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tv   KRON 4 News at 9  KRON  November 13, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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live with this kron4 news at night.nine. >> to oakland police officers are paid at the administrative leave after shooting a on armed men. tonight there will discuss the relationship between the police and the people of oakland. the incident happened monday night. police responded to a
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oscar grant's name was right through the mud. there jones' name is being dragged through the mud. what ever he had on his person allegedly had nothing to do with the shooting on that night. he was not shot what because of what was in his pocket. he was not shot because of a skilled existed somewhere. he was shot by a police officer who had no
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reason to pull a weapon. >> since the grand shooting community's leaders have held police say the suspects seen here ricardo martinez was the woman's ex-boyfriend. martinez is thithe mechanic said that days
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automotive repair just blocks away did not call automotive supply when the customer came in with the same temperature. >> we actually contacted the police to plant wheat on the bus and the guy, we found the components and the five convertors. >> i went to the police station to identify the soling teleconverter. >> it's between $8,200 between each converter. >> to replace the converter is costly. it can get pretty expensive. >> it is constant i can every couple of months i here's all losing a converter. but what my technicians lost one at all, when he went shopping can cut out it was gone. >> ... the easy-to-use and is cadillacs suvs. >> basically they can crawl
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just underneath the car, and make it grow quiet make it at around the pipe. >> drop it right out> without a fight as they can have it done. >> you do not know until the next morning when it is the quota start your car. >> out sure what happened, i'm definitely going to keep it in. >> input it is a gorgeous saturday evening as we take a look at the bay. today's highs of we were very impressed in the
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'70s just about everywhere. 74 set francisco and san rabaul. 75 into always up to 81 degrees. yes these temperatures are a typical rent this time of the year. in fact santa rosa is 15 degrees warmer today. these readings are going to get even warmer for tomorrow. we're getting into this weather pattern or wins out of the north are keeping the sea breeze away. they also warm things up as the winds can lot of the hills and into the bay. temperatures warm all along with the sunshine. this makes for warmer temperatures. so look for ratings to be in the '70s in a lot of places some eighties popping up in the north bay. reading stage and the warm side into monday to. in fact a looks like much of next week will be
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warm. where the winds are going to be dusty especially for the north bay. that shows winced 20 to 30. some gusty winds into tomorrow morning are around 8:00 a.m.. the higher elevations could see dust 52 60 mi. per hour. i will lead to know all along this warm weather will stick around coming up later on. >> governor arnold sports editor has just weeks left in the office. he is scrambling to fill a $6 billion hole in the state budget. he proposed more than 12 billion in tax cuts. but legislators only agreed to close cut seven and a half. now he says he's going to need lawmakers to work with them to close the gap. this may not be as easy as it sounds. >> during his visit governors schwarzenegger
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talked about his decision to call legislators back to sacramento next month for an emergency budget session. >> we need to do everything that we can to had a budget over to the next governor that is good as possible. >> right now the budget this he signed last month is already $6 billion in the red. add the deficit is predicted to grow to more than 25 billion over the next year and at. >> eventually the legislators there will be no other choice but to make those cuts. because tax increases is out of the question >>. but this time in maybe legislators who have a stronger hand to play. if proposition 25 is in effect when the special session begins. >> prop. 25 lower as the requirement from passing the budget from two-thirds of the house to just one half. in other words democrats would be able to pass the budget without a single republican vote. they're
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asking when prop. 25 will become law. outside the state capital new rules are not, hugh holds doubt of little hole. >> will according to state law after the governor calls a special session, they have 45 days to come up with a solution. at that time though the state will be under the then newly elected gov. jerry brown. still ahead in noble prize winner is released from house arrest. three bay area hospitals are fine. a bay area company helps service men and women kickups a copy while serving abroad. a ban on alcoholic energy drinks pules their popularity. general motors show softer elector, and there's a new droid phone on the market. for these are still some of
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the stores ahead. verizon's your home for samsung galaxy.
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like the exclusive continuum. and the fascinate. or the samsung galaxy tab that runs flash.
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on santucci has been released after 15 years of house arrest. april williams has a latest on the political turmoil. >> a prisoner in her own home no more. on saturday she was released from house arrest. she has been under it for 15 of the past 21 years. members of her national pro-democracy party are happy that she is free. they watch for to come back to the party, she will be the member of the national league for ever. she was first locked up in 1989 in the aftermath of the student uprising. the release of the nobel peace prize laureate, comes a week after the first elections in two decades. critics blasted the ballot as rates. what is
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sothos attorneys, said she should never have been detained in the first place. as sought to put her release in perspective. >> we're dealing with a brutal military dictatorship here. they have the ability to detain her russwurm present read any time. >> course supporters buyer about to fight on no matter what the cause. >> we know we're doing right thing. >> april williams kron4 news. >> gm takes they're wrapping off its new car. and we will take you on a test drive. >> we have some great weather coming out for tamara it will be sunny and warm. some eighties are around the bay area i will have the forecast for you coming up.
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general motors reported a profit of more than gym million dollars for the year. they're on track for their first profitable years
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for 2004. the future could be bright as it introduces its first new car. >> general motors with a favorable cost hopes to redefine the future with this new show the ball. as the ball hit showrooms, people want to know how it drives buried in how it works. >> today is different, i agree to test drive the share of the bolt the new electric car. right before we get going is there anything that i need to know that is different about this car. >> yes right now this is an electric car. this and there is an outlet right here. there is >> there is also a regular gas tank. >> while it doesn't even make a noise. here we go. it
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is but he does not feel any different. it just feels like a nice try. you don't have any sense of hesitation or anything. so the actual driving experience is just what is fueling a. it is quieter. as i make my way home will turns a lot of heads. how many miles per gallon. it all depends on >> tel london and paris this too hot. i want to lower. >> mileage and the bolts 41,000 price tag is too of the big questions and concerns about the car. with its 400 lb. battery and its gasoline powered generator. the vault includes groundbreaking technology. its closest rival is the niece on. it so sophisticated, i know that there's a lot of software, of its sort of like riding
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on a giant computer. >> to there is an awful lot of technology in this vehicle. this was a tremendous undertaking. it has never been done before. this car is built for someone who is a community of 40 mi. or less. >> you put this in first, and that's how you do it especially in the ring, you had this, just to get in. just pushed in. that is said and i can go and get some sleep and come out tomorrow morning and its return >>. the next morning, i think you might still be charging. but i think we're ok. this used to be a gas tank yesterday to date is a battery. and the green light is still on because i'm not totally charge you concede that i am still there. i think of your writing of a trustee to work before i go
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to the gas. will see the was it over the bow will translate into sales. >> well it is an incredible evening, we have clear skies is a start. temperatures on willie what we are in the '60s in a lot of places. downtown out of checking in at 70 degrees it is by 20 in the evening. right now petaluma currently at 68 degrees. they're filled at 67. 64 separate the strands and brno, a san jose in the upper 50s. we have to get her some relatively cool temperatures in the morning. in mid '40's for cedras and that again if the winds do not subside, will be much more than this. low 50s near the bay. here is future cash, we're showing in temperatures of 6:00 a.m. a
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lot of 60 showing up in green. and watch what happens to the stream. a lot of '70s than most places at least into the '70s even at the close. but one response in to the north they bellies are forecasted to get into the low eighties in some places. other parts of the bay area's, for now mid to upper '70s in most places at around the bay. you will landlady's% of those of their fill the high of 78 degrees. sunshine and some gusty winds throughout the day. a winded by three in effect for the north bay and east bay hills. 75, paul concord in pittsburgh at 78 degrees. for the south bay
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will be funny a little breezy and very warm for this time of the year 07 using close to eighties. the wet weather will sticker run into next week. monday could be warmer. tuesday and wednesday temperatures could be in the upper 60s and low '70s it will start to called out towards the end of the week thursday and friday. a couple of storm systems get close and will provide a few clouds. by the weekend, more typical weekend weather. coming up surgery gone bad. which bay area hospitals are being fined for what surgeons had left behind. droid means business how they entered smart phone is stepping up.
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my mercury moment happened at the beginning of the 3rd quarter. joey came over to watch the game when the storm rolled in.
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in through the ceiling. i switched to mercury to save on car insurance, boy am i glad they cover my home too. they fixed the ceiling, replaced the couch, they even cleaned the carpets. wish they would have cleaned this up. you know, like a makeover. save up to 15% when you combine your auto with home or renter's policy. get a fast free quote at
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there is a new plan to improve san francisco's mid market street. that plan will transform both the kiosk to bring in new local
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business. architectural firm mocked up with these pictures which show. dias what house different businesses. kron4 stanley roberts winter amid market to explain what this could be a major undertaking for the city. there is a new plan to improve san francisco's mid market street area the street and van ness ave. the kiosk's to bring in new architectural firm mocked up these pictures to show you what they would look like. the kiosk would house different businesses such as a bike repair station, a discount ticket booth, and food trucks. stanley roberts went to the area to explain>>this is market street in san francisco and this is a man in broad daylight urinating in public. the part that i find confusing, he gives me the finger like i'm the one using the street as my toilet. if you have ever spent any time on market street south of fifth you might just be surprised at some of the things you might see. you might see people not cleaning up after their dogs, even if there is a man with a camera watching them. you might just see what is left of a very expensive bike that has been stripped of almost everything. buy 5 you win. buy 6 you win, 2-2 you win, 3-3 you win. if you
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are on 7th and market you might just find these guys shooting dice. this man is arguing with someone on the muni bus, and this lady is role in a joint, waiting for a muni bus. look if you really want to experience markets street in its raw form, take a walking tour between 5th and 8th street. and before i go i wanted to share this sign with you it reads, violators will be shot. survivors will be shot again. in san francisco, stanley roberts. kron 4 news. >> > to and i, a story idea first billy mills e. malloy says people bb about later on fostill pale in practicing hr lines for the upcoming bond fund president.
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so, we book a flight to hawaii using our points from chase sapphire. last minute... on christmas. and sitting next to us, chevy chase. and we really hit it off. we play golf, and then the luau. he's like da vinci with ice. and after, we help hang christmas decorations. wait, wait, wait. you flew last minute... on christmas... with points from chase sapphire? yeah. amazing. believe it. with points from chase sapphire, you can book airline tickets with no blackout dates or restrictions.
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three well-known and bay area hospitals are being fined for committing some serve hilarious errors. they apparently lacked operating equipment and their equipment disappears. kron4 is dahlin tells us about the area our errors and what is being done. >> domestics are stunning, surgeons we behind things like bunches and metal objects and patients at all militias. to miss six tha appl april and. a surgeon roof forgot to remove response from patients. >> the patients are fine, >> at cpm spokesman said the hospital has revised its training and implemented a new procedure. >> in the past to count
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everything that went in and out of the operating room. now we do a double count. so even if the first cow gets all right we do a second count just to make sure. we do not want this to happen to any patient. >> usf medical got to find. one case a baby was given 10 times the normal blood thinner. you cfs and not medical center did not have anyone to speak on camera. the center did release a statement saying it has an ongoing program to improve upon quality and safety of patient care. it will not detail how works realize it the coast make mr. those mistakes will not happen again. >> the petaluma hospital was 5 for lead in the sponge during surgery. the house
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will says it has revised some of its export policies. in san francisco dahlin kron4 news. bright moonlight on this saturday evening. clear skies across the bay area. 70 degrees nice out there in napa. right now, at around the bay area is a fantastic saturday evening. we have 56 in livermore and hayward. look at some of the warmer temperatures still in the '60s for san francisco and san rosette 64. then there is babette 70 degrees. we will see those temperatures dipped overnight, the winds are blowing we have gusty winds between 10 and 20 mi. per hour from santa rosa towards fairfield. currently checking in with the gun that 30 best at 30 mi. per hour. for tonight clear
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skies and mild temperatures. sunny and breezy with winds up boards of 30 mi. per hour. temperatures rapidly warming up throughout the morning. that is the north bay everyone else's into the '70s. the warm weather will continue for monday and much of the we can tell when state. '70s starting to cool off by the end of the we. there's a chance for rain and will let you know more about that. >> this veterans day with knowledge that many servicemen and women to serve our country. there's still tens of thousands in service around the world. it is a bay area company that gets them ahead for the day ahead. as of the rack afghanistan soldiers and the heat of battle. but right at around the corner is as green beans cafe hot cup of coffee and the comforts of home.
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>> it is distressful environment, go and get a cup of coffee get this movie. these green beans cafes are popping up anywhere u.s. soldiers are. >> girl mccarron come out with >> this movie. green beans have dozens of cafes and some of the world's hot spots. on u.s. bases, ceo say that some are so close to the fog lies did have been used by insurgents for target practice of >>. all of holes and rocket attacks they take for containers they hijacked the are drinking coffee and smooth >> these. the cafes are made of recyclable containers. >> is some of these locations the breeze those actually show up in camouflage and flak jackets. >> the bay area company that is fully behind the adventure. who's ma >> otter furs coffee second.
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they justgiven the thousands of thank you letters streaming into soldiers. that copy blake is a welcome break from the bottle. if you want to send a cup of joe to age show just go to the green beans web site. they all also operate capped a franchise to veterans. if you are thinking about getting out ahead, for bay area shelters offering cats and kittens for just $10. the cost is usually 100 to $175. the top economies means fewer people are likely to adopt. upper motions like this will help save the lives of dozens of animals. >> just that on shelters alone, we have adopted out about 26 cats and kittens the log care. yesterday the
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city of sad to say a doctor about 27. normally would receive between five and eight. >> the adopted captor spaded and neutered. and medically evaluated before adoptions. mandela said options can be found at the silicon valley san jose paul auto and tell katz of morgan hill. since palance stances on things like abortion at all baumann, why you may be carried the same speeches again in 2012. and again the colony black out in a can, why this energy drink is getting a boost in popularity.
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could someday become part of the 2012 presidential run. >> set up pailin takes on the president's health-care
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plan in very stark terms. >> the biggest advance of the abortion industry in america is the passage of all, care. >> she is hammered on the spur the past couple of months side. she has attacked the robot my team, accusing them of putting provisions in to the over halt accused of allowing people to get easier on abortions. >> they caved at the last minute, many of them dead in exchange for a non-binding executive order. sure enough, just three months after this order was signed. the old, administration broke its promise by making funding available for a high risk insurance pools in some states that to cover these elective abortions that we talked about. >> what is she talking about, we tried several times to reach her representatives and got no
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response. >> white house says that if the new plan does not make any federal money available for abortions except for cases of rape and incest or if the mother's life is at risk. if those people use the government money to buy a plan that covers abortion, that abortions covered in that plan may be paid in part. but the losses that abortions in the state plans have to be paid for separately out of the person's pocket. another question has to do with her political calculation. why she seems to be hammering on abortion. cnn poll in early august out of the issues that are important, 15 of them of them about abortion right 14. >> abortion will be important in 2012 race.
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especially in a place like i what, that it's a place that has a powerful anti abortion. . >> can we take this as a signal the issues winter want a president. susan paces palance sends every sign these days though she doesn't plan to run. or is least leaving that option open. >> coming up next whats college students a gets you drug m bus, an energy drink that is labeled as black belt in a can. and why it is being taken off the shelter >>. the largest aid to date temperatures and the '70s and even the eighties. more temperatures and the '70s and even the eighties. more coming up. instead of earning squatootski... your savings will be earning three times the national average. now, let's review. capital one interestplus savings... at three times more. go to what's in your wallet?
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are you a pisces?
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in california news east of san francisco five people have been killed in a crash involving seven motorcycles. authorities say happen this afternoon after a car tried to pass. about a dozen motorcyclists on a two-lane highway. a motorcade across
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at its work out of the way and loss control. in hammock riverside county five children are in the hospital after an elderly man hit them. it happened last night as the kids are walking across the street. they're on their way home when the 89 year-old man struck them. they're between the ages of 5 it 143 critical injured. the driver is not been heard or cited. also in southern california marriage proposal turns ugly after a woman refused. 22¢ fernandez tried accused of trying to wind up as a woman after she refused his proposal. hernandez was charged with assault with a deadly weapon. we are in the middle of the very one november weekend as we take all look like here at the bay bridge. temperatures in the '60s in a lot of places. ballet hole in the mid-60s. the warmest temperatures in the north
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bay this evening. also daley's city at 65 degrees. some of these temperatures warmer than the typical price for november. a little cooler into evergreen in pleasanton at 53 degrees. we have a weather pattern right now with the winter coming up from the north and they are gusty, keeping the sea breeze that way. the air warms up and the sunshine helps pump of the temperatures up. fortune while look for a very warm day. considering it is the middle of november. upper '70s for concord in san jose. center brose of broadcasted into the low 80s. the one weather will persist into monday. more temperatures into the '70s and the low 80s. here is future gas '70s bay area wide. the hang onto those
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pent-up pitches into monday. that a family sense to clock just a but tuesday. when mahwah even those that they too police eighties, seventies at the beaches as well. beautiful whether oliver of the bay area. temperatures we typically see ed sunshine summertime are run by a close. it's also going to be breezy at times when possibly surpassing 30 mi. per hour. upper '70s that approaching 80 degrees. 78 percent of clara and san jose air. again this wine november whether sticks around into
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next week. we will have highs monday and tuesday and wednesday into the upper sixties to low mid-70s. it will begin to cool down just a bit but there's a funny with some additional clout. the chance for rain coming up by next saturday. >> the federal government is introducing a new campaign, introducing new graphic warning labels for cigarettes. followed by phrases like smoking can kill you end cigarettes cause cancer. there on the fda website for people to, an auto generally a 11th next year. the agency will. washington state voted this week to ban sales of what is being called black out in a can. at a.g. drinks. >> the name and the fsx, on hard to forget. and after
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nine students at central washington university will hospitalized after drinking for local, state officials imbed the sale of it. they are not alone, michigan officials have banned the sale of alcoholic energy drinks. and college campuses or taking a closer look >>. but just look and said is when you mix the two your creating an unstable combination in your body. we worried that our students are not as informed of the consequences of mixing the two substances. the university of maryland has not officially banned the drug. but in his routine and stepping up its outreach to the students. this can is marketed to young drinkers >>. what that capping is doing is encouraging people to drink are more than what they should. it mass the
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affect of the alcohol. so people do not feel the state of intoxication. and will not sought >> drinking. this is what the controversy controversy is all about. this can has about as much alcohol as about five beers. one. his earned the name of binge drinkers dream. for locals manufactured defends its products. it says it is " just as they as any other alcoholic beverage when consumed responsibly. >> i know a lot of students get full cases of the stock because it is so inexpensive. he says that by and large and despite the headlines, students do not seem to care. >> i think it is that she needs to the end and students of the >> is it. so it seems many people are still getting
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mixed messages from this mixture and. cape called wednesday and ny >> she 10. coming up the news mark all that looks less and act like out blackberry but is not. we will show you the newest and right that is all business. our points from chase sapphire preferred are worth 25% more on travel. we're like forget florida, we're going on a safari. so we're on the serengeti, and seth finds a really big bone. we're talking huge. they dig it up, put it in the natural history museum and we get to name it. sethasauraus. really. your points from chase sapphire preferred are worth 25% more on travel? means better vacations. that's incredible.
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believe it...with chase sapphire preferred your points are worth 25% more on travel when booked through ultimate rewards.
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time now for tech talk with kids like. windows phone 7. they are microsoft thinks they have iphone, black berry and andriod devices. i will give microsoft this they came up with a new unique interface, it is simple, uncluttered, but dried fog is a first, the blackberry still seems to be that top choice for
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business people. this new drug is aimed at that market. it has beefed up security in it. it is a much more secure tried for their corporate world. it supports corporate exchange e-mail as well as regular e-mail. it offers pc like browsing with adobe flash. it has a five mega pixel cameras with autofocus. as well as high quality video recording. so it is aimed at the business crowd, but it's still a droid phone line on goal. offers everythingif you want a droid you wanted something else little bit more secure like a blackberry three professional life, this could be a good phone for you. the dried hair is the first high end smart fall that to break that $200 price tag. the smart phones usually start with $200,
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the jury " is 200 $179. games like kron4 news. >> ok i have to confess i was allowed under the weather for the past few days to dot all the sunny days. >> there is more in store, in fact the best is yet to come for two more money look for a little crisp morning with temperatures in the '40's and '50's. look at these high temperatures, to bet we have to work tomorrow because it is willing to be gorgeous sunshine temperatures in the '70s upper '70s into fearful concord, and santa rosa in getting all way into the low 80s. and it will seem nice for monday and tuesday and wednesday as well '70s out of the bay area. getting at local or at the end of the week. >> thanks brian thinks
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everybody see you again at >> thanks brian thinks everybody see you again at 11. my mercury moment happened at the beginning of the 3rd quarter. joey came over to watch the game when the storm rolled in. >> thanks brian thinks everybody see you again at 11. in through the ceiling. i switched to mercury to save on car insurance, boy am i glad they cover my home too. they fixed the ceiling, replaced the couch, they even cleaned the carpets. wish they would have cleaned this up. you know, like a makeover. save up to 15% when you combine your auto with home or renter's policy. get a fast free quote at
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at just seven inches, it's the only tablet designed for maximum mobility. and it's android-powered and flash-enabled for the best web browsing experience. get yours at verizon.