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tv   CBS News Bay Area Afternoon Edition  CBS  April 5, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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from cbs news bay area, this is the afternoon edition. right now on the afternoon edition, the day giants fans have been waiting for. opening day at oracle park, the revamped team with new leadership and new players, looking ahead to a fresh season. good afternoon. i'm elizabeth cook in for ryan yamamoto today. much more live oracle park in just a moment but we start with a first alert weather day and the threat of more thunderstorms out there. let's get right to meteorologist jessica burch. >> it is not looking bad right
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now. taking a live look behind me, we see blue skies and a little bit of clouds along the bay shoreline. her now, even though the game is starting tonight and there is a chance of showers, it is pretty promising that it will be a beautiful one for us. yesterday storm that came and brought in a series of showers. that storm is starting to decay. we are still seeing that circulation and speckles of showers hopping through the inland hours. as we take a look at the coast, relatively dry conditions, a similar trend down into the santa clara valley. there is some rain falling and we will keep a close eye on that. taking a live look at what is to come, we watch a little bit of these on and off showers him our inland areas and potentially into marin county but these are light compared to what we had yesterday and this will continue to move to the south, clearing up into the overnight hours tonight. one thing the
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storm did, which was interesting, is that is a cold front. it brought in cooler temperatures and we are feeling the impacts today too. 50s continuing into the east bay. it is wild to think that a couple of days ago we had a sunshine and 70s and now it is chilly. it is jacket weather for our friends into the santa clara valley. we will continue to keep a close eye on that. i will keep you updated but for now, back over to you. baseball is back in san francisco. it is officially opening day at oracle park. the giants taking on the padres. first pitch is 90 minutes away. we've got live team coverage. matt lively is looking ahead to the new season and getting a taste of oracle park but we will start with lauren toms live out on the field for us as well. >> reporter: opening-day is here. fans are starting to pour into the stadium. you can feel the excitement about this newly
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revamped team. the giants in the off-season spent a lot of time making changes to their roster including with a new team manager, bay area native, bob melvin. earlier this morning, i spent some time with president and ceo of the organization. check out what he had to say. >> it is a rebooted team, a new manager, bob melvin. he was a giant in the 80s, as was matt williams. he is back in uniform. we feel like it has been -- we are really ready to have a very exciting year. >> reporter: one of the most anticipated players of this season is jung hoo lee. he was a star in the south korean baseball league and he is here drumming up a lot of excitement not only on the home field but for a local korean baseball league who credits his presence to adding attempting to their league this year. >> people like to play
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baseball. that is a good way to spend your weekend. >> for ryan dew, baseball is not only a passion but it is a cultural connection to his home in korea where baseball has exploded in popularity. >> baseball is one of the keys sports that represents the allies between the united states and korea. they naturally adopt the culture and korea adopts that as well. >> he leads the bay area's only korean baseball league. >> every saturday, we played together, we laugh together. my weekend job became nurturing and growing this baseball league. at the same time, i never forgot how to enjoy baseball as a sport. >> one giants rookie is adding to the league's popularity, korean outfielder jung hoo lee.
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>> when you are sitting in the dugout , you go out and play, we talk about it. that unites us. >> the giants signed the korean star in december and is one of the hottest new players in the mlb with the tune of $113 million over six seasons. he rose to fame as the centerfielder for south korea's kiwoom heroes, earning the title of the mvp in 2022 and fans, they are feeling the excitement. >> we always like to stick together. when you land in san francisco bay area, it is like, did it really happen? >> he credits the as an uptick in enrollment as the league adds a 10th team to their roster. >> it means a lot to everyone. i tell my wife that i will not stop playing. >> taking his passion for the sport and the popularity of the new giants to bring a community
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connected through baseball. >> that baseball community can already be felt here at oracle park with everybody hoping once again to secure one of these, a world series ring. the giants have not secured one of these for 10 years. this is from the 2012 win from when i worked for the giants organization. a lot of excitement surrounding this newly revamped team this year. everybody hoping once again to come out on top. >> that ring is cool. can you zoom in on it one more time so we can get another look at that? that is pretty spectacular. find a great spot in your home to keep that. that is a keeper. >> reporter: it is fun. >> i like how you are wearing it so confidently like it is no big deal. thank you. our matt lively joins us from oracle park with more on the excitement today. hey,
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matt. >> reporter: i feel like chopped liver right now. lauren has a world series ring and i have nothing remotely as cool . i am excited to be here at oracle park. this is an exciting day. the giants have not started the season as they wanted to, two wins in the seven games. today, more about the excitement of returning to oracle park. of course, new additions for these fans to see, you have jung hoo lee in the outfield, jordan hicks on the mound and then one of the biggest additions, jorge soler. a towering home run, back-to-back games and how can we forget the skipper, bob melvin, coming here to oracle park. he admitted to us that so many times as an opposing manager, he thought what would it be like if i were sitting in the home dugout? >> opening-day here is a special day for not only myself and the players but for the fans here. it will be a really exciting day. you really want to put on your best show on opening day. hopefully that is
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the case for us. there are very few days that get you nervous like this. >> reporter: exciting day for bob melvin. he told us he got here at 6:00 a.m. this morning . i think the pregame jitters were being felt. i will say, you come to oracle park, you want to think about baseball but the food is an extra caveat. i had to get into the concession stands to come up with my starting five. >> the giants are always the main attraction but the food is a hit too. i tried oracle's best concession bites to come up with my very own starting rotation of eats. >> what all is in this? >> horseradish, barbecue sauce. >> you put steak in front of me and it will always sit -- hit. this might be our number one. >> that looks really good. i should have got that. >> can i do a slice of pepperoni, please? >> pizza never hurt nobody. >> that goes number two in my rotation. incredible. never
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disappoints. a lot of innings, a lot of strikeouts. >> we have this wonderful system for doing the garlic. >> no starting rotation complete without the middleman. it does not have to be an all-star but something that is a crowdpleaser. parmesan garlic fries, top-notch. i am shuffling the rotation. call me bob melvin. this is number one. this is so good. i don't even know how to describe it. it is so good. the bread is crunchy. the crab is soft and delicious. that is number one. >> he was number one! >> emoji waffle with oreo. barry bonds hit a pretty special home run at this park. >> bonds hits it hard! it is out of here! >> despite might be more special than that. let's see.
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>> yep. >> all of it is so delicious but i've got to come up with the starting five. let's build out the rotation. i am going crab sandwich, tri-tip, garlic fries, tony is pizza never misses, mochi waffle -- that was next level. it has oreo in the middle. it is delicious. i am excited for the game and i am excited for the concession stands. we will break it all down at 5:50. i am coming back later in the show with some old time he baseball. >> i love it but you are making me so hungry. it looks so good. >> same here. >> crab sandwich, that is worth waiting in line for. >> reporter: delicious. thank you, liz. bands are not the only ones excited for the start of baseball season. see how businesses are looking ahead to more foot traffic and hoping
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for big win's. we are a few days away from a big event in the sky. where you can get a special view of the solar eclipse. here is a live look before we had to break. our chopper over oracle park on opening day. we will be right back. she got that dress with the extra money she saved using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. nice shirt. just got back from vacation.
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a butler? super nice guy. i got to start using the app.
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getting ready for that first pitch. it is the start of baseball season and business owners around oracle park are excited. max darrow reports they are ready to welcome back the fans . >> new banners are on the walls at oracle park, ready to welcome giants fans for the 2024 home opener. just about a block and a half away from the willie mays gates, reza kazmiri is eager to welcome fans back to his restaurant, yummy plate . we cannot wait. like most restaurants and shops near the ballpark, reza is busier when it is baseball season. >> a big difference. it adds up , 35, 40% when they are playing. >> reza's numbers look even better when the giants are winning and fans filled the stadium but that has been a bit of a challenge for the team in
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recent years. for the 2023 seasons, giants attendance was a little under 31,000 fans per game, excluding 2020 and 2021, that is the second lowest the giants average attendance has been since the giants moved from candlestick in 2000 to what is now oracle park. with a fresh squad including new players like jung hoo lee and more, reza thinks this year could a good one for his favorite club and therefore his restaurant. >> we can see what they're going to do. i am sure they will make a difference. >> long time giants fan brenda ochoa shares his optimism. >> i am pretty hopeful. >> she is bringing something special to the table this season too. >> i have a good luck charm, my son. he will be attending his first baseball game. >> the new player she is most excited to see is lee. it has taken reza several years to bounce back from the effects of the pandemic but things are finally feeling pretty good.
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>> that is what it was before covid. >> maybe the giants just needed a few years to turn things around too. reza will be watching, keeping a good eye on his team in the hopes they knock some good business his way. >> we will have all the highlights from the giants home opener against the padres this evening and sports. let's get back to our first alert weather day. a mix of blue skies and puffy gray clouds. there is also the possibility of thunderstorms. >> it is interesting. on a day like today where most of us are seeing the blue skies and the puffy cumulus clouds, there is still a chance of thunderstorms in the forecast. a light chance of showers along the coast and along areas where, believe it or not, we could see some
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passing showers . at the end of the day, we will beat the padres so it won't matter. as we take a look at what is happening throughout the bay area, we have that really unstable atmosphere. there is a chance of showers in the forecast, all throughout the bay. this is the same storm that brought in a series of showers yesterday and some hail activity too . down into the santa clara valley, it is a lot more dry currently but it is snowing at the peak of our santa cruz mountains and snowing near mount hamilton. lots to talk about when it comes to the storm. it is cool, dense air moving in from the north. watching futurecast, we will continue to see some on and off showers mostly in our east bay. you are probably thinking, what is she talking about? that is blue skies. we have drier conditions around the corner. like i mentioned, this cold front moves its way in. today, we are in the 50s
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throughout the bay area. that is 10 degrees below average in areas like concord , stretching down into the santa clara valley. as we take a look at our daytime highs today, we are hand-in-hand. these temperatures will not last for too much longer. heading into next week, we have high-pressure building its way in. it warms us up and it dries us up. sunnier skies into this weekend and next week too. we will see 70s quickly turn into 80s, giving us partly cloudy skies at times and look at those 80s. that is something to hold on tight to. to add to that, if you live along the bay, we will not hit the 80s but we are flirting with it. upper 70s into mid-next week. we will keep you updated on that warm up around the corner. we have a chance of thunderstorm activity in the forecast. >> we will look toward the 80s. , mond
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( ♪♪ ) you made a cow!
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actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ ♪ so if you're happy and you know it ♪ ♪ throw you hands up and show it ♪
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we are just days away from the solar eclipse and millions of people will be looking up as the moon casts a shadow across the middle of the country. here in california, we will be treated to a partial eclipse. around the bay area, there will be plenty of viewing parties for the cosmic event. oakland's chabot space & science center is holding a party and they are inviting folks to come watch and take part in special science demonstrations. sky gazers will get eclipse safe glasses and have a chance to look at the interstellar spectacle through a telescope. the eclipse will start around 10:15 in the morning and last for about two hours. remember, monday will be our last chance to experience a solar eclipse in our own backyard until 2045. you don't want to miss it. >> you can always join us on monday for eclipse watch. our special coverage of the solar
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eclipse starts at 10:00 a.m., streaming on cbs news bay area. you can find us on the free cbs news or on pluto tv. still ahead, it was a much different time back then. we dip decades into the past of the giants here in san francisco and we get ready for the home opener at oracle park. - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time.
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this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+.
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on this opening day, we dug into the archives, way back to 1958 with the giants' first series in san francisco. here is a little taste of the past courtesy of matt lively. >> a beautiful sunny day on this april 17, 1958. a new ball loving town, the san francisco giants hosting the los angeles dodgers. this, the big hitter driving home after a solo block. bob holcombe hitting for l.a., typically tough but makes his pitches as sweet as a honeycomb on this day. in came
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larry sherry as i take a smoke break. jim king gives the home team the lead. what a sight for this spring day. willie mays waving home the runner at the plate. the giants lead to 6-4. the fans lick their lips as tim barclay got on the horn. tell a friend. the giants win 7-4. >> as sweet as a honeycomb. >> i hear that sports anchor was shortly fired after that broadcast. he did not have what it took. >> i think he added a certain amount of pizzazz to that game. i was rolling the whole time. >> it was so cool to see the footage from 1958. that was the first opening series the giants had here in san francisco. >> well done. we will see you at 3:00
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with our new grocery outlet app, you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza? here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup.
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[ dramatic music ] >> steffy: so, this monster puts a bullet in hope's mom, in me, in my mother, my grandfather, i mean, half of l.a, and yet, hope is going to sheila's memorial. what? >> liam: look, you don't get it and i don't get it, but for hope, this is just about supporting her father.


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