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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 6pm  CBS  May 2, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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to an overcrowded school district. >> not only is it exciting, it's very surreal. this place looks like a college campus. >> they're about to go from portable classrooms to a sparkling new high school campus. it's a moment decades in the making for one of the bay area's fastest growing cities. >> what used to be empty fields are now housing developments. plus an oakland father describes the frightening close call for his wife and daughter caught in the middle of a gunbattle on the way to school. >> people are just going about their business just wreaking havoc on other people's lives. the first violent scuffle erupts at the uc berkeley encampment after days of peace. >> one of our protesters got punched in the eye. >> will this change the university's approach? later, it's one of the most famous spots in the state for super blooms that can sometimes be seen from space. we're taking a road trip to
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see how this spring is shaping up. >> i don't remember the lake being this full of water. the reflections are just stunning. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. >> good evening. thanks for joining us at 6:00. you could call it the bay area's boomtown. dublin's population has been increasing so fast it's come with a lot of growing pains. now it's about to begin a new chapter that's been a long time coming. between 2010 and 2020 dublin was the fastest growing city. now just in the bay area and not just in the bay area, that is, but the entire state. new numbers from the state's finance department this week show its population was still growing last year. that growth has carried to dublin schools. we talk a lot about districts struggling with declining enrollment, but dublin unified is bucking the trend with
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nearly 13,000 students. it's practically bursting at the seams. so now it is on the verge of opening the brand-new emerald high school to help alleviate some of the stress on dublin high across town. it is the first new high school in alameda county in 50 years and a major upgrade for students and staff, many who have been squeezed into portable classrooms this year. so i got a chance to check out the new campus and meet one of the students who had some input in its design. >> hey, guys, come here. >> reporter: humi is a freshman in high school leading a school rally this particular day, but you might call her somewhat of a short timer here on this dublin high school campus grounds. are you going to miss this gym? >> no, no because i've been inside emerald's gym. it's so much better. >> reporter: she's talking about the emerald high gym across town on the east side of
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dublin. it's part of the new $374 million high school set to officially welcome students in the fall, but until then the portables sit in the back of dublin high. so fumi along with other emerald high freshmen have been attending classes on the dublin high campus all year. francis rojas is dublin high's principal. his former office was a science room. >> it's our humble beginnings of the brand-new high school. >> reporter: in just a matter of weeks the big move. >> new office smell, i feel like it's christmas morning. >> reporter: the district says between 2010 and 2020 the dublin unified school district grew by 92%. a second high school has been decades in the making to ease overcrowding. >> really small footprint, but all of our buildings are two and three stories tall except
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for the gymnasium and locker room. >> reporter: with a grand student union, lecture happen, science labs and a 31,000 square foot gymnasium. phase two and three are still under construction and boxes filled with chairs and desks still need unpacked, but the mood right now -- >> very exciting. population has just boomed, as you can see when you drive through dublin. what used to be empty fields or town parks are now housing developments. >> reporter: not to mention, a shorter commute by 25 minutes for some. >> if a student is tardy, they can't give the excuse it was a long commute, right? >> most likely not anymore. >> reporter: funded by bond measures, emerald high broke ground in 2020. fumi says she's looking forward to walking the brand-new halls to class. she was part of the design team. >> it's really cool to me because like as you can see, this place looks like a college campus. >> reporter: she also helped pick the school colors. >> dublin, how green we are,
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our scenery. >> reporter: as for the mascot? >> the group recommended erowand. we googled celtic dragon and that's what came up they said. >> i'm personally really excited because one of the reasons we moved to dublin 20 years ago was for the good schools, the community, so just to finally see this happen has been exciting. >> reporter: after years of planning and construction, momentum is building. you look excited. >> i really am. yeah, i love this school already. >> reporter: already off to a great start. >> think about this. fumi will enter as a sophomore and be considered upperclassman because they'll be the only sophomore class to start. the new school starts campus august 13th. freshmen and sophomores will begin. the school will add
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a new grade each year of once the campus is fully complete, it will have room for 2,500 students. it was a terrifying morning for an oakland mother and daughter caught up in the middle of a shootout in oakland on their way to school. a father told us his wife and daughter were in that suv around 7:30 this morning when people in two cars started shooting at each other. one of the cars t-boned the suv causing it to flip over. this happened on cherokee avenue right near a charter school and about a block from bishop o'dowd high school. the man says his family recently moved from oakland, but their kids are still in school there. >> people have no regard for other people. i mean they literally jumped out of a car, jumped into another one and sped off. my daughter and my wife were stuck in the vehicle. they couldn't get out. someone had to come and break the sun roof open to get them out. this is why we left, this kind of stuff happened, doesn't matter time of day. people are just going about their business just
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wreaking havoc oner lives. this will probably go to deaf ears, but i hope they wake the hell up and start putting our people in danger. it's not fair. it's not right. >> couldn't have been said better. thankfully, both the mother and daughter were not hurt, no word from police whether there's been any arrests. a former diver boat captain was sentenced to four years in prison for the fire off the coast of southern california that killed 34 people. several victims were from the bay area. the september 2019 fire on the concepcion scuba diving vessel was the deadliest maritime disaster in recent u.s. history. a federal jury found its captain jerry boylan guilty of misconduct or neglect of a ship officer last year. today's sentencing came after emotional testimony from relatives of the victims. this afternoon we heard from vicki moore from los altos who lost her husband scott and daughter kendra. >> the loss of my own family
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members and the other 32 is absolutely immeasurable and as they say, nothing brings them back, but i am glad that the conviction went through and i am living my life to honor them and i'm living my life because i want my husband and daughter to be proud of me and how i represent them. >> boylan and four other crew members escaped. prosecutors blamed him for failing to try to save the passengers sleeping below deck. he is still appealing. he faced up to ten years in prison. for the first time a violent confrontation erupted at uc berkeley's encampments protesting the war in gaza. up until this point we've reported things have been peaceful compared to other parts of the country. so as you can see, this video shows the moment a fight broke out between protesters and counterprotesters on the cal campus just before 7:00 last
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night. three people had minor injuries. amanda hari spoke with protesters today who explained how things escalated. >> reporter: the students living in the protest encampment say the fight was small and it's one of the first issues they've had since this was all set up. wednesday just before 7:00 a woman who wants to remain anonymous said in a statement to cbs news bay area that she was with a group of pro israel students standing across from the plaza with an israeli flag. she said someone grabbed the flag and it led to a fight, but organizers of the protest say that incident isn't going to stop them and they're going to continue to demand that uc berkeley divest from israel. with finals and summer break looming, there's no timeline how long the camp will stay here and they're taking things day by day. >> bloody nose and one of our protesters got punched in the eye. 40,000 people have been killed. we're seeing on our
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phones people whose limbs are gone. i want to reemphasize this is not about us. >> that student with the uc berkeley divest coalition is part of the campsite and says the person who grabbed the flag was not from the protest. the university told us they've increased security presence on campus and have an escort for anyone who feels unsafe walking that part of campus. the chancellor is in talk with the university leaders and the university says as long as the protest is nonviolent, it can stay. meantime our chopper flew over a new encampment that popped up at university of san francisco, the second one in the city after one was set up at san francisco state earlier this week in support of palestinians in gaza. more than 200 people arrested overnight at ucla as police in riot gear moved in to tear down the
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encampment there. officers used tear gas and flashbangs to clear out the pro palestinian demonstrators and ripped apart the barricades of one confrontation was caught on camera as kara finnstrom from our sister station was doing her live shot this morning. >> reporter: you're seeing some of the clashes, hearing some of the very loud flashbangs as officers are clearing. this is a force with the chp, the area here. you can see some of these protesters moving birds into the street trying to create some obstruction for the officers. >> here you can see some of the bulldozers brought in to clean up what's left of the encampment. the demonstrations catching the attention of president biden who addressed the situation today. >> destroying property is not a
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peaceful protest. it's against the law. vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing cancellations of classes and graduations, none of this is a peaceful protest. in sacramento republican lawmakers are calling for the state to take action amid the ongoing wave of protests at california colleges. gop leaders are proposing the state revoke or reduce funding for university administrations that fail to insure campus safety. it's going to be a different kind of cinco de mayo in san jose sunday. officers plan to take part in the city's annual lowrider parade with a lowrider of their own. the parade pays homage to the city's latino roots. >> you will see us as part of the parade. we have been in collaboration with a lot of our community members to make sure we're part of the conversation and celebration this year. >> more than 300 lowrider cars are expected to be at the event sunday. this is just the community's second lowrider
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parade on cinco de mayo since the city lifted its decades long ban on cruising in 2022. another beautiful spring day with warm temps across the bay. things are about to change. there's even may rain on the way. let's check in with chief meteorologist paul heggen. hi, paul. >> the weekend will feel a lot different than yesterday, today and even tomorrow. today's temperatures were a few to several degrees above average, especially farther away from the water. it's a different story this weekend as a winter-like storm system sends a good chance of rain across the bay area saturday with colder temperatures and gusty winds. i'm tracking that all coming up in the full forecast in a few minutes. >> thank you. still ahead, may showers can bring even more flowers and one spot in california is famous for its colorful carpet of wildflowers. our brian hackney will take us to check out this year's bloom. >> i love coming out to stuff like this. i've never gotten
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down here. it's pretty sad because it's gorgeous. brightening up the bay bridge, what we learned about the plan to
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watch out for rattlesnakes if you're outdoor. sunny weather means more rattlesnake activity. east bay regional park put out a warning with some snake safety tips that are definitely worth repeating. avoid hiking alone. be extra
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attentive scanning the ground. stay on the trails. listen for the buzz of rattlesnake rattles. we caught up with a mountain biker in the oakland redwoods who is not going to let snakes scare him away from his hobby. >> i've been riding for quite some time and i rarely see rattle snakes out in the open. it's very rare, maybe one or two every two seasons or so. i just don't think it's really an issue. >> all right, but he's on a bike. rattlesnakes are the leading cause of snake bite injuries in america, but scientists say they rarely bite unless they feel threatened or provoked. the late rains this year have allowed people to enjoy spring flowers for weeks after their typical peak in early april. one place is iconic in california if you want to get your fix of wildflowers. we are talking about the carizzo plain national monument. brian
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hackney took us there last year for the super bloom. he got back on the road again this year to see how the blooms are shaping up. >> reporter: it's the home of the most natural california bloom, carizzo plain national monument, 270 miles south of san francisco, not always paved roads and quite a trip. >> people have never come. >> reporter: are you not a flower man? >> oh, just that i've not gotten here. >> reporter: they are from the south bay and found the perfect place for a picnic on overlook hill, which is overlooking soda lake filled to the brim by winter rains, a good excuse for a flower fest feast. >> minnesota winter sausage. >> reporter: you've been coming here how long? smile used to come for birding in the winter. the grass has gotten really high. so the smaller
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flowers are a little harder to see, but all you have to do is walk on one of the trails and you can get up close to everything. >> reporter: the carizzo bloom may not be quite as robust as lasts year's. >> this year they seem to be sort of staging. so you get one kind of flower and then another. there's not just the sweep of orange up to yellow. >> reporter: but as the park service says, the closer you look, the more you'll see. >> so it still is a beautiful place. i don't remember the lake being this full of water. the reflections are just stunning and the colors are still good and we've seen almost every flower i was looking for. i'm happy. >> reporter: and so is tebor. >> i love coming out to stuff like this. i've just never gotten down here and it's pretty sad because it is gorgeous. >> reporter: but showing for a limited time only before even the best blooms get baked in
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the late spring sun of the carizzo plain. >> nice road trip. the last three super bloom years were in 2017, 2019 and 2023. last year the area got more than 15 inches of rain. this year it's less than ten inches. we are going to add to our rain spring totals, for sure, with this storm m
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pleasant weather across the bay area once again and we've got a nice end to the workweek in store for us tomorrow, but the end of this calm weather pattern is in sight, that big l at the top of the map. that is a storm system that bears more resemblance to a general or february storm system that typically visits the bay area. it's going to be sending rain, wind, and colder temperatures across the region on saturday. for now it's nice out there, temperature on the cool side in san francisco, just 61 degrees, but still in the 70s inland, 70 in san jose to 75 degrees in concord. later tonight with clear skies just a little fog visible in the distance, that's going to mainly stay along the coast where temperatures drop down to a mix of upper 40s and low 50s by early tomorrow morning. tomorrow good dog walking weather, cool along the coast, so honzi may have to deal with
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a little early fog, but i think the sunshine will break through for several hours if he wants to visit his favorite beach, temperatures along the coast upper 50s while farther inland we're in for another day of above average temperatures, maybe not quite as far above average, but it counts, mid-70s again in san jose, inland in the east bay mostly topping up in the upper 70s except around antioch. i think you have a better chance of touching 80 degrees, low 70s for fremont and redwood city, half moon bay, one more day to try to hit 60, mid-60s in san francisco, just above 70 in oakland and temperatures in the north bay mostly reaching into the 70s, a little cooler than today, temperature in santa rosa topping out at 81 degrees today. tomorrow you'll be confined to the upper 70s. the wind will be a factor as we head into tomorrow afternoon, but really a factor by late day saturday. that onshore breeze does return by tomorrow. these are the every three-hour wind gusts beginning at 5:00 tomorrow through 5:00 saturday
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and there's a spike in the wind gust speeds. by late saturday the rain is largely done, but behind that cold front driving the rain, gusts up to or above 30 miles an hour are possible. that strong wind will make the cold temperatures feel even colder late in the day saturday. futurecast shows we stay largely cloud-free through the day tomorrow. clouds start to approach as the sun goes down tomorrow evening, but the rain stays to our north until after midnight. really the first showers don't move into the north bay until the presunrise hours of saturday morning. it's going to be about a six-hour window for the most widespread heaviest rain from about 6:00 a.m. or 7:00 a.m. saturday till about midday. it moves through quickly and down we're down to lingering off and on showers saturday afternoon and evening and the storm system loses its moisture the second half of the weekend, but it's still cool sunday. forecast models have been consistently painting a half to an inch of total rainfall across the bay area with this system which is impressive for may. we're
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picking up all of may's average rainfall in about six hours saturday morning and in the sierra there's a winter weather advisory from midday saturday through sunday morning, 4 to 8 inches of snow on a widespread basis, up to a foot on some of the peaks. travel is not impossible but tricky on i-80 and u.s. 50. the big drop in temperatures from tomorrow to saturday, then leads us into a gradual warm-up through the rest of the seven-day forecast. temperatures should return to near average by tuesday of next week across inland and bayside locations, even along the coast. a couple days of above average temperatures by wednesday and thursday, 70s by the middle of next week and along the coast. you missed out on this warming trend. there are signs in the long range data even coastal parts of the bay area should climb to the mid-60s by next thursday. those thoughts will keep you warm on a cold, wet and windy saturday. at least that's the theory. >> listen to you. thank you. the ferry building is losing one of its long time restaurants, but there's a
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positive change for the waterfront, an update on the - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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popular vietnamese restaurant the slanted door has been closed since 2020 for renovations, but in a statement the chef owner charles phan
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said the cost of construction was too high to reopen. after 15 years at the iconic ferry building, the business is shutting down for good. pham says he's now focused on his other restaurants in san ramon, napa, and france, but there is some good news for the waterfront and the bay bridge. the bay lights have been dark for months, but things are looking promising for their return. i hope. the nonprofit illuminate says it's raised $10 million to bring the installation back. the lights were turned off last year because of the cost to maintain them. bay lights are expected to return in spring next year. cannot wait, so beautiful. cbs evening news is next. we will see you right back [indistinct shouting] >> james: president biden condemns campus violence, speaking out for the first time in a week. >> violent protest is not protected. peaceful protest is. >> james: as tensions across the nation reach a boiling point. >> the people united we will never


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