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tv   KRON 4 Morning News  KRON  October 17, 2011 7:00am-10:00am PDT

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>>darya: we are following a developing story out of this firm. four people were shot including a nine year-old girl. this this happened during a child's birthday party last night. will trend
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is joining us from that neighborhood with the details. >>will: there is the hall where the party was taking place. 30 people were in the driveway when to suspect's came up and fired shots into the crowd. it could have been deadly. fortunately, all of the victims, not of them were older than 19. all of them should survive their injuries. two of them are in critical condition this morning. here is a closer shot of the garages. at this point we do not have a motive behind the shooting. i tried to speak with a owner of the house. he said right now they are tired but maybe later they will talk with us. according to neighbors, the family just moved into the neighborhood. this is a very nice neighborhoods. perhaps they had nothing to do with
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this. the police department is not saying it's a the other three victims that were shot were the intended targets. we should hear from a spokesperson very shortly from now. as soon as i do, i will pass that along. >>mark: the latest on the occupy movement. a clash between police and the protesters in san francisco this morning. here is video that you will see only on kron4. this started in the early morning hours, pushing and shoving between police and protesters. police shut down southbound embarcadero between midnight and 1:00 a.m.. if the police told protesters that they could stay in the plaza but their belongings needed to be moved. that is one trouble
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started. police started putting tents inside the back of a work truck, protesters surrounded the truck and would not let it leave. jackie sissel is live of a seed. >>jackie: as quickly as the tents were taken down, protesters have rebuilt this tent city. protesters from occupy san francisco have a bit out here for a better part of the three weeks. they were told by police that they could not remain here. at one point, the tire of 8 department of public works drop was slashed. all five protesters arrested last night have been
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released. according to them, they will stay out here for the foreseeable future. >> we have a rebuilt. we will stay here. we are calling for engineers for structure and energy supply, we are calling for people that know how to organize a donation campaigns. for anyone who could help us.
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>>george: 101 still looks good around highway 92. your commute to the golden gate bridge, 101 southbound is heavy but fog free. it looks like a good ride through
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marin county as well. interstate 80 is a potential hot spot because of an accident at mcbride. >>george: here is the latest in the newsroom. >>justine: if you waited in line for the new iphone 4s, you are not alone. more than 4 million were sold in three days. the iphone 5 is a last
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a project that steve jobs was intimately involved with from concept to final design. it will have a slimmer profile and a larger screen. it will be 40. it will have a complete redesign. we should get to see the iphone 5 at the apple developers conference in the summer of 2012.
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>>darya: we are looking for a cooler day this afternoon. warm and sunny. we will be right back. asked
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>>mark: in a developing story this morning, san jose police continued searching for a gunman who opened fire at dell's anal half--at a hell's angel funeral. steve tausan was the sergeant at arms for the santa cruz chapter of the hell's angels. he was also owner of this bill bonds agency. back in 1997 he was a bouncer at the pink poodle strip club when he was arrested and charged in the beating death of a customer. he said he acted in self-defense and
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was acquitted. he leaves behind four children. he was gunned down at oak hill cemetery on saturday during the funeral for the president of the hell's angels san jose chapter who was gunned down in nevada at a casino. >>darya: police are searching for will ever shot a 30 year-old man at a union city in-n-out burger. phi "tommy" pham is the one they're looking for. they believe he is the one who fired several rounds at a group sitting outside of the in-n-out burger. the victim was shot in the chest and taken to hospital. he is being treated for life- threatening injuries. investigators believe that sam is a member of the rest site hayward gang.--west side hayward gang.
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>>mark: no arrests have been made in any of the three shootings over the weekend. last year at this time in oakland there are only 65 homicides in oakland, to date there are 94. >>darya: here is a look from of that as evidence. clouds in the distance a we have sunshine as well this morning. inland highs will be near 88. we will be right back..
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>>mark: lets get the latest from james on the weather. >>james: today is great, it's immoral a different story. this afternoon, setting it warm. mostly eighties around the bay. that changes as we head into tomorrow. tuesday it will be windy and cooler. temperatures will only be getting up into the '70s. we have fog have the in the north bay. temperatures are
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holding steady. everyone is grouped together in the upper 50s and low 60s. by noon, some pretty good a variety. 60s-'80s sprinkled around. we will have widespread '80s in the north bay, east bay and south bay. around the bay, although '80s. of temperatures will drop considerably over the next 72 hours. beyond wednesday,
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a slight warming trend as we make our way towards the weekend. let's see what the roads are doing. >>george: we have a building traffic on 80 and the bay bridge toll plaza. let's start our bridge check here. drive times are running 16- 18 minutes. 19 minutes is normal for the bay bridge at this hour. everything is pretty much as expected westbound. your ride on the san mateo bridge has been good all morning long. your commute for the golden gate bridge has been problem free. the drive times are 24
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minutes for 680 southbound. highway 4, as expected. 101 is lighter than usual for the south bay right. in the north bay, slowing on 101 southbound but no accidents. it is definitely not a hot spot. the drive time around 30 minutes from novato to the golden gate bridge. >>darya: 7:22 a.m., today marks 42 years since the 1989 loma prieta earthquake that hit the bay area and sparked fires causing widespread destruction. a 7.1 magnitude earthquake centered along the san andreas fault. it struck at 5:04 p.m.. here is a video of people being treated. more than 60 people were
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killed. more than 3000 people injured. there is a symposium to commemorate the anniversary of the earthquake at 9:00 a.m. at san francisco city hall. >>erica: i am asking it of yours where they were when the earthquake shook the bay area. we are getting over 40 comments. take a look at what some people are saying. here is what another viewer had to say. the time right now is 7:23 a.m.. a quick break and we will be right back. stay with us.
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>>mark: president obama tried to rescue parts of its now-defunct jobs bill. he is urging congress to pass individual pieces of that larger plants. president obama also wants lawmakers to pass 50 billion in new spending on infrastructure.
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>>mark: the big story this hour, four people were shot at its third home looting a victims were attending a child's birthday party when two men opened fire. early this morning a clash between protesters and police, this is a part of the occupy san francisco protest. five people were arrested. one of the biggest gains in the nfl overshadowed by a handshake. a scuffle after the game. lions coach jim schwartz said that harbaugh shoved him. 7:30 a.m., let's get a look at the weather. it looks pretty nice. >>james: here is the view from mt. tam looking over the bay. patchy fog and cold
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temperatures. the fog is particularly heavy over the north bay. mostly sunny and warm this afternoon. the fog returning as we head into the overnight hours. tomorrow will be a lot like what we see right here, a penetrating into the north bay. visibility is down to under a mile in some sections. we are not seeing any reported delays out at sfo. >>james: the warmest south bay locations will be los gatos and morgan hill. possibly 88 there. mid-80s in san jose, low eighties around the media bay. across
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the north bay, the '80s in a bottle and in napa. same story for san rafael. com tuesday and wednesday, it all goes away. temperatures plummet. after all wednesday things get better with each progressive date. we will see temperatures above average for this time of year. a nice summer time weekend as we head into that bat back half of october. >>george: we are tracking in all the late westbound. the
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approach from 880 is a fairly heavy. the drive time will likely be a lot less. your ride on the san mateo bridge looks good. no problems in either direction. 13-15 minute drive time heading to foster city from hayward. the golden gate bridge ride is out of the fog once again. there are no delays for traffic southbound. the 101 a ride through iran has been pretty good so far. we are continuing to watch interstate 80 westbound. there was an earlier occurring accident at mcbride that started backing things up early but the commute is still normal your drive on a 101 northbound is still pretty good despite a reported accident at the 101 and 280 interchange. 101 southbound is still problem free. a little congested as
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you head down from highway 37. the drive times are 30- 32 minutes from novato to the golden gate bridge. >>darya: a developing story out of pittsburgh. four people have been shot including a nine year-old girl. they were shot at a birthday party at a home and redeem and atherton road. will tran has been in the neighborhood talking to people about what happened. >>will: 3 shots made their way into the garage. four people were hit including a child. two of the victims are in critical condition
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this morning but all four victims are expected to survive their injuries. six actress, really do not have the motive. i tried to speak with the whole water, but they are tired. they said that maybe they will speak with us later. according to the pittsburgh police department, they did not believe this is an gang- related. two people fired shots into the crowd, took off on foot and perhaps hopped into the car. the police department spokesperson should be and, in about a half hour. as soon as we get more information and a more definitive description of the suspects, i will pass that along to you. >>justine: " we have live pictures of the occupy protests that are happening right now in new york city. these are pictures from the original wall street move
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it. police had a clash with some of the occupy protesters in seattle. they were building a lot of their tents. >>mark: we have exclusive is video of a clash between protesters and police in the occupy said francisco movement. the plaza was shut down between midnight and 1:00 a.m.. protesters were told that they were able to stay but their belongings had to be moved. that is when the problems started. police started removing its hands and putting them into the back of the public works truck. protesters surrounded the truck and would not allow the truck to leave.
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jackie sissel is live on the scene. >>jackie: protesters have already started to rebuild the encampment. this has been going on for about three weeks. this week and protesters decided to make a more permanent encampment. at 1.8 dtw truck tire was slashed and an arrest was made. all five protesters have been released from
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>>jackie: i saw a dtw truck pulling up earlier. we do not know what the long-term plans are. as far as protestors are concerned, they say they're going to stay here. >>mark: we will check back with jack kezar of the morning. >>darya: we are back with more in a couple of
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>>darya: and other colleges are starting to do this. fans are starting to hold up these signs, they confuse the other players, but their team can make sense of the code. >>gary: i must be audited. --i must be out of it. if it works, it works. i am the sports director, i will make the final say. >>darya: what are you
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looking at? >>darya: >>gary: i look at all of them. has there been a game when you felt like they were born to lose? >>darya: know. they have won 14 straight games. >>darya: this is a horrible crash. it is incredible when ec half of the pact go down and this young guy killed. >>gary: i did not read the
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story, yesterday i was watching football, it does he have any kids? >>darya: i believe he has a son. this was unbelievably horrific. 15 cars. >>gary: the call of the race. >>darya: yes, they did. from now on, i would like to see a copy of some of these topics so that i am not caught off guard. from now on, i want every question,
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every piece of information so that i can give a coherent answer. >>darya: 7:54 a.m., we will be right back.
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>>erica: following health headlines, a new story says a 1-6 cell phones are contaminated with fecal matter. iphones also had traces of the cold light. scientists from the university of london found that men are likely to contaminate phones. they stayed to be sure to wash hands and white down yourself on the regularly. i have the full study on my facebook fan base. >>mark: is a good thing as a man, we do not care. here is a live look outside on this
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monday morning. a beautiful day on the bay. a lot of sunshine. we will have some fog through the golden gate. the fog is breaking out. we will be right back.
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>>darya: and pittsburgh, four people were shot including a nine year-old girl during a child's birthday party at a home on a ravine and atherton roads. will tran and is in the neighborhood live this morning talking to neighbors and investigators about what is next. >>will: it looks like there was just a party. a neighbor says he thought it was firecrackers. he was watching football and it did not think anything of it. as soon as the town of the party changed, people were talking and he realized there were not firecrackers, bullets were
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shot. from there, you can see bullet holes in the front of the house. police markings on the ground. it appears that four people were shot with the oldest of the 19, the other three victims were 19. we are still trying to find out information from the pittsburgh police department as to a possible motive. it seems like two people walk into the crowd and fired into the crowd and then fled on foot possibly running a short distance and and hopping into a dark colored sedan. fact there were also people in the back of the home. it could have been even more fatal, more serious as far as injuries. all the victims should survive their injuries. i am hoping to speak with the pittsburgh police department to get more information. as far as the family they said maybe they would talk with us later this morning. it
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looks like the family has left, no longer open to an interview. >>mark: a clash between police and protesters at the san francisco occupy movement. kron4 was there. protesters and police or mixing it up a bit. police had to shut down southbound embarcadero near the plaza from midnight-1:00 a.m. because of the scuffle. officers told protesters that they could stay but their belongings had to be moved. protesters surrounded of public works truck that police had from their tents into. five people were arrested. jackie sissel is live on the scene. >>jackie: for about three weeks, the occupy san francisco movement has been going on, relatively quiet and peaceful. protesters
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from occupy san francisco have a rebuilt the encampment here at justin herman plaza. at one point, it dpw truck tires or punter. that led to the five arrests and that you spoke about. we spoke with protesters earlier who say they are in this for the long haul. >> we are calling for engineers for structure, energy and for people who know how to organize a donation campaigns.
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>>jackie: i asked if san francisco police were going to move back in and take down the encampment. he said they are going to have to talk with city leaders and the the head of the san francisco police department tried to figure out a plan. for now he says they are not going anywhere were changing anything. >>mark: thank you. >>jackie: here is new video of police actually removing occupy protesters in seattle. you can see in this video all of the people there. the new information we are learning is that protesters are defying the city of seattle by camping with tense. this city has a no camping ordinance. as many as 500 protesters are there. police and protesters clashed this morning with
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police and city workers going in to remove the tents. we will show you live pictures of occupy wall street, the original protests in the new york city. that is coming up later this morning. >>darya: let's get a look at the weather. we are in store for a nice, warm day. >>james: this is at the cool down that darya is talking about. today will be fantastic. look at tuesday and wednesday. pay attention to the afternoon highs. we will all see temperatures drop as we head over the next 48 hours starting on tuesday. we have a three day cool down in store. tuesday and wednesday, a gradual cooling. let's take a look at where we see things right now. right now, it is the fog. you can see it
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penetrating inland, in the north bay. everywhere else, we are hugging the coast. the fog at the ground is the worst in the north bay, that is where we see if visibility reduced to less than a mile and a good number of spots. temperatures are still holding steady the numbers have not moved. 58 in san francisco, 61 and oakland. this afternoon temperatures will jump. by 4:00 p.m. widespread '80s. throughout the east bay and north bay bally's and a long the media bay as well we're looking for 81 in oakland. 83 for hayward and fremont. it will be really nice with plenty of sunshine. enjoy it.
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beginning tomorrow, that changes. we have another thing chance of drizzle on wednesday. after that things shape up nicely. here thursday, friday, saturday and sunday we will enjoy a gradual warm up. >>george: a slow ride around the bay area. sluggish traffic. here at the toll plaza the backup reaches to the edge of the macarthur maze. it is an 18-20 minute drive from 80 were the macarthur maze. your ride on the san mateo bridge has been smooth and steady all
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morning long. there are no problems across the stand. an easy ride across the span. slow traffic in marin county. here is a look at your ride on the east shore freeway. heavier traffic with a 26 minute drive time as you head west from hercules to berkeley. heavier traffic north of walnut creek but south of it, an easier ride through the san ramon valley. in the south bay we are picking up typically heavy traffic 30 northbound especially around the 17 interchange. i mentioned heavier traffic in iran, a drive time from 37 leading down to the golden gate bridge of about 39 minutes. definitely the drive times are climbing. there are no bad spots so
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far this morning. eight 08 a.m.. we will take a break into the kron4 morning news will be right back. soft
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>>mark: we are watching bay area weather and wall street. the dow jones is down 135 points to 11,509.
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>>darya: haziness and sunshine in san francisco, traffic is moving pretty well. we will be right back.
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>>james: let's focus on the weather. is a monday. thing here is a live look from our roof camera. sunshine on san
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francisco city hall. if we do have some clouds and fog out their thoughts, the north bay will be impacted the most. 70's and 80's with the warmest spot in the upper 80s. we have a call down on tap for tomorrow and wednesday. let's focus on the fall. that is what is impacting the ride in the north bay. you can see how severe the visibility has been reduced from san rafael to santa rosa. under a mile at best and under a quarter mile out worse. that is the deal in the north bay. redwood city, half moon bay also dealing with cloud cover and fall. temperatures are still on the mild side. this afternoon, take a look,
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around the the media bay, very nice.--around the the immediate bay, very nice. morgan hill is a warmer because it is a further south. in the east is where we will see temperatures approaching 90 degrees. in fairfield, 87. san rafael, 84. beings change over the next couple of days. we have a system in the pacific that will be bringing in the fog more intensely, clouds as well and maybe a chance of drizzle. look at temperatures. that is what you'll notice more than anything. the cool down will
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bring high temperatures from 88 to 76. a similar story for the day and the coast. ever one will notice a big drop in the thermometer. things will warm up as we head towards the weekend. let's get an update on the commute. >>george: clear tracking our first hot spot of the morning. 680 leading to 24. earlier there had been heavier traffic at the north and but for the san ramon valley, a problem free. third the backup is further north into the drive times are bigger. normally it would be about a 12 minute drive from highway 4 to walnut creek. it is running at 31 minutes right now. there are no good alternate routes. the pleasant hill road is already pretty heavy. a bridge check as we look first at the bay bridge westbound. a stall on the
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upper deck has slowed the rise even more. now, the backup is stretching towards the macarthur maze. drive times are above 20-22 minutes. your san mateo bridge commute is a problem free. a good alternate if you would like to use the bay bridge fourth, there are no delays. the golden gate bridge ride 101 southbound is still problem free. there is heavy traffic through central marin right now and even in northern iran. the drive time from 37 to the golden gate bridge is running at about 40 minutes. >>mark: san jose police from looking for a gunman that opened fire at a hell's angel funeral. steve tausan was the victim. he was the sergeant at arms for the santa cruz chapter of the hell's angels. he was also the owner of a san jose bail bonds agency. in 1997,
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townsend was a bouncer at the pink poodle strip club when he was arrested and charged with the beating death of a customer. he said he acted in self-defense and was acquitted. he leaves behind four >>darya: said there have now been 94 homicides in the city of oakland. >>darya: pg&e will be vending and natural-gas-- will be venting and natural
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gas. service will not be interrupted and a service should resume quickly. >>mark: it has been one month since the occupy wall street movement began in new york city. in 30 days we have seen the movement spread across the nation and across the world. here is the occupy rome protests or a building was set on fire. an estimated $1 million in damage done. organizers say there are 950 cities in 80 countries taking part in the movement rallying against corporate greed serious fraud >>darya: many of the largest protests were in europe. the building on fire is in rome. we have seen in many cities involved in this as we are continuing to watch the protests. we do have a live look at what is going on with those protests. in
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san francisco, justin herman plaza. there was a confrontation over night. we will have more on that into evidence. we are back with more, here is a live look outside. this is our mt. tam cam. clouds are clearing up. get ready for the sunshine. we will be right back. ♪
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which is good... no! bigger! bigger! [ monica ] ...because i don't think we're going anywhere for a while. [ male announcer ] write your story with the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. get started at you have hard water stains and that cleaner's not gonna cut it. you need lime-a-way.
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>>mark: the san francisco 49ers came away with a big win in detroit. alex smith gave the go-ahead 6 yd touchdown pass to delay the walker on fourth down with less than two minutes remaining in the game. the 49ers added a field goal less than one minute later. the lions are 5-0, defeated headed into the game. >>darya: even more action after the game with a handshake and backslaps and then, you saw the words. jim harbaugh of walked away and it jim schwartz caught up
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with him. what did they say? other teammates and people were pulling them apart. schwartz said he flung up some sort of a bad word at him. harbaugh says it was just a firm handshake. he takes responsibility. >> i took his hand and shook it to heart. it was a strong slapp, grab a handshake, the same as i have been doing with the stands at and a few of the other guys. it was to part of a handshake. >>darya: listen to what schwartz said. >> i want to congratulate coach kharkov's, i got shoved out of the way and it did not expect an obscenity, it was a surprise to me. >>darya: of bad behavior,
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overly emotional, who knows what it was. the nfl is reviewing the incident. >>erica: many facebook friends are talking about this on our facebook fan page. here is what some of the responses were. >>erica: if you would like to leave your own comments, i could read them on the air coming up next hour. >>mark: will will have highlights from the raiders game and show you how players and fans honored the late al davis. that is coming up in the next half- hour. the dow jones with a drop today. renewed concerns about whether or not they can get a deal done in europe. it's thought saugh
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>>darya: a big story out of pittsburgh this morning, four people were shot including a nine year old girl. they were shot at a birthday party that was being held last night at home near ravine and atherton road. will tran is joining us live from pittsburgh in the neighborhood district. no one 1/2. >>will: there was a chance that we could get an interview but two men just left the area ended as tv. this is the
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there are three blow holes on the grogs door, there are 6-7 blow holes around the hall. three others along with a nine year-old were hurt. none of the kids are older than 19. we do not know a motive or in fact it those three other people were the intended targets. if we are hoping to hear from the pittsburgh police department as to a more definitive description of the suspects as well as a possible motive. they told us last night, they do not believe that this was gang- related. >>darya: they give. >>mark: the latest out of san francisco and the occupy san francisco movement, five arrests were made after a clash between police and protesters. here was a video from last night. a lot of pushing and shoving between police and
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officers told protesters that there are able to stay, but their belongings had to be removed. officers started putting intense in the back of a public works truck. protesters surrounded the truck and would not let it be. jackie sissel is live on the scene. >>jackie: protesters are back out here down in justin herman plaza. it has been relatively peaceful for the past three weeks of the occupy san francisco protectsprotest. they decided tt up a more guarded a catmint and that is when they start a clashing with police.-- they decided to set up a more permanent encampment. that is what they start a clashing with police. police came in to clear out the plaza. at one point the department of public works
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had a truck with its tires slashed. that led to what of the five arrests. all five of the protesters that were arrested have been released. >> we are here. we are not going anywhere. we do not believe in this movement was six and by the police. it released the people here right away. when we went to a meeting with paul henderson, the chief of staff at the mayor's office, the mayor was in support of us. >>jackie: we have not seen any issues with police officers. i did speak with a lieutenant from the san francisco police department who did not go on camera but
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he said he did not think there would be any more issues today. this is a subject that will have to go through the higher ranks of the san francisco police department and the city of san francisco. justine >> this just in and, the original occupy wall street movement has been going at this for one month. you can see from these live pictures how many people are gathered in that small manhattan park. the occupy movement has raced $300,000, this includes not only cash but donated equipment. it does not appear that the movement is slowing down. if anything, it continues to grow. we have occupy san francisco, oakland, walnut creek, there is occupy seattle, occupy miami. this movement is
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continuing to grow. >>darya: let's talk with george. there are some hot spots. >>george: a hot spot is not just a major incident, it is also an area where traffic could be much slower than usual. that is what we have for interstate 80 westbound. that is in part to an early morning accident the drive time here is running 40-31 minutes. it should be about 26 minutes. it is a slower than usual right. on 680 southbound, the trip out of concord to walnut creek is a 30 minute ride. it is two times more than what it should be for the southbound commute. 680 is not bad until you hit the 242 split and then it is solid all the way down. your ride in marin county, the drive time is
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inching upward. if you measure it coming from the beginning of the backup which is just south of the county line, the drive time is looking more like 45 minutes to get down to the golden gate bridge. that is slower than usual. so is the bay bridge. we learned of an accident on the approach to the bridge westbound. it is in the carpool lane that things are starting to back up a bit. all lane approaching the bridge are fairly heavy. the drive times are still pushing upwards of 22 minutes across the span. a quick look at the san mateo bridge right. it has been problem free all morning long although it is heavy
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>>james: blue skies and cloud cover. we will see cloud cover pulling back. we're looking for a mostly sunny and warm afternoon with temperatures in the upper 80s. this evening we expect the fog to come back. this is where it is heavy is. in orange, less than 1 mi. visibility. that is affected in a bottle near 101 into 37 all the way up past santa rosa. that is where we see the fog the heaviest. everyone else is a joint clear skies to the east or along the peninsula overcast conditions. we are looking for a good bit of sunshine this afternoon. temperatures are still holding steady. we have not seen a lot of movement but now that we're into the 8:30 a.m. portion of the morning, up 40 9:00 a.m., we expect the numbers to start climbing. 70's and 80's drew
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out the bay. even around the media bay, a good bit of 80 degree weather. no matter where you are, you will have a nice forecast for today. this energy in the pacific is headed our way. as it approaches, we will get parts that will bring as cloud cover in a cooler weather. take a look at the 7 day forecast tuesday and wednesday. we even have drizzle expected along the coast on wednesday. definitely cooler trend and then, we break out of it. the sun will come out and warm things up for the weekend. we will take a quick break and back with more headlines at a moment.
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>>george: we have been tracking some hot spots. the good news is, it has improved but slower than normal at about 29-32 minutes. the drive should take 22-24 minutes. you're right on highway 680 southbound coming into walnut creek is a little better but heavy as you head south to the san ramon valley. >>darya: we are talking sports. their raiders have won four games this season. they also had a 100 yd kickoff return. they
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defeated the cleveland browns 24-17. al davis passed away a little more than a week ago. >>mark: open will be right back as the kron4 morning news continues.
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>>george: you are watching the kron4 morning news. we have been tracking some hot spots. really slow for a number of east bay rights. we are seeing improvement in congestion and the drive times for interstate 80 westbound. drive times are continuing to fall back down to 26 minutes. we are about four minutes away from a normal drive time. that could shift with a new accident reported around san paolo avenue. this 680 ride is much improved out of concord into walnut creek but still have the into danville on 680 southbound. that drive time is actually normal. it could take the 26-28 minutes to get to dublin. unusually heavy to laguarta road until slightly after 9:00 a.m.. your marin ride was way behind schedule
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but we have seen an improvement. drive times are dropping pretty quickly. the bay bridge has a big backup westbound, at least 20 minutes coming from the macarthur maze and nearly that if you're coming from interstate 880. the drive times are dropping by about one minute get the backup is decreasing to the toll plaza. on the golden gate bridge, 101 southbound, is look through central ran into northern iran, the trip across the span is a problem and the way for it. >>james: here is a live look at the james lick. sunshine coming down for a fairly decent cloud cover over san francisco. inland highs will
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get into the upper 80s in some spots. over the next two days we will see quite a cold house. most of the locations are in the mid- upper 80s for today. that will change tomorrow. it will get even cooler as we head into wednesday. less
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than 1 mi. visibility for the entire stretch of the 101 pass santa rosa. here are your current temperatures. temperatures are nice and mild across the media bay. even downtown san francisco will be pleasant today with 76 and mostly sunny skies.
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>>mark: dan wheldon has died in this fiery crash at the indiana 500 during lap 13. 15 cars slammed into each other. the rest of the race was canceled. in its place, remaining drivers drove five labs in memory of weldon. here is video from the in indiana, fans set up a makeshift memorial outside of this the way.
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>>darya: 22 years ago today , an earthquake caused cracks in buildings and fires. a 7.1 center along the san andreas fault line. it struck at 5:01 p.m.. about 3000 people were injured. 60 people were killed. a symposium is to commemorate the anniversary of the earthquake will be held at 9:00 a.m. at san francisco city hall. >>mark: thousands of people turned out in martin luther thousands of people turned out in washington d.c. at the dedication of the martin luther king memorial. martin
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luther king jr. resigned spoke. president obama also spoke about dr. king's determination to fight for change. >>president obama: let us remember that change has never been quick. change has never been simple or without controversy. change it depends on persistence. change requires a determination. it took a full decade before the moral guidance of brown vs. the board of education was translated into the enforcement measures of the civil rights act and the voting rights act. those 10 long years did not lead dr. king to give up, he kept on pushing. he kept on speaking and marching until change finally came. >>mark: the president added that the work of dr. martin
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luther king is not complete. the memorial opened in august but the dedication was postponed because of hurricane irene. >>darya: we're back with more in a couple of minutes.
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>>erica: we have a lot to get to in the buzz. lindsay low and will be in court this week with some serious explaining to do after failing to complete her court-ordered community service. the hearing is scheduled for wednesday. rumors are swirling that she could face jail time. the host of e entertainment news announced this morning that she has cancer. she will
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undergo six weeks of radiation and surgery. she says her prognosis is good. more headlines coming up next hour. >>mark: the german finance minister has said that the european union meeting next week will not be able to resolve the debt crisis just yet. concerns about europe once again. an update on occupy protests in a couple of moments.
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>>darya: we are following a big story out of a pittsburgh worked for people were shot including a nine year-old girl and a child start the party last night. this is a video of the
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victim. this happens at home near a ravine and atherton. will tran is live in the neighborhood in front of the house. >>will: the shooting took place almost 12 hours ago. many neighbors are just waking up and getting over the shock of what happened. there are three blow holes in the garage, 6-7 market is on the ground. there are three bullet holes in the crotch and 6-7 markings on the ground from police. maybe 30 people were at this there were four people shot including a nine year old child. no one was over the age of 19. this neighborhood is still in shock over what
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happened. joining me now is joshua booker, he is a neighbor that lives in the back of the home where the shooting took place. what did you hear? >> last night around 9:00 p.m., i was watching television with my wife and i heard a bunch of shots. there was a kids party going on. >>will: it looked is it? >> nothing crazy going on. >>will: you have a nine year-old son? >> yes. i made sure he was ok. >>will: what was going
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through your mind? how could this happen in my neighborhood? >> i was thinking about coming over to welcome them to the neighborhood. it was shocking. i have been in the military, i am from richmond, i am not desensitized, but i am used to it. >>will: i am glad you and your family are ok. a lot of people telling me that these people had just moved into the home. >>mark: here was the scene around midnight last night, there was pushing and shoving it going on between police and protesters in san
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francisco. san francisco police told protesters that they could stay, but their belongings had to go. police started throwing their tents into the back of the public works truck. protesters surrounded the truck and would not let it leave. jackie sissel has been live on the scene throughout the morning. >>jackie: protests have been relatively peaceful. let's take a look at more video from last night when protesters clashed with police. police said they could not but up tense. at 1.8 department of public works truck had its tires
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slashed. according to protesters, all five of the protesters that were arrested have been released and are back here this morning. we did speak with protesters to get an idea of what their long-term plans are. >> we are going to stay here. will we are looking for engineers, people who know how to organize donation campaigns, anyone who can help us. >>jackie: as i said earlier, they are planning to stay here for a while. i spoke with the san francisco office earlier this morning instead right now they are not going to do anything.
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they say they have to speak with higher ups in the police department and consult with the city to the iraq exactly what they are going to do.--and consult with this city to find out exactly what they are going to do. >>justine: here is at video of police for building occupy protesters in seattle. it is against city law for them to be in the park. the protesters and their tents or removed earlier this morning. the seattle mayor says he supports their right to protest, but camping is not allowed in the park. police have arrested a few of the protesters who would not cooperate.
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>>george: we started out with three hot spots in the last hour. 80, 101 and 680. this is a the last one left. it is no longer derive from concord on 680 into walnut creek, is now this stretch leading from walnut creek down to dublin. the heavy traffic has shifted south. the drive time from here to dublin is running at about 33 minutes. it should be about 20 minutes at this hour. since we have just past 9:00 a.m., the diamond lane restrictions on laguarta road was lifted. it may take a longer than usual time for the traffic to dissipate. on the bay bridge westbound, this has been a rough and slow ride. a motorcycle accident northbound 88 just before the turn off. all of the approaches are still pretty
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slow. the drive times are still running 18-20 minutes for the bay bridge back up. that seems to be the new normal. the san mateo bridge is normal, a critique like an easy ride. the backup is almost completely dissipated on 92 westbound towards the stand. your golden gate bridge was a rough air and slow, drive times are down to below 40 minutes, 36 minutes from novato to the toll plaza of the golden gate bridge. it is time for a check on the weather with louisa. >>louisa: we do have some coastal fog. hazy conditions are starting to clear up around the bay temperatures will warm into the '70s and '80s. 80 degrees and
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concord. a lot of sunshine and warmer today. by tomorrow, a big difference in temperatures. we are down into the 60s for tomorrow. temperatures will stay around 74 for santa rosa. will also deal with when the weather tomorrow. along with cooler temperatures, visibility is less than 1 mi. at this point in some areas. it looks like the afternoon highs will warm up into the upper 80s through livermore. san francisco today will bring
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as 70's. here is your 7 day around the bay. cool weather from tuesday through wednesday. a little bit of drizzle wednesday morning. after that we will wrap up the work week and dry out through the weekend. we will be right back as the kron4 morning news continues. asks lough tax x hall
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>>mark: of the dow is often when it renews concerns on whether or not you're can resolve its financial crisis. the biggest drop for bay area stocks is a wells fargo, down 6.25%.
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>>louisa: you are looking at a visibility map right now. morning fog, especially in the north bay. visibility is less than a quarter mile through santa rosa and petaluma. the fog is stretching all the way down into portions of orinda and along the peninsula as well. right now the satellite and radar does show as we head into the afternoon, briggs in sunshine with temperatures warming quite nicely. it is not until tomorrow that the cooling trend said sen. details coming up in a few minutes. >>mark: the san francisco 49ers came away with a victory in detroit. alex smith through the go ahead 6 yd touchdown pass to delaney walker with less than two minutes left in the game. the 49ers added a field goal lions were 5-0
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undefeated headed into the game. everyone is talking about what happened after the game. a hearty handshake and turned into a scuffle as the coaches and shook hands and patted the lions coach on the back, the coaches exchanged words. a scuffle ensued. harbaugh took responsibility. >> it is totally on me. i should his hand too hard. it was a strong slapp, grabbed a handshake. the same as i had been doing with the stands and a few of the other guys. it was on me. >>mark: schwartz claimed he heard an expletive during the handshake. the nfl is reviewing the incident. >>erica: a lot of the viewers are talking about this on our facebook fan page. i asked if schwartz
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should get an apology. we have about 50 reports coming in. take a look at one person had to say. if you would like to leave your own comments, visit our facebook fan page. we also have a call where you can vote and discuss this today. >>darya: their raiders also one. they did lose a quarterback to a collarbone injury but they held on to defeat the cleveland browns 24-17. it was the first home
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game for their raiders since losing al davis. at halftime they had john madden do a lighting of a torch and they had players lined up on the field. they were wearing black shirts with the word our written on them. davis has a wait a little more than a week ago . >>mark: a quick break as the kron4 morning news continues. it's a beautiful start to the work
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hey, ellen, what are you doing? just brewing up some dunkin' donuts coffee -- want some? [ whoosh! ] i'd love some. one taste, and you'll understand. delicious dunkin' donuts coffee. pick some up where you buy groceries. america runs on dunkin'.
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>>mark: a shooting injuring a nine year-old girl. no injuries have been made. in
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san francisco, five protesters arrested in the occupied movement. the handshake incident at the 49ers game. >>darya: let's get look at the weather and traffic. a lot of sunshine out there. >>louisa: look at our downtown camera. low cloud cover and fog this morning hanging around the north bay. into the afternoon, a lot of sunshine, temperatures in the '70s and '80s. the cool down starts to kick into gear by tomorrow. as we take things into tomorrow a big change in the weather. it will be
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windy and cold. san francisco dropping to 56. we will stay in the seventies through the east bay, south bay and north bay. one of the warmer spots reaching only 78 degrees. this morning in the south bay temperatures in the low 60s. by the afternoon, highs in the '80s. in san francisco, 76 warming to the upper 80s for concord, fairfield and santa rosa. here is your 7 day around the bay. >>george: better news for the bay bridge. the backup happened for over 20
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minutes. the ramp is backed up halfway. a much easier ride. we are slow some between 80 and the west grant approach to the toll plaza flats. the drive time is 15-16 minutes but quickly improving with good movement at the heart of the toll plaza. your ride on the san mateo bridge has been pretty good. no delays any longer. a 13 minute drive time once again. your ride on the golden gate bridge is much easier now than earlier this morning, so is the commute through marin counties. i will show you that in the second. in the east bay we had our share of hot spots. 80 is still a little sluggish for the upper east shore free weights. so is the right on 680 southbound. the heaviest traffic is getting north to mountain view on highway 85. we have
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waves of a sluggish traffic. the drive times are under 30 minutes out of novato to the golden gate bridge. >>darya: in a developing story that we're covering out of this start, there were four people shot including a nine year-old girl. the victims are being taken to hospital, this happened during a child's birthday party last night at home at ravine and atherton road. will tran is joining us live from pittsburgh with the latest. >>will: joining me is the man who was having a party for his three year-old daughter. this was supposed be a festive affair but around 9:30 p.m., you were in front of the house and shots were fired. explain what happened after that he.
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>> everyone was scared. >>will: you were in front, he shoved her mother to the ground? >> yes. the guys came over here in the front and started shooting. i was running scared. >>will: ddc the two men that came here? were you able to see the two men? >> they covered their heads with a black sweat >>will: what was going through your mind? >> these guys are killing my family. i was scared and i saw members of my family shot. >>will: year nine year-old knees got hit in the arm, you're 17 or older cousin got hit around the chest
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level. he went through an 8 hour surgery. >> yes. he is fine right now. he said he is feeling good. >>will: the other two people that were shot were teenagers? do you know who they work? >> i had never seen them before. >>will: you said it could be friends of your sister-in- law. >> yes. they were not family. >>will: do you think they were shooting at your 17 year-old cousin? >> not at all. he is very intelligent. he is good in school. >>will: do you have any thoughts on why someone would do this? >> i have no idea. my family is a good family. we work
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hard, that is it. we do not have problems, nothing like that. i do not know why. i am scared now. this is my family. i do not know what is going to happen now, maybe there will come back and start shooting again. >>will: we are glad you are ok and the rest of your family is ok. darya, the reason why hector agreed to go on camera, he wanted to send a message out to the shooters. he wants them to please leave his family alone. there were just having a party that started around 3:00 p.m.. the shots happened around 9:30 p.m.. they're still looking for the suspect. he is making it passionately to leave his family along. they just moved into this neighborhood looking for security and all the sudden, that quickly turned upside down. >>mark: in another developing story this
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morning, clashes between occupy san francisco protesters and police. here was the scene at justin herman plaza late last night. this is video from kron4. police shut down southbound embarcadero street from midnight-1:00 a.m.. police told protesters that they were able to stay but they would have to move their belongings. asked five people were arrested. jackie sissel is live on the scene. >>jackie: there are not many signs of what happened last night. the semi permanent tent city has been rebuilt by the protesters of occupy san francisco. they have been protesting for about three weeks that they have been down on market street in front of the federal reserve bank. this week ended they made a more prominent encampment at
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justin herman plaza. that is when the problems began. here is a video from was night when police moved in to take down the tents and move some of those possessions. that is one police clashed with protesters. according to protesters, all five of the protesters that were arrested have all been released and are all back here this morning. we had an opportunity to speak with one of the protesters earlier this morning, he spoke about the long-term plans. they do not plan on going anywhere anytime soon. >> we are here, we are not going anywhere. we do not believe that this movement was sanctioned by the police. the release the people right away. our understanding is, when we went to in meeting with the chief of staff of the
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mayor's office, the mayor was in support of us. corporations are calling him daily to have him removed as from this property. i think they are the ones that issued the directive. i >>jackie: there has been a police presence out here this morning although very small. for the most part, it has been just to patrol officers. i did get an opportunity to speak with a lieutenant from the stands as is the police department and asked what the long-term plans for. he said he did not know, but he did not think there would be any more issues today. obviously that is something that will have to be brought to the higher ups in the police department along with city officials. >>darya: we will be back in a couple of minutes. do not go away. here is a live look from a van ness ave. there is a breeze blowing. it looks like full sunshine. we will be right back. xi
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costs oasts it's suggesting >> the president just finished a speech where he was drumming up support for his job as planned. this morning the president noted that a recent survey shows the public backing for the plant. he told the crowd he has a new plan for getting lawmakers to vote for his bill. >>president obama: we're going to give them another chance to do their jobs this week, i am asking members of congress fourth, we are going to break up my jobs bill. maybe they could not understand the entire thing all at once. the president just started a three day bus tour. we will take a break on the kron4 news and be back with much more after this.
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>>darya: there is a news that the european debt crisis is not going to be fixed. a solution may not be imminent. that is pulling stocks lower as well. we also saw that wells fargo sank after posting results that fell short of what analysts had been expecting. >>mark: dan wheldon died in is a fiery crash during in indycar race. in indiana,
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fans set up a makeshift memorial outside the gates of the indianapolis motor freeway. he took the checkered flag in 2005 in ended this year. he finished among the top-10 from two dozen 4-2010. dan wheldon was 33. >>darya: today is the 22nd anniversary of the loma prieta earthquake that happened back in 1989. it hit the bay area hard sparking fires during a 7.1 magnitude center along the san andreas fault. here is a video of people on stretchers. about 3000 or more were injured. six people killed. there was a symposium that started at
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9:00 a.m. at san francisco's city hall to remember that big earthquake. >>mark: the weather forecast looks good. >>louisa: today will be pretty nice. sunshine into the afternoon. it right now for mt. tam, you can see it clearly clear shot. snug as we head into the afternoon will warm up into the 80s. in san jose will warm to about 86 or 87 siri asks it looks like we will see a lot of sunshine in san francisco as well. oakland warming to about 81. in santa rosa and concord, a highs will be in the upper 80s. we have some changes as we break into tomorrow. windy, cooler weather. downtown san francisco, down into the '60s tomorrow. we will warm to about 74 in congress. in
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terms of visibility, we are seeing problems with visibility in santa rosa and if petaluma. the careful. there is a catchy, is dense fog in the north bay. by noon a mixture of 70's and 80's. afternoon highs in the '80s. warming to 83 in hayward, fremont and mountain view. san jose will pop up to about 86 fifth san francisco will warm to the upper 70's. concord and fairfield will climb into the upper 80s. here is your 7 day around the bay. a drop in temperatures. cooler weather through wednesday as well. wednesday we could wake up to a little bit of drizzle. thursday and friday, sunshine comes out and we will stay that way through the weekend. >>george: we have been tracking a rough ride this morning on the bay bridge
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westbound, you can see the end of the back up finally before the end of the broadcast. that means you're looking at a 12-13 minute drive time. there is still heavy traffic on the stand. the san mateo bridge is another matter. has been a light and easy ride all morning. costs 15 minutes from table to foster city. the golden gate bridge ride is easy in both directions. the east bay had its share of hot spot. 680 south is now completely cleared out. the south bay freeways are much improved. in marin it
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the only slowing is approaching linkedin southbound. no insulants or delays otherwise. scott--no insolence or delays otherwise. >>mark: yesterday police responded to reports of an armed man running around. investigators say an opposite felt threatened, opened fire and killed the suspect. this is the sixth officer involved shooting in san officer: nationwide it seems like there is a trend where individuals are more confrontational toward officers. it is a dangerous field to be and at this point. we do have your numbers of officers did years past.
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>>darya: we're back with more in a couple of minutes. your is a live look at the golden gate bridge.
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>>darya: coming up on dr. phil, the amateur adult video business. that is coming up >>erica: on our face a but fan page we have a contest for a trip to to--a trip for two to nashville. >>mark: the cardinals and texas rangers will be added to the world series. tom and
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larissa is taking 18 to the world series for the sixth time. five--tony la russa is taking a baseball team to the world series for the sixth time. >>darya: number 1 at the box office, a real steel and that the loose. no. 3 was the thing. here is a look at the 7 day around the bay forecast. on wednesday we will cool off and warm up again towards the weekend. >>mark: our next newscast is at 5:00 a.m.. if you for
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joining us.
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