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tv   KRON 4 News at 11  KRON  November 2, 2010 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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this is a special edition of kron4 news, complete coverage of decision 2010. and welcome back everybody. the special coverage of the mid-term elections and oh, what a night it has been. we are still waiting to hear from the top candidates in the races in california. when they come out to talk, we will bring them to you live. let's take a look at the numbers for governor. jerry brown declared the winner in this race. much earlier than most of us at the station expected. he was declared at 8:30 the winner, the new governor of the state of california. this will be his third time running as california. let's look live now at the pictures from oakland, where his headquarters have set up there. you see somebody there, but
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they are addressing the audience, trying to keep the audience entertained until jerry brown comes out to address his supporters. it looks like some young people on the stage, have some kind of a program as they wait for the new governor elect to come forward to address the supporters. we don't know whether or not meg whitman has already made that concession phone call to them. we'll be looking to hear what both of those candidates have to say. >> been following the lieutenant governor's race as well, a very tight race, gavin newsom speaking about half an hour ago. 48% of the vote against 45% for maldonado. >> you know, if we get up to sacramento, when we get up to sacramento -- [ cheering and applause ] >> i think you know this well, we're going to hit the ground
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running. we can't keep playing in the margins. >> we follow the latest in that race, and a very tight attorney general's race, as well. kamala harris 46% of the vote to steve cooley 4% of the -- 54% of the vote, a battle that pits northern, california, versus southern california race. numbers continue to pour in the attorney general's race. >> and let's take a look at the propositions on the ballot for this mid-term election. many of them have been decided already, including prop 19 which would have been legalized marijuana. that has been dete -- defeated. proposition 20 has passed. it will now not only draw the lines for the state assembly and state senate but will also draw the congressional district lines for california. proposition 21, would have added a 18-dollar fee to your dmv
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license to pay for the parks in the california. however, the voters are saying that that should go down in defeat. and let's go go back to the brown headquarters where he's speaking. >> and you know i did this -- you know, i did this 36 years ago, and i tried during the campaign never to mention the word experience or to tell too many old stories, because after a while, people are looking for something new. and -- but i'm made of something old. so that's why i wanted to be here at the fox theater, the home of the oakland school for the arts, because -- [ cheering and applause ] >> this is something that was built in 1929, was dark for 30 years and now, with the contributions of a lot of people, it's one of the most magnificent movie palaces in the whole country. take a look at that ceiling, all the craft that went into it. [ cheering and applause ]
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>> and i wanted to stand in front of the oakland military institute cadets, this is the tenth year of the school that has started with a lot of struggle, it wasn't easy, it wasn't trouble free. plenty of mistakes, but this june, of the graduates of the oakland military school, one out of four were accepted to the university of california, and that is a heck of a record. [ cheering and applause ] >> and then, of course, behind them, are the really a tremendous creative force, the kids from the oakland school for the arts, and i wanted -- i happened the military to represent my sense of honor and duty and leadership and camaraderie, and i wanted the arts school to exemplify creativity, because all of that is what california needs over the next four years. [ cheering and applause ]
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>> and i want everyone here tonight and throughout, california, to know this is why i'm doing it. i built these schools, because i want to build for the future, and that's what it's all about. the kids in school, not just these two schools, but every single public school in california, we want to make sure -- [ cheering and applause ] >> they have what they need to create greatness. every kid, every kid has so much potential, and we ought to make sure our society keeps that in the forefront of whatever we do, to help the next generation. that's going to be my watch word, okay? now, we haven't got all the votes in yet, but hell, it's good enough for government work. [ cheering and applause ] >> and i think -- so in going back again, as you know, i've got the know-how, and the
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experience, and all those other things i said. [ cheering and applause ] >> and this time, of course, we have a first lady, which we didn't have last time, and i think that's going to be -- that's going to be the real difference. [ cheering and applause ] >> now look, i like -- the symbolism, it was dark and there were people camped in here, and they were burning the keeling and cooking their meals. and now, it's transformed into this beautiful venue for music, and for the school, the school's upstairs, and i want the people of california to know we might, and we will have times that will be tough. how long they'll last, a year, maybe longer, but if we all pull together, and we operate with honesty, if i tell you that what i understand, i'm level with you, and we include everybody, and it's transparent and here's the key point: we want to be
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fair. in our society, if we're going to hold together, if we're going to meet the challenges that we have t , we've got to have a larger sense of agreement, and the only way we can get to where we are, which is pollerization, division, hostility, and even this election, 90% of republicans voted for meg whitman, 90% of democrats voted for me. now, how do we get -- luckily the independents made a pretty big margin. and there are more democrats than republicans. but having said all that, these are real divisions, and they're divisions tonight in california. there will be divisions in the state capitol. so i think as my challenge, forging a common purpose, but the common purpose based not just on compromise, but on a vision of what california can be, and i see a california once again leading in renewable energy, in public education --
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[ cheering and applause ] >> and in openness to every kind of person, whatever their color is, and we're all god's children, and while i'm really into this politics thing, i still carry with me my sense of kind of that missionary zeal to transform the world, and that's always been a part of what i do so i understand the political part, but i also understand what it's all about, the vision. and i'm hoping and i'm praying that this breakdown that's going on for so many years in the state capitol, and we're watching it in washington, that the breakdown paves the way for a breakthrough, and that's the spirit that i want to take back to sacramento 28 years later, full of energy, full of creativity and ready to serve you the people of california. thank you very much for helping in getting us here.
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thank you. [ cheering and applause ] >> thank you very much. [ cheering and applause ] >> thank you. [ cheering and applause ] ♪[ music ] >> and there go the streamers. we're also monitoring the latest from meg whitman's camp, waiting for meg whitman to come out in a very unusual political year where we're seeing victory speeches are often before concession speeches, and that appears to be the case here once again with the governor's race. very unusual this year. in that regard, they're not waiting for candidates to give their concession speeches first. >> they're -- i think we have to expect that whitman still hasn't called brown to concede, and he felt like he waited long enough and gave an unconventional victory speech and started talking about the building he was in. >> we saw this with gavin newsom in his speech. it was a victory speech of sorts, even though the polls
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are close, the associated press has called a lot of these races before 9:00 this evening. >> in fact, with mayor newsom's speech, it was when we get to sacramento. their own polling makes them feel like well confident to say the least. >> what's happening with whitman, with her strategists, all the people that she's hire today work this campaign? >> in some ways, these last steps are pretty well known and she's got people around her who know how these things work. i'm surprised we haven't heard from whitman or the brown camp hasn't heard. >> we'll continue to monitor what's happening with the meg whitman headquarters there in los angeles, and we're going to check in now with catherine in our newsroom, because there's a lot more in terms of the local measures. >> one of the things we haven't talked about in marin county, there are two water measures that could have a statewide impact, because both of them deal with the plan to turn salt-water, bay water, into
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drinking water. it would be more likely that a huge plant would be built that would basically desalt bay water. it would require a public vote, but it would allow the planning and the spending to take place, and that's trending a big yes, 70% to 30%. but measure t. would kill the whole thing. these are dueling measures and measure t. is also ahead 57% yes, 43% no. measure t. would eventually prohibit any planning or spending, so it would kill the whole thing. so if both of these pass, the measure with the most votes would prevail, and it looks like it would be measure s., the one that would make this plant possible. and a quick reference to measure b., it's a 10-dollar hike to vehicle licenses. voters there again saying yes. back to you. >> okay. we're going to take a quick break and come back again. we've heard from jerry brown, but we're waiting to hear from meg whitman, carly fiorina,
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barbara boxer. all of that's just ahead. stay with us. [ jogging ] [ breathing heavily ] whoa! [ male announcer ] sometimes you just don't see it coming. that's why we have some of the largest doctor networks in california. blue shield. [ smack! ] [ insects buzzing ] [ male announcer ] you never know when you'll need a good doctor. that's why we have some of the largest doctor networks in california. blue shield.
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when there's no limit to what droid gets, there's no limit to what droid does. welcome back to kron4 special election coverage. let's go live right now to the meg whitman camp in southern california in los angeles. we are waiting for meg whitman to come out and speak. jerry brown who has declared the winner by the associated press already giving a speech a short time ago from oakland. we're also following the latest with carly fiorina. she is walking out to the platform right now as well as barbara boxer declared the winner in the senate race in california. so we're monitoring both of these races right now and waiting for victory speecheses, concession speeches, waiting for meg whitman to come out with her concession speech shortly here. we're monitor the latest from los angeles and go to meg whitman live as soon as she starts speaking. >> to whitman and carly.
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we're waiting to hear from both of them. let's check in with christine conley who has been all night at the newsom headquarters. newsom spoke earlier, and the crowd still there, still strong? >> the crowd is still here, newsom is still working the crowd. we got to and him some questions, saying that, you know, this is his first time being on a statewide ticket and so that was kind of a challenge for him that they worked very hard. we actually, his voice, he was starting to lose his voice, because he's been campaigning so hard. >> we're going to jump in and go right to carly fiorina who's at the podium. >> the message has been sent loud and clear. now, here in california, you know california's always a little bit different, right? so here in california, here's where we are.
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36% of the vote has been counted, 36%, and we are in a dead heat tie. [ cheering and applause ] >> and so the facts are it is too close to call, the facts are it's going to be a long night, and we're going to be watching returns all night, but all those people who have already declared this race, maybe that was probably not a smart thing to do. [ cheering and applause ] >> on primary night, on primary night, i promised that i would run a tireless, fearless campaign. and i want to tell all of you that you have run a tireless,
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fearless campaign, as well. [ cheering and applause ] >> i want to thank the tens of thousands of volunteers who have given of their time, of their money, and particularly all of you out there who made phone calls, who knocked on doors, that left literature, because you know what, with 36% of the vote in, and this race in a dead heat, guess what? every call you made mattered. [ cheering and applause ] >> every call you made mattered, every door you knocked on mattered, every friend, every colleague, every worker you said hey, hey, you've got to get out there and vote, you've got to vote for carly fiorina, every single one of those mattered. so thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing that, you guys are the best. [ cheering and applause ]
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>> and frank, and i love you, too. absolutely. so listen, this is going to be a long night, you know, we're going to go up and look at data, crunch data, thank you for being here this evening. i hope you had a great party so far. stay as long as you like, but just get prepared, we might not know for many, many more hours. [ laughter ] >> carly! carly! carly! >> thank you, guys, god bless you all! >> very interesting. you're looking at a live picture from los angeles where candidate for the united states senate on the republican side carly fiorina has come out, and, despite a number of news agencies which have called the race in favor of barbara boxer, she is not conceding. she is telling her people that those who called the race may be was not such a smart thing to
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do. she says the race is too close to call, and she told her constituents, and her supporters to continue to have a nice time at the party. it also sounded like she's not coming back out if the numbers should change. so that in a way, doesn't that help her save face if everybody's correct? >> there's no requirement that a candidate have concede. some have seen it as the appropriate or right thing to do. charge carl has done her things the way already. >> could something happen, and carly fiorina be right? >> it's in the possibility and at the same time, we're getting it from a couple of different places that they're calling it for boxer that suggests maybe not. >> we're hearing that barbara boxer is now speaking. let's cut to her live. >> so i am thrilled. i want you to listen up.
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i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this victory after the toughest and roughest campaign of my life. this is my 11th straight election victory. [ cheering and applause ] >> and what a sweet one it is. [ cheering and applause ] >> and from the time i was elected to that first office way back, you've got to listen up, i only had one reason, one reason that i went into politics, and that was to make life better for the people i represent, that's who i am, that's all i'm about, there's no other agenda, but to make life better for you and
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the people of california. now, listen, listen, listen. everything was thrown at us, including the kitchen sink. and the stove, and the oven and everything. millions of dollars of negative ads from known and unknown opponents, millions and millions of dollars. but because of the people of california, we matched those secret, undisclosed dollars from the special interests, dollar by dollar by dollar because of tens of thousands of small donors, and i say to you, 145,000 donors, we matched those special interests. we matched those special interests. [ cheering and applause ] >> when the people of
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california step up and fight for their rights, and their jobs, and their freedoms, we will beat any money special interest that comes into our state, there were so many out of state special interests. i was so excited when the san francisco giants beat the texas rangers in the world series! [ cheering and applause ] >> and guess what? guess what? i knew that would get you excited, but i didn't know it would get you that -- but here's the deal. the giants beat the texas rangers, and we beat the texas polluters tonight. [ cheering and applause ]
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>> now, this campaign was never about me although i never saw so many horrible pictures of me on tv. honestly, where do they find those photos? i kept saying to my little grandkids, don't watch television, because my worry was they'd say it first, that's not grandma, but then they'd say, but what if it is? it was very frightening. every time, every time i thought our voice would be drowned out, you came forward, with $5 and $10 and 20 and 30 and 40 and 50, just an extraordinary campaign. i've never seen anything quite like it, and i've had some tough ones before. you came to me, to us, to this campaign, from all over our
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great state. young, i've seen you out there tonight -- [ cheering and applause ] >> old, i've seen some of you out there tonight -- [ cheering and applause ] >> middle-aged, seen a lot of you out there tonight [ cheering and applause ] >> men and women and gay and straight, and african-americans and whites and latinos and asians and pacific islanders, all of us together, we are california! that's what our state's about! that's what we said tonight! [ cheering and applause ] >> and listen, listen, listen. i want to give -- i want to give special thanks to veterans for boxer, who stood with me and were proud of what i've
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accomplished for our brave men and women who put everything on the line, and we need to bring them back from war. it's time! [ cheering and applause ] >> we need to rebuild america. and tonight, tonight, we all came together, and we have a new governor, jerry brown. [ cheering and applause ] >> i -- >> jerry! jerry! jerry! >> hi, jerry! >> jerry! jerry! jerry! >> it's okay. it's okay. i'm not jealous. i love jerry brown. [ laughter ] >> i've wanted him to win so badly. listen, listen. i want to thank my beautiful
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family, my beautiful family, they're here behind me tonight, and they're behind me every single day in the darkest moments of this campaign, and the brightest moments of this campaign, and i want to thank the most incredible campaign manager known to humankind, rose cappalchinsky? where is rose? where is she? rose! i ask you to come up on this stage. she has never, never -- she's -- she won't come up on the stage! [ cheering and applause ] >> rosy! rosy! >> rose! rose! >> rosy! rosy! rosy! rosy! >> okay. never mind. she's counting the votes, and she refuses to come up.
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she is the greatest. i'll never get her to be out front. >> a very unusual development in the race for the united states state senate in california. you are listening to barbara boxer as she speaks to her supporters claiming victory in this race. however, moments ago, carly fiorina, the republican in the race, decided she was not conceding with saying that the race is still too close to call and those who have called it are not as smart. that was not a smart thing to do. so she is encouraging her people to stand fast that in fact, this race is still on. we're going to take a break. we're waiting to hear from meg whitman and more right after this break.
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welcome back. an interesting night for decision 2010. barbara boxer claiming victory, carly fiorina not conceding. we'll see what happens with
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that. meantime, let's show you some of the latest numbers for governor, jerry brawn already declared a winner, 51% of the votes right now in his favor. those votes still coming in, but he has been declared a winner there for the state of california. for lieutenant governor, newsom leading only by two percentage points 46-4%. and in the attorney general's race, steve cooley pulling out with 50% of the lead over 42% for kamala harris. only 22% of the precincts reporting. those numbers could change. mark? >> a bizarre story to tell you about here in san francisco. getting word here of some monkey business is all i can call it in san francisco. a pulling inspector broke into the ballot counting machine, scooped up the ballots and stole the memory pack that recorded the information. he grabbed a teenager's cellphone who was working at the station and ran off.
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san francisco police have this person's name. a polling inspector, and they are searching for him right now, but he broke open the polling machine and took the memory card, and about 75 ballots. so that could lead to a recount and waiting for -- a suspension of those ballots to come back in. those ballots have to be counted election and right now, a polling worker has stolen those ballots, and a memory card from the machine. police in san francisco are on the hunt for this polling worker who stole the ballots. we may get a delay as far as official count coming in. >> very bizarre situation there. let's check in with catherine heenen in our newsroom. also, looking at local measures. >> the city has been counting on two big measures to save money and remember, san jose like a lot of other cities drafted cuts, and they're counting on these. measure b. is the million
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dollars battle to limit pay and pension increases for police and firefighters, and that's getting a big yes at this point. it looks as though mayor reed is getting his wish. it was the most hotly contested ballot measure in san jose. a cousin measure is measure w., in san jose. that will allow for lower pensions for future city workers. for future workers. that's also getting a big yes, 74% yes, 26% no. back to you. >> the latest from the national races, a big story that everyone's following as that republicans take the house by storm. a major turnaround here with the makeup changing dramatically in the house of representatives and nancy pelosi no longer speaker of the house. the republicans have picked up 58 seats in the house of representatives. they needed to pick up 39 to get the majority. there are still 40 races being decided. so it's possible that majority could even grow.
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at 58 seats swung in the house of representatives in favor of the republicans. john boehner, the minority leader in the house about to become speaker of the house. onto the senate, the democrats losing six seats, republicans gaining six votes, 51-46 is where it stands right now with three undecided. pam? >> let's check in with gavin newsom, the mayor of san francisco. >> let's right. we just learned that he has been declared the winner. what do you have to say about that? >> well, i want to say when we get all these numbers in. it looks good. we're certainly turning in the right direction, and i'm very proud. i'm proud of the work that everybody did around me right here, folks all up and down the state. we called over half a million people. we really worked hard to build a ground campaign, and not just spend money on tv ads. of course we did that, as well.
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i'm very encouraged by it, and very enthusiastic, and with jerry brown there, i look forward -- i don't mean to try to patronize him, i look forward to being a good partner with him. one thing i know about jerry brown is expect the unexpected. he's going to come in with real energy and real intensity, and he's going to hit the ground running. he's going to start the next couple of weeks, and he's going to need a lot of support, and i look forward to book that support, and in particular, i look forward to jump-starting our great economy. that's my passion, and that's what california can count on. >> thank you very much. we appreciate you talking with us. >> and we're going to go live to los angeles where meg whitman has taken the podium. she is greeting her supporters in los angeles. again, jerry brown has been declared the winner. he is the governor elect for the state of california. meg whitman standing between 140 and $160 million of her billion
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dollar fortunate. -- fortune. he has never -- she has never won office before. here she stands now, let's listen in to what she has to say to her supporters. >> thank you, thank you, thank you. thank you. [ cheering and applause ] >> thank you. [ cheering and applause ] >> well, thank you very much and thank you for being part of this cause to fix california. [ cheering and applause ] >> tonight has not turned out quite as we had hoped. we've come up a little short, but certainly not for lack of hard work, determination, and a clear vision for making our
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state better. [ cheering and applause ] >> we overcame great obstacles to get this far, and i could not be any prouder of the race we have ran, and i gave it my all and so did you. [ cheering and applause ] >> so i have just called governor elect brown [ booing ] >> to wish him well, and it looks like the results are in, and it is time now for californians to unite behind the common cause of turning around the state that we love. [ booing ] >> in many ways -- >> we love you! >> thank you, i appreciate
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that. in many ways, this election was much bigger than governor brown, or me. it was about the struggles, and the dreams of million dollars of californians. our challenges are daunting, and they won't be solved by politics as usual. but we do need leaders in sacramento toes rye -- to rise to the occasion. it is my hope that a new era of bipartisan problem solving can begin tonight because the people of california deserve no less and tomorrow, we are all californians. [ cheering and applause ] >> you know, when i began this campaign i asked californians who believed in a new vision for our state to join me, and i have never stopped being amazed over these many months by the breadth and enthusiasm of your response. your time and energy were
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critical to building this remarkable campaign. [ cheering and applause ] >> meg, you're amazing, i love you! >> thank you. [ cheering and applause ] >> to all of you, and the millions of californians who cast their ballots for me, i thank you for your support, and to the tens of thousands of volunteers, hundreds of endorsers, dozens of dedicated county chairs and coalition leaders, i can't tell you how much i appreciate your hard work, your enthusiasm, and your dedication to me, to this campaign, to the rest of the republican ticket, and to california. [ cheering and applause ] >> to my campaign team,
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especially the young people who worked so hard over the past two years -- [ cheering and applause ] >> i will not forget what we have achieved together, and you were not wrong to believe. but i am honored by the hard work you've put into our cause, hold your heads high tonight, you were part of something very important. [ cheering and applause ] >> thank you. [ cheering and applause ] >> thank you. and to my husband, griffe, my husband of 30 years, thank you for standing beside me during every twist and turn of this difficult campaign -- [ cheering and applause ] >> i could not have done this without you, you are my pillar of strength. [ cheering and applause ]
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>> so the journey is ending but our mission is not. we did not achieve the victory we worked so hard for, but that is not a reason to give up on what's most important. we love california, and we still believe our state can be a better place. [ cheering and applause ] >> because you care about california's future, i have one more request of you: i believe if we all work together to demand change from sacramento, a new california will rise. let's never lose sight of what united us, the hope of good jobs, smarter government, and better schools for our kids and our grandkids. [ cheering and applause ] >> let's rise to this occasion,
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look to the future with optimism and pull ourselves up to a better tomorrow. [ cheering and applause ] >> thank you again for being part of this remarkable effort. god bless you, god bless california and god bless america, thank you very much! [ cheering and applause ] ♪[ music ] am. >> and you've been listening to an upbeat and positive concession speech from meg whitman, encouraging her supporters to unite behind the common cause of california and elicit bipartisan problem solving tomorrow. again, an upbeat speech from her as she succeeds that jerry brown will be the next governor for the state. there's still much more to tell you about tonight. we'll be right back. [ bell rings ] what are you doing, friending somebody? yeah. you got time for that? you got time to earn more on your savings, online at
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and welcome back to the
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corm on this mid-term election night. you're looking at a live picture from los angeles. meg whitman just conceded in a very gracious upbeat and positive speech to her supporters, encouraging everyone to build a bipartisan problem-solving team to all come together and support california. let's look at the numbers, governor jerry brown is the new governor again. this will be his third time serving as governor of this state. he is leading with 22% of the vote. those last precincts are dribbling in quite slowly. nonetheless, he's been declared the winner, 50%en his favor right now. looking at the numbers for lieutenant governor, this race has been wavering with about a 2% spread for the last couple of hours now. gavin newsom still leading in a race here against the incumbent abal maldonad dough, a kamala
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harris at 42%, steve cooley, the district attorney from los angeles is leading with 50%. >> some of the numbers coming in from the east bay congressional districts that we're following, district 11, harmer with the lead over mcnurny, 49 to 46% right now, and district alternatively, also in the east bay, garomendy over lift, 58 to 39%. and a quick update here on what's happening with the national numbers, and the sweep of republicans into the house of representatives, democrats only right now 158 seats, republicans have picked up over 58 seats in the house and have now gained control of the house of representatives with a clear majority. so 40 seats out there being decided and in the senate, it looks like democrats will maintain control. the new number just getting updated, it's 51 for the democrats and 46 for the republicans with a few more still undecided, but it looks like democrats just barely hold
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on control to the senate while they are swept out of the house of representatives. pam? we'll be right back. so, we book a flight to hawaii using our points from chase sapphire. last minute... on christmas. and sitting next to us, chevy chase. and we really hit it off. we play golf, and then the luau. he's like da vinci with ice. and after, we help hang christmas decorations. wait, wait, wait. you flew last minute... on christmas... with points from chase sapphire? yeah. amazing.
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back live now. decision 2010 coverage, i'm going to tell you about a few props that have been decided. prop 19 which would have legalized marijuana has been defeated. prop 20, has passed. prawn 21 has lost. that was going to add $18 to your dmv fees for the park system in california. that lost. prop 22 has passed, that would fix the ability of the state to take money from cities and counties. prop 23, the very controversial one involving the california climate change law, that law will stay in place. prop 23 was defeated. prop 24 also defeated. those tax breaks for the corporations will continue and prop 27 has been defeated, and that would have gotten rid of that independent redistricting commission altogether. so let's chick in with
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catherine heenen in our newsroom with an update on the local measures. >> i just want to leave you with the thought that if you want to raise money for your community tonight, the way to do it was to tax medical marijuana across the board. those were the big yes votes. this is alameda county, measure s. in berkeley raised taxes on medical marijuana from .122% to 2.5%, huge yes, 83% saying yes. measure t. in berkeley expanding medical marijuana would allow six medical marijuana growth facilities on the west side of town. it would allow for a dispensary, another huge yes vote and measure v. in oakland, they want to nearly triple the tax on medical marijuana and yes, another huge yes vote from voters. back to you. >> and a quick update here, the governor, lieutenant governor, jerry brown declared the winner by the associated press, 51% of the vote for jerry brown, 44 with meg whitman. let's check out the lieutenant
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governor's race, gavin newsom may be declared the winner. he gave sort of a victory speech earlier, a close race with maldonado. speaking a short time ago, we're live at the election headquarters. >> we're here at the headquarters. he's still here working the crowd, not ready to declare victory at this point. the polls still very, very close, but he did talk to us about what a difficult and hard campaign this has been. the first time that he's been on a statewide bal, and the he worked very -- ballot, and it's been a very exciting night, and he's been having to deal with this and also the big giants parade tomorrow. so two big events. he's not quite ready to declare victory. he's still here waiting for all the votes to come in. reporting live, kron4 news. >> a couple of races, thank you. >> and we're back now in the studios as we wrap up for the
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night. we have our -- your sense of the overall picture first in california? >> first in california, the governor elect has a big challenge ahead of him. he looks like -- he's going to have a simple majority, and he's going to have a democratic majority in both the house, and the senate. >> at the national stage, in a dramatic shift here in politics for the united states with republicans taking sweeping control as it seems of the house of representatives. >> the picture from the white house is a lot less positive than it is from the governor's mansion in california. the white house is going to have to deal with republicans who are going to say they have a mandate for something different. >> as far as the numbers the change in the makeup of the house of representatives, we saw republicans using filibusters to stop the democratic majority. are we going to see the same thing? is gridlock the way of the future here? >> the numbers are going to say that it is. if it's going to be up to the democrats in some ways to see whether or not they want to
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respond and try to reach across that and say yes we can get something done and make good on this desire for change. it will be interesting to watch. >> how important is it a that the democrats have maintained control of the senate by one vote, is that an important factor? >> in fact, we have things like harry reid holding on to a seat, and that was not expected at least by myself. and we have a couple of other seats, west virginia stayed in democrat hands, and that was one that was talked about as going. so trying to read the tea leaves and trying to make some sense in saying that this is a big mandate for republicans, you can't do that. but it certainly does change the picture. >> and we're just hearing about prob 26. that just crossed the wires. prob 26 was just approved. that coming in just a moment ago. >> lockyer has been reelected as treasurer for the state of california. still interesting, the most interesting thing was the
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speech made by carly fiorina, of course barbara boxer claimed victory already, talked to her supporters. carly fiorina addressed her supporters and, in fact, said this race is still too close to call. you guys can stay here at the party and enjoy yourselves, but those folks who did call the race maybe did not do a smart thing. i thought that was stunning. you said it was unusual. >> original, as well. you know, we saw the whitman brown thing play out as the usual cubukey, not the order as usual, but with the fiorina one, maybe she is seeing something we aren't, i'm not sure when it is. >> the associated press and major organizations have been calling these races around 9:00 this evening. two hours after the polls close. where do they get their numbers, and their -- confirmation? >> obviously their own internal polling, the challenge is the numbers that we have based on
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about a third or 40% of the votes in would mean that she has to win by a lot. she has to make up that difference, and that would be a surprise. it certainly would be a tremendous story. i don't know where it comes from, though. >> do you just angry politics are going to dominate the national picture or continue to dominate the national picture? >> the notion that we are going to have a renewed civil discourse, and a renewed discussion where we can talk about issues without being personal, i'm afraid that there's a lot of folks who won seats as republicans who said say hey, being confrontational has worked for me. >> but not good for the people of the country. >> it's not a great way to solve problems. >> and i don't think the people want to continue hearing this contentiousness among their elected officials. we just want to say thank you certainly for joining us. also, thanks to all of you for joining kron4 tonight, and we want to remind you that tomorrow at 11:00, we will be a part of the celebration as the giants have their championship parade
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and march, and we'll be there watch us at 11:00 and have a good night, everybody. /úo@o@o@o@ can a smartphone be its own guardian angel ? can it keep an eye out for itself, literally show and tell you where it is when you don't even know yourself ? droid can with lookout mobile security, one of thousands of free apps for the droid x and droid 2 by motorola. available on the ever-expanding android market. when there's no limit to what droid gets, there's no limit to what droid does.
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