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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  May 7, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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area over the brink of pandemic recovery. and, b's are getting ready to play ball. it is a race against the clock to get their new field ready. >> so many parts to get a ballpark. this is the guardrail for the dugout. >> it does not end there. how the attention and work expands outside of the baseball field to an often neglected community. plus, he is a professional poker player. he has the hardware to prove it. now, he is facing a new competitor, his wife. >> i don't play soft against him, he does not play soft against me. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich >> thank you for joining us at 7:00. with this beautiful geography the bay area attracts people from all over the world. tourism is a big moneymaker for our region. it is on the rebound it is just shy of what it was before the pandemic.
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according to new numbers from visit california tourists spend a total of $37 billion in the bay area. compared to $39 bill kron in 2019. the months ahead could be crucial to get us over that pandemic hump. in a promising sign, thousands of people are in town for the annual rsa tech conference we caught up with one of them, a professional hacker. >> with over 40,000 people from 130 countries present, the rnc conference continues the massive cybersecurity gathering here at the center in san francisco. now, i spoke with attendees and they are happy to see that this conference is still in the bay area. it is one of the largest and prestigious security conferences globally. >> this year rsa conference brings together the boldest and
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brightest in cybersecurity. that includes the tech speaker and founder. kc is a professional hacker that created the company "bug crowd" ensuring election systems and aviation systems are hack proof. >> what we do is we take, you know, all of the people that hack computers in good faith. the good version, locksmiths not burglars in that sense. and connect them with security problems that need to be solved. >> reporter: the focus is burnout, risk management and of course the rapid developments around ai. believing that with such invasion happening so quickly it is important to make room for prioritizing security efforts. >> the speed of progress in general it is the biggest kind of threat across all sectors at this point in time. there is such a pressure to innovate and get new technology out in the market. you know, haste is the national enemy of making good
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decisions that reduce risks. speaking of risks, they say despite chatter around the safety of the bay area and conversations around new possible locations, she feels confident that san francisco continues to be the sacred and secure location for the annual gathering. >> you know, we often say it is in our dna. it is a great location n the heart of silicone valley, heart of the technology industry. >> reporter: and agreeing, planting his company in the bay area over a decade ago. he believes the cybersecurity conference belongs here. >> look it is how it always has been. there is an element of like this is my hometown conference. it feels like a homecoming-con. over the years of building bug crowd here all of the folk that i worked with, you know, they come, this is a meeting point for everyone. i love that aspect of it. >> reporter: a meeting point for the world of technology
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still seeded in the city by the bay. >> the conference runs through thursday. the u.s. secretary of state blinken was one of the many keynote speakers there. he will be there with other government officials along with representatives from open ai, ibm and other companies, the conference closes with a performance by alicia keys. >> reporter: in less than a month it will be opening for the ballers cbs new bay area reached a partnership with the team. the race against time to get this field ready. >> reporter: putting a ballpark together in about a month, no easy task, this is more than the assembly of a ballpark. it is the makeover of an entire neighborhood and a lot of people here are happy to see it. >> reporter: you know, the
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hardest stuff was getting the field done. >> you can see the field is almost entirely done. now we have time to let it seed. >> reporter: from the outfield grass to the infield dirt. baseball is taking route in west oakland again >> so many little parts. right now, a guardrail for the dugout. >> reporter: and for the baller's co-founder, seeing the vision become reality has to happen. the final build out came last week. just about everything that you see here has been done in a matter of days. >> and the folks that were partnered with for the bleachers have done it before. it was a company called in production, all of vegas to turn it into a f-1 race. 4,000 seat ballpark in a month they feel like they got plenty of time. >> reporter: for the ballers, however, the task is an enormous one with four weeks to pull everything together. >> we don't have a lot of extra time for things to come
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up. so, we got to keep chopping away and make sure june 4th is a success. it is 28 days away. >> it is warp speed, not just the ballpark itself. the city committed to resurfacing roadways, if you are familiar with the area you know some of them were nearly impassable in recent years. oakland it is now paving away on surrounding streets and sidewalks. >> this project proves that oakland can get stuff done and done faster than anybody can expect. >> there is a lot of history. a lot of people played here. frank robinson, jesse gunder. >> you got it? >> born and raised in this neighborhood. the baller's a ratifial is great news for an area that has faced tremendous challenges. on one end of the park. it is wood street. just two years ago was home to one
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of the largest encampments on the west coast. now, affordable housing is rising on that site just as the park is redeveloped for the ballers and for harrison. >> this is, this is a good positive step. for especially this community. seems like it has been neglected and hopefully oakland ballers will be a success here. >> the big question, can they get it done in time for the home opener on june 4th something of course. they will be ready to play ball even if things are not exactly in the right place. starting next month we will broadcast nine home games on pix plus, 44 cable 12. the first televised game is on june 7th. in san francisco, officers arrested a driver suspected of two hit and run incidents around the city. including one involving the teenage girl outside of a middle school. the video was given to us by a
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user. the police say the driver struck another pedestrian earlier in the tenderloin area and then took off. they say they tried to stop the driver, they did not listen and kept driving recklessly. even crashing into other cars before the police stopped him and took him into custody. we talked to a witness outside of the school who saw the accident happen. she was dropping off her grandson. >> my heart dropped. i just, i just broke down crying. because of the way he hit her. i thought, you know. maybe, you know, she would not make it. what if it was my grandchildren? >> both victims were taken to the hospital and the driver was taken to the hospital for injuries unrelated to the accident. left homeless by the wildfires in maui. the effort to find new homes for dozens of cats right here in the bay area right now.
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coming up in the first alert forecast. that number. there has been an update in the forecast. going to 80 in san francisco on thursday. that normally grabs the headlines, that is a noticeable day there. not only warm in the city. we got to talk about the entire bay and some of these numbers are getting close to 90. we will talk about how long this is sticking around. the forecast coming up next. >> that was impressive. all right, and a husband and wife competing in the same poker tournament, vern sat down
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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. vern in studio now. a big poker tournament coming up with two players who, well, they know each other pretty well. >> really, really well. big
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poker tournament, big stakes, the rungood tournament going on right now featuring this local married couple who instead of saying "i do" enjoy saying "all in." >> poker is like soccer. all drama. >> my wife has to deal with a lot of poker chat. >> reporter: michael has been all in playing poker in his free time and has the hardware to prove it. >> this is the thunder valley ring. thunder valley was four days by myself. one night slept in my truck but they had no hotel rooms for 30 miles. >> reporter: he had a bigger cheering section last year when he won another tournament. >> super exciting. it was like, yay, let's have a drink and a steak. >> reporter: but watching from the side lineup got old. >> i learned how to do it and it was something for us to do together. >> this year. they both will be competing in the rungood poker
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series. >> i don't play soft against him, he does not play soft against me. >> i bet. >> i fold. >> see, i had nothing. >> i got a funny feeling you are the one at home, michael, sit down, we have to practice this. >> no. >> oh, okay >> i am the one at home saying let's practice. >> i call. >> he is the one. >> i bet. >> you got it. >> she won that hand? >> i played nice. i had her beat [ laughter ] >> there is one part of poker that veronica did not need help with playing against her husband. >> can you spot a tell like that? >> there are a few things that he does that i can tell. yeah. >> fortunately for michael, they will be at separate tables for the start of the tournament. >> if we stay in the tournament and we hash it out then the
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cards will play. >> all in. >> now, see, now you got me. >> let's hope they have better luck than the day they decided to deal me in. >> can i call? >> you can call, you can raise. >> i will call. >> i call. >> go ahead. >> oh, she beat me. >> he got it. scoops it. >> that was good for the tv. >> where is the entry forms [ laughter ] >> sign him up. get me in. [ laughter ] >> i was on a roll, jules, i was ready to go. >> that is how it gets you. >> reporter: they hope to play tomorrow, the tournament runs through may 12th and, you know, her name is veronica, what her nickname is? >> vern. >> does she bring the sun glasses and the hat isn't >> no, no, rolls up her sleeves, all in. >> let's go. >> thank you, vern. let's head over to our weather where i saw darren all in the water a little while
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ago. >> yeah. this is going to be one of the warm ups that goes to the beach which is why we are going to walk out on the water here for a second. first, let's talk about how we did today. the numbers are going to change. if you look attitude, they come in, 3-4 degrees warmer. we will clear the board. i want to bring in thursday. skipping tomorrow. that is the peak. thursday, friday, saturday, all three of the days will be close. thursday is the warmer day. concord. we will start talking about heat risk. those valleys are kind of looking at some of the bigger concerns. look at san jose. going to 90 degrees by the time we get to thursday. san jose, your number on here
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goes to 87. livermore, goes to 89. those are the most important numbers. but, there are two numbers that really do show how this is kind of a unique warm up. san francisco is one of them at 80 degrees. the other one is down here. as we walk down the coastline and get down to half moon bay that is 74. that is about 6-7 degrees warmer than the forecast for half moon bay on thursday was. just as of yesterday. so, what is happening here is off shore winds are starting to kick up. you only get to 80 in san francisco. in the middle 70s, at a beach town when there are off shore winds, look at the hills there. half moon bay sits down at the base of. with the winds coming in and they are going off shore that means they are rushing downhill on the downhill side of the mountains towards the coast. that warms the air up. unique scenario to be able to get to the middle
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70s in the beach or 80s. the warmer numbers are the inland valleys, you look at the heat map to spotlight the areas. for heat-related health effects. not the beach, not the city. on the verge of 90. not that you can not handle them. there will be plenty of those. this is the first one. it is coming after we were looking at day time highs that did not get out of the 60s. you know, the day before yesterday. big transition for them, it is going to be impactful. there are the temperatures from below average to above average. you can see the bump there, we know the numbers, giving you an idea how long it will last. the off shore winds of this, in terms of that aspect of it, it is strong enough, the winds are strong enough there is a wind advisory for a result of that.
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going into tomorrow, streamlines, and the sacramento valley. rushing through the valley. one of those scenarios where only the north bay gets a wind advisory for this. mountains and valleys, it will be breezy everywhere. bay area wide. it is going to be strong enough up here that the national weather service put out a wind -- advisories out there. lights up tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow morning i should say. 30 mile-an-hour gusts that are rushing down from the north. so, thankfully it is a limited window of time. 1:00 a.m. follow 11:00 a.m. on the wind advisory. look at what the winds are going to do. this is how we warm up so much. the downsloping winds, if we visualize it differently, they start drying things out. you can see the dry air coming through the bay and getting pushed out to sea. you can watch it on the visualization
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there. that drier air is able to warm up more as well. putting it in the seven-day forecast. remember, thursday, friday, saturday, those are the three days where we are equal for all of them. sunday it is better. next week t is much better. day time highs will be back down in the middle to upper 70s by the time we get into the early part of next week. just to show you the microclimate. these are the numbers for the interior of the bay. that is where things stand. all right, back to you. >> thank you very much. top destination for decades, the toast to a piece of
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. for families around the bay area. the top of the mark is the place you go to celebrate a very special occasion. now, tonight, the famous skylounge is celebrating the 85th anniversary. high atop knob hill, inside of the mark hopkins hotel, take the elevator all of the way up and on this night only, you will travel back in time. >> 85 years? >> yes. we are very excited. we finally made it to 85 starting back in may of 1939. >> reporter: the top of the mark. the bay area's most famous cocktail lounge opened 85 years ago. it was an instant
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sensation. during the second world war, the top of the mark was a favorite spot for pacific bound military to share a toast before shipping out. as the war ships left, wifes and sweethearts gathered at this corner known as the weepers window >> they would watch as they ship out, weeping, tissues, an emotional time. >> reporter: it was here that the tradition known as the squadron bottle began. servicemen buy and leave a bottle with the bartender so the next member from the squadron can enjoy a free drink, finish the bottle, you leave a new one behind. >> it embodies and represents those bonds, that team work that was forged at sea as were the case. >> cheers to 75 years. >> finally, on top of the top of the mark, a bit of kpix history. 75 years ago, kpix began broadcasting from the
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attic above the famous bar. being the first tv station in northern california. congratulations to top of the mark. cheers. they were flown out from
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ teacher: ...but it's still true. there are four states of matter. there are solids, liquids, gases... teacher: trevor? teacher: not quite? plasma. teacher: lights please. teacher: now, states of matter are comprised of relationships between molecules. teacher: molecules' relationships... nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen anxiety. teacher: saved by the bell! ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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. check this out, 50 cats from hawaii are looking for new homes in the bay area. taking them in a few days ago. we are talking about 37 fully grown cats, 13 kittens. shelters in maui with ferrel cats, to make room, they sent these ones here, some are up for adoption now and the rest will be available to get medical care to find a home sweet home. thanks for watching, the news continues on pix plus, we will see you back here at 11:00. have a great evening
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] steve: that's good. thank y'all. i appreciate it. thank you, everybody. thank y'all ver


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