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tv   KRON 4 Morning News  KRON  October 5, 2011 7:00am-10:00am PDT

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there are four employees critically hurt and to employees that are dead. joining me now is one of the
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contractors at a walthe rock quarry. what can you tell us as far as the terrain and how the operation is up there? new speaker is the incident did take place at the safety meeting, that would have been in the quarry office which is above the quarry they usually have a safety meeting at 4:00 a.m.. it is monday, i doubt that vehicular travel is possible at this point. i have been trying to get a hold of a supervisor, i have not been able to. that is not necessarily concern because so phones are hit and miss in the quarry. news. maybe the employees there could be hunkered down
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someplace, anyplace that does not have so phones. >> correct. most of the communication is done with motorola radio is because they are reliable. >> we are hearing that the employee came in with an assault rifle and handgun and opened fire. when was the last time you were there? did you hear any rumblings or disgruntled employees that could have led to this or forced out of this to happen? >> i did not. i am in the office quite often during the day at because i have to verify what i am doing in the plant. i did not hear that. >> this employee, if it did happen, people are sitting down at their desks having meetings and sitting on coffee. all of a sudden, a massacre. >> there is a big break room where everyone joined together for safety meetings. there is a blackboard and they go over details. i would imagine that is where it happened. >> well, can you ask him,
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are these truck drivers or men and women? >> can you talk about the employees? are these truck drivers or people work at the core rate? can you give us a little more detail about the employees at the rock quarry? >> most of the employees run big heavy trucks in the big losers. they run a rock crushing operations. it is basically have the mining. >> there was no tension. >> we have looked on the google earth, it is a huge, vast area. if they gunmen were to go in and opened fire on these people in this office and take off, i am assuming that this guy can vouch for how easy it would be whiff no cell phones, for
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him to get away and hide and of a chapter for a while. >> that is a great point, darya. brad, can you talk about the lay of the land, says this is remote. worst- case scenario, if the gunman is still in there, how could he or she get out and if they did, are there places, because it is so remote, pockets where this person could hide making it difficult or dangerous for authorities to make a captor customer the quarry is brush areas where trees and heavy brush. you could hide out. >> hopefully it will make a captured very soon. i'm still trying to confirm that. darya i just heard a woman gasping, maybe she heard some are reading news from a family member, as soon as i get more information, the public information officer is still buried in the canyon trying to get more information as well. we are hearing from unconfirmed sources that employees have been working
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the phones trying to find out. they are huddled at this gas station which has basically turned into the command center for the media and employees. unconfirmed reports that may be as many as nine people were shot. as soon as i find out more information i will be sure to pass along. >> we are hearing how remote this is the and the fact that there is no cell phone service and the usually use radios to communicate has to make this difficult for police. >> the permanent take quarried located in this canyon off of stevens creek. it is stevens creek and foothill were the police command center is set up at this intersection. it is up the canyon where stevens creek turns into permanent a road. that is where the core rate is
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it is a massive facility. the search continues. word is the gunman is still on the loose. an assault rifle and handgun. a difficult search operation taking place right now. and there are large buildings on the property as police continue to hunt for the killer.
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justine waldman has been in the news from covering the latest. ha
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>> a breaking news story of cupertino, there has been a workplace shooting. it appears that the shooter is all lose. there is a hunt on the way for the shooter. well, you heard that maybe up to nine people have been shot in total. does that include the two that are dead? >> yes. i am trying to confirm that. that came from chatter among employees. they were talking with each other. that is when they said they heard as many as nine people were shot. over the past 45 minutes a third person might have been shot in the face. they are also making phone calls into employees and friends at the rock quarry. look at the scene. the human
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element. family members are rushing to the scene. you can see a dark green as you become a woman is driving. she showed up with tears in her eyes and could barely breathe from crying so much. she told us that she is trying desperately to get a hold of her father. her father works at the quarry. we spoke with an employee 10 minutes ago who says that yes, there are pockets where you get no cell phone coverage. maybe there is good news there, that the employees are in a safe area that has no self long reception, however, she said that whenever there is no cell phone reception, whenever she calls her dad and there is no sulfone reception a ghost is voice mail. instead, his phone continues to reign over and over. he is in an area where there is a reception but he is not picking
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swat team is leaving the area right now. i am trying to get a hold of the public information officer. apparently this person is trying to get information themselves. we spoke with another family member was also trying to get a hold of her father. an update and a few minutes. back to you, darya. >> we know that there are two people dead, possibly more. the shooter may still be on list. this is a developing story, we will keep you posted and we will be right back with more. >> we are watching the weather as well. heavy rains just starting to clear the bay area. in the sierra, some snow coming down. you need chains if you are heading over the past. winter storm in effect
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until 11:00 p.m.. 4-8 in. of snow expected.
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>> her of her 7:16 a.m.. take a look at the rain coming down. we have some serious rain coming down over the san mateo bridge and hayward, castro valley in general. let me show you what it looks like on the
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map. look at the intensity. here is a sample of the rainfall. more than 6.5 in. of rain falling per hour. there is a possibility that we can have some hail. some serious rain falling in hayward and castro valley. this is not a slow-moving system. in dublin and pleasanton, this may very well come your way and the next hour and complicate things a bit for your morning right. the satellite shows a lot of energy headed our way coming down from the direction of eureka towards the bay area. as we walk you through what we are expecting with future cast 4, by 8:00 a.m., as you are heading out for your morning commute, things should have died down considerably. we will advance the clock to 1:00 p.m.. in the north bay, we are starting to see light
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rain. 3:00 p.m., it begins to spread over the bay area. water-heavy rain in parts of the day.
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>> this is fleetweek and the
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blue angels are performing. we have a special coming up on saturday that you may want to catch here on kron 4, that is october 8th at 3:00 p.m., a 1 hour fleetweek special. we will be right back. %
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>> they said a shooting happened. they ask me did i hear anything. >> when you were there, d.c. any confrontation? >> i did not see anything. i did not hear anything. that is why i thought it was weird. >> the officer saw you coming down from the canyon and pull you over and said get on the ground? >> yes.
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>> what do you think? >> i was stunned. i did not know what happened. the shooting had just happens. i guess they're looking for someone. they did not tell me anything. they just told me there was a multiple shooting at the quarry and want to make sure i did not have anything to do with it. they handcuffed me and sat me on the concrete for about five minutes and then finally let me up and took the handcuffs off. >> were you,? were you screaming out, i am not sure? >> i was, because i know i did not do anything. i was just more surprised than anything. >> what are your thoughts? you left about a minute after the shooting excuse me, about a minute before the shooting took place. >> i thought it was kind of weird >> i am in a big rig. i do not know why they would think someone who did something like that would be in a big rig. >> terence, thank you so
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much. >> it looks like a public information officer is coming to the scene. let's see if we can go over. we will show you the scene and i am going to run over there since our cable does not reach. >> will is going to go across the street to get more information. we just heard from that gentleman, it makes you think, like you said, why would they pulled me over? he was driving a big grin. it makes you wonder. this was a workplace shooting. they said it was a worker. was the vehicle some sort of giant big rig? were they looking for a male or a black male? is that what it will come over specifically? or did it pullover and one leading the scene? these are questions we cannot answer right now. well as, find out if the shooter is in custody or maybe if he is on the loose and another area. the latest thing we heard as well is, there may be more than two people dead and
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more than four people wounded. we do not there is a possibility that of the nine people are shot. enacted seen in cupertino. at the intersection of stevens creek and foothill, not too far from the cement plant. we are live on the scene and we will have more in a couple of
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>> you're going to get an update from will tran and just a moment. justine waldman has been checking on the condition of those who have been shot. >> here is the latest into the newsroom. we are hearing the condition of to of the
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people want a hospital, the santa clara medical center. one is in good condition and the other in fair condition. that is the latest information into the newsroom. we have been able to confirm this with kron 4 as craig skalar who is at hospital. he is gathering more >> in the east bay, a pretty strong storm over hayward. it is heading off into the hills. we are looking at that to clear the area out momentarily. future cast 4 is set for 8:00 a.m. and predicting that we will not see much in a way of rain
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coming down as you are driving home from work. we will advance the clock to about 1:00 p.m.. that is when we begin to see more organized rein in the north bay and will continue to sag southward as we head towards 3:00 on the drive,, moderate- heavy rain on the drive home for up the bay. at 7:00 p.m., most of the wet weather will clear the south bay and we will be looking good from this point on into the overnight hours. not a lot of activity predicted on future cast 4. here is your 7 day around the bay. the wet weather will linger in bits and pieces and then we will start drying out by the afternoon of thursday. fried it looks great, the week and looks fantastic for fleetweek. sunshine and warmer temperatures. we will keep with a warming trend as we head into the first half of next week. day-by-day,
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conditions look better and better. let's get an update on the commune with george. >> we are continuing to track a hot spot on the nimitz freeway, a 80 southbound. and earlier are occurring accident at stevenson is now clear. 20 minutes added to the drive time on the nimitz southbound. there are no good alternate routes to get your around these delays. all lanes are open but the accident still reside on the shoulder. we are still having problems in our breaking news story in cupertino at stevens creek boulevard, it is shut down at no. foot hill road just before stevens creek becomes permanente road. as a result, there are a number of commercial vehicles backed up on the road shoulder. it is an area to avoid. so far it has not impacted the traffic for 85 or 280. the bay bridge toll plaza, the back of a growing, 16-18 minutes
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through the macarthur maze. the san mateo bridge was recently drenched. it is still wet and recovering, but the approach to the bridge does not look back at all. a 15 minute drive time. the golden gate bridge is a heavy ride in northern marin. on this and it is a bit slow. there is a lot of traffic coming across a partially wet deck. >> 7:34 a.m., in national news, today is day seven in the manslaughter trial of dr. conrad murray. he is charged in michael jackson's death. jurors will hear it from investigators, detectives and dr. murray himself. prosecutors plan to play a more than 2 hour interview that police conducted with murray two days after the pop star died in june of 2009. in the meantime, roussel's are under way for michael jackson's tribute concert in wales. family members have criticized the to the concert for pulling ahead during the trial.
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>> the timing is inappropriate. we are remembering the brighter side of our brother. that is the memory we gold inside of us. a joyful moment for us. that is the way i look at it. i respect the people who do not want to participate. >> dr. murray has pled not guilty to involuntary manslaughter in the death of jackson and faces up to four years in prison and a loss of his medical license if convicted. >> amanda bosses back in the u.s., she and her family arrived in seattle just before 5:00 p.m. last night. she spent four years behind bars after being convicted of murdering her room reeked meredith kercher. during her appeal it was revealed that dna evidence might have been collected incorrectly. >> what is important for me to say is think you to everyone who has believed in me and defended me and
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supported my family. >> another man is still serving 16 years for murdering kirch. we will be right back and have the latest on the workplace shooting in cupertino right after the [ lisping ] i lost my front tooth the other day,
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which would be great... if i was seven. i'm forty-six. and the tooth fairy doesn't come when you're forty-six. just lots of referrals and appointments and bills that costs tons. maybe i'll keep it... it adds character... right?
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[ male announcer ] we know life can be unpredictable. that's why we offer affordable health coverage and dental plans. blue shield.
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>> this employee was at the place and spoke to witnesses and apparently according to the witnesses who talked to the spokesman, the employee was disgruntled and perhaps the most was not his shift, he showed up at 4:00 a.m. and opened fire at an employee meeting. family members have rushed to the scene. that green suv has been parked here for about 30 minutes. family members are desperately trying to call family members but the
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phones continue to ring with no one answering. it is a heartbreaking scene that continues to escalate as they continue to conduct this manhunt for this person who shot employees, his fellow employees at the crock core and could be on the loose. we are trying to get more information and hopefully the name of a suspect. described only as an african-american man in his '40's. he fled the scene and a dark colored vehicle. >> will you are at the intersection of stevens creek and is close down. to the west of you there are homes and condominiums, we are getting phone calls from viewers in the neighborhood who are concerned. as a look down stevens creek, is there a large police presence protecting those homes? >> i do not. we only see cars coming and going. perhaps they were convinced that the surrounding community was safe. we do
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not know, but we have found
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out from the public information of zircon but at least at homestead, no shots have been fired in that area. we do not know if this same suspect is there, but the suspect at the rock quarry is still on the list at this time. there is an ap out there and all police departments are looking for the shooter. >> we want to let you know that craig skalar is headed to the scene in homestead at the location of a possible second shooting. as soon as we get information from that location will review. possibly a total eight people have been shot and two of them are dead as the search continues for a gunman who reportedly had an assault rifle and a handgun. >> we're back with more in a couple of minutes.
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>> we are back tracking the
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storm on the kron 4 morning news. look at this picture out of mt. tam. we have some breeds of blue, sunshine and some ominous looking clouds as we have nothing to the north. the only bidder rain this morning is right over the bay itself. we are going to zoom in and give you a better in oakland and some rain near half moon bay. moderate-heavy at times. a little more than an inch falling in the half moon bay area. we have reports of rain near menlo park in palo alto. this cell has now tracked to the east and south. we will watch for that to approach possibly fremont in a little while. in fremont we have a cell that was sitting over there and still is, out near sunol. we have some heavy rain falling at about 6 in. an hour, really coming down for a short period of time.
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it is now into the diablo range. in the sierra we are seeing some snow falling from this system. it is a pretty active in the higher elevations. here is a live look.
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>> we have been tracking a hot spot on the nimitz freeway through the fremont southbound. the accident is not completely clear. the residual slowing it resembles a normal commute in the southbound direction of 880.
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>> in the emergency room at stanford university medical center, the hospital is not releasing any information about the patient as far as name or extent of injuries. we know that there are two victims at the santa clara county medical center. one is in good condition and other unfair condition. their names and injuries have not been released be there. we are working to get more information on this breaking news story. >> our team coverage continues, we're alive with will tran in cupertino at one of the scenes. well, we understand that there is another an active scene where they may have spotted a man with a gun matching the description of the shooter they are looking for. >> that is right. we sought a tactical unit leave this
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area a couple of minutes ago. it is still an active scene. the other area is homestead, a short distance from this location. you can see a truck finally leaving this area, it has been under lockdown as far as this intersection goes, for probably the last three-four hours. there seems to be some wiggle room. i have some bad news, if this is any indication, we saw an ambulance rushed into the core rate, at last check with her from a public information officer that eight people were shot. two people possibly it's as possible because the coroner's office has a sign off. eight people all together, possibly more. the quarry is so big, they have to go through there to see if there are any survivors. maybe over the past three minutes or so, an ambulance went through the barricade and rushed up to the quarry, perhaps they found another
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injured person or deceased person. in the meantime, you can see family members, that green card,-car, she is a family member trying desperately to get a hold of her loved one. so far, she says her father is not picking up the phone. we did speak with an employee who says there are pockets where there is no cell phone coverage. there could be some good news and that, perhaps her father is still alive and she said normally if he is in a pocket where there is no cell phone coverage goes directly to voice mail but instead his phone continues to ring. no one is picking up. i will try to get more information on this acted manhunt. we do not know if the person at homestead has been arrested. we do know that the police department received a couple of phone calls of the person matching the description of the shooter at the rock quarry and going with the description of an african- american in his '40's fleeing the scene in a dark colored car. apparently the
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shooting took place in one area. the employee break room. in the area where they're having a safety meeting. this person was not walking around a room to room looking for someone. this was basically one area where the shooting took place. >> as we just saw, a truck pulling away from that remote area coming down from the cement plant. let's get a close-up look at the lay of the land with mark. >> here is the location on foot hill. permanente road where the mass of canada is located. the quarry canyon cement plant. as we show you the location on global earth, the location where police were searching for the there is the location where
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the shooting happened and i will take over the homestead work we have reports of a second shooting with a gunman matching the description. we will have a live report coming up as the kron 4 morning news continues.
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>> good morning. it is 8:00 a.m.. we are bringing you up to date on a breaking news story in cupertino. we are at a cement plant and quarry. there was a workplace shooting this morning. a worker opened fire during a meeting, in the meeting room and gunned down co-workers. we know that there are two people dead and six others are hurt, a total of eight people were shot. we have been live on the scene since this happened at around 4:30 a.m.. here we are, four hours later and we understand that the shooter is still on the loose. apparently, they know who the shooter is. they might have the name, we do not
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have that information, it is an african-american man in his 40's and could be in the this other location in homestead. will tran is at the first location near the concrete plant with the latest. have they caught the guy? >> have not been able to confirm whether or not that is the case. an ambulance leaving the scene with sirens off. that is good news and perhaps no one has been hurt or killed additionally. i see the public information officer stepping out at this time. you can see the podium over here, we are getting ready for a news conference. they will give us an update on the situation. at last check, i can tell you that eight people were shot, six were critical, according to the santa clara county sheriff's department, two were possible fatal shootings. i am going to run over there, i will try to find out if in fact they have made an arrest.
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>> we will continue to follow this story, not only the concern here but a half mile to the east over at homestead and 10 tower, a report of shootings with a similar suspect description. an african- american man in his '40's. the 4:00 a.m. shift is getting under way at this quarry in west cupertino near stevens creek becomes permanente road. the shooting took place at 4:30 a.m.. workers were shot inside a room during a safety meeting. as a secure the location, we had word of a second shooting. ahoy
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>> we want to get an update on those who were shot. justine waldman has an update from the hospital and schools in the area as well. >> here is the latest we have learned from people at the school district in cupertino, school is open. students are being advised to go straight to class and stay there. this is a matter of safety, but school is open. here is the latest information on the victims. one of the victims is at the emergency room at stanford university medical center in palo alto. a hospital is not releasing any information about the patient's name or injuries. we do know that there are two other victims at the santa clara valley medical center. one is in good condition, the other in fair condition. their names
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and extent of injuries are not release as well. we're constantly getting new information into the newsroom. we will bring in the latest in just a few minutes. >> 8:05 a.m., we are going to take a look at the weather. we just got through a pretty big storm and now, sunshine. >> some nice breaks of sunshine. our radar showing we're pretty clear across the north bay. light-
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moderate rain spreading over most of the bay by 3:00 p.m. and by 5:00 p.m., your drive home, you will see pretty defined a line of light- moderate and even heavy showers will into the bay. it will be a wet afternoon commute. keep that in mind. your 7 day forecast coming up in a little bit and talking more about what we expect for the weekend and fleetweek. >> we have new information, will tran is live on the scene with information about the shooter. >> i just ran from the news conference that is still taking place, he updated us. but the shooting that
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took place in homestead, the suspect match the description of the shooter from the walk quarry here. according to the public affirmation officer, a woman was shot at homestead and 10 cell. the weapon used was a similar to the weapon used at the rock quarry. they're not saying at this time if in fact the shooter at the homestead location is the same shooter that gunned down the people here, two of them are possibly fatal and six critical at the rock quarry. they are releasing his name, sharif on land. 45 years old. african-american he came in during a meeting in a big break room and shot everyone in that location, he fled the scene and maybe around 7:00 a.m., they received phone calls from people in the homestead area with the descriptions
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that matched the shooter. we just found out that a woman was shot in that location. she was rushed to hospital. we do not know her condition at this time. we are hearing rumors that she was shot in the face. >> again, no one has been caught yet? no one arrested? >> no one has been arrested at this time. there is still an active man hunt. they said that there is an ap be for all of the police departments in the area, perhaps the state. there are looking for 45 year-old sharif almond described as an african-american male. they're using the words disgruntled employee. her
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>> are continuing to cover the massive workplace shooting at the permanente quarry in cupertino. the latest is that maybe a total of nine people have been shot. eight of them at the quarry and a cement plant including two killed there and a one woman shot at another location on homestead. they are still looking for the shooter. >> we will be right back as the kron 4 morning news continues. as we keep our eyes on bay area weather, some heavy downpour, interstate 80) out in the sierra as we have a winter storm warning in effect. 80 is closed because of the cell. also a reminder for this weekends. the blue angel special live on kron4's saturday at 3:00
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it feels like help is never far away. that's what it feels like to be a member.
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>> there is a second shooting that occurred in the area of homestead. in the second incident there is a similar description to the suspect that is the person of interest, an african- american adult approximately 45 years old. the name sharif allman. he has been confirmed as the suspect in the first shooting. a total eight people have been injured. again, we cannot confirm at this time if he is the same suspect from the
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second incident we have going on. very similar descriptions. we have tactical teams out there trying to look for the suspect. again, we cannot confirm that the person is the same as the stevens creek incident. >> you're telling us at a news conference across the street that another person has been shot. direct. on the second sheescene, we have identified a female that was shot with a handgun. she has been taken to a nearby hospital. we do not know if her injuries at this time are life-threatening or not. >> you said the revenues was similar? >> guess. in the first incident there was a 40 caliber handgun and a rifle. in the second incident the person was armed with handguns with a weapon similar in descriptions of the first incident. >> why was there not a shelter in place quarry message going out for of the
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community to stay in your house as this is still an active search? >> the city of cupertino, their officials are working with a citizen's right now, schools and neighborhoods and businesses, to make sure and get the information out so that any information can be reported. obviously taking precautionary steps to shelter in place and to be aware that there is an active shooter in the area. >> between 4:00 a.m. and 5 >> is one the first shooting took place, there was no immediate captor, why was there not a phone call to people in the area to stay in your many people are leaving their homes at that time to go to work. >> the incident happened at about 4:30 a.m., it took some time for sheriff's deputies to get here. we tried to get at him permission out as quickly as possible to the public. >> this person was disgruntled. was there
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discussion about his past or present employee in? >> he was an unhappy employees from the quarry business. i do not have any information on if he was disgruntled as a result of work for private family affairs. for whatever reason he was described as an unhappy and disgruntled. >> are you confident that all of the victims of the rock quarry have been discovered and are at a hospital at this time? >> the victims that were injured as a result of the original shooting have been transported on hospitals to get their injuries taken care of. we are making sure that no one else has been injured. obviously, it is a fluid situation. we are still trying to interview people to make sure there are no other victims and get as much information from witnesses and track a suspect down. >> we were just handed his picture. thank you for providing it to us. here is a picture of the suspect, sharif almond. does he live in the bay
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>> he'd possibly has a local address. we cannot confirm his address at this time. he was an employee at the quarry business on stevens creek boulevard. it is unknown if he was a new employee or employee that had been there for some time. >> as far as how he escaped, a dark colored vehicle? >> correct. the incident on stevens creek boulevard, he was seen leaving in a dark colored vehicle. we cannot confirm what the make or model was, it was described as a dark colored vehicle. >> was there a dark color vehicle in the homestead area? >> that incident was a carjacking attempt. the female victim was approached, he was on foot and attempted to carjacker. he was steaming in the area on foot. >> at first glance, he has nothing to do with the driver? >> correct. it sounds like he was trying to carjacker and get her vehicle. the
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carjacking was not successful and was seen leaving the area on foot. we do not know he was able to get to another vehicle. again, to remind the public and the citizens in the area, take the necessary precautions and be careful. report any activity that you see. >> we heard rumors that this woman might have been shot in the face, that she might have been a third fatality. do we have an update on her condition? >> i do not know where she was shot. we do not know the conditions of her injuries at this time and whether or not they are life threatening. >> is the on foot now? did he make off with her car? >> the latest information we have is that he was leaving the area on foot. he did not get her car. >> his last name is allman, how do you spell his first time? >> it is spelled shareef. >> sharif
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-shareef allman-. he is on the loose, armed and dangerous. >> well, thank you. we want to take a closer look at the area. there are two different working crime scenes. >> here is the location where the first shooting took place. eight people shot. stevens stevens creek turns into permanente road.
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>> in fremont, just your
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south and east, a fairly decent rain cell. almost 2 in. an hour falling with that. pretty intense. at least in this fast-moving. hopefully it will not be too much longer. the rain is moving off to the east into the diablo range. some hit or miss showers with us this morning and more on the way. the satellite view shows us near eureka we have moisture streaming in our direction. it should get here sometime around 1:00 p.m. in the north bay and it will take until 7:00 p.m. for the rains finally clear the south bay. here is a look at your 7 day forecast. things are better by the weekend. we will take a quick break and be right back. dot dot
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>> a shooting at a concrete
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plan in the cupertino, a disgruntled employee went on a shooting rampage and opened fire on co-workers. will tran is alive with the latest on this shooting and what they are doing as an active police investigation. we have a video from earlier were you can see incredible police response to this massive workplace shooting that happened around 4:00 a.m. as the gunmen entered a meeting that was happening at the permanente quarry. that is a giant quarry and concrete plant located in cupertino. is not too far from stevens creek and foothill. will tran this lot on the scene. >> the rain is coming down right now. that will possibly make this man hunts even more difficult. there have been no arrests made for 450 shareef allman. we do not know how long he has been at the rock quarry. when it was all said and done, the shooting happened during an employee break from, this happens at a
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safety meeting. there were eight people shot, two are apparently fatally shot. six are in critical condition. he has fled the scene. we do not know the make or model of the vehicle. the only thing the sheriff's department says is that he left and dark colored vehicle. around 7:00 a.m., a short distance from this location on homestead, they received multiple phone calls from people in that area about a suspect matching the description of the suspects from the rock quarry shooting. we have also found out that a woman has been shot, apparently by this suspect trying to carjacked her vehicle. at
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this point, there is no stand shelter in place. we spoke with the public information officer as to why people were not alerted to stay in their home. >> let's take a look at these two an active scene. >> here are the locations on google earth. you can see
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the proximity that they are to one another. the first shooting inside of the office building where the workers were meeting inside the permanente quarry. to the west of the stevens creek, on homestead, the two shootings have taken place, the second one looks to have appeared to be at an office complex on homestead. the suspect is still on list. his name is shareef allman. an african-american man in
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his 40's. police are searching for him right now. he is armed and dangerous with reports that he had an assault rifle and handgun. here is the picture of a man police are searching for. >> some pretty serious hot spots at highways 17 and laurel road in the santa cruz mountains. an engine block has been knocked out
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of one of the vehicles and is sitting in the lanes. that is a huge oil spill that has to be cleaned up. a sig-alert has been issued with no estimate of when the lanes will be reopened. in marin county as francis
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drake boulevard, there was an accident that had left things slow all the way to navato. let's get a check on the >> rain near cupertino, sunshine in san francisco. if you look at the maps you will see the cell that is right on top of cupertino, just to the west of san jose. we're going to take a
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break and back with more in a moment.
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>> we have a person and that they are looking for in the two shootings. >> shareef allman, an african-american in his mid- 40s. police believe that he was the shooter in both locations. here is his picture provided by police. he is on the list and considered armed and dangerous. but reports are that he has an ak-47 assault rifle and a handgun. nine people have been shot. one woman was shot in a
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carjacking as a looks like sharif was trying to take her vehicle. we will give you the latest on this shooting as police are searching for him right now. >> this all began at 4:30 a.m.. shortly after the workplace shooting, police started looking for a person matching the description and one worker who was driving a big rig it describes how he was pulled over after the shooting. >> i saw police officers at the bottom of the hill. one started coming up the hill and then they shined the white light. they started slowing down. i did not know what was going on. i got out the car--they got out a shotgun and told me, let me see your hands. i did that, i kept my hands up. they put me behind a car and handcuffed me. they told me there was a shooting that just happened and ask me did i hear anything. i did not hear anything. >> that man was totally innocent. he said that he was shaken after just having left where the shooting was and not knowing that it was happening and that all of those people were shot. >> the gunman was able to
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get away from the quarry location. police have blocked off the area. the search continues for a gunman on the loose in the cupertino area. we will be right back with continuing coverage as the kron 4 morning news continues.
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>> it workplace shooting at a quarry in cupertino. if we are following a second shooting in sunnyvale that could be connected. >> in cupertino we are right outside of h p facility. a lot of flashing lights and
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police cars and a sheriff's deputies. those are camouflage clad swat team members. we will not tell you exactly where they are, but they have their sights set on a certain home in the area off to the right. there are a lot of weapons drawn. we sought a swat team armored car ride. they have continued to shrink the perimeter. they have this entire area take off. all of the side streets are blocked off. there is a police car on virtually every side street bordering hong said. it appears that they may have some one corner in this it is a very active situation. there is no public information officer on the scene. as a good
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number of swat team members as well as uniformed personnel on the scene keeping tabs on what is going on. the very fluid and active situation on homestead road in cupertino. have the team's been there or are they continuing to arrive? >> they have been here for some time. they are adding to their numbers. we will check back with rob fladeboe as he gets the latest, continuing to follow a second shooting possibly related to the early morning quarry shooting at a workplace that left two dead and six injured and now an additional shooting 5 mi. from the northeast in cupertino and now in sunnyvale. >> 8:49 a.m., we will switch gears and get a look at the weather.
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>> degree shot from the roof camera. in the sierra,
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snow on the ground. it will not last too long, but enough that we have a winter storm warning in effect. four-8 in. above 6,000 ft.. 1-2 ft. above 80 was supposed to have reopened, george, the know if interstate 80 is still shut down? >> yes. >> keep it soon, we will let you know when it is finally reopened. as for us in the bay area, we are watching the energy in the pacific. eureka is dealing with now. it is headed our way by around 1:00 p.m. in the north bay.
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>> we are tracking a couple of hot spots. traffic is heavy coming through nevada. the drive time out of petaluma to san francisco is running 50 minutes. there was a crash at surf francis drake and another at corta lanes are completely shut down by a multi vehicle accident. on the bay bridge the drive times are dropping. at last check, 17 minutes. it could be less if you come from interstate
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880, the nimitz freeway. the san mateo bridge, the traffic looks like in the westbound direction. we are back with more breaking news right after this.
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>> a breaking news story, an active manhunt underway for a wild place shooter who entered a people, killing two and could be wanted for another shooting in sunnyvale where a woman was shot in the face. >> will tran as live in cupertino where the workplace shooting took place. >> here is a live shot at
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stevens creek boulevard. you can see that they are finally letting people leave the area. some new information on the suspect, 45 year-old shareef allman. i spoke to a fellow employee who said that yesterday, out of the blue, sharif was like this, he would not talk. he said that was unlike they said he was normally friendly and outgoing. other employes were asking what was going on with shareef. they had no idea is that the truck operator, that was his
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job, to move the rock from this site, they had no reason to believe that he would do he went into the break room at 4:00 a.m. during a safety meeting and opened fire on eight people, apparently killing two people and leaving six others critically injured. >> in homestead, another woman shot, it is believed it is the same suspect. swat team members are there, we are not sure if he is at this location, we will follow the latest and be right back in 2 minutes.
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>> a workplace shooting, two people have been killed and six people wounded in an early morning shooting at a rock quarry in cupertino. reports of a second shooting 5 mi. away, here is a live look from sky for in sunnyvale. rob fladeboe is live as well as craig they are looking for the
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suspect after an intense standoff what looked like to be at the house on a left. but this is a small compact area off of homestead in sunnyvale. that just happened 5-10 minutes ago. they're continuing to look for this guy. >> thank you, greg. there are continuing to search for the suspect. justine waldman has more from the newsroom. >> here is what we have gotten into the newsroom. students in cupertino are being asked to come to school today, but they are being held inside of their classrooms. they are not allowed to go out. this is a part of the cupertino union school district. we're getting calls from parents about other school districts in the area sending out reverse phone calls. we are working to confirm that. we know for sure that the cupertino union school district does want students to come to class. we'll have
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more in this brick in the story coming up. >> let's switch gears quickly and get a look at whether and traffic. >> look at the blue skies over downtown san snow in the sierra. first, i will show you where we are still getting rain. mainly in the south bay. here is a closer look. by 3:00 p.m. we
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could see some pop up thunderstorms, fairly widespread. i continues into the evening commute. we will catch some breaks by the evening, maybe a few lingering showers into thursday morning. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. there rain clearing up by friday and sunshine for the weekends.
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>> there are two accidents, one has served as a straight at corta madera. one vehicle is at a right angle to the flow of traffic. we have lanes blocked northbound on highway 17 at laurel wrote. the chp has a sig-alert. the special tax advisor to avoid the area. they have open to the southbound lanes past the scene of the crash. and looking at your bridges, the bay bridge is actually clearing out. a 15 minute drive time for the westbound ride. the best amid of the week for the bay bridge. the san mateo bridge ride, there was an accident on 92 westbound. that is why it was like to leading the toll plaza. highway 88080 west
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down, interstate 80 is the shutdown with the chp turning traffic around because of a stacked the agree. the estimated * open is 8:30 a.m.. that has of course already passed. we spoke with the chp who says there is no indication of when they will be reopening of the >> continuing live team coverage of the shooting in cupertino and sunnyvale. we will continue coverage when we are back with more and a couple of minutes.
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>> what our live on the scene of the search for a gunman. a large police presence in sunnyvale. they are looking for a shooter. the man they're looking for this morning is 45 year-old sharif allman, a man they believe went on a shooting rampage that left two people dead and injured six people. will is live on the scene where police are finally allowing traffic through. there is a truck coming from the plants. >> that is one of the trucks that was supposed to leave the plant at around 4:30 a.m.. there was one man that they pulled out of his
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truck and put on the ground, handcuffed him, asking him to have anything to do with the shooting. of course he did not. police are watching to make sure that no one is hiding in backyards, they're focusing on the second seen in homestead, they are also not taking anything for granted. this is the suspect, sharif allman. 4:00
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a.m. was is normal shift. according to investigators he walked into a great room during a sixth meeting and opened fire. eight people were shot altogether. two people were shot fatally but they are not officially saying that until the corner confirms that. six others in critical condition. >> we have a live crew also
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in sunnyvale as they are trying to catch the alleged gunman. 45 girls shareef allman. that could be where they have a corner. we will stand by and bring you the latest on that. we are back with more in a couple of minutes. a manhunt underway,
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police looking for sharif allman, believed to be the shooter in a quarry office shooting in cupertino. on the right-hand side, the scene of a second shooting 5 mi. away in sunnyvale. the shooting took place on homestead, an apparent carjacking and it is believed to be the same man pictured on the left. the first shooting left two people killed and six wounded and a woman shot at the location on the right- hand side in sunnyvale.
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justine waldman is following the latest on the condition of the victims. >> here is what we have learned so far, there are three people in the hospital and only now to people. one person was taken to santa clara valley medical center, they have been released. there is still another person in the hospital. we are hearing that that person is in fair condition. earlier this morning if the person was taken to stanford university medical center in palo also. the person was admitted into the emergency room, as far as to what a hospital in why, none of the hospitals are releasing that information. the latest information is that one person has been released from hospital. >> to show you where this is happening, we will show you on cool earth to show you the location.
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>> let's take a look at whether and traffic. >> good morning. here is a look at the radar we are still getting some snow fall in sierra. blue skies over downtown san francisco but not for long. south of san jose are around the 1 01-85 interchange, we are still picking up some rain drops. the satellite is showing the first band of rain pushing through. there is a lot of
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instability. we could see some pop up thunderstorms as we head into the afternoon. in terms of temperatures we will stay in the 60s today. a similar, 17. a hot spot in the northbound lanes. shutdown for nearly an hour with a serious injury accident. this out of lanes have been reopened but the
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north on a roadway has not. the chp is turning traffic back around at granite road heading south found. there are no good alternate routes. slow traffic from the wall the grade to the toll plaza. >> as we go to the break, we are going to talk about the news story we are following the end of a live shot that we have from the sky for over the scene in
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sunnyvale. you can see swat team members and armed police crews searching this neighborhood. they're looking for a gunman on list. they believe the same gunman has shot eight people and killed two people in cupertino at a cement plant and now, they're searching for the gunman in sunnyvale. there was another shooting in sunnyvale with an attempted carjacking. a woman was shot during the attempted carjacking and the suspect took off on foot. more on this tense situation in a couple of minutes.
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>> welcome back to the kron 4 extended team coverage. we have a live concert of the hunt for a gunman. this is a live shot. swat team members are surrounding this neighborhood and this backyard in sunnyvale. we even saw a dog released. that is probably one of their dogs. they are hunting
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for a gunman opened fire duryea safety meeting at a concrete plant in cupertino. this is a concrete quarry worker they're looking for this morning. this is a picture of the suspects. 45 year-old shareef allman. he worked at this concrete plans at permanente cement. two people have been killed and six people wounded. then, police believe he made a getaway and try to carjack a woman and shot her in sunnyvale. there are live in sunnyvale hunting for the gunman. >> craig skalar is near the intersection where we see the police activity on homestead. >> yes, they have been doing house-to-house searches. there have also had police dogs looking.
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there is also a bomb squad vehicle coming in. the police are knocking on doors one by one, they're using dogs and the bomb squad is also coming in. >> credit is over in homestead. about 5 mi. away from the original shooting. two were killed and six injured. a manhunt continues in cupertino and sunnyvale. here is another look from sky for. the
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shooter is armed with an assault rifle and a handgun. authorities are searching house-to-house trying desperately to find this suspect. >> we're back with more and a couple of minutes.
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>> welcome back. our live team coverage continues of the workplace shooting that happened this morning at 4:30 a.m. at a cement plant in cupertino. as the gunmen got away, they believe the same gunman tried to carjack a woman and opened fire on her and could be running loose in the neighborhood that you see in the live shot from sky for. there are swat team members canvassing the neighborhood looking for a gunman. we are live on the scene in sunnyvale. it is 5 mi. from where the concrete plant is. there is the photo
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of the suspect. sharif allman. he was a worker at this concrete plans. by all accounts, from those who work there, he is the one who opened fire. will tran is live at stevens creek and foothill. you are actually seeing some of the people who have lost family members and loved ones who have been wounded or injured gather there this morning. give us latest on who was shot and killed in what is happening at the scene. >> we do not know the names of any of the fatal victims. two people were
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killed and six people were injured. they are doing everything they can't possibly arrest this man. about five minutes ago i heard a loud scream coming from across the street. i turned around and it was a family member crying and hugging each other and screaming and cursing. apparently they found out that their loved one who
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they have been trying all morning to contact, we do not know how they were able to confirm, they conform to that in fact it was there a loved one. there were screaming hysterically. they hopped in their car and took off from the scene going to the hospital or maybe the coroner's office. it was a chilling scene. >> it looks like the person has been reunited with their father. we will see if we can get him live. here we go. >> sir, were you inside the rock quarry. >> we do not want to talk. >> they do not want to talk. it is very emotional. >> absolutely. he is pretty
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shaken up. >> this is the first person we have seen coming out of that area. it has been roped off all morning. well, you spoke with workers who knew this sharif allman. they say that he started behaving strangely yesterday? >> yes. they said that up until yesterday was a very outgoing person. whenever he saw fellow employees, he would demonstrably wave at his fellow employees and friends. they said for reason yesterday he was a stone face. when they said hello, he kept looking forward and did not even knowledge them, to the point where other employees are asking what is going on with shareef? have no idea that this was happening. he
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snapped this morning and shot these people with a rifle and handgun. he is apparently still on the loose at the second location. police are doing everything they can to arrest him before he does anyone else. >> you can see the live search going on in sunnyvale. and massive workplace shooting that happen at 430 a m e and another shooting in sunnyvale, about 5 mi. down the road. mark has been following this to give you the lay of the land in a show you the active scenes. >> here is a global worth to give you the view. in sunnyvale a ninth person
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shot, a woman shot during a attempted carjacking. the shooting took place at the permanente quarry about 40 a.m.. right now we have a live look of the swat team going house to house in sunnyvale, on the hunt for shareef allman who was oarms with a handgun and assault rifle. >> one person has been released from the santa clara county medical center. there is still one person listed in fair condition hair and another victim at the stanford university medical center in palo alto. we do not know their names or extent of their
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injuries. we are constantly getting information into newsome and we will provide everyone the latest on this workplace shooting. >> it will the of the snow and talk. >> look at all of that snow on the side of the road. it came down this morning and
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we are starting to see it tapered off a little bit. we will still keep the active weather around we are expecting 4-8 in. of snow. the winter storm warning is still in effect until the 11:00 p.m. hour. as we head into the afternoon with the daytime heating we are seeing the sunshine hit the surface a bit and creating instability. once that moves through we will see some pop of thunderstorms. right now, the only place we have wet weather is in the morgan hill area. fairly moderate downpours coming down in that location. as we take you towards the afternoon watch how we shift. we could
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even see some hail. by 3:00 p.m. a better chance for everyone in dealing with this activity. pretty active rain even into the evening commute. we even see some lingering showers. we will stay cold day with temperatures in the '60s. well below average. shoppers for tomorrow but slight warming. by the end of the work week and into the weekend, a lot of sunshine and clear conditions. just in time for the blue angels. >> a sig-alert on highway 17 north found in the santa cruz townsend. we do have a one lane open for the northbound side. sinhalese
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tax aside wises discuss her- in the heart and direction of having at least an hour to drive time heading out of santa cruz for scotts valley northbound trying to get into the santa clara valley and san jose. southbound lanes have been reopened, but it is only recently that they have managed to get one lane open northbound. lanes have been shut down for over an hour. a quick bridge check as we look at the bay bridge. the back of is growing westbound. we had an incident on the upper deck. the drive time went from 13- 16 minutes. westbound for the san mateo bridge, that is an easy ride. parklet fop hit by
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>> 9:42 a.m.. we have a live team coverage of the workplace shooting and that happened at a concrete plant early this morning in cupertino. now, the search is on. we just showed you a live shot over sunnyvale for the gunmen who is on the loose and considered armed and dangerous. he is related to nine different shootings. nine different people like to different locations. two people are dead and the search continues. you can see the swat team with their guns drawn and dogs going door-to-door and backyard to backyard looking for the gunman. will tran has details on the first shooting that set this off. a workplace shooting that happened around 4:30 a.m.. many of the relatives of the victims are still on the scene and getting word that their loved ones were either killed or injured. >> so far that are not
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frustrated, there are patients in continuing to call their loved ones cell phones. no one is picking up. that does not mean that they have been killed, there are many dead spots in the rock quarry. received an update from the public information officer who said right now the number stands at 8 shot, two people killed, six were critically injured. that is not the final number. the rock quarry is so large, they still have investigators going around to look for any additional victims. we're getting more information on the shooter, sharif allman. 45 years old. we will show you this picture. there is a massive search for him. some chilling information, the meeting began at 4:30 a.m., it was in employees if the meeting. he was at that meeting. he was there for a
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couple of minutes according to investigators. then, for some unknown reason, he got up, we did not know if he was mad or,, he walked out and nonetheless, he returned moments later or several minutes later, we are not exactly sure, but he went back in and according to investigators opened fire on the victims. there were eight victims all together, all in one place. he was not going around looking for people, it was in one place that he shot and killed people and then fled the scene. they believe that the second shooter in sunnyvale is the same guy. >> we will continue to follow the latest and go live to the scene where the manhunt is underway in sunnyvale. that is coming up after the break. a winter storm warning in the sierra. it was closed for a good part of the morning and has since reopened.
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>> the latest on our breaking news story. a manhunt underway in the south bay after a workplace shooting at a quarry in cupertino where two people were killed and six people wounded. a ninth person shot in sunnyvale, 5 mi. away from the workplace quarry shooting. rob fladeboe is live at the intersection of homestead and tantalic in sunnyvale with the details. >> we are a block or to sell off at the intersection of homestead and peacock ave. a very active and fluid situation. the swat team is now going door-to-door, through backyards. that is happening just east of here. to my left is what we are seeing on all of the side streets. this is sunnyvale police department. intersections are blocked as they have the empire perimeter. earlier this morning, as we reported, they had a house just down
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the street where they thought the shooter was held up. they had an armored vehicle paving the way for them. that is followed by a small army of heavily armed swat team members. at about 9:30 a.m., the scene shifted into the armored car came towards us and went down peacock ave. the suspect is still held up in this particular neighborhood. this is the parking lot of the h p facility. hewlett- packard office. this is where they believe the man
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is in this area. obviously residents are very concerned. are there any announcements from police telling people to stay in their homes? >> i have not heard any of that. we are a half block or so from where the search is going. details are fairly scarce as you can imagine. law enforcement is tied up with the the actual search. >> the search is going on on the north side of homestead. >> i am at homestead and peacock. we're looking east. we will check back with rob fladeboe as soon as he gets more information.
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>> let's get you caught up on the weather. we just got through a big storm. we are getting a little break right now. we have a little time to recover. >> we are not done with the wet weather. as we head into the afternoon more activity expected. we're getting some breaks from the clouds and all that sunshine is expected to keep the surface. we have some cooler air looking in. we have a better chance for thunderstorms by this afternoon. we have a little bit of snowfall in the sierra. we will show you where most of the activity is. in terms of our area, the only place that we are seeing what whether is to the south of morgan hill. most locations are dry at this kind our. we have a winter storm warning in effect until 11:00 a.m.. 4-8
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in.. we could see when gusts up to about 60 mi. per hour and that could create hazardous travel. as we head towards the afternoon, that is our best chance of pop up thunderstorms. then that chance shift downward. the evening commute could be active as well with some areas seen heavy downpours. purple indicating the intensity level really heavy. we will continue to see some active weather throughout the evening hours and taper off. it 60s today and tomorrow. major
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delays for our hot spot on seventeenth in the northbound direction. 17 minute delays. it was completely shut down because of the three vehicle accident that for a while had closed southbound lanes of the freeway. a sig-alert is in effect beyond scotts valley with one lane open in the northbound direction. the southbound lanes have been reopened for a while. the bay bridge toll plaza is starting to ease a bit. just about half an hour ago, the backup was right here at the end. we are looking at a 16 minute drive for the westbound bay bridge back up to the 880 over crossing. san mateo bridge traffic is move across the span. there are no longer any delays coming over from a word because of an earlier curring accident. we are
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going to take a break and be back with more continuing coverage of the breaking news story, the shooting in san jose, in the south bay, rather. we are back right after this.
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>> more on our breaking news story. a live look from sky for as the manhunt continues for a gunman who gunned down eight co-workers in a quarry in cupertino. now, the search continues where a second shooting took place, and attempted carjacking. it appears the same suspect is on the loose in this neighborhood in >> it your sense of the neighborhood has been alerted by an automatic phone call. the swat team is canvassing the area. the gunman is on the loose in this neighborhood near homestead and 10 tel. swat team members are searching
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for him. >> we are back with more and a couple of minutes.
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