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tv   KRON 4 Early News  KRON  November 24, 2010 6:00am-7:00am PST

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holiday travel spirit it could take you longer today because the screeners are bracing for a security boycott. >> if your headed to lake tahoe we will tell you about chain requirements. we are watching freezing temperatures in the bay area with a live look at clear skies and cool temperatures. >> i know you said 8 below their but it feels like that here. we have freeze warnings and the like. >> take a look we actually tied a record today. san francisco has not been " this cold since 1906. we are below freezing up in san rosa, napa, fairfield, at the freezing mark for
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concord as well as livermore. 34 of redwood city by the next hour we are still sitting in the 30's most locations. '40's in downtown san francisco but that's about it. by 10:00 a.m. those temperatures will warm up into the '40's it will still feel very cold. you can see the purple showing some '30's in the picture. through the delta and livermore valley. by noon * '40's and 50's your highs today will top out into the 50s. clear condition and sunshine in the afternoon but cooling it back down again. you're afternoon highs today will be fairly similar. temperatures low 50s in most locations 53 san rosa, san francisco, richmond as well. in the south bay temperatures into the low 50s 50 degrees for livermore and morgan hill. freeze
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warnings this morning and tomorrow morning as well the area in purple. mid-20s low 30's. temperatures could be below freezing for four hours or more. red around the bay we have a frosted eye surgery today and tomorrow. 7 day around the bay dry but cold. next chance of wet weather late friday. saturday looks like another what date we will dry it out sunday and stay dry monday, tuesday. >> well we do have a frost advisories and warnings we have not checked or seen any icing conditions on bay area roads. one of the areas of concern is how we 17 but so
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far no reports of icing conditions there for a red starting off with the bridge check the ride on the bay bridge westbound with no problems easy commute here feared no problems on the approaches i. the westbound commute is the right side of your screen with no problems are back up spirit to golden gate bridge 1 01 southbound pretty easy right now. north bay we have a frost in advisory but no reports of icing conditions. we have had relatively dry pavement over night so that helps a bit. mark. >> we're following the weather center cruz mountains the rainfall now frigid temperatures. >> chp says it is going up and down highway 17 so far
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no black guys but some white spots that caltrans is putting sand over. right now it is 33 outside just barely above the freezing level. no clouds in the sky to keep the war then. even though it did not rain overnight there are signs warning drivers to be careful. reporting from how we 17 will tran kron 4 news. >> driving or flying it is the busiest travel day. there are other passengers there may be a boycott of the full body scanners were passengers might purposely opted to so they can go through the path down which would slow down to security checkpoints. we're monitoring that. everybody's out there this morning yoli good morning.
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>> so far so good nobody is really protest in the scanner. an summit is going through now. people are complying pretty easy i think they're more occupied in trying to get to where they want to as opposed to protesting. i did speak to the spokesperson he did say if you saw thahead people refusing the scanner that will open a separate line for those people so they don't slow it down for the other people. >> here's what i want to know. it is a bit rushed but we're not filled up here so you can weave around for security. >> they don't expect the peak hour until 7:00 a.m..
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right now is a good hour to go and. it is taking 8-10 minutes to get through the security. >> he said 8-10 minutes. this is what i wanna know if i show up later to the airport and i see this jam up., and a line stretching as far as to can go what is the average time if you are at the end. >> i will ask him i was here four days ago and they said it got up to 20 minutes so far that's the max. we will see how it is this is a busier day. i will ask that question. >> did you know you forget but if it's 20 minutes you can make it. mark. >> with the clear skies that is good for sfo which always
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has trouble delays when skies cloud up. everything is running smooth on other bay area airports. a live look outside on this very cold morning at the golden gate bridge. we take a look at napa 30 degrees getting closer tool record low. a cold day today with a high of 51 this afternoon. [music by air supply] ♪
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♪ lost in love and i don't know much... ♪ ]male announcer] starts friday at 4am. get there, first.
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♪ ♪ bung, ding, ding, ding, ding ding, ding, ♪♪ ♪ bing, ding, ding, bing, bing, bing, bing... ♪ ♪ bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah... ♪ june morningood morning the bigy is its freezing. 41 in san francisco loses that so- called we set our report. cold
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>> just canal market headlines stock futures are pointed up markets took a beating yesterday tomorrow thanksgiving markets are closed. the number of people reporting for unemployment fell sharply to lowest level since 2008. the commerce department said durable good orders dropped. that was the biggest set back since january last year. treasury received a hundred and $20 million. from the sale of gm stock. the government put $50 billion. >> federal has ordered or
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goal to pay oracle for stealing software to siphon off customer this comp came after a day of deliberations. devastating for the company entire tax profit was just over 2 billion for the company. >> we will be right back 50 at steve run still snow up here on the roadway it is bitter cold to degrees right now - 8. [ mom ] my son only wanted one toy this year.
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i want a robosan 4000. [ mom ] the one no one could get. toy stores are reporting long lines and empty shelves. a robosan 4000. [ mom ] and i mean no one. so i did most of my holiday shopping on citi specials. with the money i saved, i bid online -and got exactly what he wanted. -a robosan 4000! [ television ] introducing the new robosan 5000. [ mom ] at least for now. [ male announcer ] make your happy holiday stories come true with citi specials. what's your story? citi can help you write it.
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warner home bay area whether freezing temperatures with record lows this morning. to get you more news faster we turn to jackie's assault. >> nice timing within the
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blast couple seconds here it went down one degree. it is now 32 it's going between 31-32. either way you slice it is cold. it is an absolute clear morning this morning on a cloud in the sky which makes it colder obviously you have to bust out those warm clothes. i have the long under out. i cannot pull this cap downfall enough. definitely bundle up the temperatures are cold. i have a feeling as the sun comes up with the next 45 minutes we may see it go down another degree or two. >> this on its the ground heats the ground. so we will probably drop a few more degrees before temperatures warm up. let's get more with
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lisa. >> we tied a record in sampras's go currently were at 31 degrees it has not been this cold since 1906. very cold temperatures at sfo, livermore 32, san rosa 31, napa 27. compared to records we are close to those numbers let's take a look at the map and show you san francisco 41, oakland 35, san rosa 31, that is still close to the record of 24. down a mountain view 37. here's a look to your current temperatures 35 for oakland, 32, of course, 7:00 hour we will stay into the 30's may be some '40's along the
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peninsula 5:10 a.m. we will bring 40's into the picture few left over the thirties as well done by the afternoon of looks like we will warm it up may be some 56 topping it out into the 50s. " look at down into the 40's and even '30's by seven your afternoon highs stay for the most part into the low 50s 53 san rosa, richmond, 52 for concord. south bay low 50s 54 half moon bay, 52 redwood city. freeze warning this morning also tomorrow morning this fall temperatures could get into the mid-20s low 30s below freezing for four hours or more. this area of pink shows us the frost advisory's which means several hours of low freezing temperatures. 7 day around the bay dry for the next couple of days bringing clouds in friday chance of showers late friday but it
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could be a wet day saturday. >> some early riders through the caldecott tunnel may have found light set out but that is no longer our problem they have corrected it. the 24 ride looks good from walnut creek to the tunnel headed into rock ridge. the bridge toll plaza we look good free of hot spots no problems expecting light traffic today really. freddie conditions for the west bound ride. san mateo bridge westbound 92. maybe it's here and there is. it looks good for the trip not only across the span but also through hayward on highway 92 in fact nimitz looks good a purging of '92. approaching 92. across the
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span at the golden gate bridge no problems. we have been watching the senate careers mountain's high with 17 the rest of icy conditions are there but we have had no reports that that is the case. will tran will keep us apprised. >> preliminary hearing has concluded for the week testimony will begin again monday. they face charges for raping a 16 year-old girl is at a homecoming dance. yesterday retired police chief return to the stand for cross-examination the attorneys for the defense questions about interviews attorneys for the other five defendants minimize their client's role in the assault. greco will return to the stand monday. >> the other news. the cold
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is a big story so we get to that obviously george was keeping an eye on the road we're live at the airport. we're looking at other news. two teenagers. 17 year-old son were in custody at the all media juvenile hall on unrelated charges. they're set to appear today names have not been released but we do know 19 year-old and 18 year-old were killed shots that were fired october night that the golf club. >>anthony waiters, the man who lived next door to where a tracy teen says he was tortured and held captive is guilty, a san joaquin jury said tuesday. the jury found waiters guilty of all nine counts he was facing, aggravated mayhem and false imprisonment. waiters lived kyle ramirez, says he was tortured and held captive at. michael schumacher, kelly lau and caren ramirez pleaded guilty in october to several felonies including felony child abuse endangerment, withholding food and infliction of corporal injury. they face up to 30 years in prison as part of their plea deals and will be sentenced in december. the teen was held captive by his legal guardian and the
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homeowners between 2007- 2008. he took the stand and described the torture which included lighting his pants on fire, starving him and beating him unconscious. his for more legal guardians deals for other felonies. >> taking all look at walnut creek nominee cars out there right now the big story all- around for the cree to san jose cold, cold, cold. we will be right back
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6:25 a.m. taking a peek at traffic in san jose. that is a lot of traffic may be everybody is headed to the airport. it is currently 37 degrees. that is a big story. 37 warming up to 52 this afternoon. >> keeping an eye on the
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national weather is well and the seventh day cold weather here for the week and for friday morning very cold temperatures close records afternoon highs not warming up much either. national radar the storm is moving through st. louis snow up to chicago. it is making its way to the eastern seaboard. >> salt lake city has issued a blizzard warning to early tonight. lookit all this snow this is a powerful winter storm they're getting hit by a lot of strong winds and possible without conditions they are saying that may cause dangerous driving conditions. portland low 20s until tomorrow. this is the worst. the black eyes that is the worst of the
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worst everybody is slipping and sliding and you can even see it which is the worst part. police have reported to 120 car accidents in just a 25 hour span yesterday. >> homeland security is recommending the carolers system be replaced by a new area. no plans have been finalized and the white house has to saw off on any plans officials say it is not related to the airport security. >> we'll be back with more a couple of minutes let's go back to salt lake city you talk it looks frozen over. the coating of snow and visibility is down and is a big concern. we will be
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6:29 a.m. their opening bell. light on the air macy thanksgiving parade people they're ringing the bell. everybody is having a good time on wall street a day before thanksgiving holiday as a result of the holiday this week is cut short all the economic reports will be out today. today we have heard about new claims for unemployment drops last week. j t p one up we will see how wall street reacts to that we are looking for positive start we will see if that happens. we will be back in a bit. >> bay area weather today get the kidgood thing we don't o
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get the kids up and out to school today the cold temperatures making a beautiful looking morning that we are getting close to record lows let's get the latest. >> we broke records this morning in oakland. we tied one in san francisco. the bridge approach clear conditions makes for colder temperatures this morning currently in oakland 35 that actually broke the record set back 2007 by noontime getting into a 50 year high today 54. back down to low '40's by 8. here's a look at numbers and francisco overnight 41 degrees it has not been this cold since 19 06. oakland broker record of 41 and san rosa 31. not setting records in san rosa.
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here's a look to your current temperatures still in the '30's this morning below freezing for san rosa, napa, livermore, concord. 37 along the coast the next hour we will still be in the 30's through the delta and along the east bay as well. holding onto '40's in downtown san francisco by 10:00 a.m. more 40's and amex. by noontime we will see mostly '40's may be some '50s. year highs today in the '50s once again. back down into the 40's and '30's by some p.m.. it will be cold this morning and tomorrow morning as well. you're afternoon highs 53 san rosa, 51 napa and vallejo, let's get a check
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on your commute with george. >> the metering lights have not been activated for the west bound ride it means we might not see back up but you know how it goes with the bay bridge. we could be looking at the beginning of a back up and look at how few cars are moving into the bay bridge can you tell me that to me during lights are needed to contend with this traffic that is hard to believe. no metering lights at the san mateo bridge none
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required here. golden gate bridge still good marin county problem for you southbound we have not seen slow traffic for the 101 redwood highway ride. san jose 1 01 northbound headed towards trumbull that occurs no problems or delays 41 01 northbound. >> today one of the busiest day of the are you may run into people protesting full body scanners its nationwide auto day. these people see these scanners as an invasion of privacy. it could affect people tried to catch up holiday flight out of town. we spoke with sfo about the new airport's security. >> you turn 90 degrees place your hands near head. takes
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about 20 seconds for this can't you walk a note and on the right. the images are not recorded at any time the person looking at it is in a separate room. they don't know who they are looking at. one should is sky cleared from this green it is gone from the system. >> it takes about 10-15 seconds for the scanner to operate the screeners are moving efficiently to get everybody to the gates on time. >> for the supervisors have decided on a process on how to pick a mayor to replace get the new sum. they decided not to choose one for two weeks. up to 11 nominees would be chosen and then voted on individually in order of submission. if you get six or more of
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votes the board would choose the mayor regardless of whether there are more nominees who of not been voted on. for new safety inspectors are hired without delay further by the utility commission in the wake of the stamford a blast. they have been criticism from legislators about the low staffing levels that were revealed pretty much or focused on after the explosion in september that killed eight people. the announcement follows a review that showed a mile for mile we have the fewest inspection of any state. >> sink furloughs are worried about something like this san bruno explosion will happen. gas transmission lines crisscross. a bill by
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congress would require states put valves and earth quake zones. >> we will be back on this freezing date on going to save reason because that's what it feels like it's so cold out there it is earshot of san francisco from mount him. you can see what the sun will look like but it is so cold. freeze warnings and temperatures could set records and especially in san francisco. we will be right back.
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check out highway 80 snow on the highway. - 8 is the temperature. looking for 20 by noon your high today 24 back down to 8 at 8:00 p.m. fresh powder but very cold.
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>> a quick check on the markets as expected we'll pause and of the dow was up 90 points at 11,00126. s&p is up 10 nasdaq is up 31 of the interesting stories that came out in last few moments of silent has unveiled its harshest budget measures. a ford your plan to claw back 20 billion in spending. it was the prayer requisite to get along. it is out there no we will see how the citizens react. >> 6:41 a.m. president barack obama is promising washington will protect its ally in south korea after an attack he called the south president's president. that
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attack killed two civilians and to members of military. a number of other people were injured you can see the destruction u.n. secretary calling skirmish one of big gravest incident since the end of korean war. the north is threatening more strikes as well. these are still pictures of the aftermath south korean troops are on high alert evacuees were in underground shelters. u.s. and south korea will have military. >> new zealand is mourning the death of 29 miners who were trapped underground since friday after a second blast happened today police say even if they survived last week's explosion there is no way they could have been three today's. this is
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video from the first explosion friday. the death halt all aimed cambodideath tola crowded bridge has risen. many were unaware the suspension bridges normal to sway. in fear of collapsing they tried to run off the bridge causing it to collapse. >> it's all about whether trouble today on the day before thanksgiving you have to get in the cold to get to grandma's or wherever you are going. this is s f o in case you're headed to the airport we have no reports of any delays. i mean our rivals to and of course you might be picking up family if you're staying home. we will be right back.
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a big story is a whether it
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is so cold out there we have set records bottoming out record cold and oakland tying it in san francisco and the thermometer is dropping in some spots. jackie sizzle is live at sfo. >> it is so cool that you decided to send me out here to see how cold. it is hovering between 31-32. a bit of a drop in temperature out here it is crystal clear road here which makes it colder. we are seeing the sun, up and we will see the temperature drop a few degrees you have to but a lot. i have hohead, gloves, the only thing i didn't think about was thick socks
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my toes are frozen. today was the first day of cold temperatures so think about different socks. know when to speak of the north bay but those temperatures continue to drop. >> a least we don't have the wind and we don't have any moisture so we don't have black guys. when you run into a slippery patch of the road that's not to be a problem so driving isn't too bad. >> the only ices the tip of my nose at this point. >> the road to our dry and that is good and there's not a lot of wind. over night it was a bit windy. >> the cold taking a grip on us in san francisco and elsewhere temperatures are widespread in the '30's this morning. a clear shot of san francisco clear conditions making for cold temperatures this morning a freeze warning for today and also to more morning and a
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chance of rain by the weekend. here's a look right now we actually set a record in oakland to 35 degrees san francisco titre record so it has not been this cold since 1906. san rosa 31 san rafael 34 and about 37 in through mountain view. coastal record. take a look and napa currently in the '20s the upper 20s. 31 san rosa, fairfield. just over the freezing mark in livermore at 33 and los gatos. so as we head into the next hour we will keep to produce arounthe 30's aroundt
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noontime a mixture of '40's, 50's your afternoon highs topping out in the '50s: dip back down very quickly so even 7:00 a.m. back into the '40's and 30's. in the afternoon highs today coming into the 50s in most locations. the matter worried goats they are pretty much the same clear conditions a bit of sunshine into the afternoon down in the south bay low fifties for mountain view and san jose 50 in through half moon bay we also have a freeze warning just for this morning and tomorrow morning as well for the north bay temperatures mid-20s lower 30's low temperatures could last for four hours or more. this area of pink shows a frost advisories' several hours of below freezing temperatures. keeping it clear next couple of days bringing in the shot of rain that continues through
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saturday and drying it out by the end of your weekend. 650 let's get check on your commit with george. >> if you modified about sierra conditions led to an update. yesterday we had closures today all road are open at least with chain requirements interstate 80 between now and again the state line. between highway 50, and highway 88. no problems in the santa cruz mountains and light traffic here at the bay bridge does not look like the metering lights have been activated that south that light things are here. san mateo bridge much lighter than usual not really any commit to speak up and no backup or delay. golden gate bridge still problem free no problems and of novato common for marin
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county on 1 01. public transit quiet no problems reported. >> alive look from chicago no flight delays reported due to weather but holiday lines getting longer here. t as a bracing for a as a cure the boycott. >> we are looking at this desert least evasive ways. when one provide confidence from getting on that flight. that is a challenge i believe they are necessary i believe the public agree we need thorough security and they understand the threats are real and we are trying to help them get safely home to look once. >> if you're headed to the
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sierra single-digit temperatures and remember your changes. this is what it was light yesterday driving up to ty ho. heller has been restored to 3000 residents because they had such high winds it knocked down a power line. nevada highway patrol reported to 79 traffic accidents and four dozen vehicles just letting off of the road. it is i see.i we are playie highlights of the world series parade saturday-8:00 p.m. we will be right back.
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the big news is how cold it is we arm setting records bottoming in out way below freezing. the high temperatures are going to be 54 and 55 today and tomorrow for thanksgiving. another morning freeze warnings thanksgiving morning. keep an eye on that low of 29 degrees on thanksgiving morning. the next day when your love shopping that chance of rain late in the afternoon in should bounce bound to much. what to do saturday it will be rain and cold. the next work wwake warms up a bit. >> chain requirements up in the sierra it is one degree in south lake.
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the black widow spider's severe bite
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can cause coma and even death. the african black mamba can kill a man with one bite. but there's an even deadlier predator