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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 530pm  CBS  April 23, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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why do i care about paper so much? because my life and career were built on them. auditions, headshots, boxed wine... i mean, the least i can do is keep it around. [angelic sound] see, she gets it. ethan! empty, flatten, then recycle. i'm a papertarian, sue me. and you can recycle those papers too. let's go gary! [ struggling ] ok. what, you don't get fan mail?
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( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ >anc3 mic>right now at 5:30, resurgence in measles and the new warning from federal health officials >> the data breach impacting one of the nation's largest healthcare corporations may have been worse than we originally thought . what the company is now revealing. first, the battle is heating up over the plan to
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reshape the san francisco street were a family of four , including a 1-year-old infant, was killed by a wrong way driver. that crash happened just over a month ago at a bus stop near the west portal union station. >> the city quickly unveiled a plan to make the intersection much safer, but as wilson walker explains, the redesign is getting plenty of pushback. >> i grew up on west portal. my family home is still on west portal. >> reporter: marios postal chases in the heart of west portal. while shaken by the tragedy just around the corner from his business but he is among those asking for a pause in the proposed changes to the center section. >> to take a step back, take a deep breath, let's discuss it. the things that we are doing for our community will be long-lasting . >> there are three issues here. the issue of public safety,
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the issue of beautifying and making the area more welcoming, and then there is the issue of the impact to small businesses. >> reporter: lisa moore owns siren boutique. she is not convinced the plan will necessarily improve safety . and then there is the timeline. >> while we care deeply about public safety , and of course, employees, customers, my kids who live and work in this neighborhood, also, we feel that this proposal was basically introduced to us after it was decided that it would already happen, and now we are hearing that we have 10 days to talk about it. >> we take merchant needs very seriously. that's one of the reasons why in order to reduce conflict at the intersection, what we have done is try to restrict motorists who are simply bypassing the commercial district, cutting through the commercial district. >> reporter: sf mta rolled out
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the redesign last week saying it was based on years of study, here, and they are currently asking for feedback, but opponents have launched a feedback campaign asking neighbors to voice their concerns, and the signs are already in businesses up and down the street. >> the city needs to come with viable answers to our questions. >> reporter: the district supervisor has spoken in support of the changes , as have a bicycle ancestry and advocates in what is obviously an emotional discussion in the wake of what happened here. sf mta is still asking for input. they will hold another polling session right here on wednesday, during the evening commute. the governor said that today and over the past week, the drug task force sees more than 1.1 million fentanyl pills along with 523 pounds of meth amphetamine . the california national guard worked with homeland security and the san diego county sheriff department to make those busts across san diego county and on the border.
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one of the nation's largest healthcare companies hit by a cyber attack has just paid a ransom to attackers in an effort to try to protect patient data. united health subsidiary change healthcare was hit by cyber attackers back in february , causing disruptions to prescription drug orders for thousands of pharmacies, and left patients in limbo. a russian ransomware group claimed response ability for the attack and the hackers say they allegedly stole more than six terabytes of data, including sensitive medical records. united health says it is continuing to restore services for patients . the company has not said how much they paid for ransom. >> concerns from cdc over the rise of measles infections across the united states as of april 18th. 125 cases were reported in 17 states so far this year. the vast majority occurring in people who are not vaccinated, or those whose vaccinated status is unknown.
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nearly half of those cases our children, under 5. doctors say measles is the single most contagious virus that we know. are also worn there is a misconception among parents that it causes only mild illness. >> parents, unfortunately, are withholding their children , or delaying their children from being vaccinated against this disease. it is an absolutely nasty infection, and i would not wish a single child to have to experience measles. >> measles symptoms include high fever, cough, runny nose, red eyes, white spots in the mouth and a rash that starts on the hairline and face and spreads. doctors say the best way to avoid infection is to get vaccinated. a bill is working its way through sacrament or which would require companies that make foods using corn muscle flowerlike tortillas to add folic acid. it is a vitamin that research shows can prevent birth defects and help
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babies develop. in 1998, the fda began requiring folic acid in enriched grain product like cereal, bread, pasta, and rice. but corn muscle flower was not included in that mandate. taking a live look at capitol hill, where the senate is poised to pass a $95 billion foreign aid package. that bill provides $60 billion in critical aid to ukraine, plus another 26 billion to israel, and humanitarian relief in gaza . also including that bill, a provision that could lead to a nationwide ban on tiktok in nine months over national security concerns. the senate is expected to pass that legislation as early as tomorrow. president biden has signaled that he would sign it quickly, if it makes it to his desk. to talk says it is now gearing up to defend itself in court. this week, cbs news is instigating a growing wave of online romance scans. in 2023, federal law enforcement estimates that americans lost $1.3 billion to these scams.
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that number was about half 1 billion in 2019. i spoke with chief investigator corresponded jim axelrod about why it could actually be much more common than we think. >> so many people are wracked with shame, regret, embarrassment, that they don't tell law enforcement about this scam. so those numbers, the billion-dollar number is probably much higher. a lot of times these are very sophisticated , shrewd, successful people who are just lonely. the to connect with someone, so they end up sending money to somebody that they have never met before. >> we will continue our investigations into romance scams all this week on the cbs evening news. tonight, a sinister new twist, when the victims themselves become a couple says. you can watch at 6:30, right here on kpix 5. a critical role in disaster operations including right here in the bay area during national volunteer
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month, we are hearing from community members who step up when tragedy strikes. >> i fell in love with the people , knowing that i could help at any time i wanted. >> still ahead here at 5:00, a final
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we are celebrate in community bridge builders in the bay area. april is national volunteer month, and in northern california, thousands currently volunteer with american red cross. 90% of the red cross workforce are volunteers, and a quarter of all volunteers are 24 years old or younger. the organization can always use more help around the bay area and beyond. shawn chitnis has more on the impact it has in our community, and the people who do that work. >> reporter: karo drogba has
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been a volunteer for the american red cross for more than 20 years. >> what speaks to me the most is the fact that we are literally going out there and saving lines. >> her time working in the northern california coastal region let's her work in san francisco but has also sent her across the country to serve those in need. >> i feel like i fell in love with the people, i fell in love with the fact that i could help at any time i wanted. >> she started volunteering in 2002, after 9/11 inspired her to get more involved and do more for her country. one of the first tasks she took on was helping families connect with each other over the phone, using her skills as a spanish speaker. three years later, she would be a part of the team from our area to respond to hurricane katrina. >> it was a life-changing experience. at first, i was a bit scared, but then later as i got to meet my fellow volunteers, i became extremely rewarded. >> more than two decades later, she keeps up her volunteer
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work with the red cross because of the flex ability and impact that she can have in the community. there is a need a most daily to support victims of house fires in the bay area, including assisting families who need shelter, financial assistance, and childcare. she has all support is abated in events that educate and install fire alarms, and carbon monoxide detectors. >> i think volunteering is one of the best things anyone can do in their lives, we sometimes think that we don't have the time for it, but i have a full-time job with an architecture firm, have a part-time job with a nonprofit, an organization with comes that focuses on conservation yet i have the time to volunteer for the red cross and have my personal life. >> reporter: during a month-long campaign to encourage others to give their time, she says there is likely a role for you that works with your schedule. >> please give it a try. volunteer. come talk to us. straightahead in sports, roster moves for oakland's newest baseball franchise , and hold onto something. table tennis at its highest level,
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- [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+. as we check in with paul, we needed a few layers outside. >> the fog is back. not only fog but more gray. >> making a comeback. >> it is the early may gray or turn the crock clock back to early march. this isn't what
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late april is really supposed to be like, but is closer to normal in the warm temperatures that we had yesterday. let's take a look at what is happening out there, turn on the cloud cover on our format , here, so you can see the clouds are still hanging on, around the bay and in the north bay but where they have cleared out as well into the east bay and the seneca valley. you can see a similar perspective here on the satellite loop over the past few hours. parts of the bay area did see sunshine emerging but over the bay and along the coast , the cloud cover was remarkably persistent. here is a look at the time lapse this afternoon, from our huckins hotel looking for the east, you can see where the cloud cover is rolling through. persistent onshore breeze, occasional little peaks of blue sky, but that is about the extent of what we saw throughout the day. had a big impact on our temperatures, 15 to 20 degrees cooler for highs today across most of the bay area compared with where we were yesterday. the biggest change was for the inland , we had some highs in the low 80s yesterday. no such luck today. 57 in fremont was the warm spot on the map. 66 degrees in san
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jose, 65 in santa rosa and in concord. 60 in sentences and 59 in half moon bay are pretty close to yesterday's high temperatures as the marine air is making its way in already yesterday afternoon. temperatures tonight dropping down to mostly the low 50s, some of the cooler spots dipping into the lower 40s at highs tomorrow will still be below average, but maybe a couple of degrees warmer than today. i think that we will see just a slightly earlier removal of the clouds from the santa clara valley and inland through the east bay, a mix of middle and upper 50s and a few spots maybe grazing 70 degrees. really we had hardly any of those today. i think antioch did make it up to 71 for the official high, we are about there again tomorrow, 60s and 50s on the coast, half moon bay in upper 50s for the next several days, even as the rest of the bay area warms backup. which the is going to happen. we will see changes later this week, but they will not pick him quite tomorrow. look at the big picture pattern and how things are going to evolve . similar conditions for most of the bay area on wednesday. a lot of clouds with a bit of sunshine, especially for the
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inland, then these two different chunks of storm system will merge off to our east and kick in some stronger wind across the bay area both thursday and friday, and even bring a very slight chance of a couple of showers to the region. a very slight chance. generally what you are seeing on futurecast here is a letter cloud cover with peaks of sunshine trying to make their way through tomorrow afternoon, the clouds the can up again on thursday. if we are going to see a shower, and there is not much green showing up on futurecast, it will be thursday afternoon into thursday evening and thursday night maybe you will see a couple of speckles on the windshield but even the most optimistic forecast models are not forecasting more than a trace of moisture. a few hundreths of an inch and even this is likely an overestimate but i think the system it will still be capable of producing a little bit of snow in the sierra. a couple of inches or so, just enough to freshen up the ski slopes for some late april and early may skiing in terms of the wins, those will be too strong yet tomorrow. noticeable but normal for this time of year. the strongest gusts are going to arrive on thursday, 20 to 30 miles per hour and some 30+ mile-per-hour gusts possible. after that,
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though, we remove the clouds for much of the bay area with temperatures returning to near average. lower and middle 70s inland, through the weekend into early next week as we finished the month of april with a much normal april weather and temperatures return to the middle and upper 60s. so, around the bay with a mix of clouds and sunshine and more clouds right along the coast. you will have a hard time seeing a substantial amount of sunshine with some afternoon sun peeking through the coast through the weekend and early next week but it is not going to warm you up. your height inverters will likely stay short at 60 degrees for the foreseeable future. liz, it is still weather for a wild >> it is always boots weather. >> that's how we measure things here at kpix. >> thanks, paul. time to check what is ahead at the clock and we switch over to juliette. >> thank you. new 6:00 it is a strategy to tackle san francisco's drug crisis. it is not hard to find drug use in broad daylight and neighbors do tell us it is even worse at night, but it is a curfew targeting small
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stores. do we have a solution? plus, uc berkeley students put up tents on campus and they actually vowed to just stay put . their message as a protest over the war in gaza heat up around the country and how the university is responding to this. all this coming up at 6:00. let's go to vern and sportsbook >> jules, we have a baseball top, the a's and the yankees and the giants, hosting the mets again tonight, sending out logan webb to get the job done. moving pictures on the late show. the closer, camilo doval, he has a new entrance when he entered the game in the ninth inning. the production value has come a long way from back when rob man's routine to smoke on the water. devol said he felt like a movie star with the spotlight following him to the mound. pitcher, danny curran, was training to join the oakland bowlers this
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spring but today, his contract was sold to the boston red sox and he will join one of their minor league teams. the bowlers will begin their inaugural season next month. with a finish last night in denver. nuggets to marie for the win. onions. the nuggets trailed the lakers by 20 in the second half rallied to beat l.a. for the 10th straight time. 101-99, the nba raining chance to get 2-0 series lead in the western conference. here is anthony davis's insightful analysis. >> can you take us through that last play? >> jamal made a shot. >> okay. on national table tennis day, it was the perfect time to unveil the usa olympic team, which is dominated by players from the south bay. the team will trade in burlingame, till they leave for the games in paris the summer. plenty of time to work on the fresh
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language. >> i think might middle school french will get us through. >> reporter: before they go to paris, the usa table tennis team is training right here in burlingame. lily zang will compete in her fourth olympics. it will be the first time for teammate rachel's on. >> i was just in shock but i couldn't believe it. >> this is the dream. you know, this is the highest sporting stage in the world, every four years, it is what we work for our entire lives. >> on this day, it wasn't just an olympian grabbing a paddle. >> what is like playing against an olympian? let's find out. >> hey, i'm volleying. >> there we go. >> i went one-on-one with nikhil kumar. he started playing when he was 5 years
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old. >> o god, too strong. >> here we go. oh no. >> what did you do to the ball? >> just a bit of spin on that one. >> wow. low. >> that was a point, did you see that? >> thank you, thank you everybody. obviously, they love skills at all levels of the 888 table tennis center. kumar's paddle ? $700. i'll just go with a garden-variety 10 or $15 paddle. >> i noticed they don't call it ping-pong. it's table tennis. >> that's right. >> you very much. still ahead here at 5:00. goodbye to
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nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment
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of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. >anc3 mic>well, many people are saying goodbye to a beloved san jose restaurant. >> burger pit has been a southbay staple for decades, but will be closing its last location today. devin fehely caught up with some longtime customers who wanted to get a burger, one last time. >> i'm sad. i'm sad that they didn't get their lease
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renewed. >> reporter: one last meal at the last remaining burger pit, on its last day of business. >> the food is great. the food has been wonderful. all these years. >> reporter: woodridge joined hundreds of other customers in a line around the building to say goodbye to a restaurant she has been coming to since she was a child. >> we watched this place being built, in 64. so, this has been a big part of my life. >> reporter: this location in south san jose opened 60 years ago, in 1964. the chain has been in business more than 70 years. paul berger is the founder's son. >> even as a little kid i worked in the restaurants. my dad would have me doing stuff in the back, and you know, mopping floors. >> reporter: customers say they first came to a food. simple, delicious, unfussy and inexpensive. returned year after year, decade after decade for the family atmosphere. >> this is the last day and i'm going to miss it. they make the best food in town.
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>> it sad. you know, but they are closing, so it sad. i will miss this place. >> reporter: paul was 4 when his father opened the first restaurant. he is now a man of 75. what has been the recipient of such success for so long? >> my dad always said good food at reasonable prices. we try to keep it that way. you know. and we socialize with the people that come down. >> reporter: paul has lost his lease, but he also says it is just time to retire, if you stiefel for the many customers like michelle who came to save her one last meal, one last time expect people of this place, and they love the people that work here, they love the food. it is just a family restaurant. >> such an institution. >> said to see places like that close. that is it for the knee is a 5:00. cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich starts right
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now. strut >> thanks so much. it is a challenge in daylight and then by night, neighbors tell us this part of san francisco is like the wild wild west of drugs and crime. but, is a curfew on small stores the right solution? >> it's crazy. everybody is everywhere doing something, selling something, buying something. it's intense. calls for a late-night crackdown on corner stores. why some business owners say they shouldn't be blamed for what is happening outside their doors. >> they're not really fixing the problem, they are only masking it. >> reporter: tents clashes over the war in gaza on college campuses nationwide. at uc berkeley, students put up tents and vowed to stay put. >> the free speech movement started here. >> i believe it is my duty. >> reporter: how the university is responding to their demands. troubling times for tesla, the company lays out a roadmap to deal with plummeting profits, and bay area layoffs. and air force veteran gets


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