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tv   BBC World News America  PBS  August 30, 2019 2:30pm-3:00pm PDT

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woman: this "bbc world news america." is made possible by... the freeman foundaon; by judy and peter blum-kovler foundation, pursuing solutor america's neglected needs; and by contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you. k you.
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america reporting from washington. hurricane dorian is heading for florida's east coa gaining strength. residents are preparing for what could be a catastrophic storm. >> make the preparations you need. that time is running out. >> a wave of arrests in hong kong, pro-democracy activists are charged of a -- charged ahead of a saturday rally. and what of aveling the world was your job? one lucky writer gives us tips on how toow enjoy with no listsn sight. for those watching on pbs and arou the globe, welcome to world news america. right now, hurricane dorian is over the atlantic ocean and a gaining strengit heads for florida's east coast.
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from space, you can see the size and power of this storm, which could be a category for strength -- category four strength when it makes landfall.wa officials are ing residents to take precautions and heat evacuation orders. florida' while ago about the impact.ct >> we anticipate this arriving somewhere in florida as a major hurricane. could reach category four plus winds, that is a significant storm. thld lead to a significant storm surge, has the possibility of having significant wind damage and destruction. make the preparations you need. you do have some time, but that time is running out. >> earlier i spoke with lance from the national hurricane center in miami. what can you tell u quick suite did just upgraded to
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a hurricane warning. it hma become a powerfur hurricane. 100 miles east from the east coast around nine miles per hour. ur>> do you still expect this to reach cagory four strength yes -- strength? >> with the warm water and the atmosphere is favorable for winds toise, we do expect further strengthening. >> how soon will florida feel the impact? e>> as it approache florida coast, it looks like late sunday night into early monday morning. the forecast hki become tricer. and start actually taking on a north -- taking on a northerly
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movement. >> how much of this is feeding ofof the warm weather? >> there's really nothing that -s stoppedto >> do you have any predictions on how long it will hover over florida? >> it looks like it's going to slow before it makes landfall. it will take a couple of days into georgia and the carolinas right there on the coast. >> we have seen a bit of difference with the latest
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update. >> we composited together. when you look at the average, that's a tough call. >> we have aeady seen an announcement that orlando plans to shut the airport. do you predict more closures,e more evacuation orders? >> we are looking really hardgh now. the forecast has been slowing.
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we are lking hard at that. >> thank you for joining us. i spoke with marshall shepard who is now the university of georgia. what are the greatwht threats an worries you most about this major hurricane? >>hat concerns me about hurricane dorian is the multiple threats, the storm surge, the wind, the tornadoes at landfall and particularly the rainfall, because what we think is going to happen is dorian is going to make landfall or hug the coast, slow down and then gradually enter its way up the coast. that's a recipe for major >> the fact it couger over
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florida and the slow pace of this, how concerning is that for the residence there? warned the public about is the water. that is the adliest aspect of the hurricane. the wind gets the most coverag but the water, the storm surge, the inland flooding. as we have seen with hand florence in recent years, thatla is partiy concerning.d that the soil, moistureyo and windhave falling trees and lots of power outages. this is going to be a multi-hazard event for people from south florida allhe way up through north florida and the carolinas. >> a lot of people have to be concerned because the path of the storm is somewhat conservative. how difficult is it to predict oe direction of the storm? >> the uncertainthe forecast starts to decrease. we are well within that window now. starting to see some uertainty go away. a major hurricane is gng to be
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near the inland of the coast. whether it will be up the peninsula orlong the coast or off the coast, those are still coming into is a worrisome enough that -- enough event that even the southeast states have to pay atntion. >> do you think people are preparing enough or see a complacency on those who have not yet understood? >> i think it is a little bit of i'm seeing examples of food supplies running low. people are starting to prepare. there at group of peopleav
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that say iseen hurricanes before, i have never left before, why am i going to start w w? these are rmal storms. i urge people not to be complacent with this storm. >> how does this hurcane compare? >> central florida space cf st down northorida of fort lauderdale, they haven't seen ah storm like ts in many years. there may be people living inea these that have no experienced this type of storm. if you look at the devopment, the multion dollars in damages. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> turning now to hong kong, where police have charged af numbero-democracy protesters as part of a crackdown on planned protests tomorrow.
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they are warning anybody attending saturday's events could face up to five years in prison. among those arrested were prominent campaigners joshua long for taking part in a protest. a warninthere is flash photography. passed the waiting press pack, two of the best-known figures in hong kong's pro-democracy movement. hundre have already been detained as fears over chinese rule have led to increasingly violent clashes. with prominent members of the city's parliament also picked up these latest arrests are seen as much more a pot made on the steps of the cot after a successful bai
2:41 pm the level of media interest speaks for itself. the arrest of this young man and others is only likely to fuel concern about the erosion of hong kong's freedo legal protections. >> we are strongly aware -- to conduct such a mass arrest. >> we won't give up and won't be scared by this injustice. >> today the police insisted they are just followinthe law,re atening further arrests for anyone joining unauthorized protests this weend. here is another warning. more video of chinese paramilitary forces conducting drills although some pro-beijing voices saintervention is far from into -- far from imminent. that will be the point.
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i hope we don't haveo reach that >> few protesters appear troubled by threats. the tougher the authorities, the more enraged they become. bbc news hong kong. >> in other news, the twitter accounfof the company's ch executive jack dorsey appears to have been hacked. a series of offensive remarksmr appeared odorsey's account, which has more than 4 million followers. twitter has told the bbc it is investigating. india's economic growth has dropped to its lowest level in more than six years. analysts sacral -- say global trade tensions play a part in the slow down. on wednesday tme indian gove announced it is easing restrictions on foreign investment in order to boost the
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economy. today the son of brazil's president met with presidentum at the white house. it comes as the u.s. omadministration has offered to fires in the amazo fight the 80,000 fires have broke out this year. >> the lancape that takes us deep into the amazon bears the scars that sparked international outrage and are now threatenin a whole way of life. this is the indigenous village. children here are oblivious to the fact that the floor --hat the force they live on is getting smaller. the men are preparing for a naming ceremony to welcome a newborn, the latest addition to this tightknit traditional community. as they prepare to celebrate ne life, the villief tells me
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the threat to people is increasing every day of the presidency. >> if the president continuesis witholicies he will diminish indigenous lands. that's what will happen we are prepared to die fighting for our land because we are warriors that are not afraid of the brazilian government. >> as the fires continue tooco burn, the smokinues to rise from the forest. there is a heavy haze all around. it is smothering the city and ching its children. she says if it doesn't get the right tr the lines of the children are being jeopardized. we are the ones who suffer. i asked if children's lives are being put at risk. not just the children, it is dangerous for everyone.
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>> if things keep going like this, the consequences will be even worse than the on we are already lit -- aeady witnessing. >> few here believe that will make any difference. this is what remains, scorched c eartrd skeletons and trees. the dense rain forest is no more. this has happened in more than 80,000 places across the amazon. bbc news, in the amazon. t president's approach tohe fighting t fires is not his only policy under scrutiny. saying this month criminals will
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die in the streets like cockroaches. -- you are watching bbc world news america. a still to come on tonight's program, looking for your next adventure? with 127 countries visited so r, one tral writer has a few tips. a new report concludes that there is an increase risk of breast cancer for men taking menopausal hormone therapy -- women taking menopausal hormone therapy. can last for aecade after treatment stops. james gallagher reports. -- are joint ache, she wasn't
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sleeping well and she started getting migraines. she is starting hormone therapy last year. >> definitely feel as if my concentration were back from a few years o. still had a few badays here and there. overall i feel much better taking it than i did before. >> the latest study shows the increased risk lasts more than a decade after stopping theer dru. it means for every -- one would have a catastrophic --
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>> we don't alarm women but we don't want to give them fal reassurance. make a much more informed decision about whether or not -- >> she said she found the latest findings conrning. she wasn't going to panic. taking hormones has improved her quality of life. james gallaghws, bbc ne >> a almost 30 yeaer the collapse of the berlin wall there are still signifint politicalniferences between germany's old east and west. the far right is popular in the former east and into regional elections there this wkend, it could emerge as the strongest
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party, posing a challenge to angela merl. our berlin correspondent went to germany to find out why. >> angela merkel promised ability and strength. the far-right was a conservative country. and it deals in fear. cliquei'm sick of foreigners taki our land. there isn't much wrong here. we don't want conditions like we have in west germany. we don't want that here. loved by tourists, famed for its
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architecture. the town has been rebuilt. the country reunited. they had been left behind. 'its a general problem the east. there are a number of reasons. there are changes with tadization. >> there is a fragility about germany's political parties. who was a young man when the berlin wall came down. >> they have cheated people for years. the only thing that has alws
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improved by their service -- you could put it into scols. >> it all feels very twinkle -- very tranquil. there is real division here. it's about more than tha what's happenin here represents a nationwide struggle. >> grilling for victory, misses michael's eastern conservatives. when they asked the regional primen minister how they p beat, afdhe seemed reluctant tu engage. for mostermans afdpa remains an table choice.
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c news. >> our next guest has his sights set a lot higher. held travels the w writing about it and is sharing his experiences in a new podcast. it encourages peopleo explore the world and shed some of those fears holding them ba he joined be a short while ago. thanks for joining us. what areome of the lessons you try to impart on listeners? >> in my show i informant wi these commandments. thou shalt be generous, thou shall ave your smart phone at home, thou shall seek happiness. that's really the lessons over
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35 years of traveling, because i was traveling in the wombg accordg to my mother, i may have been able to take these lessons. i feel like i don' to hold onto them. wisdom is there for everybody. >> you encourage people to throw out their lists of where to go, what to do. what should people plan in advance? >> i think there is planning that is necessary. i have a person iny life who is like, i havto plan this do some plannd then throw out that check list and see what happens. serendipity happens when you are not thinking about it. that's why i call thehow everywhere. that's the point. adventure is everywhere.
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doesn't mean you have to go to denmark. it does mean you can go to disney world down the street. >> one example was going to egypt. and not seeing the pyramids. what are some unexpected moments? >> i he this amazing memory of going to -- is such a beautiful place but there is nothing to see. you go on a horse for 10 days and just ride the step. eventually it's a meditation. eventually you are the destination.
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you are thinking i have to go seal this. it's more about being by yourself in your own skin. >> in those moments, do you pull out your phone? >> i have an episode on my show where i talk about how my mother says one photo, you only need one photo to remember. moment, and that's all i need. it holds the memory. >> thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. >> travel can be so stressful, a good reminder. thyou can find aldays news on the website. thank you for watching world news america. announcer: funding for this presentation is made possible by... the freeman foundation; blum-kovler foundation,
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pu solutions for america's neglected needs; and by contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. announ r: now you can accessmore of yos than ever before... this is the future! with pbs pasort, a member benefit that lets you binge many of the latest shows and catch up oyour favorites... we really are living in the modern world. any time you want... man: wow! how about that? anre you are. woman: there's literally nothing like this in the wld. announcer: sport your pbs station and t passport, your ticket to the best of pbs.
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capt sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> woodruff: good evening. i'm judy woodruff. on the newshour tonight: all eyes on the storm. hurricane dorianhurns toward the u.s. mainland as florida sidents batten down for dangeroulandfall. then, hearing from home. it's the time of year when members ofongress head back to their districts, and voters have a lot to get off their chests. plus, a wandering wall and theus art of change. onartist andy goldsworthy capturing the ephemeral. >> this rk has taken me into uncomfortable territory and that is a great thing for an artist to be put into. >> woodruff: and, it's friday. mark shields and david brooks are here to analyze president


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