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tv   KRON 4 News at 5  KRON  September 8, 2010 4:00pm-4:30pm PST

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live this is kron 4 news at 5:00. new details in a string of murders that left four people dead. tonight investigator shed light on the crime scene word to other people were found murdered. what explosive chemicals were found at the home that night we will tell you why investigators say a woman found dead in the murder suspect's car may have to live before the suspect led officers on a high- speed chase. >> as new information comes out as the husband of one of the multiple murder victims was in court today on explosive
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charges. as kron 4 dan curve and uncovers sh authorities found explosive materials after they found the bodies of charles and his friend on the property and inside the vallejo home >> for now learning more about how the bodies of read alan were disposed of allen's vallejo home. court documents filed in connection with the rest of allen's has been an explosive charges say that one of the bodies was in a bag in the rear bedroom closet. while the other body was located under some bushes and treesin the backyardr details of the chemicals that were found in the home while the bodies were discovered. court papers say these items included tnt flakes, c four high explosives, rocket igniters and safety fuses. also located were chemicals to qualify as oxidizers and there were components to mix and
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manufacture explosives. he has pleaded not guilty to explosive charges but it's the combination of the explosives and the murders that made vallejo police asked he be held on $2 million bail. but wednesday morning he his bail was reduced to $25,000. his attorney maintains he was the victim in all this. she says he's not connected to the murders, he's not a flight risk and he had no intent to make explosive devices. the district attorney souse is not opposed to reproduce they'll sing they cannot provide the judge with any facts to support a higher bail. it that means he could soon return dp home. in vallejo kron 4 news. >> we're learning more tonight about the other part of this case which involves the deaths of at least four people. the chp now says 26 year-old cindy trans picture you see here, was strangled to death by her
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boyfriend if the suspect during a high-speed chase. as kron 4 kate thompson explains the phone records prove she was alive at the beginning of a high-speed pursuit. with one tire blowout driving nearly 100 mi. an hour flying down the highway, tried to escape multiple please pursuits. the california highway patrol said 38 year-old efren valdemoro strangled his girlfriend's 46 year-old cindy strand to death. police say cindy's book tour boss on the phone around 8:00 p.m. when a high-speed chase just began. they believe she was killed just minutes later. >> received a phone call from our boss checking on her welfare and at the same time is when the beginning of the pursuit started with the pleasantville pd. we believe he strangled her with some type of nylon strap at the very beginning of the pursuit. the chase lasted nearly an hour. one efren valdemoro was shot and killed by chp officers and tram
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was found dead. >> they'd try to go are the car they saw her body was cold and her face was blue and we don't know what his motive was what caused him to lose all sense of reality and that's really what this came down to. someone was the rage and ended up killing multiple people. were still try to figure out of less than what caused him to act in this manner. >> also connected to this case police and volunteers resumed their search this morning for missing hercules man appeared his body investigators believe could be at a landfill and a point. frederick sales as the missing for more than a week now here's his picture on the screen his father's found dead as a hercules home on august 28th. police believe efren valdemoro kill both sales and his father. investigators say he was working at the park. the multiple
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murders case continues to develop your coverage continues on line just a door website at >> this series of our sins in the south bay let's show you where they happen here on google earth. right in the central part of sunnyvale let's take this fall will fly on end. pleasers and there have been 15 fires set within this one area bordered by garland to the south and fair oaks to the west. as you can see were talking about a very small area just a few blocks really filled with home after home. as kron 4 rob discovered all of the arsons have happened between 1 and 3:00 p.m. in the morning. >> your oaks avenue residents are spooked by the fires. >> and off i should park by car by the trash cans or apparently
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that's what is this light among the fire. it's creepy. >> since the first vehicles doctors and other debris have been torched at least four separate arson incidents resulting in 15 different fires. that of those 15 fires occurred early in the morning of september 1st when a number of vehicles in dumpsters were set off fires including one vehicle occupied by sleeping man would be rescued. >> the early morning hours. >> that could easily spread to a carport or any one of the bourbon complexes in the area. >> dangers from the standpoint that it's occurring early morning hours when people are sleeping in the area when these fires are occurring either occurring in high-density apartment complex in duplex areas. odyssey the dangers are high in that area. >> so looking into leads in clean this surveillance photo released late wednesday of a person of interest. the be going door to door passing out fliers asking residents to report
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anything suspicious. it's a great neighborhood live in here and i really enjoy living here. in sunnyvale rod kron 4 news. >> shows to the surveillance picture this is a sketch earlier today investigators believe the sketch please are not calling this man is suspect but a person of interest and they are some cases. he is described as a hispanic male 19 to 20 years old 5 ft. 10 in. tall anyone with information regarding this man is asked to contact the sunnyvale police department. and a bit of september rain in the south bay this video shot this afternoon near morgan hill there is a loss of missed in the air and humidity let's check in with jacqueline find out exactly what was going on and what we can expect. >> forcing the tail end of a storm moved through what we could see the law or rain bottom move mainly to the north that's what he considered rain appeared to the north now. there is still
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a slight chance of some light sprinkles mainly over the santa cruz mountains. as you look of the afternoon temperatures is actually pretty cool out there we have a blast of cold air from that storm. 16 redwood city, 67 oakland in our inland spots. we are in for a warm up as we head into the weekend will talk about a coming up in a few minutes. >> this just in we want to show a live pictures coming in from dallas tx this is downtown dallas where a tornado touched down about an hour ago you can see the damage there they have power crews tried except power pole right there. that is the most damage we have seen so far from this tornado. it you can see the building looked collapsed the tractor trailer rig in front of it this too has collapsed as well. this is a huge building it's sort of an industrial area in the southern part of downtown dallas. it's
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7:08 p.m. there this happened about 6:00 p.m. we don't know if anybody was injured in this of looking at the pictures the tornado did quite a bit of damage to this building. his secret from their trying to assess this building and you can see on the part of their where it most of the damage was done it's sort of rub out the will of this building. you can see water pouring as crews go into the building to see what's going on. on the other set of the building we seem damage to a b.f. goodrich tire store at about two blocks away we saw big chunk of rock that was ripped out by the tornado. we want to show you video from earlier is while we can assure you that. this is actually a little cloud touching down he conceal the debris as it becomes a tornado just outside of dallas tx. as we watch this happen for about an hour a dark cloud and then the final sucked up to the ground and pulled up all the debris at all look it's amazing damage wasn't done. this
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is it the outage upset of dallas you can see what of the cars are on this side there and this happened during rush-hour in dallas tx area. can go back out live to the live picture again we just want to show you the debris it's just a mess in front of this huge industrial building just outside of downtown dallas wary get a tornado hit to. were keeping a close eye on the story we will bring new information as it is again. >> we want to check the wednesday traffic this is san francisco the top of your screen the traffic is crawling toward the lower deck of the bay bridge. heading east on the bottom of your screen is traffic heading southbound on highway 101. moving a bit better. will be back with much more
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nouncer ] we know jerry brown was mayor of oakland, but what were the results? fact: brown promised to improve schools. ut the drop out rate increased 50%, and the state had to take over the schools. fact: the city controller found employees paid for 22,000 hours... they never worked. fact: brown promised to cut crime. but murders doubled, making oakland the 4th most dangerous city in america. jerry brown. he just can't deliver the results california needs now.
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you inhale, they inhale. the results millions of children continue to be exposed to secondhand smoke. secondhand smoke causes asthma, a disease that cannot be cured. protect your loved ones.
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baccalaureate. correct. [ audience groans ] since this competition has been continuing for 48 hours and we have yet to eliminate anyone, it is the decision of this board to declare all 20 contestants winners. you have all competed admirably. admirably. a-d-m-i-r-a-b-l-y. admirably.
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[ male announcer ] at&t is making high speed internet affordable for only $14.95 a month with select services. at&t. rethink possible. alive and outside from the bay bridge toll plaza you can see the scattered clouds continuing at this hour. we are going to continue to see his clouds push out as we head into the evening and overnight. current conditions are pretty cool there
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this afternoon just 59 in san francisco, a 60 redwood city 66 in concord in 65 in livermore temperatures a lot cooler out there this afternoon as we saw blast of cold air brochure into the area. of look at our satellite pictures there's the scattered cloud cover a little clearer in the north bay. the cloud cover will continue this evening but as we head into tomorrow few clouds we will see some of the clouds and accept more morning. sunny skies for tomorrow afternoon temperatures a little bit warmer as we head into the weekend if that's long will see temperatures to near normal so will be a lot warmer for your weekend. i look at tomorrow's temperatures about five degrees of warming 75 in santa rosa, 60 in san francisco, seven and vallejo, 75 in concord also in the '70s for other inland locations livermore will be a little bit cooler 71 compared to antioch 77.
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continued warming through the rest awaken to the weekend saturday and sunday temperatures in the mid-80s inland, near the mid-70s along the bay shore but as we head into next week will see cooling once again as we see cool air into the bay area with the storm passing us to the north. >> bp says it's willing to accept some of the responsibility for the gulf oil disaster but not all. today the british oil company released its own internal report on the worst environmental catastrophe in american history. bp says safety measures could and should of prevented the april 20th explosion that killed 11 workers and sent millions of gallons of crude oil into the gulf of mexico. the company says it shares the responsibility with two other companies halliburton and trans ocean trade there is no single action that caused the accident. a 195 page report identifies 8.
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tell you're in the one hour before the explosion. first of all a faulty cement seal installed by halliburton allowed hydrocarbon gases to enter the well a device known as the issue truck carrier failed to keep it from spreading. up on the service trans ocean technicians failed to notice the leak. the explosive hydrocarbons were not detected until they reached the riser from the sea floor. efforts to regain control of the well failed. this animation shows how the gas leaked into the rig itself. fire prevention systems on the rig still to prevent an explosion and back dowm below the final failure, the emergency blowout preventer did not choke off the oil flow. >>the deep water rise and unable to disconnect from the well be ordered to abandon ship was given between 200 hours. >>both halliburton and trans ocean have rejected bp's findings. trans ocean called the report self-serving attempt to conceal the real cause of
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the disaster bp is fatally flawed design of the well. >> in world news workers are realizing they have a much bigger drop than expected in christchurch new zealand. much of the area is still quartered off from the earthquake. they got a strong aftershocks today was a 5.1 causing some worries about the safety of buildings in the currency how many were destroyed. it is believed it now 100,000 homes were damaged and at least 500 have already been. in pakistan floodwaters' might be receding but they really have left behind devastated villages you can see the damage to fields. pakistan's ambassador to the u.s. said the military is not so busy with flood relief its really can't bring the fight against terrorists. he said going after extremist in areas near the border does depend heavily on pakistan troops. thousands of
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people in the country remain homeless. the 36 for the trapped miners we hear a lot about what's going on in the ground c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz46>r4se8mhpno car ringconnect 2400  heard it there'd least one
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person as an injury there could be many more this point because this just happened an hour or so ago several sites in downtown texas this picture right here pureed roofs ripped off of homes, buildings destroyed we have tractor-trailers' destroyed, cars on its side i think we got a new video and it is that right guys? there is. here's the video of the tornado touched down ripping through downtown dallas area at about 5:30 p.m. we are going in to get more the pity for you and will therefore you as soon as we get that. i get a tornado that touched down an hour ago in the dallas tx area at least one person injured were working on getting more informations for you. we will update you as soon as we get that information. you. we will update you as soon as we get that information. we'll be right back. budgets were balanced. $4 billion in tax cuts. world class schools and universities. clean energy promoted. 1.9 million new jobs created.
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california was working. i'm jerry brown. california needs major changes. we have to live within our means; we have to return power and decision making to the local level-closer to the people and no new taxes without voter approval. jerry brown the knowledge and know-how to get california working again. - well, how about... - that smokers' helpline? yeah, they can give me a plan. - help me through the rough spots. - so you're ready to... quit? everyone wants me to quit--
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my doctor, my wife, the dog. - not good for the dog. - anyone else? hmm? what? anyone else want you to quit? me! i want me to quit. tdd# 800-933-4833 - ( rings ) - woman: smokers' helpline. oh, hi, it's me. hey, at&t u-verse tv? yeah, it's our new tv service. every day thousands of customers across the nation are switching to at&t u-verse. [ female announcer ] visit an at&t store today. hurry and take advantage of our great deal on u-verse tv. just $29 a month for six months. plus for a limited time, get hbo and cinemax free for three months. yeah, and u-verse tv lets you record up to four shows from any room on a single dvr and play them back on -- any -- tv. and multiview, which lets you follow four channels at once. whoa! whoa! [ female announcer ] visit an at&t store today. hurry and take advantage of our great deal
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on u-verse tv. just $29 a month for six months. plus for a limited time, get hbo and cinemax free for three months. you can even upgrade to over 130 hd channels. that's so cool. i know. [ female announcer ] see it. believe it. u-verse tv. ♪ just learned authorities in the
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colorado area as they fight this huge wild fire that's burning there at least a hundred and 36 bases destroyed by the fire. it you can see the city shot earlier the wild fires burning canyons and foothills in the west boulder area at least 3500 people have been evacuated from a least a thousand homes. the latest count was a hundred and 36 homes destroyed by the colorado wildfire. >>
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