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tv   Face the Nation  CBS  May 5, 2024 8:30am-9:31am PDT

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lambs at valley of fire state park in southern nevada. >> i'm jane pauley. please join us when our trumpet sounds again next sun sunl. are i'm margaret brennan and this week on "face the nation," campus chaos continues from coast to coast. plus south dakota republican governor kristi noem kicks off her book tour today. and we've got the first interview. campus protests tied to the war between israel and hamas spilled into the weekend. and with no breakthrough yet in negotiations for a short-term
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cease-fire and hostage release, the political pressure on president biden builds. and he tries to calm the domestic fury. >> dissent is central to democracy and there is the right to protest but not right to cause chaos. >> we'll talk with two key democrats as those protests continue. pennsylvania senator john fetterman and california congressman row khanna. plus have kristi noem's chances to become president trump's running mate by help or hurt about revelations in her new book. she's just back from a republican gather with trump in palm beach. finally our conversation with jordan's queen rania of palestinian dissent and her views of the war in gaza and her hopes of peace in the region. it is all just ahead on "face the nation."
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♪ good morning and welcome to "face the nation." we begin this morning with the republican governor of the state of south dakota kristi noem. her upcoming memoir "no going back" is out this tuesday and she joins us from watertown, south dakota. welcome to "face the nation." >> thank you, margaret. thank you for inviting me to be on with you today. >> governor, i have your book right here. donald trump said this book is a winner and lays out a fantastc plan to make america great gep. i know your back with a gathering from mr. trump and other republicans in florida. did he mention any of the response to your book at all? >> oh, he certainly knows about the book and i appreciate his
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endorsement about it. this is a book that talks about how we're not going back. we're not going back to the days before donald trump. the donald trump broke politics and i think that is a good thing. we're not going back to the days of mitt romney and the bushes and now there is a new way to talk to the american people and they appreciate it. it is an honest genuine conversation about what these citizens can do to take back their government and to have more input. so this book is really a how-to guide for how to make your voice heard and what meme in this country could make sure they're getting genuine elected foothills that want to give them more freedom and liberty. >> so you write about lessons learned in leadership and you bring up some specific instances i want to ask you about. you talk about meeting some world leaders and one specific one, i remember when i met with north korean dictator kim jong-un. i'm sure he underestimated me
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having no clue about my experience, staring down tyrants. i've been a children's pastor after all. did you meet kim jong-un? >> well you know, as soon as this was brought to my attention, i certainly made some changes and looking at this passage and i've met with many, many world leaders and traveled around the world. as soon as it watt to my attention, we went forward and made some edits. so i'm glad this book is being released in a couple of days and those edits will be there place and people have the updated version. >> so you did not meet with kim jong-un? is that what you're saying. >> i met with many world leaders. i've traveled around the world. i think i've talked extensively in this book about my time serving in congress. >> my time as governor before governor. some of the travels that i've had. i'm not going to talk about my specific meetings with world leaders, i'm not going to do that.
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this antidote should not have been in the book and as soon as it was brought to my attention, i made sure it was adjusted. and the book is not released until tuesday and we're making sure those changes are made and i'm going to continue to focus on what book is and the blueprint it lays out for the american citizen on all of the things in the background and stories of my life, but also what i think needs to be identified in politics and was broken today. i talk about how broken the money game is and how broken it is in a we have consultants getting rip off of elected officials and how fake some elected politicians are. every person wants someone in ele elected office that is a human being. as soon as it was brought to my aengs it, i asked for it to be changed and we're excited to talk about my new book "no
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goingback". >> >> you talk about 2013 to 2015, the leader of south korea was a female president. i'm wondering who you confused kim jong-un with? >> well i think you need to remember, and everybody needs to remember that i've worked on ag policy and federal policy over 30 years. i've been extensive and covered decades. >> right. but you never went to north korea. >> yes, i am. i've been there. >> you went to north korea? >> i went to the dmz. there are details that talk about going to the dmz and specifics i'm willing to share. i traveled the world and i've visited with world leaders and that is referenced in the book and this anecdote, when it was brought to my aengs it, we made some changes and when the book is released we'll see that is reflected.
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>> and i'm asking that about a specifically because you made the point to bring him up twice and that he was a little tyrant. >> do you have a question for me. >> yes. north korea is a nuclear armed adversary. so that is a pretty big thing to con fuse. i know you read this book before it was published because you released video of your reporting of the audio book. you didn't catch these errors when you were recording it? >> margaret, as soon as it watt to my attention, i took action to make sure that it was reflected and listen, this is what is so discouraging about politics and the media today, is that we have the white house that just came out and confirmed that president biden has misspoken, has made mistakes close to 150 times just this year and you've done nothing to question him on any of that and you're talking about a book that hasn't been released yet that has been corrected before it has
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been released and you haven't said one thing about joe biden saying that he was from prison with nelson mandela. that he started the civil rights movement. >> if i had a interview with joe biden, who i've asked for multiple times, i will definitely ask him about his record. but i'm asking you about your book here which we have. >> i'm just asking for why am i being treated differently than any otherern that you've interviewed. >> i'm quoting you. >> you don't interrupt other people. you let them talk. thank you for inviting me to have this conversation about this book. this book is extremely important to the people of this country. this is important because it is a how-to guide to have input into their government and how we need breakers an builders in this world and i'm taking responsible for the change that we've made. >> and for the mistake in the book. >> and i've told you that and i've -- no, what i've said. >> you're not taking responsibility for the mistakes
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in the book. >> i've decided -- i'm saying that that book is very, very good and i've met with many world leaders. and that the world leaders i've met with that are in this book and many i've met that are not in this book. and this is an anecdote that i asked to have removed because i think it is appropriate at this point in time. but i'm not going to talk to you about personal meetings i've had with word leaders. i think it is important. >> you do mention benjamin netanyahu in it among world leaders. in an interview with "time magazine" has asked about israel and hamas and he said bibi netanyahu rightfully has been criticized for what took place on october 7th. do you agree with mr. trump? >> i think that bibi netanyahu is a strong leader who is leading israel through extremely difficult times. october 7th was horrific and the kr
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crimes that hamas committed against the jewish people were awful and that the united states of america should stand strong with our allies in the middle east. i'm proud to know the jewish people and their leaders over many years and i think that what hamas is doing an the atrocities commit ready horrific and we should never stand for the anti-semitism going on in the united states of america and what is happening on our college campuses is devastating and should be shut down immediately. i'm upset that president biden didn't stop the violent crimes against the jewish people that have happening on our own college campuses right here in the united states of america. it should never been allowed an it should be stopped today. >> so you don't agree with mr. trump's statement there. i want to ask you again about the book. i know you know this question is coming. because there has been such an enormous black lash about your revelation that you shot and killed eye wire hair pointer named cricket who is 14 months
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old. she came from another family that struggled with her aggression and training her to hunt. she got too excited and ruined the hunt and attacked and killed some chickens. i wonder if you have regrets about sharing this story? >> you know, margaret, this book is filled with vulnerable painful moments in my life filled with times where i've made very difficult decisions. reason the story is in the book because people need to understand who i am in some of those difficult decisions. this is a dangerous animal that was killing livestock and attacking people and i had little children at the time and interaction with the public and i made a difficult choice and i think you're a mother too and you have little kiddos and would you mange a choice between your little children and a dangerous animal and ask everyone to put themselves in that sipp. and i talk about it because i'm tired of politicians who pretend
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to be something that they are not. they're not willing to have the hard conversations and look at past and tough decisions they've made. what i talk about in the book extensively when people are able to get it on tuesday is to see the whole story an the truth not the spin that the media has put on this story. the media has removed most the fact and the reason this is in there because i want people to know i don't ask anyone else to take on my responsibilities. i understood my responsibility and as a mom i made a choice between protecting my children and between a dangerous animal. >> well i described -- i described, i think, accurately how you wrote it up in the book. you didn't say that the dog attacked people. you said it had tried to bite you. and i gist wonder why you concluded that a young dog was untrainable and not just take it to a shelter. >> this dog was a working dog
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and it came from a family that already had issued with this dog and i had put months and months of training into this dog and gone to other trainers as well. all of that is the facts of thetory and all of that shows that when you put someone in a position where they have to make a decision, and they want to protect their family and protect children and other people that has attacked others and killed livestock, that is the choice i made over 20 years ago and i didn't ask someone else to take that responsibility for me. that i had to make that decision in myself. >> because you put it in a chapter called bad day to be a goat and then after you shot the dog, you quote, realized another unpleasant job needed to be done. walking back up to the yard, i spotted our billy goat. you said he smelled and would chase kids so you took him to the gravel pit and shot him twice. how do you justify that? how was goat a threat and i'm asking you this because it seems like your celebrating the killing of the animals.
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>> not at all. this is been a story that my political points have tried to use against me for years. it is well-known in south dakota and has been to other people and i want the truth to be out there and to understand that these animals were attacking my children, that we live on a farm in a ranch and tough decisions are made many times and it is to protect people. and i'll tell you, the extremism of other people and how they have attacked me politically, i understand it, they're doing the same thing that they do to donald trump every day. >> yep. >> every day, the constant attacks and coming -- during covid i was attacked night after night, months after month for decisions that i made. you and many other journalists attacked me every day or for the decisions made in south dakota. >> i think we had a very fair interview. when you joined us, ma'am, at
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that time and i thacnked you fo answers questions on it. but on this point, because you have been rumored to be a potential vice president candidate, as you know, and former house speaker newt gingrich said killing the dog and writing about it ended any possibility of her being picked at vp. you talk about it. in fact at aeend of the book, y said the first thing that you would do that was different from joe biden, is could you make sure the dogwas nowhere on the grounds. commander say hello to cricket. are you doing this to make you look tough? do you think that you have a chance at vice president. >> joe biden's dog has attacked 28 secret service people and how many people are enough to be attacked before you make a decision on a dog. >> well he's not living at the white house any more. >> that is a president that the president should be held accountable to. >> you're saying he should be
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shot? >> what is the number. and i would say about -- republicans criticizing me, these are the same republicans that criticized me during covid and when i made other decisions? south dakota to protect my state and my state today is extremely happy and thriving, we're going well. we have thousands of people moving to our state because they love the opportunities that are here and the businesses that are come and how we've gotten to be a state that has one the lowest unemployment rates in the nation. everybody has an opportunity for higher wages. we have revenues an resevens and we have paid off our debt and we have a triple-a credit rates and a pension system. >> we were the first -- >> so you're not -- >> this book is a powerful book, it is an honest book. it is an honest book about a blueprint for america about what citiaccidents could do to take their country back and i hope that people will buy it and find a lot of truthful stories and we talk a lot about what we could
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use as an example from donald trump an how he has continued to be a real person, been genuine and honest to people and that -- >> but if you have to preretract it or parts of it. >> i'm not retracting it. >> governor, thank you. for taking the questions an joining us today. "face the nation" will be back in a minute. stay with us. life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do.
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that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. head & shoulders bare clinically proven dandruff protection with just 9 essential ingredients no sulfates, no silicones, no dyes. dandruff protection, minimal ingredients. job done. there were more crackdown this is weekend on anti-war protests and encampments. early this morning, police moved in on the campus of usc in los angeles and quickly dispersed protests. it is the latest in a series of sweeps by law enforcement and schools losing patience. our mark strassmann has the latest. >> reporter: at the university of virginia on saturday, police at times sprayed a chemical irritant to help arrest roughly
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25 protesters. and take down a tent city. at the art institute of chicago, a new encampment lasted only hours on saturday. police moved in, they made at least 68 arrests. and a new disruption at the university of michigan's commencement. dozens of protesters chanted and waved palestinian flags. but the event went on. for many schools this month's new challenge, graduation. doing it well in the face of all of this protest. here in l.a., usc's plan canceling its main commencement exercise this friday. live keller has covered it all here. the protest and the police raids and the ongoing show of force. >> my view is administration should have handled this differently. i think the calling of lapd was excessive. >> >> reporter: but the message to protesters. enough. at ucla last week, counter-protesters started brawling with people inside of
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the encampment. later in the week, police moved in, arresting more than 200 people. in a couple of hours at columbia, the nypd retook a campus building seized by demonstrators. one offer accidentally fired his gun, no one was hit. more than 100 people arrested. several schools like vasser and brown negotiated with demonstrators. in some cases administrators agreed to talk about protesters demands to divest from funding and investments and partnerships with the state of israel. the protests went back to their dorms. but at roughly 80 schools unrest still fractures campus with clashing claims of free speech and hate speech. >> that was our mark strassmann. and we turn now to pennsylvania senator john fetterman joining us from orlando, florida, where he spent the weekend campaigning on behalf of president biden's re-election. welcome to the show, senator.
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>> hi. good to be here. >> great to you have here. you're cracking up. do you want to tell us what you're responding to there? >> oh, that interview that was magnificent. no, i -- >> okay. well, let me you ask democrats an your own party. i know you've been spending a lot of time on that this past weekend. you've been outspoken about these protesters were were just talking about. the director of national intelligence testified there is no u.s. intelligence that hamas is influencing the protests in the u.s. or directing it in any way but you have said while it is a great american value to protest, i don't believe living in a pup tent for hamas is really helpful. do you consider the flying of the palestinian flag to be
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anti-semitic or have you seen that hamas flag in some of the protests? >> no, i don't think that. but i will say that these kind of protests haven't been helpful. and ironically, they're working against peace in the middle east. and it is also very strange to me that now they're not actually protesting for a cease-fire now, and there has been a very salad cease-fire that has been on the table now and hamas has refused to take that on and i don't know why we're not demanding that hamas take that kind of cease-fire and that would end all of the trauma and the chaotic going on there in gaza. >> well many of these young protesters are protesting against president biden's israel policy, israel being a recipient of u.s. taxpayer dollars and u.s. provided weapons and hamas is a designated terror group.
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so do you have any problem with the attempt to influence the president's policy through protests? >> well, like i said, i'll never support any kind of conditions on israel during this. and again, i'm going to continue to center hamas that is responsible for all of that again. and now if you're going to protest on these campuses, or with them going all across america as well, too, i can't forget that the situation could end right now if hamas just surrendered and they just sent all of the hostages home again. and that is the thing that i've been frustrated with too. the hostages should be if front of the conversations about the situation in gaza. sending them home would really you know, end all of this immediately. >> well, understood. but these protesters are -- are
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you saying that by ptesting the president's policy, you just see any opposition to the president's policy as pro-hamas or is this something specifically that you have an issue with. >> it is perfectly normal with you don't agree with the president on this issue or many other issues but when we have this important election in front of us, six months to going and it is two stark choices. you have joe biden, an outstanding president, and then you ha you have trump who is in a trial talking about bribing a adult film star and this is a stark contrast here. and if you're willing to walk away from joe biden, it is -- you're supporting trump. >> well i into he had to talk about you to other issues on the other side of this break so please stay with us, senator. we'll be back. everywhere. 4 out of 5 gynecologists
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could chill free speech. due those concerns resonate with you? >> i don't disagree with that. i was one of the coleaders or res sponsors of that bill and i'm going to vote yes on that and it is a valid concern that really allowed -- that is an overwhelming vote of bipartisan vote in the house as well. i think it's -- it's a great bill and i look forward to voting for it. >> but just to clarify it. you agree with the aclu saying it is wrong to equate criticism of the israeli government with anti-semitism? >> no, well, i'm not really sure what is really -- i don't agree, i do think a lot of the criticism right now during this gaza war, i think at its root does have some anti-semitism there. you don't have to agree with the
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israeli government but a lot of the protesters and the words that are being thrown around on the campuses are very anti-semitism. >> yep. okay. yeah. i just want -- the aclu comment was on the house bill so i wanted to clair into that. so, you have been in florida for this democratic fund raisers. our polling shows that president biden is in a tight race in your home tate of pennsylvania with mr. trump. 61% of registered voters said the economy was better during the trump era and 55% said joe biden makes them worries versus 48% trump. how tight is this race going to be? >> so we're having a technical issue. >> okay. i was asking you about cbs polling showing a very tight race in the state of
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pennsylvania. are you able to hear me, sir? >> it is not working. >> okay. all right. i'll ask one more time, sir, if you can hear me. >> now it is working. now i can, yeah. >> sure. in the state of pennsylvania, our cbs polling shows it is going to be a very tight presidential race for joe biden to be re-elected. >> correct. >> the issue of the economy is a paramount importance and in your state our polling shows there is more confidence in trump's leadership than in biden's. and this is very acute around the issue of oil and gas. how worried are you? >> i'm not worried about that. and i want to be very clear, joe biden beat -- he beat trump in pennsylvania and he's going to do that again. but it is going to be very close. absolutely. i've been calling that and having that same conversation
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since 2016. that is going to be very competitive. and oil and gas is an issue, but it is not going to define the race for sure. again, we have two very stark choice between those two. and it is very clear that it's not going to be a defining factor for sure. >> we'll have a lot of focus on your state in the coming months, senator, thank you for your time today. we'll be right back. and our famous garlic shrimp scampi. it's time to grab some cheddar bays and get flavorfull. hurry in to try shrimp your way, only at red lobster. it ain't my dad's razor, dad. ay watch it!
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we're joined now by california democratic congressman ro khanna. good to have you here. and you've been visiting college camp campuses across country and recently in wisconsin. are we at point where the protesters are becoming a story and a distraction from the issues that they're protests. >> no, i don't think so. in the wisconsin the issues were
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abortion rights. second the cost of living and the president on student loans and housing and rent. gaza came up. but one of the conversations in madison with jewish and arab americans was extraordinary civil and thoughtful and constructive. so i think on a lot of campuses, there are 4,000 in the united states, there is actually constructive dialogue taking place. >> but the president isn't doing those kind of listening sessions. why? >> well i think the president should. and will get out there on campuses and i think -- >> i think they shouted down genocide joe when they go to protests. >> i condemn any violence or anti-semitic. the whole point was nonviolent protests. but it is a defining moment for this generation. similar to anti-vietnam, anti-iraq war protests and they're telling us that over
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30,000 people have died, it is time for this war to end. it is time for the hostages to be released that hamas has and they want to see leadership in america and around the world. that is not the world that they want. >> the president said the protests has not changed his policy. he was saying something had to change our u.s. policy would. do you expect any change in u.s. policy as a result. >> i do. and i slightly disagree. i think the movement has had the president change. you look at the president talking about the consequences that could have on netanyahu, the aires canal opening and the united states didn't veto the cease-fire resolution in the united nations. >> that it was nonbinding. >> but everyone from the president on down is aware that young people are upset at what is going on in the middle east. and i do think it is had an awakening in washington that this war has to end.
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that too many people are dying. and if you look at the president's language, it certainly shifted over the last six months. now some of us want there to be consequences. >> right. this week we know there is this may 8th deadline for the administration to provide a report about whether israel and other recipients of u.s. military aid are using the weapons in accordance of law and whether or not they are blocking humanitarian aid. is this going to be an honest accounting? >> i hope so. there is an independent task force that has issued the report as well. and already -- >> they're trying to pre-butt what the administration will put out because they are clear in that nongovernment report that they do think there are violations. >> wyes. and let's be nuanced about the what the report said. they said the attacks were brutal on unjustified and said there are tunnels underground but they can't go destroying residential buildings just because there is a tunnel,
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because under international law, you can't have disproportionate civilian harm and they detailed cases where that happened where buildings were destroy the without any military target. so my expectation is that the state department report needs to have that kind of nuance and detail and if it doesn't, you're going to have people asking why in congress. >> so, while you were talking about very specifically policy challenges for specific allegations, you see some of the protests things that are mixed in either outside agitators or extreme rhetoric. elissa slotkin was just tweeting about this, protests at gw university and individuals were shouting guillotine and having a mock trial of school administrators and that created a climate of fear for jewish students. what is being lost here in the conversation. >> well she's right. i mean, you can't be shouting
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guillotine and globalize the intifada or zionists don't deserve to live. they're diminishing the thousands of young people who want the war to end. and i guess i would say look to john lewis or doctor king. they, in their protests, were above reproach. if some individual engaged in bigotry, they called them out first and loudly. so i'm proud of the young people who want to end the war but they need to show the discipline. and some universities have. look at cornell and university of minnesota. look at what is happening at northwestern. there have been efforts not to the police in, to have dialogue with the student protesters and to have much more peace and calm and there are models for what could work in this country. >> congressman, it is interesting to hear from you. >> thank you. >> thank you for telling us what you're seeing out there on college campuses. we'll be back in a moment.
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and for the past 30 years, has had a peace treaty with israel. we spoke with his partner, queen rania al abdullah of jordan on thursday. she's of palestinian dissent and an advocate for children. we began our conversation on the impact of the war between israel and hamas and america's role in the region. >> people view the u.s. as being party to this war. israeli officials say without u.s. support, they couldn't launch this war. you turn off the tap and the weapons dry up. and there is anger, not just at what is happening but at the world's reaction. when we see these violations, human rights violations and international law violations and we're watching the world let it happen when october 7th happened, the world condemned it and took strong actions and positions. we're outraged that this same is not happening when palestinians are getting killed and so there
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is a sense of the selective application of humanitarian law and unfairness, a sense of our lives don't matter as much. >> you said people back home see the united states as complicit in what is happening? >> they see it as an enabler. so, clearly the u.s. is the country that has most leverage over the u.s. -- over israel. and like i said, it is the biggest ally and biggest supporter. and the arab world is getting -- the rest of the world is getting mixed messages. on the one hand, the u.s. is demanding that more aid go into gaza. at the same time they're denying that the starvation is intentional. outraged by the attacks on the aid convoyed but denying that israel is violating international humanitarian law. there is an expression of concern over civilian deaths, but at the same time there is a provision of offensive weapons
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of israel used against palestinians. when you true i -- when you try to let your values and principles unravel, that is a deep impact. either everyone accountable or no one does. so the next time someone breaks the rules, the countries will say you made an exception here so why apply it to us. i think gaza now is like a microcosm of our new world disorder, the break down of the international norms. of the return of might is right and i think that is very dangerous. not just for our region, but for the entire world. >> recently president biden just about a month ago warned pr primary -- prime minister netanyahu if conduct didn't change, do you believe the u.s. is starting to use the leverage you say it has. >> there has been a change in tone and language. and you're right, the president
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has been warned and trying very hard to persuade netanyahu not to enter rafah, but israeli officials are not heeding the warnings of allies. so i think it is time that the international community, including the u.s., compel israel to end the war and to let aid in. and -- >> how? >> by standing up for international law. staying the building for illegal settlements is wrong and it has to stop. we're not going to provide you with offensive weapons. it is by saying we're not going to continu to use our veto to not hold israel accountable when it breaks the law. diplomatic pressure is very important. so there are many tools that the u.s. has in order to compel israel to do the right thing and i think for the sake of our world, the u.s. and maybe israel is the closest ally, but a good
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friend holds a friend accountable. >> you argued people need to understand that palestinian mothers love their children just as much as israeli mothers. why do you feel like that needed to be said? >> well, because, you know, for decades, the dehumanization of palestinians has been an intentional approach that israel adopted in order to numb people to palestinian suffering. it is actually quite surprising to see just how deep the undercurrents of dehumanization run. arabs are accused of teaching hate and palestinians as well. but it is -- israeli has walled palestinians out of sight and out of mind. reduced them no nameless, faceless security threats that you have to defend yourself against. >> to see hamas as palestinian people is wrong. >> absolutely wrong. and most of the people alive in gaza today were not alive when hamas was elected. they were not born or children
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at the time. so hamas does not represent at majority of palestinians and if they hate israelis, it is because of the fact that they've only interacted with them as enforcers of a military state and known them through their checkpoints and bullets and guns. it is not something that is in herently in them against jewish people. in fact, i try to remind people, that we have coexisted and christians and muslims and jewish people for the longest time. >> historians will argue that anti-semitism has been throughout history and it is hard for people to hear what you are saying and not react in that way. where, they hear characterization of criticism of theize raely government and military and see where you're separating from jewish people. people don't hear a difference. >> anti-semitism is present and
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has been on the rise and on the surge. an it is the worst kind of bigotry and it is pure hatred and i say that muslims have to be at the forefront of fighting anti-semitism because islamophobia is also on the rise. judaism is a religion of peace. and the issue is when you try to conflate anti-israeli policy with anti-semitism. right. anti-semitism is when you persecute someone or discriminate against someone based on their jewish identity. israel is a state. it has political policy and political parties. so you could criticize the state of israel, but that is not necessarily ant semitism. so when people speak up against the war in gaza and talking about the -- speaking about the collective punishment, when you deprive people of food as a weapon of war, when entire
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populations is displaced and there is zriin zrim nat bombing think it is wrong to hold the jewish community responsible for the actions or the policies of israel. >> how are young people in jordan thinking about this right now? what is the sentiment in terms of the american unconditional support for the government of israel? >> i have to say, and in one word, there is outrage. you know, there is outrage. because you know, for most young people, even those who maybe were against american foreign policy or disagreed with it, we always looked up to the u.s. as a country, a democratic country with democratic values. with application of law and freedom of speech. with, you know, human rights, et cetera. and as i said, young people are
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now feeling extremely disillusioned at how could this be happening while the u.s. and the rest of the world have allowing it to happen. >> the national director said there will be a generational impact from the war there gaza. and that was also a gesture to terror recruitment. how concerned are you that is what may happen to some of the young people who you say are jus just inundated with images. >> it is not just the extreme, it is people who are in the middle as well. people who are westernized. people who study and people who are suddenly just looking at the world and saying they're so disillusioned, saying clearly there are different humanitarian law and that our lives don't matter and it is okay for almost
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15,000 children to pe killed, 19,000 to be orphaned. it is okay for the infrastructure to be obliterated and stop the delivery of aid and food to an entire population, that is collective punishment. it is a war crime , and it is happening. and so the young people are saying, you know, i guess the west doesn't like us. so in my opinion, this is probably one of the largest recruitment events that we've seen in recent history. >> what your describing is what defense secretary austin warned israel about. that you could have a tactical win and a strategic loss in the long-term. that is what you hear you saying. this will lead to more terror recruitment. >> absolutely. it israel making this world safer? i would argue after 35,000 people dead, after the
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obliteration of the civilian infrastructure in gaza, after the violations and the receipt or is that we're hearing from israeli officials calling palestinians human animals or say when -- when the prime minister said that palestinians are the children of darkness and they only understand the rules of jungle and we need to find a moreective way than death to inflict on palestinians. how that making israel safer? how? peace is not about politics. it is about people. israelis are surprised when the word genocide is used because they could not see palestinians as anything but a security threat. that they deserve what is happening to them. and -- >> after october 7th, they are traumatized. >> i understand. because of my own background i would identify with the palestinian side more and because of that i challenge
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myself every single day to put myself in the shoes of an israeli mother who is -- who has a child that has been taken as hostage. or any young israeli who has been taught and heard about of the horrible persecution that the jewish people have had to endure in europe. and i tried to empanelize and see where they're coming from and absolutely we need the hostages to go home as soon as possible. and we need the war to end as soon as possible so the palestinians could go back to their homes, if they have homes left. so i understand that what happened on october 7th was dramatic and devastating for israeli society, but the reaction has not helped the situation. can you not just rely on this visceral reaction of retribution and revenge.pthey could have re
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against surgical strikes. but that is not what we're seeing. -- in the use of u.s. provided weapons and whether it is blocking u.s. aid. you could see our full interview on our website, face the and our youtube page. we'll be right back. this belt i used to wear, way down at the first and second notch, it's the only thing i've kept from before losing weight and i'm keeping this because i'm never going back. wanna know a secret? more than just my armpits stink. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant... everywhere. 4 out of 5 gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant, which gives you 72 hour odor protection from your pits to your- (sfx: deoderant being sprayed) secret whole body deodorant. [cars honking] i'm a guy who lost a bet. and my dignity. get out of the way! as if watching my team lose wasn't punishment enough. what are you looking at huh...
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that is it for us today. thank you all for watching. until next week. for "face the nation," i'm margaret brennan.
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