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tv   KRON 4 Evening News  KRON  October 26, 2011 5:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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long confrontation between occupy protesters and the police. while it was mostly peaceful at times it did turn violent. we will get to that in a moment of first j.r. stone is live on the ground in oakland with a look at what is happening right now. >>reporter: you were just talking about it, you can see some of the protesters in the distance. within the last 10 minutes then open up this street, 14th at broadway because as you live down to the left, that street was closed during what has happened in the last 24 hours, during all of what has happened in the last 24 hours. as we speak as you are looking at that you can see in the distance at city hall. that is where the mayor is speaking as i talk right now giving a press conference talking about the very things that one on last napa--night with the tear gas and why it was taken off a occupy
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oakland. she says today she met with community groups to see if we can chart a different way. she does not want this to be about protesters and police. another protest is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. tonight. we have had protesters all over this store. earlier today we give make close-up look at what the plaza look like right now. >>reporter: the barricade has come down blocking access in oakland only to be replaced by this. a new fence in the grassy area that was recently the location that was occupied by occupy protesters. this sign says the grassy area will be closed until further notice to allow restoration and healing. as you can see the grass is discolored in some places and soaked and muddy and others. some protesters say
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blocking access to the grass around the plaza will not stop their movement. >> there are plenty of public parks in oakland. >>reporter: just to recap, the mayor is speaking as we speak out here giving a press conference about all that has happened with the last 24 hours. i am getting instant updates on my phone. she hopes to open the plaza this evening it is open, but the grass section is not. as to if it will open or not we do not know. protesters are scheduled to be back at 6:00 p.m. this evening. the mayor says that opd is investigating reports of excessive force. we will be out here all evening long to give you updates in this story and i will give you some of the updates from the mayor you will see what she had to say in her own words
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at 6:00 p.m.. reporting live i am j.r. stone in kron4 news. >>pam: before you go what is the mood of some of the protesters? >>reporter: a lot of the process of ipod went very angry. they were upset about the rubber bullets being used. i have seen some of the bruises and i will tell you they're not pretty. as to what they came from if they came from the rubber bullets, or the tear-gas we do not know. but they are still very upset over what has happened in the last 24 hours. >>pam: j.r. stone is staying on the scene in will be back with you. a lot of disturbing video coming out from last night's protest. the one you are about to see is an iraq veteran who says he got his skull fractured by a police project out.--
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projectile. >> what happened? >> i got shot. >> what is your name? medic! >>pam: coming up at 5:00 p.m. we will hear from friends of scott olson and get the latest. what does it feel like being in a crowd in targeted with tear-gas will we learn firsthand. >>reporter: the crowd of several hundred have gathered at 14th and madison. >>reporter: at this point, this has been a very peaceful march. this is where the police have said no, you're not going any farther.
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>> barricades have been set up around city hall. >> there are more and more officers they are carrying shields. >>reporter: this looked like a war zone. [screaming] >>reporter: >>reporter: the protesters have definitely gone by now and they left because they were intimidated by this stuff. these canisters are
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like a grenade, the pan is pulled and this says right control. at the bottom this is where the gas comes out as you can see it is quite overwhelming. >>pam: our team coverage continues today the mayor of san francisco says that the days of overnight camping at occupy san francisco herman plaza are numbered. we spoke with the mayor about his plan. >> we are all meeting together to draw the afternoon and the day to determine what the best decision is. i am reluctant to give you a time frame but i think it is appropriate to say within days. >>reporter: part of the decision to act on reports about the health of the park. likely rask--rats.
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today occupy protesters received this letter the headline said you are subject to arrest. protesters received a letter like this over a week ago. >> we do not have to resort to anything there represents all forced removals. but we are prepared to have to enforce our laws. >>reporter: the demonstrators tell me that the tents are taken down a plan on putting them right back up. pam occupy protesters are discussing the possibility of setting up a different camp sites in front of city hall. the mayor says they are welcome to gather and process here but overnight camping will not be tolerated here in san francisco. stay with us as we continue to cover the occupy protesters all around the bay area. we have the
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latest video on our web site at we want you to share your photographs, videos and opinions with us on our facebook fan page and the twitter feed. >>pam: we have another developing story out of oakland to tell you about it is also a protest but this time is the proposed cuts to the oakland schools. school officials are meeting to discuss the closures of the schools that you see on this map. we are joined live from all the with the latest on this story. >>reporter: while school officials are meeting here at oakland technical high school, parents, teachers and students will have a chance to address their concerns to the school board before they make that decision. this video i shot just about one hour ago, those same parents, teachers and students for gathering. they were holding signs and a park a few blocks away
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from here. they carried all the signs and marched over here to where the meeting is taking place at this high school. the oakland unified school district have announced plans to close some 30 schools and the next two years in an effort to save money. parents say that the district is not being fair. >> it has been an unfair process and there have been several things that do not make sense regarding our closure. we almost feel someone violated an attack. i want to continue on with this fight. >> it is ridiculous. the children our future. they're now willing to listen to the parents they're not willing to listen to the students. they say they are listening but their actions say otherwise. >> it makes me angry because i know the money is out there now only at the state level but at the school district. there's a lot of money that gets wasted on outside contracts, new assessments that are brought in without
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any input from teachers. >>reporter: a school this of official confirmed the closure could save the district $2.2 million. he also told me that it is possible the school board made table this issue but it is possible that they can make a decision tonight. coming up at 6:00 p.m. will talk about the changes that can affect students at the schools close. >>jacqueline: a live look outside right now, we have sunny skies everywhere. it is quite dry and not expecting any fog to return overnight. we continue to watch out for the win. we saw gusty conditions and as we expected you can still see reconditioned for tomorrow morning. and in the
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east bay hills we have seen some gusty conditions. that is why a red flag warning is for the east bay hills. it is still a threat. it is so dry out there right now, much drier than yesterday. the humidity is down to 15 percent in parts of the bay area. high fire danger in it will be very cold overnight. we will talk about this a little bit more plus the cold temperatures for your commute tomorrow coming up in a little bit. >>pam: a small earthquake hit just before 3:45 p.m. this afternoon. it was centered in contra costa county it had a depth of about five mouse. no reports of injuries or damage. >>reporter: take a look, the
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streets are among the worst in the bay area but there is little money to fix them. coming up to tell you the city is doing about solving the problem. >>pam: it is not just oakland, police and protesters in atlanta are clashing. we will show you this scene from the occupy protesters in the south. and the police tried stopping this driver before tragedy struck. >>gabe: be aware, there is a nasty twitter scam that is going around. i am gabe slate and i will tell you about in my report.
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[people chatting] everyone, it's $37 a piece. paying with your smart phone instead of cash. that's a step forward. with chase person-to-person quickpay, you can send money directly to your friend's checking account. all you need is their email address or mobile number. don't worry honey, i'll show you. thanks everyone. so take a step forward... and chase what matters.
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[ man ] you have one new message. [ mom ] hi scooter. this is mommy. the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. the vegetables are cut nice and thick... you were always good at cutting your vegetables. and it's got tender white-meat chicken... the way i always made it for you. oh, one more thing honey... those pj's you like, the ones with the feet, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. >>pam: officials say that there is not enough money to repair the roads in san jose. rob fladeboe shows us how taxpayers may be asked to fit the bill. >>reporter: this is mills scored near downtown san jose. it possibly has the
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most potholes' in town. the pavement is buckling and has many cracks. there seems to be no relief in sight. san jose men acts the voters to accept a new partial tax that can raise about $6.5 million. maintenance on this and more than three- fourths of all city roads is on hold. feeling the potholes' here and across town could cost property owners as much as $400 per parcel. if the city decides to go that way the parcel tax will not make it to the ballot earlier than next year. it requires a two- thirds passage. that is tough in this economy. meanwhile the pot holes will just be getting bigger. >>pam: khmer reed blames it on the city's pension cost.
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no different than the first ever layoffs of firefighters and police in san jose. >>katherine: this was the scene last night in atlanta, does in the police showed up at a park some of them in riot gear the protesters had been there since october 7th. 53 people were arrested last night. they say a man was seen walking in the park with an ak-47. former presidential candidate john edwards was in court today. his attorneys are trying to get a criminal case against him dismissed. they say used nearly $1 million in campaign money to hide his pregnant mistress. the defense says no laws were broken they say edwards knew
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about the money and used it to try and save his public image. edwards is due back in court tomorrow for more questioning. snow is falling in denver. this the first sizable snowfall it is dumping about 8 in. in the metro denver area. it is prompting the winter storm warning. this is not all that unusual for denver, but it certainly caught the president's attention. he was in denver today at the university of colorado to talk about student loans, but the weather was also on his mind. >> snow outside get me fired up and coming here gets me fired up even if it is snowing outside. i do not know where else you can go sledding during halloween. [laughter] >> it is like what is up with the snow this soon? >>pam: there is more snow
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headed to the denver area that storm is knocking out power to thousands of customers. >>jacqueline: i want to touch on this once again. the wind will not be as strong as it was this morning but is very dry out there right now. this poses a high fire threat to the hills. that will diminish into tomorrow. we will see chilly conditions overnight. temperatures in the '30's and 40's throughout the bay area. after that we will have sunny and mild conditions and mild conditions through the rest of the extended forecast as well. take a lick it be temperatures for tomorrow morning. it is cold. temperatures may be near freezing in the north bay. now take a look at the high temperatures. near freezing in the north bay, 40 for the rest of the bay area and 40 for the inland valley. we
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are also in the '70s for our inland valleys. we have '60s and '70s far east bayshores. the coast line is quite comfortable out there tomorrow. it will be chilly in the morning in sunny skies in the afternoon. up in the north bay temperatures in the '70s, 74 in santa rosa, 76 in sonoma. and a look your extended forecast, a chilly start into tomorrow morning but mild conditions into the afternoon. it does not look like we will see rain any time soon. stay with us, we will be back after this.
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>>pam: can news around the bay, san francisco police are searching for three men accused of carjacking an
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elderly man at gunpoint. investigators say the victim was sitting in the car yesterday evening in the bayview district. that is when the robbers, one armed with a handgun walked up and pull the man out. the sale will car has not been found and the victim was not injured. for people recovering after their vehicle hit a power pole in santa rosa. the van was carrying six disabled persons at the time of the visit--the accident. fortunately no one was seriously injured. we will be right back. we make style affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney.
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it's like extra cash you earn in an instant. earn 10, 20, or $30 jcpfastcash right at the register. then use it right now on anything you want, see, or love. we make style affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney. p.m. an innocent bystander have been killed. we have information following the massive earthquake in turkey. also the twitter scam that you need to look
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out for that is coming up next.
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police tried to make a stop on hillside. the police say the suspect made his way down here want to grant street heading south and then went under to 42 right there and collided with the driver of the the--bmw. that
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is where the fatal crash happened. the driver of the bmw died at the scene. teresa estacio spoke with authority to about this chase and why they are defending their actions taken by the officers. >>reporter: concord please tell kron4 news the officer that attempted to pull off looks--pull over the driver of this white truck is on paid administrative leave. that is what the investigation is underway. they will not release his name but they say he is a 20 year officer. >> we are deeply sympathetic and regret that this happened to him and that family. all indications is that he was operating in pursuit. these dynamically changing situations where we have to make these evaluations at second by second. >>reporter: the lieutenant
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tell us the officer was in the area helping out. >> that particular invested--police officer was involved in a homicide investigation. where the these two people were involved, is still not determined. >>reporter: police say they're not sure why the driver did not stop. but they said the driver and passenger were ex-convict. when they were arrested officers found a gun and drug the inside of the courtier--truck. >>pam: today in west oakland
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the san francisco police acting on a tip found the 5300, copper church bell that was stolen last sunday from st. mary's cathedral. the bell was located under a tarp in a deserted area 20 yds from a scrap yard. police say the owner of the facility knows nothing about it. police believe the bill was days away from being melted down. >> i believe they were going to bring out the torch's. we had alert to all types of scrap yards to be on the lookout for this type of copper coming their way. we were under the assumption that this thing was chopped up and we got really lucky. >>pam: so far no arrests in the case. police will search for any forensic evidence that will lead them to the copper thieves. the bill will eventually be returned to the church. a stanford university professor that was prominent in the field of artificial intelligence
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has passed away. and john mccarthy found ways to stimulate aspects of human intelligence. in fact he made the term compaq artificial intelligence prominent after writing a paper bag in 1955. he also discovered voice recognition technology. he was parking fighting parkinson's--he was fighting parkinson's when he died he was 84 years old. >>reporter: here in san jose and across the bay flu season has arrived. it runs from the first of october through the end of march. while there are no indications that this will be an especially bad flu season health officials are recommending flu shots for just about everybody. anyone six month old or older should get one. they say especially the young and old
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who can be especially vulnerable to the flu. the flu shots are widely available especially at clinics like this one. now something to remember, this year's vaccine also include the h one in one component. >> vicki: we have a nice mild day with temperatures out there in the '70s. sixties closer to the coastline and upper 60 the in hayward and fremont. we continue to watch the wind because we have a threat of fire in the north bay hills. this will be through tomorrow morning but the threat is diminishing. if we
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see a gusty winds, this could spread very quickly. keep this in mind the careful out there through tomorrow morning will be cold overnight. the temperatures dropping into the 30's in a number of places including the north bay. we are warming up in the 7:00 p.m. hour. >>katherine: this this surveillance video from a shopping mall. you can see people rushing around trying to get out. these two men for example going down and up the escalator. all the time is running out searchers are holding on to hold that they will be able to reach more survivors. >>katherine: people began to applaud when 18 year-old college student was pulled from the rubble today. they are astonished at the three whole days survivors are still being found. people grabbed cameras, they crowned--crowded around to
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get a closer look. they know it is increasingly unlikely that people will be found alive. the rescue has inspired workers to keep digging. a few hours later this 27 year-old woman was found. she is an english language teacher whose hearts stopped not long after the video was taken but the doctors were able to resuscitate her. then there was the two week-old baby town yesterday her name means health. her mother and grandmother were also saved did appears to father did not make it. as for the terrifying moments when the earthquake hit, this surveillance from a shopping mall has been released. this was in the food court were the people reacted. in a another area, you can see the glass and the large windows in the back.
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everything was shaken around. thousands of people have been left homeless. >>katherine: this is a satellite picture of the huge storm. this is a view from space, that is how you to this is. winds have dropped to about 85 mi. per hour. forecasters say the storm will continue to weaken as it makes landfall. the hurricane is expected to hit tomorrow near cancun. >>katherine: women are displaying their feelings towards the government. this income--is in yemen the
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demonstrators are furious about the government. >>kimberlee: take a look at this, this with >>katherine: made the difference. this man stole many items from the home. this item is going to go on display in north carolina, more than to launch an 80,000 artifacts have been recovered from the shipwreck since it was found in 1996. take a look at
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this, and a dog brought a soccer match to a standstill for three minutes. players and referees tried unsuccessfully to stop this. at one point they're trying to lure the dog off the field by waiting a big red bag. the dog is excited jumping up and down by the time they get to the end of the field the dog decides to run back onto the field. and 8 ft. tall legal man was found washed up on the beach in florida. to check that video out you have to go our kron4 facebook fan page. we will be back after this break.
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don't worry honey, i'll show you. thanks everyone. so take a step forward... and chase what matters.
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>>catherine: now we have raw blackie with a look at our stocks. >> today i was surprised by the market. it seems that
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the countries are mocking each other. >>catherine: this is very interesting. now let us look at a loser, college prices are skyrocketing what will people do? >> college is not affordable for the average family. i cannot think parents should let their kids to go to college and become english or poured three majors. i know that is incredibly insensitive of me, but if you do your kid will be out there with the occupy protesters. state colleges are now trying to get out of state students to cover the budget shortfalls in the state. california tuition is up 21% year after year. we should be
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revolting over that period college education is our future taxes and our future kids. they are coming out of school with too much debt. obama came out with a plan that is marginal, but he did not have the gun power to help this situation. >>catherine: he was in colorado talking with students and it sounded good. >> yes, but there is still a lot of debt. parents, if you have a kid go to saving for college .com. try to get your kids into a math or science major because those jobs pay more money. >> now these are stocks that i want to own, they have a great ipo record earnings, record everything. for someone like
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you who wants to be a newscaster and accumulate wealth if you accumulate visa you will do well. >>catherine: thank you, we will see you tomorrow. >>jacqueline: we have a gorgeous conditions route the bay area with sunny skies like this and mild temperatures. as we head into the overnight hours, the temperatures will drop off. it will be cold out there tomorrow morning especially in the north bay and temperatures will hit the freezing mark a very briefly tomorrow morning. into the afternoon we have pleasant conditions. that as take a look at low temperatures out there for tomorrow morning. we will see plenty of thirties in these areas. we have low '40's in san raphael. it
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will be cold no matter where you could tomorrow morning so definitely grab your jacket as you head out the door. in our inland valleys, the temperatures will be in the '70s. not a lot of change from what we saw out there today maybe a couple of degrees warmer inland. we have '60s and '70s for our bayshores. we have '60s and '70s in the peninsula as well. temperatures will be nice and mouthed the afternoon. --and mild in the afternoon. we have mild conditions for tomorrow and
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similar for the weekend. we will stay this way all the way through your extended forecast. stay with us. >>gary: here are your tech headlines. we know more about sprint and their deal with apple. they have before you a deal that will cost them $15.5 billion to purchase apple phones. sprint will not make money off the iphone until 2015. in other news the where there is a twitter scam going around right now here is what happens, you get a message through twitter that says something like there is a blog runor or picture going around about you and a sense check it out. when you click on that the virus uses your account to send out >>stanley: to all of your
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followers. if this happens you, delete the message, reset your password. i will give you a peek at the window smart phone that they're hoping it will take on the iphone. i am gabe slate with kron4 news. california should be proud.
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>>kimberlee: this is appropriately called i am getting arrested. here espies--is how works. you can't open this up and free ride a text message it will include any number of people that you want to contact. when the cubs are slapped on or the police are approaching this press that big red button on the left. it will tell you that your message was sent and be
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polite. this application is free to download it is currently only available for android phones. we will be back after this break. honey...? [ mom ] yes.
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pam up tonight we are live has parents and teachers protest the closure of schools. at 6:00 p.m. we have a live picture from downtown oakland and a growing crowd. occupy protesters have promised not to back down despite confrontations last night with the police. this led to teargassed, beanbags, and
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tear-gas--rubber bullets. n. explanation on why the teargas was fired and why occupy oakland was taken down. you can look across the street at the plaza this opened in the last hour and half at 14th and broadway. there is a large crowd of protesters back here, there are well over 100 at this point. as for what the mayor had to say, here is what she said. >> i am obviously very saddened. oakland is a progressive city, we support the goals of occupy wall street. we have had high levels of unemployment and foreclosures. i think as a city we support the goals.
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yes to their think we saw some of the best of the city and some of the worst. we do not want this to be about demonstrators and police. we want this to be about their national cause. to give average working americans a fair deal. i will try to work with the community and the demonstrators. they are generally anti-government, but i know at the meeting today some people felt there was excessive force and a few cases. i asked the chief to investigate that and we are treating it very seriously. >>reporter: this is a live look at all the protesters at the plaza as we speak. we have had crews in the plaza earlier today showing you what it looked like after the raid and after the protesters tents were all taken down. hazzig manyud
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has more. >>reporter: the pair came has come down--as the barricade has come down only to replace by this. a new fence that was recently a place for occupy protesters. the park will be open between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. but this sign says that this area will be closed due to lawn renovation. the grass is this covered--this colored in some places and muddy and others. >> there are plenty of public parks and oakland. even if people are not allowed back in their there is always space. pam up right now we will take you inside of last night's confrontation.
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>> the crowd of several hundred have gathered here. >>reporter: all the different arrests have happened at occupy oakland. at this point this has been a very peaceful march. this is when the police said no, you're not going any further. and >> there are more and more officers wearing helmets and carrying shields. >>reporter: the street in oakland looked like a war zone.
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>> my friend sky is a two- time war veteran. he was struck in the head by a police project out. he had
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leading of the brain right now and i am not sure how he will be. >> if you agree with what scott agreed with by ending the wars in afghanistan and if you agree those in the occupy movement come out here and support him, support the others that have been on the street for weeks. do it peaceably. >>pam: scott is in critical condition in the hospital right now. the mayor of san francisco says within days the police will enforce laws that prohibit overnight camping there. we explain why the mayor says he needs to take action there. >>reporter: the mayor says there are a number of reasons to crack down on camping in the park he says protesters are taking up
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space that is for everyone to enjoy it but one of the biggest concerns is a threat to everyone's help. >> and when you have evidence of iraq and feces in plain open fight, that is immediate. >>reporter: tuesday demonstrators died this notice from the park. they say that rats are not a new problem here the demonstrators. >> rats are a problem in san francisco. >>reporter: they say they have taken steps to collect donations to rent the porta- potti that had showed up here. >> we are trying to mitigate all of the problems that have popped up down
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here. >>pam: this is a live picture and here are the number of people who are gathered carried an open rally is getting underway our reporters are on the scene. stay with us as we continue to cover the occupy protest all around the bay area. we will keep you updated on the situation in oakland as it continues to unfold tonight. we will be right back. >>jacqueline: and other mild day out there. i will have details on your chilly forecast coming up.
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[people chatting] everyone, it's $37 a piece. paying with your smart phone instead of cash. that's a step forward. with chase person-to-person quickpay, you can send money directly to your friend's checking account. all you need is their email address or mobile number. don't worry honey, i'll show you. thanks everyone. so take a step forward... and chase what matters.
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>>pam: parents and teachers have gathered outside of a meeting where the fate of five elementary schools could be decided tonight. the five elementary schools are on your screen. we are live at the school meeting with the latest. >>reporter: i walked out of the meeting just a few minutes ago. as you can imagine, parents are upset because they're not just talking about closing the five schools the district has announced plans to close 20 to 30 schools in the next two years. this into a district spokesperson explain why the changes are
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necessary. >> our resources are spread much too thinly. if we scale back to a manageable number of schools that will allow us to invest more heavily into the remaining schools so that we can provide more richer services for families and students. families if your school clothes to beef placed at a school that is at least as high performing as the one you are leaving. >>reporter: these fires are posted outside of the meeting inside the high school auditorium. if the school board decides to make the school closures basically by tomorrow families will be provided some type list to notify them exactly what schools have opened conditions, or open spot for the children to go to. by december 19th families will be notified about the school they pick if they will be able to go ahead and go into that school to transfer over. i
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have been told that the meeting could take about three or four hours just for the public comments. the decision could be made around midnight. pam >>pam: this is video from the scene of the attack that happened back in to gather nine. all but one of the men involved in the suspected rape will face life in prison. two of the men admitted that they were involved. all the defendants are due back in court next year. some of the worst roads in the bay area can be found in san jose. they rank in the lower third of all bay area cities. as a result san jose is considering a new parcel tax to help pay the millions of dollars in deferred maintenance on hundreds of miles of road. that could cause property owners as much as $400 per year on top
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of what they are paying. the residents say the cost is not fair. >> i have already paid for this role, had paid for this in my taxes why is this not fixed? why is it treated like that? why when they tore this up to put in the water wasn't it treated at that time? >> you have to work two and three jobs to make it nowadays. >> and it is very hard to know where the money is going to go. >>pam: the san jose mayor blames the ongoing budget woes on the soaring cost of pensions. a new parcel tax will not make it to the ballot before next year and it will require a two-thirds majority to pass. >>catherine: very emotional
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testimony in the conrad murray's trout. patients were talking about the doctor moving him to tears at one point. five people took the stand and all spoke of him as a caring and thorough doctor. prosecutors quickly pointed out that none of the patients were treated by him for a sleeping disorder. he is accused of getting michael jackson would turn out to be a lethal dose to help him sleep. the final witness will be to medical experts who will take the stand tomorrow. former presidential candidate john edwards was in court this morning. his opponents are trying to get a critical-- criminal case against him. they say he used campaign money to hide his mistress's pregnancy that in 2007. prosecutors say he knew about the money and tried using it to save his public image. he is due back in court tomorrow for more
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questioning. bp has been giving the ok to drill a new well. this will be the first since the disastrous oil spill last year. they say they have met strict new safety requirements. other companies have received the deep water permits recently. the new study says that the flu shot may not protect you this year. they say seasonal flu shots only protect about 59 percent of the cases in adults. they say that will obviously be a huge problem in the face of a dangerous pandemic still the current vaccine is the best weapon that we have for now. [music] >>jacqueline: here is a look at your highs for today. we still have a threat of fire
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concerns to the north bay and down through the east bay. the wind is up to 20 mi. per hour, wind gusts up to 25 mi. per hour. again, it is very dry the combination of these two things. this makes for a high fire danger in the hills. as we head into tomorrow it will be quite cold out there. temperatures this morning were chilly in the '30's and '40's. it is getting even colder tomorrow morning. we could feed temperatures hit the freezing mark in the valleys here just very briefly, places like sonoma and navato also in the '30's. it will be very chilly to start the day, but mild conditions for the afternoon.
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>>jacqueline: here is a look at your extended forecast. a chilly start to the day tomorrow with temperatures been mouth in the afternoon. your halloween forecast on monday is looking great. stay with us, i will be back after this.
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>>reporter: pestis into the kron4 newsroom a significant earthquake just struck in the south pacific near fiji. this was centered about 140 mi. east of the capital city of fiji. the earthquake did not cause any damage or injuries. it happened where 90 percent of the world earthquakes occur. just in case you missed it, last hour we showed you the small earthquake that happened in contra costa county. we will keep tracking the earthquakes but for now we will take a short break and be right back.
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>>pam: this is a live look at downtown oakland where the protesters began to form again. last night the mayor said she was disappointed in what happened last night and there will be an investigation into the police actions. kimberlee sakamoto joins us now. >>kimberlee: the occupy a lot of movement is very active on twittered. after the chaos last night, there are rallying trying to keep the momentum going.
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protesters tweeted the following. >>kimberlee: there were a lot of tweets that they send out telling people to come back today. i will keep an eye on the twitter page and let you know when any updates happened. we will be back after this break. ♪
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[ gasp ] [ mom ] my husband -- he thinks it's a 3-sheeter. i say 1-sheeter. bounty can clean the mess with less. [ female announcer ] in this lab demo, 1 sheet of bounty leaves this surface as clean as 2 sheets of the bargain brand. ♪ dance cooking? bring it. super durable. super absorbent. super clean. bounty the 1-sheet clean picker-upper. and try bounty napkins.
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on the phone right now to tell us what is going on with the occupy open movement. >>reporter: this assembly started on the east side of the plaza they moved it over to the emperor peter at the front of city hall. right now people are lining up and talking about really pretty much an open topic. some are talking about the tactics used last night. one thing that i can report that is important is basically the general consensus of this group not to enter the grassy area that has been fenced off. a couple people did try to go in there. the entire group collectively basically told them not to.
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at one point someone had actually moved the fence and quickly right after that other people put the fans back in place. i definitely have a sense that they will not defy the barrier. it seems to me that this group has changed their plans, their tactics. they have brought different things that they can do to bring and get their message across. it has become a common theme with people and his group that they cannot continue doing the same thing over and over again. the showdown tonight does not feel like it did last night. i can tell you that there are no police around here anywhere with in my field of view. there are
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literally hundreds of people with more and more people coming in to show their support. >>pam: i know this is still unfolding but you have a sense on whether or not they plan on staying out overnight in some capacity? >>reporter: that remains to be seen is a little unclear about that. a lot of the things that were discussed said perhaps as they could go up to the bank that is just down the street here and make their grievances known there. it is really unclear what the plan is right now. i am not sure there is a plan. this seems like a general assembly where the group is talking about their success and failure. the temperature, i
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mean the mood of the crowd is calm. it is really quite a different scene out here tonight than 24 hours upoago. >>reporter: continuing our team coverage in oakland i spoke with several protesters sang that last night's confrontation with the police has changed the message. what started as an occupied protest against banks and big business has now become in part about the
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excessive use of force by the police. >> the police are here to protect the people and not bother those who are being peaceful. >>reporter: several people were not even a part of the protests or even here last night came by to show their support. >>reporter: continuing our coverage here in open the city installed this new fence to prevent protesters from accessing the grassy area behind the plaza. the mayor says that this area will remain closed until further notice to allow the grass to hill. however, the rest of the plaza will be open for public use from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.. >>reporter: in san francisco the mayor says the city will begin to enforce its laws. no exact time line was given but he did say this will happen within days. the
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occupy protesters got this notice from the chief of police letting them know that their continued violation of city laws makes them subject for arrests. the city is hoping that they will comply. one protester i spoke with said they plan on leaving if they were asked. the other said they plan on peacefully resisting. >>jacqueline: tomorrow morning it will be very cold out there. check out those temperatures in napa, 34 degrees but warming up to the '70s for the afternoon. taking the kenmore temperatures for tomorrow afternoon. definitely grab your jacket as you head out the door. some areas could see freezing temperatures vary breezy tomorrow morning at least in the north bay. for the afternoon mild conditions are expected. we have sixties close to the coastline. and we have a
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gorgeous weather on tap all the way through the extended forecast. is a little chilly out there tomorrow morning. but nice and mouth afternoons through the weekend with plenty of sunshine that will continue into next week. stay with us, we will be back.
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ykswç so i got this new job last week, but their health insurance doesn't cover my kid's pediatrician. which is not cool. she was so fantastic. she had this sock puppet that she would use to explain exactly what she was doing and why she was doing it. i just wish there was someone to explain to me how i'm going to find another doctor like that. [ male announcer ] we know a good doctor is hard to find. we have some of the largest networks in california so you can choose one that's right for you. blue shield. so you can choose one that's right for you. ♪ going to the bank without going to the bank...
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that's a step forward. with chase quickdeposit on your smartphone, you just snap a picture, hit send and done. chase quickdeposit. take a step forward and chase what matters. ♪ we just keep on keepin' on ♪ ♪ keep on
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sakamoto with your celebrity buzz. lindsey low had arrived 20 minutes early for her community service today. she showed up late last week and was turned away. the judge said she must do 16 hours before november 2nd of the why she could face a jail for a probation violation. lindsey low and will they're all for playboy. she did the four deschutes with her mom said was tastefully done. playboy has not yet announced when she will be featured. [music] one of the most successful video game franchises will return for a fifth installation. they announced grand theft auto five this week. this will take place in los angeles. gamers will play more than one character. in the buzz i am
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kimberlee sakamoto with kron4 news. >>pam: coming up next the texas rangers will have to wait another day for a chance to win their first championship. gary has that story in sports straight ahead. in no harbaugh, no problem. shaw joins gary live to talk about it all.
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>>gary: st. lawrence missouri said they will not fool around with this thing. it could be off and on rain throughout the game, so why stop and start? what is good about this if you like cardinal fan, you can bring back your ace the
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same with ron washington. he can counter with a picture of his choice. no gain tonight but they're hoping for one tomorrow evening. >>gary: the first time since injuring his knee against the cowboys on september 18th, he practiced yesterday. they can't a surgically repaired knee would be enough to ruallow him to play. but harbaugh may have overextended himself.
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>> we will access the situation and determine it day-by-day. >>gary: you cannot kick someone in the growing--gro in. the replay is not pretty. again we like to say no one died, but robinson is fined $20,000 for doing that. to all the kids at home do not do that. see how i look out for the kids carr.
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>>gary: t.o.'s workout did garner him a contract offer. this is him with his shirt off. man, this brings back memories. [laughter] will he was offered a contract by the chicago rush, the arena football league for $400 per week. his agent said are you kidding? >>gary: when we return of the hottest names in college football in his rookie season as a head coach, david shaw has stanford off
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to a six in zero starts. he joins us next from the campus of stanford.
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>>gary: as we said, stanford has the football world talking with a young man in his maiden season as a head coach. david shaw, his team is a well oiled machine. they do a little bit of everything. they are great on the ground, they have a 15 game winning streak the longest in the nation. they've joined us from stanford. his dad is the legendary defense of coach. he worked for al davis and the raiders. what have you stolen from your dad dave? >> as much as i can, you
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cannot replace experience. he gives me those nuggets of wisdom. he comes by the office in talks with me and has been great to have them around. >>gary: is he asking in this? >> there is no question about it. he loves is the coaching staff and the players and i think he loves coming around to watching what we do. the >> for me the bcf means nothing right now it means nothing for a month. if people think we should go up or down that is fine, that is what the people will talk about. we did have to go out on saturday than play our best football. >>gary: you do not think it helps when you going to the recruit home and tell them that you are fourth in the
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nation? >> i think it does. before us our product is what we put out on the field. i think when you watch us play, we make the university proud. we play hard, tough and physical. recruits at like the way that we play also. >>gary: not to mention you have to go to class at stanford. >> no question, that is not optional i tell my players all the time the two things we care about here is winning football and graduating. >>gary: now during a game and do you think i want to make sure he gets that heisman, so i want to pump up his statistics just a little bit? >> i will not like, i get that feeling every once in awhile but the thing is he does not. so there is no reason for us to try and do that he wants to win football games. he told me that was one of the happiest
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and most enjoyable games he has ever played. he did not throw the ball a lot but will his best friends are on the line and to watch those guys he off play after play, he really enjoyed it. then i will-- >>gary: have you heard about suck for luck campaign? >> i guess i have and it hurts my stomach. when you are on a team in the nfl, you cannot think of anything but winning. it makes the food taste better, it makes everything so much better. but most likely a few months from now, he would not be smart to not take anthony because the is a great player. >>gary: and in football if you let up for one moment
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you will get hurt. >> there is no question about it. you have to play his fourth out to the best of your ability. no matter what the score, no matter what time of the year they go out and fight. >>gary: year replaced jim harbaugh and carried the tradition ride to the top now how does your hand sa-- handshake? >> everyone in this area knows jim, he is firing. and the energy does not stop after you win the game. it was a momentary thing, both guys have moved on hopefully they will play again and the playoffs. it will be exciting. >>gary: we appreciate dave
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shaw, there are good at stanford. they are really terrific in this guy has been headed to the top. >>pam: we will see you at 8:00 p.m. goodnight everybody. [ man ] quitting is a fight you can't let yourself lose. it can take many tries. but keep trying, you will beat smoking. honey, you okay? yeah, i'm fine. ♪ [ ukulele ]
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with no point caps, and points that don't expire. get started at he and his mom were outraged at judge bruno. >> our new interview with chaz and why cher's son was censored on live tv. i'm brooke anderson. >> and i'm kevin frazier. "the insider" is on. >> dancers are graded on a different scale. >> they say if you're an overweight woman, they love you. if you're an overweight guy, they penalize you. >> bruno made comments like i'm some fat troll and i'm sick of it. >> chaz versus bruno. "dancing's" weight discrimination war. >> do the judges have a double standard? >> a cute little penguin. he called you an ewok. >> a little ewok. >> a basketball or something like that. >> yeah. >> as high-scoring ricki lake celebrates her 20-pound weight loss. andy rooney hospitalized. and in serious condition. glenn beck's suicide breakdown.


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