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tv   KRON 4 News at 11  KRON  August 19, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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>> pam :we're following breaking news tonight. a fast -moving brush fire burning east of livermore. has scorched 25-hundred acres. the so- called tesla fire. is only 5- percent contained. it broke out just before 3- this afternoon. at least one structure has burned. evacuations are in place at the carnegie motorcross park. on corral hollow road. kron 4 viewers have been sending in their pictures and videos. grant lodes joins us with some new video of the blaze. grant? >> grant :a birds eye view right around sunset tonight.
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pretty majestic imagery.a viewer sharing this drone video with can see how all the smoke from the fire is filling the sky. the fire is burning on both sides of tesla road between livermore and tracy. this is a very remote area of the livermore valley. other images illustrate the scope of this fire.which grew extremeley quickly late this afternoon and tonight. thick white smoke.blanketing the sky. >>:currently is at 2,500 a. with five percent containment. the fire is moving in a southeastern direction and as mentioned we did have some evacuation's earlier at the motorcycle parked. unfortunately we do lose
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one structure but it was uninhabited. nevertheless it was destroyed >> grant :and it was a home that was lost? >>:yes but apparently nobody was living there as the fire continues it is possible may bump up to a higher severity >> grant :what is the outlook tonight do they hope to make progress? >>:we are hoping to make a lot of progress tonight but there's always a difficulty with the wind. hopefully they will come down tonight, but a lot of times that does not happen. right now aircrafts are off to fire the bill be back on it tomorrow
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morning--but they will be back >> grant :think you for your time--thank if you have any pictures or video for the fire you can upload them to our web site >> pam :uber is under fire. san francisco's district attorney is taking aim at the on-demand ride service. expanding a lawsuit that claims the company's background checks for drivers. are letting criminals slip through the cracks. we first brought you this story by "crime watch daily". which uncovered convicts being allowed to become uber drivers. kron4's philippe djegal is in san francisco with new details tonight. phillippe >> phillipe :pam. there's no question this lawsuit may lead riders to pause before jumping into an uber. because it's possible your
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driver is a felon. most uber drivers wanting nothing to do with our cameras. some totally unaware of the lawsuit against their company. >> : "what kind of lawsuit." >> phillipe :this driver coming to uber's defense, saying he doesn't have a criminal record. but. >> : "do you think if you had one that it would pop up in your background check yes, it would pop up." >> phillipe :despite uber advertising that it does everything it can to ensure its customers' safety. in a lawsuit against the company filed jointly with the los angeles county district attorney. san francisco d-a george gascon lists in the complaint, several drivers who passed uber's background check despite habing criminal histories and driving records that are disqualifying under uber's own rules. >> : "can you trust who is behind the wheel? yeah, because to date, our experiences have been good." >> phillipe :the complaints says in los angeles alone. registered sex offenders and even a convicted murderer passed uber's background check. gascon says until uber puts its drivers through the same fingerprinting process requied of taxi drivers in california. the company is unfairly
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clainming to rigourously check the backgrounds of its drivers. >> : "that's definitely worrying and it these allegations are true they should be investigated." >> phillipe :in a statement released wednesday. uber says quote while we agree with the district attorney's that safety is a priority. we disagree that the livescan process used by taxi companies is an inherently better system for screening drivers than our background checks. the reality is that neither is 100-percent foolproof. the lawsuit was fired yesterday--filed yesterday and it does speak some--seek some financial restitution for riders >> pam :new at 11. a neighbor's quick call to police. led to the arrest of a suspected prowler in palo alto. 33-year-old simon arroyo was booked into the santa clara county jail. for prowling and being under the influence of a narcotic. a resident called 9-1-1 this afternoon, after she saw the man climb into the backyard of her neighbor's house on melville
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avenue. officers responded to the call. and located the suspect in that backyard. he was detained without incident. the evening commute in marin county. is a test of patience along the approach to the richmond / san rafael bridge and, that fact has lawmakers calling for the opening of a third lane on the bridge. kron four's jeff bush shows you the problem. and talked to marin county leaders who want action now. >> jeff :cal trans opened up a third lane on the richmond bridge after the loma prieta earthquake to releave congestion on bay area roadways but eventually, that lane was closed to make way for an emergency shoulder. earlier in the year the plan to reopen the lane was proposed but a lengthy environmental impact review would have to be conducted as well as other beurocratic red tape. on wednesday, legislation was submitted in sacramento to speed up the lane opening and to get cars rolling along the third lane prior to the eir
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being completed. law makers from contra costa county, marin county as well as the city affected city governementsthey say cal trans needs to get to work sooner rather than later and use the bridge at it's full capacity. local residents agree and say the time has come to do something about the gridlock that stretches back all the way to highway 101. >>:i hve notice that it's been absolutly nuts, due to the bridge and people just trying to get their way home and nobody likes sitting in traffic. >> damon connolly : the traffic is terribe out there and it's not only affecting our residents but it's affecting businesses and their employees who have to have to make that p.m. commute east bound over the bridge and it's really unacceptable. our >> jeff :if the bill passes the third lane could be reopened by the end of the year. i'm jeff bush in marin county, kron four news.
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>> pam :we have news about california sinking, and a word about parents at how life's is getting harder to get rid of-- lice coming up later
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>> pam :as school starts and kids head back to class. parents may need to look out for "mutant head lice". a new study on head lice says,
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a "mutant lice". may no longer be killed by over- the- counter treatments. as many as 12-million american school children. between ages 3 and 11. get lice every year. health officials say, the best way to get rid of lice now. is to pick the lice out one by one. they recommend girls wear their hair-up atschool. to try to another california hospital. fighting a superbug. how patients were explosed. a stunning public fall from grace for the one -time spokesman for subway. entering a plea to child sex predator charges. >> grant :and the giants looked to take the series from the cardinals in st. louis and the a's tried to do the same. plus the latest on tom brady in the deflategate incidence, --
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incident coming up >> dadan
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>> pam :california is well into its fourth year of a historic drought. now. new research by a nasa california's central valley. are sinking faster than previously thought. kron 4's alecia reid shows us the damage this is causing. >>:it is definitely an issue that needs to be addressed
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>> alecia :it is tried, water is our rations, and the land is becoming unstable.--dry california officials say the sinking land is causing major damage to canals to deliver water up and down the state. they found 8 in. difference >>:once that is lowered for a permanent subsidence, it will never come back >> alecia :that is more than a foot and less than a year. long term subsidence has already destroyed water rocks casing. the department of water resources is launching a $10 million program to help with the conservation plan their county already has in
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manage programs in place >>:we use imported water and we use that water to basically replenish our groundwater basin >> alecia :will happen if all that ground water gets used up? i was told that we need to make sure that does not happen and find a solution before it comes to that >> pam :coral reefs off the coast of hawaii. are in danger of dying due to warm ocean waters. now. researchers are taking pictures of the reefs. and using them to monitor and study the health of coral, over time. scientists say, a large amount of coral is beginning to bleach. and that happens when water temperatures rise. it causes the coral to lose key nutrients. turning them white. if bleaching recurs or is severe. experts say, the coral will die. reefs suffered another bleaching event last year. >> diane : pettifog headed our
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way--patchy fog this is around 5:00 a.m. east bay shoreline will stay in the '60s here is the satellite radar showing the rain in the forecast it is cooling things down and also giving us pettifog and will pick up our wind speed just a little bit--patchy fog everywhere else should have calmed wind speeds and it should be picking up by tomorrow afternoon fogtracker
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we're going to deal with some low clouds in place which pull back quite a bit by lunchtime hours temperature wyse will not be really getting very hot this is tomorrow around 3:00 p.m. n 71 for oakland and 69 out in heyward. san francisco should get around 65, upper '70's for your north face cities. 7 day forecast >> pam :police say officers shot
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a person who reportedly pointed a handgun at them. they were riding and i also set a car on fire. authorities at shot tear- gas at the protesters after they refused orders to clear the space >> reporter :a super bug outbreak in huntington. officials say it can be trapped and then passed through other instruments they went into looking into a super bug resistant instruments
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they have alerted patients who maybe have been infected >> pam :prosecutors say, at least 14 -children have been victimized by subway spokesman. jared fogle-- the former longtime spokesman for the subway sandwich chain. today the married father of two. pleaded guilty to possession and distribution of child pornography. and police say, another man-- russel taylor-- has also been charged with the crime. prosecutors say, taylor used hidden cameras to film children changing and showering in his house. investigators say, taylor gave those images to fogle and others. fogle also admitted to paying for sex with minors. >>:he will do all in his power to try and make it right. he also knows that he has a mental problem and he has already sought evaluation by a world class world and he will seek world class treatment
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>> pam :as a part of a plea deal. fogle will spend at least five- years in federal prison. get mandatory treatment for sexual disorders. and pay a total of 1-point-4 million dollars to the victims. and the coming up in sports, grant has all the highlights coming up [female announcer] if the most challenging part of your day is the staying awake part, sleep train has your ticket to a better night's sleep. because when brands compete, you save during mattress price wars. save up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get interest-free financing until 2018 on tempur-pedic. plus, helpful advice from the sleep experts. don't miss mattress price wars at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locafor pg&e.rk fieldman most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california.
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>> grant :the giants trying to take 2-of-3 from the best team in baseball. matt cain his most important start of the season. and he got help early bottom 1st stephen piscotty drives one deep to center but juan perez makes perhaps the catch of the season in all of baseball climbling the fence a-la bo jackson to rob piscotty of a home run take another look amazing play by perez bottom 3rd/ 1-0 cardinals piscotty this one's not coming backwith solo homer of cain 2-0 cardinals cain settled down from there giving up those 2 runs over 6 innings then in the 8th tied at 3 yadier molina solo home run off hunter strickland 4-3 cardinals 100th career home run for molina who had 3 hits
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top 9th 2 outs madison bumgarner called on again to pinch hit the crowd on its feet in st. louis but trever rosenthal strikes out mad-bum who took 3 mighty hacks before going down final: 4-3 cardinals st. louis takes the series 2-1 giants remain 2 games behind the dodgers in the n.l. west th a's. all of a sudden some excitment in oajkland. 26,122 on a beautiful day at the coliseum except for that tarp top 2nd/ 1-0 a's eric sogard makes a diving stop of the andre ethier grounder and throws him out pitcher jesse chavez acknowedges sogard with the "nerd power" gesture top 3rd/ 1-0 a's jimmy rollins the alameda native 2-run home run off chavez 2-1 dodgers bottom 6th/ 2-1 dodgers billy burns lines one to left- center palo alto's joc pederson can't handle it sogard races all the way around from first
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to score rbi double for burns 2- 2 tie top 8th 3-2 a's runner on 2nd jesse chavez strikes out rollins to end the inning chavez is pumped!!! final: 5-2 a's the dodgers are 0-for-7 in the bay area this season 0-8 raiders legend kenny stabler. has been selected as a senior finalist for the pro football hall of fame class of 2016. stabler, who died of colon cancer on july 8th , was picked by the hall of fame's seniors committee. the official vote will take place here in san francisco on february 6th. over his 15-year career, stabler totaled nearly 28,000 passing yards and 194 touchdowns. he was clutch in the 4th quarter
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tom brady and roger goodel l have been asked to reappear in court on august 31st after both sides failed to reach a resolution today both brady and goodell were not present during today's hearing the judge presiding over his dedlategate appeal. essentially warned the nfl's attorneys. that they need to negotiate a lesser penalty for the star quarterback. espn is reporting that brady would be open to a reduced suspension of some sort.but that he would only admit to not cooperating with the investigation.he will not admit to being aware that team employees were deflating footballs. san jose earthquakes in action tonight. out in missouri taking on sporting kansas city earthquakes' cordell cato nets one in the 3rd minute 17th minute -- forward chris wondolowski scores on a penalty kick 27th minute - anibal godoy makes it 3-0 scores his second goal final score: 5-0 earthquakes in his interview with jimmy kimmel last night steph curry revealed president obama's trash-talking tendencies
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during their round of golf last friday what was supposed to be a friendly game between steph, his father dell, ray allen, and the president. turned out to be a pretty competitive outing >> pam :could night everybody will see you tomorrow-- a new season brings a new look. a chance to try something different. this summer, challenge your preconceptions and experience a cadillac for yourself. take advantage of our summer offers. get this low mileage lease on select ats models, in stock the longest,
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for around 269 per month. ♪ (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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relieved rosie o'donnell. >> her daughter returns home safe and sound. >> thank you. >> and the houston jersey shore where cops found the run-away. and then student on trial. >> deborah: and gripping testimony from the teenager accusing him of sexual assault at an elite prep school. >> i felt so scared. and -- >> i don't care what donald trump has to say. >> cheers for heidi klum. >> that's a 10 right there. plus -- >> hi -- >> disgraced subway pitch man. his wife wants a divorce, right now. then, he was the mouth that roared. ♪ on you! >> the


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