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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  April 24, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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pneumonia. that's why i chose prevnar 20®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia. thank you for joining us this morning. it's wednesday, april 24th. >> let's get started. >> any tour of berkeley, they will proudly say these are the mario savio steps. and say how much they celebrated the free speech movement. i would not be surprised if they do the same thing to us in 50 years from now. >> national protests against the war in gaza and exkoas of unrest at home. we're live at uc berkeley. person was yelling at me, screaming at me calling me a zionist. and a murderer. >> protest culture on college campus is making jewish
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students across the united states feel afraid. calls for calm at the highest levels of u.s. government as the jewish people hope hostages are not forgotten. we discovered that that was where we had the most problems. especially at night. >> the strength of the businesses is for you know, for being open all night. >> tenderloin curfew and a business blowback. how a city plans to curb crime and has corner markets protesting a pinch. ♪ and summertime in the bay just got a lot more fun. get ready, bay area. outside lands about to bring you inside the magic of music. we'll take some musical magic and good morning, everybody. halfway through the workweek and it is 5:00. like the jeans, remember that? i'm reed cowan. >> and i'm gianna franco and i'm due for a good festival. >> yeah. >> like outdoor music festival. >> but we're due for better weather. >> yeah. >> maybe this past weekend, we could have gone to the festival together but last night i was in a parka at a little league
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baseball game saying this is not baseball season. >> where are we? are you like a mosh pit girl? >> no. >> i'm just stand in the back a little bit off to the side but close enough to feel it and see it and enjoy it. >> did you have a cup in your hand. >> other things reed. a live look outside on this wednesday morning. because as i discussed the frigid temperatures in the east bay yesterday it looks beautiful today. and however, darren peck has told us to expect each day the weather to decline a little bit. so -- >> a little. a little -- >> today is worse than yesterday is what you are telling me. >> marginally. not going to be too drastic. your experience last night on the baseball field probably the bottom. i don't think it's going get much worse and nicole, you deserve an explanation on that because it shouldn't have been that gray yesterday. there's a unique pattern happening right now off the coast that's probably going to keep it just about as gray for a good part of today. weak little area of low pressure. this is not typical marine layer that we had around yesterday. it lasted all day. it's not supposed to do that. and it's probably
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going to do it again today. look where we are this morning. it's cloudy. for just about everybody. and it is widespread clouds and look at the light little blips of green here off the compost and it's breezy near the coast again as well. a little bit stronger of the onshore flow and it's actually misting out with a little bit of rain again near the coast. not too widespread and i have not really seen too many of the automated weather sensors around the bay that have registered much if any rain. but it will be light mist this morning near the coast and in the hills. don't expect a lot of sunshine yesterday. a lot like yesterday actually. we're in the upper 50s out there right now. the temperatures are in the morning not really all that different. the daytime highs today will struggle to make it into the upper 60s once again. and tomorrow's a copy of this. friday, it's going to get a bit windy and we've been watching that system for friday and so focus on the chance that it could give us some light rain. and yeah, that's possible. but it wouldn't be a big deal. it's the wind on friday we should look at and
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i'll be back with more on that coming up in the complete forecast in just a bit. gianna, how's the drive look? it's actually looking pretty good off to a great start on this wednesday morning. for the roadways and for now, we'll keep an eye on that of course but golden gate bridge, moving along who no delays and they have not done the lane changes yet and you have just that one little single lane there kind of bottlenecking a bit across the span. if you are traveling along the peninsula looks like we've got some trouble spots reported along 280. coming out of daly city. doesn't look like it's causing a lot of ballots but we'll check in on that and overall pretty quiet through the north bay. sonoma, napa, everything is clear there. reed? thank you so much. turn our attention this morning to uc berkeley where protests kick off another week of nationwide outcry against the war in gaza. just like a large occupation at columbia university in new york, dozens of uc berkeley students also in an encampment on the steps of sprout plaza.
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shawn chitnis is live this morning in berkeley, how's this affecting campus life this morning, shawn? >> reporter: reed, good morning, we know it's certainly having an impact on students and some are choosing to join in after seeing it. we certainly can't miss it as i step away here. you can see all of the tents that are taking over the plaza at this hour. this is also right along the main thoroughfare to get through campus right before the satter gate. you see what kind of visual impact it has here but at least at this moment at this hour in the morning it's quite calm. more on how we got here we understand the students who wanted to protest what they are seeing in gaza created this encampment in solidarity with what they see as a larger occupation and kind of the center of this movement happening at columbia university in new york. the campers say they will remain here on berkeley's campus until the university of california ties -- cuts all ties with israeli colleges or
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companies connected to armed suppliers and israel's action as a genocide they say. >> we are standing inspired by the students over at columbia. we consider to be the heart of the student movement but more importantly with our people in palestine we're standing in solidarity with them. >> reporter: so there's a statement the university has put out saying with three weeks left in the semester, berkeley is prioritizing students' academic interests and we will take the steps necessary to ensure the protest does not disrupt the university's operations. and it went on to say there are no plans to change the university's investment policies and practices. now students have been having pro palestinian demonstrations here on campus well before there. this was a daily protest happening at sather gate just down the block from me here. that's been going on since february. the question is how long they will be able to continue territory we see now which is supposed to be 24/7. reed, back to you.
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>> all right, shawing thank you. go north now where cal poly humboldt closed after hundreds of pro palestinian protesters barricaded inside at least two buildings. police stood by riot police in fact. the word is this morning that students need to stay home and classes will be held online now because of this. meanwhile police making arrests at yale and nyu and columbia after protesters just refused to leave tent encampments on those school properties. protesters at columbia were told to be gone by midnight but for some reason, and we don't know why, that demand has been pushed back. 120 protesters arrested at nyu and more than 40 in all arrested at yale. >> i think that it's time to divest from those weapons manufacturing and redivest them into other important things. >> as you can imagine, being a jewish student on campuses in the country would come with great tension even some fear. in fact some we spoke to say they are afraid of their safety on campus. here's student melissa. >> person was yelling at me
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screaming at me calling me a zionist. and a murderer. >> israel says more than 130 hostages remain held by hamas a quarter of them feared dead. after hamas attacked and killed israelis on october 7th. house speaker mike johnson's office will go and meet with students, jewish students at columbia university this afternoon. lot to unpack here in this protest all over the country for continuing coverage on the occupation at uc berkeley and other college campuses in the country, stay with us on air and online at and streaming on cbs news bay area. time now for a look at this morning's other top stories. a potential ban on the popular app tiktok is on its way to the president's desk. the senate approved the historic legislation in a sweeping bipartisan vote overnight. saying the social media platform is a security risk. now this is part of a larger $95 billion package that provides foreign aid to
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ukraine, israel, and taiwan. it would ban tiktok nationwide unless the company's chinese owner bytedance sells the app in the next nine months. president biden says he will sign the package as soon as he gets it. tiktok is vowing to fight in court. a former google employee accused of stealing ai secrets for china tech companies is due in court today. prosecutors say 38-year-old lynn way ding stole more than 500 files of confidential information while secretly working for a company based in beijing. ding faces four counts of trade secret theft. well, now to san francisco right now. taking a live look at city hall. mayor london breed wants to try a new way to cut down on crime in the tenderloin. a curfew for certain businesses. as you would expect the new idea has business owners pretty mad. our lauren toms talked to a man who thinks this idea is the wrong approach. >> i want my neighborhood back. >> reporter: at what cost?
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>> well, there's no cost. i used to have a cost but not now. i want my neighborhood back. it's not fair. >> reporter: dell seymour has called san francisco his home for nearly four decades. even being dubbed the unofficial mayor of the tenderloin. but after dark the neighborhood he knows and loves turns into an unrecognizable nightmare. >> when i was living there and on the streets, by 9:00, 10:00 at night we all went to bed on the tent in the manager or whatever. now tenderloin don't even start until 10:00 at night. >> reporter: that's when many of the community services leave the area as part of the contract with the city. but the city is trying a new tactic to crack down on open air drug markets. mayor london breed announced a plan to ban stores in the area from selling prepackaged food or tobacco products between midnight and 5:00 a.m. >> when we looked at the data around some of our -- kind of corner store operations, we discovered that that was where
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we had the most problems, especially at night. >> reporter: breed pushed the plan at an event for small businesses in the tenderloin that have struggled getting customers in the door because of the scenes outside. >> we got -- clean up our street first. no one will come. >> reporter: the idea of restricting sales at corner markets isn't welcomed by everyone. we talked to one shop owner who pins the problem on the city's housing struggles. >> just trying to blame businesses for, you know, for being open all night. but i don't think that's -- that's the issue. so homelessness has been going on in san francisco for like more than 10, 15 years. >> reporter: but it's a strategy the city has tried before in this area. seymour remembers when the city restricted alcohol sales to curb related crime. and even 25 years later, he's confident it could help. but alone, it's not enough. >> maybe 20%, 30%. that's what i'm predicting because i was here when it happened before. we were never just -- this messed up. >> reporter: even so his
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efforts to return the tenderloin to a place he loves are unconditional. >> well, it's now up to the board of supervisors to decide whether or not to approve the one year pilot program. nicole? time now 5:11. pardon me. imagine waking up and seeing this. are these marx skies over greece? we explain the phenomenon. plus. ♪ all right, we are taking you back in time in 19 # 8 and i wish you could see reed dancing right now. >> i can do it. it hurts. >> killing it. >> you got it. from new kids on the block. i caught up with the
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the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles?
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it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. all right, taking a live look from san francisco. if you know, you know, okay? tens, tens, tens across the board. billy porter superstar is your pride grand marshal and main stage headliner. yes. tens across the board. porter is well-known for his role in the broadway hit "kinky boots" and the fashion flair and advocacy. the emmy, tomy and grammy winning star will be a part of the parade and perform on the main stage. this year's pride parade set for sunday, june 30th. and i highly recommend you get the memoir. it's called "unprotected before. it might help you appreciate him a little bit more. i did. it's so good. nicole? check this out. in greece the famous acropolis looked like it was on mars. dust clouds from the sahara blew
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across the mediterranean sea turning the skies in southern greece orange. the strong winds also fanned dozens of wildfires. the skies aresupposed to start clearing today. and it really does look like it's out of this world. >> wow. >> but darren, reminds me i spent some time in arizona. of when a haboob would come through and you have the dust and the haze and it just creates a beautiful sight. not too healthy though. >> for so many who went through the fires here in 2020 and we woke up on red sky die and it's the same thing. whether it's maul sand from a dust storm in phoenix. or particles of smoke in the atmosphere like that. they both filter the sunlight in such a way to give you the really eerie look. the thing is you need lot of that like -- in dust storm, you really can't go out and breathe in that. >> right. >> same thing with wildfire smoke and boy, we've had really lucky years the last two years, wildfire season has been really quiet. and -- let's hope our luck continues going into this year because we know the risk here in california. >> you mentioned the wildfires.
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so it does look really similar to the infamous day back to september 2020, when smoky skies created an orange glow across the bay area. now back then, wildfires raging in oregon and washington if you recall sending the smoke down in our way. the air quality difference though when dust particles are in the air, versus, you know, wildfire, the smoke coming down. >> the thing with dust is, i think your awareness is much higher. you know that stuff is bad because it's hitting you in the face and smoke the different. the particles are actually a little smaller. and you are now -- unwittingly breathing more stuff in and it can twill be a lot worse for you because you have more exposure. >> all the wildfires you don't know you know, what the aqi or the healthy amount of smoke in the air is to go out and dao outdoor activities where like you said with dust you are like i can't breathe. i'm staying home. >> people have gotten better though. people know how to find
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the purple air quality readings and all gotten so trained whether we want to or not. at having a higher level of awareness on this. i think it's a good thing we're going to need it. >> healthy air outside today. >> yes. >> we're in the bay area. >> nothing other than the marine layer which is going to come back. really gray out there to start the day. one thing we need to talk about is the fact that the marine layer we've got right now is getting a little bit of an assist. there's an area of low pressure that's sitting off the coast right now. which is the reason why it stayed gray all day yesterday and that area of low pressure is trying to throw rain to the coast. i put the streamlinessen here so you can see the counterclockwise spin. that's the reason why today's probably going to stay just about as gray. and if you look at the forecast there, look at the little green blips showing up in the afternoon, it will clear out faster once we get towards the evening. did you see what happened there in the last frame? that low spinning out there is about to get pushed out of the way. late tonight. and into tomorrow. because it's got to make room
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for the next system coming our way on friday. there's a system getting here on friday that is going to try and bring us some rain of its own. doesn't look like it's going to have much and instead it looks like we're probably going to get a bit windy on friday from that. and that might be the bigger impact as we look forward to the change coming our way for friday. 30 to 40-mile an hour gusts perhaps along the coast. these are the current numbers out there right now. now we're on daytime highs. forgive me. low to mid-60s out there. in the afternoon for where we're going to top out. very much like yesterday was. nobody probably makes it to 70 today. we did have a few spots that tried to get there. but couldn't. yesterday, because of all the clouds. and with low to mid-60s out there in general for today, this will kind of set the stage for what the rest of the week is going to look like until the system gets here on friday with its chance of rain. so let's take a look at that. we can go out to the pacific and all the way out on the other side. this system comes together and watch
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the rain. which really doesn't have enough or good enough aim to give us much measurable precipitation out of that. watch it fall apart right there. really not a whole lot that we get in terms of rain from it. what we should look at instead on friday is the wind and you will see the little impulsings pick up here two different times. it's tomorrow, it's a bit breezy tomorrow but not too bad. it's going to look a bit different on friday in the afternoon and evening right here. now those are wind gusts along the coast that are getting to 40 miles an hour. no wind advisory yet from the national weather service. but they're thinking about it. they put out their forecast discussion where they said that it might be necessary on this. because 40-mile an hour gust is enough to start raising people's awareness you could get a broken branch or maybe some flying debris. been through much worse wind storm s than this one. but it would be
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a noticeably windier day. oak, 7 day forecast. we've got that windy day on friday and then look back here for the weekend. we're going to warm right back up in the mid 70s. 75 degrees sunday and monday. that's pretty much average for this time of year. those numbers apply to inland valleys and just to show you what it will be like right through the bay. the numbers also warm up there but you have to settle for upper 60s. gianna, how's the drive look. you know the drive is looking really good so far. darren. thankfully. it's been an easy commute for the most part. and in fact, checking in at the bay bridge you can see it's pretty quiet and light. traffic is moving along very well here in both directions. so off to a great start and plenty of time to have that extra cup of coffee before you head out the door. maybe to your hot chocolate. whatever you enjoy. you are pretty good do go. taking the ride northbound 101 to sfo, traffic is moving along well. early flight to catch. if you are headed to oakland airport, 8830 is clear and right now no troubles out of the south bay. everything is moving along very well. getting a little slow on highway 4 as you head towards concord. ♪ got little more
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music for you on this wednesday morning. believe it or not, today is new kids on the we're still going for that nice catch. we're still going for that perfect pizza. and with higher stroke risk from afib not caused by a heart valve problem,... ...we're going for a better treatment than warfarin. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk. and has less major bleeding. over 97% of eliquis patients did not experience a stroke. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding.
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but this is my story. ( ♪♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. left arm, welcome back. today is new kids on the block
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day. yes. it's a thing. it was first declare back in 1989 and the group is celebrating their 35th anniversary with the new song and new album and a new tour. i caught up with danny, jordan and joey who shared with me why the bay has a special place in their heart. ♪ ♪ they do have the right stuff. and for the first time in 11 years the new kids on the block are back with a new single. kids off their new album "still kids." ♪ >> and we haven't had a new album in like -- a decade. so it's just nice to have a whole new record, 14 new songs for the fans. >> the iconic boy band is gearing up for their summer tour also featuring paula abdul and deejay jazzy jeff. >> it's just -- we love touring with people we like.
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and have had good experiences with. and jazzy jeff, we've known forever because we did shows with him and will smith back in the day. so it's -- it's really nice to have him back. and move you know, we'll be hanging out with him all summer. ♪ >> with stops right here in the bay area. ♪ ♪ >> like when we first -- hit the scene, please don't go girl was like a big hit in the bay area and we were like all over the place in the bay area. and -- definitely a special place in our hearts. so can't wait to get back over there. ♪ ♪ >> try to mix it up and keep it perspective fresh every tour and keep it exciting for us and the fans. and play all the old hits like we always do. but then, you know, infuse it with
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some new stuff. >> you know, you have made it when you -- obviously sell out arenas and have big crowds come to the shows but also when you get your own day. there's an actual new kids on block day. are you like hey mom, i made it. this is it now? >> yeah, i mean, i remember when we first got that and they read the -- i think it was the governor came. or had someone come. and read it at one of our shows. and whereas this group has done enough for the city of us. we kind of -- you know, we kind of milked it for all it's worth by the way. >> but enjoying every step of the way. yep, taking it step by step. so get ready block heads. new album drops may 17th and the tour kicks off in mid-june. with the stop at the shoreline on july 3rd which by the way, is -- back in what 1992 was kind of that magic summer tour which was such a big deal. that's the same place where they played back then. so they're coming back to
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shoreline as well. i mean they've been back to the bay since but kind of full circle to be the outdoor stadium and under the stars and it will be fun. >> brings back so many memories. >> i know. >> and dance moves. if i sing will you do it real quick? >> nope. >> nope. >> oh, oh, oh, oh oh. >> but i try. i know the one where you -- bah, bah. >> he was doing wit the hands and he was doing it with the legs, maybe next hour. >> the legs are tired. >> stay tuned in for the entire hour. >> do it next hour. >> it was impressive. >> that one viewer stays on for the next two hours will you do it for them. >> i'm going to let you think about it. reed. 5:237. >> i love the viewers don't do that to you. the sf film festival starts today and ( ♪♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown
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to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪♪ )
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shingles. the rash can feel like an intense burning sensation, and last for weeks. shingles could make it hard to be there for your loved ones. over 50? the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside you. don't wait. ask your doctor about shingles. wendy's fries are always hot and crispy. fryday! so toby says everyday is now— fryday. fryday. fryday. —tuesday. —fryday. —wednesday. —fryday. —friday? —fryday. get the fries other fries wish they could be. wendy's hot and crispy fries, guaranteed.
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all right, salesforce up to the east bay. good morning everybody. we see you over there across the waters. it's 5:30 in the morning and welcome in we're glad to have you here and also glad to have darren peck here to tell us about the weather that has been sort of strange. i look out and i saibling, you are gloomy. i walk out and i say okay, you are winter. >> yeah. >> mother nature is not talking to me. >> like yesterday was kind of like -- we went into may gray early. >> right. >> but like may gray on overdrive early and it's still kind of like that today. there's an explanation on this. there's a weak area of low pressure that's sitting off the coast. this is not your typical marine layer. it's going to last longer again
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today. there's a little bit of light mist in it. so if you are near the coast, on any bay area hills, don't be surprised, you are going to get some light mist out of this over the course of this morning. here's what it looks like on the forecast imagery. you can see the clouds are widespread but look at the little green blips on here and watch the pattern. all kind of getting pulled up from in south. what they're actually doing is getting rotated around an area of low pressure off the coast. the coast is more vulnerable to get some light rain. this is kind of stuff you can't even measure. you don't really get enough rainfall out of it that a rain gauge picks it up but you certainly notice things are damp and the windshield wipers have to go on for a time. while you are driving. wind is going to be a little bit more noticeable along the coast today and certainly through the gaps like the golden gate bridge and maybe through carquinez strait but not terribly windy day today. friday is the day to foe course on the increase in wind, we really put our attention and not so much that we've been talking about friday all week so far. the day the system might come in with a chance of
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light rain. the rain looks really inconsequential on friday. the wind might be a bigger factor. more on that coming up a bit. by the way there's the look at where we're talking about with the area of low pressure spinning off the coast, looks pretty cool when you look at it that way. too get you ready, here are numbers so you know it's gray. we're in the mid to upper 50s. the interesting thing is when it's this cloudy, the temperatures actually stay a little bit warmer in the mornings. it's the afternoons you are going to notice the cooldown and i'll see you with the daytime highs coming up in a few minutes. gianna, how's the drive look? it's doing okay and sounds like even we're getting some of the wet weather doesn't seem like enough to really wet the ground or saturate it to make it an issue for your drive this morning as we teenage a live look at the bay bridge. metering lights not on just yet but soon and right now traffic is moving along well across in t span. no brake lights to report as you work your way on any of the approaches towards the bay bridge. westbound 80, 580 or 880. zooming in on highway 4, well, that's getting busy already. westbound as you head out of pittsburg into bay point. all right, g, thank you. a
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mother's fight continues this morning. so she got a plea deal against those accused in the killing but says she does not support da pamela price's decisions. >> she's not allowing us to grieve. that's the reality. is she's got us -- so focused and stuck on fighting for justice that we don't get to process any of the emotion. >> so lori mohs is on a mission you see that. she took her son's story to capitol hill and pushed for the plea deal in the case and got it. shoplifter and shooter benicia naps is facing sentence. david gilroy who drove to get iowa car pleaded no contest. our katie nielsen spoke with the mother about the plea deal. >> reporter: it's been almost
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exactly a year since lori mohs lost her son blake. it was april 18th last year when he was shot and killed during an attempted shoplifting. >> it feels like yesterday. but it feels like ten years ago. that moment where your heart stops. and you go, this can't -- like this can't. there's that moment that happens when you have got it. you have got the deal done. and you can breathe. >> reporter: mohs says she pushed for the plea deal because it can't be appealed. but more importantly, because it finally brings closure to their family. she says over the past year, her family has been fighting with the alameda county da's office to get appropriate charges filed against the suspects. >> they erased his future. why would i have to fight for justice for him? >> reporter: it's part of the reason why she has been an outspoken advocate trying to get current alameda county
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district attorney price recalled from office. >> i voted for her. i made a mistake. she is not doing anything for victims except revictimize them. she doesn't help them. she doesn't give them any -- details as to how to get justice for their family. she just looks out for the people that did it. >> reporter: mohs says at this point, she's relieved to have the case behind her so their family can move on. she hopes the same will happen for the suspects. >> my goal for them in this is that the time that they're going to serve, that they make it productive. right? they get some job skills. they find their faith. they find a redeemed life for their kids. >> sentencing set for june 6th in the case and we heard back from the da's office on the case late yesterday. they extended condolences to his family and the friends and the community. saying that their office and its victims' advocates have been in continuous contact with the family over the past year. nicole? time now for a look at this morning's other top stories. the other top stories this morning. today governor newsom will announce a new bill in
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response to arizona's extreme abortion ban. he's going to join the california legislative women's caucus to announce emergency legislation that would allow doctors from arizona to come to california to provide abortions. california has spent $3.7 billion to prevent wildfires. and home insurance companies are worried about the costly coverage. state senator josh becker introduced a bill that would require insurers to acknowledge california's efforts to prevent wildfires. the bill doesn't force insurers to give discounts. but to recognize these efforts in their coverage decisions and costs. california lawmakers are scheduled to take up the bill today. and former president donald trump's hush money trial is on its weekly hiatus today. yesterday, trump heard testimony from former national encaner publisher david pecker. he promised to help trump bury negative stories during the 2016 campaign. prosecutors argue this was meant to
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influence the election by buying rights to those stories and not publish them. court proceedings resume tomorrow. gianna? new affordable housing is coming to oakland's lake merritt. a ground-breaking ceremony was held by state and local leaders. now the new development will have 91 apartment units and 25% of thome will provide supportive housing for homeless families. the money for the project comes from an infrastructure bond meanwhile, in the south bay, a grand opening for the newest affordable housing development. it is located on south matilda and west of iowa avenues. the new development has 89 units and 23 of them are set aside for low income house holds with intellectual and developmental disabilities. now since the building is in downtown, it's close to several parks, stores and community centers. the san francisco film festival kicks off today and it may be a bit early in the morning to talk about math. but we want to highlight a new film
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on the subject. that says math has more importance in our society than ever before. and categorizing ourselves as someone who -- who is and isn't a math person isn't right. it's playing as part of the sf film festival and our shawn chitnis caught up with the director of the film to gift us some more detailed look at the themes and questions it poses. >> reporter: the director of the documentary "counted out" vicky never planned on being a filmmaker but when the attorney and parent couldn't help her kids with their math homework, she started to look into how the fear and trauma from studying it in school affected adults. >> if only a few people get the math that you need to create those technologies that influence our lives, we've got a select few people who are shaping our experience of the world. >> reporter: for five years vicky and a team made up mostly of people in the bay area have worked on this film. finding
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people with incredible stories of how math changed their lives as adults in negative and positive ways depending on how comfortable they were with it. >> if you think about the 20th century, then you thinking well, you need to know enough math to function at the post office. but in the 2 it's century, we're in a different ball game here. >> reporter: vicky says she did well in math throughout her schooling including college but had to take closer look at how it was taught in the classroom once she became a parent. >> i want everyone in our audience to feel seen by this film. so many of us carry a great deal of shame about our math experience in school. and that impacts our ability to engage with the world. >> reporter: she says you don't need to go back to grade school and take math again. but you should feel empowered to ask more questions around medical and financial choices in your life. >> the world that we're moving toward has math everywhere. and i don't mean this in like --
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there's math everywhere, kids. kind of a way. i mean something concrete and kind of dark. >> reporter: the sf film festival is the west coast premiere of "counted out" and the chance to start a conversation in the bay area. home to silicon valley, it's one more reason vicky is grateful to have it screened here. >> i think in order for us to identify the problems that we need to solve as a society, and to come up with creative solutions for the problems that we all collectively face, we're going to have better outcomes if we have more people at the table in those decisions. >> reporter: rethinking our collective view of math as more than just numbers and formulas, but a language to make sense of the world. >> well, the film screens this sunday and you can still try to get last-minute tickets by checking the sf film website. time now 5:40. tesla troubles. the tough news for the company and many bay area employees this morning. plus -- ♪ ♪
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>>running running away in circles and we circle back on the coverage of the outside lands lineup. post malone headed to the golden gate park area. who will join him? we'll be right back.
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it's time now for the money watch report. more than 2700 bay area tesla employees are set to lose their jobs. the company is seeing its biggest drop in revenue in 12 years. ceo elon musk had already announced that tesla would lay off 10% of its global work force. and plans to lay off nearly 2700 workers in texas and california starting in june. that includes more than 2200 jobs from fremont and nearly 500 jobs in palo alto. the rising competition in the ev industry sent tesla's first quarter profit plunging 55%. reed? all right, thank you so much. now to the famous falcon family perched high above the uc berkeley campus. good morning little falcons a live look at the cal falcon nest cam atop the tower. we are on baby bird watch. shh. this is a falcon sleeping. today the university will be hosting a hatch party as we await and welcome a fourth falcon chick. i feel like i'm going to wake
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it up. oh look. three new baby falcons came into the world on earth day and waiting for one more chick to hatch. the first four eggs were laid last month and parents annie and archie have been working hard to take care of them. the university's hatch party will begin live streaming on a giant screen on campus starting at 9:00 this morning. >> oh, that's so cool. outside lands is returning to san francisco's golden gate park august 9th through the 11th. save up now because a three day general admission pass is going to run you about $465. and that's before fees my friends. so yeah. they go on sale later this morning at 10:00. and yesterday we finally got a first look at the lineup. ♪ ♪ >> the killers are one of the marquee artists playing at the festival. the las vegas based band known worldwide for their
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americana stadium rock sound headlined the festival before that was back in 2014. ♪ >> hip hop artist post malone is also making his return but this time as you can see, it's a different vibe. he's going to perform a special country set. ♪ ♪ >> oh, beautiful. beautiful voice. among all the great artists is also northern california native sacramento's victoria monet fresh off a year in which she won three grammys. r&b artist has been touring the last brie and even made a stop at coachella this month. the organizers are also bringing back the tent specifically for edm music. last year, people had to be evacuated from the tent twice. this after attendees say the floor gave in, but organizers say this
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year, it will be an open air tent. >> so fresh air. >> fresh air. >> on the floor. >> fresh air in the edm. that's a great lineup. i mean, there's something for everyone always at outside lands. and post malone doing a little country. >> who knew. >> i'm kind of obsessed with the taylor swift duo. >> obsessed is so good. >> country seems to be the trend. look at beyonce. >> yeah. >> i'm liking it these artist ares are dabbling. >> genres, yes. taking a live look outside on this wednesday morning. this is from the black mountain camera. and we are looking down on the grids, the lights, and looking up at the sky that is reflecting it all. we hope you are seeing some beauty in your week this week. darren peck, what's your life philosophy on a wednesday morning at 5:48 in the morning? get us centered and get us focused. >> get us coffee. [ laughter ] >> yes. where has my coffee. >> that's a great life philosophy. >> that works. >> i know. i was talking to the producer earlier and i'm like you know what? i have no idea what's going on around me right now. just get through it.
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typical. >> your face. >> so the camera you just showed from black mountain, that's the one that sits over on the west side of the santa clara valley. looking down over san jose like reed was just saying and yesterday we couldn't even use that camera. because it was totally socked in with clouds. and it was getting misted on and there was rain. so it's a little less intense today from that standpoint. but for the overwhelming majority of us, this morning and this afternoon, are going to look almost identical to the way yesterday did. even if the clouds are a little more forgiving on black mountain. look at the imagery here. we're waking up in the marine layer still overtaking the entire bay and there's a little bit of light mist in it. watch the light showers here that show up along the coast so again, there not much to that. there is what we would call marine layer mist. and you might encounter some of this on the roads. particularly near the coast or near any bay area hills this morning. it's not the kind of rain where there's enough we can even measure it. but it is enough that the streets get slick and the windshield wipers have to go on the clear it off the view. also a little breezy
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out there but not terribly windy out there this morning. here's a big picture view. the marine layer is going to do that again today. there's a pattern out here and you can see it when you look at the streamlines. don't normally have this with the marine layer. there's a beautifully formed area of low pressure driving all this. it's really -- beefing up the marine layer and it's putting a little bit of rain in it and pushing it further on shore and it's going away tomorrow. did you see what happened there? tomorrow, northerly winds are going to push that away. so it's not like we get rid of the marine layer entirely tomorrow morning. but it's not going to be as widespread. however, the trade-off is, it's going to start to get a little lower and one of the nice things about this pattern is even though it's gray and it's been misty, if you have noticed the clouds are fairly high. tomorrow, they're going to get pushed back down. so if we look at tomorrow morning, that's thursday, there's not as much marine layer and some of us will wake up with clear skies but where we have the marine layer it will be a little lower. shouldn't have -- a major impact in terms of fog. but it's just -- subtle
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differences in the way this all goes. let's look at today's daytime highs. pretty much back to the mid 60s again. very much like what we did yesterday. we don't change the temperatures a whole lot. really all week. by the weekend, we will. good timing on this. daytime highs will go back to the mid 70s by the time we get to sunday. maybe saturday. you will notice a bit of that but really going to be on sunday when we get the notice. able warm-up from the next system and the next system coming our way is not having rain with it. not the rain from that. what we will notice is, it's going to get a bit windy on friday. no wind advisories yet. but it's close and the national weather service is already said we're thinking about it and might have to put a wind advisory on this one for friday. so stay on top of that forecast with us and we'll let you know how that plays out as we get closer to it. you can see we've got a windy written down here for friday. and then there's your warm-up into the mid 70s as we get towards the middle of next week. all right. gianna, how's the drive look out there? starting to get a little
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bit busy out there, darren. especially as you get ready to take that ride over towards the bay bridge. as we take a look at traffic, if you are working your way kind of an interesting closeup perspective i'm going to move this way. as you work your way over towards the bay bridge toll plaza. things are certainly getting a little bit slow and go through there. oh look now we're going to zoom out so you can see it guess what? i'll say hi. that's a much better perspective. certainly getting busy there. here over at 88 taking it to the bay bridge toll plaza, that actually looks pretty good and we're not seeing a lot of brake lights or issues there. traffic is moving along well in both directions. so so far, we're -- it's bearable as you head out the door. before you have know it, the paris summer olympics will be here. we're going to take you inside the
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the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. the summer paris olympics are almost here. and our vern glenn rallied with team usa table tennis team. they're training here in the bay area as you can see beside me and they have set themselves up for the big stage. >> i think middle school french will get us through. >> reporter: before they go to paris, the usa table tennis
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team is training right here in burlingame . lily zang will compete in her fourth olympics. it will be the first time for teammate rachel sung. >> i started crying. so -- i was just very like in shock. i couldn't believe it. >> this is the dream. you know? this is the highest sporting stage in the world. it's every four years. it's what we've worked for. you know, our entire lives. >> reporter: and on this day, it was not just the olympians that grabbed a paddle. what's it like playing against an olympian? let's find out. hey, i'm volleying. >> there we go. >> reporter: oh! i went one-on-one with n akil kumar, he started playing when he was 5 years old. >> just my hold to my shoulders and -- >> reporter: did you ever think it would come to in. >> i hoped at some point it would. >> reporter: really? >> i always dreamed about it
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but i didn't think at that time how realistic it could be. >> reporter: oh god, too strong. >> here we go. uh-oh. >> reporter: oh! what did you do to the ball? >> just a little spin to that one. >> reporter: whoa. [ laughter ] that was a point. did you see that? [ applause ] >> vern is so fun. >> the magic of editing, let's just keep that in mind. you have covered the olympics. how excited are you? >> it is so -- there's nothing like the olympics. and we know it's over on the peacock network but we have a whole team that's going as well part of the l. a. con tin yensy is going to be there. so the stories that unite us are always at the olympics and we hope you watch. hey, the san francisco pride parade getting some star power. the acclaimed actor and singer front and center this year. and here's a live look outside before we head to break. you are halfway through the workweek my friends.
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here's the view towards -- from treasure island this morning. we'll be right back. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation.
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relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. ( ♪♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪♪ ) (♪♪) i'm getting vaccinated with pfizer's pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. come on. i already got a pneumonia vaccine, but i'm asking about the added protection of prevnar 20®. if you're 19 or older with certain chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, or are 65 or older, you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. don't get prevnar 20® if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients.
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adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. i don't want to risk ending up in the hospital with pneumococcal pneumonia. that's why i chose prevnar 20®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia. thank you for joining us this morning. it is wednesday, april 24th. >> let's get started. >> any tour of berkeley, they will proudly say these are the mario savio steps.


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