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tv   KRON 4 News at 11  KRON  September 9, 2012 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT

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a quezon to upper case on thoughtfu >vicki: the body of a 20 year-old man from lafayette has been recovered. he was reported missing from the sacramento river area on september 2nd. a college student was partying with thousands of others in an annual back-to-school celebration. his friends lost track of them after a week-long search, his body was found in the river just downstream from where he was last seen. a corner will perform an autopsy to determine how he died. walnut creek least if arrested driver involved in a fatal accident that left one woman did.
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>> some brought flowers to the scene. neighbors are devastated by what happened. >> it really breaks my heart. thoughtful >>vicki: a homeless man in san francisco was arrested after police say he attacked an officer and a park ranger. they approached a man around 10:30 a.m. and police say he became confrontational, grabbed a tree branch hitting the officer and a park ranger. the world's largest breast cancer charity rock the two major fund-raising events in the bay area. the turnout in the amount of money collected was down. maureen kelly reports that the drop was in reaction to a controversial decision made by the organization earlier this year. >> walker's got a rousing reception at the finish line of the susan g., and walk for the cure. there were fewer people to cheer on this year.
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the reason for the lower turnout is a reaction to the controversial decision back in january to stop giving money to planned parenthood for breast cancer screenings. some believe the move came after pressure from anti-abortion activists. after a backlash, the group reversed its decision. now, the event has 300 fewer participants and to the 5 k race on sunday had a drop of approximately 2200 runners. those who did turn of sitting at a harder time collecting money. >> i was lucky enough to have friends that were willing to contribute but they did so hesitatingly because of the policy around a planned parenthood. i did have a few friends who did not want to contribute because of the decision as is jicama and initially made. >> the five different rates are is still tabulating money raised, but the three day rock -- walked raised 1.5 million short of last year's
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total. the organization says that means fewer women will get the help they need. >> the women going to be affected, if we cannot continue to fund our programs, are the women that have always been the interest. low income and a medically underserved. >> it is an important issue. it is not politics. if there is no room for politics around issues like breast cancer. >> as you can see in the video, a beautiful day around the bay area. a lot of sunshine although we had a strong seabury's off saturday and sunday. that made for relatively cool temperatures. here is a live look out mt. tam. there is sent to cisco and a layer of fog beginning to redevelop. most leases are looking at clear skies tonight at midnight breezy, but the winds are not as strong as what they were.
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tomorrow morning, fogged by the bay in the north bay values as well. it should clear out relatively quickly. the sea breeze will not be as strong as what we have seen. temperatures will warm a few degrees from monday. look for eighties into santa rosa and livermore. temperatures are of as much as eight degrees in some spots and will get warmer later this week the rest of the forecast coming up.
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>> the oakland athletics are in a pennant race for the first time since 2006. there were victorious in seattle. the giants played their into division rivals, the l.a. dodgers at at&t park. both the san francisco 49ers are opening their season on the road at a level field. >> it is a brand a season-ending knee team, but it's a winning combination. it is all good.
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>> this is a championship team superable all the way. >> the public house is at maximum capacity. kids are with their parents wearing a favor players' jerseys. >> it is loud in here, a lot of excitement. >> did not forget about the oakland raiders, they opened their season monday night as a part of a double header.
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robert hayes
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>> economists say that a drop in the unemployment rate to 811% may have resulted from some job searchers given up. the figures were not lost on the republican challenger. >> people are having a hard time finding work. >> the president and sunday campaigning in the key battleground state of florida, ridiculed the tickets plan for prosperity. >>president obama: tax cuts, tax cuts, cuts a few regulations and more tax cuts. >> romney has also pushed to reduce spending and has criticized members of his own party from making agreements in cuts. among the republicans who voted for this plan, paul ryan.
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>>brian: a temperatures today in the '60s and '70s. all of these temperatures will increase tomorrow. i will have the forecast coming up.
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>>vicki: and jerry brown is defending its recent fitness challenge against chris christie. christie referred to the california governor as an old retread. brown challenged christi to a
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3 mi. race as well as a chin up in pushup contest. >> he was basically throwing some red meat to the republicans . there is some experience and hopefully there is some wisdom.
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>> kristi told reporters that brown can have a contest with himself. the governor cited two different bills yesterday aimed at protecting the seat of american computer. >> a rousing ovation from gov. jerry brown where americans in the sikh religion applauded two bills designed to protect religious freedom. for >> america is the result of people coming here from other places. >> one bill would bring a big change to feature text books. >> the second bill would protect against discrimination.
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the new law goes far beyond the sikh community. >> i represent a lot of seventh-day adventists, i have jewish clients, i have represented mormons, christians and very often, the companies could easily provide accommodation. >> under the new law, employers would have to accommodate people afraid unless they can show economic hardship. >> breaking down prejudice is something they have to do every day. >> the bills will go into effect on january 1st. >> a nice clear evening around the bay area. here is a view from treasure island. decency clear skies.
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the giants won tonight, beating the dodgers. here is a live view from the bay bridge toll plaza. there are some low clouds beginning to redevelop after a sunny day today. the clouds will start to push into the bay in a minority bidders. the temperatures are currently cool. really chilly air and gusty winds.
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>> looking ahead, more fog for tuesday. that will help cool things down. wednesday and thursday things will warm back up. we will see more sunshine and by the time the end of the weekend of we have arrived we will have temperatures approaching 80 degrees by the bay and low '90s inland. >>vicki: for have is your watching sportscasts, coming up the weekend box office is a big ball. we will find out why next.
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>>vicki: blame it on football or the weather, but people did not go to the movies this weekend. this past weekend is one of the worst since the mid 90's. >> the weekend was a bust at the box office. according to haul wood duck,, once the ticket sales were tallied, it is expected to be the lowest grossing weekend of the year. we are now learning more about the injuries sustained by an
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actress on this set of the good life when a lighting fixture fell on her, knocking her unconscious. she opened up in an interview on live with kelly and michael. fax >> a lot of sunshine and warm temperatures. inland, close to 90 degrees. it looks like we will have a nice week coming up. >>vicki: that is it for us,
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good night everyone.
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