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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  May 3, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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hospital with pneumococcal pneumonia. that's why i chose prevnar 20®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia. thank you for joining us this morning. we made it. it's friday. may number three. >> yeah. so let's get it started. [ screaming ] >> rising tensions at uc berkeley' encampment after days of peaceful protesting. will it change how the university has been approaching the protests? it's lick dublin. it's really -- it resembles dublin and resembles how green we are and resemble os you are scenery. >> reporter: overcrowded school district for one of the bay area's fastest growing cities. i feel like it's been a long time coming. and we're
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going to be hard for the last four, almost five years for my mom's kitchen counter for my parents' garage. >> san jose bouncing back shining a light on small businesses. how leaders hope it will help young brands grow their business while bringing in more traction to the city. >> all right, well, good morning, it's friday, i'm gianna franco and boy it already feels like a friday. who's ready for the weekend. >> are you ready. >> i am too. locked and loaded for a beautiful weekend and good morning, everybody. i'm reed cowan even though we think it's going to rain. >> it is going to rain. but tomorrow, right? so we have details from jessica coming up. i'm nicole zaloumis, i'm happy or giddy or delirious. i don't know about this hour right? but like you said it is friday. and let's take it in. the weekend is here. >> we made skit let's celebrate it but first a developing story in san jose. so listen up to our friend down in that area. officers this morning are on the scene of a shooting investigation. this is on san ignacio avenue and it happened around 10:30 p.m. last night. san jose police reporting to the scene of a disturbance of some sort
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when they were met with an armed man who allegedly shot at them. apparently he hit two officers. sjpd fired back eventually injuring and taking the suspect into custody. so a lot happening there as we look at this live picture and it looks like a quiet morning bull then you see the police cars outside. and the police tape and that just means it's going to be an ongoing situation a days long investigation. there are street closures in the area and they are extensive jump. i looked into them and there's lot to report here. there and is as we take a look at the south bay right now. you know the good news is it's quite early. so where the street closures are, aren't affecting traffic too much. what i'm really concerned about is how long the closures will be out there and things will get a lot busier as that happens and we'll see more volume on the roadways. in the meantime try to say void the area if you can. bring you more information as it comes in. peeking of commuting over towards the south bay or even the fremont area, there's a closure right now. northbound 680 scott creek road to mission
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boulevard. is completely shut down right now. hopefully get that cleared before the morning rush is really under way. busy start to surface streets in the south bay this morning as well as freeways. accident on 101 this morning as you head through sausalito. really not affecting the drive at the golden gate bridge and in fact things are pretty quiet there in both directions. but a look at that forecast, because there are changes on the way. big changes on the way. all right, right around the corner we have rain in the forecast for us heading into our weekend forecast. but let's start off with this morning and it's cool and it's cloudy a little bit along the coast but for the most part it's mild. taking a look at the daytime highs before we head into futurecast, which is such a great tool as we gear up for rain. take a look at this. wind speeds are going to be gusty for us and let's move to the map real fast. this afternoon, our daytime highs today are going to be sitting in the 60s near san francisco. 70s in our inland areas and it has been gusty along our coastline all throughout the past 24 hours. we're going to continue the see that same trend lasting
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into the afternoon hours today. down into the santa clara valley we go, just like yesterday, still sitting in the upper 70s but watch what happens as this cold front moves its way in. i'm going to advance the clock on futurecast. and you can see right behind me, those clouds really starting to roll in. heading into the overnight hours tonight. as we gear up for rain rolling in in the early morning hours tomorrow. this cold front is going to impact all of us bringing in gusty conditions and rainy skies and widespread throughout the bay area. and of course it's also going to bring in a lot chillier temperatures and you just saw our daytime highs today. we're expecting to see about ten degrees cooler all throughout the bay area heading into the forecast tomorrow. so upper 50s and lower 60s felt anywhere from concord all the way over into our coastline. this cold front will continue to move its way down to the south and to the afternoon hours tomorrow. leaving behind clear skies behind it for our sunday forecast. we can see a speckle of showers here or there but it's going to be a lot lighter compared to the bulk of the action happening tomorrow morning. more on that coming up in bit. for now over to you. all right, thank you, jessica. livermore police are searching for a double homicide
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suspect. investigators say 30-year-old yanston vasquez shot and killed a woman inside a hotel room saturday at the la quinn that inn on south front road. the identities of the victims haven't been released but police believe he knew one of them. the former captain of the dive boat this caught fire and killed 34 people was sentenced to 30 years in prison. investigators found captain jerry boy lynn never conducted fire drills prior to the disaster. he also failed to use any fire fighting equipment during the fire and was the first crew member to abandon ship. and closer to home here in san francisco, it appears a fire that damaged a historic building in the city's nob hill neighborhood was an accident. we first brought you the story as breaking news yesterday morning and you can see flames just shooting out of the three story building. this was located near the corner of jackson and leavenworth
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streets. and luckily though reed, nobody was hurt. we continue following developing news on campuses this morning. reaching a boiling pointover the war in gaza. look at this. this morning, word of a fight breaking out on the campus of uc berkeley and we were there with amanda hari. >> getting very close to -- can you please step out? >> hey, hey. [ screaming ] >> reporter: video of the moment a fight broke out on uc berkeley's campus. the woman who shot this video who wants to remain anonymous said in a statement to cbs news bay area that she was with a group of pro israel students. standing across from the sproul plaza with an israeli flag. she says someone grabbed their flag and it led to this fight. she said the incident was terrifying and that some protesters followed their group until they reached the police station. with uc berkeley's divest coalition is part of the camp site. he was there and said the interaction was small. and the person who
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grabbed the israeli flag was not from the protest. >> we mostly didn't engage. we had one person who i have never seen at the camp. none of us knew and we're not sure who in person is who entrust grabbed a flag. >> reporter: he says the injuries that happened in the scuffle are small compared to what's happening in gaza. >> bloody nose and one of our protesters got bunched in the eye. 40,000 people have been killed. their people -- we are seeing on the phones people limbs are gone. so again, like i want to reemphasize this is not about us. >> reporter: he says with finals and summer break looming there's no timeline for how long the camp will stay at sproul plaza and they're taking things day-by-day. maimed says they're going to continue to demand this uc divest from israel but they have put out a statement that the university as a well will not do that and the university's stance on the
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encampment hasn't changed. >> the university increased security for anybody who feels unsafe and an escort service is available if you are a student on campus. you can call and get help. no arrests in berkeley but 2,000 protesters so far arrested as police move through many campuses flattening them and we are seeing clashes with protesters. this is the scene down south at ucla. watch this. >> get back. get back! >> so you are hearing get back and then the sound of those rubber bullets. that's on a college campus in these united states. riot police at ucla firing those in what was a nine hour standoff. in the end, 200 protesters arrested there. we're also hearing as the campus encampments get cleared by bulldozers you see there the journalists have been caught in the fray. she was rushed by the crowd and protesters apparently setting off flash bangs. watch this moment. >> so again you are -- some of
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the clashes hearing some of very loud -- flash bangs. as officers are clearing. now you can see some of these protesters moving birds into the street. trying to create some obstruction for the officers. >> wow. we are seeing lawmakers on the federal and local level responding to what they are seeing on television across the country. republican lawmakers at our state capitol doing what their colleagues in washington did yesterday and also largely what president joe biden said yesterday and that's calling for strict action against protests that threaten people or break the law. in fact, california lawmakers want students found guilty of committing violent acts during protests to lose their grant money. that pays for educations. they also want administrators who don't respond or even participate in these actions to lose their state funding. listen. >> i think what the president said was exactly right. you don't get to destroy property and you don't get to commit
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criminal acts on campus no. that's not free speech. >> well, this morning, governor gavin newsom has deployed state law enforcement to college campuses so a lot to watch and especially as we go into the weekend. stay with and cbs 24/7 for continuing coverage of campus protests here in the bay and across the nation. still ahead solving the affordable housing issue in the south bay community. the new effort to bring new housing to los gatos has some neighbors worried they're literally being overshadowed. we explain. this morning we celebrate bay area bounce-back champions this time in san jose where pop-up opportunities make the way crystal clear for visionaries, we'll explain. here's a live look outside before we head to break. this is the view from the treasure island cam. saying good morning. happy friday to all of you early commuters headed into the city to join us.
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find our coupons in sunday's paper. ♪you're the one that i want!♪ nexgard® plus helps you protect your dog from fleas, ticks, heartworm disease and more... all in one delicious, monthly soft chew. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard® plus. the one you want for one-and-done protection. a bay area bounce-back in san francisco. last night hundreds of people gathered in the downtown area for the city's first ever first thursdays festival. several blocks on 2nd street south of market were shut down while people ate food from local vendors and they danced to music and looked at art and really enjoyed the community. organizers of the event were actually inspired by oakland's first fridays. and they are hoping their version will help revitalize san francisco's downtown area. and for the city's business owners, the event is a welcome sight. >> when i first heard about it, i was like okay. this would be
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good. i'm definitely down with it. and it's -- it works both ways. so we can actually get our name out there. for our business. and then also we're helping the city of san francisco as far as getting people out in the streets. >> last night's first thursdays block party was the first of 12. the event is scheduled to continue every month through april 2025. looks like a great turnout reed and a lot of fun and you know, i hear that san jose is actually taking some pointers from what san francisco is doing and how successful their pop-up store has been. >> yeah what's really so cool about this is you know we're seeing communities connect with ideas. just like oakland inspired san francisco's first thursdays. san francisco inspired san jose's pop-up programs. in fact, shawn chitnis is now here with a concept on turning empty spaces into action helping local entrepreneurs grow their businesses. watch. >> reporter: teresa believes there's something in the
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beauty of crystals that will appeal to just about anyone. the success of her business bad witch crystals suggests she's on to something. >> i feel like it's been long time coming and i worked really hard for the last four, almost five years for my mom's kitchen counter, from my parents' garage. and i'm just so happy that i finally have this store front with everything. >> reporter: she's one of the newest businesses opening up on friday in a section of downtown san jose that could use a little color and some positive vibes. her store along with two others are part of a project from san jose based moment. which specializes in pop-up retail opportunities. >> there's nothing like the energy that comes from a small business. and a small business maker. especially the ones that we work with in the local bay area. we never have seen this type of excitement and enthusiasm towards running their own business. >> reporter: moment partnered with the san jose downtown association to fill these retail spaces near san jose state university. funded by the city. >> i felt like it was a perfect
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opportunity. it's a way for us small businesses to test out our ideas and see if retail will work for us. >> reporter: teresa knew san jose was the right place to open her first store she says because of the community support for small businesses. despite all the challenges retail shops face around the bay area, teresa is excited to start this new chapter. >> i think it's just human nature to be intrigued to something that is shiny and pretty. i don't think it necessarily even matters if you believe in the spiritual or the metaphysical. >> reporter: a charge to give off good energy to the neighborhood and the economy one store front at a time. >> so now we're going to pause and we are going to meditate this morning. you ready? just kidding. but look at that. grand opening today at noon and find them alongside the paseo desan antonio in downtown san jose. now taking a live look at oakland where later tonight, the city's district will be buzzing with first friday festivities. tonight's festival will only be the second first friday of the year
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after organizers were forced to cancel prior ones due to financial struggles. tonight the event is also celebrating latin pride from5:00 to 9:00 p.m. you can enjoy great food and honor oakland's latin heritage. >> the first thursdays and then pop-up businesses in san jose and that right there. i feel like the bay is alive. it like -- it has a heartbeat right now. the night market. music, food, is there anything better? >> i mean come on to the bay. this is what we're about. we're about community and being connected. >> absolutely. now taking a live look outside on this friday morning. as we take a look at the forecast from the top of the mount diablo area. and over towards the east bay. and jessica, yeah, there's a lot going on. and should be a lot of fun this weekend. however, might need an umbrella or a jacket. >> oh, yeah. or just sleep in tomorrow morning. as the bulk of that storm moves its way throughout the bay area. right? let's zoom out and talk a little bit about this. i want to start off with our weather headlines. just to get you prepared before you head out
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the door, today don't worry about the umbrella but get ready because today the last mild day in the forecast for us this week. sunny skies for the most part throughout the bay area. daytime highs still sitting relatively above average in our inland areas. but once we head into our saturday forecast, and i'm about to time out the storm for you we can see some heavy rain at times throughout the bay. now luckily on the back end we dry up fast as we head into our sunday forecast. and then we're left with gradual warming trend into next week. so let's time it out because today is still not looking that bad. all the outdoor activities are definitely going to happen as we head into the afternoon hours today. first friday is going to be awesome but once we head into the early morning hours tomorrow, if you have any outdoor events that were scheduled, it might be a washout because here's the timeline of the storm. starting up in the north bay around 5:00 a.m. near santa rosa, we're already starting to see heavy pockets of rain fall and you can see that in the yellow and orange color here. as the cold front moves to the south close to 8:00 a.m., now it's impacting san francisco. slowly sweeping down to the south bay all the way into the 10:00 hour. san francisco is still getting hit with moderate rain at this point. we continue to
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watch this storm track to the south and drier conditions on the back end of it close to around 1:00 up in the north bay but some lingering showers are still in the forecast for us. here we go all the way into the evening hours though. now it's making its way up into the sierra impacting them with snow and back here in the bay we're starting to slowly but surely dry up. right around the corner so sunday, we're going to see sangers skies in the forecast for us. in total close to on inch of rain though. anywhere from the coastline into areas like pleasanton in the north bay too. near napa. let's drop this and talk more about today. gearing up for the forecast today, it's still nice and it's still mild. just like yesterday's forecast. i mean, more upper 60s in san francisco and more low 70s near oakland. no more 80s in our inland areas anymore and antioch yesterday hit 81 degrees and today we're in the upper 70s and you really won't notice too much of a difference. but trust me when i say you will tomorrow. tomorrow that cold front moves in. and it brings in daytime highs down to the 50s. so these 80s and 70s we've been talking about for the past couple of days are
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going to get replaced with cool chilly temperatures in the forecast tomorrow. luckily he warm up next week and the gradual warming trend in full force and upper 80s as soon as next thursday in our inland areas. big changes on the bay for us and we're here to get you prepared for the storm tomorrow though. for now over to you, g. thank you. enjoy the dry roadways while you can. as we take a live look on this friday morning. happy friday friends. yes, you made it to the weekend and here's a look at conditions over to the san mateo bridge. not bad at all and in fact we're feeling that friday light vibe as you head across the san mateo bridge this morning. westbound commuters heading over towards 101. not a bad commute at all this morning. so hopefully that holds steady and stays that way for most of the morning. we'll let you know if it changes. i want to look at a couple of other things though. focus on the south bay right now. couple of thing going on waking thumb morning. road closure in effect on san ignacio avenue. that's for police activity we'll have more information on that coming up. but in the meantime, try to avoid that area and those
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closures if you can. it's still quite early for the morning commute and we're not seeing a lot of volume in and around that area. but as it gets a little busier as people get out and about for their friday, you might see that changing. so definitely use an alternate route. okay. good news all lanes now open northbound 680 there have closure there. right around mission boulevard. everything is good to go and 680 is not a bad ride at all in both directions and no delays right now on the golden gate bridge. everything is pretty quiet as you head over into san francisco this morning. in fact easy commute out of marin to the city. well, speaking of bridges, there's some food news for the waterfront and the bay bridge. the bay lights have been dark for months but things are looking promising for their return. the nonprofit illuminate says it's raised $10 million to bring the installation back. the lights were turned off last year due to the cost to maintain them. the bay lights are expected to return in spring next year. good news. 5:20. coming up, we are celebrating chinese american royalty this morning. the woman who broke barriers more than
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three quarters of a century ago. a live look outside before we head to break. there's the ferris wheel lit up and of course the pyramid. lights blinking, have good morning, everybody. it's 5:21. we made >> tech: does your windshield have a crack? trust safelite. this customer had auto glass damage, but he was busy working from home... he scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks. we came to his house... then we got to work. we replaced his windshield... ...and installed new wipers to protect his new glass. >> customer: looks great. thank you. >> tech: my pleasure. >> vo: we come to you for free. schedule now for free mobile service
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as we celebrate asian american pacific islander month. we'd like to bruce you to the bay area woman who became the very first miss chinatown more than three quarters of a century ago. 99-year-old penny wong was crowned queen in 1948. our sharon chin met the san francisco native and got to see the new crown she recently received. >> reporter: she admits she was not planning to enter the contest. the chinese american version of the miss america pageant. >> one lady came up and asked me, why don't you join them? i said oh all right. so i did. >> reporter: she found herself breaking barriers. after all, it was a big deal to parade in a bathing suit when you are not swimming. but she's known for taking chances. >> i was surprised that i won. honest i was surprised. >> just beautiful. for the full story tune in at 5:00 p.m. on our evening edition right here on kpix. and allmont lodge we will feature stories highlighting the culture,
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history and issues important to the bay area's aapi community. and we're going to post them all of the stories you can find that on the website at absolutely gorgeous. at 99 years of age. >> skin, beautiful. >> beautiful. >> her smile even more beautiful. >> i would love to hear -- i can't wait to see that story because i want to hear sort of the process of what being in a pageant was then to now and sort -- >> piques your interest gianna. our own little resident beauty queen. >> i notice her crown is bigger than the one i have seen in pictures of you. >> what's up with that? 5:25 right now. straight ahead we're there as schools have hope and we know that where there are schools there's hope and it's in alameda. we're going to take you there where a community has a new school smell. and here's a live look outside before we head to break on this friday morning. look at that gorgeous colorment it's going to be a beautiful day. today. t
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you'll love this! centrum silver is clinically proven to support memory in older adults. so you can keep saying, you mastered it! you fixed it! you nailed it! you did it! with centrum silver, clinically proven to support memory in older adults.
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we're looking for adults 45 and under to be in our hpv vaccination ad. sound like you? nah...not me. in a relationship. if you're sexually active and unvaccinated, it could still be you. i'm too old if you're under 45, you're not. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. wow... gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain hpv-related cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers, such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts. gardasil 9 doesn't protect everyone and doesn't treat cancer or hpv infection. these diseases may have many causes. your doctor may recommend screening for certain hpv-related cancers. routine cervical cancer screenings are still needed.
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you shouldn't get gardasil 9 if you're allergic to the vaccine, its ingredients, or yeast. tell your doctor if you have a weakened immune system, are pregnant, or plan to be. the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat. fainting can also happen. help protect yourself against certain hpv-related cancers. talk to a doctor or pharmacist today. all right, we continue this morning looking live following developing news. this is the story of a police shootout in san jose. if you are waking up in san jose, our news team has been working on getting you the very latest so here it is. we have more information about the two officers and their conditions. they are in the hospital after being shot. one
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apparently only has moderate injuries but the second officer transported with life-threatening injuries. the upside of that headline, he is reportedly stable but critical condition. so you are watching him closely. the suspect on the other hand was also transported to a local hospital. police say they were forced to fire and there are life-threatening injuries for the suspect. now where there happened, san ignacio avenue around 10:30 p.m. last night. so it's been a long night for police. san jose police responding at first to just a disturbance call. they say they were met with an armed man who then shot at them. those two officers hit. san jose pd fired back and eventually injuring and taking the suspect into custody. the investigation is an ongoing situation. but we understand there are a lot of road closures that people are going to navigate around getting to work and school in san jose. g. they are and still quite early for the commute and also friday. so we tend to see less volume on the roadways anyway but let's seen in here and
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look at the closures, san ignacio avenue both directions is completely shut down for the police activity in addition to that you are going to see those closures not too far from those side surface streets through there as well. try to steer color of it and we'll let you know when lanes open up but in the mean tame a lot of brake lights or issues on the surrounding surface streets and likely get busier as morning progresses. when people get up and out the door. but again, hopefully lighter conditions since it's friday. i want to let you know e that northbound 680 at scott creek towards mission boulevard all lanes now open. they have some emergency road repairs under way overnight and looks like a little bit into the morning commute but all clear is everything is moving along just fine. check the bay bridge commute in a little bit but we have to check the forecast with changes on the way. big changes too this weekend because it's almost a tease how beautiful the weather has been all week long. of course it's been gusty along the coastline but we're all going to see dusty conditions
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heading into this weekend as we gear up for a comfort right around the corner. here's the big weather headlines. the last delay dry before a cold front moves in bringing in rainy conditions throughout the morning hours tomorrow. starting up in the north bay and stretching down into the santa clara valley. heading into the afternoon hours. now luckily, that cold front moves through. it is going to bring in gusty conditions and chilly temperatures but we dry up as we head into our sunday forecast. with a gradual warming trend into next week. so watch what happens as we advance the clock into the evening hours tonight. more clouds starting to roll in just ahead of that cold front. and then early morning hours tomorrow, here we go as we zoom out just a smidge. you are going to notice up in santa rosa gist around 5:00 a.m. we're going to get hit with moderate rain at this point. this continues to sweep down to the south close to san francisco and now hitting close to around 7:00, 8:00 a.m. moderate rain there. snow up in the higher elevated areas. and we're going to continue to see the system move off into the sacramento valley up into the sierra bringing them snow. but back here in the bay, just into our lunchtime hours we're still dealing with heavy rain at this
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point. stretching from monterey all the way up into the santa clara valley we'll continue to watch this sweep to the south. i'll let you know how long this is going to last coming up in just a bit. for now over to you, reed. all right, thank you. to stories you are going to hear about all day today. let's start with donald trump's new york hush money trial. it's back in session this morning. so here's the latest. the judge in the trial is concerned this morning the former president will put witnesses on blast and ordered him to stay silent. now accusations in the hearing that trump once again violated the gag order in fact numerous times. meanwhile the attorney for the adult film star stormy daniels testifying about just how an alleged hush money payment was negotiated. trump denies any sexual encounter with stormy daniels. well, yesterday we told you about bipartisan moves in arizona to repeal a civil war era abortion ban in that state. now that bill is law it's been signed into law by arizona
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governor katie hobbs. 15 week limit on abortions is still? effect reportedly. come back to san francisco with us now. state and federal agencies are going to sue san francisco they say. the allegation there is that san francisco commit had they called repeated and widespread failures in water and sewer systems. think that san francisco has released billions of gallons of untreated sewage into the bay and pacific ocean. the suit seeks financial penalties and compliance once again to the clean water act. now to one of california's' biggest challenges. affordable housing. conventional wisdom is building single family homes isn't going to cut it anymore. the community of los gatos is trying something now but are you dents aren't exactly thrilled. devin fehely tells us why. >> i'm more concerned about the height that's being proposed at seven stories, that's pretty tall and out of character for the town of los gatos.
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>> reporter: jeff fox says the high-rise apartment complex would tower over his house leaving him no privacy whatsoever. >> i believe in more housing and i believe we should have more affordable housing but i believe we should try to preserve the cart of our neighborhoods. >> reporter: fox says has lived in the quiet los gatos neighborhood for 25 years and he and many of his neighbors are deeply concerned about the plans to build a seven story apartment complex on the backside of the homes. according to the application submitted to the town in march, the complex would have 238 apartments. 47 of which would be affordable. or 20%. >> i'm really concerned about the privacy for the neighbors on -- this side of the street. >> reporter: carlene has lived on benedict lane for 51 years. loves its tree-lined streets and single family homes. and fears that all of that charm will be dwarfed by the giant complex if it's built. >> i think it's a little massive considering that this is supposed to be a town and not a major city.
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>> reporter: the developer green valley corporation submitted its application under senate bill 330. which streamlines the approval process for new housing statewide if a project already meets the cities zoning and design regulations. neighbors fear that's going to tie the town council's hands forcing them to green light a project that would literally overshadow the homes they have lived in for decades. >> it's one thing to be three stories and four stories. like they built in campbell. but seven stories? is -- is -- you know, just way too high. >> well, we did reach out to the mayor and town council there. they emailed declining to comment on the issue. you can call it the bay area's boom town. dublin's population has been increasing so fast it's come up with a lot of growing pains. well, now it's about to begin new chapter that's been a long time coming. between 2010? 2020, dublin was the fastest
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growing city not just in the bay area, but get this. the entire state. and new numbers from the state's finance department this week show its population was still growing last year. that growth has carry today dublin's schools and we talk a lot about districts struggling with declining enrollment. but dublin unified is bucking trend. with nearly 13,000 students it's practically bursting at the seams. now on the verge of opening the brand new emerald high school to help alleviate some of the stress on dublin high which is across town. well, it's the first high school in alameda county in 50 years and a major upgrade for students and staff many who have been squeezed into portable classrooms. juliette goodrich got a chance to check out the new campus and meet one of the students who had some input in its design. the net is a freshman in high school class of 2027. >> against that wall.
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>> reporter: she is leading a school rally this particular day but you might call her somewhat of a short timer here on this dublin high school campus grounds. >> are you going to miss the gym? >> no. no. because i have been -- itch been inside emerald's gym, so much better. >> reporter: she is talking about the emerald high gym across town on the east side of dublin part of the new $374 million high school set to officially welcome students in the fall. >> but until then -- >> the portables sit in the back of dublin high. >> reporter: so fumi along with other emerald high freshmen have been attending classes on the dublin high campus all year. franceens rojas is emerald high's principal and his temporary office was formerly a science classroom at dublin high. >> this is the portable office here in dublin high. and it's our humble beginnings. of the brand new high school. >> reporter: in just a matter of weeks, the big move. >> new office smell and i feel
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like it's -- christmas morning. >> reporter: the district says between 2010 and 2020, the dublin unified school district grew by 92%. a second high school has been decades in the making to ease overcrowding. >> really small footprint but as you can see all the buildings are two and three stories fall. >> reporter: with the grand student yount union and lecture hall and science labs and a 31,000 square foot gymnasium. phase two and three are still under construction and boxes filled with chairs, and desks still need unpacked but the mod right now. >> very exciting. the population has just boomed as you can see when you drive through dublin. what used to be empty fields or camp parks are now housing developments. >> reporter: not to mention a shorter commute by 25 minutes for some. >> if a student is tardy, they cannot give the excuse that it was a long commute. right? >> most likely not anymore. >> reporter: funded by bond
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measures emerald high broke ground in 2020. she says she's looking forward to walking the brand new halls to class. >> not only is it exciting it's very surreal. >> reporter: she was part of the design team. >> it's really cool to me cause like -- as you can see this place looks like a college campus. >> reporter: also helped pick the school colors. >> it's like dublin. it's -- it's really -- how green we are and it resembles our sceneries. >> as for the mascot? >> a bunch of students recommended arrow wand. we googled settic dragon and that came up. >> i kind of love it. >> reporter: parent ann sing will have two children attending emerald high. >> personally really excited because one of reasons we moved to dublin 20 years ago was for the good schools and the the community. and so just to finally see this happen has been exciting. >> reporter: after years of planning and construction, momentum is building. >> you look excited. >> i am. i really am. yeah. i
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love this school. already. >> reporter: already off to a great start. >> looks like a college campus. well, freshmen and sophomores will start on the new campus on august 13th. the school will add a new grade each year and once fully complete, it will have room for 2500 students. >> looks really nice. how about ending the week with a dose of kindness? steve hartman is back on "cbs mornings" and steve, meryl and emmett share the story of surprising act of kindness that transformed a boy's birthday. >> really blew me away because you want to see the kindness in the world. and i wanted carter to have a good birthday. >> you can watch kindness 101 with steve at 7:00 a.m. on "cbs mornings." >> i can't get over that video. of him sliding down. >> beautiful. i can't wait to hear the back story there and why that mom cries. just got to be something beautiful there. listen up, if you get a text from fast track, the
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organization says tens of thousands of you who interfaced with that app and that text need to be on guard. you could be the victim of a scam. how to protect yourself. straight ahead. and there's is an iconic spot in california that's failous for its colorful spring flowers, still ahea
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nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. it's time now for the
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money watch report. u.s. employers scaled back their hiring in april. 175,000 jobs were added. a sign that persistently high interest rates are impacting the economy. this is short drop from last month's blockbuster increase of 315,000 jobs. the unemployment rate ticked up from 3.9% and coming up in our 6:00 hour, we'll talk with cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger for the latest on the report. fast track customers are seeing more and more scam texts. asking them for money with links to fake websites that could steal your banking information. so here's what one of the texts looks like. our own anne makovec received this one asking her to pay a fake balance on her record using the attached link. fast track is warning customers to be wary of any unusual messages they receive and if you have received one and made a payment, report it to your bank or credit card immediately. and the department of justice will be delivering their final arguments today in
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a landmark antilawsuit against the search giant google. doj argues that google have monopolized the search engine market through a web of contracts that made google the default search engine. google argues consumers just choose google because of its superior product. the court is expected to reach their final decision later this year. g? all right, nicole. let's get a live look at san jose where police seem to be changing their tunen on a tradition in the south bay. this year they'll be cruising with low riders during sunday's parade. last year the department helps close highway on ramps which made it hard. this year san jose police will be rolling out in their low own low rider. 300 vehicles are expected to participate in this weekend's low rider parade. all right. that should be a lot of fun and hopefully the weekend will be okay for it. and now taking a live look from
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san leandro where celebrations start tonight. the annual celebration will be held at the marina community center on wicks boulevard. the family event will feature music and performances by the ballet and the fun starts at 6:00 p.m. well, the late -- allowed people to enjoy spring flowers. for weeks of after the typical peak in early jill and yes, sir, there's one spot in california that's famous for the colorful carpet of wildflowers which you can see there. i love wildflowers here in california. >> you and me both and we're talking about the national monument in eastern san luis obispo county. brian hackney took us there last year during that superbloom. and he got back on the road to see how this year's blooms are shaping up. >> reporter: it's the home of the most natural california blooms. the plain national monument. 270 miles south of san francisco, not always paved
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roads. and quite a trip. >> people had never come. >> reporter: are you not a flower man? >> oh, i'm for -- just that i have not gotten here. >> reporter: he and friend are from the south bay. and they've found the perfect place for a picnic on overlook hill. which is overlooking soda lake filled to the brim by winter rains. a good excuse for a flower fest fest. >> minnesota winter sausage and hungarian sausage and then i have some sausage from minnesota. >> reporter: you have been coming for how long. >> about 20 years. or so. i used to come here all the time for birding in the winter. >> reporter: of course, every year is different. >> the grasses have got really high so the smaller flower are harder to see but all you have to do is get out of the car and take a walk on one of the trails and you can get up close to everything. >> reporter: the carey sow bloom may not be quite like last year's. >> and this year they seem to
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be sort of staging so you get one kind of flower and then another. not just the sweep of orange up to yellow. >> reporter: as the park service says, the closer you look, the more you will see. >> so it's still a beautiful place. and i don't remember the lake being this full of water. the reflections are just stunning. and the colors are still good. and we've seen almost every flower i was looking for. so -- [ laughter ] i'm happy. >> reporter: so was tbor. >> just that i have never gotten down here and it's pretty bad sad because it's gorgeous. >> reporter: but showing for a limited time only because even the best blooms get baked in the late spring sun of the carrizo plain. >> last three superblooms were in 2017 and 2019 and 2023. last year, the area got more than 15 inches of rain and so far this year, it's less than 10
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inches. but that's still a lot too. so we're going to keep a close eye on that. a quick look watt that's going on throughout the bay area. as we gear up some more showers and no it's not april showers this bring mayflowers. may showers are going to continue to bring more flowers. here's what's going on this weekend. we have a cold front moving its way in from the north. this is a winter-like storm. chilly temperatures associated with this. a lot of rain too especially in the early morning hours tomorrow as it sweeps its way throughout the bay area with drier conditions in the back end of the system on sunday. so let time this out once again. fit you are just tuning in right now the time now 5:49. it's still dry out there. so don't worry about the umbrella today. but get it ready for tomorrow. tomorrow morning we're going to be waking up to not only cloudy skies. that's happening for us tonight too. but also that rain system moving in up in the north bay around 6:00 a.m. near santa rosa and down into napa and at this point, now into the 9:00 a.m. hour, areas like concord stretching all the way down into the backlots e to san
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francisco we're getting hit with moderate rain at that point. this continues to wiper its way down to the south bay into the afternoon hours. it moves off into the east and off into the sierras where they're going to be seeing plenty of snow into this weekend's forecast. now in the back end of the storm system unlike most areas of low pressure, we're going to see drier conditions. so by sunday, we actually start to dry up but it's worth noting that we're getting close to around an inch of rain in areas like pacifica heading all the way over into the east bay too. let's take a quick look at what's going on throughout the bay area as we head into this weekend's forecast. 60s and 70s for us today at least near san francisco all the way over into oakland. 70s once again off into the east bay. we're waking up to some partly cloudy skies down into the santa clara valley this morning. that's going to be the trend for us into the evening hours tonight but we're still holding on tight to the 70s for now. not going to be the case tomorrow though right. i already mentioned it. a cold front moving in. daytime highs from the 50s by tomorrow. but if you
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don't like that weather no big deal right? wake up sunday morning and it's sunny again and a gradual warm-up into next week with upper 80s in the new york city as soon as next thursday all throughout the inland areas. so a big change roller coaster in the upward direction as we head into next week. reed? all right, jess, let's take a look at the roadways right now getting ready to hop on the bay area bridges and freeways. hey look at this. really no backup at the bay bridge toll plaza. not yet anyway. it is friday. so happy friday everyone. hopefully you have got some nice plans for the weekend and hopefully the rain won't dampen it too much. right now the drive is looking pretty good overall as you head into san francisco. look at this view here of the san mateo bridge. not a bad commute if you are working your way westbound over towards 101. things are pretty quiet there. as well as the golden gate bridge. so all of our bridges are ones that are more traveled for the morning commute are actually moving along pretty well. overall, we're not seeing too much going on in the eastshore freeway, things are pretty quiet there. if you are making those commutes out of the east bay, westbound 24 or
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south 680. traffic is looking pretty good as well across the bridge there. little slow in the altamont pass and it is windy through here. there was a wind advisory issued early this morning from chp. so be careful if you are traveling in those larger and more high-profile vehicles as you work your way westbound coming out of 24 over on to -- 24? 205 over to 580. things will definitely be a little slow with a few more cars out there reed? all right, time right now 5:52 in the morning. a crossing guard unites people. the ♪♪ when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin.
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5:55 am
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go to tennessee now to feel really good about the story. >> yeah, lenzo thompson has been as crossing guard. >> his kindness and his impressive fashion. >> thank you sir. >> yes. how cute reed. >> all the stuff. all right. so from birthdays to holidays, he says he's just up for every special occasion while on duty and it's all bringing his community a lot of joy. watch. >> you never appreciate a job until you actually do the job. a crossing guard, people get lot of bad rep but it's a hard
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job to do. >> it is. even the rutherford county sheriff's office has made a habit of greeting him in the morning. the sheriff's office says whether it's hot, cold, or raining, he is at work with a smile on his face while it can be a thankless job, parents and kids say he makes waiting in line every morning fun. these are the types of stories that really show you what small acts of cadeness can do for your community. how sweet. >> that's a really busy intersection. that's not like a neighborhood intersection. i mean he's practically on a highway there. >> you know what i take from that story? took me so long in my career because i thought i had to be liquefy else but true geniushappens when you are you in your space. >> you is good enough. authentic genuine and real. we applaud you this morning. all right, time now 5:57. coming up, the latest jobs report was recently released. but what do these numbers mean for the american job market? cbs news business analyst jill
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schlesinger joins us live to break down the numbers. coming up at 7:00 on pix+ 44 cable 12 a look at the we're still going for that nice catch. we're still going for that perfect pizza. and with higher stroke risk from afib not caused by a heart valve problem,... ...we're going for a better treatment than warfarin. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk. and has less major bleeding. over 97% of eliquis patients did not experience a stroke. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking, you may bruise more easily... ...or take longer for bleeding to stop. get help right away for unexpected bleeding or unusual bruising. it may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. the number one cardiologist-prescribed blood thinner. ask your doctor about eliquis.
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