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tv   CBS News Bay Area Afternoon Edition  CBS  April 12, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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- [narrator] behold the new churro twists at round table pizza, our most decadent dessert, baked in a flurry of cinnamon sugar and paired with a sumptuous caramel dip. an odyssey of flavor just- - enough fine words. this feast cannot wait! - right. available for a limited time only at round table pizza. from cbs news bay area, this is the afternoon edition. right now on the afternoon edition, a desperate search for a child who went missing in the russian river in sonoma county. thank you for joining us this afternoon. i'm anne makovec in for ryan yamamoto. it has been
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nearly 20 hours since the child was reported missing. crews went back out there early this morning after calling off the search last night. they are combing through the waters right now near steelhead beach in forestville. this all started yesterday just before 5:00 in the evening when deputies got a call of two kids who needed to be rescued. when they got there my, deputies say one of them was out of the water but the second child was believed to be swept away. a dive team is using underwater drones right now to help with the search but deputies say the conditions are making it extremely difficult. >> you got a lot of water in the river right now. the water is moving quickly. it is swift. there was a lot of debris from the winter. you have to be careful with that. with that much water in that much turbulence, it kicks up stuff off the bottom which makes visibility really difficult. a lot of times you could be underwater and not be able to see more than a foot in front of your face. napa has an rov,
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which is like a robe operated vehicle underwater that can help with the search. >> crews will be out there until sundown. several law enforcement agencies are now helping in that search. turning to our weather now. taking a live look outside across the bay area. get ready because a cold storm is expected to sweep across the region, bringing chilly temperatures and rain this weekend. let's get over to meteorologist jessica burch. >> it is a dry day throughout the bay area but we are gearing up for some rain gearing up late tonight, early tomorrow morning. ahead of that, we will see clouds in the forecast. it is not until midnight tonight where we see the first band of rain impacting the bay area near san francisco, stretching up into the north bay with some heavier pockets of rain isolated in the center of that first band. watching the storm track off into the east into the early morning hours tomorrow, many of us will be sleeping during this time but it is worth noting if you are
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an early riser on the weekend, you will be dealing with really active weather. here we go all the way into the afternoon hours. notice how the first band moves off into the sierra and we are left with some hit or miss showers around 1:00. this is a pretty impressive storm, giving us over half inch of rain throughout the bay area. we will continue to watch more showers develop into the evening hours tomorrow night, getting us over an inch throughout the coastal areas and then it moves its way to the south, heading into our sunday forecast. drier conditions are expected once we head into our monday forecast next week. it will be a breezy one. wind speeds today anywhere up to around 30 miles per hour along the coast as the winds sweep in from the south. it will be breezy. it will be wet and it will be cool for us as we head into this afternoon. today, 60s for our daytime highs near livermore and fremont. tomorrow, down into the 50s. san jose, stretching all the way down to not be an big events happening this weekend in san francisco's chinatown. the city night market returns tonight. shawn chitnis caught up with some of
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the vendors preparing for the huge crowds in a neighborhood eager for more visitors to support local businesses. >> a strong showing in march for the first night market of the year in san francisco's chinatown. organizers hope to see large crowds again in april and the rest of this year. >> it is important because the traffic in chinatown is being slow . >> max huang vely new business in the neighborhood. they opened four years ago and had a rough start because of the pandemic. while 2023 was a decent year, they need to see more customers come through these streets this year. >> we need people, tourists to come to chinatown to eat, to shop, to consume. >> another vendor participating in the night market is the family behind gourmet kitchen and house of dim sum, restaurants that have been in chinatown for years.
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>> the night market is very good for the community. it will bring more people to chinatown. >> even for more established businesses, the impact of the pandemic is still making it tough for them to keep going in the current economy. >> after covid, it is a little bit tough. a lot of changing like the footpath. it is hard to hire people . it is challenging. >> vendors and community leaders hope the night market once again helps to showcase the cuisine and culture of chinatown, attracting more people to come out and keep returning back to the neighborhood. one way to ensure the survival of an a central business district in the city. expect the environment, the buildings, the decorations. it is very close to home. we think it is very attached to us. >> it is a place that means so much to families new and old, who want to preserve a piece of home they get to enjoy each day in san francisco. >> the night market starts at 5:30 tonight and goes until 9:00 p.m. and you will find more than 25 vendors between
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sacramento and jackson. in oakland, first fridays is back tonight after a three-month delay. stretch of telegraph avenue will be free of cars from 5:00 to 9:00 tonight with a popular arts and community celebration. to antioch now. the city has 115,000 people and 39 police officers walking the beat. that is following a racist texting scandal that put nearly half the department on leave. they are left with one officer for every 3000 people. to give you some perspective, the antioch statistic is five times more people than an officer in oakland is responsible for. san francisco and san jose also have tighter race heels and all of those department say they need help too. andrea nakano takes a look at what people in antioch are doing until more officers can be hired. >> david work sent jj aquarium in oldtown antioch. he says he feels safe with his pup but businesses are continually getting hit by thieves.
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>> it has been a big struggle here with our neighbors being broken into a few times, the back door being kicked in and local law enforcement don't have any access or capability to help us. >> the antioch police department is short 35 sworn officers, according to mayor lemar hernandez-thorpe. of the 80 officers, only 39 are on patrol. residents say the worst part is that the criminals are fully aware the police department is understaffed. >> they know. they know when there is cops out. they know where the cops are and where they are not and they take advantage. >> mayor hernandez-thorpe says at least on patrol, the department is only one officer short but it is the investigative and traffic divisions where the shortage is noticeable. he says 20 candidates have been higher since he started offering a $30,000 incentive program but they still have to get through the police academy. >> we just don't feel safe. we
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just need more officers and i don't see that happening anytime soon. >> for now, antioch has hired private security officers to patrol the downtown area, plus residents have noticed chp officers pitching in, especially to put the brakes on sideshows popping up in town. residents realize change may not come as fast as they had hoped but david is not giving up on antioch. >> different little things give me hope, especially there is still officers here in antioch that do care about the community and i feel like they got rid of a lot of the bad stuff. >> right now, there is no timeline on when those officers could be back on patrol. still ahead at noon and streaming on cbs news bay area, a longtime san francisco bar is moving across the bay. why they say it could save them from having to shut down for good. >> i was surprised. i am not surprised because business has
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been bad. >> later, here is a way to catch somebody's attention. we meet a woman from california looking for love by putting up billboard ads. >> i have been single for 30 years. do you think you could be faster on this one? hi, i'm greg. i live in bloomington, illinois. i'm not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, "why should i take prevagen? i don't have a problem with my memory." memory loss is, is not something that occurs overnight.
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i started noticing subtle lapses in memory. i want people to know that prevagen has worked for me. it's helped my memory. it's helped my cognitive qualities. give it a try. i want it to help you just like it has helped me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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>ryan>oakland. oakland airport is one step closer to adding san francisco bay to its name. oakland sport commission approved the name change tonight with the second
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and final vote set for next month. they say it will help put oakland on the map, attracting more travelers and flight routes. san francisco plans to file a lawsuit, claiming the name change would infringe on sfo's trademark. a longtime san francisco business is saying goodbye to the city and moving to a new location across the bay in oakland. staff members tell jose martinez that the customers are not coming to them anymore so they are going to their customers. >> it has been 16 years since the monk's kettle started selling craft beer on 16th street in the mission but now, yomo daweu, the manager, says it is time to say goodbye. >> i am pretty sad to be leaving, actually. the way that the business has been going in the mission these days with the media doom loop cycle and the perpetuation of that and then the out blocks of people from this area in particular has made the foot traffic dive a
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quarter of what it was. >> he has been a manager here for the last three years and says in an attempt to save the business, they decided to move to oakland , basically chasing the customers. >> all the customers that used to live here, all of our regulars and stuff that used to live here, all of the artists, all of the musicians and stuff all moved to oakland because it is so much cheaper. they are pushed out because of -- now that they left, the rent is still up. >> one of those regular customers is christian lester, a teacher who lives in saint carlos but has been coming here a few times a week since they opened in 2007. >> i was surprised. not surprised, because business has been bad. there has been times where we are the only people here. yomo has three customers in a day or something thomas something ridiculous. i feel sad for that.
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>> especially because he likes the new location in oakland's rockridge neighborhood. >> the neighborhood there is really growing. there is a lot of -- five times the foot traffic that there is there. a very vibrant area. >> for now, they're going to keep serving there until june while getting ready to open the doors to a new place in oakland this fall. transit in and out of big sur is highly limited as work continues to shore up on highway 1. for more than a week now, only limited convoys of traffic have been allowed in and out of the area. caltrans officials say they have plans to install permanent signal light, allowing around-the-cloc k traffic but before that can happen, crews have to complete stabilization work on the roadway. residents, the full reopening of highway 1 cannot
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come soon enough. >> it will be good, better than not being able to be home and getting into town when you need to. people are hurting down there. >> caltrans has not given a timeframe for when the work will be finished but officials say it is a top priority. taking a live look outside across the bay, you can see alcatraz there in the middle, clearest now but it sounds like the clouds are building. let's check in with meteorologist jessica burch. >> an area of low pressure is moving its way into the california coastline tonight and that is bringing heavy showers and gusty conditions and a lot cooler temperatures into our forecast. let's dive straight into it. we are going to continue to see lingering showers all throughout the bay area, tapering off into sunday night, just getting ready for our next workweek on monday with drier conditions. as we time the storm out, it is interesting. if you are thinking of heading to
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chinatown tonight for the night market, if you want to go over to oakland for first friday, you are in luck. it is not until around midnight where we start to see the rain in those areas and it will get heavier through the early morning hours tomorrow. this is a really cold system. it will bring in snow to the higher elevated areas like mount hamilton and mount diablo. we will get 1 inch of rain up in the north bay. we will continue to watch more showers develop into the evening hours tomorrow night as that area of low pressure starts to decay and move its way inland. we see a similar trend but it will be more isolated to the south bay. the rest of us in the bay area will see drier conditions heading into our monday forecast. it will be a breezy one for us this afternoon just ahead of the cold front which means winds from the south into the evening hours tonight, up to around 35 miles per hour. big changes right around the corner for us. let's take a look at our daytime highs. yesterday we were talking about 80s off into
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the east bay. today we are replacing that with 60s into concord and antioch , 60s near livermore. the only place it is heading the 70s is san jose. watch what happens for our friends near san jose and the rest of our inland areas. a cold front is moving its way in by tomorrow. windy conditions, cool conditions. to add to that, tomorrow is the day to hunker down and grabbed the umbrella. hold on tight for sunday too but luckily it starts to warm up and dry up into next week. by late two next week, we are right back to the 80s. forget about finding your own dna, you can now get to know your pets even better. why more people are dna testing their furry friends. you can watch us anytime, anywhere on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. you can catch news and weather updates throughout the day. you can find us on the free cbs news app, just go down to bay area, or find us on pluto tv.
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( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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there has been a big boost in the number of people testing their dna to find out more about their ancestry. there is also a lot of people who are doing the same thing for their pets. elise preston explains. >> like many dogs, one-year-old reese loves to play fetch. >> she is part border collie. >> reese was rescued last year. >> why do you want to get her tested? >> i feel like it will tell me more about her and her
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personality and why she does certain things that she does and maybe give her more insight. >> ever wonder what makes your dog, well, your dog? >> ancestry, long known for its human dna testing, recently launched a product called know your pet dna. brian donnelly helped develop ancestry products which retail for about $80. >> all it is is a swab. you will swab the inside of your dog's cheek. >> pet dna testing is booming. owners, vets and breeders that more than $220 million on it in 2022. >> it is expected to grow exponentially. why do you think that is? >> there is a thing about pets where they are special. they are a part of their family. over 50% of the people consider pets part of the family. >> dr. lisa moses, a veterinarian and bioethicist at harvard medical school says the science of pet dna testing may not add up. >> if your goal is figuring out what breed of dog you have,
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then i think that they are fun and useful. the problem is, we don't really have a specific idea of what a breed is genetically. there is no real way to say that tests tell you much of anything that is something other than just for fun. >> fun is watching her puppy grow. >> i just want to make sure that she is living the best life she can, that she is happy. >> we could tell that even without a test. coming up next, a northern california woman is looking for love in high places. the eye-catching billboard she hopes will land her a date.
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coming up at 3:00, we know about recycling cans, bottles and paper but what about some of the other things that you're
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not quite sure how to dispose of? and project earth, we are looking at an innovative service that is filling the recycling gap. it is a unique approach to dating, to say the least. linda howard lives in paradise up in butte county and she says it has been tough for her to find love. she put up these billboards looking for dates for her and her friends. this ad does have a list of requirements that includes somebody who makes her laugh and you cannot be boring. >> i think god can control our lives. i have been single for 34 years so you would think you would be faster on this one. i just want a good friend to go and laugh with and send him home when i get bored with him. i get bored easily. >> this new billboard will only be up in april but she does plan to put up more in the future. she gets bored. she will have to keep putting them up. new inventory. that is it for the afternoon editio
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[ dramatic music ] >> steffy: finn, this makes no sense. >> finn: no, i know. it's completely insane, but you should have seen deacon. he's really shaken up about it. he-- he believes it. >> steffy: wait, he seriously thinks... deacon thinks that sheiht


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