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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  May 17, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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thank you so much for joining us this morning. it is friday, we made it. may 17th. >> yes we did. so let's get started. >> i was personally destroying our community. right? and now i
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have an opportunity to build up our community. and that's what i came out here to do. that's my mission, to build up the community. >> a second chance in life to do the right thing. this man, just one part of a new alternative to help the homeless in san francisco. anytime that i see developments in ai, particularly as they relate to voice, it concerns me for independent artists. >> finding a balance between new technology and the irreplaceable human touch. can they coexist? everyone just put they time and work the community in me literally. what i want to be is be the community in me and bring it right back. out tot word. >> they're role models recognized as leaders in oakland. now they just got a big boost for their futures. plus, have you ever thought what your dream job would be? you might be able to swim your way through the summer. where is my pink flamingo float tee? i'm ready for it. i'll gianna franco and i need vacation after seeing that gorgeous pool. >> so cool and pink floaty huh?
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>> they're the big ones you see in the pools. >> i like the unicorn ones. i think so fun. good morning, everybody, i'm reed cowan. let's take a live look outside on this friday morning and i'm going to wipe the slate clean. there you go. you might want the use the pointy tip of that tower there to deflate my unicorn floaty in the pool because i'm just far too old to be seen by anyone in a pool. do you see what i'm saying jess? no reed, no pool. no way. >> do you not forget the fact that just a couple of months ago for the super bowl you were up there? chilling in all the vegas pools. >> shirt was on. >> we're at the age we don't care anymore. just get in there and have a good time. >> yeah. yeah. >> just get out there and enjoy it. it's going to be a beautiful weekend actually if you want to use the pool. reason why is -- well, dependable on where you live. off in the east bay, yes. if you live along the coastline like maybe hold off a couple more months. but here's what's happening for us this
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weekend in the forecast. beautiful conditions in the afternoon hours, of course still cool and cloudy with the may gray holding on tight to us this morning. it lifts and pulls back along the coast in the afternoon hours and daytime highs through the afternoon and through the next couple of days actually are remaining right where we should be. so 50s and 60s along the peninsula. and the coast. and oh beautiful 70s and 80s in our inland areas which is perfect. if you have some ideas of family events to do this weekend, by all means the forecast is cooperating with us. if you want to head over to the contra costa county fair, we have 70s and 80s. if you want to go dress like a crazy person and head to bay to breakers well, we're expecting 50s for that run. amazing event in san francisco and some of the best people watching in my opinion happens in san francisco bay to breakers weekend every year. but a quick look at the rest of the bay area, this afternoon, we're dealing with 60s in sf and 0s just along the coast near half-moon bay and pacifica. it's going to stay cool and cloudy along the coastline but we have a beautiful sunrise and that sun is going to help break apart the cloud layer currently just near the santa clara
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valley. here's our live cam from black mountain which is just right there close to los gatos. as we head into this afternoon, that cloud layer really starts to break apartment we're left with 70s in the forecast today near san jose and los gatos and light winds this afternoon and that's how we're going to kick it off this weekend's forecast with beautiful weather right around the corner as we head into this next couple of days. g, how are the roads looking? unfortunately a crash along 68 o and a slight backup at the bay bridge now. so let's start here. live look you can see getting a little bit slow heading into san francisco. again it's 6:00. usually this would be well beyond the overpass at this point but not the case. it is friday light still safe to say. but starting to back up just a little bit there. now we're going to zoom in on 680 right now. if you are headed northbound just coming away from mission boulevard to auto mall parkway, all lanes are completely blocked until further notice unfortunately this is due to the injury crash that's been out there for quite some time. reed? the man convicted of attempting to kidnap former house speaker flansy pelosi and attacking her husband with a hammer will learn his fate in
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federal court today. we're of course talking about david depape who was found guilty and admitted to breaking into the pelosi san francisco home back in october of 2022. prosecutors have asked the judge to lock up depape for four decades. which would mean depape could face being a prisoner into his 70s. a second trial by the way in state court will start in the coming weeks. in berkeley, police cleared out a group of pro palestinian protesters who occupied this abandoned building it's the anna head complex known on berkeley's complex or next to. after an hours long standoff riot police busted down the doors and closed off the building and arrested 12. the building is now barricaded but by police. for the third time uc regents are caking the can down the road when confronted with a question about voting to restrict employees from posting personal views on campus web pages. in fact, at their meeting in merced when you see protesters outside. regents faced criticism by pro palestinian activist that is to not allow professors to post is
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an incursion on free speech by the educators, vote to allow educators to post on so-called secondary sites will now happen in the month of july. we'll be there. cruise has reached a multimillion dollar settlement with a woman hit and dragged by one of their vehicles and you might remember that story back in october. the autonomous car company paying as much as $12 million to settle the dispute. california dmv suspended the driverless taxi license in san francisco and cruise said their hearts are with the pedestrian and they hope for her continued recovery. g? well, reed, we've got some breaking news to get to at the pga championship in kentucky. this year's masters championscottie scheffler was detained by police early this morning. espn actually shared this video and reports are he failed to follow an officer's orders during a pedestrian fatality investigation. ooh. police say a person had been struck by a bus near the tournament and had closed off nearby roadways and scheffler allegedly failed to stop and he
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actually drove past the officers. so an officer there started screaming at her hymn and ordering him out of the vehicle, now when scheffler got out he was shoved against the car and immediately detained. it's unclear what charges he is face right now. of course the pga tour continuing today. he is sitting at 12 on the leader board right now. more on that coming up. well, this just in as well. two voice actors are leading a class action lawsuit against berkeley based ai start-up lovo. the pair alleges the company used recordings of their voices to create ai bots to replicate their voices without permission or even proper compensation. so the suit seeks $5 million in damages. so this case is part of agreeing trend of lawsuits against tech companies for misusing content to develop ai. it comes as artificial intelligence company veritone announced a partnership with the entertainment agency caa to protect performers their name
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and image and their likeness. >> shawn chitnis is here with us now and you have got a perspective of a voice actor based in the bay area on the heels of that news about the lawsuit. pretty fascinating timing here. >> reporter: also worth noting that chatgpt has a new version and in that we saw just how they're able to make it more of an experience where the voice has more engagement as you are talking to the software application. so voice actors tell us they are hopeful the new partnership could be a step in the right direction but they're already so careful about how they store and protect their own audio. >> listen, well, well. i'll show you how to -- >> reporter: blacktop hoops is a vr video game now available and that's the voice of joy ofodu you hear in one of the game's players. the full release this week for play on vr headsets comes years in the making, well after joy voiced this character. >> whether you are recording in-person or at home, voiceover
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takes time. >> reporter: as a professional voice actor based in the bay area, she's keeping a close eye on the latest developments for all things ai. >> i was interested, excited, a little bit nervous. scared. and as someone who has publicly spoken about ai and my concerns as a voice actor, i know a lot of those alarm bells would kind of be ringing as well. >> reporter: this week's announcement that veritone and caa have created the vault to store and protect digital assets caught her attention. she's cautiously optimistic about steps like this to secure any work like this that uses her voice. >> they can come in and they can make sure that their scans and their recordings, everything being done is theirs. >> reporter: the two companies say the vault will ensure an artist's voice is only used when they want it to be. and they're getting paid for it. >> i'm okay. >> reporter: but voice actors like joy say cyber security is a growing threat for her line of work. and it's too early to know if anyone can truly store voices safely. there are always
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legal and ethical concerns with ai and voice work. and now there could be an issue of access. who will be able to use this technology to protect their voice? >> anytime that i see developments in ai, particularly as they relate to voice, it concerns me for independent artists. for those of us who are professional working artists and actors. sorry dude, i can't hear you. >> reporter: joy says she's fortunate in these uncertain times to keep getting more work. whether it's in the animated series "the sales-off" or the independent hand drawn film, "beverly bunny." >> murder, what murder? when was the murder? >> reporter: but beyond the concerns over ai creating an unfair landscape for voice artists, she also worries about it moving the craft away from the art of performing. >> we voice act, not because we just want to receive a check every now and again, though the check is nice. voice acting isn't the most lucrative industry and it's not the most lucrative kind of acting per se. we do it because we love the performance.
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>> reporter: so for all of us what this means is we have to be more critical of any content we see now. question what we're seeing specifically what we're hearing. because we know audio is going to be the easiest to manipulate. so as we've been talking about this there really is that balance of excitement in the advancement and technology that's how someone like joy has had such a great career. from being independent to now being a sag-aftra actor and getting all the bookings and able to do it remotely but also she and others now have to be even more concerned about how are they going to protect that audio and make sure it's not being used incorrectly? >> it is a big concern because not only is that a paycheck for her but also you know, every sag-aftra job she gets helps her with health insurance. and kind of staying in the union which is to advantageous to people who are in this position for the extra help. >> just speaks like ai is a power but we need to use it for positive. you met my friend callie a person earl in the week who is blind. she was able
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to actually experience a photo of my daughter yesterday because ai characterized what was in the photo for alley and it nailed that ryan looks like and the mood that ryan was conveying in the photo. but using the talents of people that you just introduced us to. there has to be a stop. >> move stock fast and that's why we have to be so fairful and think about this and putting in the guardrails. >> good stuff. shawn. >> important. all right, time right now 6:11 in the morning. coming up, opening doors in oakland. a story to fill up your heart and make you believe that people are good. plus, storms sweep through the south and the frightening videos coming into
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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looking live at oakland where we say good morning to our friends in the east bay and congratulations to the bridge builders who are opening doors to education for students. you know, more than 1100 students got oakland's chargest scholarship giveaway. andrea nakano talked to one young man who will be the first from his family to attend college. [ applause ] >> reporter: these young students are the future of oakland. they are leaders and role models in their community. you won't find a more positive
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and inspirational young man than 17-year-old royal hubbard. >> that goes for my mom, auntie. my family. my dad. because everyone -- everyone just put they time and work in me. the community in me literally. what i want to do is bring the community in me and bring it right out back into the world. >> reporter: royal is a senior at oakland tech high school and is one of the recipients of the oakland promise scholarship and he is one of more than 1100 students who are getting a share of nearly a $5 million to help them go to college. for royal, it's a dream come true to be the first in his family to get a college education. >> my dad didn't have much. my mom didn't have much and my family didn't have much. i just got -- i learned from their mistakes. i'm going to take they mistakes and just go and derive it. >> reporter: the students not only receive financial support but resources such as mentors to guide them in the next chapter of their lives. oakland promise was created in 2016 as a way to reinvest in the city's youth. >> really our students in oakland, they are the stars. they are excellent. and they
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have the opportunity to really change the trajectory of -- of their zip code. >> reporter: royal will be going to csu northridge in the fall to study business and marketing with an emphasis on fashion. he's already had a chance to be a part of new york fashion week and hit the runway. he's on his way to turning his dream into reality. but he also knows his journey is not just about him. >> i have been thinking about it too much and make me want to shed a tear. my little cousin, nephew are looking at me. i really have to do this. i really have to do something that's going to change their mindset. >> reporter: and royal is creating the path for his family to now follow in his footsteps. >> love the name too there right? so good to see that. all right, so many people doing good in our world and it makes us just love the sunshine and look we're going to have some this morning. >> i know it's a good way to start the weekend as we take a live look outside on this friday morning. that's a beautiful view of the bay bridge. you got the clouds kind
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of hovering over there. and jess, of course will have a look at what's in store for the weekend. but jessica, i know you have some video you want to show us this morning. it's coming out of texas with the storms happening there. >> absolutely. now powerful storm system pull illed the houston area leaving a trail of destruction. now the violent hurricane-force winds actually slammed the city bringing the flash flooding and tornado warnings and knocking out power to thousands of people after pummeling power transmitters. and this building right behind me, it partially collapsed. the side of it was just completely torn away and we're hearing that at least four people were killed from this storm and one of them actually die being bit my a falling crane. as we check out the video behind me the windows of the downtown skyscraper were impolitely blown out. the whole side of the building has damage to it. and two men were inside and of that high-rise and they described all the chaos and how they may have saved a man's life. >> we're in the restroom and we hear everybody screaming and coming towards the restroom. and we -- there's like -- dust
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blowing down from the -- ceiling tiles. >> guy who had something fall into his car outside and he came running in had a gash on his arm. about 8 inches. and we had to put a tourniquet on it. >> that is wild. now the a's were in houston playing the astros. and that heavy rain somehow made it into minute maid park. it blew through the cracks of the retractable roof across the outfield and the game was still played as normal despite that. the storm continues to track off into the east. back here in the bay area, though, we've been dealing with some of the most mild weather honestly i have been forecasting this whole year, what's happen right now for us here in the bay is high pressure is sitting directly offshore. that's allowing for small day-to-day changes in the forecast for us. yes, we still have the may gray in the morning hours but all the storm tracks are staying north of us and i'm not complaining about that by any means. we know the weekend is around the corner now and there's plenty of fun things for us as we head into this weekend's forecast to do outside. we'll forecast that in just a bit but let's take a
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look at the winds. wind gusts anywhere up to around 15 miles per hour this morning lasting into this afternoon and moving in from offshore, now that's actually some of the lightest winds we've seen all week. other than that, the forecast when it comes to the daytime highs they really haven't changed too much. still talking about low 60s in san francisco and you can see the bay bridge live above me right now. in oakland warming up into the upper 60s and continue to track to the east and 70s right around the corner for us as we head into this afternoon. off in the east bay, i wish that was the case along the coast. not 50s today near half-moon bay. in the santa clara valley, here's the live cam from san jose. at least it's not impacting surface visibility. so getting to work to school today, easy peasy. here's what happening in the next seven days the high pressure system sitting just offshore is continuing to move closer to the california coastline. it continues to warm us up and dry us up and suddenly sunshine as we head into monday and tuesday of next week. with 80s returning into the forecast for us. it will be beautiful and warm and a great week to get out there and do any outdoor
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activity if the kids have sports by all means it's the perfect week to go out there and cheer them on. here's what's happening next week along the bay. upper 60s lower 70s in the forecast for us. it's beautiful and it's mild and no rain in sight for us anytime soon. g, this was a perfect week to get out there. i hope lot of people will enjoy this weekend and do exactly that. we've got some stuff going on like bay to breakers which will have a lot of street closures happening because of that on sunday. so might be extra busy heading into san francisco this weekend. it is a little busy right now as we take a live look at bay bridge. @ metering lights are on and it's slow just in some spots but if you are approaching the bridge from 80, 580 or 880, you are actually doing okay. safe to say it's friday light through there. we are still watching this crash northbound 680 lanes are closed between mission and auto mall parkway. that's a crash that's been out there for quite some time. now over the weekend as well even though the brake lights westbound 37, eastbound lanes will be closed between sears point to mare island that starts tonight at 10:00 and it extends all the way through monday unti 5:00
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a.m. and don't forget bay the breakers. howard and market and of course it starts in the east side and heads over to the great highway where it ends and multiple entrances will be affected to golden gate park and reroutes in muni. plan for that on sunday. we are about minutes away from parts of highway 1 near big sur reopening. that's nearly eight days aid of schedule. back in march, if you remember, that storm it triggered a rock slide and it left this section of the roadway impassable. now the only way in or out has been two daily convoys but now with a temporary signal, highway 1 will be open to one way traffic 24/7. well, a live look at hayes valley in san francisco. where we told you this story so we continue to follow it. we know it's important one in rain shower community and low income residents and seniors there finally able to experience the grand opening of a brand new grocery store. you can see the shelves getting stocked right now. the fulton street location
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of trader joe's is there and also bring 100 jobs to the people and you see on the left, somebody's taking video of that. very proud of what's going on in that store. congratulations everybody i saybuy all the cookies. >> especially on a friday. you earned it. 6:22. taking a live look oracle park. running in the big leagues. a chance for fans to get on the field
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welcome back friends. it's 6:25 in the morning and it's a live look right now at oracle park. get ready to lace up the running shoes and we're talking about really an iconic tradition in san francisco. it's called bay to breakers. the san francisco giants, they are teaming up for an epic running challenge this weekend. so the giants are hosting runners night as they take on the rockies tonight. and coming up at 8:00, make sure you stay tuned and pix+ 44 cable 12. -- 6. right? >> cable channel 12. >> six times two is 12. anyway, math. friday. director kyle myers of bay to breakers will be here to give us all the details. pix+. >> just thinking about all the cool costumessen sunday you will see at bay to breakers. you will see other things. >> don't go to 6. >> go to pix+ 44 cable 12. all right. any 49ers' fans in san jose would have felt like a little kid with the star power at the fourth annual dwight clark legacy series. the event raises money for the golden heart fund which helps former 49ers' players and it's a
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chance for the past and present to get together. steve young, brock purdy, alex smith and jeff garcia had a chance to be there and ask garcia about the niners' current qb situation. >> very mature. very cool, calm and collected. some of that, joe montana feel to him in the sense of how joe was. so cool out on the field. the young man plays the game with somewhat of an effortless feel for what he does out there. he's got a composure that is well beyond his 24, 25 years of age that he is. all those things that he does out there are very special. and we hope we have him for a long time. >> oh, we absolutely hope we have him for a long time. keep it up brock purdy. joe montana in the same sentence. >> all the way this time. we have to. right? >> we have to. okay. super bowl. i'm already thinking about it. time right now 6:27 in the morning.
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coming up, a bay area job that just really sucks. we'll explain because it's a barge, a bay and a mission to be cleaner for the climate. itay hod has that story. also, confronting homelessness and a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my...
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ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪♪ ) ♪ (ominous music) ♪ come on. what can i do to help you? dad: come on buddy. headphones. what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do? i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ it's ok.
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halfway through the 6:00 hour on a friday and just take in that beautiful view. the sun
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is shining there above the clouds. what are you thankful for this morning, g. >> thankful for my health and my happiness and my family. and this gorgeous view right now. and you too reed. >> me too. it's just nice to start the day with gratitude. isn't it? and jessica, we're thankful for you when you keep us informed. good morning. >> good morning to you both. let's head straight into the forecast as we head into the next couple of days. we're not seeing too many big changes and honestly i'm kind of grateful for that as your local meteorologist. here's what's happening this weekend in the forecast. more may gray for us as we head into every single morning until around monday, tuesday as high pressure continues to move its way in. that's going to dry us up and warm us up even more as we head into next week but for now we're still left with daytime highs remaining near normal. daytime highs are going to be sitting mostly in the 70s and 60s along the bay area. with a very small change in the forecast this weekend. now if you live all the way off near antioch and years in the east bay are going to warm up even more. actually see some 80s in the forecast for us and 70s back and forth as we head into this weekend's forecast. if you want to head out to the county fair and antioch, maybe you want to go crazy and go
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over to bay to breakers if you are planning on going first off dress warm. second off i know you are not going to listen to my advice, whatever. here's what we expect this morning hours. 50s right around the corner for us in the early morning and early afternoon hours and continue to see 60s for our daytime highs later this afternoon. kind of lake what we have today. just near sf. now as we head along the coastline still going to stay cool and cloudy for us into this afternoon. but if you live off in the east bay or up in wine country near napa and sonoma. beautiful conditions for us today. 60s and 70s in the forecast for our daytime highs. a great way to kick off the weekend with dry conditions and let's head down to the santa clara valley real fast. that cloud layer is relatively high and not impacting us at the surface level and continue to warm up into the 70s later this afternoon. no 80s today. but that's going to change as we head into next week. more on that in a bit. for now over to you, g. thank you. okay. let's talk about the freeways right now. because it's friday and if you are getting out the door hopefully you are keeping your fingers crossed it's going to be a decent commute and it is overall for most of the commuters and people heading to school this morning. live look
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at the bay bridge. it's not too bad. that backup just to the overpass there. with those metering lights on, it's certainly a pretty quick trip into the city. westbound 80 slightly slow berkeley into emeryville and we are getting word of a few brake lights as you work your way along westbound 580. there is a hotspot on 680 more on that coming up. reed? taking a live look from san francisco despite the city pending hundredfuls of millions of dollars to fight homelessness the situation is not getting better. in fact new numbers show the city's homeless population is now more than 8,000 people living on our streets. that is up 7% from 2022. but the good news, more people are getting into shelters and that's good because once you are in the shelter, you can get plugged in to services. we know we have a large portion of people living in cars as well. not much improvement there. that reality only went down by 1% in the homeless count that happens every two years. so we know that city of san francisco gets an overwhelming number of calls
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to serve the homeless. but sometimes there's a backlog and it takes police days, maybe even weeks to respond. so lauren toms shows you group called "the heart team" and they have a purpose of responding to non-emergency calls and they're doing it. watch. >> reporter: kenneth franklin has been given a second chance at life. and he's using it to give others a second chance too. >> we pan out of my day -- the society, right? so i never look at it as me like -- giving someone something, it's more of me like -- giving them what i owe them. >> reporter: that debt comes from serving time behind bars. facing 59 years, eight months and four days for gang related activity, he was released after 16 years. today, he's using that experience to offer a helping hand to people experiencing homelessness in san francisco. >> i was the person destroying our community. right? and now i have an opportunity to build up our community. and that's what
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i came out here to do. that's my mission. to build up the community. >> reporter: and he's doing that by giving people a little bit of "heart." as part of the homeless engagement assistance response team, they're an alternative to police that has proved its worth in its very first year by responding to thousands of non-emergent calls that can take police days or even weeks to get to. >> it helps the police department to focus on things more intense. we get more of those because normally, nine times out of ten, it's -- someone that's homeless. right? or -- and we have that factor where we are more relatable and it's more of a -- calmer situation when we do approach. >> reporter: today he uses that experience to offer a helping hand to people experiencing homelessness. he responds to a trespassing call in soma made by a resident who called the non-emergency police line. but instead of an armed officer, kenneth responds with his partner rachel. armed with only narcan and snacks and compassion. and director of
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emergency management mary ellen carroll says it's one of the most successful response teams in the city, having responded to over 14,000 calls in the last year. >> they filled a gap that we didn't have before. with people to be able to answer these particular level -- what we would consider, you know, low priority calls. >> reporter: she's heard criticism over city spending on the handful of pricey response programs that, according to a 2023 city audit, don't always fulfill their promised metrics. but says each cater to a specific need for people who continue to face homelessness, substance abuse and mental illness. but for kenneth, it's a cycle that's proving its effectiveness that a little h.e.a.r.t. goes a long way. >> understanding and fixing myself, i start understanding my value and my worth, right, and because i understand my worth, now i can project that on to others, right? that love that i have for myself. i can show you look, i love -- i love myself so i can show you that i love you. right? and you should love you. right? this is why i do the work that i do.
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>> i love that. well, the "heart" team is business with all the love. of all the 911 or 311 calls, they take about 80% of the calls and get this. because of their intervention, because of that love, hundreds end up with a roof over their heads and connected to help. that they so badly need. and deserve. right g? >> they 100% do. reed. all right, former president donald trump's historic hush money criminal trial is getting closer to the finish line. yesterday, his former attorney michael cohen faced aggressive cross-examination over his history of lying under oath. trump has denied he did anything wrong as he faces 34 felonycounts. closing arguments are expected early next week. another attempt to allow access to some psychedelics in california has fizzle you would at the state capital. the bill from san francisco senator scott wiener would have created guidelines for assisted therapy and who is able to do it. democrats leading the state
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appropriations committee were able to kill the bill without bringing it to a vote. the justice department has formally moved to reclassify marijuana as lower risk. that classification is shared by drugs like heroin and ecstasy. instead pot is moved to a schedule 3 controlled substance along drugs like ketamine and some anabolic steroids. well, california republicans headed to burlingame for their spring convention and all things trump will take center stage. case in point a north dakota governor thought to be donald trump's top choice to be running mate will be one of the headliner speakers. an 7:00 p.m. on pix+ professor david mccuan will give us a primer. let's talk about governor gavin newsom. he used a high-profile speech on climate change at the vatican of all
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places to really deliver sharp criticism about former president trump. he met with fossil fuel executives and asked them for a billion dollars in donations to his election campaign. >> open corruption. a billion dollars to pollute our states, to pollute our country, and to pollute this planet. so i'm very proud of living in a state that is pushing back against that agenda to roll back progress. >> $1 billion. he was one of three u.s. governors invited to speak at the summit and he touted california's leadership on environmental issues regardless of what happens at the national level. meanwhile, concerned but optimistic. that's how pope francis described the state of our world during historic interview with cbs news airing this weekend on "60 minutes." norah o'donnell anchor and managing editor of the evening news for cbs sat down with the pope. this is the first time a pope
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has given an in-depth one-on-one interview to a u.s. broadcast network. with cutting down on pollution, there's a type of pollution that's often overlooked but really has a huge impact. we're talking about emissions from our ports. but as our itay hod is about to show you, one man on a mission to fight climate change is now making waves at the port of oakland and beyond with a device that's basically a huge vacuum cleaner. watch how it works. >> reporter: for more than two decades, mike walker worked his way to the top of the tech world. earning a mid-six figure salary as the ceo of several successful start-ups. but even though he was living the dream, something was missing. >> super important to find the reason why you want to do something. >> reporter: his latest venture, stax, might just be the holy grail of business. making money out of thin air while also saving the planet.
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for the last couple of years, mike and his team have been on a mission against emissions. his company builds green barges like this one that essentially serve as giant vacuum cleaners. capturing exhaust from container ships while they're berthed at ports. >> this is our boom. this is 245 feet. it -- extends itself up and over the vessel. where a long elephant-like trunk comes down and we put that over the top of the stack. and that's where the emissions are gathered. >> reporter: a 2020 study done in spain showed 265,000 premature deaths were attributed to global shipping emissions. state regulations require vessels to plug into an electrical grid known as shore power, which allows ships to turn off their engines while at berth. but that's not always possible. >> any given year, we see around over 8,000 vessel
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visits. >> reporter: angela csondes is the air resources supervisor at the california air and resources board and she says the problem is many of these ships are too old and don't have the infrastructure to connect to a power grid. >> we do see, as a very good alternative, for vessels to use it if they don't want to invest into shore power. >> reporter: today, mike and his team are helping a vessel whose electrical outlet is too far to reach. a massive bendable arm is deployed from the barge and hovers over the ship. and an engineer then connects it to the smokestack like a giant range hood. within seconds, the black smoke is gone. >> we get to see in very clear terms the -- smoke going away from, being distributed out into the air and being captured into these systems. so -- it's -- it's a really, you know, almost instant gratification. >> reporter: sailing towards a sustainable future while trying
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to keep our planet on course. itay hod there. 6:42 in the morning. coming up, a chance to be famo
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welcome back. 6:ha. time now for the money watch report. the supreme court says the way
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the consumer financial protection bureau is funded does not violate the constitution. the agency was formed after the 2008 financial crisis to regulate consumer finance. such as mortgages and car loans. a conservative effort opposed its funding from the federal reserve and instead of the annual budget process in congress. united airlines says federal regulators are allowing the company to resume planning for growth after a series of flight issues earlier this year. now united says the federal aviation administration has allowed the restarting of certification activities including adding new aircrafts to its fleet and adding new routes. all right, g, time now for a look at what's coming up later on "cbs mornings." tony dokoupil joins us live from new york this morning. good morning tony. okay, we know you are going to be talking about money and music and a very special mission but i've been dieing to ask. with gayle king in sports illustrate. really up you guys and the pressure you
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have to be in men's health next month? >> i mean, nate and i are ready for our swimsuit edition men's health you name it. there needs to be a body hair positivity component to it. because i'm not shaving the shoulders all right? i'm keeping some fur. >> no laser. >> come clean on the fact it's got a little bit of lower back hair coming in. middle age is creeping. but thank you for asking reed. we'll keep you posted. coming up on "cbs mornings" we've got money on our minds. and who better to break it down than jill schlesinger and she'll have us know what the record-breaking day on wall street means for you and everybody and also share financial advice for college graduates getting ready for the next chapter in their lives. also, kenny chesney has been entertaining audiences for 30 years and the country superstar talks with jan crawford about his music and legendary career. how about ending the week with a dose of kindness? kindness 101 is back with steve hartman reconnecting with a law student who made it his mission to celebrate campus staff. yep, that's right. the support staff. all that and more at 7:00.
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>> all right, but if somebody offered you like $100,000 to shave the shoulders, would that change things? huh? >> i would shave the shoulders for charity. if you got a charity that wants to see me save the shoulder hair. all right. >> very good. thank you so much. we ask that because this next story might be the dream job all of the viewers have been waiting for. a company is actually hiring a chief pools officer. hairy shoulders or not to swim in pools in all 50 states this summer. they're called swimply. it will pay the winners at least $50,000 a host pool parties and then post about it on social media. the swim journey. the other $50,000 will be based on content engagement. be like poolside shoulder shaving. that's how you would get the people to engage. >> shaving off -- before we hit poolside? too too personal?
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>> i -- yeah. there would be shaving and waxing. i think it's social responsibility. >> it? >> here's the soap box okay, we wax the nose and ears and after 50 it's socially responsible to do just that. if you had to look over and see big wires here, it would be rude of me. >> thank you. >> look, clean is a baby's, you know, what. a live look outside on this friday morning. okay. the weather is not very hairy. in fact it's just puffy. right? there's some beautiful clouds right now. and we look to a weekend that is going to be a dream. we hope you have some relaxing plans and some time to rejuvenate and relax in the beautiful bay area. maybe even go out for a run and bay do breakers. >> i was about to say bay to breakers is not relaxing at all. >> it's fun. >> you have like -- >> funny. >> you have music going on and you have crazy people and some people aren't even wearing clothes. >> , what no clothing? >> lot of hair everywhere. head to toe. that's a lot going on. >> but some people are wearing clothing and some of the
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outfits are just phenomenal and it's great people watching. >> yes. >> hands-down. let's take a quick look at the forecast for us though as we dive into that weekend forecast. oh goodness gracious. bay to breakers is going to be wild. as we head into this weekend. the storm tracks are staying well to the north of us and high pressure sitting just offshore, a quiet weather pattern for us all week long and seriously i mean, daytime highs have been right around average to add to that the winds have been relatively light. a lights ofs of and not really hing breaking apart that marine layer. but it hasn't impacted the surface level at all. so getting to work or school this morning shouldn't be an issue. yes, still may gray above us, but heading into this afternoon, those winds will kick up just a little bit more and we'll see sunshine this afternoon throughout the inland areas and still cool and cloudy along the coast. kind of lightning what we're going to see for the bay do breakers forecast for us. 50s in the forecast that morning on sunday and it will be in the 60s later on that afternoon like what we have today. 60s at sf and 70s up into novato and petaluma and
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santa rosa. for the friends near wine country. upper 60s too. in the east bay now, upper 70s in the forecast near antioch and where just a couple of days ago we were in the 80s. a repeat of that as we head into early this next week as the high pressure system i mentioned earlier continues to creep its way closer to us here in california. warming us up and drying us up and we're going to continue to see that sunshine really break apart that cloud layer right now down into the santa clara valley. where later today, we're hitting the 70s for our daytime highs. let's dive into the next couple of days and this is beautiful fur us. really no rain in sight. it's going to be sunny and mild as we head into earl application week and 70s in the forecast by the sunday and turning into 80s into monday and tuesday and wednesday. it's going to be a great one for us next week and a similar trend for the bay area folks anywhere from san francisco over into oakland across the bay bridge. we'll see 70s returning into the forecast for us and the climate prediction center, they're saying drier than normal conditions for the next six to ten days. beautiful weather to get some fresh air. jessica thank you. taking a look at the roadways right now
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and getting ready to enjoy the friday drive to work. actually a pretty good one as you head towards the bay bridge. not too badly. that backup minimal at the overpass there. a few brake lights coming off of that grand avenue exit there. if you are headed westbound 80, richmond into berkeley, that's slowing down just a little bit. and looks like still busy for that ride westbound 580 tracy as you work your way over into the altamont pass. now good news here, north 680 mission to auto mall parkway, there are some lanes opening back up. still pretty slow as you head northbound so you might consider using 880 instead. that's from an earlier crash. we're all lanes were blocked at one point. again, it's in the clearing stages so hope anythings will get a little bit better through there. don't forget this weekend, eastbound 37 closure starts tonight and sears point to mare island at 10:00 p.m. until monday morning at 5:00 a.m. so do plan for that. and of course all the closures in? around the city for bay to breakers. san jose, the urban
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vibrancy institute kicked off the series. to try to get more of us to meet our neighbors and get into these downtown areas. listen. ♪ ♪ >> i mean, let's just stay dancing right? last night mayor mahan and other city leaders joined dozens of people at the historic fountain talley to enjoy the live music and she's shaking. she's got it going on. also new local businesses popping up. sometimes all you need is a little tent to start a business. >> all act activating ourdowntown and creating a space for people to come out and socialize. >> more of this actually. helps bring people and investigators scout the weather is perfect. it's cooperating. >> yeah. nice. the mayor says many of the businesses featured in these block parties can make the entire month's profit in one night. there will be a new block party in a new location downtown every month through october. g, i saw this last weekend in san rafael. a great
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experience. >> looks like a lot of fun. time right now 6:53. behind the gems that connect a culture. the spotlight on the stunning pieces of hip hop jewelry. how about a live look outside on this friday morning? as we take a peek
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welcome back. let's take a look at the roadway right now. live look at the bay bridge. setting the tone for what's a pretty decent drive overall if you are headed out and about. not too much of a backup here. even though those metering lights are on. and a bit of the overview. we're seeing some pretty good conditions a little slow coming off the eastshore freeway. into the altamont pass. and they are still clearing a crash northbound 680 as you work your way near auto mall parkway. looks like some of the lanes are opening up through there. well, stunning pieces of jewelry can be a common sight in some of the nation's biggest museums. but a new exhibit over in new york is putting a spotlight on the jewels that trace the history of hip hop. jarred hill takes us inside the ice cold display from new york fresh off the genre's 50th anniversary. >> reporter: from the gold rope chains of the '80s to the candy colored drip of today. hip hop jewelry has a new home. >> everyone always points to the biggie line right? you never thought that hip hop would take it this far and here we are in the american museum of natural history. >> reporter: journalist vicky
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tobak, curator of the ice cold exhibit, literally wrote the book on the 50 year relationship between the genre and the jewelry. what are you hoping people take away from the show? >> i hope people walk away from this show understanding that it's so much bigger than bling. it really is -- showing the world who you are. >> the connection between hip hop and jewelry has always been to be able to show your success. >> reporter: a hip hop icon by just 15, after her hit "roxanne's revenge" became part of one of the first great rap beefs, roxanne shante has one of the smaller pieces in the exhibit. but it means a lot. >> only given to someone who did good deeds in the community and i wanted it to show something a little different than just the wealth of hip hop. >> reporter: but whether it's custom grills, blinged out watches, flavor flav's clock or the iconic jesus piece by biggie, the opulence is still on full display in the museum's hall of gems and minerals. >> because gems are a product of the natural world, jewelry is a way that gems are
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transformed that tells as a set of cultural stories. >> reporter: stories like the link between the artists who wear these works of art and the mostly immigrant jewelers who made them. >> that concept of the american dream. transcending your circumstances. hustling. not really adhering to any kind of limiting things. that's very hip hop. >> reporter: many in the culture say hip hop never needed broader validation, but roxanne sees this moment as something different. >> just shows the appreciation for all that's been done with hip hop. >> she discovered also many were stolen and lost or melted downalong the way. the exhibit is at the american museum of natural history in manhattan. that is worth checking out. especially -- i mean, if you love jewelry and hip hop and be cool to kind of see your favorite songs and the necklaces that are associated with them. >> art can influence a culture and one art form gives way to another art form and i just
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looked an instagram. we have a hip hop artist hear key to the city and find them on instagram. they have a huge san francisco 49ers' piece after the end of a chain. check it out. coming up at 7:00 we're gearing up for tonight's seasonfinale after the cbs hit show "s.w.a.t.." california republicans rallying at their state convention starting today. we're breaking down the meet and greets the speeches and what really might take shape that could influence you and a live interview politi l analyst davi good to hear the presumptive nominee p-- trumpets on this friday morning.


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