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tv   KRON 4 Morning News  KRON  December 2, 2011 7:00am-10:00am PST

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third >>mark: we're cleaning up from some of the storm damage that blew through yesterday. will tran is live in the oakland hills with more on a >>will: let me show you the tree. i am surprised it did not happen sooner. their roots are not very deep. here is the totality of what happened. in the foot tree
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fell on top of their home around 1:30 a.m.. about 30 hours ago, the family was inside sleeping. here is video that we got. they do not even know if the house can be saved. you can see the damage inside of the home. glass was flying everywhere. more importantly, it was the thing at the time. the tree fell between two bedrooms where the kids were sleeping. fortunately everyone was safe. for the family, for care begins. >> we heard a noise, my wife thought that it was an earthquake. we realized a tree had fallen, it fell between the middle of the two bedrooms, missing them by a few feet each, it went straight to the middle of the two rooms.
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>>will: the tree will have to be revoked, this is so precarious. you live here, you want seclusion, this is the most charming home i have seen in quite some time, over here there are trees leaning sideways. with a barbarous comes out here they will be checking out all of the trees. i am sure the neighbors will get the arborists involved as well. one final note for this family, they just moved in here four months ago. >>mark: if you have any pictures of damage, send them to us at
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>>darya: one of the first things you notice when you go outside is how warm days. >>darya: is that getting go up? >>james: guessed. a lot of the north bay could be pushing the 70 degree mark today including santa rosa. as you look across the map, everyone is enjoying warmer temperatures, warmer than what we had yesterday. in nevada, we saw warm temperatures. the majority of the bay area is looking of this morning to warmer temperatures. here is where the winds are. they are to the north but dying down a little bit. these numbers are in the double digits.
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all of the warnings and watches have been canceled for this morning. the temperatures are the story for the day. here is where we expected highs to go. earlier this morning we thought we would get away with a normal day, but temperatures may be in touch warmer. 68 is the expected high. 68 in antioch, 69 and livermore. santa rosa to the north has a shot at getting to 70 degrees like they did yesterday. we are looking for great conditions even in san francisco. plenty of sunshine. it is a system that pushed through northern california this morning,
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that is providing us with a high clouds the ec outside the door right now. we are looking for a great forecast ahead. we will have that coming up in my next update. >>erica: good morning. we are tracking a delay at the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza. an earlier accident near the incline. the accident is long gone from the traffic lanes. delays still exists coming from interstate 80. if you are headed to the bay bridge, you will a probably want to use 880, that is our best approach or, use the san mateo bridge. we are not tracking any delays whatsoever. drive with a little bit of extra caution. as we take a look
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at the golden gate bridge, delay free conditions for your ride out of the north bay. traffic on the peninsula is moving pretty well with no delays to speak of. we are accident free on interstate 280. a quick reminder, if you are taking the dumbarton bridge, a high windy advisory this hour. >>justine: new this morning, the labor department issued new numbers about unemployment. the unemployment rate fell to 8 1/6%. that is the lowest since march of 2009. employers added 120,000 jobs last month. employers have stepped up hiring in response to the improving economy, but i am also reading that more than half of the jobs added in november were by retailers, restaurants and bars. a sign that holiday hiring has kicked in. another reason
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for the drop in unemployment, roughly 350,000 people gave up looking for work and were no longer counted in the unemployment numbers. >>darya: the kids love zynga. now, zynga is planning to go public with a 150 million shares. they make games like mafia wars and a farm bill. the plan to sell shares for up to $10 a share. >>mark: we are watching windy conditions out maxxam.
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>>darya: the winds have died down. now it is all about cleanup. fijian the crews are still working on getting power back to south they customers. nearly 200,000 people are still in the dark. the most outages right now or cylindrical in san creance to death because and customers are waiting for her to beat george. all of the power is back on data into the north bay. if you have any pictures of damage
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from yesterday, sending it to us at now, we're switching gears, the first thing you'll notice this morning is not the wind, the warm weather. >>mark: we do still have some lesser conditions out there but nothing like what we saw yesterday. temperatures get it up to potentially near 70 degrees. these are not highs for today, these are the current temperatures. 68 in a bottle. 63 in san francisco. set and as a just dropped below the 50 degree mark. we have a really nice start to temperatures. here
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is a look at current wind conditions. it is higher up where we see the stronger winds at sea level. temperatures this afternoon will look like this. mid- upper 60s through most of the day. the wide use shows that we have relatively mild weather ahead. as you take a look at the forecast, things
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are looking good although we will hold on to breezy conditions today. monday- wednesday of next week, not bad. sunny and mild. >>erica: we had an earlier accident about an hour ago but it is long gone from the traffic lanes. this backup is coming from interstate 80. if you have to take the bay bridge this morning, the 880 over crossing is probably your best approach. the san mateo bridge is no longer in the peak of the commute. you will probably want to drive with extra caution. the ride is 15 minutes from end to end. earlier in the east bay
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we had an accident right at will pass. take a look at the red building on the screen coming out of antioch towards its board. speeds are really calling. if you are heading down to 42, you can make up for lost time. westbound 24 is problem free through the caldecott tunnel. >>mark: herman cain is preparing for one last campaign stop before meeting with his wife to discuss allegations of a 13 year affair. lawyers for herman cain say that ginger white has no proof of the affair.
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>> she has offered no proof or fact. the phone records prove nothing, other than she knew mr. cain. what things basically boil down to is do you believe herman cain or this woman? herman cain says there was not a sexual relationship. he is expected to reassess his white house bid ended make a decision before monday. newt gingrich opened a big lead, 21 percent over mitt romney, it is the largest lead any republican presidential candidate has had this year. the former house
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speaker has also opened a slim lead in a hypothetical matchup with president obama. gingrich leads 45- 43%. >>darya: we are back with more in a couple of minutes. here is a live look outside from the mt. tam cam. this is a beautiful shot that shows a little bit of shaking at the higher elevations. we have some wind but nothing like what we saw yesterday. it is a calm day today which is a welcome relief for anyone who had win damage from yesterday. we will be right back. this sixth half have
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the upper half deadhead
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hafez path and >>darya: we still have a breeze today but nothing like the giant dust that we
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had yesterday that cut out power hand downed trees. the big story today is how warm it is going to be. a high inland of 70 degrees. mid- floor 60s for the weekend. sunny and mild for the next seven days. crews are slowly restoring power to hundreds of thousands of customers who lost power. more than 270,000 customers had no power last night in southern california curious the hardest-hit areas may not see power restored until sunday. yesterday, to
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protesters were arrested. more than 100 occupy protesters took part in this march from market street. >>mark: off in boston, police and occupy protesters clashed. nearly 100 protesters surrounded police vehicles. that is a and police called in reinforcements to clear the area. >>darya: no action in washington late last night.
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if congress does not act soon, the tax cut will expire on december 31st. congress has approved a defense of bill including- judge a defense bill approving funding for the wars and the iraq and afghanistan. there are fears that tehran is developing nuclear weapons. they will bar foreign banks that do business with around. >>mark: we're back into minutes as the kron4 news
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continues. here is a live look out over san francisco. call that if
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pfitzner off >>darya: will tran is live in the oakland hills where a tree went through a home. >>will: the tree fell on top of the roof and snapped curious altogether, about 80 ft. worth of trade. this
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home is so charming. you could not ask for a more beautiful place. the homeowners were inside at around 1:30 a.m. when the tree fell, it sounded like an earthquake and then came down between two bedrooms. the veterans that their children sleep in. fortunately, no one was hurt. everyone inside managed to get out safely. here is the view that the homeowners in joy. he move to the oakland hills to be succeeded-just to be secluded. a lot of people all around here tried their best to make sure their home was safe. they did a lot of tree cutting including this one here. this is one of many stumps. they did not cut this one tree that came
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crashing down on probably a $1 million house. this family was not home at the time. they will have to work with insurance companies and that could be complicated, whether or not this home can be saved, the rainy season is coming, who knows what ordeal they will face in the months ahead. >>darya: . lucky for them we do not have rain on the way for a while. interesting, the new vantage for your giving us from the back, the fund shows that their roots of the tree or nine deep at all. >>will: if i lived here, i would call an arborist immediately. this is very beautiful. this is like something out of a painting. if you look at trees, these could be a ticking time
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bombs. this street, this is on the front side of the home. who knows if that will come crashing down. james
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data obama >>james: nevada is our warm spot. as he stepped out the door, you will feel the 20 degrees warmer than yesterday. 12 degrees warmer in napa. the winds are confined mainly to the north bay. 16 mi. per hour winds in napa. >>james: here is where temperatures should settle
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by the end of the day. the inland east bay valleys will be in the upper 60s. the san ramon valley and livermore valley and across the north bay, we are also looking for a first 60s and possibly 70 degrees. yesterday we're looking for a forecast right in line for what we see. sunny and mild is the key phrase as we continue have a pretty relaxed weather, this is the first week in december. not bad. >>mark: damage and power outages in places like scotts valley in the santa cruz mountains. more than 20,000 customers are still without power. craig skalar has an update. >>craig: there are two things that you will not find a lot of in santa cruz cloud county, power outages and trade degree, most of the tree debris has been
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chopped up and moved aside. the wind has died down. there is only a slight wind at this point. on thursday, the wind was blowing wildly. many homes are still without power. pg&e says that it could be through the weekend before power is restored to thousands of customers. meanwhile, trees are still sitting on homes like this one. >>erica: we had an earlier accident that tied down the ride on the bay bridge. over 20 minute delays out of oakland towards san francisco. if you take the bay bridge, the adl for crossing is probably your best bet. slow and go conditions on the toll plaza and up the incline approaching fremont street in san francisco. expect major delays or avoid them altogether by heading over
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to the san mateo bridge. a high wind advisories in effect. this ride is still costing under 16 minutes between hayward and foster city. the golden gate bridge is a problem free with no major delays coming out of marin county. i want to show you another slow spots around the bay area, westbound highway 4 out of antioch past summers bill. speeds are averaging about 35 mi. per hour. approaching will pass road into concord, speeds are down to just 12 mi. per hour in the slowest spots. allow yourself a little bit of extra time for the westbound rights. as for public transit, it is a great alternative. no problems for ac transit or muni. >>darya: new details this morning, giselle esteban will be back in court to enter a plea to charges that she murdered nursing student michelle late.
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--michelle le. >>darya: in the east bay, new developments in this shooting that was caught on surveillance in oakland. shooters are firing shots even as they backed away. seven people were shot. police confirmed that one suspect is in custody, still unidentified. that person was arrested after he was spotted at children's hospital in oakland which is where the youngest of the seven gunshot victims, this 23 month old is still in the hospital fighting for his life. everyone who was shot gathered for the making of a rap video when the firing started. police are still looking for other government. >>mark: a former technician from the police department crime lab is charged in federal or court for tampering with drug evidence. it caused the
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dismissal of hundreds of cases. a federal grand jury indicted him. >>justine: a question for you, did you buy a gun on black friday? usa today is reporting that gun dealers flooded the fbi with a background check requests for buyers on friday--on friday, so many that is masked the all-time high by 32 percent. checks are required by federal law and it went off over 130,000 for the day. that far surpassed the previous high of 97,000 back on black friday in 2008. >>justine: we will be right back.
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>>darya: 50,000 customers without power still.
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>>mark: another round of snow is expected as we head towards the the weekend in denver. single-digit temperatures in denver with more snow expected. >>darya: we are back with more in a couple of minutes and we will talk with gary radnich. a lot going on in football. we will be right back.
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>>darya: gary, good morning. >>gary: have you watched any of the game? >>darya: none of the game at all. today, i pulled up the highlights. marshall all lynch is there. he is from oakland. i look at him and
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he had two touchdowns. i did not think anyone was coming out of that and suddenly, there he was running with the ball. that was amazing to me. >> >>gary: do you know what he eats? skills. >>darya: i'd love scuttles, only the tropical.--i love skittles, only the tropical. he said he got that from his mom. >>gary: in july he came in here. anyone who still does what his mother tells them to do, his mother tells them to eat this diddles for
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energy. >>darya: that is the thing, if you give the kids a >>gary: he went to oakland tech. so did clint eastwood. i am with you, he did that last year in the playoffs. >>darya: incredible. the second touchdown was good as well. the raiders and miami dolphins. first i thought, shortly if mcclain will not be in the game, but he posted bond and even with its weapons charge, he is going to play. did you see his mug shot? >>gary: it looks like he is
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smiling. >>darya: not the mug shot, this is right after he got the cuffs on. he is closing like he is posing for a christmas card. >>gary: almost like it's a joke. it is funny that someone with a camera was right there. >>darya: is that photoshop? now, i am wondering. >>gary: if i had just been arrested, that is not the facial expression i would have. >>darya: this fix is everywhere on the wreck today.--on the web today. i am not buying it now. >>gary: wait until you hear all of the details. to come out like that, he is smiling, that is a serious charge he is facing. i bet
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you he plays sunday. have you heard anything different? >>darya: i have not. i was looking at the stats. there are 45 nfl players that have been arrested this year in 2011. if you look at the number of players, it is like 2 percent. with basketball, the percentage is higher. >>gary: how many media people have been arrested? >>darya: should we crunch those numbers? >>gary: there is is in the spotlight, so it jumps out. he was there for his grandfather's funeral. thanhe went to alabama and got in trouble. >>darya: there was a fight, it was not pretty. >>gary: i did this story last night, i kept looking
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at that picture. i am wondering also if it is soda shop. >>darya: donovan bad. you have to explain to me how this works.--donovan mcnabb, we have to wait and see what happens with the waiver list? >>gary: >>gary: this is his third
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place that has not worked. two times in a row he was candid--he was handed the keys to the car and had to give them back. >>darya: i am still fascinated with the whites what on television. now, they're doing celebrity white's law. whites what is what regular people, the trade winds and the wife has a mother the kids that are not hers, it is a reality show. gary busey is quite wants to do it.--gary busey and his wife are doing it. do you remember who flavor flayed is? he is doing it.
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>>gary: i never tell anyone how to live, but why does everyone have to have a camera now? this all goes back to facebook, go to facebook and like me. that is a picture of the week until monday. >>darya: go 49ers! >>gary: the game will be over or around 4:00 p.m., i am going to call you, you'll probably be our writing your 19 mi.. >>darya: we will be right back. is
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dusk >>will: of around 1:30 a.m. yesterday, there were four people inside of the home, a family of four. they were not injured, but look at the mess left behind. the arborist's will have to come out and remove the tree to find out what the cause was of the tree crashing down on the home. it very charming
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place, i would imagine a million-dollar home. thank you may want to consider this is a ticking time bomb. some trees are leading to the site. nonetheless they will have to work this out. the good thing this morning is the family is fine. >> we heard a rumble and a crash. the tree crashed in the middle of the two rooms that my kids or in. everyone is lucky. all >>will: no one had any idea that history was going to stand. this is one half of
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the trade. the other half of the tree snapped when it fell on top of the house. a wonderful view from the back of the home, unfortunately the home right now needs to be fixed. there is heavy structural damage and perhaps this home will have to be demolished. >>mark: if you have any pictures of wind damage from your neighborhood, said it pictures to us at to breaking news >> >>darya: peamore than 270,000
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utility customers have no power still in southern california. while they're working on it, some of the hardest-hit areas will have to wait until sunday before their power is back on. a state of alert steve was declared yesterday in los angeles. for far family are watching with his left off of the winds in the bay area. a really warm morning. james fletcher has the latest. off four >>james: most of the winds that we are experiencing are up in the hills. we still have some gusty conditions and to the lower valley. for the most part, everyone is seeing calm conditions this morning compared to where we were yesterday at this
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time. upper 50s in antioch and oakland. in the south bay, low 50s. yesterday we hit 73. their record for today is 66. we're looking to break that record as well. all in all a nice and comfortable afternoon. into
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next week, sunny and mild with temperatures in the low 60s. we will see temperatures overnight really dropped out. brace yourself for thirties and forties during the overnight hours. let's find out how the traffic is shaping up. >>erica: we're still tracking delays of the bay bridge from interstate 80 and was about 580. those delays are because of an earlier and a traffic is a bit slow up the incline and across the upper deck. the san mateo bridge for the most part is good. there are no accidents to report. a
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high wind advisory in effect. traffic is a bunching up a little bit near the high rise. be aware of that for your ride towards foster city. we are totally free id enjoying the sunshine on setup on 101 with the usual slow and go. we are highlighting some of the slow spots in the bay area, a bit slow but better compared to the last report. westbound highway 4 at antioch towards pittsburgh near will grow, slow and go conditions with speeds at 50 mi. per hour. a new accident reported on our street on the east shore freeway. one of the lanes is currently blocked. >>justine: here is what we're watching in the kron4 news room. the president is about to announce a $4 billion effort to increase the energy efficiency of government and private- sector buildings. this is all a part of a fuel saving and job creation package. the podium is set up as
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they're waiting for the president. we are hearing that this plan is at no cost to taxpayers and would upgrade buildings over the next two years with the goal of making everything more energy-efficient by 20 percent by the year 2020. >>darya: we will be back in just a couple of minutes.
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>>mark: we are back at 813 a and. here is a live if you for mt. tam. a beautiful shot. the camera is only slightly shaking this morning as opposed to yesterday when it was really getting knocked iraq. a lot of blue skies and sunshine with high clouds the here and there. temperatures are
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still well below what we saw yesterday. sunny and warm this afternoon. wait until you see the highs for today. as we head into the weekend. mild and stable. we are starting today on a warm note. here is a look at your current temperatures. we are seeing temperatures begin to warm and the temperatures will continue to climb into the afternoon. watch these numbers, in mid-upper 60s and potentially 70 degree weather. san jose coming in at 71. across the north bay, 68-69 degrees. today we're
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watching for temperatures to get up to about 71, a couple of degrees shy than where you were yesterday. in downtown san francisco, 67 and sunny skies. here is your 7 day around the bay. things will be stable for the next seven days and beyond. sunny and mild. nothing but sunshine the temperatures and below '60s. let's get an update on traffic. >>erica: there is a backup on the approach to the bay bridge that was extended into the maze. he can finally see it right here on your screen. there are no major delays. we still have the metering lights cycled on. the san mateo bridge is still a bit heavy in the westbound direction on the right-hand side of your screen. the chp still has the changeable message
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signed active alerting drivers of high wind gusts. a 40 minute drive from end to end with no accidents associated with the strong winds. there are no delays to speak out. friday light traffic all around the bay area including southbound 680. if you are getting off on westbound 24, a problem free ride through the caldecott tunnel. >>darya: new details in the police brutality case against bart. a federal jury in san francisco rejected the claim by kenneth carruthers that former bart police officers johannes mehserle and others use excessive force. the seven members civil jury unanimously ruled that mehserle and the other officers were not liable for use of excessive force or
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allege it retaliation against carruthers. kron4 got reaction from poolsides. >> it is my belief that the jury system, if they apply themselves diligently and listen to the facts and did the judge, they will render an opinion or a verdict that is what our system is designed to accomplish. >> what happened in court is another example of how, if the police are supposed to be in control of the evidence, they do not collect evidence that supports the people they are arresting, they still get away with it. >> the police need to get held accountable for what they do. i hope that people will fight the way i did to bring justice to other people. >>darya: it to the jury only
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four hours to reach the verdict.
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>>darya: yesterday, two protesters were arrested in a separate scuffles with police and justin herman plaza. more than 100 occupy protesters took over parts of market street last night in a general assembly. >>darya: police and protesters clashed and at least three people were arrested. in tampa, fla., 29
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people were arrested after refusing to leave the park during closing hours. the occupy movement, months later is still alive and well. >>mark: here is a live look from the james lick in san francisco on this friday morning. it is still windy in the hills.
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>>darya: we have our >> we are taking a live look. at the san mateo bridge on the right. and on the left, the golden gate. traffic moving decent in both directions. as we continue our team coverage, we will be tracking the latest developments including our
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reporter on the scene, willl tran is in oakland hills monitoring the damage from the santa ana winds and the trees that have been damaged. >> will:daria, you can clearly see that this damage is extensive. this home has suffered significant damage from these damaging winds. in addition, we can see the surrounding homes and trees have
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of significantly impacted this neighborhood. again, we are in oakland hills. looking down at this ravine, you can
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this just in to the kron 4 news room this is the statement from mr. lawrence. the 23 year-old was shot during that filming of that rap video. this family would like to thank everybody for their continued prayers. he remains in critical condition and he continues to fight, unfortunately the family and the attending physicians have come to a cross roads. and we are unable to agree on continuum of continuum four bar baby hiram.
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>>mark: there is somebody in custody were associated with this shooting. the suspect is on identified but he was spotted at a children's hospital in oakland. other spsuspects are still investigating. >>darya: we are looking at light conditions on the roadways we will be back.
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>>mark: schilling emergency radio calls for office in vienna office collapsing-indiana shilling emergency radio calls. chilling it was just moments
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before. >> state police, perhaps 30 minutes or less before units should be warned that there is severe weather coming for marion county. >> the situation is it, the speakers have collapsed on the front rows of chairs. just in front. can you estimate the total. >> a lot! >> take a look. that lack attack means fatality. with four others injured. >> 8:45. we are focusing on the sunshine. that is the sunshine. the wind is not looking too
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bad, with friday light. james what could we expect? >>james: it is going to be fabulous. from the roof cam we can see the dome. some clouds in the horizon and mt. tam with the same story, blue skies. one last look from walnut creek. south- bound. through the san ramon valley. plenty of sunshine. in addition, other areas are already seeing 60s. 62 degrees in san francisco. we are looking at 67 degrees in a snap of. do not be surprised if you see concord increasing rapidly soon. with currently we can see 54 degrees of livermore. 5:02
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p.m., we will see temperatures like this. buy -- 2:00 p.m., levy remind you that if this let me remind you that these will be great temperatures for the first week of december. 69 for the east-the valleys. to the north, pretty much the same. maybe 71 degrees in santa rosa. that is no stretch, the got up to 73 degrees, yesterday. today should be a lot like yesterday. here is a look at the sand dock and now wind through the north bay which and area to the sand and nsantas that have making headlines. right now, not too much happening in the pacific. not too much weather expected but just mostly sunny, mild and really comfortable. it will be
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chilly, overnight but the afternoons are looking good. the general temperatures are a 60s. at 8:48. >>erica: good morning, james friday light bay-area wide it just a minor backup here, there. but he interstate - 80 beyond the 880 interchange. the interchange 80 is looking problem-free. still, that high wind advisory from the nationa-e chp still dealing with gusting winds over the bridge to span. no accidents. a look at the golden gate, it is a bit heavy southbound. we do not have any delays to speak of coming out of marin county. to the traffic maps we will see some minor delays northbound and southbound 101 along the bayshore freeway. coming out of
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redwood city you can see towards mountain view speeds will be dipping down only 220 m.p.h.. interstate 880 problem-free, with accident-free. speeds only 20 m.p.h. over the mountain view area. -- >>darya: thank you, eric,.a. if you remember this woman? she has been charged formally rubber mat and has been charged on one felony count. debra -- madden however, her attorney is saying that they do not have jurisdiction over that case.
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fast upon is being held in the disappearance of the nursing student nursing --michele le. >>mark: this payroll tax has been up for debate. this would of extended the tax rate for the next year. however, the republicans sank that version of the bill that was backed by mitch mcconnell, the leader of the democratic party. they will lose that tax break and to $1,000 more in taxes next year. fremont, they did approve a $62 billion defense bill including funding for the war in afghanistan and iraq with pteron
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nuclear threats showing-tehran economic sanctions. >>darya: the james lick is nice, light, plenty of sunshine. light wind. it is going to be a warm day. still, low 60s through this weekend. we will be back. ♪ at bank of america, we're lending and investing in the people and communities who call the bay area home. from funding that helped a local entrepreneur start a business... to providing grants to a nonprofit which offers job training and placement... and supporting an organization working to help the environment.
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because the more we do in the bay area, the more we help make opportunity possible.
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detergent alone doesn't fully dry your dishes. it leaves spots and residue behind. add finish jet-dry and they dry two times better. and they're shiny. that is shiny.
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>>darya: a54 we are looking at 8:54: calmer conditions nothing like what we saw, yesterday. even in southern california and new with video with wind up to 100 m.p.h. through utah! you can
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see big rigs even toppled over. backups near salt lake city. paul or lines were down 50,000 people had no electricity with -- power without power because of those power lines down. in addition, albuquerque, new mexico cleanup. >>dan: over 12,000 right now. the unemployment rate went from 9% to the amount of 8.6%. people stopped looking for jobs. >> the white can of coca-cola it is causing controversy. consumer complaints is saying that looks like diet coke. people are
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usi-- and getting this into ther shopping cart by accident. they think that this seasonal-to red- cano we would like to know what you think. kron 4 facebook fan page >>darya: 8:56 we will be right back. >>dan: alive look. a beautiful look from our roof cam a beautiful, like shot. we will be back. ♪
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(male announcer) live from the bay area news channel, this is the kron 4 news. >>darya: calm winds after yesterday. a cleanup. with the highs almost 70 degrees. there are two different live shots we're showing you. a live look
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through san francisco. >>james: not to bad. this is from mt. tam. we have beautiful, blue skies. in another shot from the san mateo bridge. there is a lot of sunshine coming down. the commute is nice. no wind on the bridge. a big contrast with high wind advisories over these bridges from yesterday. today, however looks good. today's temperatures are looking at nearly almost 70 degrees in novado. 50's there hayward, mountain view. and as we continue this morning, we will see oakland at 68 degrees.
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through of san jose, getting even above that 70's of this afternoon. 71 expected in sandoz say. as we continue, concord, walnut creek, san jose -- 71. >>james: the santa rosa will be the area where it was record- breaking yesterday and it could be record-breaking, today. it downtown san francisco not bad at 67. the wider view not too much going on with calm winds. that is what we can see on the seven day a look at your 7 day around the bay temperatures in the afternoon not going to ride on a par 4 where we should before the first week of december. upper 60s. low 70's. we will see 40's and 30's overnight in the bay area. that is exactly what we should expect for the month of december. >>dan: an addition, that cleanup
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is still ongoing from the damage yesterday. castro valley is on the left. a tree toppled on the roof of the house. on the right, oakland hills damage. right through that roof. >>will: good morning. mark, this tree is still splitting his home in half it is an 80-ft tree. it came toppling at 1:30 there were people at home and thankfully, no injuries. slept through it. add to 1:30 a.m. the children actually slept through it. the cleanup process begins. contractors are coming through to take a look. ray grant, what
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is your assessment? >> this is an older monterey cypress tree. with this recent high wind we have had, it looks like the upper canopy has not been thinnned out. >> will do you think the tree is alive or dead? >> it was pretty much at the end of its life span it was 80 years old, 90 years old. that is about like span of these monterey cypress trees. >> will: you are going to have to bring in your equipment? >> correct. it is going to be an old fashioned way to take it out piece by piece because of the terrain. >> well, these owners have a
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when million-dollar view. and if you want trees are round of your home with a $1 million view? top those trees. it creates a danger. this is a wake-up call. >>mark: thank you, will tran. if you have any damage photographs? feel free to e-mail. @ breaking news @ kron 4 .com >>darya: looking at these statistics. these are the current number that pg&e is reporting. they have their hands full. lookit santa cruz county, the most at 22,630. they are
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looking to get their workers out power restored. it has been restored to customers in san francisco. the bay area is not the only place where it was strong winds. southern california almost worse with the santa ana winds. a state of emergency was declared. you can see huge amounts of damage. several hundreds of thousands of people without power. we will keep you updated on that in about 10 minutes. right now, ericka tracker bac showing the traffic? >> good morning, daria the west with a five-crash has been recently cleared. that read is showing very slow conditions. however, the nimitz has not been too bad but also very slow. because it is typed up. it is
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impacting the bay bridge toll plaza because it is -- tight. traffic is still nearly full capacity of the upper deck. there is still but high wind advisory on the upper deck of the san mateo bridge. 14 minutes-end to end on the san mateo bridge. the 101 southbound looking decent. no major delays >>mark: the unemployment rate has fallen. nine percent, to the new rate of 8.6%. this report was issued/released this morning. they added on the 120,000 jobs. the big reason is that employers have increased hiring, the real reason for this
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drop is that 350,000 people stopped looking at are not counted as unemployed 315,000 -- >>mark: the dow jones trading at around 12,000. >>justine: this just in to the kron 4 news room we have a cut in a statement from the 23 month old a that was shot monday in oakland during the filming of a rap video. starts with a statement saying the family would like to thank everyone for their continued for errors. .. - prayers'. they are not able to agree on the continued care. as a result, the family is seeking support from patients' rights
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advocates attorney we appreciate everything the medical team at children's hospital is doing. >>mark: there is one person that left seven injured including the 23 month old. that a suspect, was a rusted at children's hospital. they're still looking for the other surveillance video suspects the one -- was a rustea rested he has been a trud california should be proud.
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we were the first to ban smoking on airplanes. the first to have smoke-free bars and restaurants. all while saving over $86 billion in health care costs... and over a million lives. we've done a good job. but even if you were born today, you'd still grow up in a world where tobacco kills more people... than aids, drugs, alcohol, murder and car crashes... combined. we have a lot more work to do.
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>>james: welcome back. we're looking at almost the 70's in the north. as today progresses. >>darya: into the occupy protesters continued to provide a source of contention for san francisco police. two arrests
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yesterday. 100 occupy protesters taking over market street for an assembly. >> mark we will back in if you think that our wind damage is beck wait until we show you the southern california when we come back -- 680. ♪ there goes dwayne's car. oh, man. there goes dwayne's house. whoa! whoa! and there goes dwayne. man, that thing does not like dwayne. [ male announcer ] state farm's got you covered. nice landing. it was. [ male announcer ] get to a better state.
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>>darya: a welcome back. the southern california damage really impacted by the santa ana winds, yesterday. trees were falling into homes. this is video. it attracted elderly woman and her son. they had to be rescued by firefighters. not only to the bay area, southern california but also nevada was impacted. let us take a look at
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the working crews rescuing and the clean up efforts. even people left without power hundreds of people. even thousands in pasadena. to order a 70,000 utility customers are or out power. the amount of 270,000. it could be sunday. until everybody has power restored. . state of emergency has been declared to clear funds. >>dan: what should we expect from the forecast? >> good morning mark. we should see breezy conditions but a calm afternoon. sunny and let me emphasize warmer.
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temperatures you could be surprised. mild and stable for this weekend. no more of that gusting winds. we will show you on the seven day forecast but first, you will look at conditions that are great for work novado. 68 currently in almost 70 degrees in napa. it is going to be increasing as we progress towards today to p.m.-3:00 p.m. with the south bay looking at 70 degrees. 68 in antioch. 68 in oakland. and the 67 degrees expected for the financial district and san francisco downtown. napa, 68 degrees through why in the country. .
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wider satellite shshowing you \/ some calm winds not just for this weekend but also a look at your 7 day around the bay sunny, mild and looking good. 60s, generally. it will, be chilly. 40s expected. the normal range of 40's. >>erica: is monitoring the roadways. >> good morning. the westbound and northbound 880 is still slow. the was a five-vehicle accident on the shoulder. speeds are only 12 m.p.h. the northbound 880 has been accident-free. however, this is showing the bay bridge toll plaza that a metering lights are
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still active. your san the tail bridge is still decent. no issues on either direction. the golden gate is practically empty threat no delays to speak of coming out of the north bay. also, your heart with 37 and towards south looking decent. >>dan: the fatal shooting of capoot is ordering a gag order by the judge. the prosecutors are prohibited, from discussing details of the case against 37 year-old henry smith jr.. smith, it is the accused shooter of shooting officer capoot. this was after an attempted to bank
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robbery and a chase ensued. >>dan: several weapons possessions prompted the investigation of this man. this car chase turned into a foot chase. near high st., oakland police and the chp and the fremont perimeter surrounded the 3100 block on high street. he was found. >>darya: a federal jury rejected this man's that johannes mehserle used excessive force. however, the overall ruling that johannes mehserle has been
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unanimously found not guilty. this is the reaction. >> it is my belief that the jury system, regardless of who shows up, they listened to everything they are going to render their opinion/verdict. has what our system is designed to accomplish. >> what happened is how the police were supposed to be in control of the evidence. if they're not in support of with they are resting? >> the police to be held accountable for doing their job. i know that there are other people that are going to fight. i hope there are going to people to fight to bring justice for other people. >>darya: it took the jury for
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hours to get to that verdict. >>dan: fork -- hours deliberation. for hours. >> we will be back. [ male announcer ] if you're ready to get more from your tv service, now's a great time to get at&t u-verse tv. make the switch! [ female announcer ] call to get u-verse -- now with free hd -- only 25 a month for six months -- our lowest price ever. plus get up to 182 channels with hbo and cinemax free for three months. [ male announcer ] u-verse tv lets you record
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up to four shows at once on a single dvr. and you can record and play back your shows from any room. plus get an hd-ready dvr included at no extra charge. [ female announcer ] call to get u-verse -- now with free hd -- only 25 a month for six months -- our lowest price ever. plus get up to 182 channels with hbo and cinemax free for three months. [ male announcer ] and u-verse tv is "highest in residential television service satisfaction" by j.d. power and associates. that's four years in a row! even upgrade to over 170 hd channels. that's more than cable. [ female announcer ] at&t u-verse: tv like you've never seen before. ♪
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>>dan: welcome back. >>mark: welcome back. we are expecting the release 70 degrees. we've reached a record yesterday of nearly -- 70 degrees in some areas. >>darya: herman cain is still continuing to true lies trail. touro place. the former executid the allegations of ginger white,
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the 13 year affair. >> this could appear of wide- eyed not tell my wife? this could appear of white-did i not tell my wife? but why did i not tell my wife? she did not know that we were friends until ginger came out with this allocation. >>darya: he says that he is a salty that felt sorry for her is why he gave her money he is a -- softie. his expectations of continuing will more than likely come up between now and monday. here is the latest
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>>mark: there is no peril extension. this could have- there's no payroll extension. at first, this was going to be extended. however, republicans stopped this. mitch mcconnell, the democratic leader also was in support of this a last minute. >>mark: the defense bill
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approved money for economic sanctions against to iran whthef tehran and continued defense spending towards afghanistan and the gulf. >>darya: the wind is a bit more call wind and we will be back. colma
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and the james welcome back. good morning and calm winds. >>james: we could see warm conditions high with clear tonight. and a great outlook for the first week of december. right now, 70 and novato. 60s through the santa rosa, mountain view. 50's through hayward, concord, fremont. as we take a look at this afternoon temperatures are looking at a mixture of upper 60s and low 70's. the yellow is showing a decent chance at 70's in the north bay. 68 degrees in oakland with nearly 70 degrees expected in oakland, 71 degrees in san
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ave. the east bay is also looking at antioch and livermore with 71 degrees expected and sand--jose san jose. santa rosa broke the record yesterday believe it or not. we did not talk about it because of those winds. however, the record yesterday was 73. the record is 66 today. they are looking to get to 71. the record here today was, 65 degrees in in the santa rosa. area. today, we will see calm winds and nothing really and the pacific to worry about your headed our way. a look at your 7 day around the bay a stable looking forecast. with plenty of sunshine, sunny, mild. we can see those high temperatures are
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hovering right run 50s and 60s. the overnight low showing 40's. we will see the low continuing to continue in the 40 range. >>darya: the calm winds is probably a good thing because of those strong santa ana winds. >> will is an oakland neighborhood. thankfully, no injuries. >> will: that is correct his insurance company is picking up the bill of $5,500 to remove the tree. perhaps $200,000 when everything is said and done. unfortunately, no injuries. you can see this tree is old. this
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contractor to not look healthy. it could have even been perished in a rainstorm. let me show you that this tree came toppling over 1:30 a.m. everybody was in sight. it crashed in between the two bedrooms. the children were actually slept through it. >>darya: thank you, well.this te fell directly on top of the habib children's bedrooms. thankfully, it was right in the center of the children's bedrooms -- and they actually slept through this? >> will: actually, yes. the
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parents were thankful that their children were okay. you can see part of that tree is on the other side. the contractor is saying that this should be cleared quickly because of the forecast coming up of dry weather. they were thinking that they were going to of a great home and a great view. check out this view! they are not able to stay rare here right now but this is a wake-up call for all home owners. this contractor said that it is not as much the age of the tree but you have to make sure that you trim the top of the tree. if you do not? you run their rest of this happening. it is just a matter of a risk -- running the
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risk. you can see these lands and dame garing, but curiously. >>darya: thing going and dangling vicariously. top-heavy kron 4 facebook fan page if you have any photographs. that you would like to share with us? the free to e-mail breaking news@ kron 4 dog still customers \ our continued to struggle with power outages. pg&e is continuing to restore power. the south bay, reporting 1490. however, the largest in santa cruz. over 22,000.
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>> how about a traffic update with erica? >> that is a wreck. a medical emergency with part experiencing delays. that is -- direct. towards s f o, a 20-25 minutes. we could see residual impact with that medical emergency wrapping up. however, expect those delays in the next one hour. as the go towards the traffic also a couple of hot spots. slow and go @ speeds below 25 m.p.h. along the 98. northbound 880. not too bad but single digits only 8 m.p.h. between alameda and san leandro. that has impacted the level of traffic used by the bay bridge.
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the metering lights are still active. 9:37, justine? >>justine: thank you, erica. this 23 month old was shot and oakland. this statement issued by the parents. the family would like to thank everybody for their continued prayer is. he continues to fight but that family and the attending physicians have come to a crossroads and were unable to agree. ..... as a result, the family is seeking advice from patients' rights advocates attorney. we will be keeping an eye on this. >>mark: there is one person in
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custody that left this baby injured. he was arrested after being spotted at children's hospital in oakland. other suspects are continued to be sought after. -dad, why are you getting that? -that's my cereal.
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is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats
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that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪
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>>mark: welcome back we are watching wall street. still, trading above 12,000. the national unemployment rate has dropped. >>darya: of the maker of the popular game farmville and mafia wars and said that zynga is offering its own people at $10 per share. 9:41 we will be right back.
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>>darya: o9:44 after the clean up let us take a look at utah. over 100 m.p.h. you can see big rigs on their sides. even traffic stopped around salt lake city with power lines downed. >> and new mexico, also wild weather with whipping winds winding through. >>mark: the santa cruz mountains still people without power. greg sklacraig skalar isg us the damage. >>craig: this is one that is damaged with severe damage. much
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of the area is this way. even officials from pg&e are showing that potline power lines as fary going from one area to another. they have shown that 24,000 people are with out power. this person has been without power. >> these queries have been hanging down. across the mailbox, these wires have been hanging down. the clipped the east. that is what it they did, the clipped that spiral of wires. >>craig: the wind advisory is over. you can see the difference. just a big difference and only 24 hours.
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>> mark a live look. this is usually our indicator. let us get a check of the weather with mark fletcher. >>james: -- good morning. james fletcher with the forecast. we have seen that we are shaping up decently with this wind. the san mateo bridge showing plenty of sunshine and a nice, easy drive over the span. no strong winds right now. through the san ramon valley, the 680 from the the southbound towards the valley is calm and reconditions. we are seeing no. wind speeds
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of 21 mph around dove valley. other than that, it has been- around napa valley. however, take a look at the current readings and novado. n 72. >>james: antioch, livermore, already mid 60s it is going to be a warm afternoon. we are already seen levels that are higher than we anticipated. what we do expect however, are mid upper 60s. i've already increased these numbers once perhaps maybe even more! we have already seen an increase of what we expected with warm conditions. justin of forecast. the extended -- different
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forecast today with no when to release of on the pacific. perhaps overnight tonight that wind calm and and calm and quiet. >>erica: good morning. the roads are fine but there are residual delays on bart. 15-20 minutes because of an earlier medical emergency at the embarcadero station. this is showing the millbrae station and the s f o direction. as i mentioned, the roadways are looking decent with no hot spots. and the toll plazas! no metering lights. through the san mateo bridge,
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traffic is pretty decent on the right. accident-free ports foster city. a glance is showing traffic is moving decent with accident-free ports -- foster city. just a few delays on the 680. the north towards mountain view, looking decent. >>darya: 9:50 new details of the san francisco police to our crime lab in charge of the federal court of a skimming drug evidence from 2009. this forced the closure of the drug lab. she has been indicted by a federal dr federal-jury. however, her attorney says they do not have jurisdiction on her case. >> as the bond i
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>> as the bond has been charged as the boesteban is expected tor a plea of michelle le. >>mark: state police were awaiting the storms a rival this is from the stage collapsed this past summer and indiana state fair. >> all the units, all units, a severe storm warning for marion county issued. find shelter >> the speakers house collapsed
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-- the speakers have collapsed. seven fatalities from this injurtragedy. >>darya: carrier iq records everything you do on your phone. tech experts is showing that this is even courting secure web site activity, and even phone conversations and text messages. at&t has said that it is on their phone. t mobil also has this on their phone. four ricin,
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however does not have this tracking verizon, admits that this is not on their mobile devices.
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>>dan: welcome back. >>mark: we are looking for a beautiful afternoon today. >>darya: dr. phil will help a younger woman deal with anger, domestic violence. will he be able to deal with her rage? that is coming up. >>mark: thank you for joining us we will see you at 5:00 p.m. and monday! >>darya: monday! we will see you later. have a great weekend. ♪
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