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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  December 20, 2011 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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the right to free speech, you're certainly not giving this man fair right to free speech. the oakland city council and the gloves come off all the debate over cracking down on occupy disruptions. >> i was not going to support this resolution, but you guys just told me where i need to be at. >>pam: where you when the lights went out at candlestick? we will tell you what pg&e had to say about what the mayor is calling a national embarrassment.
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>>pam: the showdown between occupy protesters and the city of oakland as the city council votes on a plan to prevent another shutdown at the court. j.r stone was at the meeting outside of oakland city hall with the latest. >> what a night it has been. this resolution was drawn up by a couple council members to what the mayor and city administrator to make sure that another port shutdown does not happen. larry reed, the council president got into with some people from the kron4 after they got upset after he led a port executive talk longer than the allotted time. >> i am going to tell you this. i let camacho speak longer than i should have. i am going to ask each respective. it's not, i will have the officers escorial of the chambers. i am asking
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you to be respectful. for people who advocate the right to st. pete, you are certainly not giving this man off the right of free speech. psst let me say this, i was not one to support this resolution, you guys have just given me knopf, you just told me where i need to be at. clause >> the bottom line is this caucus. >>reporter: half protesters spoke earlier in this is what they had to say. >> we urge you to vote against this measure and let the measure died tonight. >> following are concerned that few resolution sends the wrong message on free speech and of the rights to protest.
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>> by doing this is waving a red flag in front of the protesters. thank >>reporter: i also spoke with a ceo from the court could basically says, we may not realize the effect of the shutdown until it is too late. >> we employ almost 500 people. these jobs could go away. report 27 million fit into the economy of oakland which would impact at least two of a million dollars. it is a shame will happen if this resolution does not pass tonight. from what i'm hearing, it is as if these people do not want business in oakland. if these people are running the business out of the port. it is very damaging. for
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>>j.r.: this resolution has not yet been voted on. we will keep you updated. >>pam: the mayor of san francisco calling the power outage at candlestick a national embarrassment. now, pg&e is being hounded to calls--a figure out what caused the power outage during the only nationally televised 49ers game this season. terisa estacio spoke with pg&e about the latest. >>terisa: 49ers game at candlestick park. on tuesday, pg&e was on the defensive exploiting the first to power outages.
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wire separate it from itself. for some reason, that slice field. when a wire comes down, this circuit will stop service. in this case, candlestick is the only facility that power was interrupted to. >> there does not appear to be any faults in either of the circuits.
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>>pam: 6 francisco mayor ed lee was at candlestick park when the lights went out. >> obviously we experience a national embarrassment. we were on the phones as early as last evening during the game and after the game. we wanted to make sure that this does not happen again. we expect another playoff game and early january so we will go through if some immediate protocols for the public utilities commission and our staff furious >>pam: the mayor added during a power failure, his number one priority was public safety. overall, the crowd was pretty well behaved. san francisco
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police say that 10 people were arrested and most of those were misdemeanor offenses for public drunkenness and misdemeanor battery. three arrests were for people who ran on to the field during the second power outage. jim harbaugh also talked about the outage last night after the game and during today's news conference. he says it does not howff--he does nothing defensive players. this >> it was dark before the game. everyone just roll with it. >> i was impressed with the fans in the stadium. the lights went out and i thought they kept their composure. they remained calm and allowed everything
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to get worked up. >>grant: keep you were watching the power outage, here is what it felt life inside. fans immediately grabbed their phones and started shooting video. the phones actual provided some light. there were three fans who ran onto the field during the second power outage. they were arrested but otherwise there was just more of an embarrassment than anything else. >>jaqueline: another cold night on tap. temperatures are already freezing in fairfield. temperatures in the inland valleys it did not get one to take. 41 and
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half moon bay. 44 in los gatos. 50 in san jose. fifth we're going to see widespread '30's again tonight. plenty of places in the '20s. frost will be widespread to the bay area. definitely give yourself some extra time tomorrow morning. we do have changes coming next week. details coming up. >>pam: the kron4 news at 8:00 p.m. is just getting started. a hollywood celebrity rushed to a local hospital. details ahead. >>pam: a manhunt in the south bay for a suspect accused of stealing a car and then speeding off. >>pam: the star player on the golden state warriors is now facing legal trouble.
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>>reporter: toys r us is taking shopping to a new level with their new hours. i will explain.
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>>pam: the waves at half moon bay are famous. this past weekend, those waves took out a movie star filming a movie at half moon bay. maureen kelly has details. >>maureen: the movie star is ok but pretty shaken up after his experience. gerard butler was hit and held under water by a couple of 12 ft. waves during filming on sunday afternoon. i spoke with the dead the harbor master responded to the call. >> he definitely got caught inside. once you are inside that it area you have to
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take a beating and be ready for that. it is scary out there. >>maureen: he was pulled out of the water by members of the film crew's safety team and brought by a jet ski to medical attention. he was up and walking around at that point was transported by ambulance to stanford hospital. he was treated and released the same date. the production company for the movie says they are done shooting for now although the crew may be back out here to get more footage when the waves really start getting big. >>jaqueline: very cold conditions expected overnight. we might have some changes coming in the
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forecast, details on that coming up. sauce
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>>pam: we all the winter does not officially begin for a couple more days, but you cannot tell from scenes like this. the nation's midsection, you can see the white out conditions. an intense blizzard has dumped as much as 15 in. of snow closing interstate highways in kansas, oklahoma and the texas panhandle.
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>>pam: winds up to 70 mi. per hour pushed snow into drifts up to 10 ft. high. heavy snow temporarily shut down interstates 40, 70 and 25. the national weather service says travel and portions of five states ranges from difficult to impossible. the storm dumped snow over a 1,000 mi. area and in some areas, visibility dropped to less than one-quarter mile. the whiteout conditions have been blamed for at least six deaths. two of them in colorado off when an inmate and a guard were killed in the crash of a prison van. the blizzard did have an outside. farmers in oklahoma and texas welcome to this note after a yearlong weather drought. >>pam: what does all this crazy weatherman for holiday travel at local airports?
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dan kerman is joining us live from sfo. >>dan: so far, so good. the good news is those storms they were just talking about have had no impact at sfo. many of the flights are arriving early. >>dan: at sfo on tuesday, the weather could not have been nicer despite weather elsewhere. flights were deported on time and many were arriving early which was great news for those coming to the bay area to celebrate the holidays. this christmas season the busiest travel they will be the
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friday before christmas. many decided that traveling on tuesday was a much better idea. >> it is great. there are no crowds of. >> thing and we had a great light. just as smooth as can be. >>dan: the teacher travel they will be on friday. again, it should not go as well as we of senior of the week but we did not know what the weather will be like here and other parts of the country and how that might affect travel. at least for today, it is going very smoothly. >>jaqueline: let's talk about the weather for the rest of the week. in new mexico with all that snow, it is now pushing to the east north east 50th a lot of the snow has tapered off. thunderstorms are remaining down to the south and at through tennessee.
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here is the timeline for thursday afternoon. we will see the rain push up towards tennessee and new york. we will have to watch out for travel delays. there are so many connecting flights on the east coast. for us locally, we are stuck in the same weather pattern. a look at temperatures never had an average coming up. >>pam: in san francisco, a special ceremony, the mayor stopped by newcomb avenue for a new project transformed the neighborhood and it made it the most ego friendly in the city. >> this project built this
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block as 88--as a very tight never heard. we walked into thick up litter to get several legal into each other's homestead to eat dinner, we drank, we have a great time. we have now become a family. of dan, thank you for those who were able to see this come through. >>pam: the $1.6 million project was the for the combination of federal and local money. >>kimberlee: facebook has moved into its new headquarters in menlo park. now, we're getting a first look at the new home on the inside. let's take a look. they purchased the 57 a. property earlier this year. inside, the company tore down existing walls to make it in open office and the walls are lined with top ford paid. each employee was
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given a chalk board--each employee was given a box of chocolates. there are free treats for employees and meals including breakfast, lunch and dinner. the campus houses some 2000 employees but does have the potential to comfortably accommodate nearly 9000 workers as the company looks to grow rapidly in the coming years. we will be back after this quick break.
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>>pam: tomorrow morning a lawsuit which includes 14 allegations of sexual harassment is expected to be filed by a former employee of the warriors. her attorney says during a news conference scheduled for tomorrow, a graphic sexual picture sent by ellis to a woman will be shown. his lawyers say they have not seen the lawsuit and had no
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comment. >>vern: the warriors and the get tired of that terrific 49 victory over the steelers. alongside will be tony stewart. who is better looking? did not answer that! they're coming up in a moment.
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>>pam: tonight's big story, a pg&e says the first of two start of the game. a second power outage caused a 16 minute delay and is still under investigation. the 49ers one against the steelers 20-3. the oakland city council is considering a proposal to stop future shutdowns of protesters at the port of oakland. the port was closed last week during an occupy protests and on november 2nd during a general strike. the mayor says a proposed resolution would give the city whenever a lawful tools it needs to keep the port open. butler is ok after being rescued from massive waves at half moon bay. there was a filming of men and mavericks, a movie about a former san jose surfer. there are too large waves
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felt like to now and then held him down underwater. safety patrolmen on a jet ski brought him to safety. >>grant: a massive police search in san jose. police are going door to door looking for this guy, he if the suspect into different carjackings and could have killed one officer this morning during a getaway. he is described as a white or latino male that could be driving a brown to a unit camera. here is the big board to show you how it went down. the suspect was initially wanted for a carjacking in the fetus earlier this month. milipitas police say they had detectives in south san jose this morning news of the suspect and tried to pull them over right here near where 101 into the capitol expressway intersect. that is where the chase starts and then, it quickly turned into a police pursuit. they went about 2 mi. and the suspect crashed at capitol expressway and the seven trees boulevard. this happened during rush hour about 8:40 a.m.. from
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there, police say the armed suspect ran into this neighborhood in the eventually carjack a toyota from a garage on the 200 blocks. alejandra cerball reports, the search is now intense for the suspect to police say almost killed one of their own. >>alejandra: san jose police armed with a handgun into tuesday night is still on the loose. >> he has already shown they he will run over what ever gets in his way. a very dangerous individual. >>alejandra: offices of looking for the browns are really camera they saw him steal from this san jose neighborhood. >> it is a miracle that he did not hit anyone. he flew down the street at a high rate of speed. >>alejandra: police are not releasing details of the investigation like the license plate number. they say it is unlikely he is still driving that car. tuesday night some extra patrols were not added to
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this neighborhood because officers believe he will not be back. in san jose, alajandra cerball, kron4 is. >>pam: new details about the case against giselle esteban. she is the woman accused of killing michelle lee. today, prosecutors formally indicted her on a murder charges. this is video of esteban in court last september. there were childhood france. esteban is expected to enter a plea when she is back in court next month. a danville teenager was sentenced to six years in prison for raping a 14 year-old girl. he pled guilty to sexual assault. the attack occurred in his car in the parking lot of a walnut creek bart station. in addition to serving a six year sentence, he will also have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. the >>jaqueline: very cold conditions expected overnight. take a look at temperatures as you head out the door tomorrow morning.
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29 in napa, same thing in santa rosa, 27 in fairfield, 33 and concord, 30 in the livermore and 34 in redwood city. very cold as you head out the door. we will see areas of apache frost throughout the bay area. once the sun comes up, temperatures will start to quickly warm. in the afternoon, upper 50s and low 60s expected. 57 in antioch and nevada. we will take a look at the extended forecast coming up in a few minutes. >>darya: downtown walnut creek has seen a surge in retail business. that is creating a high demand for commercial space there. charles clifford is in the east bay with more. >>charles: tuesday afternoon, mt. diablo boulevard was bustling with holiday shoppers. no parking spots. business is good. if >> walnut creek has become a retail destinations.
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>>charles: tristan's all this works near downtown. she says that after several slow years on the market things are picking up. >> will we have seen since last march because a complete rebound of optimism. >>charles: retail shops and restaurants have filled many of the empty storefronts. the empty spots are becoming few and far in between. the downside is the increase demand for space in a limited supply could lead to higher rent. >> when we first opened it was pretty slow. >>charles: julie ross and her sister opened this consignment a few months ago. she said, they had to compromise in order to get the store up and running. >> it took a lot of time. we wanted to be in downtown but the run was so extensive. we are a little bit hidden it just so the red is a little bit tricky task-cheaper. >> people more deals.
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>>pam: today was a busy day at most a post offices. people were standing in line all day long to get their christmas packages in the mail. according to the national retailers federation, today was the last date to ensure that packages would get to their destination using the standard shipping. however, federal express says you can still get your guests to wear a date need to go, the last date for delivery is friday. >>pam: there is good news for procrastinated. was a press has announced a new store hours. the justice explains. jeff >> it was such a big success last year, it was arrested again this year. the company will be keeping its doors open for 24 hours a day from now until christmas eve. this applies to all toys r us stores across the company. a parking lot is at capacity at its emery phil's door. toys r us is offering
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deep discounts on tuesday and wednesday for brigham mortar stores and online. the stores are hoping to take advantage of the last- minute shopping rush. the doors will close at 10:00 p.m. saturday night. >>pam: glide memorial church in san francisco continued its decades-old tradition of handing out toys to needy children. there is one have been little boy getting a stuffed sponge bob character. clive collected 8000 toys this year there are given out to about 2000 children from all over the bay area. toys and gifts guards were collected from private donors as well as corporations. the volunteers who help the kids think about the tories say that it makes them feel good. >> it is a wonderful experience. i will be coming back year after year in bringing my children here with me. there is a lot to
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be thankful for and it is a wonderful experience. i am thankful to all the people at glide to get this going for the community. it is an amazing experience. >> families flee if in a line that wrapped around three city blocks. the first people in line and got in line 4:00 p.m. yesterday afternoon. >>stanley: coming up a street where the rules of the road and the rules of safety rating of the past.
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>>kimberlee: after a firestorm of complaints surrounding the sony play station hand-held game the company is apologizing to customers. around 300,000 units were sold in the first two days when it launched in japan but many customers have complained about the
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system crashing and the screen freezing. sony has apologized and issued a firm where a date. it wanted in the u.s. in the debris of 2012 and hopefully the problems will be fixed by then. for those of you who cannot watch the super bowl in front of the television, the game will be strange online on tivo golf. fifth off the pro bowl will also be available for rises nfl mobile application. and i'm on is extending an aggressive holiday deal for last-minute shoppers. free shipping on kindle products. customers will have until 8:00 p.m. tomorrow to buy a kindle item and receive it in time for christmas. stay with us. more news after the break.
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>>pam: the payroll tax battle in congress has a direct impact on americans' wallets. >>reporter: a high-stakes standoff. the republican payroll tax press conference and competed with a surprise presidential
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appearance. >>president obama: right now, the bipartisan compromise reached on saturday is the only viable way to protect the tax hike of january 1st. we know that this is good for the economy and they went ahead and did the right thing. i need the speakers and house republicans to do the same. >> i need the president's help. a two month extension will create more uncertainty for job creators when millions of americans are out of work. >>reporter: that is the argument against a compromise to extend the payroll tax cut for two months. it is one the most republican senators voted for next weekend. >> enough is enough. the arrogance of this place is outstanding. it is unbelievable. you have to look at what we're talking about from the eyes of our
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constituents in the people back home. two months of certainty for people when it comes to their cable, to their paychecks? >>reporter: house republicans think carefully crafted legislation to avoid raising taxes and instead appointed negotiators to work out a compromise. >> the house as a coequal branch to the senate. members of the underside is a this is a compromise. it is a compromise in the senate, not the house. >>reporter: time is running out. no deal by january 1st means americans may see a tax increase. democratic sources insist they have the political upper hand. >> if we feel today, how will you face your neighbor? where is your
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compassion for families suffering? where is your heart? where is your soul? >>reporter: democrats are refusing to nip "-just to appoint their negotiators until the house passes the break. lawmakers were sent home for christmas while the steelmaker continues. the question being asked at every corner of the capital is who is gone to blink first. democrats admit that throughout the year of stalemates with republicans, they have given many times. this time they say they will not cave. one senior democratic lawmakers as they believe they have a high ground and they believe they are on a mountaintop. >>jaqueline: temperatures are very cold up there this evening. freezing in
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fairfield. 36 in nevada, 43 in oakland and concord. it is going to get very cold again overnight with widespread 30's through the bay area. 27 in fairfield, 29 in napa and santa rosa. temperatures are rebounding nicely into the afternoon of a very similar to today. a look at our satellite and radar, an area of high pressure is keeping storms will to the north. no rain or snow through the sierra. plenty of sunshine to the afternoon. temperatures are unseasonably warm and dry. we will keep the dry weather going to be extended forecast. chilly mornings and mild evidence. there is
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a possibility into rain on tuesday. >>pam: stanley roberts found some people behaving badly. >>stanley: check out this suv that is double parked. he does have on his i am party legally flights. this driver is waiting for a sandwich from this shopped. he comes out only to check for parking enforcement. notice how this muni bus is forced to wait. how about this guy who is fast asleep . this lady has hurt kids they bad just sitting there. take a look at this lady driving while on results of. she wants to park but that phone call is in the way. finally, she goes handsfree only to realize
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handsfree or not she cannot parallel park. this woman, i caught her on her cell phone and she returned to give me the once over. >> i was on my cell phone, i went around the block in the, you are not the police. >>stanley: i told her i was from kron4 and looking for people behaving badly. >> it is not nice to put m it is the holidays. >>stanley: i am glad she was not wearing an almost sure. this suv is parked but the back window is down with a briefcase just sitting there. every driver should have one of these. they do not toe signed in the window.
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>>pam: if you have a comment or story idea, e-mail us at
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>>vern: stanford is a posting in tennessee. the tennessee coach is suffering from early stages of dementia. 19 points in the first half and in the second half she has not let down. stanford is up 80-75. not since the 85-86 bears as the defense not allowed a
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rushing touchdown for 15 straight games. the 49ers and toward these guys apart. alex smith and vernon davis, it was just see you later. >> you want to play winning defense as a unit.
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>> he is making some noise in the nfl. you look at him, he is a slinky guy. he shows a little attitude and personality. the 13 goals
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and three world cup appearances. >>vern: these trick shots. this was a part of the hanukkah hoops tournament this afternoon to celebrate the jewish holiday. how about that?
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>>pam: we will see you at 11:00 p.m..
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