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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  July 14, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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the madden a mass in marin county. thousands of drivers trapped in a massive tie up after a tanker truck flipped over near san quentin prison. >> how long a delay? >> hour and a half, two hours. >> reporter: and the cleanup still going on right now. >> reporter: we are at the same. >> reporter: a groper on the elusive pol all told police asking for your help in finding this man. >> reporter: the latest twist in the alleged prostitute arrested in the drug that of the google execs. >> reporter: not a former boyfriend is try to cash in on her notoriety. >> reporter: the suspect in the sierra lamar case makes a surprising admission to the police. >> reporter: and mail with a net threatens patrons at a san leandro restaurant we
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talk to the hero cap the dangerous situation from getting much worse. >> reporter: and national treasure and a public disgrace >> american people are lazy. >> reporter: the trash of the golden gate seashore. this is a full hour of your choice for prime time news. (male announcer): this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >> pam: it is still causing a mass as it has for the last 13 hours the gasoline taker is blocking a major broadway in marin county the aftermath of the crash substantially slowed the evening commute on sir francis drake boulevard good evening i pam moore. charles clifford is live at the scene >> reporter:
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>> he just drove the truck at the rear of this to hern and by that time it was too late. >> reporter: driver was not under the influence nor was the exceeding the speed limit. and they're right on the sea they noticed gasoline leaking from trailers. >> reporter: as a precaution to an home and san quentin was evacuated. throughout the day has met worked to drain the remain fuel and the tanks. c h p said none of the gas to reach the bay. >> it had leaked out onto the roadway and pulled up on to the shoulder. some was into the dirt but we were able to stock stop it. >> reporter: again, i would patrol says sir francis
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drake between 581 on one will remain close to about two in the morning. >> reporter: a real traffic headache as a result of this overturn tanker current release flow more northbound 101 there 580. we would try to show you some ariel images of cars crawl in during the height of the evening to meet. this is highly a really popular location. between 101 and 580. >> reporter: here uc highway 101 as i was referencing earlier. with traffic going in this direction. you see all of these cars tried to get off of 101 up to sir francis drake it was gridlock uxoricide many hours during the day. is that this morning just
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after 7:00 a.m. on the incident happened. hundreds of cars are all over this area. people were trying to go straight as so many cars tons of cars parked here. you have this shopping center across the street sold, people are behaving badly situation creative maneuvers getting around with cars in the middle of the intersection. as you did see crawling this is from this morning. just after an o'clock look at the speak a lot better on the bridge. not bad if your going to the east bank for its high with one-on-one still slow. as for getting to the scene crews are still.
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>> pam: in happened abroad 5:00 this evening the highway week opened with and the last hour but the chp said slowing for " in both directions. the driver's car landed on the rooftop 30 ft. down the and that meant in no injuries were reported tonight. >> pam: we were told that a big rig carrying aluminum crashed, it turned on its side and caught on fire. officials say the crash did spark a small brush fire. spread about 75 yds away from the crash scene and no one was injured in the fire. >> pam: police are looking
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for a man who say they have arrested and brought in on the apollo alto kron4 scott rates is live in the area where the attack happened. >> reporter: this is a very popular park a lot of people come here with their children to play and when the apollo out to areas as they are nervous for what police is saying this man is accused of doing in this part. >> this is very frightening a >> i am very fairfield because there are lot if single women especially behind the park. >> asking the public's help to help with the identity of this man. >> reporter: asking if she
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would like to be good friends with him. >> he stuck his hand and reached halfway down her back then wrapping her arms round her like a bear hug and kiss her on her neck and qian and their rotated her chin and to him where he could kiss her on the lips. >> reporter: she bowed her cell phone and caught 911 had no signal. the police came out in could not find a doctorate >> reporter: there will be keeping a very close eye until police will catch him. >> i will be more observant and keep my lot windows and doors locked and i will not come over here. >> reporter: scrubby 45 to
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55 years old at 180 lbs.. paul alto how hot >> pam: the woman accused of killing a global executive with the overdose of heroin is scheduled to be all right on wednesday on manslaughter charges. police say alex to omit its a height and prostitute who injected for a taste a married father of five with a fatal dose of heroin on his yacht. tonight kron4 maureen kelly reports on who into common stock of france is looking to make a profit of her current notoriety. >> reporter: just when you thought the story could not get any swimmer. the man uc
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hugging alex to comment in this facebook photograph says he bandit the suspect for eight months but the two broke up this june. and now and that his former squeeze is making international headlines chad cornell looking to cash the sacramento area man called kron 4 trying to sell historic day overseas publications offered him a thousand dollars for an interview at wanted to see if we would top that price. >> reporter: alex is the second to the right wing sunglasses even though she is indoors the photo was posted over the thanksgiving weekend in 2013 to six days after his death. she is looking pasty next door fresh-faced siblings and not showing any obvious signs of having been involved with any recent activity. kron 4 news maureen
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>> pam: violence and vallejo over the past few days there has been a string of shootings when shooting just today turned deadly alecia reid was at the scene of the victims and which family arrived. >> reporter: the late this has happened this afternoon or and that man's son was here sobbing uncontrollably. emergency services tried to to resign if a man that was shot in the capital st. paul was buried but was unsuccessful and are always a number of people in and out of that home. pairing with a group of people too distraught to talk about a camera. later that day gunmen was in that same area
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and with police rushing to the same. >> is charging his firearm striking the suspect that >> reporter: dan is currently recovering from his injuries at a hospital. on sunday night 57 years old christie may richardson was visiting a friend and shot by her neighbor michael wilkinson and is now in jail. >> these violent incidents had been in a very short period of time. we will go weeks and months without major incidents. >> reporter: police does
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need help solving these crimes they're asking for anyone has any information to call police. >> pam: ahead at eight uncomfortable side effect of modern technology device leading rashes. what you should know. a little girl discover to be alive at her own front row, and the commotion on raw kharkov it when i know she was still moving. and even high in hanoi backs cannot deal with the delusion that bandit retell was flooded with water in san francisco. it
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>> pam: stores flooded in
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merchandise destroyed justin wong with was 1 stores will will be reid opened. >> reporter: remain close because of the flood. carmelo qaeda in order france to purchase her favorite perfume to be turned away. on saturday hundreds and thousands of dollars of water spilled out onto union square. hitting an 8 in. water main and water poured out for our street stores were flooded to tossed out backs of road goods. ruined goods.
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>> every person is vital so needless to say it was tough. >> reporter: in san francisco i am justine waldman kron 4 news >> pam: have an unexplained crash a could be caused by your ipad. ipad could contain nickel a common allergy inducing metal doctor said an 11 year old boy in san diego was recently threat or treated for an allergic reaction. the boy developed a rash all over his body you could see it here the family says the boy did get better after putting a case on the device. other reports the toll nickel allergies from other divisive and laptops and cell phones. >> pam: the rocket
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successfully lifted off from cape castro this morning after three previous scud launchers were scrapped last month due to weather and technical issues. this rocket is carious excel went into orbit. founded by paper held founder in law must back in 2000 to. >> jacqueline: another hot day were we taught the triple digits in fairfield, livermore and antioch. it was 94 in santa rosa and '80s in south bay. but things started to cool off a little bit. we are looking live from the bay bridge toll plaza a debussy the cloudiness the very jury picture right now. dreary. you can see over livermore
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we have some returns on storm trecker for sprinkle mainly in the south bay. possible legacy more as we head into tonight. still sing something over the sierra as well. futurecast not picking up much. picking up the cloud coverage but not showing any return because it is so dry right now creek dry up and heading held little really really like print no returns on futurecast but chance of a few isolated sprinkles through tomorrow. comfortable in concord with 89 degrees in '95 is a step which will be our warmest location. extended forecast
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tomorrow with a slight chance of some isolated sprinkle spirit through the rest of the week much more comfortable in went. we will want to is very slightly as we head into the weekend. >> reporter: it is my ongoing series of trashing in step francisco parks. just how bad is it? i will show you in the next edition of people being badly >> reporter: the tech giant has not responded to the lawsuit of one of their height ups female executives were sexually assaulting a female employee i yahoo. stay tune it in mind to it reports for it
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>> pam: and former female yahoo employee is going guy who and when it's been my executive for alleged sexual harassment. nortek reporter gabe slate 1 doubt yahoo headquartered in sunnyvale to get the attack giants response to the allegations. >> reporter: the amount has not been disclosed publicly. she was requested to have sex with her on multiple locations. and she resisted her advances she was given a negative review. she held off for reporting the abuse
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of their of supporting her career. in fear of damaging her career. >> reporter: speaking with her attorney to i don't happen from here says yahoo has 30 days to respond to the official report. i could not find any workers who wanted to report on the lawsuit taking place. they did state in this e-mail there is no basis or trees to the allegations were rea is an exemplary yahoo executive and we are going to fight vigorously to clear her name gate slate kron 4 news
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>> pam: had rescued from a wildfire and ready for their clothes so were these wolf pups are heading next >> gary: coming a little bit later sports! heat shields are compromised. we have multiple failures.
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what's that alarm? fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop.
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>> pam: all grow woke up at her own floral. funeral >> jacqueline: have you seen like rain hit your windshield today? uc some of the clotting as more rain is possible and i will tell you the clotting as more rain is possible and i will tell you more about it coming uppe for the freshest produce you want to be close to the people who are close to the land. that's why safeway works with over 150 local growers. the folks whose hands are in the soil. planting and nurturing the kind of delicious produce that gets delivered daily to safeway. so there's more local produce to love. like this week,
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>> pam: this chp spoke with us just moments ago. >> the cleanup effort was began. first and foremost they will have the repave the road away due to the gasoline even with the asphalt would have a huge pall have to grind out all of the asphalt. huge p othole. >> reporter: a tanker overturned as it was heading west. dart driver of sacramental better off the road and slipped the rear tank repair actually is the one that was compromised. in a season of the deal on the ground. capturing some fuel
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runoff. crews also use absorbent materials to soak up the hill. brady stand in as well transfering guest of that tanker and two are not the want to it that jim structure brought in just a lot of efforts here the tanker has been removed or right now they are working to repair the run the road away. (male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> reporter: >> disturbing.
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would >> reporter: are they looking at? what it is not this bill. it is this deal piles of trash a on the eastern end of lands and. a part of the golden gate recreation area. so it makes it a federal park. >> reporter: i called it a marker and marker for means a notification that there is even more trash somewhere nearby ideas have to find it. it is clear that in nine states park service is trying to keep the area clean. however, if you hike off the main trails which is all downhill you will see more trash than you can look at. >> this is disgusting.
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>> reporter: beautiful all and barring fuel spurted but you have to cry over empty wine bottles at cigarette packs and soda bottles. what really caught my attention what was in a bed homeless encampment with plastic tarps just the name of phil. >> reporter: it was not easy to find this stuff some of the strange things i thought were would brett tightly by duct tape. a full and open bottle of beer or maybe it was urine. i have only touched the surface of the problem because of steep terrain aunt i only hiked about a mile. that alone was an eye opener. in san
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francisco and plants and stanley roberts kron 4 news. >> pam: de endgate evidence links and colon garcia torres to the murder of 15 year old sierra lamar so says the district attorney in a grand jury transcript just released. kron 4 d and carmen spent the day glenn through the grand jury transcript he is more >> pam: there is problems with the audio on dan story will have more in them in the evening. >> pam: celebrity photographs that has people shaking their heads and why the outfit is sparking outrage tonight. the big vat
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of first place a step to the plate for the home run derby. >> jacqueline: hi claude bolling for the rest of the bay area. we will have more on that coming up. [ heart beating ]
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[ female announcer ] the internet gets more exciting the faster it goes. that's why, coming soon, xfinity will double the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet, period. [ heart beating ] xfinity internet from comcast. double the speed. [ heart beats ]
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>> jacqueline: more the more sure will make its way up to mount terisa cilantro tantamount areas of light rain to the north also an livermore valley again, knocking lot of rain will actually hit the ground is too dry. not as warm as today. i should say to is that the rest of the week and should see a cooling trend. continuing overnight you'll notice that the world he any showers popping up because it's too dry out there that the commuter
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computer model is not taking maureen up. isn't picking up the rain. we were in the triple digits and antioch and livermore downtown 7 cisco and to the north bay about 10 degrees cooler and all l.e.d. supported so the extended forecast tomorrow but still the chance of a few isolated sprinkles but through the week, was the typical summer pass. some more comfortable in the '80s >> pam:
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>> i turned the corner to go into the cage area that is when i saw the man holding a knife. >> pam: you will hear more of the man the rescue package from a knife will be suspect
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for over 60,000 california foster children, having necessary school supplies can mean the difference between success and failure. the day i start, i'm already behind. i never know what i'm gonna need. new school, new classes, new kids. it's hard starting over. to help, sleep train is collecting school supplies for local foster children. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help a foster child start the school year right. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. >> police are looking for three pants in the hope that they should be easy to spot. the many buses were all
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painted a launch the truck and trailer were found torched 50 mi. away the next morning offering a $10,000 award to bring back the tree cheese bosses promoting cheese. >> pam: abandoned by their mother there were nursed back to health but they made a complete recovery by staff the pups are heading to their new home tomorrow which will be the minnesota up zero creek a three year old girl and the philippines pronounced dead last week and did an amazing thing at her from role, she woke up. with a severe fever she was declared dead on when she would not wake up on friday
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but yesterday inside her coffin she started to stir as the priest made last sacrament creek the father lifted her out of the coffin and accompany her to the hospital. hough >> gary: (male announcer): now, the orchard supply sports report with gary radnich. >> gary: gary will be here when he feels like it that's a really good producer. tonight he says he is enjoying the home run, >> gary: you should see with the a's are doing. its tremendous the home running a home run contest delayed because of rain all respects
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to minneapolis there is my man just zero out here comes joshing donaldson. so it went to a swing golf hitting to seoul set this eliminated donaldson and from there on it has been a sense of this party. hitting nine home runs. when the last year he is a star. now he is a hot horrible slump for the a's but he is a huge star. céspedes two
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championships and a row. >> gary: corpus christi texas this guy comes out of the stand i have been talking about it all night a couple of drinks very goals and then they throw him out. but the obvious thing is this chastise this guy. as we speak he is facing criminal trespassing and accused of threatening assault. chargers >> gary: final game at candlestick. saturday night in an estimated 30,000 the as did the wave one final time at the stake. joe
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montana, jerry rice and more this was just an exhibition game. was a lot of fun for people who intend who attended >> or a with to provide more fun for the crowd. luckily we came out so much stuff happened here. for 20 years a couple of games to was fun to just think about it for a minute. and >> gary: tiger is is a favorite to win a british opening he has not won a major championship since 2008. but the main thing
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that stands out here is that espn will deck will create a tiger woods channel. if you want to see the entire tournament then you to watch another channel but if you want to focus on tiger woods then you will watch to tiger woods channel. >> gary: an estimated 26.5 million viewers watched germany beat argentina1-0 that tops the previous record of 24.7 million that watch the u.s. portable match earlier in the tournament u.s.-portugal
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>> pam: thank you gary we will be right back hawks
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>> pam: kron4 de j.r. stone spoke with one of the heroes that was able to get suspect the can into a rest for the ninth. restaurant with a knife >> be in to this restaurant three employees and diners as well. >> as soon as i saw his arm up that was that it was time to act. >> >> reporter: eating dinner when intoxicated man walking on with a knife.
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>> when i heard someone scream get tam! get him! that is when i saw the man holding the knife. s >> at that point in time i just thought there was a really big knife about 3 in. from my face and i needed to get it away from him. >> reporter: coming back with quite a weapon >> it was like a butcher knife with a white candle in the blade itself was about in a ditch blade. every hills over foot-long knife. >> reporter: when police took him away with coughs
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on salt bite it bought back and did a female officer. and bit a female officer >> i've fullback to the cold think i would rather go hit see them be a victim and do not think about it. >> pam: we wrap up tonight with a look at the weather. >> jacqueline: cooling trend with isolated sprinkles for tonight and tomorrow. >> that will be in
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amazing have a nice evening ever on
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narrator: in the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. in new york city, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the special victims unit. these are their stories. hit it! i'm just saying, it's not real convenient for me to pay a mil for an alcove studio. got a doorman, though, right? doorman can kiss my ass. keep the damn door shut, unless you are paying the electric bill. ( clank ) something break? uh, just ice off the trunk. we good. look! look at this. man: is that blood? woman: it's coming from the trunk. center, this is tow truck one-one-four, requesting police assistance. caucasian female, no i.d. or clothing.


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