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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 530pm  CBS  April 11, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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right now at 5:30, a developing battle over the biden administration's new plan to restrict gun sales, today's announcement drawing immediate criticism from republicans. a major new conservation effort to our north, the potential expansion of the berryessa snow mountain national monument. and the family of o.j. simpson has announced the former football star has died at age 76. the san francisco native achieved fame on the gridiron and on the big screen, but that was, of course, eclipsed by his 1995 acquittal in the brutal killings of his ex-wife and her friend. the
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trial made celebrities out of the defense and prosecution teams, the judge and even the witnesses, including kato kaelin, who was living in simpson's guest house at the time of the killings. >> i wish to express my love and compassion to the goldmans, to fred and to kim. i hope you find closure and finally, to the family of the beautiful nicole brown simpson. may we always cherish her memories. nicole was a beacon of light that burned bright. >> joining us live to discuss simpson's lasting impact on american society, it's multifaceted, is professor nolan higdon from cal state east bay. can you give us a sense how big of a deal this case became? >> oh, yeah. this was, you know, a massive cultural event. not only were news media paying
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attention to every detail from the discovery of the murder to the charges and trial, but the citizenry was paying attention constantly. i believe there were some commentators who said the night o.j. simpson was running from police in his white bronco, they saw a huge spike in people ordering delivery food. people didn't want to stop to cook. they wanted to watch the chase. i can remember being a young student and me and the entire school were brought into the library so we could watch the verdict. this was a huge cultural moment that captured the country at that time. >> yeah. since then we've seen the expansion of things like court tv. can you tell us how this case changed the way the u.s. media covers high profile trials and really how the american public follows them. >> absolutely. o.j. simpson had quite a bit of fame from his success in football and the entertainment industry and films, commercials, and broadcasting. so there was a lot of attention already paid
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to him prior to this and the fact the court allowed the cameras in there to give insight to the entire trial meant the public could watch the trial. it became something to watch, must see tv how it was presented and after the trial a lot of those in the entertainment industry realized you could take people with some level of fame and put them in an otherwise normal situation and audiences would tune in. there you have the birth of reality television coming off the o.j. simpson trial. >> yeah, absolutely. as real as you can get when it comes to court cases. the trial did lead to some racial divisions. what can you tell us about why this case sparked such strong feelings among simpson supporters and also his opponents? >> like any other historical event, it happened in a very important context. it was just a matter of years after the beating of rodney king and the subsequent trial of the officers who were charged with
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beating him and the riots that happened afterwards. racial tensions were already high in the country in general and los angeles in particular and a lot of that was the context in which people saw the o.j. simpson trial here again where a white police officer is prosecuting an african american defendant. for some folks this was seen as racial oppression coming from police and that sort of gave a lot of context for how people viewed the trial. >> yeah. of course, he is accused of killing two white people, all interesting context. professor nolan higdon, we appreciate your insight. taking a live look at the white house where there are plans to close the so-called gun show loophole and that is sparking some backlash from republicans on capitol hill. the new rules would expand background checks for those who buy firearms at gun shows or online. the new action stems from the bipartisan safer communities act passed by
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congress after 2022's deadly mass shooting at robb elementary in uvalde, texas, but lead republicans on that legislation say the new rule goes too far. >> we were bipartisan. they're bipartisan hacks and this will be used as an example of why they don't trust an administration to do it in the future. it will take 20 years to recover from this crap. >> under this regulation it will not matter if guns are sold on the internet, at a gun show, or at a brick and mortar store. >> nearly 80,000 licensed gun dealers are already required to run background checks, but this change means an estimated 23,000 currently unlicensed sellers will have to do the same. two national monuments in california will soon see major expansions. "the washington post" is reporting president biden plans to make some executive action to expand the borders of the san gabriel mountains national monument near los angeles and the berryessa snow mountain
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national monument north of the bay area. the president is hoping those expansions will bolster his conservation record and increase nature access for latino and low income communities in east l.a. an announcement could come this earth day, april 22nd. remember the dixie fire a few years ago that burned nearly 1 million acres of land in northern california? the owner of the collins almendor forest are newing pg&e for damage up to $200,000 saying the fire destroyed up to 55,000 acres of their land and caused a number of injuries on their property. that fire started when a high risk tree fell onto a pg&e energy igniting that 963,000-acre fire that took more than 100 days to put out. pg&e told us it is aware of the lawsuit, but that the company has not been served yet. major sticker shock for california drivers as gas prices are soaring in the state
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according to aaa. the last eight weeks prices in california have increased 70 cents per gallon. here's a look what we're paying now around the bay area. industry experts say there's a few reasons why there's been such a spike, citing california having its own blend of gas, high taxes and refinery maintenance curbing supply. aaa says the national average is up 22 cents since last month. after a crackdown on street sales, vendors are on the move once again, why a sanctioned site for vendors is shutting down. >> it's heartbreaking given the fact there's been a ban put into place preventing folks from being able to sit on the street and burning money in a space that hasn't been properly marketed. plus a bay area man has a special gift for the paramedics responsible for
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this van just hit me out of nowhere. i thought i was dead. after the accident, i was in a lot of pain and i decided that i needed to get an attorney because i could not work. i called jacoby & meyers they had their own dream team for every need, every area. they took care of me like a queen. i would recommend you call jacoby & meyers they really went to bat for me.
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taking a live look at san francisco where vendors in the mission district were banned from selling their wares on the street four months ago. there has been a state near the 24th street b.a.r.t. center for legal vendors to set up shop, but customers never showed up. >> reporter: rodrigo lopez is packing up his stall after eight hours of work making at least $65. before the mission street vending ban took effect in november, he would have made more like 250 on a typical day. >> for us nothing surprises me anymore. >> reporter: now he and other permitted vendors forced off the street are getting word that they'll have to move again later this month. the city is shutting down the area april 21st. >> a lack of foot traffic in this area. the location is kind of in the middle of mission street between the two plazas.
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so you have fewer people getting on and off the bus at b.a.r.t. they're walking by this location. so they came together with us. we've been communicating with the vendors association and decided it was not worth the resources the city was putting into it and that we should close this site and use the resources to help vendors in a different way. >> reporter: that will leave la placita at 24th and capp as a last option for vendors doing things by the book. >> we don't really know if it's going to be better place for us, going to be more foot traffic, more sales. at this point we don't know. >> reporter: kevin ortiz with the latinx democratic club has been working alongside the vendors and said this particular experiment has been a waste of basically everybody's time and money. >> it's heartbreaking given the fact there's been a ban put into place preventing folks from being able to sell on the street and earning money in a space that hasn't been properly marketed. >> reporter: rodrigo says
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he's going to keep working here for now and analyze his options before making a decision. >> once i find out how it's going to be, the new housing, new place. >> reporter: you'll wait until the 21st. >> i'm going to wait until maybe the 21st, 25th and see how everything goes and maybe i decide and i can say i'm going to choose to sell in la placita. san francisco's controversial bike lane experiment along valencia street is facing even more legal challenges. last year the city moved bike lanes along the busy corridor to the middle of the road trying to cut down on traffic accidents, but local merchants say the change has been bad for business, diverting traffic and reducing parking. now more businesses are filing legal claims against the city. >> it has diverted traffic. it has made parking less available and valencia street is now a shadow of what it was and it's worsening every day.
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>> a report from the city released in february showed the change had brought a major drop in traffic violations. straight ahead in sports, the warriors, a chance to strengthen their status in the conference run for the playoffs. and the 2024 edition of the masters is here. in fact, the first round is sort of in the books.
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we are hours away from another rainstorm. i don't know. dare i say it could be the final one of the season, darren? >> don't say that. you know you'll jinx it. going through mid-april, anne, it's totally reasonable to say that but you really can't at this point. i don't see anything for like the next ten days after this. in one sense that's good if you're kind of getting tired of these. let's take in this day for a moment because we did hit an important point in the day. official daytime highs have just come in and we've got them on the virtual map. this is uncanny like summer. san francisco did not get to 70 officially today. there was just enough of an onshore breeze that was coming in through the golden gate that it really did have kind of a minor summer-like influence because it was in the 60s here. look what it was in concord, 83 degrees over there. the number
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in livermore, 83 degrees and the south bay 84 degrees in los gatos. so this was the top. it's downhill from here. daytime highs by saturday as we looked at earlier in the newscast, just about everybody in the upper 50s for daytime highs. let's look at this system. we'll get the visualization on how this storm is put together with the cold air because we're going to get a light dusting of snow on mount hamilton saturday from this. you can see the big pool of blue coming our way between now and saturday. we just watched from thursday afternoon into saturday the transition. look at the big batch of warm air that's still over there while we get overtaken by this. to show you the system with a little more detail like the actual rain in it, we go to the wide picture and you can watch this come together, beautifully wound up area of low pressure, makes a hard left turn and makes a direct hit coming right at us. to get a little more detail, we could see rain as early as friday night late if you're in the north bay. the
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friday night showers wouldn't be much. it's saturday morning when this system really delivers the goods and it's like technically really early like midnight to like 6:00 a.m. so the majority of rain that will fall from this will happen before sunrise on saturday. that's not the only time it's going to rain. it's just when the most widespread steady stuff will be here. saturday morning it's quite wet. we'll get about a half inch to three-quarters inch of rain just from that period. by sunrise that is a pretty good looking batch of snow over mount hamilton, a little more in the north bay. i don't want to give you the impression there's going to be a lot of snow up there, but it should be enough snow level gets down to around 3,000 feet perhaps. then the second phase of this after sunrise when the widespread steady rain saturday kind of lets up, we find ourselves looking at on again, off again showers with occasional thunderstorms mixed in. it's like i could reboot that whole message in my brain from the
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last six weeks and replay that same sentence. it's the exact same scenario that we've had. there is a chance for some isolated thunderstorms, particularly going into saturday afternoon and then there's still a leftover shower here. let's go to the wide view to watch this thing exit sunday. we can't take rain out of the forecast sunday, but sunday doesn't look like much. it's just leftover showers, but yes, technically you could still get some rain on sunday, but it's going to be way more salvageable for your weekend than saturday will be, especially saturday morning. there's that seven-day. if you're looking for the next warm-up, we're going back to the mid-70s by the middle of next week and full circle to anne's question, no rain in the next seven and looking past that i don't see any for ten days beyond that. >> thanks, darren. time for a check on what is ahead at 6:00. let's switch over to juliette goodrich. >> thank you. before he was a murder defendant in one of the biggest tv spectacles in history, he called san francisco home. a
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former friend of the simpson family reflects on the o.j. before the infamy and his complicated legacy. plus salmon season canceled the second year in a row on the california coast, what it means for local fishermen who depend on it for their livelihoods, all that coming up at 6:00. let's go to vern and sports. >> we got the nba up top and the warriors running at the trail blazers tonight, just three games left of the regular season, all of them important for conference playoff seeding purposes. no draymond green or klay thompson tonight. gary payton ii status questionable, moving pictures on "the late show." the dubs could use his defense, big blocks like this at the lakers the reason why warriors have locked up a spot in the play-in tournament just a half game back of l.a. for the ninth seed and now own that tiebreaker. eighth seed is still in play, just one game back of sacramento. the kings
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own that tiebreaker. brandin podziemski sizes it up this way. >> anybody in the league would rather have an 18 over the 19. you get two cracks at it to win one game. frankly, we're better on the road than at home. if we played the eighth seed, i think we can get it done. we're trying to sneak it to the eighth seed because it's right in front of us. baseball, the giants were off today. they travel to tampa to kick off a six-game east coast road trip. high fives in the a's dugout and why not? getaway game at the rangers, pick it up second inning and the first time this season i get to say downtown seth brown, his first homer for the year getting the a's on the board and that's all pitcher jp sears would need. he had a no-hitter broken up in the seventh inning when adolis garcia got through. he
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went 6 1/3 innings. a's win the game 1-0. their record is 5-8. they return home to host the nationals friday. to golf, the 88th masters front and center and i wonder if a lot of folks called in sick today. all sees were on this guy, tiger woods, and many questioned if he would make the cut this weekend. so far, so good today, made it look easy with a birdie on the first hole, got the crowd into it from the jump. tiger woods has a short game. his shot at 11. he's still got it. his round cut short due to a weather delay this morning. he's in the mix tied for 17th, 1 under through 13 holes. scottie scheffler out of the cat box, heavy favorite this week because of shot like that, made birdie, scheffler 6 under one back of the lead chasing bryson dechambeau, long look for birdie at 17. he birdied his first three holes and did not
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look back in his morning round, carded 7 under 65, the sole leader after day one. they'll pick it back up early tomorrow morning. anne, i can't say too much, but i can't wait for tomorrow. you know why? we have a round of the masters unlike anybody has ever seen before right here on kpix. that will be tomorrow. chew on that one. >> i've heard some previews. people will want to check that out. thanks, vern. coming up, a man in the east bay gets a chance to come face to face wi
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why do i care about paper so much? because my life and career were built on them. auditions, headshots, boxed wine... i mean, the least i can do is keep it around. [angelic sound] see, she gets it. ethan! empty, flatten, then recycle. i'm a papertarian, sue me. and you can recycle those papers too. let's go gary! [ struggling ] ok. what, you don't get fan mail?
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a man in the east bay is getting a chance to show his gratitude to the first responders who saved his life, our andrea nakano on his special reunion and the heros who gave him a second chance. >> reporter: there were hugs and tears at falck headquarters in livermore, a truly emotional moment for paramedic dave raymond. >> it was important for me to come back to you guys. >> reporter: this was the first time a patient stopped by to say thank you. >> i've been in this job 32 years and guess what, you're the first, to be able to have that opportunity to say that. >> i can't express the joy
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that i feel in knowing that i get to talk to you. >> appreciate it. >> reporter: raymond and emt jason vera helped safe jeff harrington's life roughly five months ago. the 53-year-old went into cardiac arrest and game very close to leaving his wife and their two kids, just 12 and 13, behind. >> i was dead for 20 minutes and i came back. they don't get gratitude. they don't get it enough. i recognized that and i needed to be here to thank them. >> reporter: harrington is a former b.a.r.t. police officer. he knew he had a heart condition, but admits he didn't take the best care of his health, but after getting a second chance to watch his kids grow up, he's not taking anything for granted anymore. >> their efforts mean something to me. their efforts mean i'm taking full advantage of the moment that my life span's going to be way longer than it would have been because i'm living better and just taking advantage of the beautiful gift
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they gave me from their hard work. >> reporter: as an ex-military officer dave raymond gave harrington a challenge coin as a symbol of the bond these men will share the rest of their lives. >> speechless, grateful and hope people learn it takes a team and we're just part of it. >> reporter: that team gave one of the most valuable gifts of all, these first responders saying it's just part of their jobs. >> it doesn't make a difference who you are, what you believe, in the color of your skin, any of it. that doesn't matter. we're human. life is precious. >> reporter: but they're real live heroes as they try to save one life at a time. >> what a reunion. that will do it for us at 5:00. cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich starts now. >> thank you. from football fame to double murder defendant in one of the biggest tv spectacles of history, o.j. simpson has died.
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we have a look back at his controversial life and the trial that tarnished his legacy. it all started here in san francisco. a friend of the simpson family gives us his perspective on the o.j. before the infamy. >> i feel if i make it, that would be a good example for other kids. >> and what was it like to be in the courtroom for that not guilty verdict? a former kpix veteran reporter looks back on the trial of the century. >> i remember at one point we thought we were covering it too much at channel 5. if you haven't, you still have time to get outside and enjoy this spectacular day. we'll be 15 degrees cooler tomorrow and on saturday no one get out of the 50s and it's going to rain, widespread rain coming back saturday morning, much to look at in the forecast coming right up. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. >> good evening. he crossed the line fr


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