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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  October 10, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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the sky. good evening. we have team cos years fleet week. let's go to her to see what she has to say. kate. >>reporter: you can count me as one of those exciting fans. i grew up going to airshows. e to attend today anywhere in the city you would hear the jet engines, look up and get a free show. >> they do fleet week like nowhere else in the world. golden gate bridge with stuns. a view you have never see. >> when you see the wings above you, i don't care who you are.
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>>reporter: inside the cockpit, we had expert interviews on the ground. >> the guy res in their jets. they are preparing to fly out he over the bay in a few minutes. >> i have thought about this day every month. >>reporter: he got in there. during today's special pilots bl do a flat eight. he will bring it to the corner l out. >>reporter: they watched as they produced barrel roll after barrel roll. there was traffic on the bridgep . >> my favorite thought was when all the airplanes go up and and down, up and down. and i liked when they.ribbon thr
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souvenirs on the street, but most eyes were focussed up on the air. >> the airshow was incredible. >>reporter: we took you inside the pit. the jet flanked by two other bla t & t park . >>reporter: and the the best part of fleet week is you can get the best of both worlds. there is another airshow right u can catch our special again. you can go out during the day at in person and then come home and get the expert commentary and amazing views inside. it's amazing to see. i'm indi-
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kate cagel. he has been keeping an eye on traffic. scott, how is it looking out the traffic is fine. earlier though, it was packed. e came out to enjoy the show. what wasn't a good show, the traffic. let's look at a live picture. l see it is still trafficy out there. you can see that right there, so bumper to bumper. let's go to my dashcam because i was all over the city. this is coming out of the city e airshow was done for the day and you can see what it looks like there. we go all the way up towards the
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bridge. you can see it was slow and go.e hit the roads all at the same time. most on this side going there. e . the golden gate bridge coming ol and getting on the bridge. traffic is not fun, but people e most part there was plenty of patient. live out here. you can seat tn the distance. everything is ready to go tomort to ajody traffic, use public transportation if you can. but if you are getting out herey and get the best spot you can and sit here and relax. one more day of fleet week. af . >>. still ahead, a marriage
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proposal made live from a fighter jet. we have the footage and her anse to visit our website. we have videos and upcoming events. president obama wrapping up his trip. he is currently in a four day te spoke at a fundraiser in san frohn san francisco. they were there to watch the prt . obama poked fun at him after. >> do you think they would like a black guy from the south side of chicago with a grub name to be the president of the united
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states? that is crazy. that's crazy. l see what he has to say when he gets out here. >> and nba star and other players were on hand at the fundraiser. they had to cuff up $10 thousann campus. they signed a bill for fair arms on school and college campus. those with permit woes be able - would be able to carry a gun. they can set their own policy at the school. this comes after the shooting wd . officials posted the train, 423 was stopped at retail rode
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avenue due -- railroad avenue where a woman placed her herself in a position. and to fremont. they say she was hit by a bus wg to cross the street. it happened at fremont boulevart we are there -- we are there live tonight. >>reporter: what was reported initially as a hit-and-run, he did not see the woman who was crossing this street. >> almost on a daily basis, malcolm says he crosses at sundale drive and every time he
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feels like he is taking a risk. >> people are rushed and that is how it is designed. the crosswalk times out quick. e pedestrian. >>reporter: he manages the apartmentses nearby. witnessed the crash and described what she saw. >> there was an older woman crossing. she had two bags of grocery. >>t the boulevard. they say a 77-year-old women was still crossing the street when the light was green. the woman was ran over. the dt immediately aware he hit anyone, but later stopped and cooperated. >> you could tell it was too
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late. >>reporter: just after 6:00 that night -- 7:00 that night, she passed away. >> someone is always in a hurry. >>reporter: the driver not cited or arrested. he was not intoxicated and thern board. suicide bear yar on the bridge is win step closer -- is one step closer. a crew could be chose no one march. the entire project is expected s to complete. it will cost roughly 76$76 million. they put on a free health fair fair. it includes free health screenis
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year, an extensive test was given. it's the first we offered the tt it was a test that you had to go to a lab to get the results done, and we have been asked in the past, and until this rapid test came along, we weren't able to do it. it will give people a measure te back to their medical home and talk about the results they got. they will know their risks. >> t patient's condition. thousands crowded the washington maul for the 20th anniversary of a mignon man march. it was to bring -- of the millih
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. >> they have been trying to hide the vote. >>reporter: they used the 20th anniversary to call for justice for groups they say has been majoralized. they spoke. >> we want to thanke support. >>reporter: and family members of trayvon martin. louisis said young people are the future of the cause. >> what good are we if we don't prepare young people to carry the torch. >>reporter: no stranger to politics and scandal himself, he called out leader for corruption and dishonesty. >> if you have god with all your mind, nobody could give you
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enough money to make you bestray yourself. >>reporter: he said the presidential election and the amount spent on lobbyist gives. >> they cannot give the people what the people desire. >>reporter: justice organizers of the march say it is a birth right of every human being. coming up at 8, our fleet week coverage continues. a rare shark attack. a pumpkin weigh off. who was the winner, next. ag cooler temperatures. it will get warmer. i'll tellg up.
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new at 8, the pumpkin weigh off winner walked off with $12 thousand. it is the progress of the pumpkins which can grow up to 40 pounds a day. the drought apparently is causie droughts had an effect on the size of the pumpkin, while they were looking at the size of them, they were smaller than previous . >> this year's competition was light. >> it hassock bid the -- it has
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occupied the whole stage. >>reporter: these are smaller than what she is used to s. the winning pumpkin came in at s . much lighter than previous yeart year we had a world record pumpkin. >>reporter: pumpkin this size can consume a lot of a water. >> they grow fast. >>reporter: he had to come up with different techniques for the water. >> that hope is what keeps us going. >>reporter: regardless of the numbers on the board, they are out enjoying the pumpkin patch and enjoy iter. . >> it doesn't matter. it is impressive to see every sl
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giant compared to the pumpkins we are seeing. if this drought continues, theyt smaller. another giant pumpkin weigh off starts on monday, 7-11 in the morning. 735 main street if you are interested. brian. i am interested. ts frontal a weather system. -- we have seen temperatures drop 5 to 10 degrees. we have warmer weather on mondae hotter temperatures on the way. we were cooler today. 70s by l watch the readings stay about the same. live view. it turned out to be a pretty nice day.
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it was scary with low clouds. s on shore at 15-20 miles per hour. a similar day. we will see clouds in the mornig . it will clear off quickly. thn from on shore to off shore. the temperatures will go up to d 90s and higher on tuesday. here is the fog tracker. low e bay. we will see them clear out by a. and clearing out by the bay between 11 and 12. it will be airshow time. clout , but around the golden gate, we will be clear. sunshine and temperatures gettid
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70s. at the end of the airshow aroun4 , look for temperatures getting to the 70s, low 80s. inn land valley is -- inland vas warming up. i will talk about that warm up w minutes. a my tear use inmate death -- one pilot proposed to his girlfriend from the sky. [announcer] right now at sleep train,
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get up to 48 months interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. save $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic. or choose $300 in free gifts with stearns & foster. the triple choice sale ends soon at sleep train. . over the weekend thousands of people are packing in for fleet weekend. they tell us it is easy to find people acting badly. are there lessons from previous years. >>reporter: i love anything that has to do with fighter jets.
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i'm excited and apparently so are other people. >> so here is the deal, if you are heading to the fish man wafer, don't act badly. don't double park to grab a bagh i understand. do ride your bicycle, but you ae required to stop at all stop signs. do read the signs that say no pe beach. i'm trying to save you a ticket. do not count your cash in public. if i didn't see you, the bad guy is not casing you. do enjoy the shows. remember e
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not required to give panhandlers money. he had a sign that said give me money or i'll vote for mit romney. i guess that is a vote. this s are red, i have lots are blue, we love you, but don't park where you please. they are moved after a ranger tells them to move. and this guy is not behaving bah stretching routine is interesting. don't you agree? never leave s one and this semken this one in your car because you are basically say free gps, just break glass. that is a scary thought, isn't l
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be fighting over your gps. coming up at 8:30, bombs rip through a train station in turkey. south carolina is still dealing with flooding.
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my name is mark amann. i'm a gas service rep for pg&e in san jose. as a gas service rep we are basically the ambassador of the company. we make the most contact with the customers on a daily basis. i work hand-in-hand with crews to make sure our gas pipes are safe. my wife and i are both from san jose. my kids and their friends live in this community. every time i go to a customer's house, their children could be friends with my children so it's important to me. one of the most rewarding parts of this job is after you help a customer, seeing a smile on their face. together, we're building a better california. . still ahead, a dog is among the survivors of the deadly shooting in oregon. how he is coping of the killingr
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. a marriage proposal in the mist of fleet week with a happy ending. next.
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. breaking news we are following, a plane with two people on board crashed into a house. they say beach 35 took off frome status of the two pairs remains uncleared, however, no -- passengers remains unclear, however, no injuries on the ground there was a live proposal made from a fighter jet. >>reporter: love is in the air
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literally. they took to the skies, one pilp of faith. he took the opportunity to props listen in to the two way radio. >> i would like to ask her will you be my wing man for the rest of my life, say yes or no before i break. >> yes, i do. >>reporter: they are interpreting her reaction. >> that sounded like a proposal. >> that is a yes. >> will you marry me? read. >> she's jumping up and de break. >> break. break, ready now.
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. >> that is the first time ever a pilot has proposed in an air show sequence. >>reporter: we made history on blue angels live. and thankfully she said yes. a siting on alcatraz where a white shark had a visible lunch. they witnessed an 8 to 10 foot shark rip a apart a sale. they say this is the first knowf it attacking the pray. -- prey. tell it to this guy. a man is recover ying after
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on losing his leg after being bit by a shark. he was screaming for his life. m by using a survive board leash to save him. the shark was up to 12 feet lone group's quick actions ultimately saved the suffer's life. >> they were helping him out of the water. he was limping. kind of what y had to after tait most of his leg. he is in good spirits. momed dead, two deputies face manslaughter charges. they spoke with the young man's family. >>reporter: this footage from january 1st shows andrew after
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he is arrested. the video seen for the first time, appears agitated and fights police. the deputies wrasseal him down. at one point the deputy enters n they grab it and the situation as ca lates. he is hog tied. hours later he dies in a cell. the videos they went too far. >e has this idea they have gone too far and cover up. >>reporter: the video stands in
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favor of the officers. >> he had a weapon in his hand at that time. it is justified, yes, sir. >>ref the incident, two have been charged as welling as a nurse -- well as a nurse for not checking on his well-being. >> it's painful just talking about. >>reporter: the entire incident has been covered in secret. >> the whole world got the news at the same time this family did. it's not american. >>reporter: t is what a jury will decide. the trial for the jail nurse and the deputies charged will resume next week in georgia. two moms ripped through a train station today.
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what should have been a piecefu- between -- peaceful rally between the two groups. they were suicide bombs. he af morning. >> today we decided to declare three days of mo for the people who lost their lives in there rift attacks. -- they arrested noths recent days. it is not clear who is respond n kerry has called leaders to express concern ones. kerry said the u.s. was
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monitoring bloodshed surrounding the sight. site. they -- they have restricted acd be on board to support them and restore calm. flooding on the east coast, how they are picking up the pieces. the reality hoed set. wait to you see what this coulds next. we have a storm system passing by. that is getting closer to us net may bring a little bit of rain. i'll talk about that coming up.
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after four dry days, rain is back in the area in south carolina. forecasters expect no more thant weekend more than a foot
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of rain fell across a wide area of the state after they expect dry days, they warning of more flooding in already damaged roads. in south carolina there have ber related deaths. and back here in the bay area, we could be seeing a warm up, he has been tracking the forecast, what does it look hike. >> we have the low cloud notice morning, i think we will have a similar situation in the morning. not as much in the way of low ci think it will be another great day for the blue angels and the entire air show. temperatures will be in the 60sa in the 70s. no fog as of yet. you can't st , but if you
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were to look up, there are high clouds at a tail end -- tale of that system. it is pretty breezy in some plae at 15 to 20 miles per hour. we are milder for the weekend and then warm up. tomorrow, low clouds, but we wie south bay. sunshine for the afternoon, warr 80s in the inland valuies. all of the rain is just north on state line. there are the clouds. that gol keep the winds. they turn off shore monday and m up wednesday. this is the exact same storm thk ago that brought the strong winds.
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it is now taking another pass ay . maybe some rain. there is a fd regulates of a -- -- if the winds turn off shower, look at the effect for temperatures on monday. 80 in san francisco. tomorrow, again, clouds early tr san francisco. mild, sunny for the afternoon, n hotter for tuesday, some places close to 1000 and higher humidity -- 100 and higher humid. it will turn cooler after wed f- wednesday for the rest of way. one high school made a toddler a queen for the day.
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my name is rene guerrero. i'm a senior field technician for pg&e here in san jose. pg&e is using new technology to improve our system, replacing pipelines throughout the city of san jose, to provide safe and reliable services. raising a family here in the city of san jose has been a wonderful experience. my oldest son now works for pg&e. when i do get a chance, an opportunity to work with him, it's always a pleasure. i love my job and i care about the work i do. i know how hard our crews work for our customers. i want them to know that they do have a safe and reliable system. together, we're building a better california.
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. microsoft has a head site that is selling them to developers. they show us what some of thesee and how they will impact yourdalely life. . >> this gotten let is what dan will be using to play project x-ray. >>reporter: they showed off what it will offer video gaming in the near future. the lens blends the real world with hollow grams.
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it is chloe to -- close to hittt . what you see is what he is seeie world around you comes alive. he is seeing the real world in m , he is seeing these hollow grams blended in. it will be a realistic experiene can use these shields to defend himself. >>reporter: another game they showed off was minecraft. it is a great game for this. it can be used in every part ofl life. it will be used for designing, , engineering, average technically, they will be using this as a new way to
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create. it will let you turn your hollo- visit our website. gabe slate. you can adhim on facebook, follm -- add him on facebook and follow him on twitter. they tried to cross the border. andy was arrested for trying toe united states. he was detained after they saidd . he is wanted in santa barbara fr charges filed in 2010. they were squatting in a guesthe couple left for canada. a dog was among the nine victims in the shoot, but
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survived the attack. they are coping for the lost ofd down. >>reporter: bullet is a survivor. he witnessed the cruelty first hand. he laid by her side when she tot breath. >> he knows he is not -- she is not coming home because he was there. >>reporter: that day nine people were gunned down in the college. bullet was right next to her hir . a day after the massacre, they t the dog home to travis. >> he has been acting droopy. he goes and lays down. >>reporty got him about seven months ago. named by a previous owner, they had no idea it would end
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her life. >> he was not only her best friend. >>reporter: who trained her? >> she did. >>reporter: after back pain, she trained her buddy. she took him everywhere. he loved him. >> it felt good ts still alive. he is a piece of her. i was hy to get him back. >>reporter: he says his girlfriend believed in it. she wanted to open a ranch for w the dog she trained is offering that same comfort to the family she was forced to leave behind. presidential candidate burny sanders is calling for a ban.
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sanders talked about the two shs attack in oregon, weapons ban called for greater health measures and universal background check. >> the fact is there is a different way that we can address this issue, and that is instead of people yelling at each other, we have got to come together on common sense approaches which is the majority of what american people sport. >> he will head for the debate next week. they love to play dress up and pretend they are princesses or queens. that came through for oned to le
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toddler. >>reporter: little abby was born with several complications. he had open heart surgery and was not expected to live past 6 months old. they planted glass. >> when we saw her walk out on herrer her lawn, i wanted to cry. >> i think there are so few times where you feel an impact. >> she made such an impact on the team, they wanted to do more. >> there is something special about high school and a high school football game on friday, and meeting her we wanted to share that experience with how a homecoming game is. >>reporter: they invited her to
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the homecoming game tonight. and crowned her homecoming queet and be queen, something she probably will not experience, it meant a lot to me. >>reporter: the homecoming queen had an impact on the team as they did on her. >> we have a saying, choose life, but that little girl chose life. this is something you want to wipe off, but this kind you might want to eat. we take you to a place called d. [announcer] you're on the right track to save big
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during sleep train's triple choice sale. for a limited time, you can choose up to 48 months interest-free financing on a huge selection of tempur-pedic models. or choose to save $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic mattress sets. you can even choose $300 in free gifts with sleep train's most popular stearns & foster mattresses. the triple choice sale ends soon at sleep train.
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♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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. in the dog eat toeing food world, you can to cook up crazy dishes. we get a taste called dusty buns. >>reporter: who can say no to this? >> the original dusty bun. >>reporter: this is dusty and his family. >> this is buns. >>reporter: okay. and that must be baby buns dustw make these. >> it's the soft doe of when your -- dough. behides handmade -- besides
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handmade buns, there are goodies that goodies -- like mushroom, family owned, farm fresh, plus you think i'm going to resist. dusty and his wife are from fren another dusty bun. he previews more down home food and so do his customers. he is very hands on. >> keep itn . my wife says so. >> once we gets , maybe that's what we will do. >>reporter: in the meantime, onions and tom. >> it begs for some comments,
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but i think we're best to leave it alone. >> no. with short shorts. it was we concerned with the clouds in the morning. >> yes, it was foggy in the morning. lots of sunshine this afternoone of the same tomorrow. we will have low cloud san frann emerges in full force. look for temperatures in the lol day. it will be breezy when the sea n at 15 to 20 miles per hour. we will have off shore winds by. look at the effect on temperatures. readings sore close to 90s by the bay. >> wow. >> so the warm weather does not want to quit.
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>> and the dry weather. that is it for us. get more in our website. our next newscast will be at 11. see you then.
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(male announcer) in new york city's war on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the major case squad. these are their stories. i'll be home home late tonight. that makes two of us. are you still sleepy? i thought we took care of that. morning, alma. i left you a note. okay. the civic leaders in evian will brief you on the impact to their city. paris. you have to fly there to catch a train to evian. your vote is an opportunity to right historical wrongs. paris opera ballet. how'd you know my wife likes ballet? well, she contributes to the brooklyn ballet, doesn't she? very considerate, jay. you this good to your wife?


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