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tv   KRON 4 Evening News  KRON  November 30, 2011 5:00pm-7:00pm PST

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the back up on 101 is pretty bad in sunnyvale. they are trying to get the trees trimmed up and moved out of the road. >>reporter: i am here in santa cruz mountain is a roughly 4,000 ft. one of the highest peaks in the bay area. the wind is really whipping through here right now. the kama is having trouble staying put on the tripod. in the forecast was calling for sustained winds between 20 and 40 mouth are
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our with possible wind gusts up to 70 mph. >>reporter: the other thing to be cognizant of is a win loading. police can catch the wind and put pressure on the trees and that will lead to broken limbs and possibly more downed power lines. >>pam: maureen kelly continues the storm coverage in marin county were fire officials have brought on extra crews because of the high wind. >>reporter: i am here at the fire station on mt. tam just under 1,000 ft. above sea level this has seen some strong wind gusts this
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afternoon. the fire department says that it is because of the high wind that they're keeping it extra squad of seasonal firefighters at the ready. strong winds that can make any fire hard to put out. this team specializes in vegetation management things like cutting of trees and clearing branches. here in marin county are expecting a busy night with a lot of extra cost to respond to things like down trees and other when related damage. >>pam: i am in the weather center to talk about the high winds, what is going on? >>reporter: it is windy and there's a wind advisory that has been issued until about 6:00 p.m. tomorrow evening. the wind speed could range from 40 to 50 mi. per hour. the wind gusts could range from 50 mph to 70 mph. we expect down trees and of fiat--down trees and power
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lines. these are the current wind speeds. as we fast forward about 8:00 p.m. tonight the wind gusted up to about 36 mi. per hour in fairfield and 36 for the livermore valley. it looks like we will be waking up to wind gust conditions as well for tomorrow. and we fast forward until about 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. here are the wind gusts for the morning. by noon tomorrow we will have 34 mi. per hour wind gust through fairfield, 31 for san francisco and 22 for san raphael. >>reporter: your seven day around the bay shows that we have a lot of sunshine in store because the wind is pushing the cloudy conditions out of the way so we will have mild temperatures in store and a lot of sunshine. >>pam: we want to show you
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the highway, the want to put that up greg? ok, here it is, this is at the guadalupe the overpass. the kama is bouncing around a little bit because of the high winds and they are really going throughout the bay area and you can see how much wind is hitting the camera. >>pam: we will bring you details route the evening in forecast details on our web site. now and other news, thousands of people showed up in vallejo to pay their respects to a police officer that was killed in a line of duty. the large crowd packed into the stadium at vallejo high school to honor officer james capoot. he was gunned down two weeks ago during an attempted robbery. law enforcement throughout the state along with his friends and family were all in attendance. there also officers on horseback and a color guard. officer capoot was a former marine and
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there's a large military presence as well. as teresa estacio reports, he was remembered and honored as a dedicated officer and a family man. >>reporter: one by one, family members, friends and fellow officers boat from the heart about losing officer jim cook who and what he meant to them and so many others. >> he was a yes sir, you know sir, no excuse sir kind of guy. he was trustworthy. he made me a better sgt by having him on the right wing. >>reporter: the coast the girls' basketball team at vallejo high school. >> it is not in the wins and losses that a coach makes his or her marks but the legacy they leave. behind me are examples of his legacy. >> thank you coach for always being there for us and is being a friend. daughters all proudly spoke
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about their father. >> my dad was a marine, my dad was a police officer but my dad was different from the rest, he was special. i have never met someone like him. i am hoping that i can live a life and he would be proud of and i will. i could go on forever about him and how much he meant to me and taught me. >>reporter: he was also a marine in there was a shout out in his honor. the nearly two-hour funeral ended with a flagging given to the family as well as a fly over. >>pam: about 3500 members of law enforcement were in attendance. those were people that did not personally know officer capoot, they said that it was vital for them to come and show their support for the family in the community. >> i just want to represent one of our brothers that fell in line of duty to early. >> this shows the bond that we have in this profession and the support for the
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family and the agency in troubled times like this is good to stick together. >> it is such an emotional time, it is not the easier doing the job for 25 years, i have been to count as funerals and they cannot get easier. >> all of us are never prepared for the inevitable that something like this could happen. we rely on our training will we know that sadly this does happen our hearts and prayers got--go out to all of vallejo, the capoot family and this is our way to try and show our support for them. >>pam: following the service officers escorted the limousine carrying officer capoot casket out of the stadium you see that here. his daughters also drove vehicles they follow the limousine driving some of their father's favorite cars. it was a private reception that followed. >>pam: coming up friends, family and others are gathered in support of a little boy that was wounded
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in a shooting spree monday night. we will take you live to a vigil for hiram lorenz and an update on the investigation. >>pam: all we tell you where the police found a suspect that hit in almost killed this firefighter. our continuing coverage of the bay area wind advisory throughout this hour will update you, and how recent fog is causing frustration for bay area airports. >> my flight was canceled and i cannot in of the flight. >> please forgive us we have a fire alarm announcing going on in the studio. >>pam: how brian williams newscast was interrupted live on air ahead.
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>>pam: friends and members of the community are
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gathering in the west opened to show their support for hiram lawrence is a one- year-old child was one of seven people that was shot. he remains in hospital tonight he is in critical condition with a gunshot wound to his head. here is surveillance video from the scene. you can see least three men shooting into a parking lot that was full of people. some of those people dodging the need vehicles and what not trying to escape the bullets. as soon as the shots were fired everyone scattered. hiram lawrence was the youngest of the one shot. he was in the hands of his father when he was hit in the head. we will take you live to the vigil for him in just a moment but hazzig manyud just spoke with the child's family. >>reporter: remaining by the bedside of hiram lawrence and children's hospital in oakland, that is what family members tell me they intend to do as long as the one- year-old gunshot victim remains in critical condition here at this hospital. >> he is struggling in the but he is fighting he is
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strong he is going to bounce back and come out of their we know it. which is what everyone to stay strong and we do not want any violence. where does try to get him out of this hospital that is the only thing that matters to us. everything else is irrelevant. >>pam: now we turn to dan term and who is live at the vigil in west oakland tonight. >>reporter: it was right here in this parking lot that the shooting took place on monday. adjutancy people just starting to gather for the vigil, this is not just for the one-year-old boy but all the seven victims they will pray for all seven and they hope to do some healing not just for the victims, but healing for the entire community. they are looking for a way to come together and try to find a non- violent way to move forward. at this point, the police are still searching for suspects. they have persons of interest the they are not naming any suspects. they have also not announced any motive for the shooting and they're still seeking the
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public's help. the one the public to come forward and tell them what they know about the shooting. they say the number of calls have increased since yesterday but certainly not enough for them to capture the shooters. that is the latest in will bring more on this vigil as it gets underway tonight on kron4 news at 6:00 p.m.. >>pam: friends, family and colleagues gathered to say goodbye to a fallen marine. the body of lance corporal jostle corral was escorted by a full contingent of marines. >> we can not get back those 19 years.
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>>pam: jostle corral was killed in combat operations in afghanistan earlier this month. [music] >>reporter: it looks like the wind storm is the big story. will see wind and wind gusts and tomorrow we will have clear skies and another round of high wind. we will have sunny conditions in now temperatures as we head into the weekend. a high wind advisory is in effect until tomorrow about 6:00 p.m.. the strongest winds will be at elevations above 1,000 ft. there will be down trees and power lines which are definitely a possibility leading to debris in the roadway as well as power outages. take a look of the wind speed right now. the wind gusts will pick up into the evening hours. the future forecast is set up for 9:00 p.m. this evening.
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>>reporter: it looks like you're morning commute will be windy as well. the clock is set for 7:00 a.m.. the wind gusts will pick up into the afternoon hours and by noon tomorrow, the wind gusted up to 27 mi. per hour in concord, 34 for oakland, and 31 for san jose. tomorrow afternoon highs will have now when that about 65 degrees for santa rosa, 63 in napa and low 60s along the coast and mid- 60's from around you. your seven day around the bay so that we will continue to seek clearance and the sky ahead of us. the windy conditions tomorrow, clear and breezy conditions into the weekend we have sunny and mild temperatures as the star your next work week. >>pam: this is a live picture in sansome cisco this is the twin peaks area. you can see the trees are also blowing in the wind. the skies are clear because of the wind and you
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can see with a sparkling night it is because of the wind. we want to also go to the rich in san raphael bridge. that is where we have a reporter standing by with the latest. daniel. daniel can you hear us? i guess we are having trouble with his audio right now. all right, we would check back with him later to see what is happening. let us look at the golden gate bridge, north and southbound traffic is moving well with no problems. the san mateo bridge, the headlights are east bound. it is pretty heavy east bound you can also see the west bound side, it is getting pretty sluggish. we will get back with you later in the newscast, we will be right back.
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ok, you guys wanted a space for entertaining your friends, so, open your eyes and check out your new living room! [ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t.
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keurig has a wide variety of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. so with keurig, every cup tastes like it's brewed just for you. because it is. >>kimberlee: starting tomorrow you will no longer get a free to invite kids mill at me dollars in san francisco this new law goes
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into effect that ben companies from giving kids mill tollways unless they meet a certain standard. the down and decide to sell the way for 105 each with the purchase of a kid's meal. today we put a poll asking this is what they think about the new move, let us check out this talk results. our viewers are split down the middle. 40 percent say that it is that on me down and they obviously do not care about childhood obesity since they have tried to find a way to work around a lot. another 40 percent said the that it is a good thing in it is up to the parents to monitor what kids eat. 20 percent say that at the mill was too big to begin with. we will like to know what you think you can go on line and vote in our online poll. we will be back after this break.
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>>pam: here is a live look from twin peaks in san francisco. the trees are still kind of blowing their. we have another picture to show, this is the san mateo bridge the headlights are east bound into hayward, traffic is heavy east bound
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and west bound. it does not appear to be hindering traffic. here is what we can expect as we move through the night. they're all kinds of concerns about power outages... >>reporter: exactly and wind speeds will start to pick up. currently they are at about 80 mi. per hour in santa rosa, 25 mi. per hour for fairfield, 18 mi. per hour in livermore and 21 mi. per hour in sfo. the wind gusts will pick up getting to about 36 mouse power in fairfield.--36 mouse power in fairfield. and in 2:00 a.m., the wind gusts could get up to about 40 mi. per hour. it looks like you're morning commute could be a one as well.--could be a
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windy one as well. into the afternoon the temperatures and the when dust will continue to increase.--the wind gusts will continue to increase. >>pam: we have been talking about the wind, but this morning fog was the problem. this is a foggy scene that are cameras captured earlier this morning it also delayed people that would try to fly in and out of the region. we spoke with some frustrated passengers at the airport. >>reporter: it was clear in the morning hours that fog was a problem at the airport. there were no flights going out, people began to get creative.
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>> we came to the airport and we found out that the flight was canceled. we ended up going home. >> basically, i will take a shuttle into san francisco and then from there i think at 10:00 i will go on a flight and then have a lay over and then from there i will get to twin falls. i did not get that to him for nothing. >>reporter: by midmorning flights were coming in, cancellations and turned into delays and in the problems slowly work themselves out as the fog lifted. >>pam: this is a picture of eduardo who was arrested at his home late last night after the officer identified him in this surveillance
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video. the victim is still in critical condition tonight. he is in custody for attended murder and assault with a deadly weapon. >> a police officer saw the surveillance footage and recognize that suspect from prior contact and notify us and together they established i deification of the suspect and then the inspector was able to develop probable cause to make the arrest. >>pam: police are still looking for the black suv connected to the case, possibly a ford edge or mazda's cx with a front end damage. and a soldier that died in afghanistan was brought home this afternoon jeff bush was there and talk with his mother who said that his goal in life was to help people in need. >>reporter: it was a quite dignified arrival but body of one of the areas fallen heroes made it back by plane and landed at moffett field
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late in the afternoon. national guard specialist sean walsh died in afghanistan and earlier this month is based came under attack and he was hit by incoming mortar fire. this was less than one month before his unit was scheduled to come back to the states. his tour in afghanistan was almost over. he was a part of the military police and his mother said that he loved being in the army. >> he had a passion being in the military and a also had a passion to become a policeman. that is why he went into the military police because he knew that he would get the training he said i cannot be a cop at 18 mom, but i can in the military. >>reporter: he graduate from high school and in listed shortly after that. >> i was terrified i was trying to talk it added and we fought until he turned 18 and then he signed up on his own it was his choice. i know that he was proud to do it. he was proud to serve the country that he loves so much >>reporter: reporter his funeral will be held in san
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jose this saturday. >>reporter: we have a kron4 crime tracker alert to tell you about the police are investigating 12 daytime rather than to burglaries all in the past month or so. i will show you exactly where they happen. six have been in the dominican neighborhood, three in the west in their downtown san raphael and another three down here. the home burglaries all happened between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.. so when people were at work or running errands, the police say the suspect, or suspects entered through unlocked doors and windows nt 11 of the 12 burglaries. among the items stolen, electronics and jewelry. one burglary suspect is in custody, but the status field police believe that there is at least one other suspect out there. a white cadillac was seen in the area during the incidents. police are telling people to keep your homes and doors and windows and everything
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locked. to report suspicious activity, but one thing you may not have thought of, make sure you know the serial numbers for all of your valuable items. >>pam: big developments on the project for the tunnel in the east bay. you can see some of the work here, the crews are working on both sides the east and west and they met in the middle. this video shows as the equipment actually breaks through the final stretch of rock separating the orinda and oakland. work on the tunnel began back in january of last year. the engineers say that breaking through is a major milestone that will make future construction go quickly. >> one of the difficult things about doing a tunnel is that you did not know what is coming up ahead. now the we have broken through as we continue we see
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progress. >>pam: this comes with a price tag of more and $390 million the tunnel is expected to be open sometime in late 2013. >>catherine: stocks soared on wall street, the dow gained 490 points. that is the biggest gain since march of 2009. a move by the central banks to lower the cost of borrowing pleased investors. the nasdaq gained 105 points. we will talk more about this with rob black and get his perspective on today's big economic news. and more trouble for gary sandusky-- jerry sandusky. these are scenes for his arrest earlier this month. now one of the eight boys that he is accused of assaulting is suing the sandusky. the lawsuit was filed in philadelphia this morning. it was announced by an attorney.
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>> he has not taken this action courageously to speak on his behalf and all the other survivors who have come before him and yet to come. this is so that other kids can get better. >>catherine: the alleged victim was 10 years old when he first met sandusky he said that he was sexually assaulted by him more than 100 times between 1992 and 1996. he is also suing penn state. the news anchor brian williams was kicked off last night's east coast broadcasts with a story on american airlines and a persistent fire alarm. it gave the bracket throughout most of the show. west coast audiences did not see this unfolding last night is all over the internet today and here at kron it sounded strangely familiar. brian williams was only moments into his tuesday night newscast when it began. >> this one gets your attention, please forgive us
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we have a firearm, now's the going on in the studio. >>catherine: he continued hoping it will go away but it did not for a long time and it began to get worse. >> staying in the year although perhaps nothing special, again we have an announcement going on in the studio, i think we should revise our viewers that there is no danger to us. we would love to make this thought, why don't you take it from your area. >> i am glad you are ok that is a first for me. >>catherine: but this was not a first for us, remember this night at the kron4 studio? >>gary: this is my first fire drill. >>catherine: our fire alarm went off to a newscast it happened during gary is a statement. >>gary: and here is the man actually holding... [laughter] >>gary: i can even do my story tonight. [laughter]
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>>catherine: and no one will remember the news, sports or whether from that night, only this. [laughter] >>pam: can someone tell us whether or not there is a fire? [laughter] >>catherine: it there was no fire, that is the kind of thing that happens on tv and this being the age of youtube, people kind of never forget. stay with us, more news coming up after the break. s. that's an extra 20% off gifts for her. all the greatest gifts for him. must have kitchen electrics for the home. and dazzling fine jewelry. save an extra 20% off all your holiday gifts. doors open extra early saturday. go to to see everything on sale.
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we make christmas affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney.
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secondhand smoke affects everyone's health. it's not just irritating. it can cause heart disease and even death. speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it.
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[people chatting] everyone, it's $37 a piece. paying with your smart phone instead of cash. that's a step forward. with chase person-to-person quickpay, you can send money directly to your friend's checking account. all you need is their email address or mobile number. don't worry honey, i'll show you. thanks everyone. so take a step forward... and chase what matters. >>catherine: look at the numbers, the ou--the dow is up nearly 500 points. rob like to talk to us, it has been a while since we have seen that kind of jump. >> ultimately this is part
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one of two parts. the politicians are physically working with bankers on monetary policy. but u.k., japan, switzerland, the united states they said let us make money super easy there is a crisis. they did this a couple years ago. this is part of the cavalry coming. it is not a whole part but it is part of it. >>catherine: and another winner, u.s. companies added more employers than anyone expected in november. >> with fiscal policy issues and monetary issues really try to this. but we added close to 1000 jobs. it is not enough to say that the jobless recovery is strong now, and there is still unclear--there is
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still an unemployment problem in the united states but we are going sideways than least that is not going down. >>catherine: now you say yahoo is a loser shares of it are being sold at discount prices that is that good. >> the buyers are starting to step in and they're offering discount prices from what it could go on at two to three year ago. tonight after the market closed, there is funding coming from dane capital. this cannot be good for yahoo employees down the road in the bay area. >>catherine: here is a winner, apple tv, you said that it could be coming i next christmas? >> there is a big event that is the future of media called ignition. let me read some of the things that this
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big go to guy said. he says do not buy a tv this year wait until next year he said it will be twice as expensive as anything else you buy, if you want to get a 30 in. it will be twice as expensive. he said it is going to hit the different income brackets. >>catherine: but what will it do for to be twice the price of and other tv? >> it will be an ipad, it will look into everything apple it will be wireless you just plug cable tv into it. it will not replace cable just yet but it will be one step towards it. for instance, for espn i think it is 724, for my digital packets, who knows the kind of stuff but if you say espn it will go straight to that channel. i have used the phone service, the phone application for a musical service which is like the
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wireless speakers. and when you use your phone for stuff that you consumed in your daily life is awesome. so i hope we do get those things coming in 2012. [music] >>reporter: strong winds that is the big story for the evening. we are expecting strong wind and wind gusts in the overnight hours. we have clear skies expected for tomorrow and is the weekend we have sunny skies and mild temperatures. we will start off by talking about the high wind warning as well as the wind advisory in effect until about tomorrow evening at 6:00 p.m.. the wind is expected to range from 20 mouse power up to 45 mi. per hour. down trees and power lines are likely and power outages could be an issue. the wind speeds are at about 18 mi. per hour. we will set
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the clock ahead to 8:00 p.m., the wind gusted up to 36 mph for fairfield, 37 for livermore and 28 for san francisco. into the overnight al was the wind gusts will pick up as well. >>reporter: by 4:00 a.m., you will see all this purple and pink on your screen showing that the wind gusts can get up to 40 and 50 mi. per hour. by 9:00 a.m. it is slowing down of little bit. but still at 33 mouse power in fairfield and livermore. --33 miles per hour in livermore and fairfield. >>kimberlee: i and kimberlee sakamoto with take in the did this. too brazen thieves caught on camera stealing hundreds of dollars in
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chains that was up for a charity. now reportedly the worker heard a loud boom out back and that is when she walked away and then at two masked robbers came in and grab the jug filled with money off of the counter. authorities are still searching for the thieves. and that the authorities in missouri say that a christmas tree these struck again. this was in 2009, and they see the woman arrived again and she stole one tree and then return later to still another one this tree lot belongs to a local boy scout troop they say this pays for everything the boys do year round. that's at this major accident out in central indiana. you can see what is left of the snow plow on the left side of your screen that is after a train slammed into it. police say the plow was
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supposed to stop the train conductor said that it nearly pause before deciding to go to the tracks. the snowplow driver was injured and taken to a local hospital he is expected to survive. take a look at the clean up time after a heavy storm hit carson michigan last night. the state capital of lansing got between 10 in. of snow and it was enough to knock down this awning, it was a student at the gas station. we will be back after this quick break.
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>>gabe: did it all your information could be accessed through your home printer? i am gabe slate be sure to tune into kron4 news tonight at 8:00 p.m. and i will tell you all about how to keep yourself safe. in
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other news, i am giving away with this game for nintendo 3 bsn the x box 360 systems this is star wars 3. this new game will allow fans to explore in this league and have some laughs along the way as they would make their way through the star wars galaxy. it is the most action packed lego game yet. for your chance to win a copy log on to my tech page i am gabe slate with kron4 news. ok, you guys wanted a space for entertaining your friends,
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so, open your eyes and check out your new living room!
5:57 pm
[ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t. a big thank you this friday & saturday
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with the simplest way to save extra. just use your jcpenney rewards credit card and save an extra 20% off all apparel, shoes accessories and home. no exclusions. that's an extra 20% off gifts for her. all the greatest gifts for him. must have kitchen electrics for the home. and dazzling fine jewelry. save an extra 20% off all your holiday gifts. doors open extra early saturday. go to to see everything on sale. we make christmas affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney.
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>>pam: strong winds up going to the bay area. you can see the trees leaving in the wind, we have not even seen the worst of all of it committed this is the deal of traffic camera showing in cairo in 101 san jose. we can see it mounting around, and is really kicking around the camera and it was like this for much of the afternoon today. and 8 ft. long over in sunnyvale tying up traffic, the interstate 101 and state highway 237 here and who have more details on that in just a few moments. flight now, the wind hasn't lease for bay area bridges under an advisory. you're looking live at the bay bridge toll plaza there is not much traffic but i bet there is when there.--wind there. >>reporter: right now we
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have breezy to windy conditions, this is the grass blowing, i have been tracking the wind speeds all evening long. last hour i took to the highest the dow was around 8.6 mph. run huma and will thus have enough to go out and mouse power unused will
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-- looked at the santa cruz mountains.
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are rare, but there they are. this can tell you just what kind of the was in the san cruz mountains. swiss is a date that began with a thick blanket of fog it soon gave way to sustain winds of 40 mouse power here along summit road runner. palaces and cheese and around the bay area and in the mountain arsenal to something call when loading most of the chief still have most of the leaves and it catches the wind and that it puts more pressure on the street leading more broken limbs and more down power lines, recruiting and public works crews are scrambling to keep up with down tree limbs like this one. listen, you can actually hear the wind howling at 3,000 ft.. these
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trash bin than anything else not nailed down or secured were knocked around. on the upside, the persistent fog was blown up to see clearing the air for a view of moderate and beyond. >>pam: as he mentioned there is the the potential for down power lines that could spark fires. as a result, extra crews with equipment will be on alert until the wind backs off. >> this is a pretty significant forecast and where the event. the wind is a fully pretty strong probably one of the stronger offshore vince that we have had--offshore even as that we have had in the bay area. i did not know if we are concerned about fire dame--fire danger as well as we are concerned about power
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lines coming down. >>pam: crawford said that his crews could be called on duty in southern california where the fire danger is even greater. i am here in the weather center to get a sense of what we can expect through the night. >>reporter: we have high wind all night long. we are expecting strong sustained wind as well as strong wind gusts. the wind advisories in effect until tomorrow evening. lower elevation when speed could range from 20 mph. the wind gusts to get up to about 45 mph mph. -- are feature cast is set
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for 8:00 p.m., the wind gusts could get to the following. overnight you can see the purple and pink on your screen indicating that the wind gusts to get up to 40 and 50 mph. your morning could you will be windy as well so if you are driving high-profile vehicles you will definitely want to slow down. we have 19 in san francisco, 27 in san jose and when will increase once again in the afternoon hours. >>reporter: we will have your temperatures as leisure extended forecast coming up in a few moments. >>reporter: this just in, the wind is causing power outages in the bay area. we have more rain, berkeley in alameda. pg&e says about
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1600 people are currently without power. not a lot people, but the number is expected to rise as the wind picks up. we will continue to stay on top of this story all night and all morning for now will take a short break and be right back.
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seven people that were shot this is a live picture were dozens of people have gathered tonight to support the seven victims. among the victims a one year old boy. that's our main hospital and doctors say his condition is getting worse, the child is hiram lawrence this is his victory is one of three victims that is still in critical condition he was shot on monday night
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because up the family of the toddler this is video of them visiting the little boy at children's hospital in oakland. >>reporter: two days after receiving a nearly fatal gunshot wound to the head, one-year-old hiram lawrence remains in critical condition at children's hospital in oakland. his father, hiram's sr. says that the sun is now responding to the sound of his voice. >> when i whispered in his ear to talk to and he lifted up and he moved his feet and arms. so the people whose voices who he recognizes we have to keep him going we have to keep praying for him. >> just pray for my baby, he is 1 years old, this did not have to happen. >>reporter: family members are maintaining a one--
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family members are maintaining an around-the- clock vigil here. that includes the grandmother. >> we are praying for him and we ask for your prayers. >> we want peace we do not want violence we are not worried about retaliation we are worried about him coming out of that hospital. >>reporter: we are going back to the vigil were the dozens of people are hoping for the best of little hiram lawrence and the other victims of kron4 shooting-- and the other victims of monday night's shooting. >>reporter: there are people here of all ages some of them even brought their toddlers. they're calling for an end to the violence and they're also calling for healing for those that were shot. they are calling for more opportunities for young people.
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>> i am out here tonight because we want to have a healing process for all the families that have been heard from the murders and the shooting and the violence that is happening in our community. >> i believe with prayer and people being real transparent about what is happening in our community that we can begin to have some serious dialogue about in the parking lot where the shooting took place on monday evening in west oakland. this vigil is expected to continue for another hour as far the investigation is concerned the police are now identifying any motive or any suspects. they still say that they have persons of interest but they have not identified them. at this
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point they are saying that they still need help from the public. they want to contact the police in telling them what you saw our heard about that nice of a vacant after the shooters. including law-enforcement officials, family and friends arrive to pay their respects to the fall in vallejo police officer james capoot. the stands at the stadium at vallejo high school were packed with people he died nearly two weeks ago. he was gunned down during a chase following an attempted bank robbery. officer capoot was a 19 year veteran of the police department, he was also a former marine and a girls' basketball coach at vallejo i school. several people including police and family members spoke by the dedication to his job at his daughter's talk about what he was like as a father. >> he was one of my best friend taught me everything i know and everything i am.
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he taught me how to be strong when i was weak and how to be happy when i was sad. he taught me the real meaning of how a person should live in treat others. i did not think i will ever truly believe that my daddy is gone. but i know that i can live the life that he wanted me to have and everything he has taught me have been stepping stones that i've been able to overcome this horrible loss that we all encountered. >> dad always wanted the absolute best from mom, my sisters and me and he took upon himself to give us the best light possible. my dad always told me when life got tough to charge honest than my own 2 ft. because my last name is capoot. >>pam: following the funeral of his daughters drove his favorite cars behind the limousine that was carrying his casket. >> it meant a lot to me in the other teammates he was a father figure to all of us he helped us to succeed in
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not only basketball but in academics. he told us that pain is temporary and pride is for ever we could become who ever wanted or what ever we desired as long as we had hard work and dedication. i'll always remember how dedicated he was to his job and to his family members and also to us. >> it was not about the blue uniform that he wore, but it was about the car that was under. he inspired me a lot to become a coach. like i said he inspired me to be a cold i am starting a traveling team myself. >>pam: officer capoot had been the girls' basketball coach for several years. and then ville marie was also laid to rest today, 19 year- old marine lance corporal joshua was killed in afghanistan almost two years, almost two weeks ago. here is just peers.
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[music] >>reporter: marines escorted the body of lance corporal joshua corral into the east bay fellowship church in danville this afternoon or hundreds mourn the loss of the young marine. joshi was killed in combat operations in afghanistan on november 18th. the popular young man that grew up in danville was just 19 years old. his comrades at arm's help to eulogize a fallen warrior. >> josh, you gave my life and meaning. you gave your life so that we could continue on with ours. >>reporter: the families word for joshua was
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godspeed. >> godspeed to our friends in the community and godspeed you joshie. >>reporter: it is windy outside we are expecting clear skies tomorrow another round of windy conditions and sunny and mild conditions expected into the weekend. >>reporter: the wind gusts will get up to 45 miles per hour, the strongest wind gusts will be up to elevations of up to 1,000 ft.. power lines down have been reported and can be a concern into the overnight
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hours here are the current wind speeds. lou track and into the overnight hours--we will track them into the overnight hours. and we will wake up to wind gust as well. >>reporter: tomorrow everyone will deal with 20 mi. per hour gusts or 30 mi. per hour gusts but the wind is pushing out that fog and we will have clear skies, we have 65 degrees for santa rosa and fairfield. low sixties for the coastline and about 64 degrees expected for san jose. now we will take a look your extended forecast showing the windy conditions that we would deal with tomorrow. but we have a lot of blue skies and sunny skies for your extended forecast we will take a quick break and be right back.
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>>reporter: dad in new some, california's lieutenant governor, san francisco's former mayor just got this home in iran. how we use this--in morin i will use the big board to show you how much privacy will have. as i zoom in, you can see this is 1.4 a. on rock road. check it out, i have some pictures of the house for you, new some and his wife paid almost $2.2 million for this 1800's square-foot home. you concede a hardwood floors, the modern kitchen and the on line listing said the house, complete with a pool . this move is causing some to speculate that he will now make a congressional run. so, the rep that you
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see right here says she will not seek reelection in his move from san francisco to iran county means that he could pursue that seat in congress. so far there has been no comment from new some, will have to keep you posted and we will be right back. all while saving over $86 billion in health care costs... and over a million lives. we've done a good job. but even if you were born today, you'd still grow up in a world where tobacco kills more people... than aids, drugs, alcohol, murder and car crashes... combined. we have a lot more work to do.
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i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t. pam >> at 6:30 p.m. on whether coverage continues, we are gathering the latest details on where the wind is starting to pick up and how your printer could be used by hackers to access your personal information. here is a major play by the giants pitcher, proving that he has said least one fan that its head over heels for him.
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>>reporter: are sustained winds will be from 20 to 45 knots power, the wind gust
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at 70 knocked are expected in the higher elevations. down trees and power lines have already been reported this could be an issue in terms of driving. as well as fighters, fired would be difficult to put out. here are the wind speeds as of right now. the wind has whipped the fog out of the sky. here are afternoon highs for tomorrow. i'll have your extended forecast coming up. >>reporter: in the bay area we see wind advisories all of the place. i am here at the they bridge behind me you can see these leaves. it is windy out here and i have been tracking the wind speeds with my anemometer. i have found that the wind speeds are of to 10 mph. i
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can tell you that they will only get stronger going into the nighttime hours. reporting in oakland i am j.r. stone with kron4 news. >>reporter: year in marin county in extra squad of seasonal firefighters are being kept at the ready. dusty conditions can make any fire hard to put out. this team specializes in the vegetation management. fire officials tell me that they're expecting a busy night. >>reporter: continuing our coverage of the wind tearing through the bay area is extremely with the drama of the day here. this is summit road in the saddle of a thousand ft loma they are calling for up to 70 mi. per hour wind gusts.
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>>reporter: in another big story the wind is causing problems for the afternoon commute, this is highway 101 north bound and he conceded traffic is backed up pretty badly. that is because of mounting 30 p.m. a gust of wind knocked a couple of trees over and they fell over into the two right-hand lanes. chp move into closed lanes off and that is what is causing the back of. in the meantime caltrain is busy working on getting the trees cut into small pieces so that they can remove them from the freeway. >>reporter: year all i've
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got. >>reporter: here in west oakland, several dozen people have gathered for a candlelight vigil that has taken place in the parking lot were several people were shot. they are praying for those people with their calling for healing in a stop to the violence and they're calling for more opportunities for young people. >>reporter: in and of a big story in vallejo about 5000 people showed up to attend the funeral of the fallen vallejo police officer jim capoot. many people spoke at the funeral and they all talked about his dedication to the department as well as his job as a basketball coach at vallejo high school and his unconditional love for her three daughters--his unconditional love for his three daughters and wife. officer capoot with gun down what in pursuit of a
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suspect. >>reporter: in san francisco police have arrested a man suspected of writing down a firefighter on thanksgiving. this is surveillance of the 22 year- old who was arrested at his south san francisco home on lake tuesday when an officer recognize his face. >> the officer knows him from the past but the specific circumstances of how i do not know. >>reporter: the victim is still in critical condition here at sf and general. >>gabe: in tech news, a team of columbia researchers say that they have discovered a way that hackers can gain control of the device and write the software without anyone knowing and use that to steal information. because they did not make anti virus software for your printer, your best bet is to turn your printer off when you're not using it and use
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a regular cheaper non fancy printer that connects with the cable to your computer. the new wifi printers that offer wireless printing are connected to your home internet raising the threat level. in other news i am giving away copies of the hot new video game by lucas arts, labels star wars 3. with over 20 missions and 40 bonus levels this new game will allow flans--fans to explore in leslie as they make their way through the star wars galaxy. for your chance to win a copy logged into and look for my tech page. i am gabe slate with kron4 news. >>stanley: had a loss of everything that just can be locked. surveillance cameras located throughout the property watching your every
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move. 24 hour security patrol watching everyone coming and going not to mention motion detectors and floodlights. to enter the building you often need to press a button for access all of this for the sake of security is a bank? no, is a prison? not even close would you believe that this is a church, you heard me this is a church. tonight at 8:00 p.m. i will take to this church in show you why they need all this security in the next edition of people behaving badly.
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>>kimberlee: a rep for the star says that humphries is
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seeking a legal separation from the 31 year old reality star kim kardashian hopefully this will lead to an annulment of their union. but to tie the knot in a lavish ceremony back in august. kim's sister card courtney kardashian she and her boyfriend announced that they're expecting their second child in an interview with us weekly magazine. it says that she is about nine weeks along and the two already have made two year- old son name mason. countries thing garamendi said commission cannot fulfil ages order to bring her five year-old son back to florida because she is in nashville and nearly seven months pregnant with twins. she spoke exclusively to the associated press she said that she and her mother had a long custody battle over zsnfrt --zander her son. in a missing person's report was filed last night after she reported and to confront his florida home. and from local fuzzy news,
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san francisco giants pitcher is one step closer to getting hitched. he and his 25 year-old fiancee former miss missouri took out a marriage license earlier this month at the marin county clerk's office. >>pam: in just four days, the 49ers can clinch their first playoff berths in nearly 10 years. here with the players and the coach have to say straight ahead. and a former raider pro bowler dies at the age of 42. gary tells us what happens he has that story in all of sports coming up.
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>>gary: this is one of the e nfl's best defense of lineman, chester magoo
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laughlin--mcglaucktin died of a massive heart attack. he played for the loss in the raiders until 199784 time pro bowl selection in vern glenn has the life of chester and the reaction from the people that knew him best. >> chester work with the defensive line this past training camp. it was a shock and jess fad. >>vern: 49ers head coach jim harbaugh affected by the death of chester. this was news of his untimely death. >> he was a big athletic and strong man that dominated. >> he was always thinking
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about the next business dealing what can i do with life after football. >>reporter: after his stint as a football coach, he landed with the cardinals coaching the offensive line under then coach jim harbaugh and most recently david shaw, and he brought his competitive nature with him. >> to say they he was coming into his own as a coach would be understating it. >> he had so many ideas for the younger players. >> he was my racquetball player over at stanford, he was just a positive huge presence. >>gary: old team may be without daring mcfadden would begin this week and when the raiders travel to miami. mcfadden has a foot injury that will not go away. he has not played for the past four games since he injured his foot on october
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23rd against the kansas city chiefs. the raiders nonetheless have been going on without him quite well. they currently lead the afc west. the 49ers can clinch the division funding for the first time since 2002. >> the evening from limbo field in green bay were these packers, their home playoff streak remains in tact. >>gary: vern glenn looks the same as he did 10 years ago, in any way on a cold afternoon, jeff garcia intended for to pretty much ended the game. brett farr losing to the packers. now brian jennings finally made it back after nine losing seasons. >> when you have losing seasons, their dogs years, 721. it just 80's you fast,
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it is miserable and hard. fortunately you are able to get back on the winning track i think have to give all the credit to the people that hired coach harbaugh. >> he is like a jet i night when it comes to snapping the football. >> i consider that high praise. i am flattered to be considered a jet i night. >>gary: of the 49ers are favorites over the rams. no one can remember the last time that the 49ers were 13 point favorites to win over anybody. and stephen johnson the mocking of plaxico buress will cost him $10,000. this is the buffalo receiver one more time he scored a touchdown and then he made fun of plaxico buress shooting himself in a lake. that sent plaxico buress to prison for about 20 months. so there
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you go about $10,000 for trying to be funny. the media elite apologize after the game. >>gary: and mike leacv-- leac leach has been out for a couple of years, and now he is coming back to oakland state. >>gary: they did then a seuss--david de jesus has
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signed with oakland. he was not that hot with the a's, but nonetheless, chicago think they can do something with him. and really quick on chester, it is so sad. and remember, he did not like the attention when he first played. but you know what happens with all was when we see a guy that may not want to do interviews we think he is a bad guy and then we think you know maybe, his second to last year with the raiders his wife called in and she said people do not know my husband he is not a bad guy. so then we had him on a few shows and he was alright for. he was a really nice guy and this did not like people looking at him. >>pam: he was camera shy. >>gary: exactly, and then he went on to be on camera. he did some shows and was tried to get a college coaching career. he was a really
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talented guy and you can see in there with denver. it is what those guys in u.s. cities just the best. in 42 years of age, he is a big guy. he has them down to you know, he was in better health when he retired and he was what 42 years old. >>pam: it is hard to hear when someone so strong buys so early. >>gary: and will finish this up with nba basketball betting their return the warriors will open up their facility tomorrow that is up next. ok, you guys wanted a space for entertaining your friends,
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so, open your eyes and check out your new living room! [ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t. >>gary: lawyers have done their thing in the nba owners and players have settled their antitrust lawsuits. this is truly the last time will lead to the guys and from the podium hopefully those two guys, commissioner stern anyway, it is time to play some
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basketball. the doors open tomorrow. official training camp is december 9th. the first game for the warriors is probably december 26th. >> we will not accept mediocrity will not accept not getting it done on the floor. [music] >> latch on to the back of the bandwagon because things will be changing in the bay area. >>gary: they are hyping born leader because it is never been a cool to any level. but i am telling you, every team has a rich owners, these guys are very cool that on the war years. if you have to bet on someone making it i think these died eventually will be really
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good. >>pam: i just enjoy hearing you talk about them. >>gary: and when they were in here, the show-biz guys, because it's in to play and that will be good. >>pam: we will be back at 8:00 p.m..
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>> donald trump weighing in on herman cain's latest sex scandal. and a pregnant jessica simpson gets a little racy at a new york press conference. but she's entitled. i'm brooke anderson. >> and i'm kevin frazier. "the insider" is on. well, i'm not going to deliver tonight. i do have to urinate really bad. >> jessica's all-new public confessions about her body. >> the doctor said that there was one problem with me. >> is it all to get press for her billion-dollar business? plus -- kelly preston. mariah carey. public, drastic slimdowns after baby. >> who's really cashing in on the trend? >> kelly preston going public is a huge boost to her friend kirstie alley's diet empire. then, outrage as former aruba murder sus


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