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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  April 16, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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>> i believe in karma. thank you for joining us. let's get two new developments on the protest that caused massive gridlock across the bay area yesterday. >> inconveniencing hundreds of people. we now have more information on the repercussions. some of them spent the night in jail where supporters gathered today. the district attorney said she was not ready to file charges. they are now being released from custody. 26 people, facing a possibility of multiple misdemeanors and one felony charge of conspiracy to commit a crime. these are the people being prosecuted from
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blocking the golden gate bridge. they were calling for a cease-fire yesterday. several stopped their vehicles and chained themselves. today the district 's attorney said the investigation continues into who didn't want. she wants to make sure the proper charges are yet to come. >> i understand people are passionate about issues and may need a venue and a vehicle. they have to express their views in a way that is safe to the public. we are not going to allow people to endanger members of the community. >> anyone that was caught up in the traffic jam, you can contact chp and you might be eligible for restitution payments. a protest outside of google headquarters. people that work at google or say they do are speaking out against project nimbus which is a cloud
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computing contract with the israeli military and government. they say is using ai to streamline the threat of apartheid and violence and it is a matter of health and safety. >> we have had some resign citing that it was the main concern for their poor mental health and the reason they had to leave google. >> we reached out for comment and have not yet heard back. back to the protesters and the charges they are facing. what we talked about was in town francisco. the protesters that shut down 880 will be a separate case. two san francisco county jails are unlocked out facing visits, programs and services on hold. it is because of a spike in alleged attacks on staff members. the lockdowns
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went into effect over the weekend at the jail in downtown san francisco and sam brunelle. the union is calling for help from the national guard. the sheriff's office said in less than a month, nine staff members have been attacked by inmates. they believe low staffing is contributing to the increase in violence. the sheriff's department said they believe the up tick is due to overcrowding. they missed a motion to seal proceedings in the case of scott peterson. it is the first of three hearings to overturn the murder convictions. he appeared remotely through zoom while he remains in a state prison in amador county. peterson was convicted for killing his wife lacey and their unborn son in 2002. the innocence project
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recently took up his case and they say key evidence was ignored. there was new testing on evidence from 20 years ago. >> let's say the materials are tested for dna and lacey peterson's dna are on some of the materials. that would give rise for a basis for a motion for a new trial. >> the motion for postconviction testing is scheduled for may 29 and the third motion for trial discovery scheduled for july 19. they are offering a $150,000 report for answers. and how premier regents in union city. the mail carrier was taken to the hospital with minor injuries.
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p3 people behind bars in connection to a shooting in napa . two women were killed during the confrontation. it all began with a loud argument followed by gunfire. they were able to track the suspects with the help of the community. the investigation is still open. it outlines the commitment to reducing climate emissions and transforming infrastructure. some of it is low emission societies by 2050 and advancing opportunities for energy production and sharing new technology. >> the bold leadership and economic strength and political vision will find no better partner in the universe for the journey ahead.
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>> it already made the carbon footprint smaller. they are highlighting the people trying to protect the planet and inhabitants. today a look at the species threatened with extinction. >> they are easy to find on a sunny day. coming out, the devastating impact of climate change and what may be in store for the future. the effort to recall the district attorney will be decided by the voters. the campaign submitted enough signatures to qualify. they are demanding a special election as soon as possible.
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this year has seen major improvements. homicides are down for by 50%. burglaries including harboring cancer down by nearly as much. >> reporter: save alameda collected 120,000 signatures. 50,000 were disqualified. they still met the threshold for a recall. they say they are confident voters will be on their side. >> we have the right to hire you but are also the people that can fire you. apartment that was the message as the group announced a monumental step in the effort to remove
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pamela price from her position. enough signatures were verified to initiate the recall. >> one over what we needed would be fine. >> reporter: she is not concerned about the signatures that were invalid. many of them were disqualified because the person did not list their occupation. now the focus is getting a special election. >> it is directly affecting the crime. they are not prosecuting to the full extent. >> reporter: overall crime is down. violent crime is up 10%. >> i can't grieve. >> it has been 2.5 years since virginia's husband was shot and killed. that was instead
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of processing the death. >> a reminder of what happened and how they speak of it. >> it is this he deserved to be shot. >> these guys are criminals . they have been imprisoned and been in jail. they have done violent things. >> they believe the recall is illegal. >> the signatures must be counted in 10 days. they also say some signatures were collected by non-alameda county residents.
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>> the need to schedule an election at the april 30 meeting. it also said the election will have to happen no more than 125 days from that meeting. november will be too late . having the election sooner is essential. >> and other cases as well that we give justice for our loved ones. >> voters will be able to vote for the replacement d.a. at that time as well. disturbing revelations about a major u.s. airline. the complaint from the pilots union. we are seeing the walls get squeezed down. the supreme court finally ending a years long battle over a bay area woman's homemade buddhist temple. less than two hours from the elimination game. they
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begin the push for another world title. plenty of sunshine. high clouds out there to filter the sunshine. we are not done climbing. details on how long this will last.
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a live look at the golden 1 center where the warriors and kings about two square off. the loser will have the off-season to stew over the defeat. you won't be able to hear yourself think in just a few hours. >> he has done live shots from the floor so many times. somebody's season is going to
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and. they love the giants mbas. >> forgot it. >> they beat the crap out of us. >> the rivalry is heated. >> he knows how to do that. >> he thinks is a cinderella team. they are the lowest seed in the last. >> it is the most fun time of the year.
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>> a better chance of making the push. >> it is not an official record. >> i really don't care. i hate the fact that there is a history. >> the stats disappear. >> if i have a terrible coaching job and completely screw up, at least it invisible. >> people ask who is going to win . it just makes sense. >> they usually deliver when it
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mattered the most. >> there will be drama. hopefully we will see the warriors live to play another day. >> they always perform so well. >> get ready for the cowbells. oakland's newest baseball team could be one step closer to making improvements to their new home. there is a meeting to discuss a plan to invest $1.6 million into the site. it would be allowed to add a new scoreboard, update the field and include seating for 2500 fans. the fire department had a chance to show off the most
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effective tool in locating missing people. >> take a look. >> it is the disaster search k-9, demonstrating how fast they could deploy and locate missing people. >> the canines can also help crews find where to look for survivors and where there are dead-end at potentially saving valuable time and lives. >> it is a real expansion to the capabilities to deliver our mission to protect the lives of the people of san francisco. there are four search k-9's ready for deployment. serious demolition repairs coming soon , following damages from the past storms . repairs
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are expected to cost the city around $2.5 million. the damage is so severe, the city have to demolish a popular restaurant that's been out the worst since 1963. they are hopeful it will fully reopen soon. >> it seems like a really good space to get together. a lot of people come here to check out this one space. >> let's check in with paul hagan. it seems like every week for the past few weeks we talk about incoming rain and cold. not anymore. >> we are so ready. hopefully the rain is mostly done. >> we are going to see a return or at least some chances. that is beyond the scope . more of a trend outlook than anything else. we will get into it
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momentarily. the big picture pattern will send the warm air. a hill of enemy atmosphere that centered to the south. we are not completely cloud free. those are just on the move. while the big pattern shifts as we hit the end of the week , we will be running above average around the bay , all the way through the weekend. the exception will be right along the coast where the influence will be stronger. there is the passing cloud cover. gray indicates the clouds way up in the atmosphere that filter the son. more substantial clouds headed our way on thursday but no moisture no green. plenty of sunshine for most of the bay area. all that cloud cover along the coast, the marine layer will be more established. outside there is high cloud cover making for a spectacular
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sunset as the clouds reflect the last rays. temperatures are warm. warmer than this tomorrow. only dropping to the 40s and 50s. temperatures will drop a bit more. temperature in the mid 60s. just a bit cooler than now. 50s by the time things are wrapping up. temperatures dropping off to a greater extent. these numbers a few degrees above average. high temperatures tomorrow, look where we end up into the low 80s. 82 in san jose and 83 in morgan hill. that will be the warm spot. at least around 80 degrees in upper 70s for fremont. on the coast, not as
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warm. mid-60s and half moon bay. it could be called along the coast. 70 for oakland and inland in the north day, reaching to the mid to upper 70s. the pollen count will continue to climb as we see the warm weather sticking around. medium-high category for several days. we might have a chance to wash that stuff out of the atmosphere. it does show a chance of wetter than normal conditions. that would be accompanied by a return to cooler than average temperature. here is a look at the seven day. mid to upper 70s through the weekend. it is
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one week from today. several days of unusual mid to late april wants to go. upper 62 around 70 through the weekend. along the coast, that is where we miss out on the warm weather. 60s tomorrow and around 60 through the weekend with more cloud cover is that marine layer will be much more established thursday into thursday night. up next, the supreme court may toss out charges against hundreds of defendants accused of storming the capitol. why the case hinges on a statute created in the wake of the scandal. more trouble for tesla. problems sending
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seven jurors have been seated in the first ever criminal trial of a former u.s. president. donald trump is facing 34 felony counts related to hush money payments to stormy daniels. prosecutors say it was his attempt to cover-up an alleged affair ahead of the election. trunk denied any wrongdoing. opening arguments could begin as early as monday. >> the supreme court is weighing in on a case that could impact hundreds of defendants in the attack on the capitol . it would determine whether an obstruction law could be used to prosecute some of the rioters. >> reporter: the supreme court is considering whether prosecutors charged more than
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350 people at the january 6 capitol riot with felony obstruction of an official proceeding. that includes former pennsylvania police officer, joseph fisher .'s lawyer argued that the government is using the obstruction statute as a dragnet. >> until the prosecutions, section 1512 c- two , had never been used to prosecute anything other than evidence tampering. >> there is no question that fisher and other defendants obstructed the process to count electoral votes. >> it encompasses conduct. >> they probed the scope of the statute and if it could be used to criminalize other conduct. >> with a heckler qualify at
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the state of the union address. men for 20 years in prison. >> more than 100 rioters were convict to. if the court sides with fisher it would lead to trials or lighter sentences. donald trump faces the same charge and special counsel jack smith's upcoming subversion case. a small group of rioters convict it under the law have already been released. depending on how the supreme court rules, the sentences could be reinstated. the decision not to hear the case means a woman must take down her unpermitted buddhist temple on her property. >> it was deemed the temple a fire hazard suing the city accusing them of ethnic and
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religious discrimination. the judge ruled that she failed to prove it. the city said they are pleased with the decision and intended to continue taking action against illegally construct structures. 1 million species on planet earth are threatened with extinction. how climate change is forcing a creature out of the west coast habitat. we anticipate they will be entirely extinct by next year. they may be already . another major airline under the microscope . a new memo revealing a surge in safety problems. stack cough and congestion and feelin
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