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tv   KRON 4 Morning News  KRON  November 2, 2010 7:14am-10:00am PST

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laws that this morning it's all about buying of direct this whole raft was full of t-shirts when i started this morning. >> on that date that was full. >> no longer people are grabbing 56 t-shirts for five hats at a time, they want the giants world championships here. >> you know why some people think it's a holiday gift. >> did you get any worse? when they might get any more of their shirts. >> am afraid to say. i'm afraid to be wrong. let's put it this way, they're coming. their clothes. i do not know exactly how close. the that is the man drove to a program he might as want to pull the truck into the parking lot of stores selling them in the back. you can see, these trucks, it was full and that they all gone. what time is 6:00
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pm? they've only been open for an hour and 15 minutes. speaking are ready their supplies are gone. very cool. obviously that the other part. this is red after everyone wants to grab the year. tamale of the parade we'll carry that live. >> how does this change the team, what does it mean? the fans? this is the pressure mark we will talk to gary about the world series championship giant in just a couple of minutes, all live look up slow traffic on 680. couple of minutes, all live look up slow traffic on 680. we wilafter jerry brown wasnnou] no longer governor, he finally came clean. what did you lie about when you were governor? it's all a lie. what did you lie about? you run for office and the assumption is, oh, i know what to do. you don't. i didn't have a plan for california. you say you are going to lower taxes. you're gonna put people to work. you're gonna improve the schools. you're gonna stop crime. crime is up. schools are worse. taxes are higher. i mean be real. i didn't have a plan for california.
8:16 am
it's all a lie. come on... isn't it time an auto insurer gave it to you straight? that's why you should talk to state farm. but not yet. first, talk to any one of the 40 million drivers who already have state farm. 40 million. yeah, that's more than geico and progressive combined. by a lot. 40 million drivers. more savings. and discounts up to 40%. where else you gonna get discounts like that? call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online. rule the bedtime. rule the upload. verizon built america's most reliable network to make a more powerful you. rule the air. verizon. right now at verizon, you can get a new samsung intensity ii free after mail-in rebate. only at verizon.
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and it's time to talk to gary. well, what a game. >> what did you see of it? >> i watched a little bit towards the end. man all men to them i was so loving the drop, he is so serious. >> it is the world series.
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>> i really felt it, it as looking at him he had this look you look at buster's get that camera him than he did this thing in the eyes and i was like wow. >> after rask by your pros and it didn't watch much and then ran to a bar when i was on and started screaming. >> you don't like the band wagon people let them have fun. >> what i was thinking of when i watched them and i was curious if the guy who went to the stadium and tickets seven to the candlestick park and the tickets grandson's at&t real fans that's pretty big more for them. >> and they did what this bart and love it after they went there every camera and go shopping every player and their reaction. i like the people bart. the way they
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did it with some of this, but is amazed to look at this crazy, jumping. you never see him get like that that's what i loved. >> when you play hundred and 62 games in the regular- season you play for six months when is this may sound these guys are your family for six months. and when you celebrate something together and by all accounts it's a pretty good group of guys, there's no jerks there's no one is making people uncomfortable it is the type of team you want to root for. the brother, slate. >> his will want to know, the oscars change an actor's life, does this somehow change getting a world series bennett does it change the team and the players? >> in my opinion it gives
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you a little more leeway let's say they start slow next year and said the people booing rear window with a month. seriously the bulls say you about that some equity with us what ever you do is fine. you just get the benefit of the doubt for a little bit. >> what about an individual player. does it to prop them up marketability? how does that work? >> usually the stars like tim lincecum they will get theirs. they will always take care of i don't know what it does for the guy who's in the middle. if anything else it gives you the benefit of the doubt will maybe we don't agree this team up was try and bring as many as bad as possible or if you didn't win there be a tendency is say let's start over in some areas. like we always like
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to agree to the news we need new acres. >> first you fired the news director. then you finally say at the end of the sky has no talent. let's get amok. >> new team colors which makes me wonder can they shave now? speaking will be interesting to see how many guys are always got me is some kids cross my with the beards hundred nates francais screaming for your my beard. let's see your shades and a dozen. >> also recalled about we call willie mays and said congratulations we pulled up the old video from 58 have you seen it? >> when they first motorist what this girl and a skimpy of this, here they are coming in there like ticker-
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tape, ec everyone go crazy. it is just circled to see what the city and the parade light than what it will look like tomorrow. i think that it is similar route and just be fair of are the edible voice messages from fans you say you guys are making a big deal we've won four world championships. i think even the diehards is france say we got here first. the a's came over 10 years later from kansas city. the giants came here first, you cannot beat that san francisco of the line. >> i love the old footage. there's also little stories like last night people were like what was barry bonds during rush to mark barry bonds got to get a first party on the sulfone was made. >> >> funny.
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>> where was it? he was in west hollywood. that's funny. and i think he can afford it. he can buy the ticket. >> i don't know. here's the deal everyone is it a go for new gear the story today is a $90 shirts, yes regarding their worlds issue. >> to get people off for today they miss school and everything. the more the point real fancy used to set their candlestick park in freeze they deserve a little joy. richard petty of this morning. here is everybody, bring it up. look to the sky diving and, he bullet right to spend a whole lot of money and then hopefully go to polls and by the way the election today >> tim lincecum he's not an apology would what smaller out.
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> is not on the ballot he would win. >> good point. by. by. ♪
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hey, at&t u-verse tv? yeah, it's our new tv service. every day thousands of customers across the nation are switching to at&t u-verse. [ female announcer ] visit an at&t store today. hurry and take advantage of our great deal on u-verse tv. just $29 a month for six months. plus for a limited time, get hbo and cinemax free for three months. yeah, and u-verse tv lets you record up to four shows from any room on a single dvr and play them back on -- any -- tv. and multiview, which lets you follow four channels at once. whoa! whoa! [ female announcer ] visit an at&t store today. hurry and take advantage of our great deal on u-verse tv. just $29 a month for six months. plus for a limited time, get hbo and cinemax free for three months. you can even upgrade to over 130 hd channels. that's so cool. i know. [ female announcer ] see it. believe it. u-verse tv.
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♪ our state is in a real mess. and i'm not going to give you any phony plans or snappy slogans that don't go anywhere. we have to make some tough decisions. we have to live within our means. we have got to take the power from the state capitol and move it down to the local level, closer to the people. and no new taxes, without voter approval. we have got to pull together not as republicans or as democrats
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but as californians first. at this stage in my life, i'm prepared to do exactly that.
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in we are back, talking about the world series for the first time since they moved out must the giants are world champions, they arrived from an early this morning 4:00 a.m. after finishing at the rangers last night in arlington tx. tim lincecum on the mound for the final game the a's had a got a better brand is cliff singing game one, it was the pitching rematch. tim lincecum to the game of his life, you see and hear on the mound right past john hamilton. finally in the seventh, big hit, the left going, going, gone. three
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run home run rangers will " not on the board as well. tim lincecum is it out in the end he was facing benji in tole, giants at 3-1 is set to brian wilson to close it out, here is how one down. >> struck him out! >> and then the dugout and the out tim lincecum leading the charge, and it went out of that brian wilson. >> i feel like kids, i love that. (laughter) i love to hear a shot. germany is now is will trendies at&t part, you sought tim lincecum and the gang to arrive earlier yet been seeing fans on their way to work so excited waiting for the parade. >> there waiting for the parade, rain now they're arresting because hundreds of fans will then on letter
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waiting for the hometown heroes to return. here is video the upshot kron430 a.m. you can see the fans, in the dark, the cheering who ever came out, let's be honest there are a lot of fans out there who do not know the players but who ever walked out they get a big cheer. and for good reason here's someone honking tim mcgraw by did not really way of jonathan sanchez came out talk to a lot of players including coty which is a couple months ago he was let go by the florida marlins and the giants picked him up he became ndp of the nl see as it was just instrumental with the run to the world series here's was yet to say about this whole great experience. >> was a feeling? >> awesome this is a dream like when i was a kid. >> did you think you went to the three?
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>> we were hoping, we did it anyway we to do what we wanted to do it obviously want to win at home but this is just great. speaking is an incredible year your floor, and i your world to evian can you describe how it feels to be you? >> i feel like a world champ that's all i can say. tune of months ago i did not think it was going to be here to be in the situation right now and bring it back to san francisco. >> to what all the players who came before them he was about why you came out from new york to san francisco with the dean he is still with the team he called willie l. willey being willie mays to talk about the victory so it is a celebration coming up at
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10:00 a.m. the dugout store will be open with fresh world series gear we will start to the fans and more reaction. they ran that of those frayed shirts we had a live shot maybe you can get them over there because they're in big demand will. it is not going to be cheap, let's be honest, everyone wants their hands on the freshly printed such t- shirts, caps all of that stop this is historic. >> just minutes after the wind take a look for answers to the streets. this is video of people on union street 500 rissole lining the streets cars honking their horns. at one point you see this rare event occurring thing down the street with its lights on his radio was playing the journey song. which became the giants and the song people climbing up, giving high-five's after the when we had a chance to talk to
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one fan who was so happy she started tearing up your head >> imax, >> are you having trouble getting the word there? >> yes. >> they're all the fans going crazy look at the dog, they raise the dog there too. here is the public has this is the bar that went crazy after the game you can see everyone is funding, during their hands up in the air. this party continued all night into the morning into the streets it will continue today. it is what everyone will talk about what the water cooler, polling places when you are voting today and of course kerman for the big parade. right now we have been asking you to send infos people have to dress up
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their dogs. with the babies. people out and sending in photos of their family and how they celebrated in the giants. there is one van has a whole web site devoted to the giants. his name is david croll he is on the phone david are you there? yes and there. you have been a lifelong fan of the giants? that is correct, my wife and i were down there as well as with my little brother. he learned how reed of the bottom of baseball cards. it was quite a magical scene down there last night. when people say you've been waiting you're pro-life but it has been 56 years which is prole older than you are curious because i am 28, so i've seen it for
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a little bit, last night was quite a special night especially living on berry street for the past three years. just watching that whole area developed, i think at&t bart is going to grow, grow and become a bad but it displays to get to now. now that the giants have a championship. we just pulled up your web site is as a hobby of yours the you're done this whole web site on the side. >> > is sorted by just going back to february a few friends of mine have been documented in the season to e-mail's so lost sight whenever contributors was there he was doing some work force and really what we wanted to do is gather what is got and try to get it on the web site rain now we are dear to behind iran now is a part-time things. there we
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do. we all have full-time jobs. it has been found, quite a year to do this. >> did you go to the games? >> i was so set in the cove for games 1 and 2. to organize or inside, they had season tickets, and were able to sit in the bleachers and take it all in. speaking of course you're going to separate? >> you have got to take wednesday off of you cannot take off you need to call in sick. you need to reevaluate your parties. it is this not happen every year the last trade was when the giants moved here, 1958. so were doing the exact same kron broke it we did back then you have to take root rot and check it out. >> we have the old footage of that trade is amazing to see what market street look like and the team, willie mays and lanky said history being made to moscow what did this, did you see this video. >> >> yes. is an
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>> that amazing? >> yes. the old-timers remember >> is great. tomorrow is going to be another day like that one day there'll be a lot of footage and the giants as much as we'd like to think were not going to win the world series every year tomorrow will be one of those moments where we look bike and just appreciate the city that has really come together in this unique season and celebrate stethoscope. >> the aid to fan does it bother you know that people are jumping on the bandwagon? >> it is tough if this city was like this all year long it would be just as a record drop in durable. but i think san francisco is on its way i think these band reagan people i think they will stay. support the giants in the next upcoming season if
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we can get this festive atmosphere all year long that would be just great. bring on the bandwagon but the state. you are a regular working guy and this is on the side for you look it's election day the economy people ought to work people have their real lives don't you are to put this all in perspective or do you think that this is a way to escape all that stuff? >> i think that's what it is all about sports is that thing that you can always come to the common denominator when guys are standing around when they don't really know each other sports is that thing that everyone can just go to when to take that special moment just kind of use it to rally around the city there's a lot going honoring now the use this time today, the celebration to take a break, have fun-that's what this is all about sports is
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entertainment and we are the best team in this for now let's celebrate that. >> you've got me fired up and idle watch the games. thank you, he is as regular fan what may be extra special because yet the whole web site dedicated to the giants we wish you luck we enjoy the parade i hope you enjoy the parade if you cannot get out there you can watch your right here on kron4 and uninterested, no commercials will show you the whole parade. we'll continue our team coverage today when we come back. i inherited my father's '69 norton commando.
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it's been a dream of mine to restore it. and it's my dream for him to finish it. frank has something great to save up for. this is my dad. isn't that cool? and a very understanding girlfriend. i showed him a wells fargo savings account with my savings plan. [ frank ] and what it does is it takes a little bit of my money and puts it towards my goal. i want to get all the original parts and do it right. for my dad. there's a couple months in between parts.
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so, one at a time. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when it's time to save. ♪ you can't really love me. i know about gayle. i don't know what you're talking about. if you just tell me what happened... [ ding ] [ man ] 35th and archer. next stop hamilton. [ brakes hiss ] ♪ [ male announcer ] now you can watch hit tv shows
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on your smartphone when you get at&t u-verse tv. call, visit or click today. at&t. rethink possible. at the back, we're checking hotspots plenty of slow going in the sets bay, but the interstate 280 and highway 101, look it to 80 we've seen some improvement but still does before the change leading out towards
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the west valley you will find slow going out to cupertino on 280 northbound we have seen ever so slight improvement on the ride from highly 85, as you can see heading across the guadalupe parkway you'll get that far for things start to slow down, the slowdown really ensconcing saratoga and no longer lost out toward highway 85 are on 85 out toward 280. your direct and 101 only a slight improvement ahead of the coyote valley of the northbound ride upward to 37 as heavier cross moffett field. take a look alike kerman, as we say some improvement but still a backup there for the northbound trip, nimitz freeway, hayward traffic is still quite heavy in the senate and direction for the corridor, also northbound 80 look at that coming up from highway 84 into hayward
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heavies traffic to san leandro northbound on the nimitz freeway and we are still backed up on the approach to the san mateo bridge for westbound highway 92 it'd been shells slo from this smalslow because f earlier reoccurring problems of the fast track. right to walnut creek 6007 but not much improvement for the ride into the sand from valley. 7 and traffic is still jammed. now the good weather. >> pretty nice, here is a shot of the golden gate, clear shot, blue skies of the sunshine expected today's expected to be warmer than where we were yesterday. here's a look inside your current temperatures, 58 percent of the scope of the san rebel temperatures still in the '40's santa rosa, napa still, 47 for livermore
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then the south bay temperatures and low 50s, 10:00 we should warmup plenteous '60s, known as all of the seal the edges the '70's 70's as early as noon. widespread '70s in the afternoon at the end of the '60s by o'clock. numbers look like this, topping out rerun 76 for santa rosa 74 the common number for standard file, nev., san francisco. 79 and your livermore. we all sort or keeping an eye on the coast because we do have an advisory on high surf advisory right along the coast swell's expected to 15-25 ft. pretty dangerous waves, strong currents, we are going to see, conditions elsewhere. we will start to see some changes and your credit, a slight chance of some showers and then we'll see some better chance of rain for sunday, monday.
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we'll be right back with a kron4 morning news after this.
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it is election day, as decision 2010, control of congress is at stake as voters go to the poll midterm elections is the mean losses for the party in power was voters are unhappy about the economy the republicans appear opposed to win more than 39 seats they need to control the house, some analysts are predicting they will win 50 seats in the house and possibly even 60. speed we will keep you updated tonight we'll couple comprehensive coverage of broadcast will begin at 8:00 p.m. and give you the latest election results all the way through to midnight eastern ahead to the web site at live election bugging and poles. we'll be right back.
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[ female announcer ] why watch regular tv when you can experience
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the next generation of television service? at&t u-verse tv. tv like you've never seen before at a really great price. hurry and take advantage of our amazing deal. order today and get u-verse tv for just $29 a month for 6 months, plus dvr included. and get hbo and cinemax free for three months for a limited time. u-verse tv lets you record and play back your favorite shows in any room. and you can record up to four shows at once on a single dvr. you can even upgrade to over 140 hd channels. get ready for a new kind of tv service. it's time to switch to at&t u-verse. hurry and take advantage of our amazing deal. order today and get u-verse tv for just $29 a month for 6 months, and that includes the dvr. plus get hbo and cinemax free for three months for a limited time. at&t u-verse tv. tv like you've never seen before. at&t.
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we've got it, the world series. let's get pet. let's
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get i get. let's get a haircut. but the pet. let's get fired up. let's get fired up. >> i feel and joining in. i kind of on the dance. was not. ed rollins but at. on light, all in the morning. the team or at this morning everyone was still operating. natalie's leaping and getting ready for the big parade. as san francisco welcomes back the world series champions giants. here's a look at all but it went down. >> beautiful game, moments ago tim lincecum took the field. the rangers changes that, cliff lee that unless an hour. < fairfield, the giants had their first lead.
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another double, 32 san francisco. another hit, another run. 52. i fly balls left shoots one out. speaking it's uncomfortable, >> when ball, two states, swing, miss. five well center field while this, it hit the wall. top of the wall. back in the play for double. he launches one down the right its gondi. 3-2 off by what an edgar renteria night for two more runs.
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it's ones right, 30 texas, 2-1 pitch, one to right, high fly ball deep love 7. back to the wall, fly ball into deep right field, back up a wall, gabe over. this bulges gone. to run home run. shot right center field, three nothing dennis lead, in the center for hamilton at the wall, 4-0 for the
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wind. and, he is guarded. strike get out of hamilton, 4-0 san francisco 3-1. hamilton strike set tim lincecum and one away. hit high, so less than a field. three run home run, 3-0 san francisco. strike get back to that, here it is struck him out. for the first time since 1954 the giants have won the world championship. since 1954 the giants have won the world championship. >> how long she lived in california. she got caught in insider deals at goldman sachs.
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she changed her story about physically abusing an employee. she campaigned as tough as nails on immigration knowing her housekeeper of 9 years was undocumented. her tv ads have been condemned as false and misleading. and even her hometown newspaper said meg whitman has demonstrated "a loose relationship with the truth" until two years ago, when my dad transferred to istanbul. they settled in quickly. found their local deli. a few shortcuts. and a neighborhood hangout. but there's one thing they miss. their beloved hometown team. so i asked citi -- how many thankyou points it would take to give them something special. their old seats, 5 and 6, row c. [ male announcer ] citi thankyou points can be used for almost anything you choose. what's your story? citi can help you write it.
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9:00 a.m. in the top story, which the indians returned san francisco, and cameras were there. we will show yo how hundreds fans will comthis santa is as good giants win. we'll show you how levant's walkethis san frano giants win the world we will show you how the chair at the ends or celebrating of the vans are celebrating and how they are buying up all of that world series yougear. we are also following the weather for today. mostly centerline looking at a great day. traffic. >> thank you, the radin 101,
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the san jose i was a hot we will start with the 101 ride, it was back at the coyote valley, we have seen a big improvement. nice weather, here's the reason. >> a little bit of a warm- up, even more to bob. dry weather until thursday. >> could not be better for the giants, coming. this after the klan to the first world series title in 56 years. this is the final leg of the game, take a look, close air gets the job done. and that's it. the team went not wild. they were really jumping for joy. i love that. in the locker room it
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was pop the corks and get everyone wet, screaming, shouting. try doing an interview in that. listen. >> (cheering) so there they are hoisting the big trophy this is a rate from the locker room. i did love it. they had champagne, a beer flowing on light as did the fans. they were all there this morning hundreds of them were there, when the giants arrived this morning boy that was for 30 a.m., this city is now celebrating the city of san francisco is celebrating its first world series title. >> (cheering)
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>> we won! we're number one!. >> what you gonna do with the beard? spiegel and keeping it forever. (cheering) >> i will never forget this moment. it is a great feeling to >> area's i am wondering if there ever an associate today kelly lose the beard now? maybe wait till the parade which is jamal we will carry it live. if you're a vigorous school, work, you can just go to kron4 will of the parade is set a 11:00 a.m.. there will be a celebration for the giants' team there will be a victory parade of 11:00 a.m., it will start of the trans america building, it will take the same route that the giants took when they first came to san francisco back in 1958. they america building down to market street, turn on market, head west, to city hall that is where mayor gavin newsom will be waiting for them he will present them with the key to
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the city and a big old party there. we will have live, in uninterrupted coverage from 11:00 a.m. all the way to the completion, watch kron if you cannot be there in person. it will be amazing event. joining us now from the san francisco des get store which is just opening almost opening is will trent will lead the open yet? speed they will open up in one hour, this is what people waiting for a look at that, the employees are getting ready to roll that the brand new world series champions the shares. all of the other gear. let me show you, let me share i am not afraid, a lot of these people the heavier of hours ago still many people that they had to set up barricades just to maintain some order i will walk from the front, just to show you all along this line stretches, but did this all for the right to pay $45 for a t-shirt $25 for baseball cap. they're so excited
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because the parade is a lull, they want to be in line to show up their new gear. but to run an iphone unit at the hub of the giants world series championships. >> with tended to get your? >> of an hour ago. a much money you willing to spend? unspeakable hundred dollars. it's for the kids. that a run-up. >> is to but this is a closer to christmas. >> that would be nice but the kids want to go to the bridge, so we'll get them the t-shirts everything. make kron happy. >> let's keep walking, which monday you going to spend? >> of a grand may be on the way so there is no eye as you can put on what to leave coaching in gear. >> your the heavier gear? yet to show to get your hands on more? >> with how to prepare for
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the parade >> hopefully next year or of renewed your this is 2011 right? >> light. this might be a one-year a thing but this could be every year. we willing to be there. >> to this line is growing, we will be your review think about black friday with the christmas rush this is nothing on this. look at this, if you need diplomatic come down here that there is it for minimal medical waiting in line. >> every walk of life is out there. all kinds of giants fans here's the deal, sports authority was open at 7:00 a.m. and here's the problem disease for special black jerseys that this world series for the parade they ran out. so i guess these guys aren't going to get into keep making them till christmas but they won over to ma. so
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we see the big boxes your winning them to open the store. and, we're waiting for the big parade, we will ever live rate your honor kron4 without any commercial interruptions and the web site, a wealth of information and everything else that you can want from the world series rate their else that you can want from the world series rate their of alabama. come on... isn't it time an auto insurer gave it to you straight? that's why you should talk to state farm. but not yet. first, talk to any one of the 40 million drivers who already have state farm. 40 million. yeah, that's more than geico and progressive combined. by a lot. 40 million drivers. more savings. and discounts up to 40%. where else you gonna get discounts like that? call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online.
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and their team coverage continues to the big story, the morning after the big world series win, and the return of the giants. joining us live on the lawn is san francisco chronicle column is a bruised it begins. hi. >> high are you? speed and greed and not as good as the giants fans, >> i woke up this morning with the realization that the giants had his one and all i've been following baseball for many years, it is still a fantastic
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incredible thing. >> we haven't a and 19 runs and 25 girls and the like awaited my whole life for this. which is hilarious it's like for you 56 because it's been 56 years. >> and i can but to go to ripley and that's when i got oakland in 1956 it is worth the wait period. >> you kind of wonder how do you think winning is going to affect them what you think it is going to do to them of the senator belt? >> you know it is never the same, but rarely is the same as the first time their in their decisions to make, some of the players are getting towards retirement.
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they're likely to come but they will come but with a a different bunch of guys the decline will be there and the pitchers will be there. but will not be the same, the guys you don't come but they need to realize these things are not handed to you of the reason they won was an unbelievable amount of work. and just kind of a rock under for all not just realizing it's not that easy to maintain i do wonder what it does to the good old humble boys hamel world champs de becker. that's when i hope they retain guys like cody, of trees above, will you talk of appreciation level and a real down-home humble of the suit i think those guys are would like to think they're just getting started. >> what you think about the finances dividend is four times, charade they've
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written and and called in, they're like iman. what they're really going envy is there's nothing quite like a parade down market street is just a little more big time every year. absolutely the a's won three in a roll there'll always be regarded as one of the greatest teams ever assembled they won it all in '89 when they beat the giants but that's a long time ago this is all about now. >> and the next thing is that trade we have been looking at the video from 58 when the giants' first came over and they were champions of 54 you see them going down market street market street looks amazing with all that ticker-tape. i am sure that the mall will be just as spectacular and weigh more crowded and crazy ec your tv screen rain now. >> i am still in arlington and heading back from the arsenal little while.
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>> with assuring the highlights from the parade. and the old colors it was just incredible sight and surely a fabulous night. >> apparently they're going to launch the parade from the exact spot that they did in 58. but in those days it was welcome to town, this is great but there is nothing like looking, a world championship team. i cannot a. speaking of your sentences you missed all the nastiness. >> they were opening bottles just use great people in the locker room. the really cool thing is after about half an hour of just madness they all went out on the field,
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several hundred giants fans they're all done by the dugout. just a loud chanting group and the players were there holding up the trophy and pages later there for quite a while it was a really nice scene. >> there is a benefit is even as he was talking about of course we would like to dan and incentives is gone from a defense but you're saying there was a small group of fans the game all the way and went to texas and they were awarded. >> absolutely, maybe close to a thousand people there was a lot. they all had a giant step on a thrill of many party there sure would of been nice to win it at home and in some sense a kind is secretly hoping that maybe less i didn't go so well so they did it, but you don't mess around with 81 it's a giant. u.n. ended this and as you can. >> were just looking at the other dugout the people with the long faces, 10's, 10's
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not good. >> when something like that happens you always see the players lingering in the dugout, staring at the side of the other guy's going crazy the idea of that is remember how that looks, how that feels you don't wanna go through that and with any luck next time your not doing that. i love the coach's face, you never see him look like a kid and that was just so cool. to see them jumping. they've just lost it. >> that is so true, he is minister wet, day-by-day. he doesn't get too high, too low man he led all else. there is no one more deserving. he did such a great job, i do not minute call any move that is made in the month that backfired is pretty amazing. >> since of course there is he's a genius had not worked out he needed to be fired immediately.
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>> he will carry that seeing is a thing of your the one out. >> we had a intervithank you, we appreciate not address this morning. the biggest celebration continues for the world series jeff in giants will be back it more relevant. >> [ female announcer ] after jerry brown was no longer governor, he finally came clean. what did you lie about when you were governor? it's all a lie. what did you lie about? you run for office and the assumption is, oh, i know what to do. you don't. i didn't have a plan for california. you say you are going to lower taxes. you're gonna put people to work. you're gonna improve the schools. you're gonna stop crime. crime is up. schools are worse. taxes are higher.
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i mean be real. i didn't have a plan for california. it's all a lie. [ male announcer ] it's luxury with fire in its veins. bold. daring. capable of moving your soul. ♪ and that's even before you drop your foot on the pedal. ♪ the new 2011 cts coupe from cadillac.
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the new standard of the world. or at least that's what my mom thinks. with high speed internet from at&t, i get my homework done fast, leaving me time to download movies and music and chat with my friends. [ mom ] how's your studying? it's coming along! [ female announcer ] work faster, play more with the fastest internet for the price. call to get high speed for $14.95 a month with a one-year price guarantee. please, i know what he's up to. high speed internet from at&t is so fast that we get more done in less time, leaving me time to chat... watch movies... without teenage distractions. and it's affordable for our family.
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[ female announcer ] call to get high speed for $14.95 a month with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network on the go. cookies? [ boy ] sure! tell your friends hi for me. ♪ [ female announcer ] high speed internet from at&t. welcome back to the kron 4 morning news, 9:21 a.m. we have been tracking this hotspot the right toussaint as they, 101 northbound then i last checked things that cleared out pretty nicely that is no longer the case. it has been a grudgingly slow commute on 101, take a look at the maps, you can see that while the right has in pruett is no longer backed up into the ride, it's still quite heavy from between the freeways. and
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280 ride stays slow. it is a backer between the 8017 and the 85 interchange. we have been looking for slow ride to redwood city no. and the palo alto and zepa and traffic and san carlos pockets of slowing go if not stopping go. nimitz freeway is dimmed through oakland in the northbound direction, cells found is a little sluggish. if you're coming from san francisco or berkeley towards the oakland airport give yourself an extra five-10 minutes for the drive because he may be second slow drop a set of bounds. it has been a hot spot in continues to be 680 ride so found not only in but out of it. having set to and through. let's get a check on the weather forecast. louisa has been
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keeping it. >> sometimes i call myselhere it him, it's a great day, lots of sunshine, in effect today will bring temperatures all of the warmer than where we were yesterday. warmer temperatures tomorrow we do is some changes by the end of the week that controls some wet weather. 58 san francisco, 57 fell. chile and the north bay. stunned to mt. view, san jose. 47 degrees, as we take it the afternoon temperatures will more money into the '70s in most locations. 74 downtown san francisco, the upper
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70's in places like livermore, morgan hill, los gatos. upper 60s along the coast. we do have some pretty high surf, there's a high surf advisory lasting until about 3:00, stronger currency, here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. denies those structure wet weather. beckons these over wednesday, thursday slight chance of showers for friday, saturday better chance for sunday, monday. don't forget to set your clocks back on sunday. we'll be right back when the kron 4 morning news after this break. o? rule the tweet.
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looks like it's bumper to bumper on the interstate. i gotta get to cleveland! remove your belt, your watch, your shoes. i wonder what gas costs today. seven dollars for a pillow! an extra bag costs what? i hate traffic! ♪
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san francisco giants are waking up world series champions you need a new shirt. that is what everybody is doing. they are
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jamming stores for these sure to. everybody tried to gear up before the big victory parade. will tran is at the dugout store with all these people. >> these people haven't been led and. it doesn't look like much you're wrong as we swing the camera it has grown over the past 30 minutes. stretching all the way back to the drawbridge 4-5 deep. the earliest person got here at 5:00 a.m. just so they can sesay they have a brand new giants gear that they made over night. one woman came from ventura county so she could stand in line. to get her hands on $50 t-shirts. i tried to ask
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if i get a t-shirt or right now that is more guarded than four knocks. they will not reveal it until 10:00 a.m. when they open the dugout. >> we have seen the choice sure what their roster on it. this is the one that sold out this morning. sports authority was open at 7:00 a.m. and everybody who got an audit those shirts. those are the ones that will go first. >> they have to get it together on sure in the dugout short-story none of the items are hanging on the shelves yet. it will stay on the shelves for very long. >> what time did you get here >> 6:30 a.m. >> to get the black shirts >> to get the world series gear. (cheering)
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>> how many wanted the giants to come back and play another game >> (cheering) >> a win is a win. >> already claiming repeat. >> a lot of people think it's a collector's item they will wear for three weeks straight including tomorrow's parade. >> keep your eye on that shirt that's the hot seller. they can't print them fast enough is the deal. especially fast enough for to morceli won a where the the gear for the parade. tim lincecum on the mound a pitcher's duel. here we go tim lincecum the game of his life. edgar renteria now
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with the three run home run rangers get one back tim lincecum bears down. here we go. bye-bye. giants up 3-1 in the ninth. then brian wilson's, out. there is a sign i don't know why he does the body doesn't. the team goes wild. shortstop edgar renteria was named mvp of the world series. it made the difference last night he is no difference to the post season he has paid played on 50 postseason games. game-winning hits in game 7 of them all marlins. he may retire after seven trips to the disabled this year. he
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has at completely torn bicep playing this series. >> i appreciate it. they have patience with me from the beginning they gave me the chance to apply. i just saw the ball. i don't know. >> look at the fans going wild. these fans in san francisco watching at the civic center plaza with the jumbo kron. they went wild and stayed while all night into this morning with parties all around in francisco. that party mood is in san francisco right now everybody is buying gear. tomorrow the big parade. we know where the hot spot is today and tomorrow but as you're trying to get to work toward you have hot spot?
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>> things are improving for a moment i want to speak to the traffic from parade tomorrow i don't think it's going to be a big problem. most folks will want to go to watch and i don't think it will be a huge headache for lot of people. there rid itself a lot of traffic keeps away from market street anyway. i don't think it's going to be a big problem for lot of folks. let's talk about some hot spots that we have been tracking. some improvement in may be lasting because the last time i talked about improving conditions here on 1 01 he was leaning. looking at our traffic maps 1 01 continues to diminish the heaviest traffic is right where i showed you right where camera is located. nimitz freeway ride was read all the way into downtown oakland is at the
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slowest rate around the coliseum. walnut creek had been a hot spot 680 south big improvement for said bound ride into the creek at of walnut creek southbound looks better for the ride into a all malt and on towards the danville. san francisco it had had problems earlier this morning with a northbound accident that not only backed up the north bound ride to brisbane it also for a while slow the south of commuters well. a weather check this time it's from james fletcher. >> used talked about tomorrow's parade all do the same 11 am 72 degrees and a whole lot of sunshine. because of that sun will get warmer by each passing hour. they say will get from point
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a to point b in a few hours we should see temperatures mid-70s and should be beautiful afternoon for all the folks calling out there celebrating the victory. temperatures right now we have temperatures that are pretty nice smile during now again warmer than yesterday. 52 santa rosa, 53 napa, warm are around immediate bay made to the upper 50s 60 in oakland. warmer in the south bay with mid-50s. 61 in antioch in the delta. this afternoon it will get warmer here are the highest mid-70s for novato, 78 fairfield, warm or the more east to go. immediate bay 76 redwood city and oakland.
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774 mt. view, hayward, and fremont. your 7470 forecast. temperatures thought bob into the mid '80s los '70s and along the coast for wednesday and thursday and friday the clouds roll in slight chance of rain through the week your chance of showers increase by the time we hit sunday and monday next week. that's what we you can look forward to next weekend. don't forget the extra hour of sleep when you roll your clocks back on sunday. >> world series championship giants and all the gear snapped up today a live shot inside sports authority. see that big list the roster of that's hard to get jackie sizzle is there they are putting out new stuff putting out stuff to
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keep off with the demand. we will be right (
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i spend three hours on my homework -- or at least that's what my mom thinks. with high speed internet from at&t, i get my homework done fast, leaving me time to download movies and music and chat with my friends. [ mom ] how's your studying? it's coming along! [ female announcer ] work faster, play more with the fastest internet for the price. call to get high speed for $14.95 a month with a one-year price guarantee. please, i know what he's up to. high speed internet from at&t is so fast
9:41 am
that we get more done in less time, leaving me time to chat... watch movies... without teenage distractions. and it's affordable for our family. [ female announcer ] call to get high speed for $14.95 a month with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network on the go. cookies? [ boy ] sure! tell your friends hi for me. ♪ [ female announcer ] high speed internet from at&t.
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i wasn't even born the last time they won. >> (cheering) >> the bay area going crazy now that the giants have returned home this morning with their world series trophy. giants outfielder says giants teams have it all. >> it takes a lot. you can have all the time in the world we had hall of famers on that team but it's a lot of luck. we have the talent expression on the pitching was not lucky to. it takes
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both won the world series. >> here are some of the pictures that fans have sent than of their giant spirit. a lot of pumpkins are kids dressed up in their giants gear. there are couple of cakes decorated as baseballs. everybody getting in on the fun. there is the fear the beard pumpkin that scary. the victory parade tomorrow morning a celebration starting at the trans american building following the same route down market street as when the giants had a big parade when the first game to san francisco from new york 1958. they will go to city hall where the mayor will present them with the key to the city of big celebration there at city hall as well. get out there and enjoy it or enjoyed here on kron 4 we
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will show you the parade in its entirety with no commercials.
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we have a world series champs. let's get fired up. let's get fired up. let's get fired up. >> (laughter) its catchy. what school is these wide range of people brought together by the giants winning. everybody is together at sports authority and the dugout. kron 4 is jackie's this will live watching the assurance they can even put them on hangers fast enough. >> is this they don't put them on hangers just from
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them in the middle. i have a feeling in seoul before the store. victor how many hats? >> 9. >> the says he's by nine hats but not sure if that's enough. >> how much are they. >> $29 for a hat. wow. >> to victor says it's a once-in-a-lifetime. this rack was low of 300 hats this rack is completely gone we have gone through to shipments. the me show you a video of the boxes this morning people were huddled around the boxes waiting. i thought there were one to attack the truck as it came out. the employes are trying to impact the boxes. they
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weren't the t-shirts they wanted. they want the preachers. shirts. >> there is one but it's hidden behind the cash register. because our time to bring it out they threaten to buy it. right now everybody wants that parade shirt. everybody says they wanted they will get it later this afternoon we're also told the local printer. somebody in the bay area is printing them. if you have a buddy who is printing shirts you may want to talk to them. may 1st is shown to pick up the pace. you know darya the open the store at 630 there was a guy waiting in line. he spent $500. >> i was and asked how many. i is doing some math on just
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on those hats and long that now spending $300. >> to of those cats arhats are r monks. because he had debts with some of this.months. unks.d get some more preachers but there were children sides. we had adults wondering if they could fitten >> that. chloramine the parade tomorrow much we could possibly lose. >> where are also at the dog out store. they have barricades' appeared people want to get your hands on this stuff too. covering
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world series championship giants. i have the other live shot. these people are waiting because the media to get their roster shirts. all these people waiting to get then they will do it in chefs will keep you posted on what they have. they will restock for lunch as well. it's would be crazy. don't forget to get out to about by the way. once you get your dear go during get your ballot cast. also looking at the commute george. >> heavy traffic is light green things got backed up off of 238 and it is still slow here perhaps some of that traffic was held up further south trying to make its way northbound. uc we still have slowing. we will pick up speed off of the
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sensors as low as 15 mi. an hour north bound heading past 23. expect delays to continue for a while for the nimitz freeway into the macarthur maze a better ride for 80 sluggish traffic on 580 but that is not the bay bridge back up that is just look traffic trying to get to the short freeway. san jose ride we had been tracking delays but we have improving conditions here for the right. we will continue to see improving conditions not so fleeting as it were on our bill. we had for brief moment slight improvement. golden gate bridge southbound no problems here we are about 20 minutes away from seeing the bridge reconfigured for midday traffic. right now to lanes available northbound. beautiful skies out there and our live shots of
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traffic let's check in with james fletcher to find out what 20 be in great forecast. >> excellent conditions to more for the parade. all eyes will be on san francisco where the giants rolled through town current conditions right now low 50s north bay. slightly warmer out in the far east delta coming in at 61 right now. this afternoon temperatures mid-70s in the north bay napa 75 richmond 76, 74 in san francisco. mid-70s through the remainder of the bay warmer in the east conditions 80 in morgan hill and in los gatos as well. 74 yes looking good warm conditions for to more even warmer still thursday clouds role in setting us up for the possibility of rain this weekend. we will be right back 9:53 a.m. we will be
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weekend. we will be right back 9:53 a.m. we will be right back. i know many of you see this election as an unhappy choice between a longtime politician with no plan for the future and a billionaire with no government experience. well, let me tell you my story. my husband and i came here as newlyweds. we raised our family here and the california dream came true for me in ways i could never have imagined. now i'm running for governor to restore the california dream for everyone. i'm not a career politician or a hollywood star. i'm from silicon valley, where i created thousands of jobs at ebay. as governor, i'll do something that's been missing from california politics for far too long. i'll treat you like grownups, tell it to you straight, and offer a practical plan forward. these are scary times and i know that cleaning up sacramento won't be easy.
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today his decision day. polls are open voters are casting their ballots across the country midterm elections usually mean losses for the party in power. voters and happy about the at economy republicans are poised to win 39 seats some analysts predict republicans will win 50-60 democratic seats. turn to kron 4 for our election night coverage. we will broadcast them live right up until midnight. get the latest from our web site as well. i can't find it. ♪ [ female announcer ] new tide with acti-lift technology
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one minute before 10:00 a.m.
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people trying to get into the dugout store. the line is spreading. will they will open in one minute right? >> people have been waiting hours. keeping a close eye on the front door to the dugout stores. they want to be the first to get their hands on some brand new world series t-shirt spirit i hope there are paramedics here because i would hate somebody to get run over because people are waiting. indeed begun to go off like the olympics. people here are just hoping to get some of the stop know how much it cost. >> we got here at 6:00 a.m.. >> did >> you stay up all night> no we left to sen rows at 430 this morning. >> how much money are you
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willing to spend? >> i don't know i don't care how much. i want a ticket to pr. >> making the gear wheat was two men this stretches all the way to the drawbridge and beyond. >> it's 10:00 a.m. what about the doors are they open? >> you know why it's not >> open gets >> still restocking miss store. >> they're moving the stuff outside. hopefully that
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gentleman gets out of the way he will get run over. he just looked at from close to open. people are losing their minds. usually these are world series tickets. we will keep the shot before they go in. >> open! open! " and open! >> they are upset they're saying i thought you open up at 10:00 a.m.. >> (cheering) >> we waited 62 years to get the shirt. >> i say you buy three because i feel like that the teacher will be warned. you can even buy this for christmas presents people what we're now. giant still
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making money. they made money during the world series an incredible money >> here> (cheering) >> look at them go. people are spending. >> this is so exciting. this is nothing because it will be more crazy during the parade. people said they have to get their hands on giants gear so they can be at the parade with the new hat, a t-shirt, glove, whenever it is they want their hands on it. >> those parade t-shirts are especially hot keep your eyes out for them the black one with the full roster on the back air cool. those will be the first to go. we will let will get in there with this chosen ones and bring you action from
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inside in just a few moments. can we lose the beard get guys. i don't off the team will shave. maybe this media person on the phone and tell us. are they gonna do sheriffs shape the beard. >> i have to say if the beard works let's keep it up. >> so were showing live shots of people swapping your store and sports authority so they want to get their hands on the gear because this parade is going to be a giant event. how many people do you expect? >> it's hard to tell a this point. we landed at 4:00 a.m. and everybody is trying to get their bearings will have meetings today to find out from the city. house listening to the radio this
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morning folks were saying they're coming as far as nevada. we will be ready obviously that championship is long overdue. there are fans all over it's a special day. we are thrilled this team could bring it home. >> on going to pull up global map you are using the same route they didn't 58 when the first and san francisco the bulk is down market. maybe after two wins, three when she started planning. will you be in convertibles will the players walk? >> a combination of vehicles. motorized cable cars witch's cap vocal san francisco look. we will have
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convertibles, that boats, we will make sure giants' family have an opportunity to celebrate with the fans. >> that is fabulous. we are showing the victory parade or a rival parade in 58. we have a wide shot with all the tickertape. will be sending will you be thrown out confetti. >> absolutely. we will try to recreate it is more than a one-year when it's 52 years of giant baseball in san francisco. we want play a tribute to different ownership groups, we want played tribute to our hall of famers who played in san
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francisco in brought this team to san francisco and created a love for baseball here. it's a celebration of 52 years it's hard to believe it took that long to bring the world championship home but this team did it and i can think of a better team to represent the organization. >> obviously were born to see the players and use the old timers. >> we are pulling everybody together a dull one specifically not to anyone but we will have a number of representatives. >> anyone preventing music? >> yes will have music and dignitaries, we will have at all. >> how long you think it will last? it will start at 11 how long do you think it will take the parade route will
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probably about 90 minutes. then the short program on the steps of city hall with the mayor and the players. i think all in all it will be a to our, to an houri bed >>.our event. >> the fact of the matter is the team appreciates the fans. you have the opportunity to talk to our players last night they really sure this postseason starting with the cliched back in october against the padres they have shared this with the fans. i can't think of 18 who has been more connected to our fans. >> to think the team will get up and speak? if anybody
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is gathered it would be nice to hear them again. >> broadcasters will be their players will be. it will be the giants' family thinking fans in the community. unthinking the city for opening their arms in 1958. >> we have video from the arrival there goes to him driving off. the drivers came in this morning and like he said they are resting they will get rewarded as well? >> they have a set they get rain. it's a great opportunity for any organization. to be able to share with fans is the most important thing. >> we are excited as is the bay area we will be waiting for the parade will cover it here so you can go to the
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price you can watch it in its entirety snow commercials just your parade and excitement for the world series win. right here on kron 4 june and at 11:00 a.m. for as long as it goes we will carry it live all of our world series coverage at kron 4 i spend three hours on my homework --
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or at least that's what my mom thinks. with high speed internet from at&t, i get my homework done fast, leaving me time to download movies and music and chat with my friends. [ mom ] how's your studying? it's coming along! [ female announcer ] work faster, play more with the fastest internet for the price. call to get high speed for $14.95 a month with a one-year price guarantee. please, i know what he's up to. high speed internet from at&t is so fast that we get more done in less time, leaving me time to chat... watch movies... without teenage distractions. and it's affordable for our family. [ female announcer ] call to get high speed
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for $14.95 a month with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network on the go. cookies? [ boy ] sure! tell your friends hi for me. ♪ [ female announcer ] high speed internet from at&t. crazy fans up all night and early this morning celebrating the wind by the giants who are now the world series champions. cody ross says is full of heart. >> a bunch of guys (inaudible) we don't have a
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lot of supers our stars just a lot of guys with hard. (inaudible) >> alright it was hard to sehere amidst all the champagne you can barely hear him after the big win. remember the next thing they are probably resting more is the biggest parade we will have that live on kron 4 is starting at 11 and we will have all the details for you if your any questions go to our web site. we will
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team coverage continues of the world series win of the
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giants in fans snapping up all the gear they can. we are live at sports authority in san francisco. jackie how many hats is a sky buying? >> 15. he is the leader in the clubhouse. >> $500. wow. >> he's not the only one walking away with $500 worth of merchandise. people are digging through racks attempting to find a thing that says world cherrieseries champions. we had a guy at 630 waiting to get then he came and snapped up $500 worth of merchandise. it is a continuous stream the schurz they put them out
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they disappear and they do it all over again there is one t-shirt that has not arrived at the parade sure. it is black and has the roster of the giants on it. they have them in children's sizes or they did they don't have the adult sizes yet. we have to hat's left. they go. that iraq was full. those hats will be gone pretty soon. there was one hat. never mind she bought them both. >> jackie they will get more stuff. but the urgency is the one for tomorrow. >> i think they wanted today. a lot of people want to go to work and to school to wonder represent the
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giants. the one have the fur hats and the for shirts that say world champions. it is literally flying off the shelves. they had to deliveries earlier. the customers were going out caring boxes and. it has been crazy. it has been a crazy seen that is being you repeated all over the bay area. >> the dugout store is a lot crazier. sports authority has been open since 7:00 a.m. the other store has been opened 20 minutes. at least they have fresh group of shirts but their hundreds of people lined up outside again. don't think you're gonna go down there and check them out. willis is i can he hear me? i want to assume an on the assurance that jackie was talking about. i'm wondering if i
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can see any of those shirts with the roster. i'm sure they have shores for people that are in there now but there's a line of hundreds of people they are letting the man in shaft. let the man with the crutches by. that looks like that's one of them. we will try to will in a couple of seconds. we will look at the whether it will be great today and better tomorrow. >> starting it off with the victory parade forecast beginning at 11 about the leavened temperature in downtown san francisco should be 72. lots of sunshine for you in fact we will warmer tomorrow than we are today. current temperatures aside in the '50s and '60s 60 through oakland upper 60s and the south bay. by the afternoon temperatures will jump up
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into the upper 70's through fairfield, concord, around the bay temperatures mid to upper '70s getting up to 79 for livermore down into morgan hill and los gatos. 7 day around the bay gives us stretch of good dry weather till thursday. almost feeling like summer tomorrow and thursday you may want to check out the beaches. by friday, saturday temperatures drop off clouds roll and and there's a slight chance of showers friday, saturday better chance of the sunday monday. sunday is the end of daylight savings time so set those clocks back an hour. >> letter traffic through the south bay where we head back up on 101 north you can see the traffic is moving smoothly. no delays in the northbound direction the
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right on 101 northbound has no problems. it had been jammed of course leading up from the guadalupe parkway there is no delay any longer here traffic southbound light all morning long. picking up your ride on 1 01 interstate 80 in the ride through albany westbound direction traffic moving very well it was jammed earlier on the freeway but now it is an easy ride. marin county has been an easy ride all morning long no delays or backup towards the golden gate bridge. 10:23 a.m. will take a quick the golden gate bridge. 10:23 a.m. will take a quick break and be right back in higher taxes. he called prop 13 a "fraud" and a "rip-off." fact. under brown, the unemployment rate nearly doubled, to 11%.
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fact. last year, brown said taxes should be raised again. in a recession. jerry brown: he failed on jobs before, can we afford to let him fail again?
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all right that torture is over now the celebration. the giants halt the championship trophy. edgar
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renteria mvp of the world series. edgar renteria no stranger to the post season he has played in 50 post season games with different teams. >> injuries limited him to 72 regular-season games to under 43 at bats. three home runs. he lost his starting job at shortstop. but the world series was a different story for edgar renteria to game winning home runs six back runs batted in. >> i keep telling myself just be patient and they got everything worked out. >> this is edgar renteria second world series title.
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but the veteran was able to bring to the giants. >> 10:28 a.m. we will be [ female announcer ] at&t makes it easy to choose the services that fit your life. who doesn't want more choices? i like choices. you can even choose wireless voice service. not with my cable company. well, it's time to switch. check this out. [ female announcer ] call to choose your double bundle, including u-verse tv, starting under $69 a month. switch now and get a 30-day money-back guarantee -- plus dvr is included.
10:29 am
with u-verse tv you can record up to four shows at once from any room on a single dvr... and play them back... on any tv. nice. my cable can't do that! internet at home includes access to our entire national wi-fi network. that's awesome. you know at&t's wireless service has the nation's fastest mobile broadband network. really? wow. [ female announcer ] so choose your double bundle, including u-verse tv, starting under $69 a month. switch now and get a 30-day money-back guarantee -- plus dvr is included. hey, do you want to experience a better bundle -- at&t, right? you got it. [ female announcer ] build a bundle that's right for you. at&t.
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they are limiting people in here 58-100 at a time people
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coming and are grabbing a fist full of items. a fistful of items bring a fistful of dollars. this caps with a trophy in the back $39. >> 40 box! >> this is a t-shirt you're talking about it was made last night probably in union city. lookit the front. and the back we have the roster right here. the players involved in the world series. this is $29 but they said for you special deal to for $58. >> that is so nice. >> do they have a lot of those with the roster because port authority sold out.
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>> they are in iraq back there this is so new they don't even have a tag. i said could i show the viewers this t-shirt. if i hold that much longer i will be tackled because it's going fast. people are grabbing a 3-4. the average person is spending about $250. showing you here the last series when they let everybody and it got chaotic that it became bedlam as we zoom out look get along mined the barricades are here that line is stretching past the drop bridge. it is wild they should have plenty of items but if you're walking away with six-seven t-shirts at a time how many t-shirts can you print over 10 hours. we
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will monitor the situation. >> the thing is i know that they will get more point is people want them now because they are swept up in the giants' media anyone aware them to the parade. that one in particular is a hot seller. look at the sky by a few last-minute things. look at the lines and again if you want it now this is a problem if you love later you can catch up with the printer and eventually but the parade is tomorrow so you have to be carved out by 11:00 tomorrow if your room to the parade. you can also watch it on kron 4 street on have to go in to san francisco but it starts at transamerica building going downmarket they think the whole celebration from beginning to end will be about two hours at city hall they will speak and have a gathering of they will have the old-time greats the
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mayor will give them the see to ikey to the city. get a bunch of people together watching at your house or at work on kron 4 starting at 11:00 a.m. at the latest from our web site the weather is going to be perfect its already shaping up to be gorgeous day today tomorrow will be nicer. >> make sure don't be too late because we expect a bridge to warm up increasing temperatures going from the upper '70's all the way to the '80s tomorrow in some warmer inland spots. expecting to see temperatures continuing to stay warm for the next couple of days right three wednesday, thursday, slight chance of showers kick on friday your victory parade forecast if you're headed down there at 11:00 a.m. temperature expected to be
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at 72 lots of sunshine temperatures today a bit warmer than were they were yesterday. current temperatures to starting to warm up into the '60s, 62 san francisco, 60 hayward, livermore low 60s. highs expected to get into the '70s this is a bit warmer than where we were yesterday 76 santa rosa and writer on the bait temperatures mid to upper '70s san jose about 78. 1035 bay and the economy with george. >> crosstown freeways light traffic now no longer any delays on and around central. it looks good northbound into the city no problems there either at the bay bridge westbound an easy ride. the south bay ride
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there was a hot spot no longer. it has completely cleared out now from downtown san jose north up toward santa clara and the rest of the peninsula ride. no delays or problems for their trip across to a 37 word joins 101. >> 10:36 a.m. we will be back with more in just a couple of minutes. james let traffic is nice and light and plenty of sunshine. p
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(cheering) >> go giants baby (cheering) >> (cheering) >> amazing and wonderful. >> (cheering) >> san francisco. let's get fired up. let's get fired up. >> why been waiting my whole life to watch these guys win. >> go giants (cheering) >> giants today (cheering)
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>> (cheering) >> >> fans going wild with spirit last night and into the wee hours this morning sending in their pictures you have been sending us fabulous pictures. a lot of pumpkins and family dressed up they have kids and pets all kinds of pictures continue to do that we appreciate your involvement and your spirit and so do the giants keep those pictures rolling and our coverage continues in a couple of minutes.
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the place to be is the giants dugout stores in san francisco fans are buying up all of the world series merchandise they can. in anticipation of the big parade to more through san francisco. let's go to will tran. >> is that a $40 hat? >> if you put world series on an ash tray people would buy it. anything they can get they will. this line is stretched all the way back here. there are about six lines just like that everybody asking where the t-shirts. they're coming out with a fistful of t-shirts like this woman here. how many you have? >> 9. >> $29 a pop. >> it is what it is.
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>it's for family and friends. >> even texas friends? >> know. >> this to you said that this feels like bauble head giveaway. >> yes but if you have to pay for this. >> your remind them in 2010 you talked back to me and i still buy you a t-shirt. >> a much you have. >> 11. but i'm not finished yet. >> this cannot be a christmas gift they want it for tomorrow's parade. >> it's not a surprise anymore. >> starting black friday
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early. >> will you get the parade? >> yes. >> how many people are buying for the parade. >> (cheering) >> let's send it back to you. >> those are the ones they sold out they can't print them fast enough. with the roster on the back everybody wants to wear that shirt. what is and $40? >> $29 but you to for $58. >> i would make him do my shopping but i can do that. i understand the and wagon fan anyway i don't deserve a shirt. lots of sunshine the parade weather is going to be beautiful. >> still later up too much
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temperatures are shooting up we will be warmer to more than we are today by 11:00 a.m. victory parade begins plenty of sunshine temperature at 72 we will continue to keep rising through the day. a bit warmer tomorrow than it is today. finally happened to the '60s pretty much every works except santa rosa and san rafael 60 degrees for livermore and los '60s in the south bay. your afternoon highs getting into the '70s plenty of '70s out there 74 san francisco opera '70s for places like fairfield livermore into more than held keeping it at 77 format view and fremont and also day word. 7 day around the bay dry weather warm temperatures in fact getting into the 80s over the next couple days heading to the beach. friday, saturday cooler
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temperatures clouds roll and slate showers into the weekend better chance for your sunday, monday, keep in mind sunday is the end of the lights savings so set your clocks back. >> a problem on golden gate bridge northbound 101 a stall. there are three lanes available northbound so justice light back up. 10:50 a.m. morning news takes a break and we'll be right our real national pastime -- saving money.
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10:52 am
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we have the world series champs. let's get fired up. >> everybody is fired up. we have the big car parade tomorrow in san francisco they are expecting that gm of fans and this is how i went down. >> a beautiful game moments ago tim lincecum took the field. 11 pitch changing up
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read the gap in left center and the giants lead. another double it is 3-2 san francisco. another head. another round is 5-2. high- flying ball left. it's an uncomfortable at back facing came. swing and messed through three. a fly ball while head at the wall it hits the top of the wall and jumps into place for double.
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launches one and left down the line going deep. three- two groundball base head two more runs. it's one to write three run shot. 21 put pitch hamilton hits one to right. deep left center back at the wall. fly ball into a deep right field back at the wall. game over. down the line this ball is gone forward to run home run. a shot into right-center
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field. a three nothing lead. driving to center at the wall it is a home run. 4-0 for the win. and he has that. wilson with disparate strike out 4-0 san francisco up to three games- 1. are you kidding. hamilton strikes out tim lincecum and card him up. it is hit high to left-center. three run home run. 3-0 san francisco lead. back-to-back strike outs for tim lincecum and
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there you go struck him out. the giants are world champions. >> world champions will have the parade tomorrow and we will be there if you can't be to cover live uninterrupted no commercials. watch the old thing on kron 4 at 11:00 a.m.. there will be a celebration for the giants' team there will be a victory parade of 11:00 a.m., it will start of the trans america building, it will take the same route that the giants took when they first came to san francisco back in 1958. they will travel from the trans america building down to market street, turn on market, head west, to city hall that is where mayor gavin newsom will be waiting for them he will present them with the key to the city and a big old party there. we will have live, in uninterrupted coverage from 11:00 a.m. all the way to the completion, watch kron if you cannot be there in person. it will be amazing event. it has been 56 years going nuts as the fans are doing today. we will see you tomorrow morning. (
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hey, at&t u-verse tv? yeah, it's our new tv service. every day thousands of customers across the nation are switching to at&t u-verse. [ female announcer ] visit an at&t store today. hurry and take advantage of our great deal on u-verse tv. just $29 a month for six months. plus for a limited time, get hbo and cinemax free for three months. yeah, and u-verse tv lets you record up to four shows from any room on a single dvr and play them back on -- any -- tv. and multiview, which lets you follow four channels at once. whoa! whoa! [ female announcer ] visit an at&t store today. hurry and take advantage of our great deal on u-verse tv. just $29 a month for six months. plus for a limited time, get hbo and cinemax free for three months. you can even upgrade to over 130 hd channels. that's so cool. i know. [ female announcer ] see it. believe it. u-verse tv.