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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  April 9, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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on the job. and, a backyard building boom in the south bay. we started looking at the idea of a garage and that led us to an aeu. >> reporter: how so-called granny units are putting a dent in san jose's housing crisis. fewer places to fill up in the east bay. why a city is banning new gas stations. okay, giants fans want to know is it a mascot imposter? what the heck happened to lucille? this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. we will get to lucille in a moment. first, librarians in san francisco say their quiet place of work is a place of fear. they say that the drug and homeless crisis around the libraries has just gotten out of control. and, they want to see security guards at all branches. amanda heard from librarians about the threats they encountered while on the
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job. >> reporter: library workers are concerned for their safety. they say, things have gotten so bad that they are concerned someone could lose their life. >> we were not trained to do this type of work in library school. >> reporter: library workers across the city say they are being forced to do a lot more than recommend books. every day they are the ones making sure the libraries are safe. >> reporter: nicole has been working in the san francisco library system for more than 30 years. she says over the years things are getting worse and she fears someone will get hurt. we can fill a whole library with all of these incidents. >> reporter: she works at the children's library. they bargained for a guard back in 2022 after they had an incident
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that could have become a tragedy. >> i will never forget it. >> reporter: a normal day after school let out and the library was filled with small children. >> then i saw a half dressed man clearly mentally unstable wielding a weapon. he was walking around the library cussing at people and threatening to stab them. >> reporter: she called library security, they were across the city. 911 responders did not show up. the burden to get rid of the man and keep the children safe fell on her. >> i got him out of there and he started threatening a large group of preschoolers who were sitting on the floor and he was cussing at them and threatening at them with this weapon. i, feeling that strong sense of duty to protect the people, stepped between the man with the weapon and the children. i stood between them. he was aiming it right at my chest. and i said no thank you. if he had not left i may not be
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standing here today. >> it is aggravating. >> reporter: jasmine is one of the unhoused residents camping out on the library. library workers should not be specifically concerned about people experiencing homelessness. and someone in her situation who is trying to use the library, should be allowed to do so. >> if a homeless person going to the library, i salute them, you know, at least they are trying to stimulate their mind. >> reporter: a spokesperson with sf public library says the security incidents are down 14% from last year. not all branches require dedicated security. but, she says the conditions on the street are keeping families away. >> i know a number of people who will not bring their children to this main library. i am a parent, you know, that breaks my heart. i don't want to bring my children to the main library. >> reporter: library workers say it is not the end of their efforts they are going to continue until they have the
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resources they need. some san jose students complained about their safety and now they gave approval to new restrictions on homeless camps and rvs near schools. one ordinance will begin enforcing a ban on tents within 800 feet of catch us. another, towing large vehicles from areas where they pose a safety risk including schools. final vote is expected next month. creating new housing is one of the top priorities and challenges for san jose. under a state approved plan the city is promising to build more than 62,000 homes in the next seven years. while that seems like a lofty goal, one type of construction is 35ing. we go inside one of the hundreds of granny units popping up around the city. >> reporter: there have been many building booms in san jose in the years in the decades. this is different because it is taking place in the backyards
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of homes that are all right built. >> here in the backyard we had an old carriage house that was taken down. >> reporter: with his victorian was built no one could of see the housing crisis. he turned part of his backyard into one small piece of the housing solution. >> we started looking into the idea of a garage and that led us to an adu. especially with the permitting process and everything. >> reporter: workers are still putting the finishing touches on the project. a two car garage with an 800 square apartment above it. living area, kitchen, a bathroom, a laundry room and a separate bedroom. mark says it will be a flexible space. a work from home office for now but it can be a future place for his parents, his kids as young adults, or even a rental. >> a year later from the time
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we started the project we have a beautiful garage, a beautiful house up here that we can use for whatever we need down-the-line. >> reporter: mark took advantage of a 2017 policy change that streamlined the permitting process to allow the homes to be built faster. >> san jose is a good place to have it happen. there are a lot of lots that can utilize an adu. >> reporter: a general contractor for decades shifted his business to only focus on building adus and he has not looked back. >> we are looking at a backlog that extends well into 2025. we also have the ability to take on short term work. >> reporter: stanley is one of the adu specialist builders in san jose who have preapproved building plans from the city if the property meets criteria like being large enough and on level ground preapproved plans can make the process even faster. in six years the city issued 2500adu permits and
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about 1600 units have been built. just this year, 68adus have been completed. >> these are not complicated risky projects. adu applications in san jose are on the order of a quarter or more of the permit applications that we are seeing right now that is a significant share of the new housing production that we are seeing in san diswroasa. >> it is the flexibility of the space. we love the options down-the-line if it is for our kids when they graduate college or to have family over in a time of need. >> reporter: a new housing that fits in the older neighborhood and fits the need of a growing family. >> how much? typical costs for an adu building run from $250,000 to half a million or more. and although they can produce thousands in income being for the owners they add to their property tax bill. now, new developments in
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the closely watched race for silicone valley's congressional seat. we just confirmed that a recount had been requested. today was the last day to do so. we know sam lacardo is heading to the contest. joe samitian and evan low finished in second with the exact same number of votes. recounts have been requested in both san mateo and santa clara counties. they have seven-days to vet the request and decide if the recount will happen. it is a trend. started in the north bay, now, the first city in the east bay to ban new gas stations the city council approved a temporary moratorium last week. part of an effort to reduce the city's greenhouse gas emissions. but, some drivers we spoke to are not fans of the decision. >> we should be able to be building gas stations people
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still need gas. we don't have the opportunity to get electric cars.. >> all of napa county's city passed gas station bans. california scored in environmental victory today. federal court ruled the state can keep enforcing its own vehicle emissions standards that are stricter than the rules set by the federal government. the appeals court blocked an attempt by republican states challenging the authority. they found they failed to prove our state's stricter standards with drive up costs for gas-powered vehicles in other states. still ahead, a chase in oakland that ended with a car and a u-haul getting smashed up. what led up to it? also a little dog went missing in california turns up months later more than 2,000 miles away. see the moment it was reunited with its family. and, the chances are pretty
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good you know that the weather is spectacular right now. so, in the forecast we are going to look ahead. i will show you how it changes. it will change, it will change in time for the weekend. a system coming our way that will bring widespread rain, cool us down 20 degrees from where we are right now, enjoy the next two days and we will look at this after the break . all right, this one caught our attention, look at this. interesting. where is the real seal? why giants fans
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with our new grocery outlet app, you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza? here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup.
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. a stolen car chase ended up with a suspect in custody and damaged vehicles. it ended here at market street and arlington avenue. our chopper shows a u-haul crashed into the side of the building and across the intersection a black sedan with major damage to the front end. it is not clear which vehicle
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they were chasing but the suspect crashed into several cars before trying to run away on foot. a new story on a entapingelled entangled whale, a fishing net stuck to its tail. they were out investigating the whale was spotted at laguna beach last month and given a tracker. they lost track of the whale but it was spotted last week and then now today. no word on yet what may be done to get the net removed. now to a story of a little dog who is finally, look at that. back at home after an incredible journey. go gone missing in san diego and found in michigan. her family are thrilled, of course, also confused. >> she is just so good. >> reporter: if only dogs can talk. this one would have quite
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a story to tell. >> you wish that you could just ask her . >> oh, yes. >> where did you go? >> tell us. >> yes, seriously. on july 16th of 2023, sweet girl was hanging out at her dad's auto repair shop in the midway district as she often would. >> all of a sudden i noticed she was not there. >> reporter: just like that their fourth family member went missing, they went searching for her. liz put up 1,toy flyers throughout san diego >> wherever it rained it broke my heart. i hoped she was safe and like that, that was really. that was, that was scary. that really hurt my heart a lot. >> reporter: eight longmonts passed. at the end of match liz received a phone call. the animal adoption society in michigan told her that they had her dog near detroit. >> she is at harper woods. i
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was like where is that? she is like detroit, michigan. i almost fell over. how did she get to detroit michigan? hey, mom, i wish i could tell you. >> reporter: this is the moment that the family reunited with their beloved dog. liz says someone found her walking the streets of detroit and reported it to the police. she was dropped off at the gross point animal adoption society where employees found her implanted identity chip with their identification. >> happiness, pure shock, we are still processing, i think that she is here. >> reporter: obviously there are still unanswered questions. liz is trying to figure out the rest. >> i will say someone taught her how to sit. i will thank her for that. >> reporter: now that she knows how to sit hopefully she has learned to stay. >> she is our girl. we love you
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so much. we love you so much. >> look at those eyes she can sit now. that is great. let's go to you now darren. i have a question. do you think that she can go on the couch and be on that little girl's bed? i think she can do whatever she wants. >> a whole new life now. >> yes. all of a sudden things will be allowed that never were before >> going to get away with murder. . >> take a look at it. we will use the virtual set to walk through the swings we are about to do. today included. starting out by today's day time highs, you pick out your part of the bay here, we climb into the 70s. officially the number in for san francisco is 67. many other places here well into the 70s. look at the inland valleys, the temperatures climbing near 80. tomorrow, going up another couple of degrees, saying good-bye to today's numbers, now we are going to look at what wednesday feels like. wednesday and thursday are almost identical. we will do the same thing here.
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you got the forecast for the next two days, this is the top of the warm up. not breaking records, we are like 10-12 degrees above average for this time of the year. there will be a dramatic turn around. if we say good-bye to the wednesday, thursday numbers and bring in the saturday numbers we are going right back down again by the weekend. so, now, all of the numbers, there are places that will go from the lower 80s on thursday to the upper 50s by saturday. it will be dramatic. so, let me show you the system that will do that. we will say good-bye to the images on the forecast map. a couple things show up on here. let's go to the other one. the other one is a little bigger. we can take in more beautiful view of this high resolution satellite. that is what we look like today. so, not a cloud in sight for us. but, if we go out to the gulf of alaska we will see where our storm is. that is the one that will break the ridge down by the time we get to friday and saturday. and, it brings widespread rain for the first
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half of the weekend. look at where it is coming from. that came directly from the gulf of alaska and south. look at where it is going. making a left turn and come right for us. it is fascinating to watch that. this is going to be a direct hit from this system. and that actually is important because if you look at the cold front here, you can trace it. even though this is relatively low resolution. tomorrow, we will have high-resolution forecast imagery for saturday. right now, saturday it is just one day out of reach as far as the forecast models are concerned. so, we are using the lower resolution. oven that you can see it. there is the cold front that will come in on saturday morning. sweeps across the bay area and intensifies a bit going through the first half of the day. the only takeaway on that is widespread steady rain. that is what it looks like on the forecast depiction. you can see that is kind of the cold front, really. back here is the center of the storm that comes in for the second half of saturday and sunday. that is the part of the system that is
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more on again, off again, scattered showers, hit and miss. more time when you are not getting rained on than when you are. this will go through sunday for that standpoint. it looks like the system will be able to loiter into sunday. sunday should be more salvageable. remember, looking at day four, the timing on this still has a little bit of wiggle room to shift. if it slows down a little bit. sunday's forecast can be different. rainfall totals, half an inch to an inch. and, the majority of that will come in that first phase that we looked at where we had the widespread band of green. most of it falls then, scattered showers on-again, off-again into sunday and hopefully not too much of sunday. let's look at it in the seven-day forecast and we will get a better look at how it plays out. from that standpoint. sunday it will look just as rainy. but, at this point on saturday, it is more so. then, done by monday. look, we will be back in the lower 70s by early next week once we
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get to tuesday. not the lower 80s. still nice. all right, back to you. >> usual scene on san francisco, unusual, what - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+. business.
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. investigators in the south bay are looking for this suspected arsonist who, they say, set a fire at the san jose state university campus late
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last month. they released the photos today. the suspect is wearing a black hoody, a red tube top, sun glasses, blue pants and had a tan bag and a red lighter in their hand. anyone who knows who this is, is asked to call the san jose police immediately. in oakland a garage went up in flames and spread to a nearby home. it started this afternoon. doing damage to a balcony and a roof of a home next door. no reports of injuries. here is something we don't see every day. a houseboat floating in the middle of the bay. definitely caught our attention and the attention of a kayaker who paddled closer and closer just to check out the home. as for why it was in the middle of the bay, the san francisco standard reports the home was being towed to san rafael from its original dock in redwood city after a year's long legal battle that forced a community of houseboats to
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relocate. lucille looking different and quite different. what
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she got that dress with the extra money she saved using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. nice shirt. just got back from vacation. a butler? super nice guy. i got to start using the app.
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>>if you made it out this season to the giants game you may be a fan asking what is going on with lou seal. acting quite strange. take this move for example during yesterday's game against the nationals. did a head stand and fell on his face. it appears to be an inflated version of lou seal. that is different than the ones fans know. there is lou. so, we asked the giants has the real lou seal been replaced? the team rep says you may see inflatable lou seal because the costume allows for stunts. but
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old lou seal is not being replaced. >> thank goodness. >> thanks for watching the news continues at 8:00. we will see you back here at
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud!" give it up for steve harvey! [cheers and applause] steve: hey!


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