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tv   KRON 4 Evening News  KRON  December 1, 2011 5:00pm-7:00pm PST

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pam created a close call for a castro valley man. a 40 ft. tree came crashing into his yard last night. he says then he was in this shed about 20 minutes before the tree came crashing down. the home owner says he does not know how many inside the shed were destroyed. >> the tree is still selling the only thing that is holding up is the shade. i do not know what is damaged, as we're standing here you can hear it, i am
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afraid to go in there. >>pam: you can see how close the tree came to getting his house the resident leaves if the tree was any tolerate of calls mad--caused major damage to his home. now a bart train struck a tree on the tracks south of hayward at about 10:00 a.m.. the train was stopped on the tracks and disrupting service in both directions. the crews were working to remove the debris when another tree branch fell on the tracks at union city about an hour later. here is what one angry bart rider had to say about this morning's events. >> i think they should've been better prepared and not dependent on regular transportation and set up some kind of shuttle bus. without that is very inconsiderate and they need to keep us updated. >> now the bart is running
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and they did not tell us. we would of been waiting here all day. >>pam: service was restored about two hours later. in --and tree removal services have been very busy in the past few days. car we are live in oakland work crews have been hard at work today. >>reporter: i am about 50 ft. from interstate 880 off the 23rd street exit. if you take a look at this stock, a few minutes ago a tree branch from discount fell and hit these truck trailers. now take a look at what i'm talking about, this is a black a casey a tree that failed at about 4:00 p.m. this afternoon the tree removal service came out and began to cut away at the
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tree and move this into the parking lot and it ran the whole thing through a wood chipper to help to clean up the situation. i talked to the owner of the tree removal service he said the they have been very busy in the last few days and that is because there are a lot of old trees in oakland are prone to this sort of damage. >> there are a lot old trees and pines that fail around this time of year. >>reporter: that tree service was able to wrap up its efforts about 4:45 p.m.. at the are actually moving on to another call that they had. they would check to see what the situation is in another part of town. that live, i want to show you a shot of this tree to tree branches are moving a little bit. we have a little bit of a breeze but right now the wind is actually calm. >>pam: in the north bay the crew started early this morning dealing with the fallout from the high winds. one lane was shut down for several hours so
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that cruise cave creek--so that crews could pick up damage. the wind gust tossed the trees about. tree cutting crews were busy as well. as teresa estacio reports, at one point nearly 600 customers were without power because of problems caused by the weather. >> when the wind picked up about 9:00 a.m., that forced to branches to snap next to some power lines. this calls in the entire power to go out from residents in this area. as well as several businesses. a pg&e spokesperson tells kron4 news that the outage left 600 customers without service. that also included several businesses such as this ethan allen furniture store on redwood highway. adjutancy, the score posted a sign to alert customers.
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residents say that when the lines snapped it sounded like an explosion. >> we thought was like a bomb going off there were too large explosions and then there was power going everywhere, the fire trucks were here before the power went out. >> i guess there was napping in crackling and some fire but when the explosion hit than it was gone. >>reporter: you hope to have power by this afternoon? >> yes i do, i have a lot of food in the freezer and i did not want to go bad. >>pam: it has been a busy night and day. and jacqueline it is here to tell us we still have a lot of wind speeds in the '20s. >>jacqueline: we have even higher winds for the higher elevations. we have wind advisories in effect for about 1,000 ft.. as you are driving around this afternoon you may have noticed it. you see all the down trees, the wednesday
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dark and dusty.--the wind speeds are pretty gusty. continuing through midnight we still see gusty winds. the wind gusts continue according to this computer model and the 5:00 hour even into the 11th hour. temperatures will not be too cold overnight if the wind will stay in place. a wind advisories in effect until 10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. will talk more mature extended forecast coming up. >>reporter: tech got this huge tree right in the middle of and a loss angeles neighborhood right in the middle. now this was last night what the camera shaking and then all of a sudden, the lights went
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out. lax suffered a power outage the things are back to normal now and across southern california and especially in the pasadena area. strong winds did extensive damage. take it is of images, these are all from pasadena and the thick at mercedes-benz. the hon is crushed. no one is inside. if you think that is that, consider this, a tree trimmer scaling the tree, see him right there he fell on a two.--it fell on a $2.2 million home and the owner of the house just close quarter before it happened. and this guy was surveying the damage in history was up rooted. look at that poll. it was supporting a traffic light and easy on the bottom left of your screen it just snapped in half. there were
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80 + mouth always to blame, hurricane force gusts and school was canceled for their little girl and the middle of your screen she is jumping off of several large limbs in her yard to make the best of it. and this guy, the co-owner of that gas station, unbelievable use the trees down on either side of him. he's just running by. the roof of that shell station is leaning on the ground. this has caused loss angeles county to declare a state of emergency. the down trees and power lines caused hundreds of thousands to lose power and when is not done. residence in l.a. are being urged to stay inside this evening. locally, our weather coverage continues to draw this newscast and also at 6:00 p.m.. if you want to see when damage, check in with us. if you have damage of your own little about of posters, photographs on our web site at our facebook fan page.
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>>pam: a former bar police officers accused of assaulting a passenger tonight the verdict is in and we have our legal analyst wayne in. we will tell you presidential candidate herman cain says he needs to speak with before he says anything else to the media. and what caused santa to dangle several stories above the ground as he tried to make a grand entrance. we are hearing from a local firefighter that when above and beyond to save a woman's life. iver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. [people chatting]
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everyone, it's $37 a piece. paying with your smart phone instead of cash. that's a step forward. with chase person-to-person quickpay, you can send money directly to your friend's checking account. all you need is their email address or mobile number. don't worry honey, i'll show you. thanks everyone. so take a step forward... and chase what matters.
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grandam criticism for oscar mezzanine and the killing of oscar grant. what you think about the decision today? kitkat >>pam: the defense---the defense criticize the bart police interestingly enough they listen to that criticism and a mandated that their officers if they make arrested have to save the video. one would think if an officer made an arrest and it was righteous and there was no excessive force wouldn't you as a police officer say it that video and save it for us in case this guy comes back at us, we will have the video. they did not do that, that was a big issue in this trial. >>pam: now we are looking at the incident in the oscar grant case. this was a
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civil case, what is the ruling in this? >> and if you picture a scale and one grain of salt if it's just moved a little that is enough proof. this jury did not even believe it to the 1%. what most juries do, i think you can put aside all of the legal things that we as lawyers do what jurors do is come down to the truth and what they believe in the area in this case they believe the officers that they did not use excessive force. and remember how this started, this guy was at the bart station and his car had broken into and he laid off on the bart police and said it is your fault. he started calling them names and walked around behind one of them according to the witnesses and the police say that heat balled his hand up into a fist and it is on from then on. who knows what
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happened? think back to rodney king, but for a video with any of us know or believe that our police would do something like this but they do sometimes. >>pam: but this time bart got a victory. >> they absolutely got one in this one. >>catherine: herman cain says he must have a face-to- face meeting with his wife gloria and that will be tomorrow everything may hinge on her. that is a photograph of gloria cain. this will be the first meeting since and the lead woman came forward and said that she and her mccain had a lengthy affair. he has denied it but he did not said he had given the woman monetary--lomond money. >>catherine: they won't let
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that was a state employee at the time was played about $2,000 in 2007 for riches since allies. for bill richardson allies. there is an investigation to see if he broke any laws. now penn state students receive this letter if it please consider joining, this is damage control following the child sex abuse scandal involving the former football jerry sandusky. penn state now said it will donate $1.5 million in money raised from its superbowl games to groups that work with sex crime victims. it has been very is--
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>>jacqueline: it has been very windy of the past couple of days. these are wind gusts to the lower areas of the bay area. we will see when guston of 30 to 3 by 5:00 a.m. tomorrow the wind is breezy in fairfield in concord san francisco is a little more calm in the south bay. we will keep debris the condition is going--and we will keep the reconditions going to carry it a rare survivor mostly for the areas above 1,000 ft. in the north bay, you can see you when it buys three on your screen is. if you those areas will continue to seek a wind speeds up to down 5 mi. car and wind gusts up to 50 mouse car. talk tinian is when this is expected to expire.--10a.m. is when this
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is expected to expire. >>jacqueline: now we may have to up the overnight temperatures several degrees at the wind continues. we will keep you posted on that through the show. tomorrow afternoon have '60s and the bay area, 65 of san jose, 66 in redwood city, 65 and a out and oakland. in santa rosa, the wind is expected to be a lot calmer. here is a mature extended forecast. i think we will be windy and spots into early tomorrow afternoon. as we head into the we can we have calm conditions with slightly cooler temperatures. it will be sunny and mild all the way through the extended forecast, stay with us will be back after this.
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>>kimberlee: the check this out, this santa claus was
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dangling from the roof of a mall. he had to rip off his beard in order to make it down we will be back after this quick break. california should be proud. we were the first to ban smoking on airplanes. the first to have smoke-free bars and restaurants. all while saving over $86 billion in health care costs... and over a million lives. we've done a good job. but even if you were born today, you'd still grow up in a world where tobacco kills more people...
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than aids, drugs, alcohol, murder and car crashes... combined. we have a lot more work to do.
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aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪
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>>reporter: -- >>pam: the condition of a toddler suffering from a gunshot head wound is improving tonight. members of his family said today the swelling in the little boy's head has reduced which is another positive sign all the child does still remain
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in critical condition at children's hospital in oakland. tonight we have learned that a personal interest in monday shooting case where a total of seven people were injured has been taken into custody. this is a story they will only see on kron4. >>reporter: sources say person of interest has been taken into custody in connection to the shooting of one-year-old hiram lawrence there remains in critical condition here at children's hospital in oakland. we have learned that what is being described as a melee broke out here inside of children's hospital late wednesday night when a person of interest was spotted by friends of hiram lawrence family. deputies from the alameda shares, department intervened. according to sources on the scene the man was wanted for questioning into connections with the monday mass shooting incident outside a west oakland liquor store and wounding seven people including a one-year-old
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hiram lawrence. >>pam: mayor and leases that he is hitting close in deciding whether to clear the occupy san francisco and can admit. this comes after protesters ignored a noon time deadline set by officials for them to vacate justin herman plaza. the city offered an alternate location asking them to move to the mission district but during a general assembly the protesters could not make a consensus on whether to stay or go. the mayor has not given a time line and yet on when or if any action will be taken against them. >>pam: about 30 to 40 people spent the night in this building in downtown santa cruz at 75 river st.. they were seen bringing in supplies for what a spokesperson said will be a long occupation there. the
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spokesperson says that there occupation is a symbolic gesture because the building used to be a bank the police made a brief appearance on wednesday evening but did not return today. >>pam: crudes are picking up 30 t of trash and debris left behind by demonstrators in las angeles. much of the garbage is personal belongings such as books, mattresses and hygienic products. police raided the occupy in kama in los angeles early wednesday resting approximately 300 people. cleanup efforts could cost as much as $1 million. we will be right back with more news after the break.
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flash >>catherine: fin nasdaq rose less than six, the s&p jawfish--dropped just over
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two points. new applications for unemployment benefits rose last week. the expectation had been that they would drop tomorrow the government fund roof-- releases the unemployment rate for november is expected to remain an 9%. one part of the economy showing signs of revival, detroit's big three carmakers say that november was their best sales month in years. remember when chrysler was on life- support begging for a bailout? now it has become a poster child for detroit to recovery. chrysler says that its sales in november were 45% higher than last year. ford sales were up 13% and general motors up 6%. today's high gas prices you may think that hybrids and compact cars would be the hottest sellers, you would
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be wrong. here are for a fact about the auto industry that you may not know, americans still love their suv, chrysler's jeep, the sales increased 10 times over one year ago. ford explorer sales tripled and gm you conduct up 27%. at the other end of the spectrum they said it will probably not meet sales targets for the chevy volt they hope to sell 10,000 this year, so far the company has only sold about 6000. and toyota is coming back. the japanese auto maker went into a steep decline after the devastating earthquake last march. its sales are once again running above last year's. unlike detroit today 3, the trend is upward. there is a lot of demand for cars and trucks. the average age a vehicle is on the u.s. rose is a record 10.6 years. for the past several years, more cars have been
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scrapped since sold in the u.s.. >>catherine: general motors says that the car industry could sell as much as 14 million vehicles this year that is a lot better than the earlier estimate of 11 1/2 million. stay with us, more news coming up after the break.
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@ñ ok, you guys wanted a space for entertaining your friends,
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so, open your eyes and check out your new living room! [ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever.
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at&t. >>catherine: the results of the egyptian elections are beginning to roll in. the one in 65 majority in parliament. there could be some conflict coming up, the party says that it will name a prime minister soon but the military government says that that to assist still up to the ruling generals. and a somber looking joe biden took part in a special ceremony and i iraq today--
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in iraq today. the ceremony honored both american and i iraqi forces. happen in a palace in baghdad they used to belong to saddam hussein. secretary of state hillary clinton is wrapping up her stat--her stay in miramar. u.s. officials say that the offers will come off the table of the government fails to release political prisoners. the u.s. also wants them to in violent campaigns against ethnic minorities and to break military ties with north korea. in britain, the very popular duke and duchess of cambridge now have new duties. there the official ambassadors to the british of ethics. their mission is to promote the games and inspire young people to excel in whatever they do. the olympics happen next summer in london. the two will be joined by
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williams' younger brother harry. he will also be an ambassador. speaking of harry, he just finished his military helicopter training in the 96 fifth he spent too much trading to close california and arizona. the locals love spotting him in unlikely places like wal- mart. fifth he seemed to enjoy his free time at local bars and restaurants. >>jacqueline: it has been very windy over the past couple of days and the winds will continue in some places to live. some places will see the wind died down. >>jacqueline: here is a look
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at future cast for the wind gusts. >>jacqueline: temperatures will not be as cold tomorrow morning in the location that is the wind overnight. take a look at the wind advisory that is still in effect for the overnight hours. >>jacqueline: we still have the possibility of downed trees and the power lines that go with them. now take
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a look at our temperatures. >>jacqueline: here is a look at our afternoon temperatures, they're mostly in the '60s. >>jacqueline: here is a look your extended forecast up and who will see breezy conditions in spots overnight even into tomorrow afternoon. as we headed to we can we have calm conditions with sunny skies. is-- >>gabe: if you have any doubt how pop to the new iphone 4s is, check this out.
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>>gabe: according to consumer intelligence research partners there are a lot of people that are willing to pay extra to get the new iphone. and yahoo has released the most popular web searches of 2011, guess what number one was, the iphone and no. 2 was casey anthony in the third place was kim kardashian. in other apple news it appears that the ipad may now hold onto its domination for long. the campbell fire tablets is now the best-selling tablet at best buy. it sells for $300 less than the ipad. i guess people see that as 300 reasons to choose it. next up i have some bad news, laptop's connected to wifi with a lot of us use every day may cause fertility problem for men. a new study published by researchers from argentina and the u.s. found that when men were
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close to eight wireless connected laptop they had more damage to their search. 25 percent of the sperm samples were no longer mobile and 9 percent showed dna damage. guys, get that lack hentoff's--get that laptop off of your lap and get on the table. in other news, you can enter to win this star wars 3 lego game. >>gabe: this is the most action pack lego game yet, for your chance to win a copy log on to and look for my tech page.
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♪ going to the bank without going to the bank... that's a step forward. with chase quickdeposit on your smartphone,
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you just snap a picture, hit send and done. chase quickdeposit. take a step forward and chase what matters. ♪ we just keep on keepin' on ♪ ♪ keep on secondhand smoke affects everyone's health. it's not just irritating. it can cause heart disease and even death. speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it.
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>>jacqueline: a live look outside at our mount tancam. we will talk more
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about the weather and wind coming up your news at 6:00 p.m. is up next.
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>>pam: take a look at the windy weather out there at 6:00 p.m.. it is still pretty strong out there i am
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in the weather center with jacqueline to find out about the career wins the and what we can expect during the night. >>jacqueline: that was a perfect view of what is going on out there. the season, conditions down in the valley but up in the mountain tops is pretty gusty. the wind speeds are in the teens for the most part. we still have a wind advisory in effect for the hills for the overnight hour. it looks like it will stay breezy in these locations overnight. you can see the blue on your screen in the north bay hills and the east bay hills. the delta and fairfield also on this advisory small morning at 10:00 a.m. we will see wind in the range of 20 to 35 mph. >>jacqueline: as we head into tomorrow it will be breezy in some spots in the morning. that will keep it a
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little bit warmer overnight in those locations. the areas that see no wind, they will drop off and we will be chilly in those spots. sunny skies and by 3:00 p.m. it will be a little bit cooler out there we will talk of the wind and the weather is this weekend coming up. >>pam: this windy weather is being felt all around the bay area especially after causing so many trees to fall over and causing so much damage. we are joined live by dan kerman with a look at the damage. >>reporter: let me show you what a tree did to this house this the tree right here now let me pull out and show what happened at 1:30 a.m.. this tree came crashing down on top of this house built in 1934 inside a husband and wife and two young kids. this is what it looks like when the wind blows a 100 ft. redwood tree on top of your house. >> we heard a rumble and a
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crash i actually thought it was an earthquake we were in the back part of the house and my wife check on the kids and there was the fall of the floor and she thought it was strange to me realize there was a tree in the middle of the two bedrooms. >>reporter: up amazingly the kids remain asleep during the fall. >> they were both fined, it missed them by a few feet each is went straight through the middle of the two rooms so they were lucky. >>reporter: this is a picture up of the bathroom when the tree connected to the house. and this is a closer look at the tree when it hit the house this is not all the trees the other half fell over the top of the house and is now in the gully below. as you can see, the up root --the root structure on this tree not very deep in that is a concern here in the oakland hills. this family will not be staying here tonight
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because of the tree on the house and with the wind tonight they're concerned that other trees may come down as well. the good news is that no one was hurt in this incident. >>pam: just an amazing scene with dan, the winds hit hard and other areas of the bay. take a look here in mill valley. traffic was backed up after several of the traffic light in one intersection was affected by power outages due to the windy weather. and castro valley, the wind was so powerful it not down a 40 ft. tree there in in gilroy, crews were hard at work fixing down power lines is that location. we have team coverage of the cleanup and we begin with a rob fladeboe. >>reporter: the neighbor said it felt like an earthquake and the huge tree hit the ground just before dawn. this 100 ft. high douglas-fir fell on the playground and >> christian preschool. the huge tree landed between the plate structure and a
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brand new storage shed that the kids help build theory is that other than to shed that we just a symbol about two weeks ago, it miss that it is the playground structure and not in our school it was a blessing. we call the parents to let them know that the school was safe. >>reporter: school open on schedule the obvious and the kids will not be eating lunch outdoors for a while levy is not on that picnic table. and the sidewalk also buckled in front of the school when the tree was up live by fierce winds that continued to buffet the mountains throughout the days. >>reporter: ticket is 40 ft. high tree that came crashing down last night. it is partially a crushing the backyard shed, it also took out part of the fence next door and it narrowly missed this house right here. the owner of the house is that e-book up at 6:00 a.m. with a start he thought someone
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had crashed their car into his house for the open the door and found this and he said just 20 minutes before he was in the shed trying to get some firewood. then he changed his mind and what back in. he says that he is really very lucky that no one got hurt. >>reporter: here in marin county taken the extreme right behind me, the crews are hard at work taking away branches from the tree. when the wind picked up around tinian in large branch snapped and in craft to the ground. a public works department responded immediately and start roping off the area as a tree company got to work cutting off the branches. this park where the trees are located is a very popular playground
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for children and it is located next to an and the mystery school. public works officials tell us that the park will be closed for the day and the arborist will be inspecting other trees out here especially with the wind conditions that are expected. >>reporter: this is a picture of the damage from robert in union city this is a tree that was up rooted. robert is breathing a sigh of released because that she barely missed his new car. and then having other tree that went down from this business blocking the entrance. and next, we have the patio furniture, you could see the table overturned the umbrella and chairs have scattered and finally in morgan hill i like this one,
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jennifer sent this one in, big birds, check them out right there. they landed on her neighbor's roof she says that this is not happen up here and the wind was too stiff for flying on this day. if you have pictures or videos e-mail them to us, we want to see them and put them on the air. >>pam: and other live look outside from treasure island you can see the they bridge has a clear and sparkling night tonight the windy weather is blowing away any signs of clouds or fall. we will be right back with much more news to come. no exclusions! doors open extra early saturday. go to to see everything on sale. jcpenney.
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so, open your eyes and check out your new living room! [ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want.
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and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t. is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪ a big thank you this friday & saturday. save an extra 20% off all your holiday gifts when you use your jcpenney rewards credit card. don't have a card, you still get an extra 15% off. no exclusions! doors open extra early saturday.
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go to to see everything on sale. jcpenney. >>pam: today a federal jury in san is a scre--in the seven
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member the classical marine unanimously i'll let mitchell and the other office admitted that she made the
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crime is a felony the girl would not be chargeable will be given counseling area, her--given counseling theory.
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your extended forecast. we have called her conditions for the weekend. we will have cooler temperatures as well. damage from the windy
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weather. you go to the east they were charles clifford joins us live from oakland with more. >>reporter: right now i am live off of the 880. sometime late last night and early this morning a large tree branch broke and fell on top of the two semi truck trailers that you can see in the background. a tree removal service came out and spend a couple of hours all that is left is this tree trunk. let us take a look in some video from earlier today so that you can see what i am talking about. this tree was starting to rot out in the middle. the tree service came in and was slowly cutting up the tree and lifting it and putting it into the crane and then putting the whole thing into a wood chipper. they ultimately decided to remove the entire tree because some of the other branches were starting to lean out across the street and that they knew--and they were worried that those branches could fall out into the roadway.
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the crews were able to clean up this by 4:30 p.m. this afternoon. now i want to show one other thing. this is a tree right next to one that they removed. it is still little bit breezy out here think things have calmed down but the wind is still blowing. >>catherine: this is world aids day is being mark at the white house with a huge red wagon that is hung by the son of the white house door. the theme is getting to zero. this red ribbon is a universal symbol of support for those living with hiv aids. today is world aids day internationally people are marking the 30th anniversary of the first reported case of the disease. >> today we come together as a global community across continents, across face and
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cultures to renew our commitment to ending the aids pandemic once and for all. >>catherine: the un says in 2009 approximately 1.8 million people died from aids-related illnesses compared with 2.1 million in 2004. >> i cannot even believe the words are coming out of my mouth, 30 years and 30 million funeral's later on the 30th anniversary with his have the end in sight. >>catherine: there are an estimated 34 million people infected with hiv and aids. >> when it first arrived, it was all the newspapers everyone was talking about it was a major fight. that tends to have receded. >> that is why pop stars, movie stars and world leaders and other shared stories of hope to put an end to aids. >> fight for magic johnson and mary fisher and every
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man moment how that was told that they would die from this disease and they said no will not. we will live. keep fighting for all of them because we can in this pandemic. we can beat this disease, we can win this fight we just have to keep at it steady, persistent today, tomorrow, every day. >>catherine: in san francisco hundreds of people gathered at golden gate park to a rumor those that died from aids. they had a big turnout people lighting candles and the flowers. nurses who worked on the front line in the '80s at san francisco general were honored. more than 500 people were in the audience this was one of the largest crowd ever for this event. stay with us, more news coming up after the break.
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responding to allegations then as an anti-abortion agenda. this all has to do
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the application that can help me find almost anything from strip clubs to buy agra.--and where to buy viagra. >>kimberlee: in most cases it told users that cannot find any abortion clinics. actually direct the users to pro-life alternatives. many groups were outraged after the initial reports surfaced. the aclu even launched this petition on line asking people to send e-mails to topple demanding that the fix it. now apple has responded to the concerns they fear that it is not intentional it was a glitch part of the statement read that these are not intentional omission is
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meant to offend anyone it means that has been this from data to a final product we find places where we can do better and we will in the coming weeks. >>jacqueline: a live look outside from our mount tancam, look at the camera bouncing around. i will tell you all about so wind advisories in the overnight hours coming up. california should be proud. we were the first to ban smoking on airplanes. the first to have smoke-free bars and restaurants.
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all while saving over $86 billion in health care costs... and over a million lives. we've done a good job. but even if you were born today, you'd still grow up in a world where tobacco kills more people... than aids, drugs, alcohol, murder and car crashes... combined. we have a lot more work to do.
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>>reporter: an early-morning fire has left to a critical condition and you can see some of the the priest has directed the horizon. however, one analyst said by a firefighter. >> high grass her so that she cannot jump and should have insisted that she cannot leave sunday for my last so that she tended to air. >>reporter: went to call yourself a hero? >> absolutely not this is my job and this is what the city expects us to do.
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>>reporter: 2 is and suffered from smoke inhalation but both are ok this evening. >>reporter: here at children's hospital in oakland sources say a personal interest has been taken into custody in connection to the shooting of one year old hiram lawrence. officials at the oakland police department are confirming that a man was arrested in connection to the case after they spotted here at children's hospital by family and friends of hiram lawrence. [music] >>jacqueline: are big weather story tonight remains to be the limit. we see a little bit in the valleys of for the hills, not so much. until 10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning the winds the will range from 20 to 35 mph in these locations. the wind gusts up to 50 not fall. the when it
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is expected to die down little bit as it headed to a small. it may stay pretty breezy down the valley. here's a look here extended forecast. temperatures will soar to even at about 60 degrees. >>reporter: here in the oakland hills, this looked like when the winslows over a 80 ft. tree on top of a house it happened here at 1:30 a.m., there for people in the house at the time include a one-year-old a 30 thick iraq fiercely, the tree fell in between the two bedrooms and no one is hurt. however, the family will not be stay here tonight. >>reporter: a very unpleasant surprise happened this morning because of the wind. he will lead the kids off to school she parked her husband took his driveway and about five minutes later there was a cracking noise and then allow boom this 40
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ft. cypress tree that was land for driveway fell over due to the win. there are people here trying to clear out right now. i talked to the argolis and they say this is a very busy day for them. >>reporter: continue the coverage of the lady with a, the women may very strong and the santa cruz mountains walking down hundreds of trees and tree limbs on to power lines which in turn knocked out electricity to a number of people here in stocks valley. as many as 21,000 people dropped and non live without electricity. >>reporter: in san francisco, city crews have been busy all morning long clean up the mess left behind by the high wind. taking the criteria of 51 public works crew that if kept the tree that fell. this is a 20 ft. long split that came crashing down this morning. public works has been this far into calls
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like this all morning long. in this case it appears that no one was injured and there are no reports of any property damage. >>reporter: of around 10:00 a.m. as the wind kicked up, and glanced crashed down to ground. clues came out to access the situation and our list tells kron4 news that both trees have to be removed because they are not safe. the park is located right next to an elementary school. the park was shut down at the thick across a throughout the day. and are the list plans only to checkout the other trees in the area to make sure that everything is safe is this a little more winds predicted. >>reporter: continuing our coverage of the windy weather here in open the wind knocked over part of
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this cheap here last night and early this morning. one of the--broke free from the trunk and landed on top of two semi truck trailers. the assailants had minor damage but a service had to comment about 4:00 p.m. and began to cut away at the tree and lift the pieces in the parking lot and love and the peace is through and would schiffer carry >>gabe: yahoo has a list of most popular web searches of 2011. take a look. >>gabe: and other news i am giving away copies of the height news video game by one they go, your city.-- video game by lego the s
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tar wars era iii. for their test when a concrete wall going to live tech page i am gabe slate at kron4 news. ok, you guys wanted a space for entertaining your friends,
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so, open your eyes and check out your new living room! [ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t.
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>>catherine: invested a breather today after yesterday's 490 point jump. the markets closed almost unchanged. the nasdaq rose less than six, the s&p dropped over two.. the latest numbers on jobs are not encouraging the labor department said today that applications for unemployment benefits rose last week to more than 400,000. the expectations had been that they would drop. small the government releases the national and played great for november. it is expected to remain at 9%. one part of the economy shows real signs of
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revival. the automotive industry. the twins' big car makers say that over was their best sales month the years. >>catherine: and remember when chrysler was on a life- support bidding for a bailout. it has now become a poster child for detroit to a recovery. it said that in sales in november and 45% higher than last year. for silver up 13% and general motors was up 6%. with today's high gas prices may think hybrid a --and compancts would be the vessel was the will be wrong. here are four facts about all--about the automotive industry.
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>>catherine: there is a lot into demand for cars and trucks. the average age of vehicles on u.s. roads is a record 10.6 years. for the past several years more cars have been scrapped then sold in the u.s.. >>catherine: and gm say that the car industry could sell as many 14 million vehicles this year that it's a lot of and another 1/2 trillion. >>pam: alex smith and the 49ers are just three days away from clinching their first playoff in nearly a
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decade. and gary is joined by dr. john carlos. this is a 1968 olympic medalists and offered to one of the most enduring source images of our time gary and dr. carlos of next.
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>>gary: i have some disturbing news, rolando mcclain has been a lesson. --has been lessened, he was in his hometown for as grandfathered 0 he has been released on bond. now coming up suddenly have san
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francisco bay. that way is something that we talk about every year and a half and i hand's spirit--now we have in our hands. >> i am so excited about been back and looking for to what we have hit his we talk about a few try to leave that the feature sharp snap. then i think it ought is glad to see that he really had been chomping at the bit. we feel like we have got a is a stunt. >>gary: a letter kenneth-- they do leslie. the only have a guy that this say something john carlos, and have two of his books? >>pam: yes i did hit that
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have but not unpleasant basketball john was the first i ever saw that wear sunglasses that night. and i lying? >> you are telling the truth. >>gary: now has 15 years of a job with a out of the house to my game because i wanted to meet john carlos wearing dark glasses hit my poor wife and mother crying at the door when i left and i said john carlos was school he was wearing dark glasses that night. >> you are now lying, but they did not violate like they do now. at the in the glasses just did the same hi--. >>gary: up with the latest is titled was and then i am going to bring on giancarlo still slim member a year- and-a-half ago everyone was
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talking to on and on a think about what was going on at penn state and syracuse and like when his story was live on it was like he was the is the world. the me in this last resort to a story and does not let go. now this is an authentic 19608, he made many people scared of penn--scared of him of his black power salute. the great john carlos is up next.
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>>gary: has lease said, when you talk about history, the black power struggle and the olympics we cannot go
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without john carlos story. he hasn't looked at as out right now. pam has parlayed purchase to. and in a new has not even started. here he is winning the bronze medal at the olympics with the great common sense. his book about growing up in harlem and attended san jose state and of course that in 1968 allowed the moment. i have to laugh, john r. lee has the book profit up. i have not even said hello. [laughter] >>gary: but let us go back to 1968 how much stock they --how much stock they took the idea of, say you're faced on that stage? >> up when i was a kid got gave me a vision of what would happen he showed me as a youngster on a stage that
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was excited and where was excited about and doing something. and by the time i will wait, people were angry and venice. he gave me an advance notice that something was one to have an ally. for some relief for me i knew exactly what happened to that vision took place later >>gary: so maybe the majority of black people said go get and john and a jury and white people were scared? then i feel equally afraid of something they have never experience in life, black or white hit no one has seen less than the full world and they a statement in that sense. i'll deny set and a majority of white vote did not like we did them with a large percentage like a socialist party, they understood what we were doing and ought to relate. the >>gary: i have a quote from john, let us and it up on
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this link. athletics was my occupation i did not do what i did as an athlete i've raised my voice in protest and demand. the hollywood up there, the lesser-known somewhere and i am not when tim chin job in most places. high in the white man is not one to hire me and i'm glad people will be scared to hire a to. >> it was not whether or not john carlos could get a job, it was about whether other people could get a job. i believe in god and i believe he is taking care of me all my life. >>gary: were you married with children? >> i was married with a young daughter at the time. >>gary: what does your wife say? >> my wife stayed with me all the way into she could
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not take it anymore and she took her life. my kids were mistreated in school, and there'll be used because of the result of me being their father but the bottom line i would not take any way-- anything away or anything it was not about me john carlos but it was me as ace--it was me as a man. >>gary: how old were you then? >> 23 years old. what is the worst they can do to me? kill me? the beginning of life is relevant but the end of life is irrelevant. >>gary: of but i like to have something that i am good about. >> we had senior citizens eating dog food in the '60s that was what the fight with about senior citizens and young people it was not about eating a steak, it was
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about what i did between life and death. >>gary: not coming from harlem from san jose you must've thought damn this was a farm town. >> you must read my mind. but when i came to san jose ipod it was like a hick town. but still, i met some very good people in san jose i'm a lifelong friends with those individuals in that picture with me. if it was not for mr. and mrs. williams which is minds godson the general manager of the white sox kenny williams. his grandson, but if it was not for jerry and apple i do not think i would've been in san jose and i think that will change the course of history. back >>gary: how many years before they erected a statue of you on san jose state?
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>> i believe the was about 38 years. >>gary: let me read one more. >>gary: can you show this, you thought they were to take your life shortly after your stand in mexico city? >> we went against the confidential information act, they fought us to nl, when he got reported he sent to me after the statue was built in san jose he says when you find time read this. when i read it was a conspiracy to get tommy smith, john carlos and lee evans to mexico at a time to call me go with this to this down there that lost their lives to make a clean house and get rid of everybody the same way. >>gary: you are still
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standing and they do for me. and you are about to see history, any media person paaying for a book. [laughter]
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fraud? is that what kim kardashian's ex just alleged in new marriage annulment papers? we investigate. i'm brooke anderson. "the insider" is on. kris humphries wants an annulment from kim kardashian, claiming she only said yes to fuel ratings. >> did kris humphries just admit that his tv wedding was staged? what's really behind his newest reported fraud filing against him? and -- the gay rumors as kim's friend might sue him for $5 million on a slur. j. lo's cougar romance heats up. the dancer meets her kids. as we reveal which older star moms lost their younger cubs and who didn't. then -- >> they want to know if you had anything to do -- >> absolutely not.


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