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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  October 3, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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affect. te will be in effect -- it willn effect until 10 a.m. tomorrow. we have more about the winds. n tracking the forecast in the weather center. we are live in the twin peak art , how windy is it over there? >>reporter: it's really window here. the are gusts from time to timeg me over. i'm a big guy. these gusts ofe pushing me and pushing me back here. a lot of wind here at the higher elevation. that is the concern and that isl weather service has issued a warning. let's look at the video. you e flags right there swaying back and north. we had to brace themselves evens
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when these gusts hit. they have issued a wind advisore one thousand feet tomorrow morning. some of these gusts could be ups according to weather service. we could see downed power linesy some of concern is because of the drought. the trees are weak. down go ti did talk to people in ocean beach and in the city, we talked about the gusty conditions. >> it's really windy. >> it's carrying me away. >> it's brutal. >> it's crazy. >> it's cold. >> i like it. >> the sand is going all over the place. >> i love it. we are from southern californian warm. >> so you like it? >> i love it. >>reporter: even when your hair
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goes every place. >> that's okay. >>reporter: they are taking it in stride. i want to go over to brian . n , i'm on twin peeks, some of these gusts are really, really heavy. what are we talking about wind u talk to us about that? >> we have seen gusts over 50 miles per hour. these are strong winds. when s like that you start to see damage and the effects of downed trees and power lines. we certainly can see that. thf blowing sand, that is a concern. when the wind gets up to 50, ths ac thesh -- the highway. we will take a look at the map. through tonight we will see thee
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between now and midnight. they will subside afterwards. high winds at peir 17. -- pier 17. winds are at 458 and close to 40 for oakland. again for tonight, not only theo a red flag warning. this makes for a dangerous fire conditions. it is a fire concern. we are learning more about the shooting in oregon. the shooter took his own life. d in the shooting and nine were injured. he delivered a final message. e gave someone a box, demanded they deliver it and let them live.
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we have the latest development.s disbatch as many as ambulances as possible. we have up to 20 victims. >>repe heavily armed, prepared to kill as many as possible. >> he's in a classroom. >>reporter: investigators say he brought a flat jacket, multiple pistols and a rifle. >> six were recovered at the school, seven at the residents along with five magazines. >>reporter: nine were killed and nine were wounded. he attend the college and walkeh classroom. he gave his writings to a studeo police. he ramibled about his hatred toward black men and frustration of not having a girlfriend. >> he is shooting through the
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doors. >>reporter: why he targeted the college is unclear. he lived nearby with his motherf him. cnn has learned the shooter surd mental health issues. >> shocked. shocked is all i can say. >>repe about the victims who rage in age from 17 to 67. quinn cooper who loved acting, e a nurse. >> one person deranged act may have hurt us, but he cannot prevent our hearts from growing back big skwr strong. >> the father of harper is talking about his son. he had a harmonious relationshie
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didn't know h[d'[ïpb guns. he is struggle struggling to hear he had so many guns. >> it has been as i said before, dev fiftyed for me -- defendant stated in all this. our hearts go out to those affected by this. i know words will not bring youg i can say will change what happened. please believe me, my heart is e families and i hope they can get through this. >> he thinks gun laws should change. they are still looking for a mog . >> we have a timeline of the events, and more information on
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the shooter and victims. california once again is considy at colleges and schools. it is illegal to possess a gun d feet of school. if you have a permit, it may bee may sign a bill that may elimination to those exemption. police are on a hunt for 331 31 -- 31-year-old man. that's where we find us live. fe leap, what do you know? >>reo lived together at the apartments, and whatever allegedly set him off is still unclear. investigators say his mother
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was murdered. >> we are nervous about it. >>reporter: privacy character characteristics of an apartment complex made up of families that keep to themselves. >> it was a shock to everybody with. >>reporter: in an area where crime does not trend. >> you don't hear about a car being broken into it. >>reporter: until today. >> it would be a quite shock. >>reporter: this man's mother was found dead. it was severe. they say 31-yed her mother in the 60s were roommates and something went wrong. >> other people said they were arguing. >>reporter: the body was found after following up on a welfare
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check. he was not around when detective be. >> we know he frequent frequents oakland. >>reporter: he may be armed with a gun and a warrant is out for his arrested. in fremont. red wood policen who suspected of robbing a cell phone story. a man went into boost mobile story store rehe -- store. he pointed a gun and demanded ms a hispanic man with a shave head, a tan cap, white, tan and brown stripe shirt anyone with information with asked to contact police. hundreds of thousands of people showed up to golden state park for the blue grass festival. there is still time to go. wee
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highlights from the 15th annual festival. . >>reporter: people as far as the eyes can see. here to party in golden gate pad 0, young, old and in between. there is something for all agese , lots of good music. >> this is the best festival. it is free and has great music.s a great time. >>reporter: tom and his girlfriend stephanie showed up at 7 in the morning to snag their seats. >> it's not just bluegrass. it is music. and oh, my god, e music. >>reporter: a million people show up to the festival each
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year. for the love of music, they sta5 years ago, and even after his death, the family continues the tradition with the money he left behind. >> there's definitely a lot of memories left from him. we are building new ones. i al he did this. >> it has grown to a fabulous festival. >>reporter: it gets bigger every year. the family has multiple generate something to remember. reporting in golden gate park we're looking for a missing at risk woman. gloria garcia was last seen with a blue dress and black tights. she weighs 130 pounds. she suffer says from did i men
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shah. hurricane joaquin may not make landfall. we are learning about the gunman's california roots. hundreds are dpathring for the pork fest. we'll take you.
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my name is rene guerrero. i'm a senior field technician for pg&e here in san jose. pg&e is using new technology to improve our system, replacing pipelines throughout the city of san jose, to provide safe and reliable services. raising a family here in the city of san jose has been a wonderful experience. my oldest son now works for pg&e. when i do get a chance, an opportunity to work with him, it's always a pleasure. i love my job and i care about the work i do. i know how hard our crews work for our customers. i want them to know that they do have a safe and reliable system. together, we're building a better california.
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a celebration in red wood city drew people to the pork. we were there for the annual pos at the port, a celebration of what makes this area special. it's deep water pork. you canr vessels or if staying on land is more your style, you can see the marine life that calls his area
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home. >> i like it. a great day today. it is nicee . yeah. >>reporter: organizizes hope it continues. wine makers are going back in time. it's deficit irrigation. theyo irrigation at all. they are using this process forn napa valley, they say it is always used. it is the equal tie and -- quale thinking is a thirsty vine produces better wine. a windy day. high wind advisory in effect. we have been tracking the forecast here. when is this wind going to die n . we are seeing the worst of it rr
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midnight the winds will subside. we have a wind advisory through tomorrow 10 a.m. we have the potential of wind damage, but this high fire danger because everything is so dry. if fire does start, it will sprs take a look at scenes around the bay area. we have seen winds around the br 30 miles per hour. a lot of white caps. maybe not the best day for sailing. we're looking at winds almost 4s fo all over 30. it was actually -- the wind is e while ago, up and over 50 miles per hour at ocean beach. it will be windy through midnig.
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and for tomorrow, look for the winds to subside and become light in the afternoon. we will be in an off shore patts will warm up. here is a look at the satellites is a water statutory raper image. it is hard to see the circulatis a big storm system. it does have a lot of moisture.s spinning over northern california. this has some cool air, and of g winds. if this pushes in tomorrow morne down. you see the blues at 8 p.m. this represents the highest winds. notice as we get closer midnighy are gusty at the north bay, but going into the morning, not as strong. we will talk more about sunday'a
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change of racial profiling now requiring law enforcement to get demographic data when they stop them. they passed bill off the heals h in ferguson missouri. people with tires around the house, will have a chance to get rid of them. we will have a tire collection.t the resource recovery center, red win landfill. that's from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. moy . the old tires will be turned ino rubber crumbs for erosion control. crews continue to search for a missing ship. a growing rat problem in
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this area, a reason behind this nasty problem. we send push alerts. you can watch the newscast. gs easy. go to the google play story or e i story. touch and install, allow push alerts so you know when there is breaking news. download it today.
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there is a growing pest problem here in the bay area. rats are finding their way in hy be after one things. the drought could be to blame. >> i'm seeing a rise now of course because of the drought we are having. i'm get ago lot more calls witht
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are leaking water, and i'm starting to realize it's not the run of the mill things i usually see. it is an increase of rod efficin specializing in washer and dryer repair. he is seeing an increa rats. g on the lines. they are trying to get the wates enclosed pipes. this is the most vulnerable. e of one. this is a pump right here. ita circulating pump. this is your exit hose on the bt has typical marks of a rod efficiency marks. you see -- rodent marks. you can rub this on here.
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they will not be attracted to il that. it is strong and spicy. they e interested. if you are lucky, they will leat matter how clean or dirty your house is. i am seeing them everywhere. o come in some way and some how. they are going to be attracted e . >>reporter: the best thing to do is to hire an exterminator. but it could be an expense coste become an exper rattraps. you can save a lot of money. for information on this log on p at 8:30, a plot was averted. see how they got wind of the sce
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a roof cave in.
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still ahead, a mud slide crushes homes. 200 firefighters on at a home that exploded. hurricane with a queen may not make landfall but there still is danger.
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record rainfall and floods threaten lives and crops. now, residents had been bracingr hurricane joaquin to make landfall. there is still the possibility r . >> we're not out of the woods yet. >>reporter: hurricane joaquin may miss u.s. shores, but they are still dealing with heavy rains and the possibility of floods. >> so far we dodged a bullet from the heavy rains. >>reporter: pat is warning citizens to not take chances. >> we are not letting our guards
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down. this weather pattern can turn. s is where deaths can occur. >> they will flood their car or it will float. i just got a car off the cross t is affecting states all along the state coast. south carolina is concerned about the storm and high tied. >> we have -- tide. we have water where we usually g . >>reporter: it goes as far as connecticut. they continue to search missing container ship. it was last heard from last thu. back home residents may have dodged it, but it could still be a dangerous weekend. we are gathering more
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information about the ship. there is an intense search goine working together through heavy winds, limited visibility and sea still up to 30 feet hindering their efforts. >> the one we are concerned with is the u.s. flag. it departed jacksonville, florin route to port rico. >> they lost contact with the ship. they said it was listing at 28 e were u.s. citizens. 12 crew members from a ship was sinking. they were forced to abandon
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the vessel. hurricane joaquin was turning ad there. search helicopters sent to the t the ship was seen . the crew was saved and no one wr next story is about the shooter who took the lives at the college. he took his own life after a shoot out with the police. he previously attended college in southern california. >>reporter: today we confirmed the mass shooter, chris mercer attended college in south bay from 2010 to 2012. >> we had had no contact with him at all. >>reporter: the police chief says since yesterday, southwest
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oregon has upped its staffing. just to talk to people and assue are doing everything we can to keep them safe. >>reporter: before he attended college, he graduated from a school. the principal declined to talk d in this apartment complex prior to moving to oregon. she says she ran into the mother several times. they wanted the building extermd up over the roves in his unit, and they were going to have to stay in a motel until the problem was taken care of. i did not sign it because i am g any problems with that. >>reporter: his father lives in tar scan na. >> i know you are hear to do
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your job, just respect our privacy. >>reporter: he went into bask training in 2008, but the army discharged with him for failing to meet the minimum standards to serve. donald trump is suggesting to arm teachers. he remind the people that it wae zone. >> the second amendment to our constitution is clear. now this is in light with what n oregon. they don't blame mental illnessf kwhack and all of the other problems. by the way, it was a gun free zf ghad a couple of teachers or people in that room, you would have been better off.
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>> he would uphold gun rights. in a story that is familiar, fourteen agers were arrested for plotting to shoot their teachers and classmates. they found evidence virifying ts mrhrqof victims and locations. >> we did find evidence along, which would include statements that this was a very, very serious threat. >> the sheriff game no names or ages of the plotters at the high school because they are juveniles. authorities were tipped off by s activities. they are facing charges. moo dozen people were taken to a hospital after a buildit6?l collapsed in scares.
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20 student were still inside ofo the website, sats and a band competition was taking place when it happened. >> i had kids coming up to me. they were crying. there were r students, it is a help helpless feeling. i can't imagine getting that cas been hurt. >> 25 people were taken to the threatening to minor. names have not been released. >e mud tonight. what happened after a mud slidel america. they are renting out their driveway. some city in the bay area are saying it may not be legal.
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a windstorm is coming through the bay area. a wind advisory in effect as wed flag warning. coming up. on a huge selection of tempur-pedic models. or choose to save $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic mattress sets. you can even choose $300 in free gifts with sleep train's most popular stearns & foster mattresses. the triple choice sale -- on now at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ i'm a gas service rep for pg&e in san jose.. as a gas service rep we are basically the ambassador of the company. we make the most contact with the customers on a daily basis. i work hand-in-hand with crews to make sure our gas pipes are safe. my wife and i are both from san jose. my kids and their friends live in this community. every time i go to a customer's house, their children could be friends with my children so it's important to me. one of the most rewarding parts of this job is after you help a customer, seeing a smile on their face.
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together, we're building a better california.
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these are the sceneness central america tonight where at least 58 people are dead. there are fears that the death e , fire and red cross are using dogs to sfrefrn more survivors. more than 600 people are missint mud slide it has been windy around the bay area if you haven't noticed. we have seen winds over 60 milee is a time lapse from this evening. it doesn't look windy there. d on the video about 20 times. the palm trees blowing. the wind is over 30 miles per he
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higher elevations are d÷. i think we have seen the worst e wind have lightened up the past two hours. we had 62 miles per hour. ocean beach had winds up around 50. that is strong enough to blow sy . it is windy for oakland. the n at the coast, the bay, and higher elevation. the winds in other places have not been that strong. the winds will subside after midnight. it will be breezy, but we will s and sunny skies. this is a robust storm system,
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it doesn't have any moisture to work with. there are some clouds midnight. there may be a couple of showerz and gilroy, that clears out. sun shine for tomorrow, temperae 70 bay side, 80s inland. the wind advisory and red flag l çtñend at 10 a.m. the afternoon noon will:o be sunny. we will have this wind pattern.e a5yany fog. just a lot of sunshine. therea few clouds at the coast. we will get the fog back on tuet about 11. sunshine in the afternoon. teg steady.
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notice what happens as we get lk through friday and saturday. an off shore wind pattern returns and it can go to 80 or 90. which carrier has been hacked and how much information the hackers may already have on you.
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♪ ♪ hush my darling... ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] ♪ hush my darling...
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[snoring.] ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. a new website is helping people make money on the side. it is drawing controversy and cy were ordered to stop using the website. >>reporter: it is like air b and b. they can rent out their driveway to other people to park. around the airport, smo where ps taking off. they are rending their drivewaye
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travelling through sfo. they get a discount on parking.r than the airport lots, and the people renting their driveway get a steady stream of income, a second income. it is expensive to live in the t it is not that simple. >> i came home and i had this code enforcement on my door. all right. and they told me ts and desist or they would start noticing my for violation. $100 for the first day. >>reporter: she has been using the website for a while to be able to stay in the bay area. >> i don't make enough money to live here. >>reporter: they want them to stop renting the driveways. >> the city doesn't allow
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semishell business on personal property. they consider that to be a semiy besi violating city ordinance, it could have an impact on the neighborhoods by making street parking difficult. the neighborhood streets are pay street parking. that puts their car in the stret crowded. she happens to have a two car d. she is not affecting her neighbors in that way. i asked the creator about this.> our team is looking into the laws. in the meantime we are fully coh the city to come up with something that works for everybody. there is a lot of people who ars
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income for their mor. >>reporter: gabe slate. >> if you would like to connect with him, you can add him on facebook or twitter -- twitter. they will stop public urination. they painted the repelient on nt painted surface make it bounce back on the person. it is working. they will covee walls in the problem plagued neighborhoods. it was first used in germany. >d off a brooklyn building. killing one and injuring three others. it happened this afternoon. tn off and the rest yacht fire. they could not stop it from
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spready. >> we heard the floor shake, and it was, like, there was a big explosion. we grabbed everything. we grat one body was found inside an appliance store. three people including a firefia hospital. one is listed in critical condis are looking into what caused it. matt damon gets stuck on mars. germany roth has this now showing. >>reporter: in the movie, he gets stranded on mars. they think he is dead. >> i'm se . >>reporter: he uses his training and luck to survive.
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>> i am a greatest botanist on this planet. >> it is rated pg 13. >>reporter: a fbi agent joins an anticartel task force. she deals with officials and shs mercenaries while the line between right and wrong gets blurred. >> that would be a major mistake. >>reporter: it is rated r. for now showing, i'm germany roh . it returns with all new episodes. we will go behind the scenes. a preview. >> she's are difficult stories. they are most of the time in rural areas. it is hard to get to places. s
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limited internet, so that's always a challenge. yesterday we had all kinds of pe shots. >>reporter: it affects people in this community. >> that was pretty cool. >> that was totally cool. >> this sunday night we will be following reporters. that is tomorrow at 9:30 after sports net life. hackers have made off with personal information with 15 million people who applied to sign up for t-mobile service. it effects people in the last tf you apply for something with a credit check, they have
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to hang on to the information for 25 months wherefore you should start by contacting the three credit bureau. watering holes will quench your thirst on dine and dish.
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after many months of traveling the world... ...jack was longing for something familiar. home. he was welcomed with grandma's southern-style chicken. at that moment, jack knew what to do. share it with the world. southern-style breaded all-white meat chicken on a gourmet signature bun. the homestyle ranch chicken club. pharaoh has always -- san fran civic owe has had -- dirty
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water bill the name. >> in the mid market area, twitter. >> it has something to do with the burr bin. >> you don't need a filter for the dirty water. >> people call it a number of t. >> christian is the owner. >> i want everyone to feel comfortable that they can come in here and try something different. >> beside the hard stuff, there are 50 beers on tap. but there's food to compliment  beverage. injury odd is the executive chef . >> i start thinking about big pieces of meat, i start thinking
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of fire, all day i can gars. get -- cigars. >> while there me a drought, there is hard and dirty water if you need some hydration. in san fran. >> we the jurye defendant not guilty of the crime of murder in violation -- >> hard to believe but it is the 20th ant verse you of the oj simpson trial. he was acquitted of the murdersd ronald goldman. they returned the verdict afters watched closely and known as the trial of the century. he was found guilty of the two l
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trial. simply son is current -- simpson is currently in jail due to using a deadly weapon. >> it is windy out there. >> winds are at 50 miles per hour. now it is 20 to 30. we have sn the worst of it. a wind advisory through tomorrog warning. they can trigger a wildfire. >>t is tapering off. >> it is. it will be a nice day tomorrow.d . if you like the weather tomorroe will have midweek, but the same temperature range, lots of sunshine, maybe some low clouds, perhaps a warm up. i won't think about next weekenl
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enjoying this weekend. >> we are. stay contacted and try our website or download our app. see you. good night. ♪ all of our legendary racing heritage. all of our pioneering four wheel drive experience. come together in one amazing new vehicle. this is the all-new gle coupe. a mercedes-benz suv with the heart and soul of a race car.
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in new york city's war on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the major case squad. these are their stories. what, no tan? welcome back, robbie. thanks. the xpa project has a bug in it that i need you to fix. no problem, tucker. name on the door says "ubicool." they're swimming in bucks. they've got stealthwave pcs. those run, like, 7 grand each. the system's set up so nothing can be saved on the desktop computers. only on the server. hey, i'm not getting any reception. you're not supposed to.


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