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tv   KRON 4 Early News  KRON  September 1, 2010 5:00am-6:00am PST

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pretty comfortable leather for sentences chris and grow. 87 degrees in san mateo. low 90s in redwood city and san mateo. for hayward about 90 to fremont, the unless bob's billion temperatures close to the century mark. 99 for several. 994 antioch its board. self it off bringing the '90s is well. secretary mill because of the bill green and 92. as we head into tomorrow we're looking at warmer areas which could top fatah water to a hundred and 2 tomorrow. look a bit of coastal
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fog started to return on friday, and we can move kodel slightly partially. you know no syllable cool down until labor day. now looking to our morning commute george. >> the dollar will fog free before hot spot for this morning. could start to kenya for this wednesday morning. starting with the project, the toll plaza new problems yep. west bound traffic looks kids and free and the span. new problems on any of the approaches on 5808024 they all look good fairy if your coming in here this still the best course to the bridge. some retail looks pretty soon, new problems for the right side which is a commute direction purify colorful commute also looks good. a.d. 92 a change is welcome looks good new problems there. gold and jade green tried 101. there's no fog. unlike
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herself well, traffic looks pretty smooth. a little heavier than usual but not a problem for yourself fun ride. no fault and it will degrade this morning. all of the census, and the commute all across town freeways, headlights cut around the corner here for off the upper deck of the bay bridge. one of oneself and no delays of this city, or want to the city north of paris note new problems reported 40 of the transit. >> 603 right now are developing story, were starting in richmond. ah officer shot and killed a man who was wanted now for multiple murders. this is video the scene last night, at the 99 french market. meantime bomb squads have been called out to several areas in richmond and vallejo a connection with this. we say that this man, half from
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all the marrow is the one who shot and killed and they believe that he's the one that killed 73 record of solid in hercules last week, salas was found dead in the bedroom on saturday. officers kill people tomorrow and all of a high-speed chase. solid was killed last week else solaces son is missing this week this morning as well. harry r. live in richmond were baltimore were shot and killed. >> the scene is star and to wrap up, this is the car of baltimore was driving in a high-speed chase. it sometimes street dropped under miles per hour. the end up your branch marked and richmond. baltimore then ran into the market, a writer here this is where her chp confronted him and he waved a big knife and a felt very frightened at the
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shot him and fired their arms at him. the financially killed him and saw the market. now will that was going on, other officers came to this car and found a female and the car, shoes thought to be dead the bill they did trotter 5 river systems. but the fund should been dead for a while. she was taken away about 430 a m this morning. at this for a bomb squad is checked out the squad in not did not find anything. we have a wall of bombs creek bomb squad fine been checking the area all because of flying been pompom nation's incidence areas in vallejo. the ball squad checked out the car, but nothing was founded this plane appeared now try to turn away to conceive. >> so they are driven a car wait for evidence and it also removed of crawford's body? >> yes
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>> now also sparked was the sergeant for across because he said there is another connection to another couple quarters, and let's listen for >> now we cannot confirm the connection with the suspect, because it's still early in the investigation. like i mentioned before this is very complex in nature. we're still very torn about hoping some point soon we can let every one knew exactly what is going know what happened. well worth looking at multiple deceased people, including the suspect. were still turn to put all those pieces together. >> pure the pictures of the two women if the of the missing for over week 6 year-old carol smart and six year-old reality, they've been missing since last week the bodies were found at home in vallejo. we're live in volcano >> lord is currently still in
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sight of this home, i can't tell you more to this is a very complex story. it seems like we did a voluntary couple minutes out here. we are told this is indeed read allen's home. but the bodies were found inside. lassiter off of a clock is when they were discovered. now the police say the investigators have back of this whole, and had the ball is what is being called in to the residence right now. we're expected to see travis' bomb squad to show up here. we're told there's some strange luck with the chemicals found in the halls or even around the house. now also been told that there may be another location, a storage locker in self vallejo then they contain some chemicals and substances as well. that may require the bomb squad. information is developing bottom it out here a
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couple minutes to get in your formation, it's a very confusing. we're trying get the correct information before reported. >> so is the queen's permission comes into us a kron4 news will keep reporting it to you all fallen a high-speed chase us back been killed shot by officers suspected several murders and a struggle woman carried >> will be back in line with more a couple minutes. á
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and back watching wall street today, features are reporting higher. they're looking for but december and august paris december usually the worst month on the markets. the dallas up five points yesterday as it down six. yesterday's did better than expected report acker consumer confidence was reported. american journalist and an absolutely weren't more last year. looking at kids to
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children's clothing and consumer-products. >> the check industry is buzzing over what some of the release by apple today. the announcement will involve new heights attained by pods. apple also may be high to name what base servicing peace you can actually access without with any computer in the world. they're also the jokai touch with a camera video channel chatting. , they can also release the new hutch green apple. dick also be a new manner i caught with adequate well. >> more watching called powerful hurricane earl of this it people
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slightly and it's great, if it is no category for possibly category three hurricane. it looks like in may grace the eastern seaboard in to start a labor day weekend. here's the destruction that is already created across the caribbean. look at some of the damages st. john's bainbridge island. evacuation orders have been issued for all involved in north carolina. >> the story this morning, budget murders and mystery in vallejo richmond ought to remember shot. he's not connected to several orders. lee back rain in a few minutes. we also continue to follow the weather which is in the very hot one today. take a look its emphasis grail of the sun coming up into going to really warmer today and tomorrow
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i even bought her a computer with my new citi forward card. then one day... have you seen this? she "friended" me. there's a whole album. [ laughs ] [ groans ] and started posting pictures. ♪ and tagging me. publicly. [ male announcer ] you ought to be rewarded for being dependable. the citi forward card gives you extra points for paying your bill on time and staying within your credit limit. [ woman ] nice tights. what's your story? the citi forward card can help you write it.
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can see the sun started to rise over the golden gate bridge. you concede that it's clear today not stocked it with salt appliance sunshine today. triple digits expected this week by the fact remarkably the war say the work week, will clear for the labor day. but for some signal that and take a look of the numbers for today compared to the numbers for tomorrow is going to be a couple of days. livermore get into the high 90s today could trip to the triple digits one a one tomorrow oakland opera 80s today and tomorrow census committees today and tomorrow, san jose low 91 degrees 94 tomorrow, san rosa stainless mid-90s. said that he way the sir leon, it's the fact for today and tomorrow. here's a look at those numbers for you. and 97 degrees in sonoma. in the
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door to a fair fill top now around 98 degrees. on the peninsula stay in the '80s and upper 80s. for or coming yellowknife is redwood city in potto. keegan in nine days in regards to asset laomedon all made up. 99, so close the triple digits for the san ramon. 99 for also for any of pittsburgh, in dallas of the self they were keeping alone '90s. here's a look kitchen labor day forecasts, big contrast only an up to the mid-60s and san francisco with partly cloudy positions school in san jose and in the '70s. and livermore to stay in the '70s for labor day. drizzle the seven day around the bay, lake see those warm temperatures and a couple of days, the cooling trend as we head friday. it is a lot of part of the weekend that will probably seek fill the cool
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down. looking at the committee this one are george. fifth >> thank you hostel can require here, and the hot spice for the ride on the bay area freeways. slows traffic is in antioch, slows down salmon until now. aggressive highway for ride looks good. here's a bridge chart for you as will the committee of the toll plaza. imperial life has been activated. pretty light traffic, light of the we've seen if the last several days. for the west bound awry. more we've now seen the end of summerlike tractor, and bay area freeways all this week so far have been very heavy very crowded. the inner city of union during commute. expect every conditions for a drive this morning. san mateo bridge still looks pretty good, no delays or crawl across the span. well it treats its side of law and is already building up. for a trip on highway 101 for
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maureen kelly, traffic conditions imaginable ways across the bridge. a firmer in counting. will head to the south bay and pickup our camera was the wine, which is right here. no. tell what no one to more selling clara all looks good, up your city avenue of to the brave expressly. press a bay shore also million beard obsolete tariff >> live look from baghdad, formal change of finance their morning getting under way at u.s. military headquarters in baghdad. u.s. prime minister u.s. vice president didn't is there now. near hanover military control to the iraqis. in the country is training and support and tactical rules.
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>> fremont officer in that shot is now proving it. officer todd young is in serious but stable condition. he got to grow surgery again yesterday he is heavily sedated and is still face more surgery later in the week. fall of sir young's wife has contacted us and she said a key to everyone who is showing their support. meantime can adjudicate was accused of shooting also remains in custody, here's a video of his arrest in san diego on a saturday. charges have been filed yesterday gay said, he's been charged with attempted murder of a police officer, carjacking, it attempted, crackled along with other serious charges. he scheduled to be arraigned next tuesday. >> budget battle firefighter rate in jerkies in city hall with all the information from the public soon. a news
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conference yesterday that the union said the deputy fire chief warrant the city manager bob petition potential negative impact in regards to lots of fire companies to lay off. >> we feel compelled to inform the public of the true impact of cutting the services. trans. a consensus in part of our demands. there needs to be an independent evaluation, to sherman who had disinformation and why was withheld from the public. for >> city press ahead with the layoff 49 firefighters. even the one in city official is on record saying the public would never accept service crops that would lead to an increase of life loss of property. >> doctor accused of sexually assaulting three female patients is 10 years for more than in prison. the doctor how high the
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practice of most of speaking spanish people patients. he was charged in convicted last may of sexually assaulting three women during called it exams. >> conservative legal group a strike force gov. schwarzenegger, to defend california's gay marriage ban in court. the pacific justice institute petitioned the third district court in sacramento of an emergency order that would require, state officials to appeal the ruling overturning call date. gov. schwarzenegger, said they do not plan to appeal. >> well the red dog with kron4 news morning is. dateline nbc that will be on move to saturday at 7:00 p.m. back.
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[ male announcer ] try sizzler renegade's ultimate value menu! choose malibu chicken, flame grilled steak, or two grilled shrimp skewers. each includes our 50 item endless salad bar and start at just $9.99. now at the sizzler.
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and start at just $9.99.
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welcome back live look here at the bay bridge, like traffic so far this morning. as a new heat
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up we might be certain see some large groups turnovers. temperatures are gritty he now 63 already wait and oakland a sunshine 79 after 8:00 p.m.. and hot weather is expected to moderate >> july has begun to reach the 33 miners of the trapped underground for more than three weeks, the effort to take performance. until now the men are living in the surviving on liquids. all the miners are in good spirits looking for 2 support solid food and a camel is. >> will be right back is kron4 news morning news continues as the bell to install street. will be following them. also falling they shoot a suspect after a high-speed chase. version of the shot suspect of other killings will have more details.
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look-alike for any of the gulfstream, stock futures appointee howard to a higher today. despite the fact the odd job losses. there were reported for july and august. will follow the numbers here throughout the morning. it's a new month. >> 629 is the time, are developing story is happening in vallejo right now. the bodies of these two women six year-old carol sport, a 63 year-old reed alec were found in one of their homes. if they had been missing since last week. their bodies were just found overnight and allen's home in vallejo. and this is all connected to a police shooting that killed that police killed the suspect last night. we're live in vallejo all side the whole the scene with these two women were found. >> lawyer said, this is real
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allen's home. we're being told yesterday around 5:00 p.m. is when the vallejo police car and when inside this home and found the bodies. i can tell you right down loss by mr. so that the travis air force base explosives ordnance detonation team just arrived on scene. it were being told by investigators at inside the home along with the two bodies, there's also some like water and chemicals found in our round home. there were very suspiciously call called the or does seem to take a look at it. that is what they're doing right now. we're being told the two bodies were discovered just under 05 p.m., were taken out of his residence around 1:30 a.m. last night. this is still developing story lots and two stories, and details. were also being told there may be another location. a storage locker in
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self vallejo, that might also be connected to this case. the bomb squad also went to that location. as refined pc a d d tell the story, will touch the morrises we get them. >> the women's were there, with a married the day of has-beens. >> there, i'm going to tread carefully here. there are some reports i'm conferring now that somebody was arrested inside this home yesterday. who that person is, is connected to the case i don't know. that is unconfirmed reports right now. that somebody was in the hall at arrested at the home. >> can't so we've got light pieces together for you jackie live on a scene in vallejo perry were to his body were found. police are seeking this made the
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connection to the shooting happened last night. in richmond as the ranch market here with there is a high-speed chase, and chp shot and killed the suspect. could they all think is connected to these women's murders. and some other murders. his name is as involved efforts involve the marrow. if they seem to be killed this 73 year-old man in hercules last week, salas was found dead in his bedroom on saturday. now solaces son is missing. so we're just peace in this together, if this man who was killed by chp right here is to be connected, to lease three other murders. that is was trying to piece together this morning. >> will keep giving you the updates as they coming to kron4 news. our other big story this morning is the heat. >> mark fog free this morning, but not heat for a period that
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saw it starts to rise those temperatures are going with it. as great pre hot out there even in san francisco. currently have 58 kids up to the upper 70's by new coming in around 84 for an afternoon high of back down to the mid-70s by the o'clock hour. so elsewhere starting to warm up in to the 60s like k were fremont downtown view about the same for san jose. up to about 70 in any of this morning. this maker way for the morning were aware of really quickly. even by 10:00 the could see widespread 70's in and high 60s and by noontime see some 80s. close color red if that's showing us the 90 sale lot different today than yesterday. we're looking and 90¢ fare felt antiauxin health club. plenty of '90s as we head to the afternoon. give up to 94% rosa fair fill come in and around 90 degrees. some of
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the hot day. down along the peninsula about 84% to cisco's san bruno. '87 and '90 and redwood city. also 90s in san angelo capt. ballets well. his mid to upper 80s of 99 degrees in san ramon today. surely to start to feel like he, close to the central mark not quite getting there today. the the side of the case tomorrow. 92 did send a clear night suffering campbell. the labor day forecast we keep it i love it will start to cool down to real candles 16 san francisco of los 70's and san jose and livermore. your seven a round of facials hot weather specialist mark, to mars and the war say the weakest point. temperatures looking to get to about one out to run
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inmost thoughts 80s by the bay, 70's by the coast. local by friday but still hot to this article down by the we can in to labor day. >> well we still have slowed traffic for antioch, that slows traffic in the bay area. new problems to the west bound right we've been is in frail highway for. so does the bay bridge, despite the fact if the meter lights for activated 649. not sure there's enough volume to awarded. seems like to just automatically switched on carry to see traffic backups and middle lanes. this could be the beginning of another bay bridge back up like this on monday, tuesday. remember the commute is back in full swing now. some detail burgess trouble-free, but heavier volume right now. there's a minor backups started a form of the toll plaza. the golden gate bridge ride those still trouble-free, no problems
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reported from orange county. there's a minor accident on the shoulder, silly to slow traffic a bit at the scene for about a quarter from mild. on its head to the san ramon valley, which had a rough ride their last couple of days came down to the creek at concord in pleasantville. but so far this morning it has been a smooth ride. it's a tale it's the right side your screen as a commuter direction that south, cutting torch pleasanton's hormone, new problems and delays, but 16 minute drive a wedge itself from walnut creek. still some drive for public transit. our reporting of problems or delays. >> democratic bovver blocks from public since challenger taking the stage in there with their first and only scheduled debate. the debate will take place rottenness and mary college. the
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recent polls show boxer with a 3 percent lead over fiona ah. >> the transit board is now taken a hard look kickups this afternoon. the gauche haitians with the edge remain tangled in court. they're looking a cat weekend services and half reducing late-night services and reduced hours for all lines. both sides are blaming each other for the difficult force churches of the face. >> you continue to thrive in the public by taking away the core of the services. is executive dental some carried >> the problem will be solved, i said in april that we need to get $50 million more the table. >> any cuts would take place in december. >> will drive back is kron4 news morning news continues.
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but what were the results? fact: brown promised to improve schools. but the drop out rate increased 50%, and the state had to take over the schools. fact: the city controller found employees paid for 22,000 hours... they never worked. fact: brown promised to cut crime. but murders doubled, making oakland the 4th most dangerous city in america. jerry brown. he just can't deliver the results california needs now.
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woow! hey man, how ya doin'? how's your shave? kinda like tuggin' and pullin'. see how shaving can cause irritating tug and pull? [ male announcer ] that's why gillette's introducing the revolutionary new fusion proglide.
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it glides... like literally. [ male announcer ] now, fusion proglide has been engineered with gillette's thinnest blades ever so it glides for less tug and pull. turns shaving into gliding. and skeptics into believers. new fusion proglide. and warm up before you shave for incredible comfort with new proseries thermal scrub. linebacker alkyl is announcing
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something today. the slave gives us a preview. >> the tech scene is buzzing over what apple will unveil this wednesday at 10:00 a.m. at their press conference event in san francisco. now, apple is notorious for keeping secrets, so we don't know for sure what will happen. but, let me fill you in on the rumors, speculation and what i think will happen. so, they sent me an e-mail to the press event in a guitar with the apple logo. obviously, this event will be about music in some way, itunes or ipod, some people think that the guitar picture indicates that the beatles music will finally be available in itunes. i do not know about that, but i do think that apple will make itunes library and transfer music and video to your apple devices from any computer, not just your own computer which is the cause now. it is widely expected that there will be a it defined its camera and face time the new feature on the iphone 4, there might also be a new ipod without a click wheel and make it all touchscreen. and there should be some news about apple
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tv, the set top box from apple that connects your mac computer to your tv to watch movies and tv in the my at access card, some it is possible they will unveil as did the work whole new apple tv system possibly calling it, itv, to he for catherine the see how unveiled tune in wednesday night at 5:00 p.m. to kron4 news, i will show you what apple shows off. gabe slate, kron4 news.
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welcome back big day here wall street for september. positive news coming out from the economic product chris. the dow likes the news of a hundred 15 points right now. up over 1%. 10 calls a 129. continental united working to close the merger deal today. if they told a federal judge the combining the companies will allow them to better survive against the industry competition. basis of the merger would not lead to higher fares and reduced
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services. the companies are trying to ward off a and passengers antitrust lawsuit. passengers want to blocked the merger. they said bit higher fares and decrease services are likely with the merger. >> a little more what today, starting very clear shot here of san francisco. to some clouds in the distance. right before the he kicks in paris >> for looking at clear conditions, low but hazy but not much of the way fog. it's pretty clear commute. should be all morning. san jose currently 61 degrees f. the time in up to about 88 high temperature and holds san jose breaking into the 90s today per bike down to the mideast by the o'clock hour proof to attempt to regain health care. here we have a list so hot spots in higher income will likely have a farm sectors
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in up to 96 degrees playas sunshine over oakland jack london square popular spot as well, 80 degrees. on a par 84 degrees today. so i'm sure there and be a lot of people on the back and join the sunshine today finally couple of days this summer. afternoon highs gain up to 94 in san jose. for 90 degrees in fairfield how unfair fell along the peninsula. pretty comfortable weather along to like san francisco 8485 in dallas said the 87 san motto. temperatures in the easter berkeley oakland all for richmond carried into the san ramon valley checked it out 99 degrees get really close that such remarks today. felt the same for pittsburg any of 99 degrees for pleasanton san ramon 99 carefree down to the senate clairton 90 degrees 96 degrees for loss gotta's perry to seven day around the bay shows as buy
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even more. tomorrows going to be warmer say the weak get to the water to and the warmer spots. these around the bay and '70s for the coast. price beach weather and the next few days. clean off by the end of the weekend. >> even talking about this line of highway 4 in the west bound direction, taking a closer look at it shows the ride is concentrated right here in antioch. where were you expected to be, no big delays or problems. as a typical to team. the rest the right looks pretty good headed out toward called for a triple its personnel will pass. lighter than usual. seeks a self bountifully today no big problems. with the blanchette, head bay bridge the backup continues to grow west bound at 629 carries and a look sleeker get a backup in earnest. already slow from the andes parking lot.
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trusted ally tele this is an eerie light back up and that's all. you're right to the cemetery ridge, i shall feel better today than last view that we looked at. new problems across a span horseshoes' reported. now and the golden gate bridge rightists still the end of an easy commute during count. boy look call cleared is, if it did fog and the death of a bridge and although grade. there's no fog this morning is sally ride during calendar. analysis showing of all the ride roadway either. public transit marks still called track trouble-free. >> president barack obama delivered a major address to the american people and from the lawful last oval office last night. crazy troops in the broader fight against terrorism. >> i am announcing that the american combat mission rockets ended. operation iraqi freedom
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is over, and iraqi people now have lead responsibility for the security of the country. our combat mission is ending, but are committed to iraq's future is not. if going forward a transitional troops will remain in iraq with a new mission and visine in it and this is seen iraqi supporters. and protecting our civilians. consistent with our group with the iraqi government, all u.s. troops will leave by the end of next year. >> now, that, may be coming to an animated troops coming home. but it does not in their. >> the scars of war always do with our troops that are coming back. there's a lot that needs to take place and there's a lot helps their going
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to need. the psychological services at the knee, the job helped they need. coups and help them. health and agreed in become functional and members of the community again. a big change for everyone make sure that we help them, not forget. cults and the hill before, and become productive citizens again. >> linda their son served two years to tours of duty in iraq. she emphasized that our son and his fellow veterans will mean jobs and they come home. she and other blue sermons are calling on their federal told citizens to hire veteran. perhaps don't forget you confront much president barack obama as overall office report on kron4 news not long. >> parents and teachers are outraged at the closure of two child care centers and oakland. they held a rally else by the
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golden gate child fell michael center to voice their frustration last night. they were temporarily closed yesterday to propose a budget cuts. those cuts if forced the district to reduce early childhood funding carried in close to seven day care centers. >> we do not accept this. this is affecting whole families. carrots are adequate jobs. people are not allowed to get higher education because they can leave the children here. >> we were able to identify some flies a weekend your redirect. to keep five of the seven centers (to the mark closing, and all the services of families received there will be provided at all to the locations. >> the children will be role of relocated to 1 the other five centers are were saved. oakland school districts of the services will be there for those children. >> will be back with more just a couple
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hmm, do i wear hats? i could wear hats, if i partook in hat type things (birds chirping) like strolling in an orchard ♪ is this my husband? awesome cool hat, mom
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oh my perfect kids alright fourteen ninety nine i totally wear hats ♪
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succumbs the heat temperatures up to the mid-90s today. what a great day its beaches today. of the upper 70's. very hot tomorrow specially inland over hundred degrees. but the false starts return when she offered other we chemical down for the bay area. cool down a little it really weekend. >> 656 lire back with more information in regards to a bunch of orders that seem to be connected to a shootout that killed the sauce back last night in richmond. two bodies found in this: vallejo just part of a police are trying to piece together this morning. will be right back. people! look at you!
6:58 am
texting...blogging... all this technology, but you're still banking like pilgrims! it's time for new school banking, bubbie. interest plus savings at why earn bupkis, when your savings can earn three times the national average!! three times the national average!!! new school banking at capital one bank. with interest plus savings, go to!!!!! what's in your wallet? somebody help me down.
6:59 am
top story of the were falling in the morning news. develop the chp officer shooting killed a man in richmond care if he is


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