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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  September 4, 2010 6:00am-9:00am PST

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>> good morning, and welcome to kron 4 news this weekend. and it is estimated that 91 percent of the millions that are traveling this holiday are trying! take care. we will hear from president obama he is talking about the number one pete issue, jobs. and, the paychecks than they used to be because of the underemployment.
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>> also, this is a strange case the people are having a difficult time. in the east bay, still try to sort out that murder mystery that is over several jurisdictions. and the suspect is a dead man? and also muni patting backs in services and how often? >> will have that as well. >> and also, to take a look outside with this lovely clouds. and fog hading over the bay area. in fact, it is delaying. if a delay of 27 minutes and sfo. and jacqueline bennett >> cooler up there this morning, and this will continue until today. and with fog along the bay shore and along the coastline that will continue into this morning. by noon, the fog will be back along the
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coastline and stay up and down the coast. do not expect any bricks of sunshine by 3:00 p.m., still cooler than yesterday. . a few spots will be offered 90's, 80's and much more comfortable, and marine air to the bay area. that is going to be even cooler conditions into tomorrow. warm weather for liberty itself and details on your weekend and labor day and your full forecast coming up. nothing to, jacqueline. they're going to resume their search for the body of fresh record sale for directy the fifth victim of her efren valdemoroo who was killed by chp earlier this week and how sick
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haaziq madyun and where these how they are searching. >> the police and hercules are looking at a bay point landfill for frederick sales of that is been missing since last saturday. this landfill is connected to a site where a man suspected of being involved of the disappearance has used to work. >> we know that valdemoro used to work in this north business park and he knows this area pretty well. and hercules haaziq madyun >> them investigation of the murders of involves several cities, jurisdictions and families. heather donald will connect the dots. efron valdemoro dated cindy and perhaps valdemoro suspected and
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relationship with cindy tran and for brazil's, regardless hills, and there is also cindy strand was being told by these two women to leave him. also, redraw allen was married to charles which an hour. and charles rittenhouse has been arrested on suspicion of the death of women and the possession of explosives. both of the bodies of his wife, rita and the woman, carol smart for found. both bodies were heavily decomposed. >> and cindy was honored last night. >> france, and even strangers had an emotional candlelight vigil force in the trans. and
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she had dreams to see her son could married. >> that was taken away from her. >> it is all close our eyes and have a little prayer. >> they knew of cindy tran as jenny. >> i cannot help myself to stop from crying because they were very important, nice people. >> they were roommates and market the same shopping center she was a hairstylist. and solace worked at a security guard for a bank. in this safeway, this but to was that the shopping center for tonight. they are devastated that these two people are gone. >> and what we're going to do? and she says i cannot do mailed males, do hair and we would just laugh, and they are in a better place. that is all i can
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say. >> 50 people attended, a lot of crying. they all say these two were super good people. cindy trend leaves for sun, and one of them michael tran leaving messages to everybody of appreciate everybody that you love. you never know when they're taken away prefer da lin meanwhile, the husband charles written house has pleaded not guilty to the possession of the explosives. and after the found the two bodies on the body and inside his home. the attorney of charles written off to not comment but the client had nothing to do with the murders. >> i have reason to believe that the zero bodies were to just put there. >> how do know that? >> that those two bodies? >> among other things, he filed
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a missing person's report and it is not make sense that the body of somebody they just killed in our house. >> also the criticism of vallejo police for doing a very little to remove him from the home. authorities responded to dozens of calls of disturbances, neither of ham or the way for willing to chargfiled charges >> both charles rittenhouse and his wife, steps on what to do. restraining orders, and things of that nature and leaving them out very educated on what steps they could have taken. and with very few options it would go out to the home and if they're not going to follow through? there's not a whole lot that we can do. >> the coverage of the multi- murder investigation continue on air. but every detail on this story.
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>> still to come on kron 4 news weekend. federal investigators will be in the bay area that killed a local steel founder. >> and on this long holiday weekend, a look outside at walnut creek your full forecast is coming up. á
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>> we are back, the national transportation safety board will in redwood shores investigating a plane crash. and the steel kittycoon, was killed. and the beechcraft was raised it is been confirmed that the company founder. rodmarobert borden.
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>> and a stable condition of the todd young. the wife spoke for the first time and she said her life changed when her husband called and said he was shot. >> todd actually called me. he called me and said that he was at highland hospital and that he was ok that he just got hit in the leg. and i was told on friday that it was not looking good and that he might not make it off the operating table. my entire life turned upside down at that moment. and they would not leput him to sleep until the but to call his wife. i want to bring him home. his kids miss him. he is strong. he is very
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strong. and we love him and we all have a long life ahead of us. so he is going to pull through. the man accused of the shooting todd young is back in the bay area and behind bars. he was picked up the border crossing earlier this week. suspected gang members with 10 felonies, and attempted murder, carjacking and is facing life in prison if convicted. and we're getting some idea of how much damage was done with that 7.0 earthquake in a new zealand yesterday. >> also, your full forecast just ahead this is a live look at the james hitchcock freeway. 101. [ female announcer ] it's the jcpenney labor day mattress sale! all gold premium mattresses 50-60% off
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after $200 instant rebate. plus, get an additional $100 off beautyrest gold mattresses and $200 off beautyrest world class gold mattresses from simmons... featuring super pocketed coil springs to prevent motion disturbance and conform to your shape. after all, it's not just sleep, it's beautyrest. the jcpenney labor day mattress sale. new look. new day. who knew! jcpenn. saving money. and like baseball people love their stats.
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i started bringing my lunch to work -- 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here's a good one: state farm insures 40 million drivers. more than geico and progressive combined. i saved because i'm accident-free. of course, with so many ways to save including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn't be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online.
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then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm >> we have new details about a power pole 7.0 earthquake that shook new zealand on friday.
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powerful earthquake, that $1.4 billion to recover. struck 19 mi. west of christ church and a population of 400,000 people. the prime minister is an southern new zealand and it is amazing any miracle that nobody was killed. >> he dodged a bullet that is what officials are saying with tropical storm beryearl its wayo canada today this is video in cape cod. with the intensity far less intense. however, with a lot of rain in cape cod there was some area flooding, power outages. and also damage to the outer rings of north carolina and they're hoping that the tourists will return to the
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altar banks. apparently, everybody is thrilled. >> you can imagine that bring this closer to home, this is from our mount ptam and let us check-in with jacqueline. >> cooler weather continues into this weekend. a storm passing us to the north will bring us increase sea breeze when this. with fog coverage and cooler temperatures. cooler today, cooler on sunday and only 86, inland on sundays. we are going to see some of warming as we go into labor day. their reversal. at the sea breezes will be eliminated and the warmer dry air will warm out to dry air. and a perfect weather for labor day, and not too stifling. 84 are run the bay shore, and 70's on the bayshore we can look
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forward to that. as for this morning, to backtrack to to the extent of the fog. >> at 5:00 a.m., the fog track reached the delta and the bay shore and to slow to appeal back. and to the north, the fog is up there and you can see that it is starting to clear. by 9:00 a.m. it will be returning to the coastline and up and down the coast that is where it will remain this afternoon. no breaks of sunshine but sunny to the north bay by 10:00 a.m. to 85 degrees in the santa rosa, 80 degrees in napa, and great weather to visit the winery's. and the temperatures are cooler in this 57 degrees in half moon bay, and the winds are going to be blustery. low 70's and the most part warmer towards fremont-80. inland locations for the most part are low 80s but it is going to field-upper 80s but a few low
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90s in some spots. and most spots are in the 80s, 77 degrees in mountain view and the sea breezes will keep from hitting a degrees. to take a look at your kron 4 7 day around the bay cooler weather each day. and as we go into the will labor day we will see the offshore wind, the warmer dry air that will clear out of fog and warm up the temperatures which is great news. if you have plans for a barbie q? and as we go for the big changes? whitmore sea breezes, with extensive fog and with more sea breezes, and an extensive cool boff with only 60s along the coastline and as we head into next week a warm-up and will to be posted. >> your sports highlight are still coming up on kron 4 news this weekend.
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>> and we are back with the giants gaining ground on the padres that lost eight straight game. >> that is right, and what the a's are happy to be home after losing to the yankees. >> and the nfl, the 49ers are given a player a hawk and the top draft player is safe. also, a rustling of! >> the giants are back in the division, and three back in the wild card a difficult night in dodgers stadium. chat billings we only allowed two hits over eight innings and rafael. meanwhile, barry zito has lost his eight decisions and listening to talk radio. they are released tattooing him and rob has a two-one homer. and with the giants' spring back home to have it to-2, and they hit with the bases loaded prince
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into runners tariff zio runs 42 pages, and a loss. billings we even got a break from the umpire with one bad call. and did not do that giants and but they're lucky that the padres lost with the eight straight time tonight. san diego state 3 up on the giants and the giants are 3 back behind the philadelphia wild card. the a's are playing pour second place and perhaps the highlight of this night. they had football last night, writers, and the ground and went right to work to the coliseum in beautiful shape for the a's, the angels. the texas ran away. gonzales is trying to get away, from the angels and with a 2-0 home run. the a's are going to have been victorious, 8-0. the scary moment, the maple baseball bat shattered, and
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fortunately, the pitcher got out of the way. and those pitches are so close it is amazing that there is not more injuries of that variety. all is well that is what with the a's, winning. niger morton grew up in san francisco and he has been suspended eight games for his actions. charging the mound, he plays for washington and you can really pothrow a punch. and if you can just wrestle? but now, the actually threw a punch so is good to sit for eight games in washington is going nowhere. coug-- nigel >> and they let go of some players around the league including the special teams captain, michael robinson. that was a little bit of a surprise to was not a great running back but the 49ers are jamming that position. and with other guys play special teams and shawmut
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the other 49ers that got released, jason hill. he also got the hook. and i blew the store but here he is, the a's $75,000 flying pre-season vicious tackle. of the quarterback, and the lions are trying to get established as a team to be reckoned with. and they will put up with that 75,000 in april a good player. and in the word of channel 2 is taught english, that sports has i see it. >> with college football fans have been waiting for this day. locally, cal will be hosting uc davis at 1:00 p.m.. and the in the form, stanford, the cardinal opening the season they are playing against sack state. that will start by 3:00 p.m.. >> and hired some analysts as
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cupcakes. >> yes, for cal and stanford there should be. and >> alabama. >> the national champions from last year. 39 point underdogs! >> and if they can get anywhere close? >> and the will get a good payday out of that. the most of the common kron 4 news is weaken president obama is looking for more support for the struggling middle class. >> and muni is restore service on some lines with full details coming up. >> and we can count on fog for our morning. >> just a tad! [laughter] >> and will be a lovely day this week and this entire weekend.
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you can't really love me. i know about gayle. i don't know what you're talking about. if you just tell me what happened... [ ding ] [ man ] 35th and archer. next stop hamilton. [ brakes hiss ] ♪ [ male announcer ] now you can watch hit tv shows on your iphone when you get at&t u-verse tv. at&t. rethink possible.
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live from the bay area's news station this is the kron 4 morning news. >> we are back at 7:30 to take a live look aside at the san francisco. we want to let you
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know if you're waiting it sfo? there are 30 minute delays at sfo for our rivals. >> not a big surprise looking at those pictures and with the weekend forecast. >> a little cooler up there yesterday and that cooling trend continues into today. we are seeing fog along the bay shores and along the coastline. that is going to continue in this afternoo and bthis morning, and, it is going to stick along. not determine the sun breaks and temperatures are not going to warm up as much. and 3:00 p.m., still cool 60s along the coast which would be similar to yesterday and inland only in the upper 80s. a few spots will have 90 degrees but much more comfortable. we will see more seabury's winds and air drop the entire bay. if with cooler conditions into tomorrow and warmer weather for labor day weekend. details of your entire
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forecaster just moments away. >> and president obama spoke about his weekly radio address about the important strong middle-class and the impact of the economy making jobs difficult and the unemployment went up to 9.6%. kennetrecognizt it will take more to get back company back on track. >> the middle class families can afford to send their kids to college, save for retirement, purchase a home, and that some economic security 1 working days are finished. all of the last two years that this meant some powerful address the been dominating the agenda in washington for far too long. that is what we put a waste and to more incentives and now, we
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want to make it more affordable for students, and more affordable for return, and more simple to enroll in retirement plans like 4 01 k. >> kentucky and davis continued to discriminate the president obama and administration that it promised the trillion dollars stimulus would keep on a plan of the low 8%. >> the question remains as to where the jobs? the obama administration told the people that this would be a recovery summer but the economy continues to loaclose jobs, and our national debt is $4 billion per day. as it turns out the recovery summer is nothing more than a meaningless slope. the americans to not want slogans, the want solutions. >> davis added that the
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employers are free to invest in a economy wracked with uncertainty. and the obama administration with rules /regulations. >> not all regulatioeconomic ous grim. if the >> tests i knew things were going to be tough >> and he did not know that it was going to be this tough. jesse as a full-time job after a lathe is now under employed, hes $16 an hour at loews. he could not find skills of general motors operating every machinery. key had $130 k per year. >> the old time, people used to make it is just not there, it is just not there. it is not. and i
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see it every day. you see it every day. what are going to do? this is america. where are our jobs? >> this new job, he has taken a $100,000 paycheck and struggling to keep his house and provide for his son, 14, the wife who was battling cancer he has given up second jobs with more time at home. the story of taking a job below is a skill level is all too familiar but it is sparsely on gold. >> and on what percentage of the labor force is facing up right now? but it is sizable and it is really impacting families. >> heidi sherrill's is a labor analysis with the policy institute in what is measured is the discouraged workers to of given up actively seeking employment and part-time workers
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looking for full-time jobs. and that is an unemplounder and couy that is 16%. and she expects the labor force to recover to pre- recession levels, thoug impact f losing a job as lifelong >> and like richard, those earning hits can last for decades. >> richard green, his goals are forever changed. the more i look for gm a was looking forward to retiring at 56. maybe trying to do something else or even going to allow was 62 years old. now, there is no real plan is just just from want to month. >> mary snow, cnn, new jersey. >> and a key piece of evidence into the massive bp oil spill in the gulf. this is video of crews removing a temporary camp on the
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broken well. this was yesterday. bp said the failed preventative, this slowly being raised to the surface and will be inspected, thoroughly. they are being very careful not to damage it and what went wrong. a new printer has been installed. >> chevron will restore the bay area what lens of the contamination from its refinery. the money will help 30-45 a. of habitat and north richmond. and another sensection at the wildlife refuge and this is from the chevrons wastewater discharge and those discharges ended in 1997. >> still kron 4 news this week and good news for drivers on bay erodes the latest numbers on a drunk driving crackdown. bay roads. >> the bay bridge toll plaza,
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and how the oakland hills is in the background your full forecast coming up. [ son ] i'm a good son. dependable. i call my mom every week. i even bought her a computer with my new citi forward card.
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then one day... have you seen this? she "friended" me. there's a whole album. [ laughs ] [ groans ] and started posting pictures. ♪ and tagging me. publicly. [ male announcer ] you ought to be rewarded for being dependable. the citi forward card gives you extra points for paying your bill on time and staying within your credit limit. [ woman ] nice tights. what's your story? the citi forward card can help you write it.
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[ woman ] nice tights. what's your story? rri
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>> we are back at 7:41 muni is going to restore boss/real services despite the union for railway operators to halt them because of scheduling and other alleged violations. and the san francisco municipal transportation agency is restoring 61% of the service cuts it made in may because of budget problems. including extending the anglesite, ocean view lines with more frequent market street and additional late-night all night services and also to restore the rest of the services by december 1st. >> of your people are the why on this driving under the influence. for instance, in santa clara county, 278 you i
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rests that is down from 317 last year. -d ui last year, there was a least one death, and and other bearish counties, napa, alameda county, of reports 230 less, other-bay area counties. this national the why and the campaign will continue. >> this 42 year-old livermore mother having sex with two boys is nohis pleaded not guilty, on a $4 million bill. she is accused of having sexual relations with two different 14 year-old boys. and one of the mothers reported elicit activity in jewish back in court in october. >> still ahead, hundreds of california are getting much needed school supplies will have a full report on that. >> a very happy report.
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>> and also, taking to the skies, our very own gabriel slate's tech report in the name of video games. >> somebody had to do it. >> and taking a live look a side of the san mateo bridge. that is one reason why there are delays at sfo. we will have that in the weather forecast coming up. ♪
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♪ but there's a way to bring in some light. the leukemia and lymphoma society's light the night walks raise funds for lifesaving research. help bring light and hope to people battling cancer. register today at light the night dot org. >> we are back at 7:40 6:00 a.m. of the live look outside at walnut creek. the sun is starting to come out. it is perking up. >> 7:47 and the jacqueline? she has the full holiday weekend forecast. >> >> >> cooler weather continues into this weekend. a storm passing us to the north will bring us increase sea breeze winds. with fog coverage and cooler temperatures. cooler today, cooler on sunday and only 86, inland on sunday. we are going to see some warming as we go into labor day. a complete
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reversal. as the sea breezes will be eliminated and the warmer dry air will warm out to dry air. and a perfect weather for labor day, and not too stifling. 84 around the bay shore, and 70's on the bayshore we can look forward to that. as for this morning, to backtrack to take a look at the extent of the fog. >> at 5:00 a.m., the fog track reached the delta and the bay shore and to slow to peal back. and to the north, the fog is up there and you can see that it is starting to clear. by 9:00 a.m. and the temperatures are cooler in this 57 degrees in half moon bay, and the winds are going to >> agreed weather to get out to
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the wineries and coastline are in the cooler side. and cool sea breeze winds. plus tree. also most part warmer towards fremont-80. inland locations for the most part are low 80s but it is going to field-upper 80s but a few low 90s in some spots. and most spots are in the 80s, 77 degrees in mountain view and the sea breezes will keep from hitting a degrees. to take a 80 degrees look at your kron 4 7 day around the bay cooler weather each day. and as we go into the will labor day we will see the offshore wind, the warmer dry air that will clear out of fog and a warm up of the temperatures, which is great news. if you have plans for a bar-b-q? and as we go for the big changes? whitmore sea with more breezes, with extensive fog and with more sea breezes, and an extensive cool off with only 60s along the coastline and as we head into next week a warm-
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up and we will keep you be posted. upper 50s, low 60s along the coastline and as we go into next week. and keeping you posted as to get closer. >> a school budget for years have been tight, and teachers have been growing to supplement by paintings of our own pocket. this week, 1000 california- paying. >> and everything from pencils sharpeners, to textbooks. and if vicki liviakis and traduces us to one teacher that the windfall as an early christmas present. >> this may be the first week of school at this elementary but this third grade computer class this feels more like christmas! >> this is on my boxes. >> the band sang one of these boxes and this is so great! and they have been seeing with these boxes >> and it is like christmas. >> and inside, practical things like ink cartridges for
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printers. >> with budget cuts, teachers, parents have to pick up the tab for even basic bangs like pencils! today is different. >> technology is so expensive and as a teacher i can purchase pencils, paper but i cannot afford to buy toner/think it would cost me thousands of dollars. >> instead, she caught her wishes granted with a $1.3 million donation from donors shoes and even l camera! >> and i think it makes me a better teacher to dream bigger dreams. >> this website started one a decade ago 40-6 what they need it the most. for teachers of k- five, and biggest gifts came from san francisco and the clear janney fund and she is lucky
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enough to get this with $3,000 worth. and she plans to make the most of it. vicki liviakis kron 4 news. >> isn't that cool? there is an oil operation called raft where they can get a very low discount. >> is a store? >> a warehouse! and it was started by a teacher that recognize the need and receives contributions from major copulations with low-cost. resource area something i forgot the entire acronym but it is a really great place. and our tech reporter for gabriel slate's tech report into the call of duty! for a new video game. >> and some great moves that he made in the skies over the bases that is coming up, next. over the bay area [ female announcer ] we know jerry brown was mayor of oakland,
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but what were the results? fact: brown promised to improve schools. but the drop out rate increased 50%, and the state had to take over the schools. fact: the city controller found employees paid for 22,000 hours... they never worked.
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fact: brown promised to cut crime. but murders doubled, making oakland the 4th most dangerous city in america. jerry brown. he just can't deliver the results california needs now. >> well, just imagine if you can really fly in a jet fighter
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for and all in the name of a video game! >> gabriel slate's tech report he got a chance to take to the skies and you can have this as well. >> air combat u.s.a. is a very unique service based on the livermore airport. i never heard of it until the video creator held a press conference to unveil their new tom clancy's, hawk ii the fighter came that hits september 2nd the first was a huge success! and the second is cutting a lot of buzz. there's so, the this is the best eructing, ever the the what the journalists to compare it to the real thing. best a real game- ever, and that is what was amazing about this game. air combat is letting you fight in a real air combat. >> there will train you for one hour and take you up in the sky over the bay area and let you control the aircraft. >> and you are sitting next to a
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pilot in case something happens. and an italian built a fire plan will stick to 300 mi.-500 mi. rolling, spinning, everything and top gun. the fall upside down rules it was crazy! >> and video will roll during the taland a copy, and it was simulated dogfight. and they have this simulated in a virtual cents. you can line up the other fighter jet in the crossfire and full. a good clean shot, even superimpose the image of smoke from the other plane. and two different planes up at one time, and even battled a friend as a real dog bite. and nothing would compare to this, but the game looks pretty good. it is the most realistic i have played. head to head, and take off, land
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on bases, carriers, and with precision targeting, and uvb peaand raise, and they use high resolution commercial satellite imagery of our earth to give you a high degree of realism. what was better? the real thing but i do not think that i would do it again i would prefer to play the game. and in the fighter, 4-5 g's of prussia, and it took every ounce of strength in me to not let out-pressure. >> and i'm proud of that because most of the are not pilots are blocked out or vomit the first time. the air combat u.s.a. is expensive, and livermore, and there website. they will have packages it is a few thousand dollars. if you want something safe? at $50, tom clancy's haw xs 2
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>> his hair is still sticking up! [laughter] >> absolutely, and i thought that was going to be pricey right. >> a lot of fun. >> and still ahead, on kron 4 news this weekend with you caught up on the twists, turns of the bizarre murder case in the bay. it keeps unfolding. including the search for a possible victim, fifth victim. >> and another live look outside. the james lipton freeway. that is good, boring is okay for traffic will take it. ♪
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[ female announcer ] it's the jcpenney labor day mattress sale! all gold premium mattresses 50-60% off after $200 instant rebate. plus, get an additional $100 off beautyrest gold mattresses and $200 off beautyrest world class gold mattresses from simmons... featuring super pocketed coil springs to prevent motion disturbance and conform to your shape. after all, it's not just sleep, it's beautyrest. the jcpenney labor day mattress sale. new look. new day. who knew! jcpenney.
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live from the bay area's news station this is the kron 4 morning news >> hello everybody we are back
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at 8:00 a.m. the second live our with this liberty weekend. craigslist, the classified giant has vowed to control its adult bad teen sex traffickers. in traffickers of teen sex. >> and were talking about that last weekend, and the be area soldier is looking at a critical documentary, pat tillman a battle of a mother trying to get to the truth of the death of for sun. >> henry? >> cooking. >> and i am about friulle >> it is a region and italy. and this is elizabeth crawford. she has created a book called free verse of friule and several influences, countrywide. a great
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way to create beautiful. >> frico car come pland we of e, and keep sleet. >> thank you, henry. >> looks like a taco shell lost and i am getting hungry. this is pretty, a live look of sight it the mount tam very nice. >> a big difference about one hour ago. let us check-in with jacqueline bennett. >> a little cooler up there yesterday and that cooling trend seeing fog along the bay shores going to continue in this this morning, and by noon, it is going to stick along. not expect determine the sun breaks and temperatures are not going to warm up as much. and 3:00 p.m., still cool 60s along the coast which would be similar to
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yesterday and inland only in the upper 80s. a few spots will have 90 degrees but much more comfortable. we will see more seabury's winds and air drop the seabury's entire bay. if with cooler conditions into tomorrow and warmer weather for labor day weekend. details of your entire forecaster just moments away. >> top of the news this morning investigators today will continue to surge to a bay point landfill for a possible fifth victim in a string of murders. the chp shot and killed efren valdemoro he is going to to the death of his girlfriend, to other women and an elderly man. the sun is also missing. frederick sales has been missing for one week. and friday, they searched a landfill looking for the body and with two dozen investigators and others dr tons of trash. and even if there is a
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chance? it is going to be worth their efforts. >> we are using an excavator to sort the material. and then, a visual search of that and the canine. >> we continue to be hopeful that frederick sales is alive and well. and also continue to follow the lead as they come. >> working crews are expected to stay there for the entire week looking for frederick sales. >> with some of the bodies, it is difficult for investigators to keep track of what exactly happened and when. heather donald will bring us up-to-date on the first body was found. >> the violent tale that ended in richmond on tuesday began five days earlier at his home in hercules. police responded from a flight cindy tran involving efren valdemoro enter to tenants, frederick sales ricardo sales and as the officer report
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came in, it says that eyesore carter on top of baltimore, and efren valdemoro was completely naked. and after taking a picture of his injuries he was taken to the police station and charging both men with battery. on saturday afternoon, they found ricardo salas is body found and was beaten to death. on tuesday, hercules named for efren valdemoro a murder suspect. at the same time, the police in vallejo add two more victims at a home that efren valdemoro was recording. and a worse later, that efren valdemoro craft cindy tran and drove off with her in her accurate-grabbed. it was spotted. -grabbed her. and a high-speed chase in richmond where he was shot to death. and cindy tran was found in the car. >> meanwhile, the husband, charles rittenhouse made his first appearance in course court on friday and he was married to rita allen when authorities
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found explosives. after they found the body of his wife rita allen carol smart and dan kerman as telling us what happened at the arraignment. >> and with a great-whigray/whie pleaded not guilty for and possession of explosives. and these were found tuesday when officers found the decomposing bodies of his wife, and a friend and is open court home. >> i do not think what is done anything wrong whatsoever i think is a victim. >> although he is not charge people were able to get $2 million bail. he remains behind bars with a murder investigation continues. >> and i do not know who killed him i do not know? i can tell you that it is not my client. >> and the attorney of charles rittenhouse that efren valdemoro was a thorn as the hot side.
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>> even after charles rittenhouse even just to try to get away from efren valdemoro efren valdemoro would follow him to the new houses, and just continue to be there, break in, come in, still kirkes. he repeatedly stole-car keys. and repeatedly told the court. >> and how could have charles rittenhouse lived here on the during the dead bodies? >> and i represent a believe that the bodies were put there sometime that day, tuesday, the day of his arrest. >> how do you know that?, among other things, >> he filed a missing opersons report, and it does not make sense that he would file a missing persons report on the body was inside the house. >> the attorney is requesting a reduce in battle and tuesday will determine that. and vallejo, kron 4 news. , the attorney for charles rittenhouse is also allegedly doing
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removing... 40's it meant they responded to a dozen at the domestic disturbance, neither charles rittenhouse or rita allen would >> we have provided them charles rittenhouse and the wife, steps and what to do, but restraining orders and leaving them very well educated on sets the could have taken but chose not to. again, steps,--and that leaves us very little with options to go out to women event not willing to follow through and press charges? there's not a whole lot that we can do as a police to park and what we can do. >> and to keep you up-to-date in the war investigation continues on air, and our coverage ♪ >> we will be right back.
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>> here's a heads up, thousands of lunch made from wal-mart are in the nationwide recall the to be contended with their dangerous bacteria cause health problems. 380,000 under the grab and go are being recalled including black forest ham, salami, pepperoni, and disposane wer reduced june-july and have used by with august 20th-september 10th. short-term systems of the bacterial infection nosher, abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache. >> an update on the sex trafficking involving craigslist. the adult services section has not been replaced. it shows the word censorship. and it was not active on
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craigslist. it is been under fire for allegations that it promotes prostitution even with teenage girls. last week, the attorney general's in 17 states banded together to urge craigslist to discontinue its adult services. >> craigslist founder said that it implemented manual screening of that service's of may, last year. >> with $6 million last week? >> it is good to see that they have moved forward. coming up on kron 4 news weekend it was the hurricane that never was. hurricane earl and word is going next. >> the brf forecast. >> and a live look at san francisco still show with fog. and other areas are bright and clear. we will have your full forecast, coming up.
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save up to $500 on sealy posturepedic, beauty rest and serta mattresses! even get 3 years interest free financing on tempurpedic, the most recommended bed in america! plus get free same day delivery but this special financing offer ends labor day at sleep train. superior service,
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best selection, lowest price guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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>> we are back, with tropical storms roll. it is heading
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towards canada. with video from cape cod, mass. overnight, the punch over the northeast east was less intense but had a heavy rainfall, wind. on cape cod, cottages, small fishing boats. there's area flooding, power outages, and fifth earl did little to matdamage to the outer banks of the carolinas. >> and this morning fog, at the golden gate bridge where it is soft and. and that is bound to left. >> still continuing to cause problems for sfo. 30 minutes. otherwise, it should be a beautiful day around. and jacqueline? >> >> >> cooler weather continues into this weekend. a storm passing us to the north will bring us increase sea breeze winds. with fog coverage and cooler temperatures. cooler today, cooler on sunday and only 86, inland on sunday. we are
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going to see some warming as we go into labor day. a complete reversal. as the sea breezes will be eliminated and the warmer dry air will warm out to dry air. and a perfect weather for labor day, and not too stifling. 84 around the bay shore, and 70's on the bayshore we can look forward to that. as for this morning, to backtrack to take a look at the extent of the fog. health>> at 5:00 a.m., the fog track reached the delta and the bay shore and to slow to peal back. and to the north, the fog is up there and you can see that it is starting to clear. by 9:00 a.m. it will be returning to the coastline and up and down the coast that is where it will remain this afternoon. no breaks of sunshine but sunny to the north bay by 10:00 a.m. to 85 degrees in the santa rosa, 80 degrees in napa, and great weather to visit the winery's. and the temperatures are cooler
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in this 57 degrees in half moon bay, and the winds are going to be blustery. low 70's and the most part warmer towards fremont-80. inland locations for the most part are low 80s but it is going to field-upper 80s but a few low 90s in some spots. and most spots are in the 80s, 77 degrees in mountain view and the sea breezes will keep from 80 hitting a degrees. to take a look at your kron 4 7 day around the bay cooler weather each day. and as we go into the will labor day we will see the offshore wind, the warmer dry air that will clear out of fog and a warm up of the temperatures, which is great news. if you have plans for a bar-b-q? and as we go for the big changes? whitmore sea breezes, with extensive fog and with more sea breezes, and an
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extensive cool off with only 60s along the coastline and as we head into next week a warm- up and we will keep you be posted. >> let us check-in with henry his cooking. and he's cooking, italian. >> will platoday pay a visit toe and pasta filled with cohocolate and nuts >> how you can create some of this incredible cuisine coming up.
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labor day mattress sale! all gold premium mattresses 50-60% off after $200 instant rebate. plus, get an additional $100 off beautyrest gold mattresses and $200 off beautyrest world class gold mattresses from simmons... featuring super pocketed coil springs to prevent motion disturbance and conform to your shape. after all, it's not just sleep, it's beautyrest. the jcpenney labor day mattress sale. new look. new day. who knew! jcpenney.
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>> you are watching the creation of a dish friullian a reagion in
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italy that is no other like no other. >> and is a mixture of what type? >> there is an influence from neighboring countries, austria, hundred, slovenia, and the phoenici ra-venetian region to region from italy. >> and this is has its own language. >> yes. >> and elizabeth robert has written this flavors a culinary journey. and it is a gorgeous book! some truly unique dishes and here. and friuli was on the spice route? yes it was on the path of the ancient spice from the far east, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves. and from central europe, poppyseed, caraway seeds, and all of those find their way into this cooking.
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>> and one of the typical dishes is these. >> and tell us what these are? >> this is the melted cheese crispy. we are just trying montazzio cheese and there are three types, age, some age and fresh. we are using h, you can use peccary know and more presse on, and let me show you that >> if you try to get this out right away? let it sit. >> and this is a heat conduction so i think you got this pretty well. >> is working beautifully. >> and that will turn into this and the fillings are what?
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>> this would be like purrs should polenta, ricoota, or smod ricotta, proscuittio, and mushrooms >> take a look at this. i do not even know how to pronounce it. and you can see that this does not look like italian. >> it is for lathis is filled wh chocolate and not so. >> pasta. >> yes, with cinnamon, sugar, and nuts! >> and you did all this photography? >> yes, i did. >> this is the tricky part. and use that, and a juice cup.
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[laughter] could. >> and let it sit there, and you can see that it will turn into this. can i try one? >> to sprint one off. yes. - break off. >> goulash will use tomatoes, which is not typical, it is in the italian ted- >> another interesting touch interestinggno gnocchi with plus >> that is what i fell in love with, the sweet and savory aspects of the dishes. >> like the architecture as a look different? >> it is like traveling to austria, the alpine chalet, onion dome churches, it is
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beautiful! >> this book is a combination of a travel book, and a cookbook. >> it is more than just a cookbook, there are sections on history, culture, and how those in florence the cuisine. a lot of tourist sites, and out-in floyd's is the cuisine. >> thank you! >> influence the cuisine >> you will be at the omnivore books on sunday, september 12th. you go to this website for more information. flavors of >> it looks like an amazing region. >> and how to exercise and
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without straining. coming up on kron 4 news this weekend. if b-a-c-c-a-l-a-u-r-e-a-t-e. baccalaureate. correct. [ audience groans ] since this competition has been continuing for 48 hours and we have yet to eliminate anyone, it is the decision of this board to declare all 20 contestants winners.
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you have all competed admirably. admirably. a-d-m-i-r-a-b-l-y. admirably. [ male announcer ] at&t is making high speed internet affordable for only $14.95 a month with select services. at&t. rethink possible.
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>> a little cooler up there yesterday and that cooling trend continues into today. we are seeing fog along the bay shores and along the coastline. that is going to continue in this this morning, and by noon, it is going to stick along. not determine the sun breaks and temperatures are not going to warm up as much. and 3:00 p.m., still cool 60s along the coast which would be similar to yesterday and inland only in the upper 80s. a few spots will
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have 90 degrees but much more comfortable. we will see more seabury's winds and air drop the entire bay. if with cooler conditions into tomorrow and -- sea bbreeze warmer weather for labor day weekend. details of your entire forecaster just moments away. >> the you, jack and the operation new dawn, jacqueline >> 50,000 u.s. troops remain to help train the iraqi military and thousands are headed to afghanistan. since the beginning of that work, 1200 troops have died and one of them was pat tillman of san jose a former n f l player. to serve in the u.s. army and now, a new movie. and the death, the controversy, rob fladeboe talk to some of the donors that the film is sad and angry.
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>> they told me to keep your mouth shut about it. >> your career is on the line. and when somebody tells me. >> the pat hulman store is a chronological biography of paul this was killed by friendly fire in afghanistan in 2004. the military cover-up. and clearly it touched a nerve to see this in campbell. >> the two elements represent the best of america and i am really disgusted with the cover of in congress, and especially the military. >> it is time more people can see it and learn who pat, and billy is and what really happened. past tillman. >> the film shows the high school graduate who turns down a lucrative nfl contract, and to
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replace it by serving for the military, and reactions like this. >> i am very disappointed in our government, and i am very sorry that they have to go to all of this. somebody ought to step up and tell the truth. >> the past telamon story is playing here in campbell and the pat tillman story, and the director will be here this weekend. rob fladeboe, kron 4 news. >> and a new documentary " high water " to crowns on the north shore as the seven michael miracle. to all the industry's best surfers, dealing with humanity, and chances that it is great you feel like you are in the curl. the rebels to make
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surfers their life, this is plying the route san francisco. >> muni is going ahead with plans to hedespite the union tot them. san francisco muni is also restoring 61% of the services cut in the month of may because of budget issues. the ocean to lines, and also more frequent tough market street and additional late-night owl service and transportation officials are working on plans to restore everything by december 1st. >> todd younge is still on the hospital. he was reported on being serious and stable condition and daniel villareal was in highland hospital where the white spoke about her husband. >> here at highland hospital,
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the wife spoke about the husband, and todd young was shot one week ago. he is still and i see you but doctors at highland hospital say that is making good progress. and he worked with the fremont police and officer young's wife, nicole all spoke. and they think with the outpouring of support especially people that donated blood. and also had thanking the husband for saving his life. >> i was home. and i just picked up the children from school. todd called me. he called me and said that he was at highland hospital that he was ok and just got hit in the leg. so i threw the kids in the car and we came up here. i was told on friday that it was not looking good and he might not make it off the
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operating table. >> and, my entire life turned upside down in that one moment. >> he is still unable to speak with heavy sedation and still requires 1 more surgery. daniel villareal >> still ahead, ariz. governor jan brewer. >> for less than stellar debate appearance and she is... will be right back. >> it is an amazing pre-grand opening sale here at the airport, plants. now it has not won, not to, but restores! that open their san jose, but i am digging the a not one, not two call that the of three stores now and san jose, the big labor day deals. this is the deal of
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the day. $399, a great deal on a whirlpool. just one example on these amazing deals of the a brand new airport appliance that is coming about 9:00 a.m. on bay area bargains.
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ãqw@, so why are over a thousand people a day switching to chevrolet? room for eight and all sorts of space behind the third row. they just thought of everything. it just feels like a really solid car. that should come in handy. it's the chevrolet summer event and anyone can get the traverse they want. nah-uh... this one's mine. get 0% apr for 60 months on the 2010 traverse with an average finance savings of around fifty seven hundred. the switch begins at
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>> well, everybody has that moment like to forget and for ever is on the governor, jan brewer that came in front of cameras and a lot of voters. and we take a look at the campaign and the brain therese. >> rarely have so few words inspired some many! >> jan brewer the meltdown, the meltdown, >> the meltdown, the brain freeze, and winds, and a loss for words >> wow, >> amazing. >> and with the hand to mouth, let us go to the replay. >> and we have done everything that we could possibly do. >> arizona gov. was speaking
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more accurately the more accurately, not speaking. >> we have >> and at the debate. we did was right for arizona. >> it could of been along best brain freeze and the televised debate and the media could not quite agree on the time. >> with a helpful on screen the time watch. it was even more painful one digital to take off. >> we have did what was right for arizona. >> the radio interview afterwards she had her own the time estimate. [laughter] >> the longest 16 seconds of my life. >> even right wings called it painful to watch. and there have been other awkward pauses, lately. for instance, a rookie candidate from south carolina and even deer in headlights
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moments. >> any comment? >> senator john mccain, the black rock comment. it took him eight seconds on weather insurance companies should cover birth control induced by niagara. >> and john stuart imitated senator mccain. and bush? >> with your biggest mistake the famously hesitant. >> you know, i'm sure someone will pop in my head when the pressure is off of me to come up with an answer. >> there are worse things that could happen to us clamming up during a brain freeze. sometimes when your brain stops show should your tongue. >> south africa, and iraq, and jeannie most, cnn. the york.
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>> and will move on, and still ahead, the search for a possible fifth victim the could be involved in the east bay. centering along one suspect. >> a long holiday weekend and the forecast coming up in just a bit as we take a look of a sock and san mateo bridge. we will be right back.
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♪ >> >> >> cooler weather continues into this weekend. a storm passing us to the north will bring us increase sea breeze winds. with fog coverage and cooler temperatures. cooler today, cooler on sunday and only 86, inland on sunday. we are going to see some warming as we go into labor day. a complete reversal. as the sea breezes will be eliminated and the warmer dry air will warm out to dry air. and a perfect weather for labor day, and not too stifling. 84 around the bay
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shore, and 70's on the bayshore we can look forward to that. as for this morning, to backtrack to take a look at the extent of the fog. >> at 5:00 a.m., the fog track reached the delta and the bay shore and to slow to peal back. and to the north, the fog is up there and you can see that it is starting to clear. by 9:00 a.m. it will be returning to the coastline and up and down the coast that is where it will remain this afternoon. no breaks of sunshine but sunny to the north bay by 10:00 a.m. to 85 degrees in the santa rosa, 80 degrees in napa, and great weather to visit the winery's. and the temperatures are cooler in this 57 degrees in half moon bay, and the winds are going to be blustery. low 70's and the most part warmer towards fremont-80. inland locations for the most part are low 80s but it is going to field-upper 80s but a few low 90s in some
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spots. and most spots are in the 80s, 77 degrees in mountain view and the sea breezes will keep from hitting a degrees. to take a 80 degrees look at your kron 4 7 day around the bay cooler weather each day. and as we go into the will labor day we will see the offshore wind, the warmer dry air that will clear out of fog and a warm up of the temperatures, which is great news. if you have plans for a bar-b-q? and as we go for the big changes? whitmore sea-with more breezes, with extensive fog and with more sea breezes, and an extensive cool off with only 60s along the coastline and as we head into next week a warm- up and we will keep you be posted. as it gets a little closer. >> the last time we spoke with andrea was promising to do some exercising.
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>> and he is getting in shape! >> let us find out. >> not yet what i'm doing is and what sandra is going is good i am sitting, she is moving. sandy is going to show us some fabulous exercises that will make you feel instantly better. and did not take a tremendous amount of strain. we will show you successful exercising coming up on kron 4 news this weekend.
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>> what do the call this? >> this is the rotation. >> the shuffle/tangle [laughter] >> and a san dieg santee is a pl trainer, and the first piece of advice is to move! >> yes. >> the m enemy is to be sedentary and what can we do to be that stationary status?
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>> there are some very simple movements that i will show you. and you can get up right now, out of your couch, a chair. >> and are you kidding? [laughter] >> you do not know or yours. >> or you can do this to your desk at work. and a simple way to get the body moving with all the muscles moving. >> what about the no pain, no gain. >> this is not painful, it is like stretching but not quite it is a dynamic, it is moving into will make you feel better, instantly. >> let us take a look of some of the most simple ones. >> and to bring your body. >> the fourthfirst one is basic rotation, and despite needs to move. when you are seated at a desk, your spine--needs to move, to put the big toe into the
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floor. to lift your heel. the rotation goes all the way into your pelvis and you'll feel instantly better. your rib cage will be stretched. >> i am healed! [laughter] >> and that really does feel great. >> and the next one, it is a two-and-one. you can stand on your feet, with a foot distance apart and bring your body forward and then, all the way up and stand straight up and put sure body in the complete opposite direction. and everything will fold forward, your elbows, your kneecaps, and everything will open in the front. >> the school's religious! [laughter] >> it is not. and you deal of it like that. and to exhale, very- and who does that? and all of
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our work is in front so the more you do this, to open up the front of the body that is usually tight. >> and that profile. >> and to fold it in the kneecaps, bring your chin into the sternum, straight up, back. and lincoln through your spine and to fold, everything will-to elongate your spine, pole and your of dominance. and paul in your abdominal is for this one. it-pull in your abdominal, and to reach back. >> what else? >> this is what we need some equipment for and this is a foam roll. you are going to do this. >> which way? >> your bottom is going to be here in your head is going to be here.
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>> off and come all the way down. your feet are going to be on the floor. and >> and if you switch sides? >> to bring your knees up in your arms out. and gently rolled from side to side, very small. and you want to breed, relax, to do not have to do anything with your abdominal spa what we're trying to do is open the front of the chest, and open the back. >> that feels really good. >> it is like having your own personal acupuncture appointment with your phonfoam roll. [laugh >> and this will help to open the back of your body. and now return to a stable position. >> stable is not my specialty.
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>> to bring your arms down to your side and take your arms overhead. all the way down to the close as stuffloor as possible. and then draw angels and the snow so the there will drop up and down the sides of your body, and to motions. >> while i am doing this, and in the control room. that information about sandye >> as you put a lot more on! and why is it that one half the spots is phil's religious! >> and it is going to feel and make your body feel-thank you sandy. >> you are welcome. >> and up next, some gabriel slate's tech report how you can improve your live with technology. that is coming up on
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the kron 4 news this weekend. and save up to $500 on selected mattress sets. even get 3 years interest free financing on tempur-pedic. only through labor day ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep. ♪
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the >> welcome back, for victims and one missing man. the attorney for a 72 year-old man under suspicion is blaming this killing spree on a killing man. this sounds like a mystery novel. >> also, gabriel slate's tech report with himself on a cockpit of a fighter plane as he is comparing if the deal came against a simulated experience it took to the skies over the bay area. >> and let us check-in with henry. >> and we're having fun as usual with keep gabriel slate's tech report and some essential item.
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things that are really going to improve your life. >> [laughter] >> that is coming up. >> that looks like fun, henry, thank you. and a quick look outside. this is downtown. it looks very still very foggy this morning. >> and perhaps lack of sleep? >> and hold but a look at the forecast. >> a little cooler up there yesterday and that cooling trend continues into today. we are seeing fog along the bay shores and along the coastline. that is going to continue in this this morning, and by noon, it is going to stick along. not determine the sun breaks and temperatures are not going to warm up as much. and 3:00 p.m.,
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still cool 60s along the coast which would be similar to yesterday and inland only in the upper 80s. a few spots will have 90 degrees but much more comfortable. we will see more seabury's winds and air drop the entire bay. if with cooler conditions into tomorrow and warmer weather for labor day weekend. details of your entire forecaster just moments away. >> thank you, jacqueline investigators are going to continue. bay point landfill for a possible fifth thick tongue and a string of murders. the chp killed efren valdemoro and he is linked to the death of his girlfriend, two other women and an elderly man. the sun is also missing. fredericks' sales as the missing for one week. the son of ricardo sales, and they've been looking for a landfill, and two dozen
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investigators dug through several tons of trash. and if there is a chance they will find something it is worth their efforts. >> they are using an excavator to sort the material. and then a visual search of that as well with canine. we continue to be hopeful that frederick sales as alive, well and continue to follow the leads as they come. >> and crews are expected to work throughout the weekend to search for frederick. >> and the search for several cities, jurisdictions, families and heather donald connects the dots. fast efren valdemoro had been dating cindy tran for several years, and she owned, lived where ricardo sales frederick sales and perhaps efren valdemoro was suspecting a relationship between the
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salesmen. and now, to add rita allen carol smart those bodies were found on the sunday afternoon and this in the was friends with both women and one theory is that all three women were killed with a efren valdemoro because there were telling cindy to leave him. and also, cindy tran also was living with charles rittenhouse on/off and now, charles rittenhouse is under investigation. he was living on property where polls bodies were found in possession of chemical explosives. >> meanwhile,-both bodies. >> and dome remembrances of the cindy tran a candlelight vigil and both worked at the same
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plaza. ricardo sales >> i cannot help, but but be upset they're great people. >> she had dreams of watching her son get. but that was taken away from her. let us all close our eyes and have a little prayer for jenny. >> our friends and knew her as jenny. >> meanwhile, the husband of rita allen. charles rittenhouse made his appearance in court on friday and they found the up explosives after they found his dead wife and his friend, carol smart did not comment on the explosives but they comment of his lawyers us is nothing to do with the explosives. >> i have reason to believe that the bodies were put there, tuesday. >> how to you know that? >> among other things, >> he filed a missing or piles
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report and it does not make sense that he would file a report. >> lesley printce criticizes the police of their investigation. >> we have provided charles rittenhouse and his wife on what to do, restraining orders leaving them very well educated on what steps they could have taken but did not two. and that leaves us with very few options. steps they did not take. >> and our coverage of the multiple murder investigation continues on air, and every detail ♪
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we will be right back. frederick sales >> ...berber carpet. it was a whole bowl of stew. nooo. why? i could have saved this one. i could have saved this one. ♪ call 1-800-steemer
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a's here. k.
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>> we are back at 9:10 the national transportation sycamore look. redwood shores to invest in a plane crash that killed three people on thursday the owner of a bay area steel company. the wreckage was raised from the bottom of a live tillman and placed on shore. they used flotation devices, and it was raised in the bottom of the lagoon. and it was taken office in carlos airport. and it has been confirmed that the founder, and 92 year-old robert forman was killed and the pilot and the pastor also. >> the 42 year-old livermore mother having sex with two teenage boys is entering a not guilty plea. christine hubs is on a four million-dollar bail she's accused of having sexual relationships with two different 14 year-old boys. the
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parent of one of them is reported released pastille recent activity. >> she will have worked day in court on october. >> a in airport in new zealand, the initial reports said that it could cause least $1.4 billion in damage. it struck 19 mi. away from each a large city of 400,000. the country's prime minister is in southern new zealand to inspect the damage and she says it is an absolute miracle but nobody was killed. >> still had, hurricane earl is now a tropical storm that has plenty of rain, powerful winds. >> we will have your local full forecast as we take a live look of the san mateo bridge plenty of fog still with us. but we still should have a nice day. ♪ [applause]
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>> we are back at 9:15 now hurricane earl is a tropical
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storm oral and it is headed towards canada. this is now in canada, this is video from cape cod with onlless intense. some a flooding and power outages. and it did little damage to the outer banks of the carolinas. they're hoping for the return of the tourists that they sent away. >> and to san francisco the bay area of live look of sight. the james freeway of the overcast skies in the background. it is also overcast and foggy sfo experiencing a 30 minute delays on a rival flights. >> and let us check in with the jacqueline bennett. >> >> cooler weather continues into this weekend. a storm passing us to the north will bring us increase sea breeze winds. with fog coverage and cooler temperatures. cooler today, cooler on sunday and only 86,
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inland on sunday. we are going to see some warming as we go into labor day. a complete reversal. as the sea breezes will be eliminated and the warmer dry air will warm out to dry air. and a perfect weather for labor day, and not too stifling. 84 around the bay shore, and 70's on the bayshore we can look forward to that. as for this morning, to backtrack to take a look at the extent of the fog. >> at 5:00 a.m., the fog track reached the delta and the bay shore and to slow to peal back. and to the north, the fog is up there and you can see that it is starting to clear. by 9:00 a.m. it will be returning to the coastline and up and down the coast that is where it will remain this afternoon. no breaks of sunshine but sunny to the north bay by 10:00 a.m. to
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85 degrees in the santa rosa, 80 degrees in napa, and great weather to visit the winery's. and the temperatures are cooler in this 57 degrees in half moon bay, and the winds are going to be blustery. low 70's and the most part warmer towards fremont-80. inland locations for the most part are low 80s but it is going to field-upper 80s but a few low 90s in some spots. and most spots are in the 80s, 77 degrees in mountain view and the sea breezes will keep from 80 hitting a degrees. to take a look at your kron 4 7 day around the bay cooler weather each day. and as we go into the will labor day we will see the offshore wind, the warmer dry air that will clear out of fog and a warm up of the temperatures, which is great news. if you have plans for a bar-b-q? and as we go for the big changes? whitmore sea with more-than- breezes, with
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extensive fog and with more sea breezes, and an extensive cool off with only 60s along the coastline and as we head into next week a warm-up and we will keep you be posted. >> and lessen check-in with henry with high-tech toys. >> and has this ever happened to you? where did i parked my car? and gabriel slate's tech report it is your lucky day i have a cat to the what you find your car. >> and how does this work? >> and it will beep and tell you where your located. >> there is my car! this is one of many gadgets coming up on kron 4 news this weekend.
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>> okay, so i am making a video of you.
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>> i am too. >> claiming this camera which is one half the size of what he is using. >> what are you using? >> this is called a swan remote which is a phony car remote that will go on your key chain and will court one our of high- definition video. and not toward courage to use by on anybody. and spy. >> and if you get into a car accident? and for insurance purposes you can you know record. >> the video is high-quality. and i just went up to my neighbor kids. >> and i hope he told them? >> i did. afterwards. >> and there are legal issues. >> and be careful what you
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videotape. >> amazing video quality. >> take a look. >> the camera lens, that is the camera lens right there unbelievable! and what does this cost? >> $70 is called a swan. >> and this is really cool and good for the environment. it is the at&t is 0 charter. and this is crazy! and to leave this into the wall, they just take this power out. and from all the chargers power 24,000 homes in one day that is what experts and scientists tape or you 3 through 3 million powcups of coffee. and at&t's it great thing for the internment. $18, as a great replacement, this is
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plucked and as soon as your phone is charged it will cut off the power. >> great. >> well we are at it. and i always bring you these iphone accessories and this is a sort charger for the iphone. and i like it because. >> and let me show you. >> and it should just plugged in, slight and. >> and it is sexually charging isn't that cool? >> is light right and. -it is excellent charging-judge >> and this is only $30 this lcd boogie board and you can watch this. it just you races in europe 50,000 messages you can write, do ago, and just a
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bracelet. it does not store them. basically, it will save paper. >> $35. >> and that is a fun thing. >> and for parents that are looking for a high-tech toys. this is called elfie . i have a three-year old son. this is $40 from plea schoayshochol is a gry to learn numbers, colors, shapes and i happened to ms. of my three year-old. and it is been asking questions and you hit the corresponding buttons. and to work with this for a three-year old it is fine and elfie . and he has this little beard and hair thing going on he is so high-tech!
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>> one minute. >> bigfoot from fisher price. and this is called but fought b from fisher price 80 different actions, with emotions, somersault. and he is really funny. to control them with this remote control. >> and he even stand up in the awesome? >> $100 from amazon. >> and one less fang. to get this real pluck. >> all information, gabriel slate's tech report and also this is a giveaway. a great game you can get one for free, enter for your chance to win. >> thank you very much!
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>> and coming up. we will take a break and later, and imitation of bigfoot. coming up on kron 4 news this weekend. i tore both my rotator cuffs. first i injured this shoulder, then this one, then this one two more times. playing with my kids was not an option. when a lot of doctors could have gone in and just said, "no, can't fix it." but he didn't give up. today i can throw my kids around in the pool. i can still coach rugby and share my love of the game. announcer: at sutter health, our story is you. for more stories, visit
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announcer: at sutter health, our story is you. i could wear hats, if i partook in hat type things (birds chirping) like strolling in an orchard ♪ is this my husband? awesome cool hat, mom oh my perfect kids alright fourteen ninety nine i totally wear hats ♪
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live from the bay area's news station this is the kron 4 morning news >> good morning, welcome back to the kron 4 news is weekend alive look from mount tam a to go with it the live look, and a nice day for this long, layard a weekend your full forecast coming up. the labor day and >> and recreation of labor day, job creation and the importance of a health the middle class. healthy. and the challenging economy that is making this difficult and his apartment on employment is up at 9.6%. with
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54,000 private-sector jobs shed and tax breaks and other hiring incentives for small businesses. it will take more to get the economy back on track. >> we are trying to build an economy that middle-class families can buy a home, save for retirement, send their children to college and economic security 1 working days are done. and over the last two years, taking on powerful interests that of dominated congress for too long. that is why we of put a with a wasteful subsidies were you can spend money on a college more affordable for students. that is why we're making it easier for workers to save for retirement, saving their text refunds and also will roll over like 4 01 k and tax refunds. >> the republican response, republican ky he did not let us
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forget that the trillion dollars stimulus would keep unemployment under 8%. >> the question remains where are the jobs? the obama administration told this it ministration that it would be a recovery but our economy continues to lose jobs. and our national debt is growing by $4 billion per day. as it turns out, this recovery summer is a meaningless slogans. americans do not want slogans, the want solutions. >> congressman davis added that employees a employers are afraio invest. and to take congress' rules, regulations amid obama administration. >> not all economic is gramm of the private sector at its 67,000 jobs and that is and what is not
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counted is the millions of americans who are underemployed. college, save for retirement, dominating the agenda in the low 8%. solutions. rules/regulations. >> and he did not know that it was going to be this tough. jesse as a full-time job after a he is now under employed, he has $16 an hour at loews. he could not find skills of general motors operating every machinery. key had $130 k per year. >> the old time, people used to make it is just not there, it is just not there. it is not. and i see it every day. you see it every day. what are going to do? this is america. where are our jobs? >> this new job, he has taken a $100,000 paycheck and struggling -pay cut to keep his
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house and provide for his son, 14, the wife who was battling cancer he has given up second jobs with more time at home. the story of taking a job below is a skill level is all too familiar but it is sparsely - largely untold. on gold. >> and on what percentage of the labor force is facing up right now? but it is sizable and it is really impacting families. >> heidi sherrill's is a labor analysis with the policy institute in what is measured is the discouraged workers to of given up actively seeking employment and part-time workers looking for full-time jobs. and that is an under and country that is 16%. and she expects the labor force to recover to pre-recession levels, th impact of losing a job as lifelong >> and like richard, those earning hits can last for decades. >> richard green, his goals are forever changed. the more i
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look for gm a was looking forward to retiring at 56. maybe trying to do something else or even going to allow was 62 years old. now, there is no real plan is just just from want to month. month to month. >> mary snow, cnn, new jersey. >> government investigators are soon going to be looking at a key piece of evidence in connection with the bp oil spill. this is video removing the cap yesterday. the failed preventer is being raised to the surface and will be inspected, the early. engineers are being careful not to damage it and try to find out what went wrong. a new preventer is installed. >> chevron has agreed to pay 2.8
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$5 million for settlement from a contamination. 30-45 a. of habitat and shorelines in san pablo bay wildlife refuge this is from the waste water that contaminated soil and 1987. >> still to come, a big weekend for college football who is in the lineup. >> and to take a live look outside at the weekend weather. with traffic approaching the bay bridge we will be right back with the full forecast. and president obama spoke about
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[ woman on tv ] if you won't let me in, you can't really love me. i know about gayle. i don't know what you're talking about. if you just tell me what happened... [ ding ] [ man ] 35th and archer. next stop hamilton. [ brakes hiss ] ♪ [ male announcer ] now you can watch hit tv shows on your iphone when you get at&t u-verse tv. at&t. rethink possible.
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the most powerful half-ton crew in america has a powertrain backed for 100,000 miles. chevy silverado half-ton a consumers digest best buy and the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road. now get 0% apr for 72 months on 2010 silverado half-ton models with an average finance savings around $5,800.
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>> a big college football fan weekend, and this weekend, 1:00 p.m. locally. and callous expected to over uc-davis, and
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another walkover, stanford vs. sac state with 330, and quarterback is going to do his best. just kick back. and it is supposed to be a cupcake. not to insult anybody else [laughter] >> and that is what i heard. let us take a live look outside at walnut creek where things are looking pretty good. this labor day. and let us check with jacqueline bennett. >> cooler weather continues into this weekend. a storm passing us to the north will bring us increase sea breeze winds. with fog coverage and cooler temperatures. cooler today, tisch cooler on sunday and only 86, inland on sunday. we are going to see some warming as we go into labor day. a complete reversal. as the sea breezes will be eliminated and the warmer dry air will warm out to wind, the warmer dry air
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that will clear out of fog and a warm up of the temperatures, which is great news. if you have plans for a bar-b-q? and as we go for the big changes? with more sea breezes, with extensive fog and we can look forward to that. as othello to take a look at the extent of the fog. >> at 5:00 a.m., the fog track reached the delta and the bay shore and to slow to peel back. and to the north, the fog is up there and you can see that it is starting to clear. by 9:00 a.m. it will be returning to the coastline and up and down the coast that is where it will remain this afternoon. no breaks of sunshine but sunny to the north bay by 10:00 a.m. to 85 degrees in the santa rosa, 80 degrees in napa, and great weather to visit the wineries. and the temperatures are cooler in this 57 degrees in half moon bay, and the winds are going to be blustery. low 70's and the most part warmer towards
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fremont-80. inland locations for the most part are low 80s but it is going to field-upper 80s but a few low 90s in some spots. and most spots are in the 80s, 77 degrees in mountain view and the sea breezes will keep from hitting 80 degrees. to take a look at your kron 4 7 day around the bay cooler weather each day. and as we go into the will labor day we will see the offshore wind, the warmer dry air that will clear out of fog and a warm up of the temperatures, which is great news. if you have plans for a bar-b-q? and as we go for the big changes? with more sea breezes, with extensive fog and with more sea breezes, and an extensive cool off with only 60s along the coastline and as we head into next week a warm- up and we will keep you be posted.
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>> stay with us, we recorded check-in with the odd couple, henry in the garden had. memo will check and >> and a man goes full circle with his 100th arrowsmith concert. >> and how much with that era at up to? people! look at you!
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texting...blogging... all this technology, but you're still banking like pilgrims! it's time for new school banking, bubbie. interest plus savings at why earn bupkis, when your savings can earn three times the national average!! three times the national average!!! new school banking at capital one bank. with interest plus savings, go to!!!!! what's in your wallet? somebody help me down.
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>> and on this edition of henry's garden we will show you how to create a beautiful flower pot. baltimore. >> what are you doing? >> henry, this is a great pot. >> and that is what we want to do. >> why are we doing a still pond? it is a different way to use containers in a garden. at still-pot. and if anything damage? and it looks like a mistake but below of salinas still posaid it is a spell poil
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>> to start with soil, fertilizer, and more soil. >> just use the entire bacg and what of theg you selected? a lot and i want to be gardens center and could not find anything hot or vibrant. i did find some pastel colors. and with colors, and looking for a lot of plots for color. >> annuals. the plant is the geezer perennials--, and the point is that you already have more color. >> and this will be 12 x 15. and this should be all along the side. >> and this larger plants should
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be on the other side. >> and columbine >> the common name. it is going to be to also put that in the center. with foilage, flower color, the white, the purple. and look at best. >> do you scrape the roots? >> absolute, to break that circular pattern. >> this will go in the center like this. and what will this? >> that can go on the other side. and what did to get for the other? the small items? double inpatients. >> very sunny here. and and most areas, there will do well up until 2:00 p.m. even the hottest days. the real hot spot, i would
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have it protected after lunchtime. >> anything else? >> and if you do not find the primary colors that you would like? perhaps there would have the more in stock. >> these are the mo'nique colors, and i was sent to out to get color in this is kind of a model that i had with colors like these. these are totally wimpy colors and what happened? i was tracking water that was spiked with pharmaceuticals [laughter] >> and i would of had to pick up something that would have flowers and compromise the plant supplies. and not fulfill my primary goal which beat clplant something with pods and plants and flowers. >> your primary goal was to make me mad! >> [laughter] >> and with primary, pastels,
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not hot in vibrant. >> and you want to go with one or the other? >> a technique. you can add to this as the season goes along if you choose. if you find that you cannot like something? not much money, invested just a couple of blocks. for >> that is the point of planting today with all of this, you do not have to go all the way. >> and in television terms, if you did not like colors like this that is no problems. just come to henry's garden and watch these colors explode. >> not bad! [laughter] >> you can catch this every saturday morning at 6:30 and on our website >> and coming up taking to the skies our own the tech reporter. real-life air combat! in the
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name of a video game. >> and another live look of the san mateo bridge. still socked in and other areas are starting to lift but not the san mateo bridge. we will be right back.
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>> alright, a sea and an employee is there with aerosmith, steven tyler. - cnn was able to meat demand, for i100 meet the man, and part of their exchange. >> and oh my gosh!! >> i cannot believe i'm speaking here with aerosmith. >> and i love this, stealing tiger alert the board text of this will be something that i will never forget. --steven tyler. >> they have been playing together for over four decades. with to those encountered, 40 countries, and also inducted
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into the rock-and-roll hall of fame with over 2000 concerts. >> and we kind of thought about $5,000. and if the first concert was a $four? >> and let us not dilly dally. i imagine being able to fly? >> our tech reporter gabriel slate's tech report to take to the airwaves and perhaps you can too. >> air is a unique service based in livermore airport. i have never heard of it until the video game creator held a press conference to unveil their new you game of tom clancy's hawq's 2 and this is there are so confident of this is one of the best that the one journalists to compare it to the real flank.
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and how would you go about doing it? their real thing. hand-- livermore, they let you engage and real irreal fight. -after one hour of training they will take you up in the air. they're sitting next to you and use the italian build fighter planes. they will take you around a 300 mi.-five honored m.p.h., everything in top gun or other top jet. the-500 mph you can do this! back-to-back, and relaxed. and with the video in the cockpit and a copy when you are done to see you when you are finished and will simulate a dogfight. everything is working but it is a virtual sense you can line up the other fighter jet in the cross hair. a good clean the shop will superimpose
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the image of smoke. and the shot. and the real dogfight and after the real thing i got a video preview. and nothing will compare with the real game but the game is really good! and with taking off, landing, and night precision, bombing, a silent uv tracking and higher resolution commercial greed satellite imagery of the real or. a high degree of realism and but was better? and the reopening but i prefer to just play the game. and in the fighter jet, 4-5 g pressure. and it took every ounce of strength of me to not let out or vomit. >> and i am proud of that because most people that are not pilots would black out or vomit the first time. this experience
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is in livermore, expensive, and to check their website. and it will cost you a least a couple of thousand dollars. if you'd like something safe? $50 for the tom clancy video game it is a good one and i think that it will be popular this holiday mseason. >> in livermore, gabriel slate's tech report >> that is going to wrap things up have a great day. >> see you tomorrow. ♪ but what were the results? fact: brown promised to improve schools. but the drop out rate increased 50%, and the state had to take over the schools.
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fact: the city controller found employees paid for 22,000 hours... they never worked. fact: brown promised to cut crime. but murders doubled, making oakland the 4th most dangerous city in america. jerry brown. he just can't deliver the results california needs now.
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