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tv   KRON 4 News at 9  KRON  September 4, 2010 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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adult services section. and that is now 30 percent of its revenue. >> it puts people above profit. >> some experts say taking it down walsall the constitution problem. in other sections on craig's list. in san francisco i am delaying for kron4 news. >> they will continue to have access to the adult services section >> c. gillette and they of
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hundreds of dollars and apple shows off they did that it changes this week.
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san francisco restored many shots with lines that were cut. there will to restore some abrupt to the agency as with all the budget changes. most of the remaining lines of this city. kron4 news it is what does all the places where the transit will be cut back. >> this committee stopped where the lines are running through here for the first time in months and the reopening has come at a good time. the state and city colleges where it begins. it used to stop right in
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front of their school. >> it is so much easier because it is right beside daly city and goes right to a campus and back. >> if you go to school and take the bus it takes 10 times longer. especially your coming from downtown. i'm excited about this. >> says the other changes include boosting service on some of the more crowded ones. and the 33 castro and richmond district. there also be more frequency on the of market line along the embarcadero. >> the services have been restored. like here on the offline. it is 32 hours of service. >> in san francisco i am pained grin, for san francisco. >> it is correct tactical for
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gifts to arrive in classrooms. teachers usually have to spend their own money on class. >> fog track or is showing that the clouds are really clearing out. this country a much warmer day for sunday. your forecast coming up.
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class's resume teachers have to buy. a thousand teachers at the start of school which fund has been bought and paid for. it go to one teacher who said it is very essential. >> is the first week of school but even disappeared grade computer glass feels like equipment. >> they've been saying all of the box is common and they say all this is so great. it is a little bit like christmas. >> and cited is not toys under a tree. it is practical things like a poor printers. teachers
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and parents are expected to pick up the tab. for things like pencils. but today is different and as a teacher i can buy a pencil but i cannot afford to buy in for the printer it is too much money and it would cost me thousands of dollars. instead >> she is one of 1000 california teachers who got their wishes scripted it isjht donors shoes. it a largely.⌝r >> the kids are really in a girl and expand. makes me a better teacher. >> this started a decade ago. it gives them a thing to post where they need it most. it came from san francisco. she is lucky to received a small part. at least
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$3,000 worth. she plans to make the most of it. in san francisco for kron4 news. >> a lot of fog at the golden gate along the coast and at the beaches with temperatures only in the fifties at the notion today. right now what life at city hall in san francisco where the fog is rolling in and blows people's are looking at it clear skies. inland is checking it 71 degrees san jose at 64 degrees. this cool in san francisco and 53 in daly city. the beaches tomorrow looks like a much better day than we a scene today. we'll have mostly signed by the afternoon and fog will be out of here. we will see the ratings for tomorrow. it is a
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beautiful beach day. and guess what? monday, labor day looks even nicer. we'll see some 70's at the coast. here is fog tracker inside the bay and it should not spread too far inland as much of the cdc will clear up pretty rapidly. by 9:00 a.m. you're already seeing some fog and into the early afternoon the clouds are going to clear away from the coast so it is sunshine for everybody and a repeat for monday with sunshine and even warmer temperatures. again for the north bay in sonoma, it is 78 for san francisco and closing in on 80%
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for 80s on sunday. 70's, you can be shared then it is mostly sunny skies with low 90s in pittsburgh and a gorgeous day for the south bay temperatures are right about normal. it is a high of 83 degrees in san jose, mountain view is 79. here's a new round of the bay. it is a beautiful day for outdoor activities and of the coast is nice about everywhere. it is up around the mid-90s and it is dramatically clear starting tuesday were that clouds return and the sea breeze really it takes a tumble. it is the middle parts to the late part of next week where we're looking at 70's and upper 60s. catherine? >> speaking of weather hurricane earl is weakening into a tropical storm that has hit
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canada today. there are a lot less intense problems what people had feared. now people can try and enjoy their holiday weekend. >> open for business. that is what beach towns want holiday sunseekers to know. >> it is a beautiful day and we encourage people to come into the joy of liberty weekend. >> before making landfall in nova scotia to back down power lines and tree lines. power it has now been restored. train services have returned and the electoral systems have been damaged. even though things are returning to normal now girl did leave behind one thing. >> rick curtis still very
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strong. to do exercise caution. but even the current did not to deter it vacationers. >> decided to come on down and that is so we have been doing. >> said linda i shall be for kron4 news. >> and that is the discovery of explosives and an arrest. and how to be able on ocean beach? not just a question of courtesy that it could be a dangerous spot.
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c,gv)+pvzsé÷hz4t1ñ?ñswá÷oé7élcw now here's stanley roberts he
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found some people behaving he badly.ocean beach in san francisco, is one place people gather when the weather gets warm, and why not, after all it is the beach. however it is important to note that there is some dos and don'ts if you plan on visiting ocean beach. before you enter the beach observe these warning signs. they read " people swimming and wading have
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drowner here. " never turn your back to the water, even if you think you are safe distance. always watch the waves. do not leave your child unattended at the water's edge. this little girl is here, but the woman with her is here, talking on her cell. did you know rip currents can drag you out to deep water even if you are simply wading in the water? this is dave, he is surfer, dave claims he has rescued over 10 people at ocean beach due to rip tides, and some were just wading. do let your dogs run free are read the sign at stairway 21. it reads entering wildlife protection area. the other side reads leaving snowy plover protection area. so if you are entering the protection area your dog must be on a leash, although many are not. this man asked me if i was one of those anti dog spies videotaping. i assured him i was not. but that tells me many of the dog owners know better they just choose to ignore
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federal, and the environment. and to more do's. do throw your doggie bags in the trash, and the same goes for your beer bottles to. after all ocean beach is supposed to be an alcohol free beach period in san francisco, stanley roberts, kron 4 news. if you have a comment or a story idea you and i is e-mail at kron4 news. the husband of the bay area murder victim is charged up to being cut its losses on the property. and and a scoop because once angeles is so well equipped for the cost. and steve jobs introduces more things.
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investigators looking for a
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missing man city did not find any clues after a daylong search today. they're looking for a man in the multiple of murder. his rhetoric solace. here is as though it appeared he is the son of murder victim ricardo. ricardo was killed and investigators believe >> his body was found in their house. and now these two women. of their two bodies were found tuesday afternoon. city transit is friends with both women and one theory is that to women were killed and he had also lived
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with read allen antar has been on and off. police say that there possess same explosives. police found him living on the property where calorie was found. >> they made their first opinion and authorities did tell us a call the possession let it. >> they're wearing gray and white jumpsuits. the chemicals used work on tuesday and their
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friends were at the home. >> i think he is the victim of the case. there will to get bail set to >> i do not to kill them. was not my client. >> the attorney says that to the murder suspect in two other cases was simply at thorn in the side. >> he moved a couple of times in order to try and get away. they followed it to the new houses and continued to be there to break into the us and repeatedly stalled my client's wife, the deceased, car. his attorney says he did not. >> that reason to believe that
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the bodies were just put their some time. among other things if you file a missing person's report it does not make sense if they're going to file it and then have the police come to the house. at hearing will be held on wednesday to determine whether or not that all happened. >> our coverage of the murders continues online. all of the detail is at our website. >> it was here we are at the civic center in san francisco and fog around the city and over this city and the temperatures are in the '50s this evening. we're going to see the fog cleared out very rapidly tomorrow. we have of clear night with it some thought that the coast and san francisco is
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included. this clause will be and if you're very quickly. sunshine for everybody at the close. we're going to the afternoon and sometimes as ever were around the bay area. in the 90s before the east bay valley and even warmer temperatures expected, the sunshine is 80s in the bay and it could be mid-80s for oakland, nagy's east bay and the sea breeze comes back to say and will drop things fairly quickly for temperatures in the week. i will surely the seven day around the bay. >> thank you brian we have new details on the plane crash to the three people who died had been identified. 73 year-old san francisco and. the plain crashed
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yesterday. it is taking off from an airport. looking at the scene you concede there removing records for quite some time. the mission has not been publicly released but they say the company found there was also on that plane. >> it is fancy and really welcome equipped but coming up why some people are very upset about this that just opened. >> it is being called cantatas
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smallest schools. the technology at the time and they're laying off teachers, there raise a lot of questions. >> this is one of the poor inner-city neighborhoods in los angeles. there are severely overcrowded schools. a community
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that fought for new schools for nearly two decades and finally they got it. >> is high school in the heart of loss angeles has five murals and classrooms that have wireless internet access. even of flat screen tv. it is during the controversy of the committee. >> why> because it costs more than half a billion dollars to build. it makes this cool the most expensive k-12 school ever. >> with all the teachers being terminated i'm just in shock. >> christina johnson is apparent for another student in a school of this city. while other schools are falling apart. >> this is world money is going? >> they spent 17 years fighting
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for the school. they say port students also deserve a great school. >> bill get internet access through fiber octave cables. >> we got a tour of the campus. >> you're looking at the gymnasium. but there are approximately 10,000, you're looking at a school that we designed to be available for the community after hours >> robert f. kennedy school sits on 3 a. were the former president was assassinated in 1958. it is actually at several schools and one. elementary, middle and high school. this school has a state of the arc library. the auditorium that contributes to the legendary hotel. >> there even around the corner
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and teachers are being laid off, they did have computers or equipment. >> they look at west chester high where the auditorium is. the gymnasium and the teachers lounge. johnson says it does school is in desperate need of the appearance. of the word desperate does not even work. they want parents to understand >> district is unapologetic. they have the right amount of money. >> the district says the money came from bond measure ended year for nine there's a time when the district is my off teachers and of a half million- dollar campus. cnn for lost angeles. >> bipods said cheaper apple tv.
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coming up next. record to take a quick look at what apple unveiled. temperature >> is were a lot cooler today in the '50s and '60s. it is pointed, tomorrow. with a forecast coming up.
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the nation's ongoing economic problems are getting a lot of flak from the government. they're now getting some kind of federal aid. >> an analysis done by usa today it shows that one at a six people is now getting one or more kinds of aid. more than 50 million americans are medicate, the federal-state program. that is not all. they say the recession started in december of 2007. more than 40 million people now get food stamps. that is an increase during the downturn. more receive
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unemployment insurance. benefits have been extended by congress eight times beyond the basic 26 week program enabling the long- term unemployed to get up to 98 weeks of benefits. it is a peak at 12 million back in january. along with enrollment cops have also gone up. this chart shows the change that medicaid is the unemployment benefits that have the biggest increase. >> one bright note to this past week some experts say that there is a fine the economy might avoid during the recession. >> here we are live in san francisco, tonight we have temperatures into the 50s this evening, the fog is pushing into the bay and is when to go much further inland tonight. it is
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still pretty warm with 79 degree for the next couple of days the temperatures will continue going up again. the fog and wind is also in replaced today and it will be replaced by north wins today and tomorrow. will push the fog it appeared and temperatures will start to decline. in fremont, san jose and still holding on to some 96 here in the east bay valley, low 90s and mid-90s for monday. labor day will be gorgeous for outdoor activities. things will cool down pretty rapidly after that. we're looking at the next few days and
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having beautiful weather here. temperatures will be in the '70s. were looking at our heavenly camera and for the next couple of days we will take care of that later. 70's and highest and then getting cooler for the end of next week. here is the feature cast starting at 7:00 a.m.. it is really loving me tonight. can i get it if my hair right now. for tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. temperatures are warming up into the 90s and it is going to be warmer for our sonoma. for the coast upper 60s in most box, a san francisco leading up to 70's nl little bit of fog in the morning. look for a temperatures in the valley and the high of 80
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degrees. topping at 93 degrees with sunshine, it is 83 in san knows it, a mountain view is a high of 71. here with the crime for seven day around the bay. it is a lot cooler for tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday looking at 70's. >> now here it is stanley roberts who found some people beating badly. >> it has been 60 days since the new congestive pricing went to stand. gyres are still end stopping to pay their tolls. the driver of the silver saturn does not stop but the toll booth, he begins to back up and totals #two. he just sits there and out of camera view. he gets into a
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position of better shot the driver then heads over to people with upper one. he then proceeds to the booth. not this time nobody was brave enough to get out of their car to try and pay their toll except for one passenger who had already passed. keep watching. the driver of this black car apparently did not pay the tolls and he decides to do and inspection. right smack in the middle of the inspection. i kid you not. this is one of the scariest moments of my career, watching this man doing a damage assessment on his car. it is very dangerous. for the record please do not stop the minds of trap back and do not to stop in the fast track lane even if you are from >> utah. >> oh and i cannot believe you from the obligatory it driving across the lanier it shot. kron4
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news. >> who is that? if you have an idea for stanley just e-mail pam. add brandy flock of bipods is now available still ahead.
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steve jobs at this stage of course wearing the jeans and above black sweater. here is gapes late to tells us about it about music. and it is built right in to itunes. so you can>> with ping apple is making its move into the social networking seen. ping is free it is built
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could even give facebook run for its money. it is music focused, the idea is to share what kind of music you like and don't like. track what your friends like and don't like. get friends and others on good people or you can follow famous musicians. kind of like a facebook fan page. lady gaga has catch on and be used or more as you can rent hdtv shows from ample. the new
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apple t b will come out in four weeks. on wednesday the new i pot enveloped all of the attention. there is also another announcement. this social network is all about music. and is built right into itinerancy in follow all of your agents and friends. right here you concede the i teen storage and right below the 19 storieson wednesday, at apple's big really big announcement made by steve jobs. >> it is a social network all its money. it is music focused, the idea is to share what kind
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recommendations from your facebook fan page. lady gaga has already up loaded this video to her ping followers even though it is based on music it could catch on and be used or more than that. you can do just about anything in ping. post messages, upload videos, upload pictures, it is a lot like the existing social networks. ping is mobile, it can be accessed on iphones, ipod touches. gabe slate, kron 4 news. efren valdemorthat is pretty amazing.e should take and labor day often looks amazing. >> i guess so. it will be good at the beaches and it will be good everywhere. mid-70s for san francisco and 80 in san jose and 90's for the inland valley. it looks like the nicest thing is critical are. when i and
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everybody else goes back to work. >> thank you for joining us cruel sea of 11:00.
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