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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 9am  CBS  April 10, 2024 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. >> and end of an era for one stanford cardinal. one of college basketball's most winning coaches has left the sidelines. with praise all across the country. she was cat called by one of the unhoused residents living here.
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>> we are here because we are struggling. we don't have a place to go. >> parents in the south bay are having doubts about safety after dropping the students off at school. at 9:00, how the city of san jose might step in. this morning, we started stanford where legendary women's basketball coach tara vanderveer announced the retirement after a whopping 38 seasons at the school. she led the cardinals to three national titles in 14 final four earlier this year, and a win over oregon state, vanderveer pass former duke coach mike krzyzewski to become the ncaa's winning us basketball coach. she finishes her career with 1216 victories under her belt. let's dive deeper into her resume. over 1200 winds , three championships, five time national coach of the year
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awards, 14 final four appearances and 27 pack 12 regular-season titles. vanderveer said she was spoiled to coach one of the best , at the top institutions in the world , for nearly 4 decades. now the big question is, who will take up the mantle ? stanford announced negotiations have begun persistent kate pate to take over. she just finished her 17th year as assistant with stanford and also won a national championship when she was a cardinal player back in 1992. stanford also announced that vanderveer will remain with the program in an advisory role. we will hear from vanderveer at 1:00 p.m. today. this is the end of a winning era of excellence and your community station is there to cheer it all on air and online, and streaming on cbs news bay area. new this morning. governor
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gavin newsom's office releasing new numbers out of the east bay after sending chp to help fight crime. state law enforcement has made 181 arrests over the past eight weeks. including suspected carjackers and gang members. they have also recovered 414 stolen vehicles and 30 firearms linked to crimes. it is part of his ongoing effort to improve public safety. now for this morning's top stories east palo alto police are searching for the suspect in the city's second homicide of the year. yesterday and officer found a victim with a fatal injury along newell road near the four seasons hotel. they have not made any arrests and were initially unable to determine the cause of death. the investigation comes after east palo alto recorded zero homicides in all of 2023. that is a major achievement for city known in the early 90s as the murder capitol of the u.s. crusie announced that is taking steps to get his fleet of cars back on city streets. a blog post the company said it will resume manual driving in phoenix, arizona. no word on
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when or if operations will expand to other places like san francisco. for now, the next steps for the company include mapping out and gathering road information in certain cities. then will begin supervising driverless car rides. the company said going forward, it is focus on improving safety and performance. in october you may recall, the company suspended all operations after one of its cars dragged and pinned a san francisco pedestrian. let's head back to san francisco, where the islamic center of s.f. is holding a prayer and fundraiser at the st. mary's rec center. today, millions of muslims around the world will celebrate one of the holiest days of the year. it is the end of ramadan. muslims will marked the end of the month long fast with communal prayers, followed by a feast of fast breaking. here is jessica with your look at the weather, now. it is a one day in the bay area with daytime highs topping off in the low 80s near san jose and los gatos. it almost
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feel summerlike inside the pockets of the bay area. let's take the east bay, 82 near livermore and antioch 75 in oakland , despite the fact we are seeing a mix of sun and clouds into the afternoon hours today. a warm one throughout the bay area. but that will not be the case for much longer. this high pressure system sitting offshore is the reason why we are dealing with dry conditions and warm temperatures . but heading into are weekend forecast, low pressure moves in from the north and that brings in a series of showers and really cold, dense air from the pacific northwest. stretching down just along the coastline. the 80s we have today quickly turning into 50s by saturday with rainier skies and we clear up into sunday afternoon with a gradual warm-up into next week. let's go live to san jose where this morning parents are being extra careful when dropping their students off at school. they are fighting to put some extra space between their kids campuses and homeless encampments. katie nielsen reports that they say, it is time that the city steps in.
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>> for the past year and a half, we have been involved in some advocacy surrounding our school safety and security. >> reporter: he is a senior at kipp school and said some people living in rvs have scared his classmates. >> she was cat called by one of the unhoused residents living here, neighboring our school. and that really made me realize how severe this issue has gotten and how we need an immediate solution. >> reporter: he said the rv started parking around the school during the pandemic and that is when the problem started. he says he met with san jose's mayor matt mahan to talk about the concerns . >> they were walking past rv encampments, sometimes being harassed on their way on and off campus. or having break-ins on campus and even found needles on the picnic tables and they asked us, what
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as a city can we do? >> reporter: the answer is two new ordinances but one would prevent tend to commence within 150 feet of a school and the other would allow oversize vehicles and rvs to be towed, if they posed a public safety risk. which includes, being parked near schools. >> this is her house, she says. >> reporter: for those like her who live in an rv park next to school, she said she started parking here a few weeks ago because she was out of options. >> we are here because we are struggling and we don't really have a place to go. you know. there is not places where you can park. >> reporter: she said she wants to go to one of the counties safe working sites but her rv has been ticketed in the past, to the point she cannot renew her registration without paying all of the past due parking tickets. and chicken a park and a counties safe parking lot, until she gets her rv registered. >> we are just trying to survive just trying to survive. >> we are not advocating for the criminalization of our unhoused neighbors. we are advocating for a solution that benefits both us, the students and our safety. but also advocating for a solution that
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benefits our unhoused residents. >> the ordinance sailed through yesterday's first reading with unanimous support. there will be a second reading later this month , ahead of the final vote in mid-may. assuming it passes, enforcement will begin sometime after that. coming up , we have your wired wednesday segment with cnet. we are talking a.i. and cell phones. we will give you a glimpse of the future. local brain biologists are working on a big operation off our co
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welcome back. it is 9:10 on this wednesday. let's get a check in what is happening around the bay today. in about 20 minutes we can expect uc berkeley to appoint a new
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chancellor of the university. this comes as the school has dealt with several safety issues in and run campus in the recent months. we will have details on their. afterwards. a gilroy man is accused of baby trapping his house with possible explosives. police saithe car. a six-year-old set in jail and police went to his home to search for any other firearms and i said when they got there, they were overwhelmed by a natural gas smell. they evacuated nearby homes and one authorities safely entered they found the oven set to high and they also found cell phones around the house , prosecutors said it was a possible attempt to remotely ignite the fire. he is scheduled to appear in court today. looking live at levi's stadium. the san francisco 49ers are hosting the local pro day today. probe football prospects will lace them up and job skills to the niner scouts and it gives the team an opportunity to spot some potential steals ahead of the draft. notable participants today, three go once, son of hall of famer and former niner, terrell owens. in today's wired wednesday, we are talking all about our cell phones in the future of generative a.i. and devices. and that means a how smart phones and how they are evolving. joining us to break it all down is the senior editor at
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cnet. good morning. although the word is spreading about artificial intelligence, we are really only seeing a limited application for a phones. like editing tools. are there any examples of phones going beyond that right now. >> i think like you mentioned where we are really starting is seeing the one-off features like photo editing, language translations and things like that. you have to remember this industry is moving really fast. a year ago we were not even really talking about generative a.i. on smart phones yet. i think of the future we will see generative a.i. play a bigger role in how you use your phones. one way we are kind of seeing that today is a feature called circle to search. as the name implies you hold down the home button on your phone and it can circle honest anything on your screen to automatically launch a google search about the product or item. it is a small feature is something that people may use occasionally right now but i think the idea of having
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your phone intelligently analyze what is on screen to help your, i think the trend is something we will see a in the future. >> we can see glimpses of what it can do but when it comes to a from national level, what you think generative a.i. has the power to do for a phones? >> it is hard to say exactly what will happen in the future and a lot of companies like apple and google and samsung are pretty secretive about the technology they are working on. what i think in my personal opinion, i think the rise of generative a.i. will make it a lot easier for a phones to do things for us. i think it will mean a lot less of jumping in between apps and having to bounce from one app to another just to get something done. you think about today if your posting a picture from a concert, for example, you have the camera app open and maybe your editing the photo and another app and posting on social media. i think the rise of generative a.i. will make it easier to have your phone help you do those things without having to bounce between so
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many apps. it is hard to say exactly what is in store but that seems to be the trend that the industry is likely moving in. >> with the news apple could partner with google to incorporate a generative a.i. into our phones, it begs the question, when will we see this kind of integration actually pick up? >> i think it will continue to move fast. a year ago we were not talking about this. now we are seeing it on new samsung phones and pixel phones and we have googles developer conference coming up next month. we will probably hear more about generative a.i. and smartphones them. right after that in june we have apple's worldwide developer conference where the company is expected to make some announcements around generative a.i. and it will likely unveil how it is going to tie the technology into the iphone. as early as later this year we will see more advancements in the space. >> thank you. we are looking forward to that. a.i. is not just making a difference in our lives but scientists are using it to help improve one of the wonders of
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the natural world. streaming at 9:30, how technology is helping to protect the great barrier reef from climate change. let's take you live to pacifica where marine biologists are tracking a gray whale on the bay area coast. that is dragging a load of fishing net buoys. on the right is the drone video that was shot yesterday of the whale dragging it behind it. apparently, the whale has been dragging the load for more than 400 miles. scientists at noaa told us it was first spotted last month off laguna beach. marine biologist put a tracker on it but failed and they lost the signal. the president of the pacific beach coalition says, it is amazing that the whale has made it this far. >> this particular whale is very lucky because it is able to pull that along. sometimes they get dragged down and they cannot get up. or it would get stock on something and now they are trapped and they are
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paddling and not going anywhere and losing steam in the have to breathe. if they run out of steam and they cannot breathe they are gone. >> he was a close-up of the tail that noah believes is a gill net wrapped around it and will not be easy getting close enough to the whale to cut a free. right now there is no timeline yet on a potential rescue mission. daytime highs are sitting above average all throughout the bay area. we are in the 80s throughout the santa clara valley. 70s near san francisco, putting us about 7 degrees above average into this afternoon. let's look at other communities. into the north bay. santa rosa and petaluma in the upper 70s. we see 80s returned to the forecast off into the east bay like concord and antioch . it is a beautiful, warm spring day almost summerlike in the bay area. it is cool with the coastal influence moving in from offshore and the breezy conditions near half moon bay. topping us up only at 63 degrees. will drop the
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temperatures and show you what is happening. today it is warm and thanks to high pressure sitting offshore. the system is also bring in a mix of sun and clouds but once we head into the weekend forecast, we will see rainier skies return to the day and another area of low pressure drops in from the gulf of alaska. and we saw this last week . remember the cold front the brought in windy conditions and a lot of rain. we see a very similar set up heading into are friday night and saturday morning forecast. you can see that all future cast. here is the mix of sun and clouds throughout this afternoon. once we head into thursday, we will get more 80s for our daytime highs and more clear conditions which will be great. we zoom out to see the area of low pressure building its way in from offshore, all throughout the friday evening forecast. circulates in a counterclockwise direction and you can see that offshore of san francisco into late friday night and by early saturday morning , it will be raining. let's dive more into that. taking a look at the next seven days. we are in store for some
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cool weather into the weekend forecast. hold on to the 80s when we have them. the cold front moved through relatively quick and we are left with more sunshine into early next week by sunday and monday we will be seeing daytime highs return to the 60s and 70s by tuesday. inflation keeps on rising. and it is hotter than analysts expected. we take a look at what that means for your wallet, next and our money watch report. the bay area event calendar . brought to you by broadway san jose. here is what is happening in the bay area this weekend. the 57th annual northern california cherry blosm festival kicks off in san francisco's japantown with food, music and cultural events all weekend. plus, enjoy opera outdoors. the san francisco opera out of the boxes back. with a free live performance in burlingame's washington park. ♪ mj, the tony award-winning
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musical, centered around the making of michael jackson's 1992 world tour, is coming to san jose next summer. become a seasoned subscriber with the purchase of a six show package. more at,
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it is time now for your money watch report. the newest inflation report was just released this morning. consumer prices rose .4% in march and were up 3.5% from last year. that is higher than expected. the cost of gas and housing are to blame. stalling some of the progress made in cooling down inflation. let's look at where the markets are right now. this is not good. down 506 points on this wednesday morning. normally you see houseboats docked along the bay, but not like this. right in the middle of it. our chopper caught a curious kayaker checking out this historic home. if you're wondering, the san francisco standard reports, the home is being towed from san rafael from its original dock in redwood city after a years long legal battle. that forced community of houseboats to relocate. never call it quits. the lesson we are learning on this hug your dog day from
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what makes a medicare supplement insurance plan, like an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare a good choice for people on medicare? it's smart for you to have now... i'm 65. and later on, for the future you... i'm 70-ish. it's really smart. hey, looking good. you made a great choice for us. with this type of plan, see any doctor or visit any hospital that accepts medicare patients. there are no networks. your healthcare future will have more freedom.
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i kept our doctor. and when i needed a specialist. no referrals needed, right? bingo. in fact, see any doctor anywhere in the u.s. really smart to have when you travel. when i visit this little cutie in arizona my plan goes with me. ahhh...grandkids. i can't wait. don't worry about surprise medical bills, either... you'll know up front about how much your care will cost. and knowing your expenses makes planning your financial future easier. i'm glad my husband and i can use our savings to do the things we want to do. i'm glad i don't have to shop for a new plan every year. that's right. once you enroll, your coverage is guaranteed for as long as you keep this plan. have questions? call unitedhealthcare now to talk with a licensed insurance agent or producer. they know a lot about what makes these plans smart now and really smart later. or just ask for this free guide. benefits and rates in one place so it's easy to compare options. year to year, 94% of members renew their plan. and medicare supplement plans with the aarp name
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are the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp... meeting the high standards of service and quality. so give unitedhealthcare a call today. and set yourself and your future self up with an aarp medicare supplement plan from unitedhealthcare. [dogs bark] winnie! look at you! thanks again for looking out for me. hey, we're in this together. an aarp medicare supplement plan from unitedhealthcare. smart now, really smart later. today we are celebrating man's best friend with national hug your dog day. the celebration is not just for people looking for a next reason to love on their furry friends. hugging a dog actually releases a feel-good hormone called oxytocin in both humans and dogs , giving you
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and the k-9 a little boost as you bond. right behind me, that is my dog, brady. he is a three-year-old german shepherd and i feel like i have been a bad dog mom lately. and that is my daughter with him. in taiwan, a dog who flunked out of the police academy for being too friendly deserves more than extra rubs. he is becoming an unlikely star during the earthquake response effort. roger the labrador failed to become a drug sniffing dog because he loves people to the point of distraction. rather than give up on him his trainers chose to channel that love into his new career as a rescue dog. it turns out he is excellent at it. his worked more than half dozen earthquakes in his time. that will do it for the news at 9:00. coming up next is "the drew barrymore show". actor jennifer lewis joins the show. for more local headlines including weather, join us on our streaming service, cbs news bay area.
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hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. wow. so sudden. um, we're not about to have the "we need life insurance" conversation again, are we? no, we're having the "we're getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it" conversation. so you're calling about the $9.95 a month plan -from colonial penn? -i am. we put it off long enough. we are getting that $9.95 plan, today. (jonathan) is it time for you to call about the $9.95 plan? i'm jonathan from colonial penn life insurance company. sometimes we just need a reminder not to take today for granted. if you're age 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance starting at just $9.95 a month.
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there are no health questions so you can't be turned down for any health reason. the $9.95 plan is colonial penn's number one most popular whole life plan. options start at just $9.95 a month. that's less than 35 cents a day. your rate can never go up. it's locked in for life. call today for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner, so call now. (soft music) ♪ hello, colonial penn? [cheering] thank you, everybody. welcome to the show. this is going to be a good one today. i'm so excited. someone is coming out those doors who comes here to play, put it all out there. he has heart. he has humor.


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