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tv   KRON 4 News at 4  KRON  November 17, 2010 4:00pm-4:30pm PST

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live from the bay area's new station this is kron 4 news @ 4:00 and our big story at 4:00 today these protesters clashing with police outside a meeting in san francisco mission bay campus where the uc board of regents met to discuss fee hikes. you can see the tension built up in this video as please get physical using batons to push back protesters. at one point an officer using pepper spray on the crowd. more than a dozen people were arrested 10 of them are uc students. one suspect faces a felony charge accused of striking an officer with a baton. the
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heated protests drew about 300 people. kron 4 moreen kelly spoke to where the protesters in the crowd and said he was the victim of police brutality. >> you could see uc-berkeley graduate on the front lines of this season he was merely holding a protest line when a female officer began hitting him with a baton. >> she stuck we sometimes a lobster trap. there's no warning no dispersal order. it feels like a chemical burn that doesn't stop. it and my hair feels like it's on fire. and clearly the video you saw shows excessive force. >> i don't see anything that's obviously inappropriate to the officers were holding the line, the individual charging the officers. >> three officers were injured during a protest including one who was struck with his old baton after being surrounded by large crowd of demonstrators here at this parking garage. if the officer drew his weapon and pointed at the crowd and he said it's
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because he feared for safety. aston was arrested with assault with a deadly weapon in that incident. in total 13 protesters were arrested at today's demonstration. maureen kelly kron 4 news. >> here's a look at what's upsetting the protesters the board isn't talking about an 8 percent raise in tuition and that's an $822 increase which would be $11,124 annually. a vote is scheduled for tomorrow. now to a developing story as a preliminary hearing for the seven defendants in the richmond homecoming gang rape case continues now for a third day. today in richmond crime scene investigator continued her testimony. if the officer identified evidence at the crime scene described the wounds on the 16 year-old victim's body. including scripts on her back, knees and the tops of her feet. testimony in the hearing which will allow the judge to determine if there's enough evidence to bring the case to trial is scheduled
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to continue this afternoon. we will bring you a full report coming up on our newscast at 5:00. a recent evening a pizza, games and fined ended in a nightmare for patrons of the chuck e. cheese's restaurant in york. as kron 4 rob reports it was a target of a takeover style hold up that was all caught on camera. >> both patrons and employees were traumatized when three armed men broke stand is to keep shes a restaurant just before closing time. take a look this surveillance video shows three masked men entering the store carried off at 1.1 mast man holds a gun on the employee while ordering several patrons including children to get down on the floor. bob douglas picks up the story from there. >> it was a takeover type of robbery they were armed with guns, pointed the gun set the patrons as well as the employee is an ordered everyone on the ground. on
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the video you will see the three robbers entered the store and immediately placed a handgun to the greater at the front door and ordered him to the ground. the head to others round of the patrons and employees of the restaurant and ordered them to the >> > carried some 40 patients were herded into our room will the suspects to men and money. they said the days of receipt for a long from the promises they fled the scene not of the patrons were brought in a one was injured. they run the store for less than two minutes. because they were masked please describe the suspects only as three african-american males. it and work kron 4 news. >> kron 4 has learned new details following the murder outside a prominent east bay church it happened just before noon on tuesday. the victim was just outside the churches front gate when shots rang out. kron 4 said investigators are going over possible motives of the >> case. 46 year-old leon
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was attending a ged program here at allen temple baptist church one step outside to speak on a cell phone he was shot and killed as he stood right underneath that cross you see there. the oakland police say they have few leads in the case but one person close to the investigation said they're looking at a couple possible motives including wilson being connected to a love triangle and the fact that wilson was a recent pro leak out of richmond opd said maybe some of the problems that he had in that town may have followed him here to oakland. the director of the charges ged program symbols was only there for a couple of weeks. he seems sincere in wanting to turn his life around. >> was not here just because he was forced. he was happy to start over, i was told he was talking to his friends and telling him about the program. >> this is the first
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shooting on the allen temple baptist church property in the 90 year history. in oakland kron 4 news. >> a live look outside from our mount tam cam down in san francisco you can see the fog rolling in through the gap. forcing clouds close to the coastline temperatures are cool. 54 half moon bay, 65 san francisco, sunny skies inland and through the rest of the bay area. 72 concord, 73 livermore, 75 in san jose now and 69 napa. overall temperatures are down for the most part some places didn't see much change other this afternoon. for degrees cooler in half moon bay and san francisco, redwood city, nev. and five degrees cooler napa this afternoon. tonight into tomorrow, a chilly afternoon over night into tomorrow captures cold was north bay fog out there tomorrow morning. in the afternoon the cold out
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continues sandstorms will continue in the bay area will talk about the coming up in a bit. >> ron dellums released on line and printed state of the city report to and video today. it was meant to chronicle his for your administration and a low of a public state of the city address. surprisingly to some the video did not contain dellums at all. instead feature testimonies from areas of city officials to talk about program accomplishments during tell us term in office. the video highlights to economic developments, energy- efficient see, education and community engagement. it was accompanied by a 60 page final step of the city report by the mayor he writes that " a model city is a coherent, cohesive city, a kurd in a vibrant economy, or its citizenry is healthy, well-educated, well-trained, well-informed, incapable of effective interactions with the civic, economic, social, and cultural institutions of our
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community. ".it outlines his accomplishments over the past four years. he will be replaced as mayor in january by city councilwoman jean kwan carried now look outside at traffic on wednesday its our camera in walnut creek the 680-24 split the headlights' are northbound and traffic is moving quite slowly in both directions there. much more news ahead and rob black has a look at your money when we come back. the black widow spider's severe bite can cause coma and even death. the african black mamba can kill a man with one bite. but there's an even deadlier predator
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you can't really love me. i know about gayle. i don't know what you're talking about. if you just tell me what happened... [ ding ] [ man ] 35th and archer. next stop hamilton. [ brakes hiss ] ♪
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[ male announcer ] u-verse brings you entertainment across all three screens on your tv, smartphone and online. now get up to $300 back via promotion cards. at&t. rethink possible. taking a look at the market to the stocks ended mixed up the dow down 15 the nasdaq up 6 points and rod as you tell us about what happened on wall street in what happened. >> yesterday was a murderous day the day before not so good the seventh eight weeks before that very good. we're getting into a payback period. today target came out with great earnings and christmas looks like the best friends listened for years. on the other hand our
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land came out and looks like will need some financial help. it's not that at let me boil it down. greece was a problem when they got bailed out the have a lot of poor people were a lot of government programs. ireland is in the top third of the european union as far as their per capita for gdp. they're pretty wealthy nation their banks are failing a lot like ours failed it only took as a year to have for banks pay back that loan. ireland is a similar situation and not worry about ireland. to me a bigger issue would be had as china looking down the road. i like what i saw today. it targets in good things about sales at christmas that's good news. >> will to much about our land. people don't understand why they say know we don't want to bail you out at first? >> once you hear this a prom with a bank there's a problem with the bank. because the public loses their confidence, they go when they take their money out and that kills the bank.
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to what the bank when people say all the money puts the bank to sleep they are finished. arlen will need help it's inevitable. >> this is probably trying to catch up or be a big for it >> to the >> the lower the price to $7.99 that's good for you and me cbs hasn't joined the alliance of fox, an ec. it will get it from subscription services straight from the source. this is one of the situations in the flux has been wildly zero huge water on wall street for some reason. people like content in alternative manners. >> and flexes evolving and pretty well but it looks like down the road could be in trouble? >> it will be tough to tell the difference between the different offerings out there $7.90 for one $7.99
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for the other. there's always a war on content. right now distribution is sped down the road will be content again. >> were to time but stay with us will be back right after this break. [ male announcer ] whether you're new to california
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that's 1-877-276-1149. with anthem blue cross, you're free to enjoy value like never before. we had to have fog close to the coastline temperatures are cooler as a result the cool sea breeze winds dominating the forecast. the four-day, 65 in san francisco. as you've been land it was gorgeous as afternoon sunny and warm in the low seventies and land also the upper 60s low seventies in the north bay. as we make our way into the overnight hours it's going to be a very chilly night. at 39 degrees in nassau, 39 in santa rosa with fog in the north bay otherwise touch of the low '40's. one afternoon we will warm up
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quite as much temperatures will be back in the them low 60s. 62 napa, 57 and have one day. we're big changes in store for this weekend tomorrow the cool down continues. then to the weekend a series of storms. for showers, rain and wind and then chilly conditions temperatures dropping just into the upper 50s. the snow levels will drop down will talk about how much it rain were expecting coming up in a bit. >> in national newest democrats have reelected nancy pelosi as their new leader in the next. remember this was by no means a sure thing furbelows see some of her fellow democrats suggested it's time for leadership. and she did prevail she will shift from house speaker to minority leader in the news has baker is expected will be republican senator john painter. she's the big unknown in the 2012 election were talking about sirupy land she is now saying to
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guess she's thinking about running for president. >> her tv show had a record debut on tlc her daughter is in the finals of dancing with the stars and house their pale and has her eye on the white house. the former vice presidential candidates that she doesn't see much difference between the other hopefuls asked about a possible run for the white house. she told the new york times " and engaged in the internal deliberations candidly and having that discussion with my family " if she does run shot to make a lot of ground. a cnn poll found registered voters would choose president barack obama over pale and by a margin of 52 to 44%. a separate poll finds palance negative rating at an all- time high. it's been climbing since john mccain chose her as a running mate two years ago and currently stands at 52%. you could put this man on the last 67 year-old steven kaplan. he
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blasted his tv set with a shotgun after st. bristol pailin dancing on television. he ended up surrendering after an on- line standoff with the swat team. >> >> a homophobic read by the teenage daughter has gone by on the web. in to the reporter kimberly shows us what sparked the debate. >> a lot of people talking about this it was 16 year- old willow pailin she was reportedly trying to defend her mom's new reality television show. but sick a look at some of what was said its board to when someone wrote something separate palance the last that is failing so hard right now. will the shot that caught your so gate. have no idea if you are, but what i've seen pictures of your disgusting my sister had a kid and is still hot. this set off a firestorm off topic later another came up willis said today shut up and then sticking up for my
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pam family story that all you guys are jealous of my family success in you guys aren't going to go anywhere with your lives. then her older sister bristow came the famous defense and your typical talk heard talking coz you have nothing else going for you he'll be as successful as my baby daddy. when asked about the comments will said she sticking up for family and a little later on this bill did put out an apology for her and willows comments. stay with us will be back after this break.
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robb has a list of things that wall street is afraid of. let's go for that we have a graphic. china is on the list of what china? >> everyday wall street goes up or down and ago indochina was slowing growth. today were little concerned because are fighting inflation and probably make cost money more expensive the slower economy down.
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>> the pigs and you don't mean takes what does that stand for? >> that stands for portugal, italy greece and spain those of the countries have invited to troubles and they may need a bailout. companies like germany and france they hated. they have economies that are two dozen years old and made the relationship to share the same currency with grace and those lazy greeks are promising to much pension and not delivering with a healthy economy. >> california and the 49 other states. >> it's a matter of time before municipal-bond us before they come into question. what's happening in greece and italy and ireland will happen here it's a matter of time. we've overpromise, overboard it we continue to have deficits on upside down. some people are freaked out because of not going to a fast and not going to of us because of california. >> i know you don't mean the ship. >> a lot of people like it
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because it weakens our dollar what we we create jobs, what will we create good profits the employment number tomorrow were going to get unemployment claims the been trending in the right direction. the tax breaks the bush administration will they go away. will we see higher taxes the health care reform is like swiss cheese that has a what holds but we don't have much of it is going to stay and how much that money will even get funded. some of these are fun to look at and say what they look like down the road. >christmas? >> what will look like this year currencies the world seems to be developing currencies that's of that thing for long-term health of the world economies. the housing crisis which took away the stimulus housing is not doing well. parts of housing were doing well a
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lot of housing across america is struggling. we saw the cbo numbers that were the worst inflation since 1957 inflation is good thought its like goldilocks you a little bit of a lot. rain now things are dropping in prices so manufacturers are making money they're not going to hire people. >> this is a good conversation we can't continue or these look into. >> to 20 everyone hates each other terrors of a strike in a day, commodity prices are higher and high-frequency trade we had a crash last year on wall street because of these crazy automatic trades that one off. now that should know the fear is your free to invest. i say be fearful what others agree be can be greedy what others are fearful. >> i know that the buffet " stay with us ever body will be back after the break. >>
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