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tv   KRON 4 News at 11  KRON  February 16, 2012 11:00pm-11:30pm PST

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i'm here because this country needs your help! >> president barack obama using a fundraiser as a campaign platform tonight. he spoke at the masonic center in san francisco where he outlined the dramatic changes that have happened under his administration. of not everybody was excited to see the president. protestors were out all night letting the president know they strongly disagree with some of his policies. the president is in the bay area to raise big money for his reelection campaign. while he was at the microphone, he used time to outline some of the highlights of his years in office. let's go live now to kron4's reggie kumar. rej
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sestanding by live -- reggie is standing by live with details. >> reporter: the president spoke for about 30 minutes to a soldout crowd here at the masonic center. those who attended and decided to eat pays more than $30,000 to hear the president's speech. mr. obama focused mostly on his accomplishments during has time as president. >> we're starting to see what change looks like. [ cheering and applause ] >> change is the first bill i signed into law. that says women deserve to know equal day's pay for an equal day's work. that's what change is. change is the decision we made to rescue the american auto industry from chance. change is the decision we made to stop waiting for congress to do something about our oil addiction and raise our fuel
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efficiency standards. change is the healthcare reform bill after a century of trying. change is the fact that for the first time in our history, you don't have to hide who you love to serve the country you love. [ cheering and applause ] >> that's what change is. don't ask, don't tell is over. and thanks to the brave men and women in uniform, al-qaeda is weaker than it has ever been, and bin laden isn't around anymore. that's what change it! >> reporter: as the president's motorcade drove down california right here, hundreds of protestors stood where the barricades are folded up yelling in opposition to some of mr. obama's policies while supporters shouted four more years. >> reporter: a large group of medicinal marijuana supporters upset on the feds cracking down on dispensaries rallied outside with other protestors. many held signs that said cannabis is medicine.
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several catholics and other religious groups held freedom of conscience for all sign outraged over the president's birth control plan. >> he decided to take away religious liberty. i would expect that perhaps in china. maybe in north korea. >> reporter: propoim supporter, most of which paid more than $30,000 to see the president -- pro obama supporters. this man was selected by the white house and only had to pay $100 because he says he didn't pay for dinner. >> he's been delivering some great speeches. i want to show my support. >> reporter: the president is scheduled to leave the bay area tomorrow at 9:00 am. expect major traffic delays in some parts of the city, especially around sfo. earlier today , the president made a surprise stop
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in san francisco's chinatown. you can see him here grieg people. people gasped as he walked into the great eastern restaurant, ordered some dim sum dishes to go, and stick around for about 20 minutes to greet guests and staff there. investigators reached the bottom of a mass grave in san joaquin deny. they are still -- county. they are still looking for more victims of the "speed freak killers". the two men are suspected in 20 murders and convicted in four. crews have uncovered more than one thousand bone fragments to an abandoned well. shermantine led authorities there with a hand-drawn map. another camera is set to be brought in. investigators are turning to another well on the property and plan on bringing cadaver dogs to the area tomorrow .
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>> reporter: it is carbing outside, and about the only thing you can see behind me -- doutside. and the only thing you can see is this barbed wire in an area that is still closed off this evening. heavy machinery dumping dirt piles from the abandoned well site of the it's about the only thing that you could be seen here on thursday. >> the excavator is still cleaning out the well itself. >> reporter: les garcia of the sheriff's office says one camera has been dropped down into the well, where many bone fragments have been recovered. the focus seems to be shifting to the second abandoned well in this area that may also have human remains within it. >> we're going to bring the dogs in so they help us pinpoint an area where we need to focus on. and we'll evaluate what we have and we'll go from there. >> reporter: it is unclear if
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there are bones there or if the dogs could even pick up a scent of the but it's something that has worked in the past. >> what the dogs will do, the dawks helped us pinpoint area -- dogs helped us pinpoint areas where we were successful in discovering human remains. >> reporter: as to a time table on this, it is still unclear, those dogs aring brought from santaa -- dogs are being brought from santa clara county. >> so far none of the remains found have been connected to michaela garecht. herzog recently committed suicide. garecht was last seen in 1988. wesley shermantine and loren herzog started their 14-year killing spree when ronald regan was still in the white house.
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over the years, they have provided dates and locations to authorities as they tried to blame each, for the murders. >> in june of 1984, the two killerce graduate together from -- killers graduate together in linden east of stockton. in september, the 2 were driveing near the town of hope -- driving near hope valley when they found henry asleep in his truck. shermantine killed howe with a shotgun. the next year, are the two pick up 24 year-old robin armtrout at a park in stoktin and drive -- stockton and drive her to linden, where herzog says shermantine raped and murdered her. cindy vanderheiden disappears in 1988 after last being seen with shermantine and herzog. in 1999, shermantine and herzog are arrested after
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dna evidence links them to wheeler and vanderheiden. their trials are moved to santa clara. shermantine is convicted of four murders in february of 2001. the two drift ares, plus the -- drifters plus the two women. in october, herzog is convicted of three murders and an accessory in vanderheiden's death. his convictions are overturned on a technicality three years later. and in 2010, herzog is released on parole. he moves into a trailer on the grounds of the high-desert state prison where he is found hanged to death in an apparent suicide in january of this year. he had apparently learned of shermantine's agreement to reveal the location of the pair's victims. >> herzog's murder convictions were overturned when an appeals court rules that -- ruled that police coerced him into talking about the killings. herzog
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accepted a 14 year sentence with credit for time served. >> continuing coverage of the search for victims of the "speed freak killers". we have a special set up on our website. all of the stories that we brought you over the last few days. that's all on two dearly agents shot this -- federal agents shot this evening at the federal building in long beach. the unidentified shoot are who started it all was also killed though it's not clear at the time whether his death was self-inflicted. investigators are still trying to determine the motive for the shooting. the federal building houses offices for immigration and customs enforcement, the irs, and the us probation and parole office. why the governor. new jersey is taking heat for his decision to lower the state flags in honor of whitney houston. coming up later in this broadcast, a night of bay area
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college hoops. the sad story of a 57 year-old former giant hall of famer who has passed away. and it was a gorgeous day out there, but we do have changes in store into the weekends.
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two earthquakes in less than 24 hours and both in the same approximate area near vallejo. you can see on the 41 cower earthquake tracker, both were magnitude 3.5 and 5.5 miles underground. the first was last night, the second was this morning at about 9:15. the new jersey assembly passed a bill allowing same-sex marriages today. that state's senate passed the same bill earlier this week. it now sends the bill to the governor's desk, but he has propsed a veto -- promised a veto.
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[ male announcer ] what happened when ford owners compared their trucks to a chevy silverado? i can see myself driving in this for hours and hours. i like it. man: i would definitely consider a silverado trade-up from the pick-up truck that i've got right now. [ male announcer ] we dare you to compare your truck to a chevy silverado, the most dependable, longest lasting full-size pick-ups on the road. celebrate president's day. get 0% financing for 60 months on all 2012 silverados. if you trade in an eligible vehicle, get an additional $1,000 trade-in allowance. offer ends february 29th.
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beth! hi! looking good. you've lost some weight. thanks. you noticed. these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right -- whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multi-grain cheerios -- 5 whole grains, 110 calories. creamy, dreamy peanut butter taste in a tempting new cereal. mmm! [ female announcer ] new multi-grain cheerios peanut butter.
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a grow inging memorial in honor of whift no houston -- whitney houston. newark is where houston sang as a child. her funeral will take place saturday one week after she was found dead at her suite at a hotel in beverly hills. more details about the diva's final days are coming to light. >> reporter: houston's behavior the day before she died as become a focus into the investigation into her death. the singer was partying at the bar of her beverly hills hotel according to a source close to the investigation. they have requested surveillance recordings. she was also seen
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drinking significant quantities of alcohol. other guests expressed concern about her erratic behavior. she was seen drinking at the pool the day she died. her cause of death is not expected to be revealed until toxicologist tests are complete. new jersey police are establishing a secure perimeter around her hometown church. >> there really is going to be nothing to see at the church. the best thing to do would be to stay home and watch the service on television. >> i knew that mamma houston would do it the way she wanted it done, we're going to church and not going to be worried about if the world can get in. >> reporter: kevin costner will speak at the service, and stevie wonder and aretha franklin have been tapped to sing. new jersey governor chris christie is defending his decision to lower flags on state
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buildings in new jersey at half staff in honor of houston. he said houston made cultural contributions to his state and deserves the honor. opponents say the honor should not be rved for those who -- reserved for those who contribute to society but for those who sacrifice for it. it was a gorgeous day out there, but we do have changes heading into the weekend, starting tomorrow about fog along the coastline. then incleating cloud cover -- increasing cloud cover. partly conditions, dry on saturday, late running late sunday. cool condition conditionses lasting -- conditions lasting through the weekend. today, we were in the upper 60s. it will be in the 50s along the coastline where we are expecting fog through the overnight hours. it
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hasn't arrived yet, but it's on the way. fog tomorrow morning, same thing in san francisco, 57 degrees. warmer in santa rosa at 65. and 76 in fairfield . a look at your satellite and radar picture, another storm pushing up to the pacific northwest. this is going to spread cloud cover to the bay area tomorrow, and later rain in the evening. organized activity to the north into the 8:00 hour. watch this, starts to break apart and dry out. not a whole lot of rain as the system moves through. there is a possibility of thunderstorms in the north bay between 7:00 and 10:00 tomorrow night. the snow picking up in the sierra, lasting to the 9:00 hour. your extended forecast, a couple chances of rain through the weekend. first tomorrow evening into saturday morning, and then sunday night into monday morning. cool through the weekend, but warmer and drier as we head into the rest of next week.
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the sharks and lightning combine for 11 goals. who won? gary has the answer to that question. >> and cal/oregon comes down to the final shots.
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good evening, everybody. gary carter is dead at the age of 57. helping the mets here to the 1986 world series title. he was been battling a brain tumor that was diagnosed just nine months ago. carter broke into the major leagues as a star for the montreal expos. only jhonny bench maybe a better catcher in his generation. finished his life in palm beach atlantic university. dead at the age of 57. cal, their basketball team
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stands atop the pac-12. mike montgomery's club has won 18 of their last 19 games at haus pavilion. justin cobb, a career 28 points. at the finish, a guy named deveaux joseph who was hitting shots from all over the place. but he couldn't get the last one, and oregon falls 86-83. cal has beaten oregon nine straight times. santa clara, this has been a terrible season for the broncos. they have lost 14 straight. they won that little nit postseason event, and they come out now just -- it's been terrible. 73-62, their 14th consecutive los. game of the night, usf
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hosting byu. rashaad green -- they're a heavy favorite, kids from all over the world. usf leads 84-83. matt carlina, gives byu the lead at 85-84. rex walter's team, one last chance, but it doesn't go. and byu hangs on to win 85-84. usfthough, none the -- usshgs. chief photographer, and overall best friend. jennifer -- and myself, you know, it's tough. why wait till they start win something they're 4 and 22, i -- 5 and 22, i think? vern is with them from start to finish. >> that's what friends are for. >> that's what
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burt once wrote. the sharks acquired dom nin moore from tampa -- mom nick moore from tampa bay. they're on the road again until february 28th. the game is tied at 4. and then 5-4 tampa in the third. 5-5 into overtime, and sharks gaina i point -- gains gain a point, they lead their division by four points despite the loss tonight. jeremy lin, hey, he's going to be all over all-star weekend. he's on the cover of sports illustrated, and david stern stepped forward and said even though he got a late start, let's put him in our freshman-sophomore game. he'll be passing to a teammate, iman
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shumpert, in the dunk contest. and also they're going to have a shooting contest. and as the saying goes, he'll be selling programs too. he can be all oaf the all-star game. >> one more lin. goodnight.
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denny's new sizzlin' skillets are here for a limited time. so strike while the iron's hot. starting at $4.99. only at denny's. america's diner is always open. ople, let's get started. pete, did you forget yours? me pete, me use pen! (laughter) sorry i'm late, i was in the 16th century looking for pete's pen. (laughter) guys, guys. take it easy, ok? pete's mom is videochatting me, and she wants her pen back! ok, alright, well. i just got one. so... yeah, you've got a little... yep, i can feel the wet patch. don't look at it. when it's on your mind, it's on ebay.


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