of the crimes and no suspect or vehicle descriptions police advise no matter where you live in the bay area lock your doors keep valuables out of sight from the street look out for your neighbors and report anything suspicious in sandra fell justine waldman kron 4 news. >>a 51 and as we go to the break, let's take a live look here at san francisco and national airport there are clouds and because of that you always want to check ahead always want to check ahead we'll be right back.
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oh thaphenomenal!, that's unfair. that's so unfair. c'mon jay-bo. let's go. let's go. woahh! try my $4.99 bbq bacon double cheeseburger combo. only at jack in the box.
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try my $4.99 barbeque bacon double cheeseburger combo. >>warning news you may just want to stay away from 5.80 until crews can clear this overturned rv in oakland, it's still blocking still causing major delays for both sides of this happened around 5 o'clock this morning east bound 5.80 between seminary and efforts and it's still there traffic squeezing by on the right hand side, it's backed up heavily in both directions so consider taking the nimitz instead 5.80 and you're going to save a little bit of time not a whole lot, but it will help you get around that crash. 2.80 looks pretty decent san jose to
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cupertino and our bridges are thinning out so look at some bridges and have another check coming up in a bit chop. >>well robin skies, this morning have been very foggy for much of the bay area from snow you can see some that cloud cover lingering below and you can see what the rest of us are going to eventually witness into the afternoon once the fog clears out. you do have some high cirrus clouds that will make for some partly cloudy to mostly sunny skies, depending on what time of day or talk in now these clouds stay or go to help temperatures to stay just a little bit cooler than this past weekend. we're in the 50's and 60's for your current temperatures right now which is a very familiar range of numbers to start the morning just a bit cooler than we were at the same time yesterday morning. darya. >>thanks a lot. john a 55 and in baseball the a's trying to get back into the second wild-card spot after a series sweep against the st. louis cardinals let's take a look at what happened in the 6th inning. our belts one deep to right. these are up by 2 now
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bottom of the 8th, a wild pitch by the cardinals that a is the school. those 4 to 2 the a's of the congo cause today at 5 o'clock as for giants had a great start. catch up with the rockies and later innings to the giants in the fall. the 6 to 2. lost their second straight series. they can hope to turn things around against the washington nationals tonight at 6 45 at oracle arena. we'll take a quick break it 56 coming up on the kron 4 morning news new information about the 2 gunmen who opened fire killing 29 people in 2 separate shootings. >>we'll have the latest from both ohio and texas coming up plus 2 home invasions in a matter of hours has one east bay community on edge this morning. we'll have full details and the family of a very teenager being held in italy for murder. that family
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is valid to bring their son back home.
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>>sacred memory of those we have lost by acting as one people. open wounds cannot heal. if we are divided.
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>>9 people killed in dayton, ohio, 21 people killed in el paso texas now the death toll going up by one person just in the last hour in that el paso shooting that brings the total number of people gunned down in a 13 hour period on saturday to 30 people killed and that is going to be something. >>a lot of politicians going reacting to course a lot of the residents of both of these areas as again the question is coming up what is going to be done going forward to try to prevent this that's that's what's on top mind of everybody involved a video that you're looking at there were people rushing to try to take cover on the streets. in dayton ohio and then we also have and a walmart el paso, the first shooting. let's go live to care in she is in dayton right now with the latest karen. >>just a short while ago we received some updates from dayton officials including from the fire chief revised the number of injured in the shooting in the early hours of sunday morning to


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