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tv   KRON 4 News at 11  KRON  August 18, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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know better sleep with sleep number. >> pam :new details are coming out tonight. about the bizarre circumstances which lead up to the last two officer involved shootings in san jose. police say, the two men who were shot and killed sunday and monday nights. were linked to the fatal shooting of another san jose man. tonight. a community group in san jose organized a memorial to recognize the most recent suspect who was killed. good evening, i'm pam moore. kron four's jeff bush is live tonight at police headquarters with the latest on the latest investigation jeff >> jeff :police said a man who is shot and killed by officer was wanted for murder and had plans on killing again.
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friends and famil of 40 richard jacquez gathered near the place where he was shot and killed by police on monday night. they characterized him as a loving friend and family member but police say that jacquez was a cold blooded killer and released this video to kron four to prove it. police say he and two other men were armed with what police are calling a tech nine style handgunspointing them at a man in a white t shirt.later identified as christopher wrenwren was found dead in the office building where this video was recorded. police say jacquez was wanted for wren's murder. officers shot and killed another suspect in wren's muder on sunday. a felony warrant was issued and police were tracking jacquez when it came to light that he planned on killing the woman who was in his car on monday night. a pursuit resulted in a crashjacquez took off on foot and sometime after that an
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officer shot him and killed him. police say he was a threat to the community and was considered armed and dangeroushowever, he did not have a gun on him when the officer shot him. sgt. enrique garcia : we don't know where he is heading to. our officer felt that he had to make a decision. if he allowed him to break into this house or go into this housenow we have a barricaded, hostige situation and we know this person is suspected of murdering someone else earlier this week. so, the officer fired at the suspect once he did not comply with the officer's commands. the suspect turned around and the officer fired again. eventually, the suspect fell and he was pronounced deceased at the scene. >> jeff :police say they are still looking for the third suspect in wren's murderhe has not been i'm jeff bush, live in san jose,
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kron four news. >> grant :we have seen seven deadly shootings, investigators say the gunmen ambushed officers with this assault rifle, injuring a police sergeant. and then on august night in san jose 2 people are killed in two separate police shootings. one of the man pulled a shotgun out, and the other man stabbed a driver and then turned the knife on police and then police shot and armed robbery suspect after police say he would not pull over, crashed, and then tried to carjack another man before approaching the police with this weapon then a robbery suspect refused to drop a gun after a chase
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and then a suspect wanted for a san jose murder was killed when police confronted him. they say he reached for a gun and then just last night we heard about another homicide suspect when he reached for his waistband, that is seven deadly police shootings this month >> pam :the recent string of deadly police shootings. is raising concerns about why there are so many. just this month. deadly police shootings have happened in sunnyvale, san jose, and oakland. in each of those incidents. departments have had to defend their officers actions. a former san francisco police chief tells kron four. how officers react to deadly situations. >>:you can't do like the quarterback stu were you flip a chart on your arm--quarterback's do, it is a natural reaction in
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a moment. and hopefully that natural reaction is not deadly or violent ribera also says, that officers do not shoot to wound a suspect. instead they shoot to stop a suspect. usually by hitting the center of the body at least nine water main lines were broken. following yesterday's 4-point-0 earthquake in piedmont. now. there are new questions a about what would happen. if or when an even more powerful quake hits the area. kron 4's charles clifford spoke with officials. and explains the problems that could happen in the future. >> charles :there are too dangerous faults demolish the largest pier of th
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when a big quake-hit then experts will check what holds the water supply for damage, and then the damage that connects to individual buildings. the major water agencies including east bay mud and the sanitary water district also have an agreement to look together to restore service >>:in a time of emergency do not really know which line will breaks the we make sure to have backup redundancies' so we can move the water around to help each other out >> charles :it can take hours or days to get the water flowing again that reason the agencies recommend that people keep an emergency supply of water >>:we recommend at least 1 gal. per person per day, and do not
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forget your pets >> pam :cal-tarn is seeking permits-- cal-trans to demolish the largest peer of the --pier old bay bridge. with explosives. the planned demolition procedure would implode the pier to rubble using small explosives. since risk to marine wildlife remains a concern. caltrans says, it would monitor the area to minimize that risk. and postpone detonation, if any wildlife were spotted. federal agencies are still taking public comment on the planned explosive demolition. if approved. it would take place this november. it happened just before 8:00 tonight at a motel sex and scandal--six in seattle this said that somebody had been working on a gas line before the explosion
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and coming up a new expansion push hit hard to do to end the growing number of suicides and people work to try and keep a father who has been in the u.s. for two decades from being deported and news about an african lion ♪ ♪ (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love.
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it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locafor pg&e.rk fieldman most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california.
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>> pam :a zimbabwe landowner has been charged with allowing the american dentist - walter palmer. to hunt and kill cecil the lion.
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today. prosecutors accused honest ndlovu. whose property is near the hwange national park. of allowing an illegal hunt on his land. cecil was a protected lion. the landowner was charged with allowing palmer to hunt and kill the lion. with a bow and arrow without permission. his lawyer says, he is free on 200-dollars bail. prosecutors have not filed charges against palmer. although he has been sharply criticized in the united states for allowing the killing coming up. a new push to get lawmakers to pass right to die legislation in california. federal agencies will now be among those to get scrutinized by reviews on yelp. >> grant :and the dodgers and giants news highlights and injury concerns coming up later in sports >> diane : a cool down is in
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place of the year forecast a latino when the dry heat is coming back--let you know
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>> pam :the number of suicides continues alto high schools. now students are stepping in to help raise awareness and open the dialogue about mental illness. kron 4's alecia reid met with the documentary makers. in tonight's my kron 4 story. >>:and this is our kron 4 news
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story >> alecia :the goal is to inspire and sent a message of hope. >>:if we can help even one personnel make it much worth it >> alecia :earlier this year a student at the high school took his own life. and that is not the first time, a number of suicides have taken place in palo alto. at another high alto these kids made a documentary to reduce the stigma between--about mental issues >>:there has always been a stigma surrounding them, and a lot of the voices are not being heard >> alecia :the pair took the recent tragedy and turned it into a lesson for other students and the community. they're taking action and showing people that there is hope for mental illness
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>>:we found that people were really open to sharing stories of hope, and that is something that does not emphasize very much when talking about mental health illnesses. we spend a lot more time talking about stories of defeat rather than helped-- hope goalie jeff the two teenagers who started the initiative are working with city officials to think of a venue that with which they could share it with the community later on >> pam :and if you have a story you'd like to share with us. just head to our website. there, you can submit your story under the my kron 4 story tab. it's all on kron-4-dot-com. new at 11. a family in hollister is pleading for help. just hours before their father and husband will be deported to mexico. mauricio magdaleno- montes. was detained by immigration officials earlier today. after he had filed a motion to stay in the u-s.
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he has been in the u-s illegally for more than 20- years. mauricio's wife. who suffers from a brain injury. is begging officials to let him stay to take care of her and their children. >>:we need to obey the law, at told him we needed him to put his papers in. so that everything will be ok. and now i'm trying to get him to understand in this country is about good and bad, and the good will prevail. >> pam :magdaleno- montes was arrested for d-u-i 1998 and 2001. kron 4 reached out to immigration and customs enforcement tonight. officials there say, they will look into case, but adds, the d-u-i arrests contributed to his being denied a stay. the right-to-die bill. is getting renewed interest by lawmakers in sacramento.
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today. some democratic lawmakers announced their commitment to renew the push to allow terminally ill patients to legally end their lives. currently. oregon, washington, vermont and montana are right- to-die states. the new interest in the topic is because of californian brittany maynard. suffering from a terminal illness, moved to portland to die on her own terms. brittany's mother spoke today. >>:she said no one should have to leave their home and community for peace of mind to escape suffering and to plan for a gentle death >> pam :since a right-to-die proposal stalled in an assembly committee last month. governor brown says, the better approach would be to reconsider the legislation next year. although he has not indictated whether he would sign such a bill. >> diane : some patchy fog is
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rolling in but you cannot really see with this dark shot, your morning lows of around 5:00 a.m. just a handful of '60s everywhere, everywhere else in the north bay and san francisco peninsula area are the upper 50s we are not dealing with rain showers for a while but a high-pressure system is coming in but we're also dealing with the marine layer also patchy fog along the coast so your wednesday is currently off to a breeze this is mainly the big talker right now is the fog we're going to have for the next couple of days into the overnight hours. and as a transaction to about
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6:00 a.m. you can see that fog rolling in expect some fought action in livermore as well and will pull back a bit as you can see it move over but san francisco and san the tail are still in at-- mateo are still in it will not be as hot though with no triple digits and the forecast the we are dealing with bill 80s if that --low 80's we're talking about a 15 degree different with cooler temperatures and then san francisco will be in the '60s and then we have cooler temperatures will stay with us until saturday and sunday until a crews back into the '90s--it creeps
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>> pam :yelp is now allowing users to review federal agencies. the general service administration. reached a deal with the company today. government officials say, they will take the online ratings into account. to improve public services. including the t-s-a and national parks. travelers have already been turning to the site to vent about long, slow- moving airport security lines. the government says. it can now respond to those comments. coming up in sports the giants get some help in the plate from madison, and the a's play an extra inning thriller against the dodgers. grant has all your sports next grant has all your sports next this summer, challenge your preconceptions and experience a cadillac for yourself.
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take advantage of our summer offers. get this low mileage lease on select ats models, in stock the longest, for around 269 per month.
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leave early go roam sleep in sleep out star gaze dream big wander more care less beat sunrise
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chase sunset do it all. on us. get your first month's payment plus five years wear and tear coverage. make the most of summer... with volvo. >> grant :any other night we would start with the giants, but what a game look at this athleticism he reaches back to snack--snatch top 4 felix matching kershaw adrian gonzalez 6 innings, 1 earned run aj ellis 3 run shot off of rodriguez
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makes it 4-1 dodgers but the a's fight back marcus singles to left, ties it up bottom of 10 billy butler a walk-off score country breakfast sausage and bacon and ham and biscuits and gravy and gatorade he wants they win and snap their 7 loss streak rain in st. louis delayed the start of the giants-cardinals game for 31 minutes. this man calls himself "the cardinals cowboy" clutching a replica world series trophy top 6th/ scoreless. bases loaded
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brandon crawford taps one slowly to third gregor blanco scores on the fielder's choice. 1-0 giants crawford's 74th rbi of the season 5th in the national league bottom 6th/ 1-0 giants ryan vogelsong great outing for him he strikes out matt carpenter top 7th look who's pich-hitting madison bumgarner and he singles to left field the giants bench likes it and a rare smile from mad-bum!!! and that hit led to brandon belt hit by randy choate with the bases loaded guess who scoresbumgarner 2-0 giants score: 2-0 giants in the 9th inning giants outfielder hunter pence. the giants are just two games back in the national league west this does not help out
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hunter pence had an mri today after feeling soreness in his oblique after this 9th inning swing in last night's game you casn see him clearly grabbing his left side if the exam does reveal an oblique strain pence is almost certainly headed to thedisabled list those types of injuries typically keep players out of action for up to six weeks the giants are already without joe panik nori aoki angel pagan and starting pitcher mike leake 49ers receiver jerome simpson was suspended for the first 6 games of the season by the nfl today for violating its substance abuse policy the niners were aware of a likely suspension for simpson from previous issues when they aquired him in the offseason. they've has made it clear he must continue to demonstrate positive behavior to remain in good standing with the team. simpson is competing for the team's 3rd receiver position he can still participate in all preseason practices and games. the bottom line is the niners are not going to have him, but they do have some bright spots with jerome simpson's suspens
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ion not among them >> pam :good night everybody will see ♪ ♪ hush my darling... ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] ♪ hush my darling... [snoring.] ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.]
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on select 2015 jetta models. or lease a 2015 jetta s for $139 a month after a $1000 volkswagen bonus. rosie o'donnell's daughter missing. >> her desperate search after her teenage daughter disappears with her dog. >> what happened to chelsea. >> and, donald trump versus heidi klum. he says she is not a 10. really? and first lady melania? what would she be like as first late lady. >> she will make a beautiful first lady. >> you call this prison? the woman convicted of killing her mom behind bars in paradise. and, you heard of the good wife. >> i took full responsibility. >> now meet the good husband. >> my husband is here,


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