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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  December 12, 2011 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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>>catherine: police watch as occupy activists blocked truckers. kron4 goes live to the port as protests continued into the night. officials warn of the long- term consequences. >> 73,000 jobs are in jeopardy. >>catherine: tonight at 8:00 p.m., hundreds of protesters marched to the port of oakland for a second time today. here is a video, you can see how big the crowds are. they managed to bring operations to a virtual
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standstill. many workers were not able to get paid as a result the. j.r stone has been falling protesters in oakland and joins us with the latest. >>j.r.: there are still a lot of people out here. there are crowds of people out here, in one sense the protesters have been--in one sense the protesters have been successful. here is what one protester had to say.
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>> every time i have seen a trucker i have asked, argue losing money go to mark i have offered to pay them an hour's wage. i have spoken to about eight truckers. only one of them accepted the money. >> you have to do something. people walk by someone new-line on the ground, when you see what is going on, you start to do something. here we are getting look at. that is a good thing. if there were no people here, we would not be talking. >> this is a demonstration of democracy. people are here in the unified, something the system does not want in this something the system prevents. shutting down this port is prohibiting big business and corporate america from exploiting workers overseas but people in their own
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backyards. >>j.r.: he saw how those protesters felt. there are a number of trucks in the distance south, many of those truck drivers have been sitting in their trucks with the drugs are running because they are carrying frozen food. here is what some of those drivers had to say. demo we are losing revenue sitting here. i get paid by the mile 50th 5 am not going anywhere. i am having a difficult time making ends meet as it is. fuel is over $4 a gallon now. beth >>j.r.: protesters have been out here for several hours. they marched in a very large data. rear in the midst of the march.
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>>reporter: the mood was festive in a protesters were singing and dancing. the crowd moves slowly toward the mass of cranes. the port was shut down. a handful of uniformed police officers were watching a crowd that did little more than that. many of those in the crowds were carrying signs tested various grievances against the government, banks, corp. and all sorts of symbols of the 1%. just like the last court protests, there were a group of people that could not resist the temptation to climb up and over the structures. the port became an adult playground for another date. protesters proclaimed victory. in what has become a symbol of the occupy movement, a single tent has been erected. many protesters vowed to stay
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tonight hoping to keep the port closed to the morning. >>catherine: this morning, the crowd of protesters are smaller but they achieved the same results. haaziq madyun has more on the impact of shutting down the port. several we have shut down the morning shift. >>haaziq: occupy oakland protesters cheered when they hear that the morning shift at the port of oakland has been disrupted due to their efforts. >> people say it is only one date. >>haaziq: the board of directors' talks about how shutting down the fifth busiest port in the nation fee impact the economy. >> there are responsible for over 460 million a year in local and state taxes that fund our schools, roads and community. any damage to the court does cut into those taxes. >>haaziq: the mayor says the block in the port impact
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truckers who call perishable goods that often need to be unloaded and shipped as soon as possible. >> the agriculture shipments are critical. >>haaziq: there are also long-term considerations. >> the reality is, it is sending the wrong message to businesses. that means long- term, the 73,000 jobs tied to the port of oakland are in jeopardy this >>catherine: in san diego, four people were arrested. in long beach, truckers and headed to the poor were blocked by nearly 200 protesters. that demonstration finally broke up after heavy rain.
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>>catherine: still with kron4 news for continuing coverage of the occupy protests. you can get the latest at and on facebook and twitter. if there is an investigation into a shooting earlier this evening in an in-n-out parking lot and in all. reggie kumar is on the scene and joins us live. for >>reggie: off investigators say they will be out here most of the night trying to figure out how this all happened. take a look behind me. they have been focusing on this dark colored nissan also look. they have not said if that is the victim's car. the suspect is still at large. here is a look at video, after 5:00 p.m. a man was shot several times by another man in this in-n-out parking lot. he was there listed in critical condition. investigators have not said much about the motives, only that this
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could be drug-related. there were other people in the car but police will not say if the person is related to the victim. the police believe this is an isolated incident. >>officer: i do not think this is a general for to the public. i believe this was a targeted attack. >>reporter: this in-n-out berger was opened friday after the shooting but police forced the manager to close it until the investigation is complete. again, the shooter is still at large and penalties are asking for the public's help. reggie kumar, kron4 news. >>catherine: the kron4 news at 8:00 p.m. is just getting started. jerry sandusky is getting ready to face his alleged sex abuse victims in court. we will have a preview of what to expect in tomorrow's hearing. >>grant: among the credit
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cards stolen of the lucky food stores is a car belonging to this group. more on the story coming up. >>alejandra: the holiday shopping season is in full effect. we will tell you which days are predicted to be the busiest yet. >>catherine: if you're headed to tahoe, where is the snow? we will say the conditions in to tell you what the experts are saying about the upcoming season. >>grant: i have my hands on the new sunny police station before it hits the market. a lot of buzz on this device that could revolutionize hand-held gaming. i am gabe slate and that is coming up in my tech report. >>jaqueline: if the low pressure system that brought us rain today is moving to the southeast. we will see very cold conditions overnight with skies clearing. details coming up.
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>>catherine: there are still two weeks before christmas. there are whole essence hist for to any >> i went hollisters. they had 50 percent of. >>alejandra: monday and tuesday are expected to be some of the best days to shop. >> it is going to be the best day for the consumers. they might find themselves with your crowds, they will have recovered from the weekend and shells will be stopped. >>alejandra: december 17th will be the busiest holiday sale day following black
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friday. it is one week for christmas. for another busy day is december 23rd. they are calling that a father's state. >> we are expecting the of shoppers to be out looking for perfume and intimate apparel. those adjustments always with the last minute and we'll have some help. >>alejandra: the day after christmas is also expected to be a big one. >> a lot of people have all. expect that to be a very large day. when >>jaqueline: landed c rainey of the into today. rainfall totals are not very impressive. in san francisco at the airport nearly 1/10 of an inch of rain. we are seeing clear skies this evening. clear skies and
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cold air from the storm will lead to cold conditions. we are in for thirties and 20s overnight. a look at those temperatures coming up. we will be right back.
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>>catherine: more drastic cuts just the california is
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bringing in $3.7 billion last a forecast. that would forbid cuts in january. tonight, dan qr missed a look at what could be cut. >>dan: if state revenues are between 1-2 billion less than expected, that would mean 600 million in additional cuts including the university system's trimming another 100 million however both have indicated that would not lead to fee increases. that is good news for students serious in holmes a court services it services for the developmentally disabled also received cuts. child care funding and funding for local libraries will be cut. if revenues are more than 2 billion less, look for an additional 1.9 million in cuts. 72 million from committee college. more
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than one a million from k-12 education. schools could reduce the number of school days but that is not practical because that would require reopening teacher contracts. again, it is unclear how the school districts will make additional cuts unless it has already been budgeted in.
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>>jaqueline: there are a couple of exceptions. with lawyers from a ground, we have seen freezing fall. into the afternoon, temperatures are staying cool. flo-mid-50s the end of mostly sunny skies. widespread 30's are expected. 30 degrees in fairfield. freezing is certainly possible bear. in order are to mature will be about 30 degrees. afternoon temperatures will stay on the hillside. warmer in the south bay. 56 in fremont and redwood city. we are going to see a warm up. i will tell you when coming up in the extended forecast. >>catherine: a decommissioned navy tug boat
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has called an oil spill in richmond. it was discovered to be taking on water yesterday. the coast guard is now trying to contain the oil. no word on how much has leaked or why the vote is '60s. in berkeley, the cleanup continued on the berkeley campus. there was a fuel spill saturday night for. about 1,700 gal. of fuel spilled into the building's basement. some of its building to a nearby creek. for employees were given the ok to return to the building. fan through >>gabe: i got my hands of a new sony play station before it hits the market. there is a lot of buzz around this new device. it could revolutionize has held the means. it is a 5 in. screen. o l e d technology is the best of a market for sharp, bright images. the graphics were impressive. it
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is the build for serious hard-core gaming. the most popular titles for ps3 will be available. it brings augmented reality with the blending of the real world around you. it does this using front and rear cameras. it is a touch screen. the complete games that way and it has a dual joysticks. it has a built-in wi-fi and it is the first hand-held gaming system to offer 3d cell phone service from at&t. the device can always be connected on ago. you cannot use it on a fumble you can always be connected to the web at online gift committee. about if you have a ps3 and the the debt, they go hand in hand. take it with you and play the same game where you left off. it is now on preordering and comes out in
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february. it is a great high-end portable gaming device. i think it will be the best in its class. lately the ipod touch and iphone have taken over hand- held the means.
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>>kimberlee: a home- improvement chain lowe's is sticking by its decision to call ad for the television show all-american moslem. the show chronicles the lives of five families in detroit. ophthalmia they received pressure from conservative groups who called the show pro muslim and anti-american. thousands of people have been leading comments to condemn me and supported the company for their decisions. fan there
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is a petition to fight back against what is being called the bigotry. loews has released a statement. the story has already amassed 40 comments on our kron4 facebook fan page. we will be back.
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>>catherine: it has been a mostly peaceful day. oakland police say there were only a couple of arrests. there are no scheduled projects tonight. they do not have to cancel any activities. on the other hand, you can see all those trucks that could not unload their cargo. officials are waiting to see what protesters to before they decide on tomorrow's plans. >>catherine: a shooting in the parking lot of an in-n-
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out berger in of all. at least one person was hit. police are now looking for the shooter. bay area retailers are saying that this year's shopping season is doing well and they figure that it will get even better. nationwide, numbers are down 2%. the next busy shopping days are expected to be this saturday and friday the 23rd. >>catherine: new details in a security breach at lucky's grocery stores. officials are now saying that personal financial information of a least 1000 shoppers has been snatched. >>reporter: federal authorities say highly trained forensic computer experts are looking inside of debit card readers like this one to learn the was the mastermind thing in this identity theft. but these could have left incriminating evidence inside of the devices. with so many stores falling prey, it is possible that it was a
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crime ring of several people and not just one person. secret service special agent in the edelman says if they continue to collect information to help with the investigation and talking to victims could reveal a pattern that could provide valuable clues. he says that agents are examining surveillance video from the stores and security experts believe it feeds disguised as a terminal attendance could be to blame. let the officials say that their investigation revealed those involved grabbed the data remotely using blue chip technology which means they could have been in the parking lot stealing data without anyone knowing. lucky officials say that they have determined that oneself checkout machine in 24 stores contained a timbre reader.
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lucky officials say they are still trying to work on a time line and pointing how long this crime has been going on. >>catherine: investigators and petaluma say that nine more victims have come forward. a group called the blue star moms are dedicated to supporting u.s. troops. now, with much of their monies stolen, rob fladeboe tells you how they're trying to make ends meet. rob fladeboe-- >>rob: this organization makes and ships care packages to servicemen and women. the credit-card thieves are stealing from
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the troops themselves. >> it made as angry that this is happening to our deploy troops. it is our veterans and homeless veterans at this time of year, christmas into the holidays. >>rob: they are out $3,000. moms like this have been using their own money. >> at this time of year we do whatever we can, as much as we can, with the funds and its allies that we have available. if anything is taken from us is that much less that we can do. >> encouraged by letters and e-mail's, the blue star moms say the next batch of packages will arrive in time
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for the holidays. >>jaqueline: we are seeing clear skies. that will lead to cold conditions overnight. here's a look at your current temperatures. widespread cold temperatures overnight. possible freezing fog of the north bay. freezing fall for short. we have clear skies and worcester on the ground from rain this afternoon. mostly sunny but cold. we have another chance of rain later in this week's forecast. >>grant: the weather so far this december has been a
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nightmare for ski resorts. check out this message. if you do not have snow, you cannot open just yet. here is a shot of the donner summit. barely any snow but late last month, it j.r stone, we sent him to the same area, there was plenty of snow and then. when we zoom into this year, take a look at the numbers. usually at this time of year, a little more than 25 in.. how
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much do they actually have so far this year? five, one and one. it is a law the new year. the systems do not have the same tropical moisture we have seen in the past couple of years. >>catherine: in the south bay, one food bank is making a plea for public health. charles crawford was in the san jose and spoke with the director of the food bank. >>charles: she says so far this year, the food bank has fallen short of annual fund- raising. >> we tried to raise nearly half of our total annual budget a good chunk of food between halloween and it made in january. we're struggling right now. >>charles: they're hoping to raise 11.3 million this year but so far, half with a holiday season, they only have about a quarter of that
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amount. jackson says that since the recession started they have seen a nearly 50% increase in the number of people coming to the food bank looking for help. during that same time period, donations have remained strong. this latest slowdown was a surprise. but she encourages donors to drop of food items at their san jose headquarters or in one of these barrels. would they really need is cash. >> we can take $1 and provide nutritious meals with that. >>charles: visit to find a link to the web site if you would like to tell them now. >>catherine: the bay area's a favor way to bring in the
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new year, i will be hosting the party along with gary radnich. we will take you to the biggest and best parties. it all starts in new year's eve at 11:30 p.m..
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>>catherine: said jerry sandusky will appear in court tomorrow morning. he is facing dozens of charges. some of the elected extensible be there and testify against him. >> wearing his court ordered ankle bracelet, jerry said as he will face his accusers for the first time on thursday. a potentially explosive moment when his alleged victims to take the stand outlining dramatic charges of rape and molestation. >> what will the atmosphere be like? >> i think it will be electric. >> sandusky is charged with
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performing oral sex on teenage a number 1 more than 20 times between 2007 and 2008. the team is ready to testify. how is your client trying to repair them-just trying to prepare himself for this? >> he is being told to tell the truth and prepare by trying to relax as best as he can. i think it is going to be a difficult experience. >> for each alleged victim prosecutors must convince a judge that there is enough evidence to go to trial. >> it is an embarrassing situation for most of them and they will be cross- examined by someone who is determined to show that they're lying. >> we are looking for people to tell us specifically what they are saying happened. we are going to then start trying
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to prove that that probably did not happen the way they said. >>reporter: with two more victims coming forward, sandusky faces additional charges of sexual assault. he denies all of them. his denial to do not matter to victim no. 1. >> he wants nothing more than to see this man behind bars in the he will do whatever he can to assist in that process. >> he is prepared to see this through? >> absolutely right. >> apparently, so is sandusky. the former coach is doing his homework to prepare his defense. >>catherine: up next, two coaches fired in the national football league. gary tells you who they are straight ahead. gary has sports coming up next. but
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when the >>kimberlee: at the apple next generation not that it could it become available by next march or april. the parts it needed to build a the new-line fed isn't being shipped to factories while shipments half of the guy had two parts have been reduced. costs it is rumored to have a high resolution a retinal displays. there is
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criticism that the new kindle is less dense dollar. amazon plans on improving the devices software to giving users the ability to edit recent browsing activity. the kindle is not the only device gearing up for a major software of state. barnes and noble announced plans to roll out a series of improvements for its your reader. this is the company's biggest of state ever. barnes and noble added that even more video services are in the works. youtube has lost a new school friendly version of its web site. it promises clawson's access to educational videos without the risk of students being distracted. they put together playlists according to subject matter and age level. google hopes to attract schools that were
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previously put off by inappropriate contact. >>jaqueline: it is going to be cold overnight. we will see quite a few areas of fall. freezing fog is likely, especially in places like macbook. by 3:00 p.m. we will have sunny skies with cool temperatures. let's take a look at morning lows. temperatures are obviously cold enough for us to get freezing fog. let's get a look at your extended day forecast. temperatures a mainly in the low-mid-50s. we're warming up a little bit into wednesday. a slight chance of rain. as we head
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into the weekend temperatures will warm up. >>gary: good evening, everyone. seattle remains on the 49ers schedule. one of three games left for san francisco. the rams tonight are bad. lynch was a guest here over the summer, he is now the best running back in the nfl. 30-13 seattle. they are now six and seven with an outside shot at a postseason berth. here is
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jim harbaugh on yesterday's loss. >> we know that there is going to be criticism. we know that people will be asking what happened? what took place? who is your go to guy? we are not going to talk about it. >>gary: this is live television, i have to test my microphone. that is what is nice about us. >>catherine: we are 18. >>gary: one day i saw an anchor collapse and i heard someone say, he is just taking a nap and they left him there until the show ended. >>gary: do i sound better now?
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>>catherine: yes. >>gary: they are in trouble. >> every game from here on in is a must win for us. we want to win the division. every game, one game at a time is a must win game. we are in a second place in the citizen. we have a big game against detroit lions. it is still in front of us. >>gary: you are looking at the top story in sports, it is unbelievable what tim tebow has done. seven-one as
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a starter. what he does is beyond sports fans. yesterday, chicago fumbled in overtime. his numbers are never spectacular but he always has enough, the players respond to him. >> we tried to keep believing until the very end. >> the guys kept encouragingly. it is special when you have a team that believes in continually fight. >>gary: >>gary: say goodbye to todd haley and his beard. tony
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serrano and his sunglasses were fired also. >>gary: in the nba season opens christmas night. some of your favorites are they're having their picture taken. >> there are some fundamental things that every point guard should know. as long as we get some consistency, i have had three different coaches. >>gary: of the lockout had
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to trim some games from the regular season. they're going from 82-66 games. >> we cannot have much of a training camp. that is what hurts more than anything. we are a young team. 82 week training camp, getting our players out there. that is the biggest challenge for us. >>gary: you will hear the audience speak to a kron anchored next.
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>>gary: it is courageous to go on the air even when you do not know what it's coming. i have no idea what these questions are from the audience e.f. is down the gary, what are the chances of trading alice this season? >>gary: i did not think it will trade him right now, the warriors want a lot in return for him. he is a dynamite player but he is 6 ft. 3 in.. in the basketball world, 6 ft. 3 in. is not that high revalued. >> gary, do you think the raiders will make the playoffs this year? >>gary: as i do not think so. adding that tivo and denver have the magic.
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>>catherine: we will see you at 11:00 p.m..
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