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tv   KRON 4 News at 8am  KRON  December 20, 2018 8:00am-9:01am PST

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good morning i'm darya folsom..(james) and i'm james fletcher. lets start the morning with a check of weather and traffic... temperatures just a bit cooler today ranging from the mid 50's to a few spots hanging onto the low 60's. skies will be partly cloudy through the day before some showers moving in early tomorrow morning.
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heavier rainfall can be expected to start next week on christmas eve. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. sb 880 at mowry accident blocking ( james ) ( james ) ... the man charged with
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murdering 18-year-old nia wilson on a bart platform ... is scheduled to make another court appearance. 27-year-old john cowell is expected to enter a plea to the charges. nia wilson was stabbed to death at an oakland bart station back in july. cowell is also accused of stabbing and injuring nia wilson's older sister during the incident. cowell could face the death penalty. ( darya ) in the east bay ... concord police are investigating a homicide where a homeower shot at a man trying to break into his house. it happened tuesday night on phoenix street near placer drive. a homeowner told police his doorbell rang. a few
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moments later a man began kicking the rear door then broke a window in order to get into the home. the homeowner shot the man out of fear for his life.the man died in the backyard of the home. investigators believe the homeowner was targeted because he grows and sells marijuana. ( james ) a san francisco police officer has been arrested and charged with robbing a bank ...and this is not the first time he's been at the center of controversy. rain olson daugherty is accused of robbing the east west bank, in the suet district of san francisco. police say he handed the teller a note demanding money. he stole about 9-thousand dollars. the officer is currently suspended without pay. daugherty has been in the news before. he is among nine current and former officers who sued to keep the police commission from disciplining them for sharing racist, sexist and homophobic text messages. that incident took place back in 20- 11 and 20-12. earlier this year, the courts allowed that action to move forward. ( darya ) now to a big
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story this morning ... a yemeni mother ... barred from traveling to the u-s, has arrived in the bay area, and is finally reunited with her dying two year old son.( james ) this is video of her arrival at s-f-o last night. the state department granted shaima swileh a visa after she spent more than two months apart from her son. she had been living in egypt. supporters of the family say the u-s needs to change its travel ban policy, so no other family has to go through something like this again.
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genetic brain condition that continues to worsen. the boy's parents are american citizens ... but without a waiver ... the travel ban restricts yemeni nationals like the mother from entering the country. ( darya ) a big story this morning. a san francisco c-e-o is pleading with police and mayor london breed for more officers to keep his employees safe. ( james ) he tweeted out a video of a beating right outside of his office. kron4's will tran is live outside the police department with the story. right now police officers patrol san francisco's tenderloin district but the ceo wants even more patrols especially after this videoon tuesday one of the employees at hvmn captured this videowe want to warn you it is very graphic it shows a man stomping another man's head and then the man on the ground is motionless the attacker
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reportedly told people to stay awaythe ceo of hvmn says his employees are fearful in the tenderloin calling it a war zonegeoffrey woo is asking for more patrols and help from the cityover the past few years more tech and start up companies have moved into san francisco.his fears are not alonerecently spotify moved out of that same area after saying it too was fearful for their employees ( james ) thanks will.
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( james )now to the peninsula ... a man is behind bars for stealing the identity of a mountain view man. here is suspect.41-year-old danh
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nguyen from southern california. police say the victim said someone tried to charge thousands of dollars to one of his credit cards. then on tuesday ... the victim was set to get a new credit card in the mail ... so police waited at the victims home. the suspect pulled up ... and that's when they arrested him. he had a fake drivers license with the victims personal information ... and credit cards in the same name. ( darya ) also on the peninsula ... a man armed with knife robbed the union 76 gas station in millbrae. he robbed the gas station on el camino real monday night. police say the man used the knife to threaten the cashier into opening up the register so he can take the cash. police say the man was wearing a mask, and they don't have a good description. ( darya ) in san francisco ...police arrested a man in connection to more than 30 burglaries all over the city. this is the suspect, 36- year-old gregory cienfuegos. police say he is connected to apartment burglaries where he stole expensive bicycles ... and other items ... worth a total of 75-thousand dollars. the burglaries happened over the course of this year. ( james )happening now... u-c
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berkeley police are loading up thousands of toys to deliver to california wild fire victims.( darya ) kron 4's yoli aceves is live in berkeley this morning with the details. ( yoli ) uc berkeley police load up two buses of toys to send to butte county fire victims for christmas. university of california, berkeley, police will load two 40-foot-long buses with roughly 3,000 toys donated by the campus community for youngsters who survived the camp and carr fires in northern california and then drive the toys to butte county. more information about the toy drive can be found here. thursday, dec. 20. officers will begin loading the bus with toys at 7 a.m. at uc berkeley. the bus will depart at 8 a.m. for the california state university chico police department, where, at 11:30 a.m., berkeley's officers will deliver the toys to paradise unified school board president michael greer and
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superintendent michelle john along with representatives om the butte county sheriff's office and the shasta county sheriff's office. the berkeley group will then spend an hour unloadingand eating lunch before returning to campus by 4:30 campus by 4:30 p.m. to campus by before returning to campus by before returning and eating lunch unloading spend an hour group will then spend an hour unloadingand eating lunch before returning to campus by 4:30 p.m. ( darya ) in national headlines ... the u-s is planning for a "full" and "rapid" withdrawal of all 2-thousand u-s troops from syria. that has the president declaring victory against isis on twitter. it sparked alarm and outrage from repubican lawmakers. florida senator marco rubio called it a colossal mistake and a grave error that's going to have significant repercussions. the
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department of defense says the campaign against the terrorist group is far from over. they say the number of isis members in syria and iraq could be as high as 30- thousand. ( darya ) the u.s. senate is taking action against racism ... and california senator kamala harris helped lead the way. the senate unanimously agreed to make lynching a federal hate crime. in a tweet senator harris called the passing of the 'justice for victims of lynching act', a historic moment. lawmakers have tried for more than a century to make lynching a federal offense. the bill was introduced earlier this year by harris, cory booker and republican tim scott. ( james ) still ahead on the kron 4 morning news... san francisco mayor london breed is facing scrutiny for what she's asked governor jerry brown to do. ( james ) plus ... the plus ... the demolition of the ghost ship warehouse has been put on hold. we'll tell you what family members of victims are asking city officials to ánot do... once the building comes down. ( james ) and mystery solved. we know what
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caused the streak of light over the bay area last night. and here's a live look outside... san mateo bridge. ♪ ♪ ♪ the united states postal service makes more holiday deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. ♪ with one notable exception. ♪
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youand the holiday spiritoss just hits you... yes! or when you get the best deal... on a treat for your best friend? or when you score a magical gift... at an unbelievable price? yes! that's yes for less. ross has you and your list covered with gifts you'll love to give. and it feels even better when you find them for less-at ross. yes for less.
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denny's♪ $6.99 are you out $6.99 of your mind ♪ eggs, hash browns, bacon, sausage and butter buttermilk pancakes. ♪ $6.99 are you out of your mind ♪ it's the holidays... of course we are. enjoy denny's new $6.99 super slam this holiday season. unlike ordinary toothpaste, colgate total fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums for 12 hours. so you're totally ready for that big moment. colgate total. be totally ready for life. (darya) welcome back. let's get a check of the weather this morning... major hot spot in fremont sb 880 at mowry accident blocking all lanes. . bay
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bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101.
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temperatures just a bit cooler today ranging from the mid 50's to a few spots hanging onto the low 60's. skies will be partly cloudy through the day before some showers moving in early tomorrow morning. heavier rainfall can be expected to start next week on christmas eve.
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christmas eve.
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( james ) take a look at this. a mysterious light appeared in bay area skies last night. it caused a lot of speculation all over social media. kron 4 viewers sent us lots of pictures of what they saw.( darya ) (ááádoubleboxááá) this morning the mystery has been
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solved.kron4's sara stinson is at the california academy of sciences in golden gate park with more. the mysterious light in the sky still has many wondering what in the world was that? hundreds of people from all over the bay area snapped photos, videos, and posted to social media enquiring about what it could. take a look at some of the videos and images sent to us from was seen in the sky just after sunset - there was a swift white and bright circle and line in the sky. from here in the bay to los angeles - people across the state reported seeing it - people on twitter attempted to guess about what it could be -
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a rocket launch? santa? a plane? and while it had many people's imaginations going wild - it turns out the bright line in the sky that mysteriously appeared isn't so mysterious to the lick observatory - as they're calling it a bright meteor - which is caused by light and can leave a trail that can be seen for several minutes. nasa also explained the science behind the phenomenom and how a meteor can create a high level cloud called a noctilucent cloud. nasa also explained these light colored clouds can even look alien at times so it makes sense that it captured our attention here in the bay area. a beautiful scientific sight to see and i think we all learned something in the mean time so it's a win - win. live in san francisco, sara stinson, kron four news.
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( james ) thanks sara. ( darya ) ( darya ) san francisco mayor london breed is facing scrutiny and criticism ... for asking the governor to reduce her brother's prison sentence. mayor breed's
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brother ... napoleon brown - was convicted of killing lenties white in 2000 ... by pushing her out of a car on the golden gate bridge. brown has served nearly two decades of a 46-year prison sentence. the mayor wrote a letter asking governor jerry brown to commute her brother's sentence, and grant him an early release. ( darya ) the mayor says she has not spoken directly to the governor. and the governors office says, it does not comment on pending ( darya ) coming up on the kron 4 morning news ... a real life christmas grinch in the bay area. see the video of the the act. ( darya ) of a tesla catching fire twice in one day is raising new safety concerns. that story is coming up. (ácommercialá)(áábreakáá) (ácommercialá) deal talk!
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my new $4.99 blt cheeseburger combo, comes with... 100% beef and hickory smoked bacon, plus fries and a drink all for just the change in your couch. i found the remote!
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try my new $4.99 blt cheeseburger combo.
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my new $4.99 blt cheeseburger combo, deal talk! comes with fries and a drink. all for just the change in your couch. what... mr. wigglesworth? i thought we lost you. kevin?! try my new $4.99 blt cheeseburger combo. (robin) major hot spot in fremont motorcyel acccident cleared but was blocking all lanes. traffic jammed from hayward to the scene. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( james ) in the south bay ... the tesla
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car that caught fire twice ... is raising safety concerns about electric cars. right now the cause of that fire is still under investigation... but an anonymous source at tesla tells kron4 just by looking at the wreckage... either the cars battery pack got damaged... or the tow truck may have damaged the car getting it onto the bed. even though the cause of the fire remains unknown... tesla shoppers say they're not worried. ( james ) the battery pack takes up the bottom of tesla's. past fires occured from people running over debris, puncturing the battery packs. ( james ) coming up ... pg&e is under fire by state investigators. we have an
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in-depth look at its role in several deadly fires. (ácommercialá) sfx: squeak sfx: stair creak sfx: clink sfx: deep breath sfx: grunt
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sfx: tinny headphone music sfx: feet shuffling sfx: slice sfx: gasp sfx: inhale. exhale. sfx: lights scraping on roof sfx: metallic scrape sfx: grunt covered california. it's more than just health care. it's life care.
8:29 am
youand the holiday spiritoss just hits you... yes! or when you get the best deal... on a treat for your best friend? or when you score a magical gift... at an unbelievable price? yes! that's yes for less. ross has you and your list covered with gifts you'll love to give. and it feels even better when you find them for less-at ross. yes for less. welcome back to the kron four morning news... lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic...
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temperatures just a bit cooler today ranging from the mid 50's to a few spots hanging onto the low 60's. skies will be partly cloudy through the day before some showers moving in early tomorrow morning. heavier rainfall can be expected to start next week on christmas eve.
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no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( darya ) to the east bay where the demolition of the ghost ship warehouse in oakland has been put on hold. the city had approved a permit for the demolition work ... but a technicality discovered on the permit application forced them to hold off on it.
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meantime ... the attorney representing the families of the 36-victims of the ghost ship warehouse fire, is asking a judge to not sell the property once its demolished. she want the property awarded as compensention to her clients in the trial. she says they would like to see the site preserved as a memorial. ( darya )(áá2 shotáá) p-g and e is the lead suspect in the camp fire --- which became the deadlist re in the state's history.( james ) drew griffin looks at why they're under ásuchá serious scrutiny for their role in the camp fire and other fires across the state in recent years. norma quintana:"this area was my studio with big windows." this is all norma quintana has left at the home she lived in for 30 years.a macabre reminder of the day her physical world turned to ashes. norma quintana:"the fire was behind us."she and her family had five minutes to escape the
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atlas fire in the fall of 2017. when they returned it was all gone.norma quintana:"i couldn't negotiate the loss. i couldn't negotiate the loss of a home. couldn't."across northern california, the fires in october of 2017 fueled by high winds and drought would kill 44, burn 89-hundred homes and other the burning ended, the burning question did this happen?james engel:"we had a number of fires that were the result of some some type of ignition from powerlines."cal fire investigators concluded that 17 of the 18 fires in october of 2017 were caused by equipment from pacific gas and electric, the multi-billion dollar power 11 of those fires, investigators found evidence p-g-and-e violated state law.james engel oversees fire investigations for cal fire.drew griffin:"is pg&e doing enough in your
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mind?"james engel:"well that's not my call to make. to win ... in the case of those particular fires, they were referred to the district attorney. if there is violation of the's actually been going on now for years.19-94, 99, for years.19-94, 99, 2004.the whiskey fire in 2008.the deadly butte fire in after fire that investigators found were caused by a power company failing to follow state regulations to trim trees or maintain equipment. john fiske:"you see a pattern and practice that pg&e is not willing to step up to the plate and do what it needs to do to prevent these utility caused wildfires."attorney john fiske has built a practice suing power companies and specifically p-g-and-e for causing fires that are destroying californians' lives. he's doing it he says because the state of california won't.
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john fiske:"and if you had a company that was out in the atlantic and it kept starting hurricanes and the government just kind of continued to let it start hurricanes again you'd consider that behavior to be almost sociopathic because people's lives are absolutely devastated." p-g-and-e was convicted of six felonies because of a gas pipeline explosion in 2010. just last month, the president of california's public utilities commission announced a new review of p-g-and-e, telling the wall street journal he was very concerned they, p-g-and-e, still don't have accountability in place. drew griffin:"is pg&e getting the message do you think? are any of the power companies getting the message to change behavior so we don't have their particular fire starting.?"james engel:"i think you're going to have to ask them."we tried but the company declined and instead sent a lengthy statement saying it expanded its community wildfire safety program,improving real-time monitoring, enhancing vegetation management efforts, conducting accelerated safety inspections,installing stronger and more resilient poles.critics point to the way p-g-and-e has spent its money,
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awarding its c-e-o salary and stock worth eight-point-five million dollars in 2017,and spending another eight million dollars lobbying lawmakers in sacramento to get a law passed that allows p-g-and-e to pass some of the cost of the fires onto p-g-and-e is dealing with this.last month's camp fire in northern californ killed 86 and destroyed the town of paradise. equipment from p-g-and-e is being investigated as a possible john fiske says it has to stop.john fiske:"you know in these wildfires oftentimes the most vulnerable members of our community are affected because they're immobile and they cannot get out. that's how devastating these wildfires are. that's why it's so important that these companies change their practices. it's a matter of life and death." -----tag----c-n-n specifically asked p-g and e about the state investigative reports that found the company violated state law in 11 of those deadly fires last year... the company would only say it is looking forward to reviewing those reports. prosecutors are reviewing them too, and deciding if they will again pursue criminal charges massive power the meantime thousands of homeowners are suing pg&e. ( darya ) a state investigation found p-g-&e
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violated state law in 11 deadly fires last year. prosecutors are reviewing the report ... to see if they will again pursue criminal charges against the utility company. ( darya ) in the south bay, a san jose family says someone has been stealing their christmas decorations.. it happened last week in the willow glen neighborhood and the thief was recorded on surveillance video. the thief stole some disney themed decorations ... before taking off in a car. the homeowner is doubtful his missing ornaments will be returned but he says this won't dampen his christmas.
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( james )coming up... chp is cracking down on toll evaders. how they say one man tried to avoid paying tolls-- and ended up getting caught. ( james ) and just before the christmas holiday ... firefighters spent the day learning about the dangers of a dry christmas tree. ( james ) and the latest on the murder of a teen in the east bay. police arrested a suspect in another state. we'll tell you where. ♪ there's no place like home for the holidays ♪
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♪ 'cause no matter how far away you roam ♪ ♪ if you want to be happy in a million ways ♪ ♪ for the holidays you can't beat home sweet home ♪
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whoa! the mercedes-benz winter event is back, and you won't want to stop for anything else. lease the gla 250 for $359 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. temperatures just a bit cooler
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today ranging from the mid 50's to a few spots hanging onto the low 60's. skies will be partly cloudy through the day before some showers moving in early tomorrow morning. heavier rainfall can be expected to start next week on christmas eve. ( james ) a bay area man wanted in connection to the murder of a 17-year-old teen from san ramon-- has been arrested in texas. police arrested 21-year-old christian kelling of fremont-- at a home in travis county, near austin. officers say
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they received a tip that he fled to that area to avoid being caught. kelling was wanted in connection with the murder of 17-year-old damani chadly, a senior at california high school in san ramon. the incident happened in fremont three weeks ago. police are describing it as a marijuana deal gone wrong. they say kelling was selling pot to chadly and his 19-year-old friend, when there was a fight. officers say that is when kelling fired several shots into their car-- killing chadly. the driver was taken to the hospital and later ( james ) coming up ... highlights from the warriors road game against the utah jazz. (ácommercialá) temperatures just a bit cooler
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today ranging from the mid 50's to a few spots hanging onto the low 60's. skies will be partly cloudy through the day before some showers moving in early tomorrow morning. heavier rainfall can be expected to start next week on christmas eve. no major hot spots. bay bridge
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wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min
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from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( darya )c-h-p is cracking down on toll evaders. police say drivers are covering up parts of their license plates to avoid paying tolls. kron 4s michelle kingston talked to chp story. (mk)officer andrew barclay, california highway patrol"i will say that is one of the most obscure ways we've seen people cover digits on a license plate, but it's not an
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uncommon thing to see people doing different things to try to disguise or hide their license plate."michelle kingston, mkingstonnewstolls are expensive in the bay area ... and some drivers -- according to chp -- are finding creative ways to get through without paying up. officer andrew barclay, california highway patrol"it's a big issue and we do see it around here. my area of patrols is both the golden gate and the richmond bridge so we do see a lot of toll evasion."on tuesday night -- an officer noticed something covering up a white mustang's license plate on 101. when he pulled the driver over, he noticed a safeway terriyaki chicken wing sticker covering the first two digits of the front and back license plates on the car.officer andrew barclay, california highway patrol"the driver was not exactly sure how those stickers got on there covering the exact same two digits on both license plates, but based off of our investigation, we are in marin county and this is an individual who actually lives in the east bay and so obviously they are traversing different bay area roadways, likely going over toll bridges somewhere along the way and again, you know we've seen toll evasion before by covering license plates. this is just a new unique way to do it."the driver was cited for driving on a suspended license
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and having an obstructed license plate. his car was marin michelle kingston kron 4 news ( darya ) the warriors were on the road taking on the utah jazz. we pick things up in the second quarter. steph curry knocks down a three pointer. he had 32 points on the night. fast forward to last quarter... the jazz in the lead. kevin durant makes a shot from downtown to make it three point game. he scored 30 last night. in the last seconds ... andre iguodala misses a three. warriors lose 108-103. its back home for the warriors on saturday. they host the
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dallas mavericks. ( james ) with christmas just around the corner ... officials are reminding people about the dangers surrounding your christmas tree. in sacramento ... fire officials wanted to show what could happen if your tree catches fire. they went to a house that was set to be demolished ... and lit a christmas tree on fire as part of their demonstration. the fire quickly spread to the roof ... and then the entire structure was up in flames. officials say trees should be watered. according to the national fire protection association there are more than 150 fires started by christmas trees per year. (2-shot)( james )a would-be car thief got more than he bargained for... when the woman he tried to steal from... fought back!( darya ) at one point-- she even sat on him! and it was all caught on camera. aundrea (aun-dray-uh) cline-thomas has the story york. it was the wrong day to mess
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with tihisha jones. that's her captured on cell phone video, taking matters into her own hands.tihisha jonesfought off thief"i just kept hitting him saying you're trying to steal my car, like really are you serious."this morning tihisha was preparing to take her son to school, when her five year old noticed someone was inside her car.tihisha jonesfought off thief"as i got closer i see the guy in the drivers seat bending down over like something was in there. i don't know what happened. i blacked out after that. i couldn't tell you. i just went into rage."the commotion got the attention of katie mack, herself a filmmaker and director..who was in her apartment and does not know tiesha.katie mackwitness"when i looked out the window i saw the woman pulling the guy out of her truck, throwing him to the floor and beating him." mack shot this video. police say the suspect is 19 year old bernardino santiago.tihisha jonesfought off thief"and then he tried to get away. he tried to take off his shirt. that's when i sat down on him."she sat on him until police arrived. it was hours before tihisha saw the video. most of it she doesn't remember. you
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see, her car had been vandalized twice in recent weeks.tihisha jonesfought off thief"i saved to get that car myself. i'm a single parent. i saved to get that."she has a heart condition and uses a walker- but her adrenaline kicked in. today she was not going to be a victim.tihisha jonesfought off thief"i just had enough. it's time to fight back. i don't think it's fair for people to work hard for your things for people to take your things away." ( james ) according to police-- bernadino santiago was "highly intoxicated."and apparently he told police he thought he was in an uber.( darya )he's facing multiple charges right now, including attempted grand larceny auto. ( darya ) and here's a live look outside... golden gate bridge...
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spot accidebt wb 80 at cutting blockign three lanes
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temperatures just a bit cooler today ranging from the mid 50's to a few spots hanging onto the low 60's. skies will be partly cloudy through the day before some showers moving in early tomorrow morning. heavier rainfall can be expected to start next week on christmas eve. ( darya ) still to come ( darya ) ( darya ) still to come on the kron4 morning news... the latest on the strange lights streaking across the sky last night. ( darya ) and an s-f-p-d officer that
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is no stranger to controversy is know facing possible criminal charges. ( darya ) and then... a family reunited in the east bay in time to say goodbye to their dying son. (ácommercialá) all tyson any'tizers chicken,
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is raised with no antibiotics ever. [ music winding down ] they're a great decision for snacktime. allowing the band to practice at your house...
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not a great decision. keep it real. keep it tyson any'tizers. youand the holiday spiritoss just hits you... yes! or when you get the best deal... on a treat for your best friend? or when you score a magical gift... at an unbelievable price? yes! that's yes for less. ross has you and your list covered with gifts you'll love to give. and it feels even better when you find them for less-at ross. yes for less. ( darya ) that breaking news we are following this
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morning... we are now one step closer to a partial government shutdown.( james ) white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders saying within the last hour that the president is not ready to sign a funding bill that passed in the senate last night. it was believed that the president would sign that bill... but that has now changed. the debate is over funding for the president's border wall. the bill that passed the senate last night would have funded the government through february 8th but did not include money for the wall. the president has asked for $5 billion dollars to build that wall. president trump is meeting with house g-o-p leaders right now to discuss that border wall funding. part of the government is set to run ourt of money at midnight tomorrow. (darya) good morning i'm darya folsom..(james) and i'm james fletcher. lets start the morning with a check of weather and traffic...


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