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tv   KRON 4 News at 4  KRON  November 24, 2010 4:00pm-4:30pm PST

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ding, ding, ding, ding ding, ding, ♪ ♪ bing, ding, ding, bing, bing, bing, bing... ♪ ♪ bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah... ♪ fly from the bay area's new station this is kron 4 news @ 4:00. the big story at 4:00 today the bay area get slammed by a blast of cold weather take a look of this digital temperature reading. to insure this is the from san rafael high 8:15 a.m. it was 34 degrees. it could get even colder tonight he could see people bundling up all over the bay area. the sierra nevada and getting some of the biggest snowfall totals in years. i mean in years. kron 4 has steam coverage of the street thinks giving cold blast.
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let's start with jacqueline bennett. >> it was cold out there this morning and even colder tomorrow card temperatures happen it warmed up very much were in the upper '40's low 50s as we expected. captures teetering on 50 degrees san rafael, san francisco, redwood city all at 50 degrees, 48 degrees in half moon bay. once again at a freeze warning has been issued for most of the bay area the dark pinkie see any screen here the north bay, delta, inland valleys all under the warning tomorrow morning. we saw the freeze watch the light pink on your screen expanded to the coastal ranges here. little for their all in the bay shore including san francisco. this is more morning when o'clock to 9:00 a.m. several hours of these freezing or subfreezing temperatures very cold pool their sitting of rest the winds are expected to be lighter out there tomorrow and that will lead to colder temperatures. temperatures at or below 32 degrees. what
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were expecting to get into tomorrow, temperatures dropping off quickly this evening once the sun goes down and that means the plummet. in the overnight hours it's gunna get very cold out there, and temperatures in the '20s and the north bay, 37 will be our warmest locations out there to start the day. were going to stick with temperatures in the low thirties for several hours more morning and finally in the afternoon warming up into the '50s. a chilly start to the day and cool weather expected tomorrow as well as friday will talk about that coming up a bit. >> kron 4 jonathan blum joins us live from walnut creek to give us a sense of what it's like out there. we'll see temperature gauge behind you it's not looking good. >> can it's a little cold for a long at creek this time. he's 11 degrees celsius and as it switches over fahrenheit it's 52 degrees fahrenheit. the italian that's not even telling the whole story this morning when the bank
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employees told us she can work at 7:00 a.m. and you could just imagine 11 degrees celsius take away one of the ones it was one degree celsius at 7:00 a.m. here the bank. that's about 33 degrees fahrenheit. by any temperature scale it was cold this morning. it's expected be even colder tomorrow morning. here these days some records were broken, the oakland airport record shattered it was 34 degrees at the oakland airport this morning still waiting for some of the temperature got up to get into areas like walnut creek. when ec 52 degrees on the clock, that's the highest temperature it's going to be carried it was colder earlier it's going to get colder later and it really is swinger in the air. influencing people walk by when the winter coats with from the hood and just over one of my shoulders here is the ice rink. it's the walnut creek ice rink in the people at that ice rinks there really bundled up to the wearing scarves, gloves,
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the kind of out where you just don't normally see around thanksgiving in the bay area. are gunna talk to those people the ice rink and get back to as the temperature continues to drop. walnut creek jonathan blum kron 4 news. >> of the bay area residents plan on trucking up to the sierra for the skimming weekend. jeff bush is in the mountains and shows you the conditions >> there. the day before a thanksgiving in the sun was out this year has been extremely low temperatures making the icicles long and hearty. the sky was blue but the crisp air was a reminder that winter is here. different roads had different conditions and snow was still on the road in the truck area but was cleared caltrans spent the night hard at work cars and trucks zoom along interstate 80 without problems. perot was dry and drivers were able to finally take the chance of their vehicles. a lonely worker tended to is now removing equipment was busy clearing the snow away from the parking lot to make room for the visitors that will be arriving. recent
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storms have made a mark of beauty now tops were covered with snow which is good news for skiers and snow boarders. not everybody has skiing in mind for entertainment. his family took advantage of the fresh snow pack it cisco growth to ride their desks to the bottom of the hillside. he is with the less than graceful and to the ride in the sierra jeff bush kron 4 news >>. we're now just hours away from banks giving which means some people are rushing to the airport to get out of town on time. kron 4 dan curman joins us live at sfo. how busy as it today? >> not so bad at the crash this morning but in the middle of the day and now not at all. it it's not so much as security line that the focus today but what's at the end of the line as you know much talk this travel season about the full body scanner, more intrusive pat downs that people have to go through. some have had to go through the full body scanner several spread
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throughout sfo. while some people object to what the majority of people we talked to don't seem to have a problem with the >>. i think it's a whole lot of noise about nothing. >> we haven't been concerned about security changes. >> state it might be a little excessive i think if you to do bodies can to know someone's going to be doing something bad on a plain many may have missed a number of intelligence steps. >> of his concerns the protesters are going to slow down the lines in terms of protest in the full body scanners as well as the pat down. that hasn't materialized as the handful people maybe five or six spread throughout the upset of the terminal some passing out leaflets and other signs. for the most part they have not been causing any delays as far as those getting here. as the time gets to be a little bit later were expecting more people to show up here the lines with a longer but still people seem to be getting through at about 8 to 10 minutes. sfo, the
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anchorman kron 4 news. >> at san jose met at airport officials were on at the look for ice during the early morning hours as craig reports as was an issue last year but this time around the airlines are ready. >> if you look at the big board you see nothing more than five to attend the waves. that came as a relief to passengers heading out for the skin >>. i'm relieved that the airport seems to be running fine and no delays on flights that for about. >> i'm very relieved my flight is on time had and i don't know where all the people are it's not crowded it it should be agreed did a fly if i make it to secure a >> the. the key was the icing equipment the southwest airlines had de- icing ready to go on the first flooded the day took off at 6:30 a.m.. a year ago they did have the equipment had to rely on another line for help. air traffic backed up all morning back then. when the sun came up and melted any remaining ice. in
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san jose credit kron 4 news. >> a developing story former house majority leader tom delay has been found guilty convicted on charges that he illegally funneled corporate money to texas candidates. the jury deliberated for 19 hours before returning guilty verdict could happen about an hour ago. the delay was one of the most powerful and feared republican people in congress. he used his political action committee to legally channel money into 2002 texas legislative races. >> of programming note to tell you about in case you missed the giants world series parade or you just want to relive all the excitement you are not . kron 4 will replace the highlights from 7 to 8:00 p.m. right here on kron 4. will be right back.
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ended up 48 points. rob is here so we can ask you why? things are looking good and on the job front. >> yesterday everything looked glum with the north korean south korea today had the market had. we saw the unemployment claims i.e. people going to unemployment depth. we're now at a level that's a pretty good level. one set of data doesn't trend the bank but the last three weeks is starting to set up job wise were going half. wall street had his eye of relief, if we have jobs will have more of a christmas. if we have jobs what morava no more mortgage foreclosures. if we have no more foreclosures home prices should stabilize. keep in mind it's not going to lead as to where we wanted to lead us to any time soon. >> you talk about the employment recovery zone are we headed? >> if i have a massive heart
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attack today i promise all due one there, the unemployment numbers that really help somewhere between 300,000 to four and 25,000 first-time claims. we craig were jobs as from the number of people we hire for nurses. just a natural progression of job placement on a monthly and bases. were now down in that area anything over 450 is bad or losing more the word game, that's a match number. i'm not ready to declare victory and are ready to say unemployment numbers are going back down. when ready to say they're not getting worse and that's really good thing. it's a time, i think you will see public jobs continue to go down where is private sector will continue to add jobs. >> he meant to north korea, south korea we've been talking about backlashes that a big deal for the market? >> it's not as big as you imagine, is an old man is a 27 year-old son he's tried to name his successor and
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part of what he needs to do it is all military in place. he needs to slap his military around so it throws the ball toward south korea blows up a couple people it sat the two young men died. this is a show of power to keep the military from overthrowing him and setting up his is the successor to take its place. that show force doesn't mean a lot longer term. >> to know what he did in the middle of this? toward a soy sauce factory. i know to take from that he's playing it cool. >> every now and then eased fears the market for dare to and we move on. >> and rob will be back in we will be back stay with us.
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the day before the misgivings and is to be thankful for jobless claims tumbled fallen by 34,000 to 400 and and 7000 claims according to the labor department. that is the lowest level since july of 2000 and seven. or is
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ionization servant readings given males are reporting more elderly people and families in need this year. today and nonprofit called city team served printer e- mail's to 900 people in san francisco and in oakland. last night to the organization serves dinner in san jose. in san francisco, reverend cecil and hundreds of volunteers are preparing for their annual thanksgiving meal at glide memorial church. each year they serve a full things giving dinner with thousands of people. serve nearly 5000 meals. meanwhile, at the white house to lucky turkey's named apple insiders were granted a presidential pardon from the chopping block. >> america we come together when times are hard, we don't give up, we don't complain, we don't turn our backs on one another. instead we look after one another and pitch and it, we give will be can. in the
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process we reveal to the world what we love so much about this country. so, as president of the united states you are hereby pardoned from the thanksgiving dinner table. mick you have a wonderful enjoy full life in mount vernon. >> the banks giving presidential pardon has become a tradition at the white house over the years. >> it was very cold out there this morning here's a look at what we saw when we woke up and head of the door this morning. temperatures in the 30's for the most part a take a look at this, san francisco downtown of 41 degrees at a record low. we also said a new record low with it oakland international 34 degrees there. in the north bay, a 20 degree tablatures, 27 napa, 28 santa rosa, 34 in fremont work and is equally as cold if not colder
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conditions out there overnight. a look a freeze warning in effect for most of the north bay the dark pit on your screen several hours more morning of freezing or subfreezing conditions. the thing on your screen is action going to expand into the coastal ranges of the north bay and part of the north bay shore. that's a freeze what should those are temperatures close though freezing but not quite there. but still look at what will see up there tomorrow, few degrees cooler in some spots and still 26 the napa, 27 santa rosa, 37 in san francisco, 34 oakland, 33 mount view. san jose 32 degrees exactly. our inland valleys also in the '20s. the good news is a warm up tomorrow afternoon so, we have those plans in the afternoon for thanksgiving, a few degrees warmer about three to four degrees warmer. 54 oakland, 54 san francisco, 55 santa
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rosa, 55 fairfield, 54 in los gatos. the cold mornings will stick with us tomorrow and also and friday. if we will see increasing cloud cover and warmer air will into the bay area in advance of a storm that will move through quickly on saturday at about 11:00 a.m. last until 4:00 p.m.. as we enter the weekend and into next week also improving conditions with more sunshine and slightly warmer temperatures. >> a live look inside at the golden gate bridge on this thanksgiving eve, traffic on the left side coming into san francisco from marin county backing up at the toll plaza. it moving have been carried on the right side of your screen also kind of sluggish heading north bound to marin county. we'll be right back.
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4:23 pm
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broad is back in were going to talk about expectations for 2011 to one start jobs? >> 2011 will be a lot of governors elected to they will go on like jerry brown and say what a mess. how
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will my going to balance the budget, if he's to with word a lot of republican governors have recently had a conference together they said were going to have to start stepping up. you can't cut jails, education you can't touch you say macy's social programs cut a musters a miracle that comes from the wall street gods in job creation. when the big stars of 2011 will be the private sector will define, public sector is going to see things like hiring freezes, for low days, new employees get 10 percent less than an older employee did. your saying europe during the tough government decisions with the public sector. he said states need to do that where we need to get to that place. >> to the economy is on hold earning power is up companies downsizing a little less. does that all bode well for the year. ? >> h-p and fedex said 2011
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looks better than 2010. most economic data pointed out that here's the problem, were not quite have the government's stimulus for a couple years ago. that was a trillion dollars spending in that's going to dry up a little bit. our gdp will be a little weaker, but it will be better. instead of government spending is one of the private sector spending. all take 2% to 1 1/2 percent gdp growth but that's a lot of government aid money. we need a little more private sector which again is in the neck but it's not a recession. >> what about retail? just real quick any estimates of black friday? >> that will be a big story on wall street, my job is to do my perspective and it's the better christmas than last year. thus, a better economy than last year, thus, you see the stock market rally till the end of the year. >> stock market 2011
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questions? >> not too shabby it will be worked and how it fits and starts the first half will be easier than the second half. >> thank you rob that all sounds pretty encouraging. and we will be back after this break. people! look at you!
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faugh live from the bay area's new station this is kron 4 news of for 30 p.m.. our big story at 4:30 p.m. three weeks after the election the new california attorney general has finally been named. san francisco d.a. campbell harris will be the next attorney general. kate thompson is here and she has been talking about it and looking into this incredibly close race. if this went back and forth and pairs