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tv   KRON 4 Early News  KRON  November 9, 2010 4:00am-6:00am PST

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>> you're watching live in the images out of indonesia. we will follow the president's movements as he makes his way through this tended toward asia. the mountain on indonesia will be causing some problems the volcanic ash and forced to present your end of his visit short. here's only source to be in the country tran four hours from now looks like you'll be shorter than that. we will let jan know when the update his schedule for that act proposes the danger. in the bay area, political news, city of oakland is still waiting to hear about who's the mayor will be. it is taking a bit longer than expected. officials say they
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will not announce the winner and tell possibly friday. for the first time oakland is using ranked troy's voting. voters cast a for second, the territories. kron4 is christine connolly is a closer look to what the steps of balloting is. >> here's a look at as sample ranked stressing balance the where the errors are pointing you see three different problems with the candidates for mayor. voters for their first, second and third stories. then the votes are tallied a winner is the guilt and if the candidate gets some dirty 50 + 1. if no candidate gets a majority then the elimination process begins. here's our that process works step one someone is eliminated the canada with their fears for strasser wrote it is eliminated. step two votes or transferred. the voters to trounce the eliminating canada's will have their vote transfer to their
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second trees. those are then recounted, a winner is declared or the process begins again if someone gets more than 50 percent of the votes to their declared the winner if not the process starts all over again. >> now of course lhasa's was county district attorney steve cooley has a single lead over harris. coli is up 46 for some rain now. the lead has seesawed between the 2¢ or action 9 with more than a million ballots still to count that lee could change. we will let you know will get the latest count. officials counter an estimated 20,000 absentee provision for balance. the election results are all on
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at the website. as was 2010 coverage at let's talk about the weather, chilly morning once again. especially in the north bay. louisa striking that. >tracking that. >> you can see a better breeze, currently in the north bay pretty chilly santa rosa 39 degrees, noon 58. high-temperature only about 60 degrees. backed out of '40's by 8:00 hour. overall another cold day we do now that frost advisory in effect currently we will get done just a few minutes. 36 degrees and your fairfield, 48 incenses care of this turn hour. your afternoon eyes fairly similar to yesterday just
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kind of sitting in to los '60s. san resisters by doing getting and of the '50ssince prt giving of the '50s. antioch 63. 6:00, we will see some increasing clouds in the afternoon and by 6:00 may be a stray showers to. we will continue to see the showers on the increase as we head towards the evening story or first in the north bay. once the storm passes could see bart attend an inch or rain or really the peninsula's only expecting about a hundred of an inch really not much. it looks like the bulk will move in around nine-ton across to the peninsula. portions of cinephile to the east bay, you could see some pockets of heavy downpours for for the most part this is our right to be a significant system we're expecting that what weather to last into the early morning hours on
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wednesday. foss of misery in a factor later clark, using this area out pink temperatures getting down to low-mansart the 30's. it could be pretty dangerous for plants its instructors. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. worry about as we had since tomorrow drying up. lots of sunshine in store and by saturday, sunday temperatures run back into the '70s pretty mild. erica. >> thank you, no problems to report. easy conditions for your ride around the bay, easygoing as you make your way into san francisco, here's a shot of the approach the bay bridge toll plaza just a couple cars headed response to the city, no signs of any overnight construction. keeping not very good judge 70 minutes from the foot of the macarthur maze into san francisco fifth cemetery ridge, pretty good shape, lots of space between cars headed westbound we are not
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tracking any backup but the toll plaza. regional some overnight construction sub 5880, 2 lanes are shut down to 5:00 a.m., if the good news is we're not seeing any delays just yet. choir that the golden gate, just a couple of cars have on the road to san francisco note comes across the span, your entire ride is officially in the green. this has been a hot spot, you can see nice, easy conditions in both directions of 101, no backup on the 87 interchange. drive time from downtown san jose up to santa clara 13 minutes. we'll back with more news, weather, traffic after the break.
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and the back, bridge jack beginning of the bay bridge traffic is nice, light. no, the toll plaza now, this ban, a good time from the for the macarthur maze into san francisco. sematech nice, light a lot of space between the fires. traveling at the limit from hayward to foster city that is to commit direction on the right hand side. golden gate bridge, obviously nice, light. those headlights of 1101 on the handful cars on the span easy commute. we'll have more traffic and weather updates momentarily. a couple headlines new details about a murder and
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san francisco. police have arrested ex-convict gary scott lee's found the body of kathleen horn in her apartment october 30th. he gained entry to the home the night before and never pretended to be a utility worker checking on the gaslight. the suspect was preying on people's fears after destruction caused by december now gastritis version. san bruno gasoline explosion. >> she opened that door because she was in that position of trust. let us sleep well knowing he's been captured and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of a lot. >> he's been charged with murder, attempted rape and three counts of perjury. he was released from prison after serving 11 years for
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attempted murder. >> world news, is the situation coming into kron4 news room from columbia, students are crashing with riot police this happened yesterday as they protested the economic policies authorities are calling the student groups urban terrorists. no injuries have been reported. trucks carrying hundred and 23 trucks have finally reached a storage facility in germany police were to the night to clear thousands of protesters blocking the roads the trucks arrived this morning after the longest ever transport of reed processed german and tops it raised from france. the towed some time to get them to their to tootheir. the s willing to state has a
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deadline in ironic the u.s. will stand by for such a request of the country ends in a month political deadline. gates is urging barack to form a government but he says he has not weighed in with any of the leaders directly. >> a new poll suggests that afghans support talking with the caliban. 83 percent support negotiations that's up from 71% last year 81 percent said they also support for writing assistance to foot soldiers. we'll take a break, much more straight ahead on the kron 4 morning news, here's a live picture as we go and a sharp from mt. tam camera bay bridge on lsi. the purchase is the server, so good in terms of whether it is cooler out there if you're and then north bay it's cold. frost advisory in effect. much more coming up.
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in the we are back. a live look from our rooftop camera. is a quest that day out there. were probably calling it cold. speaking good morning, does not to want to hear when you wake up it's cold. it is called a special up in the north bay there's a frost of advisory and effectively the clock today for the north bay valley's. here's a shot in san jose, currently a low '40's. by noon jumping up into the upper 50s. high temperature 63 degrees. back down to the 40's by 8:00 hour. the current temperature, here's the " boss morning. santa rosa 39. 36 degrees and your fairfield. livermore coming in right around 40 degrees. everyone is and the sitting
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in the 40's this morning. we could break into those '60s for some locations. down into san jose we can get to 63. that's the warmer temperatures are expected to grab. along the coast temperatures look like they will stand to the '50s and we deserve a chance of showers later in the day, starting off with some high clouds morning increasing to the afternoon. 6:00, you can see if you spot the showers starting to appear in the north bay. becoming a bit more intense by the across the hour. certainly not a big storm the we are right to kick up a few raindrops starting in the north bay spreading suffered. 9-10:00 this is only under see the peak of the star activity. duties bay as well. pockets of heavier downcourt. it looks like we will keep pop up showers through the evening. here's a look rain
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now we do over frost advisor in effect. all this area of paine produced generous. the rotor. all of the north bay valley is under frost advisor until the 8:00 hour. temperatures are the threat of going down to lower-mid '30's. and of course there craig the areas of frost. make sure you are under are ready to take care of those plants. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. drying up tomorrow and then we will continue to sit on a warming trend as we head towards the end of the week into the weekend. erica. >> no hotspot slows bart or delays very easy conditions your ride around the bay, you can see car sailing on by very easy coming from all approaches coming westbound towards the city we don't have any overnight construction along the upper deck, the lights are still cycle of the minutes from the foot of the macarthur
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maze into fremont. you're right from the krajina is bridge to the macarthur maze 7 minutes. san mateo bridge, and no problems, nice, easy conditions along span both directions overnight construction is in effect. so about 800. a couple of lanes will be closed again into a far crock were not releasing any delays just yet. speakin golden gate bridge looks good. highway 37 over to 580 clocking in it in a minute trip. here in the city no problems, those headlights headed southbound toward the peninsula no problems on the james lick or the inbound central cirri from the 101 toward san francisco airport 16 minutes. james. >> thank you, this is in firefighters in san carlos are battling a to alarm where a fire that started
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just before 3:00 in the 500 block of course road that address is associated with a manufacturer of metal worker for homes and businesses according to the manufacturer website the warehouse is 156000 square for this developing rain now as soon as we get more formation really know. oakland is still waiting to hear about a winner in the mayor's race that tops our decision 2010 news oakland election this will say they won't announce a winner until friday despite the two candidates are confident that they have the votes needed to come on top. kron kron4 had a chance to >> with tongues woman jean quandt. >> everyone wants results quickly answered dry but more importantly i want to make sure everything is accurate.
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>> no numbers released until the accounting is completed sometime this week. >> we still have a few dozen ballots to cal. speaking as of the past friday the unofficial results showed gene on with 51.9% and non a corrupt up 48.9. the news of no new numbers caught kwan off guard since she schedules a new conference for monday afternoon. >> we were hoping that we would get the first round roasts, that which our way clear trend. but without the numbers she remains crosse cautiouscautious. >> we as the campaign
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spokesman is an add-on product would talk to us on camera they say until all the pros or accounted he's not going on camera he will let the process work itself out. >> meanwhile, the top five candidates in san francisco district tend supervisor's race were all within 134 votes as rent for as balloting continues to be counted yesterday to the 21 town of its talk about this new system. >> we're both district and cannabis. i think it's unusual to have 21 i think this is for a is complicating the process because so many candidates.
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if the elections there are men were adjusted to canning only fuels for stories i think that this resource was complicated. >> is good because the competition is great it brings a lot of attention streak on the other hand it is complicated will decide to wait.we will just have to wa >> the results of the votes will not be completed until november 30th. killeen is up 46-45 the lead in the race has gone back and forth between both of these can this more than a million ballots still to be counted that lead could soar once again. california's 11
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congressional districts jury amid burning is holding on to a very tight for the 41 votes lead. as officials count an estimated 20,000 absentee and for original ballots. much more election coverage on our website serve you'd like to learn more ahead there at we will take a break, let's go inside give you a quick look again at a very chilly morning. this is paramount tamil camerawe'll t coming up shortly. >>
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andrea batts, here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. showers in the mix is afternoon cool temperatures call this morning, temperatures in the 30's in some spots. with that as we head tuesday into wednesday we have temperatures still in they also range varies and low 40's. it will be
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chilly overnight for the next couple. showers today and tomorrow begins to clear out. slowly but surely things warm up gradually. a full degrees each day until we get to the '70s by saturday, sunday and monday. a quick update on the troubles this morning the president is likely to leave any moment from indonesia. the volcano there is during hot ash and that may force the president to cancel some of the events that plant for his visit was always were to be a 24 hour visit but now looks like it will be cut a few hours earlier than that the president arrived this morning this is the video him and the first lady meeting indonesia's presence. well they might today, they discuss trade, the economy and a handful of other issues. will these there is likely to visit his track of your home. of course you may recall he spent a few years of his childhood in indonesia.
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>> here in indonesia as a follow president barack obama is footsteps we fighters those here in central jakarta, a one of two hamas were he lived as a little boy with his mother, stepfather and baby sister. the two-bedroom house was built in 1939, hthe current owner was bridge not sure year-round but since he doesn't >> english we thought we would give you that to work. >> this is the original furniture from the of whpresidet barack obama is family. this is where they would just hang out. this is there room where and thomasand thee his mod to teach english. this was the master bedroom the this
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is pretty much a shotgun house. we don't know too much about the president's bedroom, but this is president barack obama as a bedroom when he was 8-9 years old this was where he was asleep, study, there were two beds here in our but there's just one back then. but inside he was under the stars, complete at certain plants, birds, he even had a pet rabbit and a little dog. since president barack obama became president hundreds of visitors have come to his home he was brought to schurz's voters and the sun the desperate., but he shows his and letters signed the guest book.the blood to show was his
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photos and let us sign the guest book. >> i guess you're not the first. we will be right back.
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and we're back, new details bay area law enforcement are working with the fbi made 72 arrests and rescued six children during a week-long crackdown on this child sex trafficking. a clues are hundred and 86 federal, state, local law enforcement. 661 arrests were made for the country. we're learning the victim of the fatal shooting in berkeley has been identified as 14 year-old high school freshman larry grayson, it happens in alcatraz avenue. grayson was shot in the head during the incident and pronounced dead last
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thursday. he was on the freshman football team, a 17 year-old boy was arrested in connection but was released appaling day because there was none of evidence to church and at this point images been an accident. s f p d chief linked to the fet scandal has died, alex fagan sr. died after suffering a heart attack. he was the assistant chief back in 2002 when a group of off-duty officers including his son was accused of roughing up a man over a bit of the state to fetus. the officers involved were later acquitted. fees at uc campuses across the state could be going up again. the university of california is considering proposals to raise tuition by eight
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percent. if approved annual torsion could be increased by $822. students say they're already been too many increases lately. >> its stock could not good for us. we heard the i think are struggling to pay for college as it is the fee hikes go up hull resource to continue? hungry kurds or the roots of from pressure mark >> i think is ridiculous law semester there's 382% increase that's about two dozen more from the austere. so i don't know how they expect more diverse city in the campus that some planes out diversity when lease fee increases are right to turn away a lot of students that would be able to afford
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rents will year. >> the changes are needed to help close a $1 million budget shortfall and would include funds for financial aid for families that earn less than $80,000 a year. they're scheduled to vote on the measure next week. meanwhile today the border siriasis is expected to approve a ban on happy meals, critics believe that the use of toys and happy meals from unhealthy food for children the new proposal would require restaurants if they want to include taurus to improve the nutritional contact rest of the have a deadline of 2011 to meet those new guidelines. forecast, louisa hodge is tracking a very cold start. >> it is the morning you want to get your coat before your other outside the door.
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were silent as there is this morning, here's a shot of the bay bridge approach. fairfield center 36 degrees, by name and job and the upper 50s, high temperature 63. big difference in the afternoon. here is a look at the temperatures cells were still: napa, san rosa. 46 and fell. 48¢ of this group. as we take it the afternoon were not in the seeing much change the temperature sitting in to the low 60s. 63 fairfield, around the bay temperatures topping our lives the low 60s, staying in the '50s along the coast. the latter part of the day we're going to see some changes, that does include a little bit of wet weather. 6:00, starting with some spotty showers kind of
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isolated and to the north bay. this is and dropping down kind of hanging out in the north bay. bringing the best chance of some rain in the north bay. along the peninsula showers around a 9-10:00 hour with the ec of azeri of yellow indicating some heavier downpours. pockets of heavier rain it does not look like it will be very widespread or long- lasting. only picking up may be several hundreds of an inch of rain. but, it could land her over to your wednesday morning. we're still under a frosted rise trains are late o'clock, this area of think is dealing with frosted rise trees. of course it did. there is a frost which could be damaging. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. changes are the next
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few days and food drying up, warming up. they're good. >> to it gonna raise no hotspot to contend with, pretty easy conditions here as he approached the bay ridge road plaza just a couple cars coming from all approaches. the metering lights still offering now, just looking at 8-9 minutes from the foot of the macarthur maze as you wait your way into san francisco. simmer until looks good, you can see traffic is moving well. we're still dealing with some alternate construction southbound 800. a couple of lanes will be closed until 5:00 a.m. for the next 10 minutes. we've given you from to report on or about 800, we turn a heavy three vehicle accident blocking one of the new lanes, not producing a back up just yet. taking the golden gate, you can see traffic is flowing freely
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has its outbound i just recheck the road sensors and a promise during county. it novato to city limits 23 minute trip. james. speaking thank you, a new plan to improve amid market street the plan would transform the king keos like the one you see here to bring in new businesses. an architectural firm marked it up to show what it would look like. but it appears stations, to get crews maybe even a sitting area for people to eat meals at vendors or trucks stanley mark roberts went wide this could be a major undertaking for the city. >> this is market st. in san francisco, and this is a man in broad daylight urinating in public. the park said find confusing he gives me
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the finger like on the one using the street as it might road. if you ever spent any time on market street set out of it, you might be surprised at some of the things you how will see. you might see people not tending to the dogs even if there's a man of the camera to getting to them. what's left of an expensive buy it after it's been stripped. if you're in a corner of some of the market you might just find these guys shooting dice. this man is arguing with someone on this muni bus and this lady is rolling a joint waiting for the bus. look, if you want to restrain the market street in its raw form take a walking tour and before i go i want to assure the sign as you it rains and violators will be shot. survivors will be shot again. said his
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sister, stanley roberts, kron4 news. >> tectonics, for that let's go to gabe slate, cheering as the new windows seventh round. >> the windows on seven is now on the market is available in stores, this might cause big attempt to break into the smart phone. apple has iphone microsoft has windows 7, the mobil gained but microsoft things they treated us are from that could lure you away from the iphone. i will give them as they came up with a new unique interface simple and uncluttered and fast easy to use. the home screen uses tiles like little windows and boxes the uttermost news applications to get to the things you do most quickly, it's the windows from surf use internet explorer, windows and your computer microsoft office like word or sell
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this phone could be good for you the integration with your computer would be seamless. x box you would like this: life is built in for gaming. there are several different windows funds this was the 80 seats around, light weight touchscreen about pretty good. you're watching a video you decided over and a bigger speaker is revealed for sound. hot on the back there's a pop out stands. kind of cool. when those funds are available with at&t and team mobil was a two-year contract. gabe slate, kron4 news. >> we will take a break, will be back with much more news in just a moment, and other cold one in the north bay serve your headed towards during county i hope your project with you.
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and we amtrak, here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. showers today, clouds the whole 9 yds. those cool temperatures will stay with us tomorrow morning will be another cold one. the low 60s as a high of warming up as we head toward the weekend saturday, sunday getting back towards the 70 degree mark. a lot more and your weather coming up. rainout more news, take a look after two years of silence george w. bush is back with his new memoir decision points. an emotional torur, list him as a whole number of mistakes. a whole number of his mistakes as president. the former president will be all over the tv this weekend news and opinion shows he
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will make appearances on the tonight show with jay leno. >> here he is, conan o'brien. >> there he was the debut last night conan o'brien three launching his tv career he is bought with his longtime sidekick and most of his trusty members. as cars there is looser, quirkier and more like late- night where a friend drive for nearly 16 years. here is over and on why he named his show conan. >> about thank you name that mac hard to replace.peoplee show come in, it makes me harder to replace.
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>> always thinking that guy he left the the light show after eight months. we will take a break, come back with more in a minute.
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joey came over to watch the game when the storm rolled in. in through the ceiling. i switched to mercury to save on car insurance, boy am i glad they cover my home too. they fixed the ceiling, replaced the couch, they even cleaned the carpets. wish they would have cleaned this up. you know, like a makeover. save up to 15% when you combine your auto with home or renter's policy.
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get a fast free quote at in the back, a top story the weather, it is cold. kohl did have been that we have a frost warnin: that the we have s advisory. >> everyone is really starting off with the chili, a chilly morning, here's a shot of james lick, it is clear outside. it's and a cold start and of course we do have that fostered risthree frost advisora
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look at your 7 day around the bay. today, last of the wet weather, maybe see a few raindrops tomorrow. current enter 48 said it is, 47 oakland, south bay low forties, 43 mountain view, 40 livermore, north bay still in the thirties, 39 santa rosa, 38 napa, 36 fairfield. temperatures really get up and to low 60s 60 santa rosa, napa, livermore. san francisco '50s, same along the coast. but the chance of showers moves in really towards the latter part of your day, 6:00 you can see a few isolated showers, just a little spotty nature.
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spreading suffered throughout the day, 9-10:00 the peninsula is the best chance and the state. the notices area of yellow, that indicates a pretty moderate down or we could see some isolated heavy showers really not a lasting for a long period of time. this storm system was we've gone through a kind of breaking up as we headed to their early morning on wednesday. frosted rise area's and affected all 8:00, you see this. pink where we're looking at those really cold temperatures. this does create quite a bit of a threat for anything that is our doors including plants. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. as we head towards the end of the weekend into the we get lots of sunshine in-store much milder weather by the weekend. erica. >> for those of you just heading up the door no hot spots to a contender, easy conditions for your ride around the bay, but to go to
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bay bridge toll plaza a couple hours drumming all approaches, the metering lights still cycle off. eight-nine minutes from the foot of the macarthur maze into fremont. you're right from the carotene is bridge to the ms 17 minutes. if you're thinking about taking san mateo, no problems to report, nice, easy conditions on the left and right and center screens. not seeing any way that the toll plaza, 13-14 minutes between 101 a and 800. golden gate bridge is quiet, your entire ride during county isn't clear. nevada city limits 23 minutes. if you're considering public transit, are becoming a string, muni reportedly running on time. james. >> let's get to more team coverage on the cold weather up there, we sent welch ran down to san jose to a record temperatures in the south
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bay. >> this is one of the mornings were you will need your car heater, and from a roll down your window. i shot this video of 4:00 a.m. look at that temperature, 43 degrees. let me die york overnight and it has been a long time since i've seen it this goal. not cold enough orders frost on the windshield but cold and of the mighty your gloves and a half cup coffee. san jose, will trent, kron4 news. speaking at 5:00 a.m., new detail president barack obam >> the ibm president barack obama will likely have to shorten his trip to indonesia becaus >> 5:00 a.m., this is video of president barack obama meeting indonesian president that ash plume will likely shorten his trip to indonesia. the president is
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making ready to head to south korea for the start of the summit. the death toll from the vault full of aquino has killed 150 people and an estimated two and a dozen people have been forced to evacuate. this is video some of those people who have left their homes and are now credited in the major charterers. it is still spewing ash, though it has not had a major eruptions since friday. whole villages were smothered and people were killed by hot gases. it has erected numerous times in the last century kelly a total of 1400 peoplekilling a t0 people. local news, oakland is awaiting a winner this is a winner will not be named to top friday despite that the two are to cajanice are confident that they will
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come out on top. >> here oakland city hall to jean kwan held the news conference she had hoped all the votes would be tallied and she can declare victory as we know they're not done counting votes quan said she remains cautiously optimistic we contacted her opponent is spokesman says they will let the process work itself felt the have no comment until the votes are tallied. >> a delay in the final tally is a result of ranked joyce the balding kron4 theresa closer look at what that is. >> here's a look a sample where the errors are pointing you see three different columns with the candidates for mayor listed. voters elect their first, second, third choice. then the voice our talent, a winner is declared it a candidate gets a majority 50 + one of the first course, if no candidate gets a
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majority than the elimination process begins. here's how works, step one someone is eliminated the canada with the fewest first source of votes is eliminated from the race. step two votes are transferred the voters who chose the eliminated canada will have their vote transferred to their second choice. 73 the votes are recounted. set for a winner is declared for the process begins again if someone gets more than 50 percent of their declared the winner if not the process will start all over again. >> another close race is the one between district attorney's you see rainout cooley has a slim lead over harris. but this lead has gone back and for ever since election night, it could change hands again we still have more than 1 million ballots to garbage. california's 11 congressional districts are
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very tight 441 vote lead over republican challenger as officials counter estimated 20,000 absentee votes. as well as our decision 2010 coverage you can go to our web site at there's a special section set up there. >> firefighters are piling into a warehouse fire in san carlos, whenever developing stories this morning, it was first reported that about 2:55 a.m. this is a live picture of the scene, the addresses associated with the bulk ink and manufacturer of architectural metal work for homes and businesses we took a look at their web site according to that site it describes the warehouse as 15,000 square feet devoted primarily to the direction of railings, balcony's things of that nature. as soon as we get more
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information on the status of that fire we will let you know. >> meanwhile simmer on base chevron has agreed to buy natural grass producer at this energy the total cost is valued $4.3 billion. chevron is paying $43.33 per share in cash and stock. there the latest major energy company to make an acquisition in the national gas sector. exxon, mobil and royal dutch and shell the same thing not too long ago. we will take a break, back with more headlines than just a minute. a live look, shot of san mateo bridge, here red and 92 looks like it's moving well.
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[ woman on tv ] if you won't let me in, you can't really love me. i know about gayle. i don't know what you're talking about. if you just tell me what happened... [ ding ] [ man ] 35th and archer. next stop hamilton.
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[ brakes hiss ] ♪ [ male announcer ] u-verse brings you entertainment across all three screens on your tv, smartphone and online. now get up to $300 back via promotion cards. at&t. rethink possible. joey came over to watch the game when the storm rolled in. 3rd quarter. in through the ceiling. i switched to mercury to save on car insurance, boy am i glad they cover my home too. they fixed the ceiling, replaced the couch, they even cleaned the carpets. wish they would have cleaned this up. you know, like a makeover. save up to 15% when you combine your auto with home or renter's policy. get a fast free quote at
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welcome back, as he for tuesday we have showers for tuesday afternoon temperatures in the low 60s.
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tonight, they did back down 45 around the bay, 36 inland, another cold evening ahead. wednesday, thursday, friday warm things up with a degree to presley getting back up to the 70 degree mark. a more detailed look the forecast coming up. other headlines fees at ec campuses could be going up once again. the university of california is considering proposals to raise tuition by eight percent. expand financial aid and reduce pension benefits for future employees if approved it would increase by $822 to $11,124 cover the students say they have already been asked to pay too much too frequently. >> and that is not good, not good for us. we are ready are struggling to pay for college as it is. the fiasco of. horace was to continue,
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harder we incurred >> it's ridiculous. it's about two dozen more from last you're ready. it's about double this russian the cause of those six spades. i do not of the suspects more diversity on campus, the campaigns to have diversity when these fee increases are going to turn away a lot of students that will let you to afford going to school years. here4. >> the president says changes are needed to close a budget some or all of a recurring include funds for van is that in our less than $80,000 a year. today san francisco is ordered supervisors are expected to approve a ban on most happy meals at least the ones in current form, critics of fast-food chains to leave
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the user to was a happy meals from of and at a healthy food for children. if you want to conclude a toy in these happy meals' you have to improve the nutritional content including fruit and vegetables. the deadline of december 2011. we will take our break, had answered had come here's a live look as ago and a shot from mt. tam camera showing is inconsistent in the back rent. we'll be right back. my mercury moment happened at the beginning of the 3rd quarter. joey came over to watch the game when the storm rolled in.
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in through the ceiling. i switched to mercury to save on car insurance, boy am i glad they cover my home too. they fixed the ceiling, replaced the couch, they even cleaned the carpets. wish they would have cleaned this up. you know, like a makeover. save up to 15% when you combine your auto with home or renter's policy. get a fast free quote at we gave it a more powerful duramax turbo diesel and allison transmission to help it move over 21,000 pounds. and then we gave it an advanced exhaust brake system, to help slow it down. saving wear and tear on your brakes. and on you. with a powertrain backed for 100,000 miles... introducing the new chevy silverado hd. our most powerful heavy duty ever.
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and we're back, warming up in the north bay. good morning louisa, we have a frost advisory in effect but i guess the situation has changed? >> we did have a frost revisory in effect saying temperatures would be mid- low thirties but that has expired. still seeing tempters in the thirties, mainly into the upper '30's. a shot of san jose, it is warm. (laughter) upper 50s,
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temperatures getting into the 63 back-to upper '40's for 8:00. elsewhere, check your heart: thiout how cold it 8 fairfield, 37 napa, 49 santos, 44 hayward, 46 fremont. low '40's down in the south bay. afternoon highs not getting much friday pretty much anywhere you go temperatures and low 60s or the upper 50s. elsewhere as you had these big, south bay, livermore valley temperatures are expected to drop out into los '60s. chance of showers or for the latter part of your day, you'll notice an increasing crowd throughout the day by 6:00, the gipper few raindrops we'll just see some scattered showers, passing showers prevented the o'clock hour. then it
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spreads out for a free nine- ton, off better chance to seize and ran along the peninsula to the east bay. you can see this area of yellow plenty of downpours we may see some heavy downpours are for the most are only several hundred of an inch. maybe a 10th of an end up to the north bay this is not any kind of huge washout but certainly picking up some raindrops and to the overnight hours. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. today is the last of all the wet weather as we had this summer we will try out the area's lots of sunshine by the end of the week. much milder weather restricted by the weekend. erica. >> tuesday ride was quiet conditions around the bay, here's a live look at the bay toll plaza scars are still selling on by westbound towards san francisco those metering lights are still in joint is 8-9 minutes from the foot of the macarthur maze as you make your way into fremont san francisco, courteous bridge to the may 17
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manager. no promise to report a cemetery bridge 92 looks good about directions, no way that the toll plaza 13-14 minutes between 101 and 80. golden gate bridges quiet lanes have been reconfigured for 7 hour commute. no problems along the span are your entire ride novato of the city limits 23 minutes. highway 37 to the spray on 5/80 is a 14 minute trip. san jose no proms to report, traffic is nice, light. if you take a look are maps were completely in the green on 580, ride from the of the bypass to succeed you're looking good 13 minutes. if you're heading on public transit, and no promise to report bart, a stream, muni all running on time. james. >> thank you, new details about a murder in san
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francisco's russian hill neighborhood police have arrested ex-convict jerry scott conduct in the murder of his san francisco woman police found the body of kathleen horan in her apartment they say he gained entry to the home the night before and that he pretended to be a utility worker checking on a gas leak. district attorney believes that the suspect was playing on people's fears after the same broadcast by an excursion. here's which get to say. >> he was a true creditor and court himself in a position of trust of this work done so she opened that door. leslie ball denied knowing that he has been tortured and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. >> he's in charge of murder and attempted rape and three counts of perjury and he was released from prison after sharing 11 years for attempted murder. >be he's sexy ago says the
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company was unprepared for this bill forcing it to improvise solutions. it took the company close to financial disaster the contingency plans or an adequate ndp is now having to make it up day-by-day that april 20th the explosion killed 11 workers and kicked off the worst rows bill in history. if we have to take a break, will be back with more in a moment. live pictures coming at a san carlos where we're on the scene of a warehouse fire more in a live report coming up.
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and we are back, world news, defense secretary robert gates's the u.s. is open to their cost of staying past the deadline to leave next year and i rob, the u.s.
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will be on standby for such a request once the country and the eight month political deadlock in forms of the government. to form some form of conclusive government. new poll suggests that most afghans support talking with the parliament, 83 percent support negotiations, opposed to 71 last year, 81 percent say they support spreading assistance to foot soldiers at in contrast to 71% last year. trucks carry hundred and 23 types of nuclear wastes have finally reached a storage facility in germany. after police worked all night to clear protesters blocking the road. the transfer took 92 hours while over the previous record of 79 after hours in 2008. we have to take another break, he did
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stand here to kron4, another live shot for you sharing is san francisco, it's a cold morning as the head of the doors of be careful. the black widow spider's severe bite can cause coma and even death. the african black mamba can kill a man with one bite. but there's an even deadlier predator
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and we're back, we had a faster advisory in the north bay but it is starting to disappear. >> temperatures have been in the upper thirties. so the frosted by azeri is gone. seven jurors are still really chilly in the '40's this morning. santa rosa in the '30's, when in getting into the upper 50s to high temperatures santa rosa of 60. here's a look a your current temperatures, 30 still do santa rosa, napa fairfield, livermore, into the 30's a little bit warmer than that in san francisco. low '40's down into mountain view certainly a jacket morning. it will not get
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much warmer into the afternoon. temperatures topping an integral those '60s. 63 for fairfield, in the '50s for san francisco and half moon bay. los 67 bay. we are looking at a chance as some showers radon to the latter part of the day, you can see a few isolated showers just kind of spotting up to the north bay he will continue to see the showers hovering in the north bay spring suffered by 9:00. 10:00. maybe if you down cars but for the rows are very light. all live with scattered through the day passing showers will continue as the early morning on wednesday. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. once this is the roster will get a nice stretch of dry weather, more sunshine temperatures start to rebound we could be back to the '70s by the end of the weekend. they're good. >> free of hot spots which
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at the door the creek project. and the bridthe purchae the bay bridge of looks good meeting i still cycle of. easy-going to run hayward and foster city ran now know from two reported in either direction of highway 92 still not seeing a back up or a server at the top plaza clocking 13-14 minutes between 101 and 800. requiring gear at the golden gate cars are selling on by a reconfigured elaine fears abound in you. you can see traffic is nice, light along the span. walnut creek, the workshop but 680 is looking good in both directions as you had sat down toward ceram valley no promise to report top speeds, if your taking westbound too far we're not see any delays there either. james. >> thank you developing story firefighters are on the scene there were as fire
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in san carlos. yuli is standing by live with the latest. the list is still under way. >> the fire looks out we're about a block away on court road you can see this intersection of gold county road we're kind of spoils to backtrack here because of some way houses and the merger agreement the were across the kron fire is quite set back from the street we have some video of that where house, you can see there's a big parking lot before you get to that warehouse we're hearing that some of the stuff that was in the warehouse belongs to neil young some memorabilia but we are still waiting for the fire marshal to come out. but that's all we hear, as far as the fires concern to this novel of trucks on the scene there are basically investigating and searching to see if the
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hall of hotspots out but it seems this year or three alarm fire quickly got put out. there's a lot of the surrounding factories there were very concerned that those might catch on fire their real to knock out this fire pretty quickly. >> to will be closed between old county road ahead industrial. irt saw someone else coming in tran get in there to get to their business there is a lot of industrial companies out here. this whole road is current to be closed off. >> thank you, we will check back with you periodically getting updates on that situation also falling the story out of oakland. investigators are on the scene of a federal officer of all shooting, it happened just before 10 pia, a laundromat. police located him they shot at him killing
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him. the man has not been identified, it does that appear as though he had a weapon on him is unclear why officers opened fire. but this will come out as investigation unfolds. political news, decisions 2010, city of oakland is still waiting to hear about america's mayors race. local officials it will not announce a winner of that type raisins or friday, despite that the top two candidates are confident that the votes needed to come out on top did determine that a chance to talk with the front runner jean kwan. >> everyone wants results quickly and certify but more importantly how to make sure everything is accurate. >> with that registers announced that it would not release any new numbers until the county is completed sometime this week. we still have a few thousand bucks to count. >> as of this fast righted the unofficial results of
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right trace routes showed kron with 51.9% in the dawn with 48.9. the use of new numbers, called off guard and cheery scheduled in news conference for monday of june. speaker you're hoping that we would get their first-round votes and that would show a clear trend. but without the numbers bond remained cautious. >> we're on the verge on hoping of a victory but we won't know until friday. >> in a statement released shortly after the product campaign said " we remain confident that oakland voters cleared first race preference for senator products as owens next mayor will hold true once every ballot has been certified and added. " we ask the campaign spokesperson if he would talk to resign camera they say until all the votes are counted he will not going camera he's just let the process or its of oak. oakland city hall, the
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interment, kron4 news. speech we have all of the election results and the dilution 2010 news on our web site just click on >> chevron has agreed to buy natural gas producer at less the total cost was mired at $4.3 billion that includes debt. chevron is paying $43.36 per share. latest major energy company to make an and rescission following exxon mobile. we will take a break, the markets are open and less than an hour we will see what that news has a factor on wall street. a live look for maariv camera in san francisco and other cold start to this tuesday morning. we'll be right back.
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and we're back, president barack obama will likely have to shorten his trip over concerns are brought in
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a cash the white house says that ash cloud will likely force the president to leave the area a few hours earlier than planned here red in indonesia earlier this morning you see him here shaking hands, first lady is on hand as well while they were together they discuss issues of trade, the economy and other issues we talked about the volcano that that role in two weeks from indonesia is the most volatile volcano has killed more than a hundred and 50 people to a thousand people have now been forced to evacuate this is video some of those people trying to make two major structures it is disappearing past nra has not erupted since friday. in that blast are whole village was smothered people were killed by hot gases the race down the downside in has erected numerous times killing a total 1400 people rask years. the area of law enforcement agencies are working with the fbi made 72
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arrests and rescued six jordan during a week-long crackdown on sex trafficking is the result of a nationwide effort that included a hundred and 86 federal, local, state law enforcement agencies. we're now learning the victim of a fatal shooting has been identified. authorities say the victim of a fatal shooting in berkeley has been identified as larry malik grayson. the shooting took place at an apartment complex in the 1500 block of alcatraz avenue on october 30. the victim was shot in the head and pronounced dead on thursday.grayson, 14, was a freshman at berkeley high school and was on the freshman football team at berkeley high. a 17-year-old boy was arrested in connection with the shooting but he was conditionally released because there's insufficient evidence to charge him. police gave this mind just been a tragic accident. former san francisco police chief alex fagan, who was linked the "fajita-gate" scandal in 2002, died monday in london, he was 60 years old. on nov. 20 2002, fagan was
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then assistant police chief, some off-duty officers, including his son alex fagan jr., were accused of beating two men over a bag of steak fajitas. this became known as "fajita- gate" because of allegations that fagan tried to cover up the beating surfaced.the officers were later acquitted and charges against fagan sr. and six others were dropped. after two years of news silence george w. bush is back with his new memoirs entitled decision points, he will be on a tour of the president who could not think of some of the mistakes he could make he has less quite a number of them he cows the years without a net 11 attack plans. he says the art pottery that he had adopted president of la was one of leeway to end the presidency you can expect to see him on news and
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entertainment programs everything from opinion to oprah winfrey and gillette co. will take a break, we have a live picture outside for our east the camera showing you 680 those headlights headed northbound so far traffic is that going well. we'll be right back.
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salsa? ♪ [ female announcer ] the cleaner the counter, the smoother the counter. with bounty you can be confident you'll get your counter clean. in this lab test, one sheet of bounty leaves this surface 3x cleaner than the bargain brand.
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♪ big mess? bring it. super absorbent, super durable, super clean. bounty. the clean picker upper. and for huge value, try bounty huge roll. and we're back, tuesday morning this cold tuesday morning high their louisa. >> , wilthe fed advisory in the north bay had lifted san francisco 49 degrees by new getting up to 67, high temperature not escaping the '50s. so, here's what your current enters the cold spot santa rosa 39 degrees. 37
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for napa 38 for fairfield rate under the livermore valley. into the afternoon temperatures similar to yesterday. los '60s and upper 50s along the coast low 60s orontes they done it to the south bay. and to the livermore valley. right around 63 degrees. chance of showers and the later part of your date. 6:00 this evening the north bay may pick up a sprinkle or two. the best chance of showers up into the north bay but it could spread southward by 9-10:00 a.m. trains the showers along the peninsula and the state. it looks like the best bet for but never any set of accumulation is up to the north bay. continue to see wet weather in the overnight hours just some light showers and sprinkles and your early morning wednesday. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. once we dry out tomorrow we will continue see a nice long dry stretch
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of weather also sunshine, temperatures will slowly start to warm it up. friday into the weekend will back into the '70s. time renown 548 checked and your commute with america. >> rubbing of the are with light traffic or more road race not seen any hotspot far greater just yet. taking out side bay bridge toll plaza traffic is building heading west founded san francisco, meter and lights are turned of selling during eight-nine minutes from the foot of the macarthur maze as you make your way into san francisco. some of their bridge, traffic is moving well in both directions of '92, starting to see a small way that the toll plaza not really causing any delay is no incidents in either direction. still quiet at the golden gate, nice, light traffic headed southbound in san francisco. speaking of san francisco, james lick, just a couple of headlights
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headed southbound your ride from the 101 toward san francisco airport 16 minutes. james. >> thank you, there's a new plan to improve the mid market street. there is a new plan to improve san francisco's mid market street area the neighborhood between 5th street and van ness ave. the plan would transform vacant kiosk's to bring in new local businesses an architectural firm mocked up these pictures to show you what they would look like. the kiosk would house different businesses such as a bike repair station, a discount ticket booth, and seatings for people who eat meals bought at vendors or food trucks. stanley roberts went to the area to explain why this could be a major undertaking for the city. >>this is market street in san francisco and this is a man in broad daylight urinating in public. the part that i find confusing, he gives me the finger like i'm the one using the street as my toilet. if you have ever spent any time on market street south of fifth you might just be surprised at some of the things you might see. you
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might see people not cleaning up after their dogs, even if there is a man with a camera watching them. you might just see what is left of a very expensive bike that has been stripped of almost everything. buy 5 you win. buy 6 you win, 2-2 you win, 3-3 you win. if you are on 7th and market you might just find these guys shooting dice. this man is arguing with someone on the muni bus, and this lady is role in a joint, waiting for a muni bus. look if you really want to experience markets street in its raw form, take a walking tour between 5th and 8th street. and before i go i wanted to share this sign with you it reads, violators will be shot. survivors will be shot again. in san francisco, stanley roberts. kron 4 news. >> new details a crucial
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senses manager left was headed for mexico is awaiting arrival of two votes to towed barges san diego the coasters as it will take 24 hours to toe the nearly 1,000 ft carnival cruise line ship it is running on an alternate general that is our basic services like sewage and navigation this ship is caring about 3300 s and 1200's remembers no one is hurt by a down note all that comfortable rain now. google has an early to give for holiday travelers their offering passengers on eritreans, though the and virgin america free why five acts as well they are in flight. the was an event will be available the recorded to january 2nd. the general accosted in six- routine dollars last year google sponsored free why fight at more than 50 our
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air force. it has been slow to catch on because of across java story get free white fiat is was like starbucks are not eager to pay for on flights. we will take a break, much more straight ahead, first let's go outside a quick look from mountain dam jam jars san francisco it is a cold one another look at your forecasts coming up. [ male announcer ] welcome to the far reaches of the internet. when you go faster, you're free to go farther. at&t. rethink possible. get high-speed internet from at&t for only $14.95 a month.
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you inhale, they inhale. millions of children continue to be exposed to secondhand smoke. secondhand smoke causes asthma, a disease that cannot be cured. protect your loved ones.
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here he is conan o'brien, (applause) >> and there was the announcer, and there is mr. o'brien starting out for the first time on his new show. relaunch in his tv career last night. backers as long timeslot sidekick. as promised it was a loser, quirkier a lot more like the late night program for you strive for 16 years before he took over the tonight show were in his tenure was not that long. here is o'brien on why he named joe
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cronin. >> people ask me why name the show come in, i do this sort would be harder to replace. (laughter) >> he is out, get another conan. >> (laughter) >> he led the tonight show after a month, he's now on a 11 the head of the tonight show, the right up against the daily show with john stuart we will see to close what audience. there will be change in the broadcasting next season on espn sunday night baseball john miller and joe morgan are out after 21 seasons. they'll receive the 2010 award and will continue to do work for the giants, espn did not say who whether replacement would be. we will take a break, a lot more straight ahead. here is a shot from our roof
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camera, the sky is beginning to lighten up. as the sun selling makes its way above the horizon will have more and your forecasts coming up. the latest number coming and your forecasts coming up. the latest number coming up. ?wóaos?n
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