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tv   The Late News  CBS  April 20, 2024 2:06am-2:35am PDT

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even if they're used up and empty, and we'll give you your money back. (female announcer) with our 60-day money-back guarantee, you have an incredible two full months to see results on your own skin. and keep all the gifts, a $145 value, as our thank you for trying crépe erase ultra. (male announcer) you won't find this limited time offer anywhere but on television, so don't miss out. go online, call, or scan the qr code and order now. (female announcer) this has been a paid presentation for crépe erase ultra, sponsored by bodyfirm. now at 11:00, as the family of mario gonzalez celebrates ú police tody death -- >> thank god they opened the case again. >> -- others are speaking out to defend the actions the
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officers took exactly three yearago today. plus this east bay theater is a bit harder to spot these days, why the owner says he's cutting the lights to keep from closing the curtains. >> if your income is not going p, you have to reduce intentions.3 and going down the drain, why this spectacular sight at a bay area lake is actually a g sign of where we are water-wise. from kpix, this is the late newswith sara donchey on cbs news bay area. ãgood evening. i'm juliette goodrich in for sara tonight. exactly three years ago on s night the family of mario on and while they tell us their pain still feels fresh, tonight they're experiencing a new emotion, hope after prosecutors filed felony charges against three alameda police officers wrongdoing in the case. the
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police body camera video caught the encounter in an alameda park in 2021. officers were investigatia possible theft d talked to gonzez for about nine minutesbefore attempting to restrain him. appeared to be incoherent and esisted arrest. pinned gonzalez down for five minutes before he became onscious. the coroner's the oxic effects of eth nd the physical stress of the restraint, but his family has loninsistethere is more to it than that. our amanda hari se with them in alameda tonight where they celebrated harging decision. >> say his name, mario >> reporter: april 19th will always be a sad day for the gonzalez family. k in 2021 mo gonzalez died in police custody, but for the family it
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goes beyond tragedy. they've ays felt his death was a crime. his mother says she thinks about hievery day. here. i'm still fighting for . my son jerry right here r and his son, 7 years o we always missing him. >> reporteshe says this year she actually feels lighter. that's because she recently received a call from alameda county district attorney pamela price's office saying they would be filing involunry manslaughter charges. >> i'm thinking and thinking it's going to happen, it's going to happen. thankgod they open the case again. >> reporter: she says it feels like a gift on a day that marks one of the hardest days of her life. this is my present today, you phone call to say we reopened the case. >> reporter: if convicted, the officers cd face up to four
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years in prison. family friend amanda blanco says it's a start.3 >> we all know obviously we need more justice than that, in the right directioto holdg a police officer accountable ialameda county. reporter: gonzalez's brother jerry hopes these charges prevent similar situations from ever happening again. > it's definitely a majo direction, but like i said, after they get out they should another areer. ú>> others tonigg those officers. they say they howed meticulouare in how they approached gonzalez, much like the officers in the george floyd case. >>police officers clearlyin the video, they're not entering thsituation in a state of anger. they're just, you know, trying to understand úwhat happened. i just feel that t was a tragic case, but not necessarily a case in which our
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police officers acted in a way that required this level of response by the d.a. i think it t a signal that it might make our police officers heant. >> the alamedacounty sheriff d in a statement she supports the findings her office made in 2022 before she took over and says the former d.a. made an appropriate call determining there was no criminal wrongdoing in this case. >> across the bay in san francisco prosecutors say a woman was arrested for peddling drugs outside the main library. the d.a.'s office tells us investigators seized about a quarter pound of heroin and meth when they arrested her wednesday. it comes as the been demanding help dealing withthe crime spilling int their workplaces. some are so frustrated they took to the picket lines last week. that is when one worker told us she had to deal with a man walking around the library with a
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weapon threatening to stab people. >> he started threatening a large group of preschoolers who were sitting on the floor and he was cussing at them and threatening them with this weapon. i feeling that strong sense of duty to protect the people steped between the man with at weapon and the childr i stood between him. he was aiming it right at my ou." if he had y not be standing here today. ad y >> library workers are asking 3 the city for more security guards saying some people don't even want to bring their children to the city's main library because of the condons there. tomorrow is 4-20, a high holiday for cannabis lovers. san francisco's hippie hill in golden gate park is a world famous spot to light up, but this year the city will not be holding its official 4-20 festi. organizers couldn't hash it out because they just didn'have the green, aka, cash to pull it off. as wilson
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walker shows us, business owrs around the park are still bracing for big crowds. >> hi, guys. how are you? 4-20 everyone came from changed in the last ten years dramatically. always happy to ee more ourt is traffic on haight set, but 4-20 always ings some uncertainty and this year's lack of event brings more questions like how many people might be coming? >> i really have no idea. the merchant association, we all talked about it and it looks like it's going to be sort of the same. >> i think it will be good for the merchant corridor. we have a lot of head shops. 3 >> reporter: michael xavier
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efinitely did not like the fencing of the whole thing and whatnot. they felt, you know, it disrupted of the natural spontaneogathering that it was. >> reporter: in some years the cro, weather, and a long day odrugs and alcohol have all dded up to be a little too much for this neighborhood. >> i think that became a oblem, too like alcohol and whatnotand it just becomes, yeah, pretcrazy. ú>> reporter: following this saga over the tends to descend upon. it's all the neighborhoods around this end of the park, including fashionable haight adjacent c valley, a spot where we've seen some problems >> i will not hesitate to hose people down that are urinating ir around my property. >> reporter: how long you been sitting in this? >> about 30 minutes now. >> reporter: every year? >> every year this happens, yeah. >> reporter: while there is no organized eventin the park, there are still plans for
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parking and traffic enforcement ãwell as portable bathrooms. mccourt says she is optimistic position myself here and sell our blankets, our 19.99 nkets, some bajas. 9.99 >> reporter: as far as how many people show up for an unofficial party, that remains unofficial partyone's guess. s >> so it's kind of a crap shoot to know what's going to happen w. >> so i really -- i'm not sure how it's going to be. if you were thinking of using the golden gate ferry as your designated driver to san francisco tomorrow, you might want a backup plan. service in and out of sausalito is suspended until further notice after a routine inspection turned up some kind of strucal problem with the pier. the ferry service ran buses today instead. no announcement yet on whether y'll do the same this weekend ifthe ferries still are running.3 furniture stores usually
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have blowout sales, but this probably isn't the type of blowout the owners of this one had in mind. plus it sounds contradictory, but one iconic east bay theater is turning the lights off to keep the heat on. >> we haven't been turning on ú >> the shock in the mail the lights. g this owner dim want to see something really cool this weekend? t scene at one bay area lake will have your head spinning and the >> mesmerizing. also mesrizing, watching the fog streami through the golden gate this evening spreadiout as we speak, pretty sunrise behind that fog. the weekend is looking good, finally a dry weekend, details how long that lasts coming up in the first alert forecast. >and we have plenty of marijuana-related puns earlier3 oming your way with a look at th4-20 deals that restaurants are offering to satisfy a case of the munchies.
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an oakland furniture reassembling after a three-car crash sent one vehicle practically slamminright into the store. it happened around 1:00 this afternoon near 22nd andternational. fortunately, no one was inside the store at the time of the crash. no word yet on what caused the accident or whether any of the people in those c were hurt. staying in the east bay, tonight the iconic orinda theater is going dark two the lights on, some of the lights anyway. the owner tells andrea nakano he is hoping more offset his skyrockeg power costs even though the place is currently a bit harder to spot than usual. >> reporter: i'm here at the this place would be lit up in as pg&e goes up, this placeis % turning off the lights to save money.
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>> these derek's love for movies blossomed at a young age. he tried a little acting, directing, and producing, but now he's the owner of the orinda theater. >> one day i said, you know what? i'm going to own a movie theater. >> reporter: but owning a authority hasn't been about the glitz and glamour. it's been tough to keep the big screen turned on. first it was the pandemic. now it's pg&e bills. >> there was actually, you know,und 42 to 4,800 and it ped last month to $6,200 plus. >reporte that averageout to $240 a day to pay for the electric and gas. he had one word to describe the shok of ú >> wow. >> reporter: so derek is trying out several things to help keep his business open. >> if your income is not going up, you have to reduce yo expenses to stay alive. >> reporter: one of the expenses is to close the ater on mondays and tuesd, days where they see
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tuess than 30 customers a day. know, but the studios actually take anywher from 60 to 67% of $240, that would be at least 47 moviegoers to cover that bill. >> orter: just like many of turning ff the lights o ee is where he can save a few bucks. ãwe haven't been turning on our beautiful marquee because ãwant to really see like what we can do in terms of reducing electricity costs to see wha our bill is. so it will be anothmonth before we actually realize, you know, what really rks and what doesn't. though, is something residents are having a hard time getting used to. >> it's sad because it does more than just advertise the theater3 >> reporte: derek has also added a very popular tiki bar connected to the theater to generate more revenue. he's tryingeverythihe can to
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keep the doors open and says whether theaters like his stay open ultimately depends on moviegoers. and keep the doors open. you - have to frequent them. you hav to go to the movies. you have to help at the concession stand or whatever you can do if you want, you know, this art to stay. >> the warming weather may help derek out, too. he says his biggest expense is heating the ways to reduce costs. it might just be one of the most unusual sight seeing attractioin the bay area and what a sight it is. this is lake berryessa's famous glory hole spillway finally flowin in its full glory. after a couple of weeks of teasing the engineer in charge of monitoring it, here's how it ooked earlier this month when the water was just startin starting to splash over a bit
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over the lip of the 72-foot spillway. from there it's a 200-foot drop down a narrow shaft into the creek below. o from that to paul. have you visited this? >> no. ãi would think you being the weather aficionado that you are3 >> i'd be kind of fascinated with the engineering of that overall, interesting looking strure. the only moisture we're tracking this evening is in the form of fog. we aren't seeing any looking over san jose, but the fog will be widespread starting the day on saturday and will give way to sunshine in the afternoon, close to normal temperatures tomorrow, on the positive side of average and warm sunday and monday. say will be the are going to drop down the other side of the temperature roller coasterthe rest of the last full week of apri looking outside from san francisco from the mark hopkins fog. temperatures are dropping off in the fog, 50s for most of
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us. fog will be widespre beginning the day tomorrow. futurecast, the fog shows up in br white with the duller gray indicating clouds farther up in the atmosphere. you can seehow much the bright white there is pushing well into the inland valleys early saturday morning. retreating out of the valleys quickly and backing up to and off the coast midday. afteoon to warm temperatures ormal start, a lot of 40s and low 50s by early tomorrow and morning. how much we warm up depends how fast the fog dissipates. where the fog temperatures will still be 5 to 7 degrees above average into the mid- to upper 70s in the santa clara valley, 77 degrees in san jose. the warm spot is anth up to 80 degrees. temperatures won't be nearly hat warm closer to the bay, 70s for fremont and redwood city, down the peninsula, low 70s, upper 50s along the coast and half moon bay. 59 is a couple degrees warmer n
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today. mid-60s in san francisco, upper 60s for oakland and north bay temperaturemaybe not quite as the bay area because the fog will be a bit more reluctant to back up out of the north bay valleys, but you'll be a few degrees above average. farther down the line let's look at the dog walking forecast orrow. an adoptabdog, mais being fostered by diane. he's available for adoption from oakland animal services, a senior pup but ll very active and the weather will be very agreeable for him to get out for a walk the pper 60s in oaklanif ching you're staying on the san francisco side of the bay, and will try to put this me - evening's game behind them quickly as possible, mid-60s, game time temperature just over 60 degrees at 1:00 p.m. now let's look farther down the line. the ten-day temperature outlookr san jose shows that warm-up sunday and monday at or above 80 degrees and then a big drop by tuesday and temperatures drop further, the
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coolest days thursand friday. that correspondwith a decent chance of showers. the dnt chance is about the ate april. it's only a 30% to 40% chance. if we see anything, it likely won't amount to more than a couple hundredths inch of rain. enjoy the warm weather while it lasts and then the temperature drop. the only day seven-day forecast is friday. technically that chance of rain will arrive by thursday night. it's just a chance of showers, far from a guarantee. temperatures will go up and down between now and then. the upand downs aren't quite as extreme around the bay or along very little che today by day temperatures along the coast. you are going to see more suine, less fog with the marine layer suppressed sunday and monday. then it's back with coastal drizzle,3 potentially kind of racing ad of that chance of sers, could see drizzle already by wednesday and thursday before the showers move in thursday night into
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friday. >> paul, thank you. located off one of the country's main islands where e closest international ere airport is currently closed, also. a hotel that went up in flames is as scary as the main aracter in a legenday hollywood thriller. ahead in sports, giants trying to win three games in a row the first time this season. the diamondhad other plas. plus the kings knocked the warriors out of the play-in tournament. could sacramento make the postseason themselves?
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in little league if the score goes really high, you kind of stop the game. >> call it right there. >> we don't call it in the major leagues. >> they get paid a lot of money to finish out those nine innings. a lot of fans pay good moneyou were here for friday night's giants game, they were trying to chase down a third strai win. they haven't done that yet this season. you won't like these highlis. rough night for bob and melvin in the orange and black against the diamondbacks. the giants even games at oracle park ts jorge oler launched ne in he% ts fourth. blake sell, top five gives up a two-run double. snell gave up five runs in 4
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uns this season. in the topf the eighth 11-1 and it gets opf worse. blaze alexander grand sla17-1 the final score. ave allowed in a game in almost five years. me in the a's were in cleveland facing the guardians. yo're thinking maybe the a's will do ter. great start for oakland. third pitch of the game abraham toro blasts one into the right field seats, gives the a's a quick 1-0 lead, but bottom five, 2-1 cleveland. fremont native steven kwan doublesto the right field corner and scores two runs, start of a five-run guardians inning. they go on to win 10-2. they these three days after knocking the warriors out of
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the playoff tournament, kings facing a pelicans team without three's versus the warriors, slims, leads to a breakaway k for marshall. new orleans 54-45 at the half. jump to the fourth, jose alvarad buries the three, pushing the 105-98 and eliminate s win - sacramento. pelicans face number one seeded oklahoma city in the first round. their star jimmy butler hosting the bullsmiami up 11 in the thirdyler herro behind-the-back pass to caleb martin, knocks the jumper. they nch the eighth seed. they they have to face boston and the celtics hafacing the heat in t post season. let's go back to the giants quickly. they had to gianing in that guy on the moun right here. that is their shotop, tyler fitzgerald. t's how out of hand things
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got. they didn't want to burn another reliever. let's put the shortstop in. this is the second time this season fitzgerald has had to pitch for the giants, not a hot start. >> bad, a waste of pap gosh. ♪ music, dancing, and a whole lot of history as the asian art museum of san francisco unveiled a new exhibition today featuring more than 100 chinese ifacts dating back two millennia. and the phoenix kingdoms exhibition includes bronzieces of textiles from two ancient chinese kingdoms located along the yangtze river. the displays include solid gold silverware. this movie uffs will robabl recognize this iconic oregon hotel. take a look.
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>> here's john >> all right. the timber lane lodge featured in "the shining" looked like a different kind of horror show when it caught fire last night. firefighters think embers from the fireplace sparked the flames. it spread through the attic and roof. fortunately, no one was hurt, but as you might imagine, the lodge will be out of commission until the damage is fixed. the hotel, which is east of portland, served as the exteriors for the overlook ing, the overlook hotel actually burdown at the end. spoiler alert. speaking of movies, when you hear about a truck heist, you might think of this. >> what did i hit?
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>> i don't have a hammer. just do >> it wasn't quite like this one, but philadelphia police say thieves attacked the driver of a refrierated trailer and made off with $30,000 wh of snow crab3 >> if the public sees anybody selling frozen snow crabs on random crab off the street 3- anyway. hopefully that visual of roadside crab didn't destroour appetite. restaurants are rolling out plenty of 4-20 specials to satisfy those munchie tell you about it when we come back.
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>>it is technically 4-20 and food is a very central part of the experience. plenty of people will have the munchies >> i wouldn't know. >> jimmy john's rolling out >> what s hat? bags. >> well, it)s not weed. >> it is the dime bag to be exac costs $10. some will get a chance to win 4-20merch as well. san jose this cheesy garlic notches and a 4-20 piz hot cheetos are also involved. you find yourself in more of a poultry type of head
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space. you guys like this? popeye's telling all of its chicken sandwiches for 4.20 each, get it? you can get four singleburgers for guess what? >> 20 bucks. >> at smash burger. >pretty good. >> i don't even smoke and all thasounds awesome. >> i know, same. >> this is so funny. i came from central texas. >> yes. >> culture shock. >> yeah, culture shock, that's right. ú>> it's all good. >> my wife grew up in rural tennessee. we got here and she's like oh. okay. >> culture shock. it's very >> cultue. shock. it's very on that note happy munching. >> be safe. >> have a blessed 4-20. >> have a blessed night. "the late show


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