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tv   KRON 4 News at 11  KRON  October 26, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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>> pam :now at 11. the death toll is rising after a seven- point- five magnitude earthquake strikes parts of afghanistan. pakistan. and india. tonight, officials say, at least 270 people are confirmed dead. --311 but the death toll is expected to be higher. good evening everyone i'm pam moore. tonight. authories in pakistan and neighboring afghanistan are intensifing rescue and relief operations. in earthquake affected areas. the quake damaged nearly two- thousand homes. and officials are reporting. at least 237 people were killed in pakistan. with more than 15-hundred injured. while afghan officials are reporting 33 dead and more than 200 injured.
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--74 and 250 injured the quake shook buildings in the afghan capital of kabul. early this afternoon for up to 45 seconds. creating cracks in walls and shutting off power. now the united states is doing what it can to help those affected by today's massive earthquake. >>:the united states government has been contacting their government and we stand ready to send aid but this is an area in the globe which is plagued back here at home. word of the devastation is slowly getting out of the remote areas affected. kron four's jeff bush was in fremont tonight, talking to those who have loved ones in that region of the world. he brings us the story. >> jeff :the pictures are heartbreakingutter destructiontowns reduced to rubble and rock. hundreds are dead but word of survival is getting outwhich is good news for ghezal omar. she and her
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mother run this shop on pasaeo padre and ghezal says, like here, eartyhquakes are a part of life. --freemont blvd >>:ghezal omar it was a pretty typical way of life but we have earthquake rules and regulations hear the there they do not have it so the destruction is worse >> jeff :ghezal says information is hard to come by but a lot of her friends have been checking in on facebookletting everyone know they are ok. >> omar : obviously, you want to make sure your friends and family are ok and for the people of afghanastan and pakistan you want to make sure they are ok and after this they are going to need a lot of relief and a lot of help. >> jeff :that's where hamed moshref comes in. he started the group third world relief and is putting together an aid package for the people in the region. >> hamed moshref : we are gathering funds and raising money to send supplies off to
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those countries that are not very priviledged with things that are very basic to us here every day. >> jeff :in the days and weeks to come the information should start to flow more freely but the death toll is expected to go up. if you want to help out we put a link on our web site at kron four dot com. i'm jeff bush in fremont, kron four news. >> pam :new at 11. san francisco police have now identified the 26- year-old man. arrested in this weekends officer -involved shooting. police say, randal lee maykopet faces several charges. after he allegedly stole a police s-u-v. led officers on a chase. hit several other cars, and then resisted arrest. officers fired at least one shot at maykopet. as he attempted to avoid a police barricade. police say, he was not hit. officers eventually detained the suspect. after he collided with another car on treasure island. new at 11. prosecutors say. they will not
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seek the death penalty. against a key defendant in a san francisco chinatown crime probe. a court filing released today. indicated, prosecutor will not seek the death penalty against raymond "shrimp boy" chow. chow is accused of arranging the 2006 shooting death of allen leung. he was charged with murder in aid of racketeering. which carries a potential sentence of death. chow has pleaded 'not guilty' to that charge. new details tonight. on a sinkhole. on a san francisco sidewalk that keeps getting bigger. it has been there for years , and neighbors say, they have reached out to the city countless times, but nothing has been done. so they reached out to kron 4 for help. kron 4's alecia reid got to the bottom of it all. she brings us the details. >>:the hole goes all the way through the street and it does not stop at the sidewalk >> alecia :a gaping hole, and underneath, the dirt is being washed away. >> : between this house, the property line and this trap, there's a break somewhere. >> : there was raw sewage coming out of it and you can smell it
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and see it. >> alecia :people on edinburgh street have been dealing with this sinkhole for years. >> : that hole has been there for close to two years >> alecia :a street cleaning sign similar to this one, was once in this spot. then one day, it sank into the ground. since then, neighbors say the city covered the hole with this cone and that was it. >> : the dirt under the concrete is giving way, and it's only gonna hold so much before it caves. >> alecia :they fear is that one day the sidewalk will collapse and someone may get seriously hurt. there are multiple complaints listed in the city log, but after being transferred to the wrong department the ticket was closed. as a last ditch effort to get something done, neighbors reached out to kron 4 monday afternoon. we called the department of public works before heading to investigate. a supervisor showed up to the scene, and talked to concerned neighbors. >> : i''m glad to see someone here. i think we're gonna get something done after this. >> alecia :the public utilities
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commission came out tonight and says the break is on the pipe that's connected to the house. the homeowner is responsible for keeping it in working order. it's going to be a hefty price tag. a contractor charges about 10k for a job like this. reporting in san francisco. >> pam :doctors in wealthy countries have warned for years. against eating too much meat. and now, the world health organization's cancer agency. has issued its most definitive statement about the relationship between meat and cancer. the statement says. ham, hot dogs, and other processed meats. can cause colon, stomach and other cancers. and adds, that red meat is probably a cancer- causer as well. it puts processed meats in the same dangerous category. as smoking and asbestos. we spoke with sharon meyer who councils people going through cancer treatments. on good dietary choices.
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>>:it basically comes down to jeans because everybody has their own genetic make out-- genes, -- genetic make-up >> pam :researchers released their evaluation of more than 800 -studies. from several continents about meat and cancer. meat industry groups argue. that cancer is not caused by specific foods. but by several factors. the number of shigella cases is growing. it has now spread to five counties in northern california. the outbreak has been linked to mariscos san juan restaurant, in san jose. now more than 180 -people have been diagnosed with the infection. 144 of those cases are santa clara county residents. and 38 cases are people who live in other counties. including alameda, san mateo, santa cruz, marin, and merced. the shigella infection is spread by someone who does not wash their hands thoroughly after using the bathroom. someone infected with shigella can spread the disease. by direct contact, or by preparing
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food or drink. that is consumed. the restaurant has been closed since last week. health officials continue to investigate the outbreak. coming up. part of an 880- overpass. falls onto the roadway. now documents show, cal-trans knew about the problem for months. but did not do the needed repairs. a warning - someone leaving sharp objects on the ground in a local park. potentially injuring pets. another cluster of sharks spotted near a bay area shoreline. what experts have to say this time.
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ooh, i thinki saw dessert! but you just had a big lunch! wasnthat big steve... hey! come back here, steven stay strong! what's that? you want me to eat you?
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honey, he didn't say that! he did, very quietly... you can't hear from back there! don't fight your instincts. with each 150 calories or less, try our chocolatey brownies, tangy lemon bars and new creamy cheesecakes. fiber one. go on, have one!
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>> pam :a new report reveals. what could be the reason behind a 460 -foot section of a guardrail and fencing. falling onto interstate- 880. the incident caused a multi- vehilce collison and injuries. and the interstate to close in both directions for hours. kron four's dan kerman has the details on the documents released today. >> dan :it broke free and fell onto interstate 880 inspection reports indicate that they knew all about it and both the inspection report down after the collapse next week-class- week both reports also talk about concrete chipping away at
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the base this is because the structures were scheduled for replacement it was deemed that no further action was necessary after the february inspection but they did not reveal the threat to public safety now they have changed their tune sang that build rail was in poor condition and is recommended that all of the existing steel rails on the left and right side of the bridge be removed and a temporary real installed to serve until the bridges replace --rail when is this going to happen and why does it take a real crashing down to cause real maintenance work? so far they have not answered our questions >> pam :a frightening sight just off the bay area coast. a swarm of sharks. we talk to an expert
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about this latest sighting. and halloween is this week. and kron four wants to see and share your best costume pictures. we'll tell you how. >> gary :and a little bit later in this broadcast get ready for the warriors and other basketball in his and some monday night football highlights as well with baltimore and a 49ers >> diane : and a cloudy day for tomorrow but how long will the cool temperatures last? your seven day forecast coming up including a chance for rain
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♪ ♪ hush my darling... ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] ♪ hush my darling... [snoring.] ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store.
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>> pam :pet owners. who use mandana park in oakland's lakeshore district. be warned. someone's leaving a mean treat for your pup. park users are complaining that someone has been leaving shark thumbtacks on the ground. --sharp one oakland resident's pet was slightly injured recently. and tonight he wants to let the community know what's going on. >>:is very obviously targeted at animals because the tax are not on the street and they are individually placed on the ground so they are facing straight out and they were freshly place and a kind of hidden off to the side so an owner would not immediately noticed some >> pam :renner is trying to
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spread the word to other pet owners who use the park. so far. no one has been held responsible for the tacks. the recent string of shark sightings. is raising some concerns. the u-s coast guard says, some 20- great white sharks were recently seen. less than a quarter- mile from shore. but as kron four's charles clifford tells us. experts say, it should not stop you from jumping into the water. >> charles :two weeks ago tourists captured this amazing vehicle--video in ocean beach in san francisco >>:i think and they have always been your but now we are finally seeing them because people are looking more closely >> charles :she says the appearance of sharks is not that unexpected
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>>:ag, appear to snack on marine animals and that is what they do >>:i think they're beautiful a lot of people do not think of them as being the same kind of sentient creatures as mammals are but if you spend enough time with them and see their personalities they're actually pretty cool >> charles :this a shark attacks on people are rare but they should be approached with caution or just avoided altogether >>:your chances of being attacked and killed by a shark are very very small but that being said if i saw a white shark when i was swimming at exit the water --i would exit the water it is their house >> diane : your morning commute and your overnight lows around 5:00 a.m. we're dealing with a handful of 50s across the map.
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the low pressure you see here is bringing in all these low clouds in place will continue to push into our region starting tomorrow heavy clouds for tomorrow afternoon and wednesday is the best chance for rain it will cover all of the san francisco area around 9:00 a.m. will get most of the rainshowers around noontime the leftover of that storm system and cloudy skies for the rest of the evening
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afternoon highs tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. we were dealing with lows '70's because of a low front and the east bay shoreline in the upper 60s for the san francisco peninsula cloudy conditions tomorrow wednesday will have one--wind showers --rain showers >> pam :what are you going to be for halloween this year? kron four news wants to know. here are just a few bay area viewers. who have submitted their halloween costume pictures to kron-four. just today. scarey or cute. you can be featured on air *too . here is how to do it. send us a snapshot of your costume for our gallery. and we'll show some of them on air all this week. just send it to breakingnews @ kron4- dot-com. the bay area is on the eve of the warriors commencement of its defense of the n-b-a title.
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. charles barkley and shaquille o'neal. in town for tomorrow night's season opener. giving their thoughts on the dubs chances of repeating. gary has that. and all the sports. coming up my name is jeff richardson, the vice president of operations here at c.k. mondavi. to make this fine wine it takes a lot of energy. pg&e is the energy expert. we reached out to pg&e to become more efficient. my job is basically to help them achieve their goals around sustainability and really to keep their overhead low.
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solar and energy efficiency are all core values of pg&e. they've given us the tools that we need to become more efficient and bottom line save more money. together, we're building a better california. ♪ ♪ thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? mmm that is tasty. is it real? of course... are you? nope animated you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios well you've come to the right place.
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great, mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm you're all right bud? never better i don't know if he likes that. yeah part of the complete breakfast >> gary :steph curry and the golden state warriors are gearing up for tuesday's season opener without head coach
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steve kerr. who will be in attendace to receive his ring but will not be on the sideline to coach. andrew bogut is wearing a clear protective mask to protect his nose. here's steph curry on playing without kerr and interim head coach luke walton on tuesday's big game >>:it does not affect our effort on the court and our competitiveness or execution we just have to take it to another level just be really mature about the process >>:they want to get out there and defend their title so you can feel the excitement around the gym being higher than lightly it is obviously going to be emotional night with the ring ceremony but all guys are anxious to play >> gary :pam always enjoys when i say that i will have booths on the ground--boots
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hopefully everything will be focused and we will be there but will be back here that it--at 8 i will be working my revenge in to the ground but when you love if what you do--love what you do the warriors will open on national television. the tnt on nba crew is in town. here are charles barkley and shaquille o'neal on the team's chances to repeat. >>:everything adds up the luck of the health of the fans of the schedule >>:i don't like using teams but --choosing teams
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>>:if they lose it won't be because they got full of themselves because you know last year they had a perfect playoff run. so the key is if they can stay healthy and stay in excellence >> gary :barkley li,kes to doubt the warriors and get controversial derek carr and the oakland raiders . were charged up in san diego amari cooper . slashed through the chargers defense for a 52 yard touchdown from carr the chargers scored 3 straight touchdowns in the 4th but the raiders recovered the onside kick to beat their divison rivals here's head coach jack del rio on the raiders big road win. >>:i feel like we are growing as a team and getting better and i think we all recognize there is
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still a lot to be done. still a lot of work in front of us and there's still a lot of opportunity for growth and refinement >> gary :in baltimore is an el- baltimore is now 1-6 monday night football. the baltimore ravens travel to arizona to take on the cardinals .deep in the desert first quarter:/ chris johnson spins out of a tackle to score a 26 yard touchdown to put the cardinals up over the ravens. the cardinals were up in the 4th .but the ravens would rally back . 13 seconds left./ joe flacco's pass is intercepted in the inzone by tony jefferson to end the game. and john harbaugh looks on in dissapointment final: 26-18 cardinals the ravens fall to a league worse the cardinals lead the nfc west with a record former tennessee titans running back eddie george will be performing in a seven -
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week stint of the broadway musical chicago george will be playing the role of lawyer billy flynn the former nfl star and 1995 heisman trophy winner has quite the on-stage resume >> pam :good night (nature sounds) she can rage, and roar, and crack, and storm. but mother nature can't stop us. the new 2016 ford explorer. be unstoppable.
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f0 ♪[ music ] whale watching disaster. they were out for the experience of a lifetime. what we've learned about the doomed ship. then, the real anderson cooper vs. his double. >> this first question is for everyone. >> why he's so upset. >> it's like the only thing he knew about me is that i'm gay. >> and the presidential candidate who got kicked off the quiet car. >> there's absolutely no talking on your cell phone. >> plus oops, he did it again. jimmy fallon falls on his other hand. then, why they're calling this the most dangerous halloween costume ever. >>


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