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tv   Kron 4 News at 10  KRON  September 3, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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we're back on sunday at 7:00, 6:00 central. i'm ann curry. for all of us here at nbc news, live from the bay area left the station this is a special edition of kron4 news. i'll >> lance felt in the east bay is the searches of a church for ricardo salas. he's possibly a victim. >> it would seriously like to find him alive. the police >> speak about what they might have found and in light of the husband of another victim it appears in court. he was charged with stockpiling explosives in his home. and another victim has a vigil today in her honor. today they have been led to a landfill and we will see where the investigators are in their search
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the land in the landfill was a location for frederick solace to has been missing for about a week. they allege that his father who was murdered as part of the killing spree by this man. hercules police spokesperson and talk about how his vehicle that he was known to drive and the home where he lived is both convicted to the landfill. >> connection here is the north shore business park. it is located in her please send on wednesday the cadillac was found northbound. the other connection is that the home is very close in proximity to the business park. >> he once worked as a security guard here. police suspect that he may have killed frederic solace and put his body in the north shore business there
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dumpster here. the trash man is here. >> we do know that the trash is located here. >> the friday search ended but his body had not been found to the search will continue. >> will continue entering regular business hours. >> investigation goes through several cities, several jurisdictions and several families. heather mcdonald's shows how all >> connects> he had been dating since each and on and off for two years. he owned and lived in the house where frederic n. carter lived. he may have suspected a relationship between them and either frederick it or followed. >> they'd been found beaten in the house. add these two women. their bodies were it found on tuesday afternoon. sandy chen was friends with both women and one police. is that two women were killed because they had been telling cindy chance to
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leave him. a friend had also lived with a reader it allen and her husband on and off during the past 10 years. police say that charles is now rested for suspicion of possessing explosives and is being questioned in the death of the two women. they found him living on the property where there to do composing bodies were found. >> one of the victims, said each man is being remembered tonight. and they shows how a family and friends are paying respect to their loss lowborn. >> and said even stranger held an emotional candlelight vigil for his impeachment. >> she never got to see her son get married. that was taken away from her. let us all close our eyes and see how little prayer >> they knew of cindy as jenny. they say that ham and sausage or
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friends. >> it so sad because they're very important people in their very nice people. >> they also worked in the same shopping center. tram worked as a hairstylist and solace worked friends put on the vigil on friday night and a lot of people say they are devastated that the z20áióñç>> what are you going te said i don't do nails i do hair and we still laugh and play and i don't believe this is happening. they are all in a better place.%lo9ummuko?r thatn say. &pç
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the clothesline to lure 50 is and is still stay mild and our inland spots. weather is cooler not is not quite penetrating the cooler spots just yet. for tomorrow coastal fog early morning and temperatures are even cooler into tomorrow the marine air is starting to make its way into our valley in the temperatures are ending to the upper 80s. there can be expected conditions of a warm-up into labor day. we have details coming up in a bit >> coming up new on kron4 news. the plane pulled from the bay area of low game and of life opens up after a moment of finding out her husband was shot. want he said he was ok he
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does that in the like. off our tech reporter shows us how to train as a jack fighter here in the bay area. those stories and more on kron4 news.
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stories raise a plane headed the libyan today these the crane to lift it out at 6:00 tonight it went down at 6:00 just after takeoff and three people were on board all of them died in the crash. they show us what looks like before. >> cruise were working on the aircraft that crashed yesterday and as you can save the plain is in the water in their country pulling the plain of putting it on a slap right there. before they do that they have to pull three bodies and of the plain. it includes 92 year-old robert doorman who was on the night at
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a nearby steel he also died in the crash. a lady in her '40's also died in the incidents. they towed across the lagoon to the other side word is now. the bodies were moved in the put it on a black where they will examine that the plane to try and figure out the costs. >> applicants are extended forecast. brigantine for labor day. we have the forecast is a few minutes away
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fremont police officer todd young is still in serious but stable condition tonight. he is the officer shot last week while trying to capture some money in august. his wife spoke today without incident and she says her life changed >> he action called me. he
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called me and said he was not hospital that he was ok you just got hit in the leg. i was told on friday that things were looking good and they weren't thinking use wood to make it past the operating table. my whole life changed at one moment. and i was told that it would put them to sleep until he called his wife. i really miss them. he's strong he is very strong. we have a long life ahead of us so his car to pull through. >> mean time the man of shooting him is back in the bay area tonight and he is now behind bars and oakland. the gang member is charged with 10 felonies including carjacking
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attempted murder. he will go up to life in prison. >> clerk weather continues into the weekend. it is going to get cooler tomorrow and then warmer on monday. the storm passing to the north will bring us increased seabury's winds which will make our fault even more extensive on monday and the temperature is of little bit this 60 on the coastline and a reversal in their win. we'll be seeing warmer and drier winds and the bay area which will warm up our temperatures. it's 93 in the inland sloths so not too stifling. action pretty comfortable. so. the fog is below that further to our morning at 5:00 in the morning
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and is will bit slower to peel back. it will eventually make its way back the tenders will be a few degrees cooler. it is 80 and now the. 71 in richmond and mostly at brady's. 72 and oakland and 80s down and said they. let's look at your crime for seven day around the bay. it's quite a bump up our temperatures right until labor day. especially since it is not sticking around coming tuesday it will head back right away. >> hurricane earl is running up the east coast that has now been downgraded to tropical storm. to
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rest and residences are still prepared for when be it weekend. they're here with the latest on the storm. >> with nightfall in new england's strong waves and wind and rain. millions of americans in the weeks art heading in with an uninvited guest. the storm has caused many the terrorists all in the name of caution. >> get off early. hurricane >> earl flooded roads and left several hundreds of people without power. there's no injuries supported. it rolled into the eastern seaboard in the morning and was downgraded to a level one. residences and sewers started to feel a little more heat of earl this weekend. >> on make sure they're getting
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their deck furniture and and windows but really people seem pretty relaxed. here in massachusetts their little bit more confident about writing up the storm. >> we all this that we needed the power goes out i guess. this us is whether casino nothing of that we can handle. >> and as for the latest developments some good days. it turns out that the national hurricane center says that by the time it gets here it looks like it won't be a hurricane and more it will be a tropical storm. so it's like massachusetts will have dodged the bullet. >> well earlier the big topic on twitter but they're talking about evacuations. bell tolls
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what they're treating it appeared to believe? >> a lot people are talking about how pearl is burning their plan you can try not make my tv blackout. but is this are a problem and which is worry about kate caught hurricane earl = weak spots. the retreat against it, us coming up after the break. the slate can help you write in the bay area.
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>> time now for tech top of gave slight. there is a very unique surface's. i've never heard of
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this is the video game makers held a press conference at their combat usa to reveal their new video game. it is a highly anticipated title. fighter jets game that hits the market september 7th. it was a huge hit and the second one has been getting a lot of buzz. they're so confident with debt that they want the journalists to compared to the real thing. >> that is what is amazing about them. they let you flying in a real fighter jet and engage in a real aerial combat and training for our and then take you into the sky in over the bay region control the aircraft. >> come on that. >> they're sitting next you just in case something happens. the use fighter planes and is it you through 500 mi. per hour rolling swimming. anything you seen in top and you get to experience.
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it's crazy. they video cameras rolling in the comp net and you get a copy of it after you're done to see how you did under pressure. the best feel at par is the feeling and they have the hook up in the virtual sensor. you get to line up the other fighter jets and if you get a good clean shot david superimposed the image of smoke. it take to point up at a time and you get a paddle in front of you. after the real thing the game does look pretty bold bid. its most realistic one i've played. he is wet and track your targets and strike from above. these actual high resolution satellite imagery to be of high
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the pretty under a lot of pressure in an epic you every ounce of strength. >> i've added that because they told me most people who are pilots and to black out the first time. the usually experience and expensive. even check out there website roared formation it will cost you at least $6,000. if you want to experience something from the comfort of your couch you can try it is to be impaired is a good one. kids late for kron4 news >> this is what we're trying to show you here. it's a live picture overlooking the skyline but it's so foggy you can't even see the city lights tonight. we will be right back. much more news ahead. com
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live surrounded the bay area. this is a special edition of kron4 news. >> at 1030 investigators continued to search for possible death make them and us string of murders. they had shot and killed the suspect. he is linked to the death of his girlfriend, two other women and an elderly man. plus, lemon scent the remains missing. they searched the land fill it at the point tried to find his body. more than two dozen investigators invested tons of trash. they said that there's even a chance that they find something it will be worth their effort. >> are you going to sort the material and it's a visual search of that as well. >> we continue to be hopeful and
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we also ought to continue to follow the lead as they come. >> crews are expected to remain at that site searching for the body. there so many bodies that is difficult for investigators to keep track of what happened and when. they keep us up to date from the time they first found the violent detailed ended in richmond began five days earlier at this home in her place. they've responded to this call about cindy strand involving her boyfriend and her to tendance frederick and his father. the officer's report says and i walked in i saw record of on him and he was lying face down on the store. he is completely naked and after taking pictures of his injury they took him to the police station where he signed a complaint charging the two men with battery. on saturday afternoon they found his body at the home and he had been beaten
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to death. on tuesday the hercules police named him as a murder suspect and at the same time the vallejo police discovered the bodies of two more victims at home he was known to frequent. they say he grabbed him from the salon where she worked and drove off with her in her acura. the car was spotted in pleasant hill. they let him on a high-speed chase to richmond where he shot to death. his strangled body was in the park. meanwhile >> the husband made a first appearance. he was arrested when they discovered explosives in his home. his wife and her friend. >> wearing red jail issue gray and white jumpsuit he pleaded not guilty to explosives charges friday. the chemicals made it to use them on tuesday it when
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officers discovered a the decomposing bodies of his wife and her friend in the home. >> i do not think he has done anything wrong. >> billy is not been charged with the murderous police revels to get a whopping $2 million bill sets said he was stuck behind bars will the investigation continues. >> there is another potential suspect >> his attorney says that's the other suspect into other cases was certainly a thorn in his clients outside. >> he moved a couple of times in order just to try and get away from him. he would move to the new houses and continue to be there. to break into the house, come into the house, still the car keys. he repeatedly still my clients life with his keys. >> to the question remains how
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could he have lived in his home among the dead body. the attorney says he did not. >> i have reason to believe that the bodies are put there sometime that day. well, among other things he did file of the same person report and it does not make sense to file a missing person report >> his attorney has us that the bill is reduced and a hearing will be held on wednesday to determine whether or not all happen. in vallejo for it kron4 news. >> as our coverage of the murder continues online. and we have every breaking detail on this story. just log on to our web site. >> a live look out side from the golden gate bridge and you can see the fog here over the bridge close to the coastline, there are some pockets of dense fog, it is mainly going to stay close to the short into tomorrow
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morning. the coastline and the temperature is not going to warm as much as today it is led to be even more tomorrow. we're starting to see a little bit of a drop with the marine air making its way in to the inland valleys. we've additional coolly into sunday and a warm up your labor day monday. i will have details on that coming up in just a bit. >> the california department of corrections of rehabilitation is taking a social networking site to send out updates of parolees. the see how that works. >> well pam? when you scroll down of the coast it this bulls money and the reason there on this page for legally it removing their gps and bracelets. so what happens when you click on the link on the face but page you are going to seek a gps leave, this man is
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that offense of child molestation and edward coughed with a tattoo on his neck, his offense was minor. but all of these pages are right on top. you can't share them and leave a common story and even shared as a three or sure the information of your friends and family. to check it out as go to our web site. >> and another live look out side on this friday night. the golden gate bridge is shrouded in fog and there's not much traffic. we'll be right back.
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version the done is not on way in a row now 50,000 troops remain to help train the iraqi military career and well thousands of u.s. troops are now heading into afghanistan. more than have died. one of those men
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is a former football player who gave up his career. the cause of his death has stirred a lot of controversy and a new movie is making its debut in san jose and violates the situation. they talk with some moviegoers today makes me sad and angry. >> it told me need to keep your mouth shut about it. i was told my career is on line. isn't it tells me something i just do it anyways. >> it is a story that chronicles how and why that the football soldier was killed by friendly fire in afghanistan in 2004 and a military cover-up that followed. it clearly touched a nerve with those that were first to see it in campbell. >> i am really disgusted with cover-up the monisms congress and especially the military.
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>> time those people see as a they can learn the truth about who he really was and what really happened. >> the film presents a candid collection of the high school store who turned down an nfl contract to serve his country it also assert the is on their family and the ordeal they went through finding truth. and they put it like this after seeing the film. >> i'm very disappointed in our government. i'm very sorry for what they have had to go through all of this and somebody ought to set up and tell the truth. >> they're playing at 7 and campbell and the academy award winner will be here to discuss the film. >> continued cooling of their this weekend's the temperatures will fly each day and as we head into labor day monday is going
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to warm apple bit. the sea breeze and a fork as tomorrow and on sunday but we'll have offshore winds which are wins better warmer and drier helping on monday. it is not going to be too stifling at all in fact 93 inland. and it is definitely nice for those labor day barbecue. a look for tomorrow morning it is a different story with the fog making it over inland. and a little bit slower to peel back so 7:00 here is still seen fog in the north they ended a share. it will eventually make it back to the coast and into the afternoon. it is cooler temperatures that will prevail area wide and 76 of the layout are inland valleys are into the upper 80s for the mozart and will hold a '90s in the most part. as we get down to south been a look at your
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kron4 news around the bay it is cooling into sunday. might as well get it side enjoy the nice weather because it will be nice lived as we head into tuesday its clinical right back down. extensive fog will return to the bay area we're going to see the same pattern to the rest of the week. >> the giants are needing a win over the dodgers to gain some ground to carry those highlights is straight ahead and a scary play of the coliseum tonight with a shattered back that impales up pitcher. coming up next he
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the leaving of it is a rough night for the giants and they are not going to the playoffs but a nice performance tonight. close is 0-4 and here we are.
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2-0 carry the do come back and i don't think so. is another what and the road into a half months and the pitcher with the bases loaded 72 pitches. it was a bad call the you do get a couple of hits. they lost end the wild card, excuse me, to have back it is too late for the a's. any turnaround this adm from double the baseball those guys got it done. 28,000 for tonight. they must've been giving something
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away, to you a cab fare? they're really good. and if you want to take something out of this even develops some really nice pitches. it goes on and on and the first home run. he was a scary moment here. the shattered and he ducked the last minute. watch the replay. what is your word in pale to? >> and bills >> the member impelled him. . when he said impales on the air. when you're talking with your sisters, money tell you if you and i were to have a conversation, man tells him with that that. >> you never use the word impaled. that is not what you would say. that is why jackie in
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the relate swell because we talked like to kiss you just got off to the bus and the audience relates to that. >> it is wrong with using a good vocabulary? >> to know what he worked in boise and she brought her friends in boise. >> i did not forget anyone. >> are right so he's making names and he was suspended eight games for throwing a punch here. he is blindsided ends for the young san francisco and and now from the major league ballplayer, a little bit of a surprise. you remember last season? he is on special teams
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and despite his pledge to the date, you're damn right. (laughter) the land go today had the like it? had the sound to >> it sounded very good. >> i love pam. man he almost got hit with at that. >> (laughter) >> there's something on the prompter for everyone. it says talk as educated as you can. the people at home have worked all day and you come home and all of us look down your nose at someone. >> no one ever looks down the nose >> i would hire all high-school graduates and nothing else. no public graduates. that's what i would do. philanthropy. >> philanthropy> ok
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>> as for the raiders >> know you're not i am so right about that. the raiders are not getting and but by all reports this guy is going to be out for weeks. his had surgery to repair damaged and is already broken some, hey and that is where we're headed. that is so we feel good about ourselves. just give me been less and venus is rare in a sparkling sequent at the oak. she never on to college and yet look how great she is. venus williams is a dancing tonight at the united states open. he made e-mail us. just think about it if you had a newscast this like us. she is the best anchor in
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the morning. you're really coming on strong. remember the people in boise's that you left. >> where are to step aside before we impale gary here. >> this is a look at the james lick in san francisco. it is moving well for friday night and sent on the bottom of the screen. remove bay ahead with morning is ahead as we had people behaving badly..
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powerful 7.1 earthquake shook new zealand to south island today and you concede some of it here where it struck 19 mi. west of christ church and has a population of 12,000 people. emergencies because the buildings to collapse in so far despite to the earthquake only two people have been reported to have serious
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>> injuries. now here is stanley roberts he found some people behaving badly.. >> according to the e-mail i just inherited 5.8 million lbs.. that is slightly less than 9 million in u.s. dollars. apparently libya is not sure why it sheet shows me but to ask me not to worry. it seems like there was an airplane crash where she lost her husband. she even provided i'll link to show me proof. the show a list of passengers and according to the e-mail she is too weak to spend the money herself so she has decided to give me $9 million. all i need to do is apply my name and address of bacon send me a check. so i did. and then next day i got an official dhl worldwide letter. all i had to
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do was send to the western union to end an $68 and they would send me the $9 million. oh goody. now i know you're thinking and they said they would send me the 9 million. excepts they do not operate see-0-d. it is as people of using the names of real people trying to get your money. please delete those females and in fact markham as man and never given out any personal information. do not, do not spend money because you will never see a dime of the so- called inheritances. yeah this end up losing your money. in the newsroom i am stanley roberts for kron4 news. >> if you have a commodore story idea for stanley you can e-mail him on people behaving badly.. kron4 news at 11:00 coming up next.
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live this is kron4 news at 11. >> lance fell in the east bay is the focus of the search for frederick solace missing since saturday and


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