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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  May 15, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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hi there,down thank you so much for joining us on this wednesday morning, it's may 15th. >> let's get started. >> hard to live in the bay area on teacher pay. >> prices were definitely shocking. and so to have a one bedroom for $2,200 a month, i was like -- sheesh, this is
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crazy. >> we can all relate to the shocking prices here in the bay, but now some teachers in san francisco will get a chance at affordable housing. to have a place that you can identify as something that comes from your own culture, from your own ancestors, whatnot. right? it really speaks to the heart. >> creating a new connection with their heritage. an opportunity to learn martial arts while celebrating filipino culture. it's kind of like when i had a black and while tv at home and my dad bought a color tv in 1965. i -- i couldn't live without it. >> and making a splash. the giants with the big change for fans who don't even enter the ballpark. good morning. i'm gianna franco and you know we need to give the giants a little love. they're not doing so great these days so maybe having that big screen out there. more cheers and more excitement. will help out. >> yeah. can you catch a ball in a boat? >> yes. they're showing it possible. >> that should be an olympic sport. >> dave, best known guy out
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there. >> multiskill multitalented. good morning everybody i'm reed cowan and nice to have you with us this morning. wore going outside to take a live look at what mother nature is serving up this morning. and that's it. soup. just -- drop a noodle in it. and you have got a nice bowl of soup there in san francisco. jessica burch is talking to us. probably about multitalented. you are going to be flying through this gunk up in napa this morning. no. this afternoon once it bleeds off. it will be sunny by the time i head up there and the look at the forecast many of us throughout our inland areas are going to see the same sunshine around the corner. we're just waking up to the may gray and reed, i don't think i want to soup that color by the way. wake up right now there's a beautiful sunrise over the santa clara valley, just sad to say we're underneath this cloud layer is we're going to continue to be like that as we head into the next couple of hours kind of like what we see behind me at the bay bridge and all the way off in the city of san francisco. just right here next to my screen. now as we head in the next couple of hours we continue to watch the cloud layer pull back along the coast and sunnier skies expected
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through the inland areas into this afternoon. just along the coastline, we're still going to stay cool and breezy and cloudy of course. daytime highs are going to continue to rise into the 70s and 80s this afternoon. putting us near normal for this time of year. but we see 60s and 50s along the coastline. we'll see more of the same actually since high pressure is sitting directly offshore keeping all the storm tracks to the north of us and back here in the bay just left with kind of a quiet weather pattern but nothing to complain about. yes, we have may gray but it's may and supposed to be gray at least in the morning hours and to add to that a similar trend in the weekend's forecast with dry skies and that's good news for anyone who's gearing up and getting ready for bay to breakers. it's going to be a cool one for us that morning but more on that in a bit. for now over to you, g. all right, let's take a look at the roadways right now. if you are getting ready to make that ride near west grand avenue in maritime street, in oakland, it's a bit difficult in some spots. we've got a bit of snag here, it's a big rig
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that's toppled over and you can see it there right on the overpass. unfortunately it was also carrying 73,000 pounds of rice so you have the spill all over the roadway as well. so even once they get the big rick out of there it's going to take some time to get the truck out of the roadway. just a heads-up it's been out is there for several hours so it is taking some time. as far as the impact to traffic goes you know they're rerouting pretty easily going to the bay bridge. busy anyway for folks making the ride over into san francisco this morning. let's look live at uc berkeley right now. we can see protesters begun removing the encampments and this is what the encampment situation looks like right now. but this is what the encampment situation looked like the beginning of may when the demonstrators set up to protest israel's war in gaza. all along they demanded divestment. yesterday protesters say they struck a
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deal with university officials and in fact chancellor crist at cal telling them they will review their invest 789 and be fully transparent. if cal is invested in any company involved in weaponing manufacturing, mass incarceration or surveillance and cal says okay we'll review. however, the university rejected a full divesment from israel. protesters though packing up and telling us as they left this is not the last we will hear from them. >> so just today, right before this actually, we -- we got confirmation from the school this letter that we've been kinding building towards. >> now what? >> regents follow us to merced. people are setting up there now. >> uc regents are meeting at uc merced this week and this morning to discuss this issue. and several other topics affecting our university system. so they will see protesters there today. across the bay, protesters at san francisco state you see them there in earlier days reportedly also reached an
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agreement with university officials. so the students for gaza group says the university has committed to a divestment of weapons manufacturers and pinpoint future investments that violate human rights. a different story over at usf where protesters there are not showing any signs of clearing out. in fact the university told them they had to leave by 3:00 p.m. yesterday and they would face no consequences if so. however, in response, protesters dug in their heels and held a rally. the university says they have no plans to forcibly remove the tents but they do say any students that stay could be punished if violating the student code of conduct. and you know despite pausing bomb shipments to israel during the gaza and israel conflict, there are concerns this morning from those protesters because now we're understanding that two congressional sources confirm to cbs news that biden administration intends to transfer $1 billion in weapons to israel. looking live at oakland
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where embattled district attorney pamela price is going to hold a news conference today expected to speak about the vote to let voters decide whether to remove her from office. that will hit ballots in november. alameda county board of supervisors really had a few options on how to proceed with this recall effort. and they decided to roll the question on to ballots in the november election. when voters will go and cast their votes on many issues. price won her seat with 53% of the vote back in 2022. the permanence of hybrid work has really been a major challenge for the bay area's major cities, as they try to reinvigorate their downtowns. but if you take a dive into cell phone data you will see san francisco oakland and san jose are experiencing two realities. it's slow in the daytime but busy at night so taking a live look from san jose right now. where the city is nearing pre-pandemic activity levels during the day. and has surpassed them at night. max darrow takes a closer look. [ train bell
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dinging ] >> reporter: with this a.c.e. train rolling into the san jose diridon station, allison hallas is on her feet for the final leg of her commute to her downtown office. flush >> it's about 50% of the time i go into the office and i always take the train. >> reporter: she's commuted from pleasanton to san jose for a little over a year now. and hybrid work really works well for her. >> much better with the flexibility than having to come in every single day. >> reporter: however, hybrid work has posed many challenges for downtown san jose's pos-tpandemic recovery. since fewer people are physically here during the monday to friday working hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. >> it's pretty quiet. >> reporter: but the problem here is less pronounced than it is in san francisco and in oakland. the university of toronto school of cities has tracked downtown recoveries for several years now by using cell phone data to measure activity levels, and of the bay area's three major cities, their data shows downtown san jose is the furthest along with workweek recovery. while it's still not back to pre-pandemic activity levels during the day, it's almost there at about 85%. dr.
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karen chapple heads up the research team and says san jose is on the right track. >> san jose is an easier one actually. because it's -- it hasn't been as volatile. it -- it's been -- it came back pretty steadily. >> reporter: don't be fooled, though. it's still quieter downtown during the day than businesses are used to. >> we have a group of 40 coming in. >> reporter: randy musterer is leaning into hosting more events at his restaurant sushi confidential at san pedro square, because he's still missing out on the lunch rush. >> you can't just open up your doors anymore and just hope people come in. you have to be creative. >> reporter: however, on weeknights in downtown san jose, it's a different story. >> dinner time and then, you know, the bar and nightclub industries are thriving down here. >> reporter: "thriving." not a word you'd expect to hear. but it adds up per the school of cities' cell phone data showing downtown san jose's weeknight recovery rate is at 116%. musterer says their
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weeknight sales peak between 7:30 and 9:00 p.m. >> there's a lot of time, money and energy being put into the downtown core. >> reporter: however -- >> the cost of everything has gone up. so even though now our sales are at pre-pandemic levels, it doesn't mean that profitability is there yet. so -- we're striving for that. >> reporter: the obvious solution? more people downtown. >> probably the biggest thing is, is having more people working down here. i know that there's a big push with downtown san jose trying to become the ai hub of not only the silicon valley, but of the world. >> reporter: hallas thinks activity levels could continue to rise if the city continues to tackle the homelessness crisis. >> and actually right here, there used to be a huge homeless camp. and they've -- they've done a great job. much different than when i first moved here and started. you
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know, you don't have to worry as much about your safety. >> reporter: on the days she is there, she really enjoys being in downtown san jose. >> this area -- it's great. >> reporter: even though she doesn't live there and it's not her downtown, she is invested in the future of downtown san jose and its place in an always evolving bay. >> dr. chapple says san jose is on the right track and expects that trend to continue. it is 6:10 on this wednesday morning. and a sense of relief for people living in big sur. the timeline to reopen up highway 1 is moving up. plus, educators give the keys to knowledge to their students and now amid sky high costing houses
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: sydney,
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what's up? sydney: nothing. girl: are you ok? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: talk to me. just shut up! nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen irritability. (♪♪) let's go outside right now. it's 6:14 in the morning. and there you go. there's the golden glow reminding us we are doing another day on the planet. you are halfway through the week and will have hamway through the 6:00 hour this morning. >> that makes me very happy and this is my monday. >> another day on the planet but specifically the best corner of the world. we have some of the best weather and
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the most beautiful scenery outside. that's what we're waking up to this morning. just above that cloud layer you can't really tell right now because it's may gray but we have a beautiful sunrise and the cloud layer holding on tight to the santa clara valley this morning as we take a look @ virtual reality map. we have the clouds only right now but luckily this afternoon the clouds pull back along the coastline and we will see sangers skies throughout the afternoon hours and areas like livermore and fremont in the 70s today. a beautiful forecast to get out there and really explore a new community and a new neighborhood and maybe just take the dogs to the park for an extra five to ten minutes or so. no matter where live the weather is working in favor of us luckily. it's just a little bit cooler and cloudier along the coastline buts in the time of year where we usually see that. we're actually near average for our daytime highs today. other than that, we can see a little bit of the onshore flow this morning with the winds. this is the wind gust, max winds in the communities. into lunchtime closer to around 15 to 20-mile-per-hour winds
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near san francisco and fairfield. we'll continue to watch that onshore flow develop more as we head into the afternoon hours. but other than that, the forecast is relatively mild for us this week. thanks to high pressure sitting offshore keeping the storm track to the north closer to the canadian border and back here in the bay a similar weather pattern day-to-day. bay to breakers earlier but that's this weekend and if you are getting ready for it this weekend, well, it's going to be a cool one for us in san francisco. we're expecting 50s that morning. but throughout our inland areas, we're going to be warming up into the 70s and day-by-day as we head into the week and weekend's forecast. by early next week, more sunshine will be a lot more apparent for us for the day thyme setups and also hold on tight to the 70s in the forecast for us. as we head into this week's forecast, really little changes are in store for us so we're going to update you on that. for now g. the roads. hey jess, taking a look at the roadways in fact live update you on this big rig
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that's toppled over. west grand after at maritime street in oakland the west # 0 off ramp from grand is completely shut down because of this. unfortunately also a large spill in the roadway. 73,000 pounds of rice, going to take some time to clear out of lanes and in fact it's been out there since about 2:15 this morning. several hours now in and this is certainly going to affect the morning commute in the sense of trying to access or exit off of 82 grand there. so just a heads-up. recruiting pretty easily and as far as the commute goes not affecting the main lines of 80 or really the drive to the bay bridge. bay bridge looks pretty normal right now. if you are headed over into san francisco, you can see those metering lights are on and it's still pretty busy as you work your way through there. of course we're seeing the brake lights coming off the eastshore freeway. becomes more of the issue with that closure we'll let you know. but right now it's justest stoss quo and have to quit elsewhere as you are working your way on 08 this morning. check in on traffic in the altamont pass, there was an earlier crash just coming off
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of 205 on to 580. a very slow ride already and going to take you abouten hour to work to the dublin interchange. so do plan for that. a part of highway 1 near big sur will reopen friday morning. so in just a couple of days and governor gavin newsom's office says that is nearly eight days ahead of schedule. some good news there. back in march, a storm triggered a rock slide and left this section of the road impassable. the only way in or out has been two daily convoys but now be open to one way traffic 24/7 with a daily signal. catchers on the cove. and a time-honored tradition on the water for baseball lovers. there you go. how kayakers wanting to catch a ball got the he
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(light gentle music) - unraveling life's mysteries. at stanford medicine, it's part of our dna. our world class school of medicine and adult and children's health systems work together expanding what we know and sharing what we discover to accelerate breakthroughs and inspire the next generation of code breakers. stanford medicine, advancing knowledge, improving lives.
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(light gentle music)
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taking a live look at lee vice' stadium and anticipation in the nfl as the full schedule will release later today. week one the niners are opening the primetime against aaron rodgers and the new york jets. we also know a super bowl rematch is set. niners against the chiefs on october 20th. a live look at san francisco, the giants will return to the field at oracle park today to stop the dodgers from taking a series sweep and hopefully get back in the win column after yesterday's loss. san francisco has now lost six out of their last ten games. but we continue to be positive and you know despite
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the losses the fans out in the cove look at this. they are winning out on the water. this area and you know this, it has a reputation as a floating party out there. where the name of the game is to really catch a splash hit home run ball. and it gets pretty competitive out there. only problem has been fans there can hear the game up until now they just couldn't see it our lauren toms reports some of the giants' most dedicated fans are pretty happy about a change that actually lets them see the game. >> reporter: baseball on the water, only in san francisco. and seafaring fans say a new change to their viewing experience is not only making it more enjoyable to watch from some of the most unique seats in the mlb, but safer to watch from the water. every mlb season, for 58 games, mark the shark garrett paddles out to mccovey cove and comes back empty-handed. but he says the two times he usually retrieves a splash hit are addictive. >> for a minute, you don't really realize. it's like oh, i got the ball and then about two seconds later, it's holy crap, i just got a splash hit because
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there's only so many of them and right now we're sitting on 103. when 104 hits, you want to be a number and the only way you become a number is to get a splash hit. >> reporter: and it isn't just about chasing that goal. mark says his time on the water has helped him conquer a history of anxiety and depression. >> when i hop in that cove, i don't know -- if there was any worries today, it's gone for that three, four hours that i'm in the cove. >> reporter: for seven seasons, mark patiently listened to the radio, taking guidance on each left-handed batter. but thanks to an investment from the giants that reportedly cost $100,000, he now has a 12-foot screen to watch from the water. >> we're not used to it yet. it's like i think, you know, just one of those things it's like wow, this is so cool. at first we were like wow, this is different. did it take the mystique away of not knowing and seeing it? we were all
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excited at first it was like, eh, and then it was like yeah. it changed real quick. >> reporter: another legendary kayaker is dave edlund, better known as mccovey cove dave. he says the new screen is taking the viewing experience into the modern era. >> it's kind of like when i had a black and white tv at home and my dad bought a color tv in 1965. i couldn't live without it. >> reporter: it's also expected to attract more kayakers, adding another level of safety for fans on the hunt for a smash hit. >> what's happening we're seeing already is the more casual fan that doesn't bring a radio. they're watching the tv. so it's kind of like an early warning system. >> reporter: both superfans are holding out hope for a big catch this series against the dodgers. a splash hit from left-handed japanese player and dodger shohei ohtani. >> we're all giants' fans. we want ohtani's home run if it goes out there. we have no control who hits the ball in the cove. but if ohtani's ball goes in the cove, boy, we're going to want it. >> reporter: keeping their eyes on the ball and the screen out in the cove. standing 12 feet
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by 7 feet. this right here is what it's all about. most people don't have a 12-foot tv in their homes. but these guys tell me that mccovey cove has become like a second home and the excitement for the kayakers doesn't stop here. i'm told the giants are investing in a ramp down on pier 48 to make it easier for these kayakers to paddle their way into mccovey cove and keep doing what they love most. >> that's cheerleader there for you. lauren toms. she brings some orange juice in the morning. >> i know. i need some of that energy lauren. you know, that looks like a lot of fun out there. and i probably prefer watching in the stands. and you know, taking my chances there to catch a home run ball. but good for them. >> so fun. we're glad somebody made it and it's lot more fun. could a bay area move to help teachers afford high housing costs lead the nation and other cities? plus, also leading the way in the bay, artificial intelligence. it's now coming for your emails and your photos. google reveals its new ai model and shows you what it can do. and here's a live look
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outside before we head to break. on this wednesday morning. looking did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different.
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okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪♪ )
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right now on cbs news bay area at 6:28 in the morning: we take a live look at one of our many airports here in the bay area. smooth sailing for you today. we wish you happy travels and if you are just landing here and listening to us online, we welcome you to
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the beautiful bay area. thanks for being a part of our story. let's talk to jess right now about what visitors can expect today. >> welcome visitors it's called may gray. and it's not permanent. so don't think that this is true san francisco experience. however, then we have june gloom and no sky july and fogust and then september is nice and then suddenly it's fleet week. the clouds holding on tight to us and you can't see the top of salesforce tower which hangs around 1,000 feet. that's to say the cloud layer is low but it's not impacting surface visibility. the roads are okay right now. the quiet weather is going to continue for us, may gray in the morning hours and pulls back from our inland areas in the afternoon. and then we're left with sunny skies all throughout the east bay. the santa clara valley and wine country. but if you live along the coastline, yeah still holding on tight to the clouds a bit longer. but that help break apart the cloud layer too and wind speeds this afternoon close to around 20 miles per hour as it moves inland but those are wind gusts. so that's the strongest you will
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see all throughout the afternoon hours. other than that though, i mean, beautiful weather for us this week. we're staying right around average for our daytime highs and that means 60s near san francisco. upper 60s actually across the bay bridge. which is still a little bit foggy right now overnear oakland and we're going to warm up a lot as we head into this afternoon. into the 70s and 80s near antioch and concord. and a similar trend up near santa rosa this afternoon. where wind speeds are going to be a lot lighter there. down into the santa clara valley, well, it's a little bit warmer forus today near lotes goes to. niece san jose upper 70s and 80s near los gatos this afternoon. and we have a lot of things happening for us as we get closer and closer to weekend and i'm going to dive more into that coming up in a bit. g how are the roads? a clive look at conditions here and get you updated on this closure we've been monitoring for a lot of this morning. chp still working to clear this out of the lanes and you see the tow truck there trying to upright the
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overturned big rig. maritime street. the westbound grand off ramp from westbound 80 is completely shut down. so 80 is still open just the ramp that's closed. so as far as the backup goes, not too bad. possibly will affect your ride on surface streets. but it's really still business as usual on the main lines of the roadway headed on westbound 80 to the bay bridge. it's still pretty slow. westbound grand avenue at maritime street and 73,000 pounds of rice spilled in the roadway as well. even when they upright this big rig, they're going to have to get everything out of the lanes and kind of sweep up the mess there also. so we'll continue to keep you updated on that. let's get a quick look atkins over at the bay bridge and you can see it's still pretty typical for this ride as folks commute into san francisco. reed? all right, thanks g. now taking a live look from san francisco a handful of public school teachers are now one step closer to hitting it big in a housing lottery. so here's what we mean by that. sfusd held a drawing yesterday and the winners are now on a preliminary list to move into a brand new apartment building in
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the outer sunset neighborhood. it's the city's first affordable housing project that's meant only to help teachers and in fact one kindergarten teacher is among those whose name was drawn. he'll find out next week if he meets all the qualifications to move in. as he told our ryan yamamoto, it could decide whether he and others stay in san francisco or move and teach in another city. >> reporter: with the help of a bearded dragon -- >> his name is uno, he's 3 years old. >> reporter: -- codion finds different ways to teach and encourage his students. >> that's why they call it -- bearded dragons, right? dragons have scales, right, and so you can kind of feel the scales when you rub up. having a class pet is teaching them the responsibility how to be safe with it. and how to be respectful, right, of others when they have a class pet. >> reporter: whether it's in the classroom or in the halls of malcolm x elementary, it's all about making meaningful connections. >> the kids mean everything to me. >> reporter: connections that form a bond when a teacher is able to live in the same city
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where he teaches. >> because those students can see you outside of school and they can see you in your normal daily routines. >> reporter: that is why, when the san francisco unified school district and the city of san francisco began building an affordable housing village for educators, codion didn't hesitate to apply. >> i applied the first day. i'm not going to lie. i didn't hold back. >> reporter: and this is one of the units codion is hoping to land. >> so this is a nearly complete three bedroom home. >> reporter: matt franklin is the ceo of mid penn housing who is building the 135 unit shirley chisholm village in the sunset district. the rents will be below market. >> they will be calibrated to income so that the rent burden is not too great for any of the households. >> reporter: households to fill a studio up to a three bedroom apartment. >> well, this is my favorite space in the building. >> reporter: and a teachers' lounge with a million dollar view of the ocean. >> we know that it's not easy
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for teachers and they're hard jobs and they're important jobs and it's hard to live in the bay area on teacher pay. >> reporter: for codion, he lives in that harsh and expensive reality. >> prices were definitely shocking and so to have a one bedroom for $2,200 a month, i was like sheesh, this is crazy. >> reporter: prices so crazy the district says they have lost several quality teachers who have had move to more affordable cities. for codion and other educators, this is a chance to stay in san francisco. >> i think this speaks to all of retention. right? especially for teachers that look like myself. >> reporter: retention to continue to make that connection. you love the kids. >> i love the kids. >> reporter: the same kids he hopes to continue to teach at the school within the district and in the city he calls home. >> all right, so this just in. an issue we continue to drill down on here at your community station. the number
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of homeless people in oakland rose by 9% over the last two years. that's according to a new report in the chronicle following a homelessness survey in alameda county. that, however is still just a smaller jump than we've seen in previous counts and meanwhile, alameda county's -- as a whole, marked the first dip that we've seen in years with the 3% decrease and we wanted to get that on the record and continue having that conversation here on your community station. g? well, time now for a look at morning's tore top stories p. chaos in san francisco after two robbery suspects crashed their car into a building. it happened yesterday morning in the city's richmond district. officers say two men forced a woman down to the ground and robbed her. this was just after 10:30. they then took off in a car andofficers gave chase before calling it off for safety reasons. the suspects then crashed on 8th and coo bril low streets where they were taken into custody. governor gavin newsom is praising san mateo county for leading the way in mental health treatment. he was in town to announce $3 billion for
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mental health beds by july. it's the first round of funding from proposition 1 the $6 billion bond that passed in march. the governor visited a new facility in redwood city and cited it as an example of the kind of treatment centers that are needed here in california to provide help for people experiencing homelessness with serious behavioral health conditions. in the hush money trial against former president donald trump, key witness michael cohen faced a fiery cross-examination from trump's defense. the former president's lawyer alleges trump was aware of the hush money payments to influence the 2016 election. which trump denies. the prosecution has said that cohen is their last witness and they are expected to rest soon. after that, the defense will begin presenting its case. well, time right now is 6:36 in the morning. we brought you the numbers from the inflation report this morning. but what do they really mean? we'll and joined by cb
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all right, time now for the money watch report. the government release its latest monthly report on inflation this morning. and cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger here to break it all down. jill, good morning. to the results what did the april data show? good morning. >> yeah, good morning. so we saw some improvement in the
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data over the course of the month. the consumer price index one of our favorite inflation gauges was up 3.4% from a year ago. and that's a little bit of an improvement from the previous month. we look at the core level because it pulls out food and energy which can be kind of volatile and the core rate is up 3.6% from a year ago. it's the lowest level since april of 2021. so we're seeing progress. but you know, we got a ways to go before we get to 2% which is where the fed would like us to be. >> all right. so i know a lot of us want to know about what you think about interest rates. do you have any sort of indicator whether we can refinance maybe by fall and maybe by the beginning of next year and feel like they get a better rate? >> reporter: slow down. because i'm just telling you tiny tiny little changes. >> the little bit. >> reporter: not mean we're going get the big refinancing wave. okay. but here's the good news. if you think about this, if we start to see inflation march lower over the
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next few months, what we could eventually see is the federal reserve cutting rates, maybe at the september meeting. i don't care they're going to do it at the june meeting but if we get that in september, the good news is, that mortgage rates, they're not directly tied to those interest rates. but what you could start to see is that mortgage rates start to fall in anticipation that all interest rates are starting to go lower. so do i think you are going to be able to refinance a 7% loan to 4% loan? no. do i think that we could start seeing rates drift down below 7% towards 6% and hopefully towards 5%? that's where we hope we get to. and i know that's a bummer for people who are looking for homes. but you know what? if this trend moves in the right direction, it could be very good news for anyone who's a borrower. >> i talk to some of my baby boomers friends who say stop crying about a 6%, 7% loan. we were paying 10% to 15%. back in the '80s. but we got spoiled right? let's talk quickly about debt and there are some
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new numbers and some new metrics out about debt. what about that? >> reporter: yes. so we know that credit card debt actually declined just a little bit in the first quarter. you know, when we do is consumers we do on financial diets onjanuary 2nd and we stop spending as much money but overall, credit card debt is at $1.12 trillion near the all-time high. it's up 13% in a year ago. credit card debt is up 45%, 50% from three years ago. so that just shows you how hard inflation has been on so many consumers. >> okay. jill, we appreciate you so much. it's always great to talk to you my friend. cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger. they told me this morning you are going to be talk to nate and i wore a tie and nate burleson joins us with a look at what's coming up on "cbs
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mornings." good morning nate. you make me want to stand a little taller and spruce it up a little bit. >> reporter: what's doing on reed? listen, you always look good. you don't have to dress up for me. i'm always looking at you saying, you know what? that's who i want to look like when get dressed in the morning. that's for sure. but lets me tell you what's coming up on crest best mornings. the weight loss drugs are exploding in popularity here in the u.s. as we know. and that has scammers setting their sights on new targets. anna warner will show us how they are using tiktok of all places to take advantage of would be customers. also, award-winning actor, producer, and comedienne whoopi goldberg will be here and will tell us about the two people she credits with the success of her incredible career. and the hit cbs comedy show "young sheldon" is coming to an end after seven seasons. we will talk with the "young sheldon" himself actor aian arm damage about what it's like
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wrapping up the final series finale. >> i still say you outdo me two to one. have a good morning there in the big apple. all right. american eagle is joining the exodus at the san francisco center announcing plans to shut its doors location is scheduled to close permanently in july. last year, the retailer's parent company sued the former owners of westfield for negligence to crimes in the area. and another union square retailer is calling it quits as well after 172 years. historic jeweler shreve & company is leaving san francisco. now they say their two palo alto locations will remain open and a retail broker says the company was in negotiations to renew the lease but ended up pulling out. another round of major layoffs at tesla. with hundreds of blare jobs being cut. now according to state government filings, the company plans to let go 378 employees at its fremont location. and another 223 at
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its palo alto offices. this wave of job cuts was announced last month. we continue to be wowed and maybe a little bit weirded out by what ai developers have been showing off at this week's developer conference in the bay. one day after chatgpt showed off their innovations, google showing off its latest ai plans at the developer conference. so here's how google's gem any 1.5 works. so say you are on email. you openup in the morning and you can ask gemini to compile a calendar of event at the child's school. it can scan a book and make it into lectures. even ask virtual instructors questions. >> to make educational videos more interactive allowing you to ask a clarifying question. get a helpful explanation. >> well, google also unveiled project astra an ai assistant of the future and actually
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allows videos you take on the iphone to answer questions. and also showed off circle to search. you can circle and tap or scribble over an object or text to find more about the object that you are looking at. pretty fascinating there. >> yeah. that might be very helpful. when you use circle -- if you lose something and it's sitting on the ground. okay, where did this go to. >> say you are reading abook and you want to ask a deeper question about the book, who's giving you that answer? and what's the motivation of the programming to give you that answer? and does the person who crafts that answer have to disclose this is coming from xyz source. >> so much that needs to happen. there's a few things that i'm glad we're kind of dipping our toe into sort of learn and use. but so much out there that concerns me. >> like the new neighbor in the neighborhood. >> it is. >> looks really cool and does cool things. who are you really? >> who are you and what happens behind closed doors? well, we can tell you what happens when it comes to the forecast. because let's get a live look outside on this
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wednesday morning. and it's now looking so pretty unfortunately. a little gloomy. fingers crossed it's going to burn off later on today. though so let's ask the expert. meteorologist jessica burch. i'm hoping for some sun. >> oh. i'm hoping for some sun too and get it in the inland areas just not along the coast. reed, that cracks me up. who are you to the neighbor? let's dive straight into this right now. all week long we're going to be dealing with may gray. we notice it right now if we look out the windows all throughout the bay area. but plenty of sunshine into this afternoon and small day-to-day changes are expected as high pressure sits just offshore. that's driving all the storm track to the north of us. areas like the canadian border, washington, they're getting hit with a little bit of activity but other than that we're staying pretty calm for us this week for our forecast. daytime highs are going to stay right around average and i'll show you them coming up in just a second but winds gusts are going to get breezier in the afternoon. onshore flow anywhere up to around 15, 20-mile-per-hour winds expected around the 2:00 hour and gets breezier into the inland areas around 5:00 but other than that, all of us have
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one thing in common. and it's the fact that it's dry all week long. for the next seven days, the climate prediction center is showing above average -- excuse me drier than normal conditions for -- rain forecast and then of course above average temperatures for our daytime highs. as we get closer into the next couple of days. in certain spots. for example, the east bay. sitting in the 80s as we head into this afternoon. and tomorrow afternoon, but if you live along the coastline, all of the microclimates are doing something a little bit different. you can see the picture. liter today hit the 70s up near napa and sonoma. and we're actually going to hit 70s today all the way down into the santa clara valley. so speaking of 70s let's head in the next seven days real fast all throughout the week for now we're sitting a little bit warmer setup and upper 70s and lower 80s until friday. once we head into this weekend, a little bit of a low pressure system moves its way in. that cools us down to the low 70s for saturday and sunday and we average out with sunnier skies as we kick off next week right back in the upper 70s. live
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along the bay, areas like san francisco and oakland, we're going to hold on tight to the 60s for now. a little bit cooler but like i said this is where we should be for this time of year, continue to see upper 60s into early next week with the partly cloudy skies apparent for the shoreline and coastline too. g? back out and a live look at conditions right now. this is at grand avenue. west grand avenue and maritime street. a big rig toppled over and 73,000 pounds of rice now spilled in the roadway. this is taking hours to clear out of lanes and to get those big rigs or that big rig towed off there. unfortunately, it's been out there since 2:15 this morning. the off ramp from 80 is completely shut down until further notice trying to take the west grand off ramp from 80 you can't because you have the big rig there stuck in lanes. now as far as the impact to traffic it's not too bad. since it's not affecting the main lines of 80. you are still seeing that same commute heading over towards san francisco via the bay bridge.
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westbound 80 is busy though richmond into berkeley. earlier crash near university is cleared out of lanes but still pretty slow through there. down south and they can in on commuters taking the northbound 101 ride out of san martin into morgan hill this morning. a crash blocking at least one lane and now this is an area where we typically see brake lights. but busier than usual because of this accident in the roadway. so this is right at cochran there. again, from san martin into morgan hill you are going to see a lot of brake lights because of that and still very busy for supercommuters heading into the altamont pass this morning. well, all month long, we are celebrating aapi heritage month and we've got a lot of stories that help to define the history and the cultures and our communities around the bay. case in point, filipino martial arts it has a long tradition of honoring the language and the history and the culture from the philippines. but that part of martial arts is not well-known even among its own
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community here and abroad. for those who do learn it it gives them a chance to connect with their heritage. our shawn chitnis has the story. ♪ >> reporter: camille sabuko wanted a new fitness routine and a chance to learn self-defense skills when she started as a student at the legacy filipino martial arts school. but it was also a way to join a community close to her. it quickly reminded her of the time she spent practicing filipino folk dance. >> what i noticed is that the footwork pattern was similar to dance. so i was like oh. this kind of makes sense to me. i kind of know what i'm doing. >> reporter: five years into martial arts. she earned the title of guru as someone who continues to learn and also teaches here. >> filipinos, we're 2,000 plus years of mixing and matching many different cultures and our fighting style reflects just that. >> reporter: master joseph bautista has been running a martial arts school in the bay area for almost 15 years. he says it's not often to find a place focused on this style
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with filipino martial arts unique in its emphasis on using weapons. students range from ages 4 to 80. >> to have a place that you can identify as something that comes from our own culture from your own ancestors, whatnot, right? it really speaks to the heart. >> reporter: located in daly city, which has one of the largest populations of filipinos outside the philippines, even for joseph, he says there was a disconnect between him and his culture. until he started to explore filipino martial arts. all around are reminders of that culture to help his students appreciate the language and history that went into this style of fighting. >> i think for people to have a better understanding of what they are capable of doing, they need to be able to identify with someone which they see doing what they want to do themselves. >> reporter: that chance to honor your heritage is what keeps him and others like camille going. both able to now share this piece of their identity with others.
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>> i feel like it was very serendipitous and what i needed at the moment. >> got to see it to be it right? next month legacy will celebrate the second anniversary and june is also the month of philippines' independence day coming up. now this. ♪ that's a great way to wake up. it's an ancient instrument called the taiko drum. this wooden barrel has been played throughout japan for thousands of years now and san jose brought it here to the bay back in 1973 when a new pride emerged. the hardships of internment. >> taiko for the founding members really was a way for them to say this is apneas art form and not a passive art form so many possibly people associate with the japanese culture. >> coming up at 5:00 tonight, we take a look at san jose
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taiko and their efforts to attract students and players of all backgrounds and sore so proud to they will you this. all the stories are celebrated on and by the way, put this on your calendar. watch the hour long aapi heritage month special. it's friday, may 24th at 4:00 p.m. reflecting your stories back to you. called roots and resilience. 6:53 rather and ahead of myself. here's a live look outside before we head to break on this wednesday morning. we've got the clouds just kind of sticking around today. we'll have your forecast coming up. we'll be right back. here's what's happening in the bay area this weekend. foodies can feast at the oakland greek festival. it's back at the cathedral of the ascension for three days of food, traditional music and dancing. and work off those calories at the iconic bay to breakers sunday with a costumed crowd of 20,000. racing through city streets in a true san francisco spectacle. ♪ ♪
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disney's "frozen" is coming to san jose for two weeks only. presale begins tomorrow for broadway san jose's news lettersubscribers. sign up for the newsletter now at to get that presale
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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welcome back. a live look in oakland to get you updated on this closure. this is where a big rig toppled over with 73,000 pounds of rice blocking the roadway west grand avenue at maritime street. the closure is in place until further notice. non-injury but this has been out there for several hours. in the meantime use the alternate route but west 830 trying to get off of here this off ramp is completely shut down. the main lines of 80 are still open. the ride to the bay bridge is pretty normal for now anyway. reed. all right, well, there's a new top dog this morning. sage the miniature poodle made history winning best in show at the westminster kennel club dog show. she is the fourth of her kind to claim the title. >> the first female winner since 2020 with over 3,000 dogs competing. got to take the crown home. congrats to sage and her handler on this paw some victory. a classic is ousted from the boys' top ten. how about
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that? >> all right. pretty cool. the social security administration says mateo keim in at number six for the first time, i like the name. that booted benjamin from the top ten. liam takes top spot again five years running and then noah, oliver, james and elijah. also want to mention the biggest surprise, may te'o jumped from 11 to number six a year later. >> now to the ladies. no change in the leading name again. olivia earning that top spot followed by emma, charlotte, amelia and sophia. the social security administration also credits the popularity of social media influencers for the fastest growing name on the girls list. kelai. >> pretty cool. all right. >> beautiful names. >> i'm out of the naming phase of my life. >> same. next thing my name will be may believe another dog or a cat. >> name a dog or cat and tell the kids good job on that name. mateo is good. coming up at 7:00, television's number one comedy show "young sheldon" is coming to an end. after seven seasons.
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we're going to be chatting with "young sheldon" himself about his journey on the hit tv show. more black women are getting the disease of cancer. there's inositidedy aimed to find out why to try to save lives and we'll tell you how you can hepat. taking a live look outside on this wednesday. this is from our treasure island cam. look at that. big cruiser that big boat. they're heading somewhere fun. looking a little gloomy though. join us over on pix+ 44 cable 12 and we'll have the latest when it comes ♪ there's the trumpets as we welcome you to "cbs mornings." hello to our viewers on the west coast. we see you. i'm gayle king. >> i'm tony dokoupil. >> i'm nate burleson. >> we're all here so let's go to today's "eye opener." it's your world in 90 seconds. donald trump's lawyers cross-examination michael cohen


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