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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  May 14, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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to downtown oakland after the pandemic slump? it depends who you ask and when. developing news from berkeley. anti-war protesters are packing up their tents and leaving campus. now, they have a new mission. no more afterhour messages from your boss. the bill that would make emails and text illegal if you are off of the clock. this is cbs news, bay area, with juliette goodrich it is not megamillions or the powerball, but, a few public schoolteachers are one step closer to winning it big in a housing lottery. they held a drawing today, they are on the preliminary list to be part of it. the first affordable housing project meant only for teachers. one kindergarten teacher is among the name who was drown. he will find out if
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he meets all of qualifications to move in. it could decide if he and others stay in san francisco or move and teach in another city. >> reporter: with the help of a bearded dragon. >> his name is uno. he is three years old. >> reporter: he finds different ways to teach and encourage his students. >> that is why they call it bearded dragons, dragons have scales, right? you can kind of feel the scales when you rub up. >> having a class pet is teaching them responsibility how to be safe with it and respectful, right, of others when they have a class pet. >> reporter: if it is in the classroom or the halls of mal comx elementary it is about making connections. >> the kids mean everything to me. >> connections that form a bond when the teacher is able to live in the same city where he teaches. >> the students can see you outside of school. see you in your normal daily routines. >> reporter: that is why when the school district and the
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city of san francisco began building an affordable housing village for educators, he did not hesitate to apply. >> i applied the first day. not going to lie, i did not hold back >> this is one of the units he is hoping to land. >> this is nearly complete three bedroom home. >> reporter: matt franklin is the ceo of the housing who is building the 135 unit shirley village. >> they will be calibrated for income so the rent burden is not too great for any of the households >> households to fill a studio up to a three bedroom apartment >> this is my favorite space in the building. >> reporter: and a teacher's lounge with a million dollar view of the ocean. >> we know it is not easy for teachers. they are hard jobs, important jobs, hard to live in the bay area on teacher pay. >> reporter: codion he lives in
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that harsh and expensive reality. >> the prices were shocking. to have a one bedroom for $2200 a month i i was like, there is crazy. >> reporter: it is so crazy that the district lost several quality teachers who had to move to more affordable cities. for him and others this is a chance to stay in san francisco. >> i think this speaks to all of teachers, especially teachers that look like myself. >> reporter: they continue to make that connection. >> you love the kids. >> i love the kids. >> reporter: the same kids he hopes to continue to teach at the school, within the district and within the city he calls home. >> so, rents at this complex range from as low as $830 for a studio to $1100 for three bedroom. a studio average goes for $2100 a month compare that
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to that $830. $5,000 for a three bedroom that is more expensive than the $2100. there are two more projects in san francisco in the works for public schoolteachers. one is in hayes valley. others have built housing for teachers. in oakland the affordable housing focus is not only on teachers. the city wants to build 29,000 new housing units downtown. all part of a plan almost 10 years in the making. city leaders plan to take it up tomorrow the goal is to reimagine the center of the city over the next 20 years. preserving the town's treasured culture. there is a lot that the city has to figure out the plan may be a step in the right direction. this week, we have been diving into how the bay area's three biggest cities are bouncing back from the pandemic. tonight, he gives us a look at the challenges that oakland faces and where the town thrives. >> like san francisco, downtown
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oakland is still a shell of itself during the day time, during the workweek. it is still getting busier. there is san absence of those that work there during the day. a different picture unveils itself in the evening but comes with big f's. >> reporter: with another day of work at her oakland office complete, monique is headed home for san francisco. >> i worked downtown almost two years now. >> like many that work downtown she hybrid and makes it a few days >> we are in tuesday, wednesday, thursday, and work from home on monday and friday. >> her office attendance increased up from two days to three days a week. >> still not the most bustling downtown that i have seen as far as cities go. it seems to be getting livelier. >> reporter: it is still slow downtown. hybrid work still the normal there is an absence of people in the day. >> there are a few restaurants
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that closed since i have worked here, yeah. it seems like things are not the best for businesses nearby. >> getting cell phone numbers rather than office vacancy rates the school of cities has been tracking downtown recovery rates for several years. of the cities they track, oakland's downtown is on the slower side when it comes to recovery during the monday through friday working hours 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. t. is at 63% of prepandemic levels during the day. for the cell phone data, downtown activity jumps at night, hovering around 100% of the levels >> we have 21 on the books today. >> must be a show. >> reporter: that is why the chef and his team game planned for what would be a busy night at his restaurant which as of lately started to be the norm again. >> let's do it up. a lot of positive energy in oakland right now. let's keep it going. >> coming out of the hole,
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coming out strong, we will keep ongoing. >> reporter: chef nelson noticed things start to pick up a few months ago. >> it is still not perfect, of course, still people, not enough people walking the streets, there is san uptick, slowly, i wish it was happening a lot earlier when other businesses that were amazing were still around. >> reporter: some of the changes in investments making it safer. >> it helps in this area having the parking garage that is outside on 19th street. having a program that it is $5 at a secured lot. >> reporter: the restaurant business is never easy. during a time many chosen to or no choice but to leave cook oakland chef nelson says he owes it to the town. as hard as it is, it is dam hard, oakland
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gave me my dream. i will be indebted to the town. it keeps me going. >> i have to give back. >> i feel like it does get a bit of a bad wrap. >> she enjoys being in downtown oakland the days in the office, monique sees how the work creates a major challenge for downtowns as they come back or a new version of themselves. >> it makes it tougher for cities with people commuting it and not staying and frequenting businesses locally as much aside from work. >> reporter: when people are downtown she hopes they will think to support local businesses first so they can help move the town forward. >> reporter: there is more afterhours activity happening in oakland, crime still remains a serious concern for a lot of folks there. despite his positivity of the up to he dealt with his own crime, his other restaurant was broken
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into multiple times and monique's employer brought in securities. when it come to the prognosises, the school of city's downtown project says oakland has a unique set of challenges that could cause problems. >> even though our data showed that it has great late ackivities i think a lot of that is changing in the negative direction. i am seeing a lot of restaurant closures, a lot of store vacancies. i think oakland will need a little bit more of a boost to come back. >> exactly where that boost will come from, however? that is the million dollar question. tomorrow n our downtown recovery series, max takes us to san jose with a different story from oakland and san
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francisco. all right, developing right now. uc berkeley, you are looking at live pictures, protesters are taking down their tents outside of the administration building. again, a live look from the ground as to their progress in doing that. as we reported students spent the past few weeks protesting the war in gaza with an encampment at cal, late today they reached a deal with the university officials and they are making progress in dis assembling the tents, piling things up and eventually moving out. the chancellor saying that cal agreed to look at companies they invest in align with its values issue the focus might be involved in weapon manufacturing or surveillance. however, the university rejected an out right call for full divestment from israel and says it will not consider an academic boycott. a protester said although they are packing up it is not ending here. >> just today. right before
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this, actually, we got confirmation from the school this letter we have been building towards. >> now what? >> follow us to merced, people are setting up there now. >> uc regents make the final call on the investments, they are meeting this week at uc merced the university of california decided in the past to divest from businesses that remember determined not to be aligned with our values, we should exam if uc berkeley investments continue to align with our values or modified to do so. over at usf protesters had until 3:00 a.m., but some held a rally at the deadline. any students that stay could be violated for vie lighting the coat of conduct. protesters are
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not backing down. >> they are vague for a reason. we made it clear that we will stay until our demands are met. >> the university has made a few concessions to the protesters including creating a new task force evaluating the investments and one of the pro activitiors will have a -- why the off the clock messages could soon be illegal. the fog is rolling back in. you can see it outside, you can see it from the mark hopkins hotel room and at my feet. it had an impact of low temperatures, warming up in the 50s and the 60s, inland, nice and warm, see if we can ke
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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. being on even when you are off of the clock can be frustrating a new proposal in california to make it illegal for your boss to contact you outside of working hours. >> reporter: a newly proposed california law could make afterhour work contact illegal >> there is a trade f. work ends at 5:30, up until 6:30 this is respectable. >> employers provide certain employees the right to disconnect from all communications during nonworking hours aside from an emergency >> there is an availability creep that is effecting people. >> reporter: introducing the bill. he says it clarifies working hours and eliminates consequences for not being available. >> for many people they have no time at all to disconnect or rest. they are expected to respond to these emails and text 24-hour ace day even when
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they are at dinner with their family or a birthday. >> reporter: filing a complaint with the commissioner and it will be punishable with a fine. >> on average, 2-5 employees are available for work-related communication for 9 or more hours a workday. >> i love work/life balance but i feel like corporations need to take a look before trying to pass a law. >> the california chamber of commerce says it is opposed can lead to less earnings and flexibilities for workers. if passed california would be the first to protect employees who want to leave work at work. talking about weather now. a consistent forecast, paul, no complaints, mild out there. not dealing with roller coaster up and downs like we had earlier
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in the year. not bad. >> the up and down start to spring with the rain chances. just settling into a typical mid-may weather pattern. few day to day changes. it will be stuck in place. we will be camped in place. far enough away that the off shore winds will be routed up in the atmosphere are out done by the ground level or sea level, onshore breeze, keeping the fog rolling back along the bay. it will keep the temperatures consistent over the course of the next several days. i can tell you it is any camera and you will have to believe me. there is it. the view, 54 degrees, obviously, the marine air is settling in. two degrees warmer across the bay in oakland. middle 70s farther inland. 74 degrees in livermore. now, the fog will make its way across the bay and spread into the inland valleys heading into the morning. like this morning it will not take
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long for it to retreat. seeing it back up along the bay. heading towards late morning, heading to the coast by lunchtime. a little bit peak through the clouds along the coast right around midday. i was checking the coastal cameras. and a little bit for an hour or two and that is the extent of it for the rest of the week. dropping down to the lower to middle 50s. cooler spots, dipping into the 50 degrees and upper 40s, highs tomorrow, inland, in the santa clara valley you are protected from the onshore breeze. you are going to warm up into the lower 80s. low 80s on the map, inland in the east bay, cool spots hitting the upper 70s. not that warm, middle 70s should help you get to 80 degrees in oakland city. over the hills, over to the coast, 60 degrees, that is a few degrees warmer than today. a slight bump in temperatures, middle 60s. around 70 for
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oakland. middle to upper 70s for the north bay. the fog will not hold on to the north bay valleys as long. it will be a factor that is why we are not as warm as other parts. let's talk about the winds, not to much as we start the day, going through the delta. the winds, not picking up until the afternoon. the breeze, noticeable. not what you call blustery. but, just a breeze, stirring things around and keeping it cooler and delivering the cooler air late afternoon, evening. as we look down the road we are just a little bit aways from memorial day. we will see near normal temperatures in the seven-day forecast. beyond that, a descent chance of below normal temperatures settling in for the next holiday weekend. a trend forecast. i don't think we will see a cold snap or anything like that. something that we will keep you updated on getting closer to the
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holiday weekend. temperatures in the next seven-days. staying close to normal. six degree temperatures for the warmest. inland parts of. the difference is narrower around the bay. five degree difference from the warmest day tomorrow and near 70. cooler temperatures on sunday and monday. the middle portion of the 60s. may gray will be almost impossible to shake along the coast. the temperatures, only a two degree difference between tomorrow and the coolest days early next week. in the upper 50s to 60 degrees, that is just the definition of consistency. sara? >> yes. we love that, all right, paul, thank you. it was a popular search
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ yes, ahh!! mom: what is going on with you? get out! andy! get out of my room! get out! mom: andy. fight! fight!
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i didn't say anything. yes you did. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ . the bay area's wnba franchise official lie has a name. golden state valkyries. >> this is where legends take flight. but our story has yet to be written. >> they made this big announcement on social media. the franchise is a partnership with the golden state warriors. their inaugural season begins next year at chase center. if you want to sport the team's colors they have merchandise for sale. even the warriors are representing, welcoming the
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valkyries into the family. so, what is it? searches of the word jumped by 100% on google shortly after the announcement, they are mythical figures. no more
7:26 pm
a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving.
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in san diego a new ordinance against street vendors is having consequences for yoga teachers who offer classes by the beach. people who taught free classes were banned because the city requires activities with four or more people to have a permit. >> i keep saying i thought it was hot dog vendors and all of a sudden it is yoga teachers, too, mommy groups and sign language groups in the park. >> permitting process has been difficult for them and they are
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consulting a civil rights attorney. thank you for watching. the news continues at 8:00 on pix plus. we will see you right back here at 11:00 p.m.
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! ["family feud" theme playing] [cheering and applause] steve: how y'all doing? i appreciate that. thank you.


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