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tv   BBC World News America  PBS  October 4, 2013 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT

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>> this is "bbc world news america." i'mrting from washington, laura trevelyan. a watery grave off the coast of italy with no hope of finding more survivors. 300 migrants may be dead after a boat capsized. washington, the texas state fair in full swing but the government shutdown is the talk of the town with a clear message from lawmakers. >> they need to get the government back to work and work out their differences. it is a problem of plenty in maine where a bountiful catch of lobsters is putting many in a pinch. >> welcome to our viewers on
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public television in america and also around the low. around the globe. in italy it is feared up to 300 people drowned when a boat carrying african migrants sank yesterday. to make matters worse, diving efforts have been hampered by poor conditions at sea. they have only recovered 100 bodies so far. of both sank off the coast lampedusa after it caught fire. our editor gavin hewitt reports. >> this is the first glimpse of the migrants' boat which lies 100 feet low the service. divers believe many bodies are still inside. they are not looking for any moresurvivors area -- any survivors. this is the moment yesterday when rescue boat arrived at the site where the migrants capsized. at one point, coast guards were in the dust coast guard crews
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were in the water trying to save people. 300 peopled up to died in the mediterranean's worst is asked her involving migrants. during -- worst disaster involving migrants. during the rescue, one man worried about large numbers still at risk. >> how many people are staying in the boat? >> 108. >> we met one of the survivors from eritrea. >> we got out swimming. our motor did not work anymore. the fire got out of control. everyone jumped into the water. ships and helicopters have been scouring the waters. there are still 200 people unaccounted for. survivors say they were so close to land they could see the lights.
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>> the boat sank 800 meters out from these two rocks. stronger migrants, some of them, over 100 of them, were able to swim and preach these rocks were they were rescued, but the majority of people on the boat could not make us crossing. -- this crossing. quick some of the early rescuers have been describing the moment they arrived at the scene. dominique go is a fisherman who told us many of those he saved were covered in kerosene. >> when i stopped the boat, you could only see the head with the arms in the air and they were screaming. there were so many people in the sea. 20 ofy managed to save them who have now died. some of the survivors have been taken to this detention center. they joined other migrants to share stories of harrowing journeys. your vpn -- european officials
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openly except it will have to be changes to avoid these tragedies. expecting a common european policy so all countries would be ready to receive the refugees. >> tonight in lampedusa, there was a silent procession. a small island in morning. they know there are no easy solutions to the crisis that drives tens of thousands to their shores. >> a brief time ago i spoke to gavin in lampedusa. >> gavin, we are hearing that bad weather hampered the search today. what is the atmosphere like there? >> i think the atmosphere can be summed up by what happened tonight. there was a silent procession through this very small island in almost every one turned out. this was a day of mourning. they understand that although so
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have not recovered all the bodies, they are not looking for survivors. there is the suspicion that perhaps 200 bodies are around the area of the boat, which lies 150 feet beneath the surface. and they know over the next two or three days there will be a massive operation to try and recover those bodies. so, yes, the atmosphere is very grim, but also an element of anger, because i think they feel these tragedies have happened too often and they know because of the geographical positioning of the silent that for many people fleeing persecution in africa or war in the middle east, this is seen as the gateway to europe. >> how can italy's government respond to this tragedy? it is very difficult. at the same time this tragedy
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was unfolding, two other migrant votes were arriving here with hundreds -- two other migrant boats were arriving your with hundreds on board. i was up at the detention center today and i was struck by the numbers coming from the middle east. there is a big dilemma. there are those who argue it should be made easier for migrants to come to europe, that is very difficult when you have 26 million unemployed in the european union. on the other hand, there are those who say stop the smugglers. if necessary, term people back. one thing this tragic episode has demonstrated is the level of risk people are prepared to take. there are no easy options here. >> gavin hewitt, thank you. it is the fourth day of a partial government shutdown in washington and neither side is showing any sign of touching. japanese that japan has warned a failure to resolve the crisis for have grave consequences
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the global economy and today president obama canceled a major trip to asia. but there is support for taking on the president's health care law. feet of not very animated cowboy looms over the state fair. >> i'm big tex. >> everything is bigger and bolder here. there is no sense of national crisis amongst the people munching their way around the exhibits. anything that can be deep-fried is coded in batter and consumed. >> i think they should shut it down and keep it down. >> why is that? >> because we need to take a stand against obamacare. we do not like it in any way, shape, or form. >> i think the government has gotten too big. obamacare is the worst thing that has happened to us in the
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country. >> opinions in texas can be fierce and in-your-face. perhaps it is a legacy of the cowboy heritage. but you can hear views like that all over the south and midwest. it is why many republican politicians do not see a dilemma in adopting a strategy others brand reckless. it is not as though texas is unaffected by the shutdown. it is not as is the as usual. he is a navy inspector, devastated to be sent home. >> it's terrible not knowing if you have a job or when you come back to work. we have not been sold a long this will take. they need to get the government back to work and work out their differences. >> national parks like a great creek are shutting down. to some occupants,
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but not the campers asked to leave. >> she is not happy. >> our president needs to get in there and negotiate. roll up his sleeves and work like anybody else's. you think it is his fault? >> i have never seen a president act like this. for a little embarrassed him. >> the george w. bush library has shut too, and these are the people the current president link blames for it, members of the tea party. they are unapologetic. >> the shutdown is just an indicator of where the people of america stand on this issue. >> our senators and congressmen afraid of your power? >> they shouldn't be because we are just voters. the american public has spoken. state, somene star
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do like the conservatives are taking a stand. but in the end someone has to blink and there may be a heavy price to pay. mark mardell, texas. >> for more on the global implications of the shutdown, i spoke to the senior fellow for international economics. could the u.s. default cause a global recession? >> it certainly could. if you had a default, not just a government shutdown, that means a safe harbor would not be safe anymore. that would cause a lehman brothers style panic. that is the armageddon scenario. >> what signal does it send when the president cancels a major trip to asia, as he was forced to do? >> i think it shows that the main threat to american power is not the foreign government or a foreign entity of any kind. it actually is the dysfunction
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at the heart of the u.s. political system. the congress undercuts president such that if the president were to negotiate a trade yell with the asian countries which is why he was going there, the transpacific trade deal, there is no point negotiating with a president who can't get it through congress. i think that is why you see this trip being canceled and it shows the presidency fundamentally weak. >> what does china make of all this? china holds seven percent of u.s. debt. >> china will be worried about the debt, but china will be delighted about the results geopolitically. the u.s. announced a while ago this trip to asia and the strip was supposed to be part of a positive habit. have always been do not rely on the americans. they will not deliver on promises they make. now you have
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the president promising to go to for countries in asia and not going. >> it's not just asia. it is europe. the president has had to cancel those trade talks. >> i think it is part of the same story. no one wants to negotiate with the president if that means making painful concessions. you will not go through that political pain to make a concession to the president will go back to washington and have the deal on that. it is the same with iran, by the way. they want to have a negotiation, a deal with iran, which would persuade the iranians to back off the nuclear program, but why would the iranians do that if they know the sanctions being relaxed, which would be the quit which would be relaxed which would be the quid pro quo might not be relaxed? americanes this affect
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credibility? >> credibility is being lost every day it is extended. it is not a cliff effect. it is a sliding slope. in economic terms, i think it is a bit of a slope to read what is going to happen, every week this caps on will cost more to growth. probably .2% off the annual growth rate in the fourth quarter for every weakness is extended. it will get worse as it does on, that it will not be suddenly you fall off into the abyss. >> let's hope not. thank you very much indeed. in other news, at least for have been killed and four others wounded in clashes between police and protesters in the canyon ports city of mombasa. been set onas also fire. the arrests were sparked by the murder of a muslim cleric on saturday night. earlier we reported on the tragedy in them produce a.
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made -- pope francis remarks on a pilgrimage to the shrine of his namesake, st. francis. he exhorted the roman catholic church to become a church of the poor. this report has some flash photography. ♪ >> it was a moment of intense devotion. hope frances at the tomb of the pope francis at the tam of the 12th century saint. he is revered by catholics. eight centuries after his death, he is helping reform the roman catholic arch. on the spot where st. francis stripped naked and renounced the wealth of his family to serve called onpope francis
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the church to strip itself of vanity, arrogance, and pride. >> many of you have been stripped by the savage world, that does not give work, that does not help, that does not care if there are children in the world dying of hunger, does not care so many families have nothing to eat, do not have the dignity of bringing bread to their table, do not care about the many people who have to flee poverty and hunger. >> clearly moved in the presence of the poor and disabled people brought to meet him, the pope announced what you said was a global system indifferent to the suffering of others -- announced what he said was a global system ed different to the --denounc what he said was up global system in different to the suffering of others. it was in a cc that catholics --
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i that catholics believe that god exhorted st. francis to rebuild his house. they just completed their first formal meeting in the vatican and it is a sign the plan fundamental change to the way the church bureaucracy works. ♪ commentators say the ruling elite in rome, so long accustomed to in forcing the pope alone, will mount a ball the bishops in local churches. the power tovolve bishops in local churches. seek aancis was to renewed focus for the poorest and most in need. bbc news. >> the reforming pope there. you are watching "bbc world news america."
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still to come -- a legendary the enemies general is laid to rest at the age of 102. tonight, we look back on his life. as kenya struggles to come to terms with the horrors of the stories ofttack, survival are beginning to emerge. here is gabriel gatehouse. >> i was scared. very scared. i was trying to sleep. i could not sleep. my mom hoped that we would be quiet, but then i stayed quiet. onshe found herself cowering the floor next to her mother and little brother at the west gate mall as it came under siege. it was supposed to be a normal saturday afternoon trip to the shops. >> i could hear them walking. i knew this was not a regular person. they had a conversation.
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ama, mama." out "m i could hear this lady answering. less than five seconds later, two shots and she was quite. i felt someone touching my hand. this person came out saying ok?", mama, are you i played dead. and said "baby, baby, baby," and i raised my head up and i asked if he was one of the bad guys. "no, baby, i am one of the police and i'm here to rescue you." >> after three terrifying hours, all four were rescued. the psychological scars are there. >> we are looking over our
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shoulders. we are more cautious than before. we have tried to regain normalcy in our life. for this family many others, her life has been shattered. gabriel gatehouse, in nairobi. >> he was nicknamed the red napoleon. , the vietnamese general who helped write the french out of this country and help defeat the americans, has died at the age of 102. -- badly badly harmed armed group of guerrillas to victory. they called him the red napoleon. no formal military training your shattered the myth of imperial invincibility. a battle with the french colonial army sealed his
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reputation as one of the great tacticians of the 20th century. it wasn't epic struggle -- it was an epic struggle. 100 miles of trenches dug. tightening the noose colonials.french the result, still studied in military schools. speaking about it later, if the lien general spoke -- the ebui llient general spoke about the morale of his army. decades later, they would be tested against the americans. general giap's tactics were crucial. the ho chi minh trail brought supplies. in the jungle, the americans face an enemy that seem to be everywhere and yet invisible. facts he was very much a man of
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the people. -- >> he was very much a man of the people. i think that earned him respect among vietnamese and certainly his military prowess earned him respect among the western opponents that he faced. at a his victory came price. by the time the vietnam war ended in 1975, 3.5 million soldiers and civilians were dead. paul adams, bbc news. vietnam'sfigure in history dies. now to a problem of plenty. for those who harvest the seas, a big catch is usually a blessing. but in maine the abundance of lobsters has turned into a large headache. the catches up sixfold. lobstermenhat steadily.s fallen we went to maine to talk to those caught by this dilemma.
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>> out of the depths comes crustacean treasure. for decades now rent oliver and his crew have pulled lobsters from these waters. today many boats have returned to port because of rough seas, crewents -- brent and his remain. >> you make it. you have to go a lot more days and stuff like that. a lot of guys are going year- round rather than seasonal because they need to make extra money. it takes a lot more to make up profit. >> warmer waters and eastern maine have told off the lobster's predators and encouraged reading. has increased six old. steadyh abundance, a decline in the price lobsters that. even in this time of plenty,
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others are trying to get lobstermen to consider other sources of income. >> they were seen these huge numbers and getting really excited to her three years ago. after they saw how fragile their personal business economics were, last year it was catch more lobsters, does not matter, we will make up for the low price and by fax time they realized, that was not a valid strategy. >> it wasn't enough, boeing more out of the sea? >> it wasn't enough. >> in one of portland phil fish market, business is brisk. low prices keep customers coming back. that's not really helping the lobstermen. so, another trap comes out of is very but the haul different. the waters are cooler and the catch much lighter. low prices make the economics of lobstering precarious.
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>> what do you do? markets on, sell them, them. you have to go home and see your family and have time for yourself once in a while. >> [indiscernible] >> he says he will. i hope he learns another trait, maybe comes back to it and has another trade to fall back on. some moneyn make with his brain instead of his back. that would not be too bad. >> like his uncle, his grandfather, his father, bob is a lobstermen. he can see no other life. at but main's problem of plenty is hitting him hard. if only the demand of lobster could be increased will his son be able to follow him on the water. jonny dymond, bbc news, maine. change leads to more lobster. i'm laura trevelyan. thanks for watching. please join us next week.
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4:28 pm
- hi, neighbour! wanna play in the block corner at school with me? and then we're going to miss elaina's house for backwards day. i'm so glad you're coming too. i'll be right backwards-- i mean back. is made possible in part by... the richard king mellon foundation. dedicated for over sixty years to south western pennsylvania's quality of life, and competitive future. and by these pittsburg foundations. working together to enhance and enrich the lives of children for more than seventy-five years. and by the arthur vining davis foundations. dedicated to strengthening america's future through education. adcasting, dedicated to strengthening america's future and contributions to your pbs station, from viewers like you.
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in the neighbourhood ♪ and contributions to your pbs station, ♪ a beautiful day for a neighbour ♪ ♪ would you be mine? ♪ could you be mine? ♪ won't you be my neighbour? - ♪ it's daniel tiger's neighborhood ♪ ♪ a land of make-believe ♪ won't you ride along with me? ♪ - ♪ ride along - ♪ it's daniel tiger's neighborhood ♪ ♪ so much to do, so much to see ♪ ♪ won't you ride along with me? ♪ - ♪ ride along - ♪ i've got lots of friends for you to meet ♪ ♪ in this land of make-believe ♪ a friendly face on every street ♪ just waiting to greet you ♪ it's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood ♪ ♪ a beautiful day for a neighbour ♪ ♪ in daniel tiger's neighborhood! ♪ (trolley dings.) - thanks, trolley! (trolley dings.) hi, neighbour! it's me, daniel tiger. today i'm going to school! want to come to school with me?
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grr-ific! come on, dad, we don't want to be late! - (laughing): ok, ok. - yay! school time! backpack in my cubby, - ok, my favourite fuzzy guy, i'm headed off to work. - ugga-mugga. - ugga-mugga. - good morning, daniel. good morning, mr. tiger. - hello, teacher harriet. - hi, teacher harriet. my neighbour is here too! - hi, neighbour. i'm so glad you're at school today. - thanks! - daniel, why don't you go and play in the play corner with your friends? - grr-ific! hi, katerina. can i help? - meow, meow, yes! - cool! - put that brick over there. - ok! (daniel humming) - can you please pass me that block? - got it! (katerina laughing) - thank you! doo-doo-dee-doo, la-la-la-la-la, la-la-la... we need another block. let's put that over here.


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