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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  April 27, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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>> according to him, when i asked him if i was his girlfriend and if we were exclusive... >> i was never in an exclusive relationship with her. >> ...he said, "yes." >> she knew from day one that i love to travel. >> but i found out via facebook... >> and that i know friends wherever i go. >> ...that he actually had a girlfriend in the ukraine. >> so, i mean, that was just common sense, to my knowledge. >> i was recently divorced after 20 years. he was the first man i dated. >> that i told her that she's my girlfriend. i don't know where she got that from. >> and what went through my mind was that i don't need a man was that i don't need a man in my life. -- captions by vitac -- from cbs news bay area, this is the evening edition. >> prostitution in plain sight in oakland. why some people say it's the city's policies that brought that and crime into
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their neighborhoods. >> i always have to bring a pepper spray. i had to buy a taser just in case if something happened. and pro-palestinian protesters camped out at uc berkeley. how long they plan to stay and what caused another california university to completely shut down their campus. and people across the bay area coming together to lend a hand. how they helped seniors and their cities. live from the cbs newsroom in san francisco, i'm brian hackney. >> and i'm andrea nakano. oakland officials say they have cracked down on prostitution, but people living in one neighborhood say all they did was push it to another street. >> this is all happening near 13 t and international in west oakland. da lin talked to a young woman who says that she was almost kidnapped. >> i want to remind you all that we have been working together for many years. . >> reporter: as elected leaders talk about plans and solutions, across the street from the stage, two sex workers were waiting for customers on the busy international boulevard. >> we see this every day. it doesn't cross our mind like
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this should not be happening here, this is regular. >> reporter: high school senior trang and many neighbors say it's become normalized. many sex workers walking in thongs and see-through tops. community groups invited elected leaders to this meeting on 13th ave and international boulevard on saturday morning. they demand authorities to aggressively go off the pimps and johns. since officers aren't allowed by state law to arrest sex worker, officers are driving around to try to scare the johns away. >> member of the board of supervisors, an assembly member, and the district attorney all saying we're going to partner and work with community because we know it's going to take all of us, that hasn't happened before. >> reporter: the oakland city council president represents the area that's hardest hit by illegal prostitution. she believes new partnerships will improve street conditions. >> we are committed to solutions. i personally have been committed in terms of the environmental changes. >> reporter: last year the city
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added these barricades on a portion of east 15th street to stop illegal prostitution and neighbors say it worked. but it only pushed the sex workers back to international boulevard, and given that it's one of the busiest streets in the city, they can't put barricades on international. >> it's not a safe environment to grow up as a child. >> reporter: elected leaders made promises at the event, but trang says talk is cheap. she believes in results. >> i was not optimistic that this issue would get solved. i'm just hoping it will get better. >> reporter: elected leaders say they're working to deploy new programs and it could take some time to see changes on the streets. >> and san francisco is also dealing with sex workers on city streets. people living in the area of shotwell street in the mission district say prostitution and lawlessness have spiked. earlier this month a suspected sex worker was caught on camera attacking a homeless woman. neighbors want something to be done. >> it's a problem that they've
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allowed to exist and they seem to accept it and we're suffering. they're not enforcing the law here in the way they perhaps do in some other neighborhoods such as noe valley or even bernal heights. >> and it's a similar situation in san francisco. the residents on shotwell say sex workers moved to their street after a hot spot was blocked off. we reported last year about the city's efforts to crack down on sex work on cap street. they installed concrete barriers to try to keep johns away. right now in oakland, crime victims and survivors from around the bay area together healing, including a vigil for loved ones lost to crime. coalition also calls on california to invest in crime prevention and some of the funding should focus on victims. >> hurt people hurt people, but healed people heal people, and so the more access we have to healing services, the more support we have for each other
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and community, the more opportunities we have to process the trauma and the harm that's happened to us and move beyond it, the more opportunities we have to keep each other and our communities safe. >> we'll have more on the vigil at 11:00 tonight. hamas has released a new propaganda video showed an american israeli hostage. this is keith see gal. he was taken on october 7th. cbs news cannot confirm when the video was recorded or what sort of pressure was put on him by hamas. this after another video showing berkeley-born hersh goldberg-polin earlier this week. the demonstrators say they are against israel's handling of the war in gaza. hamas said today that it was
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reviewing a new israeli proposal for a ceasefire. the gaza health ministry says 34,000 palestinians have been killed since the start of the war. >> meanwhile, with 33,000 palestinians dead, most of them women and children, campus protests against the war in gaza continue to grow. encampments remain in place outside the plaza, protesters demanding the universities divest themselves of any programs of economic benefit for israel. >> we won't stop until they're addressed. we hope they're addressed. we don't want to be here long term. put pressure where maybe you think you personally can put pressure. if you're running a business, importing, exporting things, in government, everyone's voice matters. >> cal poly humboldt has shut down their campus, saying anybody who enters it without police permission will be arrested. classes will be online until the end of the semester. protesters have been occupying two buildings since
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monday, and there's been a growing tent encampment outside. cal poly humboldt released a statement for its part saying, quote, the investment in the university's endowment does not include any direct investment in defense companies or any securities issued by israeli companies or organizations or to defense firms. university also said they want a peaceful world. solidarity encampments in california are mostly peaceful, but around the country police continue to come out and clash with demonstrators. cbs news' cristian benavides has that story. >> reporter: in boston, police clearing an encampment at northeastern university where dozens of protesters have been set up since thursday. officials say about 100 people were detained while at columbia university the epicenter of the protests an encampment remained up for an 11th day. >> columbia needs to divest from any corporation that is profiting off of genocide, apartheid, or displacement of
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palestinians in israel. >> reporter: pro-israeli demonstrators, many nonstudents, made their voices heard outside the campus. >> nobody's talking about the hostages. >> reporter: this columbia grad student who took part in the rally argues those in the encampments are promoting antisemitism and ignoring the hostages still being held by hamas. >> if you actually want peace to be achieved as we do, and if you want a ceasefire, the hostages need to be released, and they need to be at the forefront of this discussion. >> reporter: the protests are only growing with police arresting demonstrators at the university of indiana on saturday and in the nation's capitol another encampment on the campus of george washington university. >> we are here with a set of demands, and we won't leave until they are met. >> reporter: pro-palestinian demonstrations happening throughout the country at loyola university in louisiana, stanford, and arizona state. protests in los angeles at ucla and at usc, where the school canceled their main commencement ser mony over what
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they say are safety concerns. >> negotiations are at an impasse at columbia. the university president has threatened to clear the encampment. well, whether you are traveling by ferry, train, or car this weekend, your plans could be delayed by construction. coming up, we'll let you what roads and b.a.r.t. lines are closed. and a rare coin dealer getting ready to hide more loot in san francisco. when the new clues will drop. and there are still a few residual leftover effects from the system that was here yesterday. we still have some of those real interesting looking clouds showing up. that's the view from the salesforce tower. and it was kind of breezy out there today. felt kind of cool as a result. how long is that going to last? wait until you see the 80s, they're coming back in the seven-day forecast, so not forever. forecast coming up. ahead in sport, 49ers were busy on day three of the draft making six different selections, and they got much deeper at one position despite rumors all week long that they
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might trade away one of their best players. all the details after the break. - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+.
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lot of folks trying to get into the san francisco area tonight, and on the subject of doing that, there will not be ferry service in and out of sausalito for yet another week or at least part of this coming week. ferry landing has been closed since last friday when they discovered structural
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damage. so now golden gate ferry trips are replaced by something not nearly as scenic or romantic. they'll put you on the bus until the landing is repaired. and we've reached day two of the weekend closure at 680 where the southbound lanes are currently shut down. caltrans is finishing repaving the roads between the 58 connecter in pleasanton and koopman road in so noll and will re-open monday morning around 5:00. this is the last of several recent closures in the area. and you may have to hop on a bus if you are taking b.a.r.t. in the east bay. there is no train service between roth ridge and lafayette today. that's due to work near the orinda station. b.a.r.t. does have a bus bridge, but it'll add about 20 minutes to your ride. the train should be up and running tomorrow. andrea, do you recognize this stranger standing over here to our left? >> i know, it's so nice to have him back. >> it's been a while, mr. peck. >> yeah, nice to be back on the regular with you guys. >> yeah, darren was subbing for just about everybody. >> everybody. >> jessica was out in the
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mornings. paul was out far couple weeks. everybody's back on board now, so i'll be back with you guys. we're done with that system from yesterday mostly. mostly. i know an tree eya, you were talking about how it didn't quite warm up enough for you yet. this is the view from the salesforce tower. and we got the nice zoom on here. so we've really zoomed in. we're looking down to the south bay. you can see the ships parked out there. you see the san mateo bridge there. little bit of foster city. but what i wanted you to really be able to watch is that. look at the clouds there. bubbling cumulus clouds. not the most intense ones. those would be more like cumulus humilus. we don't normally have any kind of cumulus clouds over the bay. one more day where they're going to show up, and the other residual impact from the storm that was here it's still going to stay windy along the coast. this will go for the next couple of days. there's tomorrow, 40 -mile-an-hour gusts out here over the water and then 20-mile-an-hour winds
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for everybody else. that means it stays kind of breezy. not terribly windy. it was a lot windier yesterday ethan it's going to be for the next week, easily. but the wind's never going to turn off, at least over the water. there's a whole separate system there, but that one's falling apart before it gets here. in case you're wondering what system am i talking about that was here over the weekend, barely see it on the regular satellite, watch the last 24 hours on the water vapor. it dug in right over california, spun itself up into an area of low pressure, and now it's delivering winter storm warnings and severe thunderstorms to the plains. that's right now. we watched the last 24 hour as that thing moved over us. the temperatures rebound, though. each day you see a little more warmth builds in and just fights back that pool of cold air to the north. we're going to the 80s by the middle of next week. it's going to take a little while before that warm-up sets in and gets going. so for the next couple of days, it's going to
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be a lot like today was. these are tomorrow's daytime high, and they're almost identical to what we're doing out there for daytime highs today. we don't really change much, maybe a little less wind tomorrow. maybe it feels a little better. if we take it from sunday and skip ahead to wednesday, the numbers start climbing a little. so we're a little bit closer to the 08-degree mark now for some of those warmer inland value e-lees. if you look at the big picture on this, what's coming after this, any more systems from the pacific, they're going try and get here. for the next ten days, no. if we let this forecast model go to the end, we'll watch that one. but well into the first week of may there. anywhere it's going to rain between now and like may 6th or 7th, it's not here. we're kind of in a big protected donut hole there. in the seven-day forecast, instead what we get, a little bit of a warm-up into the middle of the week, look at oakland. upper 60s today to the mid-70s by wednesday and thursday. north bay valleys going to 80 thursday and friday. san jose, you'll be this the low 80s on thursday and friday, and the
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inland east bay will also do it. of course, it doesn't last that long. noticeable cooldown again for next week. that's getting us back to average. all right, matt, over to you. >> thank, darren. day three of the nfl draft, and the niners had plenty of selections as they round out their roster. san francisco drafted six more players on saturday. they also got through the draft without trading away brandon aiyuk or deebo samuel, two players who were in tons of trade rumors over the last week. >> with the 135th pick in the 2024 nfl draft, the san francisco 49ers select jacob callie, wide receiver, arizona. yeah, baby. >> 49er mark part of the red and gold fan club making the pick. cow when is the second receiver taken after ricky pearsall in the first round. aiyuk and samuel remain on the roster. last season cowen was the only wideout in the country to catch 90 passes and score 12
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or more touchdowns. san francisco used their first pick of the day on wake forest cornerback malik mustapha. with their third pick of the fourth round they selected running back isaac guerendo and finished with jarrett kingston and tatum bethune. yesterday the niners introduced first round pick ricky pearsall out of florida. he started his career at arizona state where he was teammates with brandon aiyuk. he's also familiar with his new qb. pearsall and brock purdy played against each other back in high school. he got a call from him on friday. >> how excited are you that a couple arizona guys are going to take the field here? >> the first thing he told me was, my arizona brother. yeah, we played against each other in high school. he put it on us. i'm not going to lie. he put 70 on us. i'm glad i'm on the other side of things now. it's going to be exciting. >> the nickname, lick rick, how'd that come about? >> i guess it's sticking now.
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one person called me, now everyone's calling me. that kind of started in high school. the rapper stick rick, and then it stuck. >> got to get familiar with slick rick. a name familiar, brendon rice, son of hall of famer jerry rice, was taken in the seventh round by the chargers where he'll play for former 49er head coach jim harbaugh. the niners did sign terrell owens' son as an undrafted free agent. san francisco heating up, they've won six of their last nine games. jordan hicks gets the start tonight. he's 2-0 with a 1.61 e.r.a. entering the game. a's in baltimore, oakland, first base coach bobby crosby having to duck and cover to get out of the way of that ball. cole irvin on the mound for the orioles and against his former team he struck out five in seven shutout innings and got run support from baltimore's powerful lineup. 3-0 in the fifth. adley rutschman takes
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him deep. sears not happy. on the next pitch, ryan mountcastle makes it back to back into the left field seats. mountcastle celebrates taking a drink out of the o's hydration station. in college basketball, andre is transferring across the bay to cal from stanford. the son of the kings great chose the bears over north carolina and kentucky. andre was one of the top recruit last season and averaged nearly eight points a game as a freshman with the cardinal. >> in college baseball, back on tuesday night lsu's tommy white hit a home run against nichols. pay attention to the fan in the gray shirt at the top of the bleachers. he had a glove but he didn't make the catch. he got hit in the head. that ball was clocked at 109 miles per hour, and the fan, corey, as you can see, felt every bit of it. >> i mean, it was on a rope, and i've been carrying this
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glove with me for years, and i was like, okay, now's my time. i got one coming. and hole in the glove, man, what can i say? beaned off my dome, and here we are. i've got a nice little goose egg. >> can we see it?. >> i mean, well, every you want to. >> does it hurt? >> it don't feel good. i guess probably friday i'll go get tommy white to sign it for me, and maybe kiss my boo boo. >> thankfully for tommy, he did not have to kiss the forehead. i'm impressed that he's still standing. 109 miles per hour, guys, that would not feel okay. >> no, where was his glove? >> well, he said there was a hole in his glove. >> oh, there's a hole in his glove. >> that's what he claims. i think his hand-eye coordination wasn't great. >> that's a euphemism for he missed. >> you'll have to hear
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brian's story about how he caught a fly ball one day. >> brian is one of the top athletes we have at kpix and a bundle of sports knowledge. >> oh, that sounds like a challenge, young man. >> see you on the softball field. >> all right, matt. time for spring cleaning, how one town is helping seniors spruce up their front yards. and treasure is out there, how a san francisco coin deal ser expandings his scavenger hunt for gold next. and done.
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a scavenger hunt has sent people on a frenzy trying to find rare and valuable coins scattered throughout san francisco. if you missed out on the fun, the organizer behind the hunt is now planning for another one. >> it's like the coolest thing ever. and it's so, like, it looks pretty old. >> this lucky person found a coin at the palace of fine arts yesterday. it was one of the 11
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coins hidden across the city. and these coins have a value of about $1,100. the treasure hunt was put together by seth chandler a coin collector and owner of witter coin. today he shared on social media his team has verified 8 of the 11 coins and another hunt is planned for tomorrow. nearly 100 people in danville spent the day putting on gardening gloves and lending a hand. the 20th annual lend a hand day where the able-bodied offered yard work for the elderly, spreading mulch and pulling weeds and filling bags. sounds like a walk in the park. those elderly are not the only beneficiaries. >> you know, yard work can be overwhelming, especially after all the wonderful rain we've had. the weeds grow high, the grass grows thick. these volunteers may be getting their first gardening experience, it
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provides a meaningful experience as well. a great way to introduce young folks to the outdoors. >> april, the perfect time for something like this. it's a transition from national volunteer appreciation month into may, which is older americans month. >> more than 400 volunteers in san jose took advantage on the nice weather to do renovations. the event is put on by rebuilding together san jose. they cleaned up 18 homes in santa clara county. well, coming up after the break, why a cal football player joined up with a former nfl linebacker in oakland and how they helped some
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over in oakland children of all abilities got a chance to play some football with a few athletes this afternoon at the e-football clinic. >> players from cal berkeley along with former nfl linebacker sam manuel led the event, and they said it was fun to get on the field and show the youngsters some drills and exercise out there. sounds fun. >> that would be fun. yeah. that's it for us at 5:00. see you back here at 6:00. >> the weekend news is coming up next. twister alert. multiple states facing fierce weather. dozens of tornadoes tearing across the plains. neighborho


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