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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  April 5, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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shi. not banking. that's why pnc bank strives to be boring with your money. the pragmatic, calculated kind of boring. moving to boca? boooring. that was a dolphin, right? it's simple really, for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has had one goal: to be brilliantly boring with your money so you can be happily fulfilled with your life... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it. thank you, boring. thank you for joining us this morning. it's friday, april 5th. >> so let's get it started. >> people are upset, they're disappointed. they're -- angry for one. i can't ever get away from this. this is permanent.
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this is never coming off. >> heartbreak for diehard a's' fans as their departure from oakland becomes a reality. how fans plan to deal with the void left behind by their favorite team. at some point, i get lost for words for it because i feel sorry for the way this is going to impact some of my co-workers, you know. we say, how do we get through summer? >> and it's not just the a's' fans that have a bone to pick with owner john fisher. workers speaking out in fear of what comes next. but it's not all sad and gloom this morning. while the a's leave, we still have the giants to root for. >> i think we have a good luck charm, which is my son. >> go giants. >> their home opener is today and we get you ready for the big game against the padres. we're live at oracle park all morning long. man, there's something about that home opener that gets you excited for baseball and i'm gianna franco and so ready for it. >> you are upset you are not with lauren toms admit it. live
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at the stadium right now. >> i know. >> that is your jam. i mean both of us really. i'm not upset because this is freezing and i'll go out like mid-season with the sun shining out there. and i can you know, have a tank top really feels like baseball. >> when you go seeing you are in the lodge and the cute cozy outfit. >> just wait until it's sunny outside. >> padres, good morning, i'm reed cowan. faking a live look outside on this friday morning. it's a first alert weather day. and i hear our san diego friends don't play well in the cold. i'm just going to manifest that. hey jess, felt a lot like a winter storm. the storm brought noticeably cold temperatures for april and bringing rain, hail and even snow and maybe that is to our advantage. >> yes and no. i still feel like we deserve some good weather but luckily that's going to be the case for us, little bit of everything for us this week and even snow on the bay area peaks which is just wild to think about. a look at the flurries we saw coming down on the top of mount diablo
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yesterday. it was beautiful and if you watched me yesterday, just around -- oh gosh like 7:00, 8:00. you saw my pure excitement when the snow started to actually fall. now this morning as we take a quick look at the conditions out there on the santa cruz mountains, chp actually shared the photos of the snow-covered highways over there. highway 35, right behind me. you can see tire tracks through there slushy snow. and chp reminds drivers to just take it slow in this kind of weather. but chp we don't get this weather that often. a good reminder for yesterday. today taking a look at what's going on on the radar, pretty mild out there actually. let's start off with the first alert doppler as we wake up and head out the door you can still see the circulation of the area of low pressure. that system right here is the one that brought in all the showers for us yesterday. and snow up in the sierra. so as we zoom in a little bit closer you can actually see the offshore showers still impacting offshore this morning along the coastline. a little bit of the drizzle impacting us in the inindians. now waking up and heading out the door we see some slight showers up near fairfield the drier conditions all along the peninsula. a little bit of showers as it comes closer to santa cruz and
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just along highway 1. and all way down into the gilroy area. the southern portion of the santa clara valley a light bit of rain there. we have some big changes in the forecast for us right around the corner and i want to talk about that because we're going to see warm weather in the distance. we have to get through the cold surge first. this is that storm that moved its way in from the north. bringing in cold dense air from the gulf of alaska but here's the good news. after today, we start to sea a warm-up and we have to get through today first and we are still sitting about ten degrees below average. in areas like concord and stretching all the way over into the san jose where we're sitting in the 50s today and i know that's so hard to accept and swallow especially consideringthe fact that gosh three days ago we were in the 70s but not the case for too much longer. more about that and how much warmer -- better yet just going to spoil it. we're hitting the 80s next week with plenty of sunshine. for now over to you, g. >> yeah jess. i'll take it. 80s on the way. but you got to get through the cold temperatures today and through
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the traffic. not lot a lot of it. this part is looking pretty clear, no millionsings just yet as you head into san francisco. things are smooth sailing into the city from the upper deck. parts of 80 westbound which consider starting to bog down just a little bit. we're seeing the brake lights as you come out of berkeley into emeryville. a broken down vehicle right in the heart of the maze there. so that's adding to a bit of a slow commute at least through that portion. but once you are past all that, you are looking good the rest of the way into san francisco later on. might be a little bit busier though as you a lot of giants' fans heading into the city early today to enjoy the home opener. in the altamont pass a look at the maps. definitely seeing brake lights out of tracy into 580. that's a slow commute but the bridges look pretty good. san mateo bridge no delays between 88 roll and 101. now a live look at the coliseum where the a's are playing their final season in oakland before skipping town. the team announced yesterday that they will make a temporary move to sacramento starting next year. the team's lease expires at the coliseum after
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this season. but management didn't accept the city's offer to extend it. the plan is to end up in sin city but their new vegas stadium won't be ready until at least 2028. they'll be moving to sutter health park in sacramento. the minor league stadium is the home of the river cats the giants' triple-a affiliate and it's smaller than what team is used to. it felts over 14,000 compared to the coliseum's . extend my thanks
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the none watch report. this welcome back. time now for the none watch report. this morning. the labor department just released a key report on economic growth and the march jobs report is in and it's much better than we expected. cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger joins us from new york to discuss what it all means. so jill, good morning to you. what were those march results? >> reporter: we saw 303,000 new jobs in the month of march and as you said, better than expected. we were thinking probably aaround 200,000. the unemployment rate just ticked down slightly to 3.8% from 3.9% but i have to emphasize this is the 9th straight month that we've seen job creation and the labor market really does seem to be in very good shape despite fears that it would
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roll over this year. >> jill, what about wages? did they outpace inflation? >> reporter: they did. and they were up 4.1% on average from a year ago. that's ahead of the 3.2% annual increase in the consumer price index i also want point out that there's a lot of evidence we've seen the strongest wage growth at the bottom of the distribution of earners. so this is research from the economic policy institute for the four years between 2019 and 2023 wages for the bottom 10% of earners grew by 12.1%. and i just got to be clear, gang, this is inflation adjusted. so it means that low end wages grew 12% more than prices. and that's very good news. probably attributable to some of the minimum wage increases that you saw in the state of california. and many other states across the country. >> yeah. we've been reporting on that all week. so which
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sectors saw the most growth? >> reporter: health care just continues to be a consistent producer of jobs. 72,000. government added 71,000. and there was a big milestone in leisure and hospitality. that industry created 49,000 jobs and with this report, finally back to the pre-pandemic level of employment of 16.9 million. so again, it took four years to get all those jobs that we lost during the pandemic back to where they were before the pandemic. >> all right, as always thank you jill for your time and for more analysis, go to it's time now for look at what's coming up later on cbs mornings and nate burleson joins us live now from new york. good morning nate. always great to see you. do you have your cereal box ready for the solar eclipse? >> i do have my cereal box ready and i am ready and i hope you are too. because that is what we're talking about on
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"cbs mornings," nicole. have you made your plans for how you are going to see monday's solar eclipse? well, imagine seeing it from 30,000 feet. we will show you how one airline is giving passengers the chance to do just that. pretty cool. also it's the return of kindness 101. one of the favorite series. steve hearthman and his kids revisit the moment where they talked about a solar eclipse in 2017. and it gives us a lesson in wonder. and the cmt music awards. they are this sunday where else? right here on cbs and so who better to talk about it than the show's host? chat with country superstar kelsea ballerini about her role and being nominated for three awards. everything you need to know and some other cool stuff on the show. see you at 7:00. >> thank you. have a great weekend. >> a fan of the drag queen like myself. >> really? >> she's fabulous. her costume and ward observe. >> hilarious. love her. it may be the last season for the a's in oakland. but we
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-- we'll still have the giants to root for and later today fans will be pouring into oracle park for the giants' home open against the padres. >> a big day. back to lauren toms live at oracle park. you pushed the button and caused sun to come up. good morning my friend. >> reporter: good morning guys, that's right the sun is finally starting to come up over or cal park and you know what that means. opening day is finally here. and just to add to the excitement of opening day, is the energy around brand new outfielder jung hoo lee. he was the star of south korea's baseball league and today he's drumming up excitement not only on the home field, but for korean baseball fans across the bay area. >> people like to play baseball. that's best way to spend your weekend. >> reporter: for ryan dew, baseball isn't only a passion. but it's a cultural connection to his home in korea where baseball has exploded in popularity. >> baseball is -- it's one of
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the -- one of key sports that represent the united states. and along with our life between the united states and korea, i think that we basically naturally adopted that culture. and korea, you know, adopted to the sport as well. >> reporter: today, he leads the bay area's only korean baseball league. >> and every saturday, we sweat together, we laugh together and we run together on the baseball field. and my weekend job became, you know, nurturing and growing this baseball organization. at the same time, i never forgot how to, you know, enjoy the baseball itself as a sport. >> reporter: and one giants' rookie is adding to the league's popularity. korean outfielder jung hoo lee. >> you are sitting at the dugout, you know, people -- go out there and play. we talk about him, right? and that just -- that just unites us. >> reporter: the giants signed the korean star in december as one of the hottest new players in the mlb to the tune of $113
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million over six seasons. he rose to fame as the center fielder for south korea's kiwoom heroes, earning the title of mvp in 2022. and fans, including dew, are feeling the excitement. >> we, as korea, we always like to stick together. right? but when he landed in san francisco bay area, that was like -- wow. did it really happen? >> reporter: he credits lee to an uptick in enrollment this season as the league adds a tenth team to their roster. >> i think it means a lot to everyone. and i've been playing here for 12 years. and i tell my wife that i'm not going to stop playing. >> reporter: taking his passion for the sport -- >> we take baseball serious. [ laughter ] >> reporter: -- and the popularity of a new giant to bring a community connected through baseball. >> reporter: and now that giants' community will be on full display later today. all hoping for a good season but really at the end of the day
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helping for one of these. a world series ring. it's been ten years since the giants secured one of these. this is actually from the 2012 season when i myself worked for the giants' organization. what a whirlwind but guys, this right here is what it's all about. hoping for a world championship. once more here in san francisco. >> oh my gosh. >> you have street cred girl. >> really does and i love how she was just like boom. check it out. >> i mean, you were already cool. you are really cool right now. lauren. >> like and by the by i have the ring and i worked for them. that's where you get all the good swag. all right. >> i was the reason they won. >> do you have any predictions with them against san diego? any predictions. >> reporter: a win. hey, i think it's going to be a clean winning sweep. that's my hope and my parents were actually at opening day down in san diego last week. they brought some good you you then so hopefully bring it again today. >> all right, lauren, need to sweep all the water off the tarp so we think get the field
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ready to play. thank you so much. in honor of the giants' opening day we dug into our archives to give everyone a taste of opening day 1979. >> maybe it was the new grass or the weather that brought them out. or the widely held belief that the san francisco giants have a shot at the national league pennant this year. whatever it was, it was working well. and there was excitement in the air as over 56,000 fans came for the home season opening game at candlestick. and when they introduced the giants, well, it was absolutely electrifying. in honor of the slain san francisco mayor george moscone, there were two balls pitched to open the game. by the late mayor's sons christopher and jonathan and then it was play ball. [ cheering and applause ] for the lulls in the game action there was always the entertainment provided by the fans. >> the crowd will keep them up there for as long as they
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possibly can. then it's up to the players i'm sure. >> i was at spring training and they were just great. >> you were at spring training. >> oh, yeah. >> you are a real fan. >> real fan. >> what kind of year it is going to be for the giants. >> it's going to be the best year. it's about time. it's going to be a really good year. i think -- >> i think they're going to have a good year because they have billy north now. >> real grass and really wednesday and real sunshine and real fans. it's going to be a good year for the giants at candlestick. in san francisco, don knapp, channel 5 eyewitness news. >> gosh. >> i love seeing the old archives and footage and we were just talking about this how windy you know, it is over there. when you see the hair blowing through the wind. >> don knapp was like look at this. >> are you jealous? >> very '70s. all right, well, we want to give a shout-out to the tv archive team at sf state we couldn't make moments like this happen without them. that's the group that
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maintains our extensive archive. >> thankfully because it's really nice to just take a turn and just take a peek back in time. and see what it was like then versus now. >> i have a feeling that our own molly mccray had something to do with that as well. a dynamo here at kpix. now taking a live look outside on this friday morning. from the mark hopkins a first alert weather day. you see old glory there top left of the screen. blowing and the wind is bringing some temperatures that well, may put you in sweater instead of a tank top. jess. >> oh absolutely. it is 100% sweater weather for us today kicking off this weekend. but we can shed all of that as we head into the forecast next week. by next week, around wednesday we're hitting the 80s in our inland areas with plenty of sunshine. we have to just get through today first and today we're dealing with the leftover storm from yesterday. this area of low pressure dropped in the gulf of alaska bringing in the chilly temperatures from the north. and of course all this unsettled weather that we're still waking up to this morning. areas of low pressure they work in counterclockwise direction and you can see that
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with wind sweeping to the south offshore in the sierra more north. now back here in the bay kind of note center of it. on and off showers in the forecast for us today. dry right now though. cloudy along the coast with light drizzle in the forecast and snow up near mount hamilton. now as we take a look at futurecast the reason why we still have the first alert weather day banners on this morning is because we want to prepare you for today. mostly just cloudy for us but at times in the east bay some lingering showers especially developing off in the east. heading into the evening hours tonight. now by tomorrow, we start to dry up a lot more and then left with mild conditions throughout the rest of this weekend into early next week. we talked about reservoirs a little bit earlier but this has been really impressive season so far. we're sitting above average throughout all the north state -- reservoirs which is just awesome to note too. what's happening for us today throughout the bay area for our daytime highs? it's going to be a cool one for us and now that the system moved its way through. that cold front really brought in these chilly temperatures for the inland areas where we're only sitting
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in the 50s today near antioch. livermore and all the way up into napa. now last -- this earlier this week actually we were sitting in the 70s and those local communities. but today, we're talking about 50s all throughout the inland areas and along the coast too. those hills have a little bit of snow left overfrom yesterday which is such a beautiful sight to receive. if you liked this week's 70s we have a return of that as soon as monday and tuesday of next week. continue to warm up as high pressure moves in giving us 80s by next wednesday and thursday. for our inland areas and along the bay near san francisco and daly city in the marin headlands. warming up in the 70s too by monday. but we won't hit the 80s necessarily we'll flirt with it getting into the upper 70s by wednesday. but just really excited to next week because there's lot of beautiful and dry weather around the corner. g? oh, looking forward to that for sure, jess. but get through today and hopefully things will get a little bit better as you commute this morning. as we get a littl closer to the 7:00 hour, things are winding down. this includes behind me. this is live look at conditions
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here. this right in the macarthur maze, 880 connector to eastbound 8 #. you can see right here there's some flashing lights that was a big rig to you ago very large load. that's looks like part of a building there. finally a tow truck has arrived on scene to kind of move this out of the lanes. in the meantime been pretty slow and go for anyone approaching this area. as you head through there. so definitely give yourself a few extra minutes. here's a snapshot for one of the caltrans cameras taken just moments ago. this direction here taillights heading westbound over to the bay bridge. this is right around ashby. right through berkeley. traffic actually looking a lot better than what we saw just a little while ago for that commute over towards the bay bridge. metering lights are on though and it is getting a little slow across the upper deck. but really not too bad at the toll plaza. still really quiet there. friday light as you head into the city. might be a busier later on though. we've got that giants' home opener we've been talking about taking on the padres. that means more traffic and a lot of people headed over to oracle park and king street and
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surface streets will be verycrowded usually close king street before and after the game to kind of help the crowds through there about 30 minutes before. definitely keep that in mind if you commute through there. before that happens. public transit, great way to get there. b.a.r.t. is a good option and montgomery or embarcadero stations. you can also use caltrain and takes you to king street and just walk a couple of blocks to the ballpark and also drive over there, maybe book that parking in advance on your favorite app. that will certainly save you some time as well. but overall, everything looking pretty good for mass transit this morning. south bay not doing too bad either. nicole? all right, time now 6:54. the madness returns tonight with the final four taking the court. up next, the road to the women's national championship game. let's get a live look outside before we head to break. this is from our treasure island cam. and it's situated towards the golden gate bridge this morning. and it is still looking pretty gloomy
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( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ march madness is nearing the end and we are down to the final four teams in both the men's and women's tournaments. so why don't we start with the women's side? playing out in cleveland tonight. caitlin clark will be back on the court alongside the iowa hawkeyes. clark caught the attention of fans nationwide this season
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with the prolific scoring and all time ncaa scoring leader for men's and women's basketball. here's the games in the women's tournament this afternoon. first we have south carolina facing nc state. that's at 4:00. followed by iowa and uconn at 6:30 and then the winners will play for the national championship on sunday. the men play tomorrow out in arizona and check this out. it was a rough trip to the grand canyon state for the uconn's men's team. the defending national champions experienced some delays and mechanical issues not just with one but two of the planes. they ultimately had to take a red eye flight to arizona hauling in early yesterday morning. thankfully they have a day of rest before taking on alabama tomorrow. and they're going to be playing at 5:0. nc state and purdue face off earlier in the day at 3:00. the national championship game is set for next monday. so let's put our brackets into perspective guys. this is us here at kpix. you can see some of the crews scores on the screen. darrell the guru johnson with 95.7 the
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game is leading the scoreboard. no surprise there. gianna, look at you. just hanging up near the top. just making her voice heard. and -- currently tied for third place there. it's a good place to be. not a good place to be me a few notches below a score of 112. and reed i mean you just -- you shot out of the cannon and you were the shining star and i felt like i manifested this tournament win for and you then boom. >> i feel like that scene in "game of thrones." that's me walking down this bracket. shame, shame. >> not that bad. >> no. it's almost that the bottom. but juliette gets the shame. >> you are not -- at least there's someone below you. >> she's my buddy. >> good morning juliette. >> sorry glitter. >> feeling pretty good right now. i actually -- i forgot my password. i want to log in and check the bracket to see final four. >> shame. >> get it together gianna. >> the games are tonight. coming up at 7:00 a.m. on
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pix+ 44 cable 12, more on how a's' fans are reacting to the team leaving oakland after the current season. we're going to take a look the comments and what they're saying on social media. yeah, also shame. and another story former president trump encounters new legal setback. what judge ruled in his classified documents case out of florida. in the meantime let's take a live look outside and we hope to see you over on pix+ 44 cable 12 for so much more. [ captions by: vitac 800-278-4822 email: ] ♪ i hear the trumpets. welcome to "cbs mornings," and hello to our viewers on the west coast. we see you on this friday. i'm gayle king. >> i'm tony dokoupil. >> i'm nate burleson. >> we're all here so let's go to today's "eye opener." it's your world in 90 seconds. president biden issues a sharp warning to prime minister benjamin netanyahu following the israeli military deadly strike on an aid co.
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to vevek. not only a good friend. but a -- a great business person. great associate. working with you guys has been dream for our guys as well. >> and as we bring in reed cowan here, we have to ask ourselves, what is going to happen to the people who depend on the a's' playing in oakland the make their living and we're talking about food and beverage workers and other people there, reed. >> they are our neighbors right? the union representing that group of people affected says that john fisher's all-out abandonment of the team is a shameful move. andrea nakano talked to a longtime employee who stands to lose a lot. watch. >> reporter: on game day, it's not just the fans that fill the coliseum. workers from all the ushers to concession stand servers are there to make the game day experience enjoyable. >> they come and see the a's. but our service makes a lot of
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people come back. we are -- you guys can't come out here and do the jobs that we do. >> reporter: tony evans has been in the hospitality industry for 40 years. the last ten with the a's. >> all good things come to an end. but it didn't have to end so tragically. >> reporter: tony just knew this day was coming. >> i never had -- confidence in them staying because he really wanted to leave. he had been trying to leave for the last ten years. >> reporter: but he didn't think it would come so soon. he thought he would have more time to prepare for what's next. tony feels betrayed and abandoned with the a's moving to sacramento. >> what more can we say? it's like -- john fisher like -- okay. some of you guys have been loyal to the a's for years and years. i just got in and i bought it and i don't care about you guys. basically that's what he's telling us. >> reporter: tony says many of the workers are just like him, seniors trying to find a way to supplement their social security and those that are dependent on health care. >> at some point, i get loss for words for it because i feel
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sorry for the way that this is going to impact some of my co-workers, you know. how do we get through the summer? >> reporter: it's already been a struggle without any fans in the stands. fewer employees have been needed on game day. fewer shifts means they don't earn enough points to qualify for health care. tony realizes it may be tough for a while, but the one thing he won't let fisher take away is hope for the future. >> oakland is going to bounce back. i'm positive we're going to bounce back. so i'm not going to say bye. i just say we will see you later. >> well, even though so many people say they saw this coming there's a finality to the team's move out of oakland and it hits a lot of fans hard. listen to this. >> people are upset, they're disappointed and they're angry. for one, i can't ever get away from this. this is permanent. this is never coming off. >> the a's have been here since '68. and all my whole lifetime. and it is very, very sad. you know, i don't cry man, but i was really torn up
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this morning. >> torn up. well, as the a's button up deals there's still a deal that needs to be done in the bay and it's the coliseum. the a's bought half the complex from alameda county in 2019. so lot of people wondering what are they going to do with the other half? here's what we do know. the oakland roots and soul soccer teams will play the coliseum next season but there's just no sign of other major leaguers wanting to play there. or even planning or talking about it. the place is old. but oakland city officials say they're committed to revitalizing that stadium. so what do you have to say? stay with us for continuing coverage on the a's' move to sacramento. and then to vegas. when we are not on air, we are always streaming at and on our cbs news bay area app. well, while the a's are on their way out we still have the giants to hold on to. and to root for and the giants will play the home opener in san francisco today. >> and we are excited. first pitch is set for 1:35 this afternoon against the padres. >> lauren toms joins us live once again from oracle park. to channel all of that excitement
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into your friday morning. really exciting for fans and players and then businesses around that venue with the crack of the bat. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, guys. yeah, it's chilly here at oracle park. but that san francisco baseball right? you always have to come a little bit prepared. but our excitement for opening day is really heating up this ballpark. and i am one of the most excited fans out there but i'm not alone. local businesses are also thrilled that baseball is finally back. and my colleague max darrow spoke with a local restaurant who says that good baseball is only good for business. >> reporter: new banners are on the walls at oracle park, ready to welcome giants' fans for the 2024 home opener. and just about a block and a half away from the willie mays gate, reza kashanouri is eager to welcome giants' fans back to his restaurant, yummy plate. >> i can't wait. you cannot wait. >> reporter: like most restaurants and shops near the
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ballpark -- >> this is the pastrami that we cure. >> reporter: -- reza is busier when it's baseball season. >> it's a big difference. it adds up about 35%, 40% when they're playing. >> reporter: and reza's numbers look even better when the giants are winning and fans fill the stadium. but that has been a bit of a challenge for the team in recent years. for the 2023 season, giants' attendance was a little under 31,000 fans a game. excluding 2020 and 2021, that's the second lowest the giants' average attendance has been since the giants moved from candlestick in 2000 to what's now oracle park. but with a fresh squad including new players like jung-hoo lee, matt chapman, jorge soler and more, reza thinks this year could be a good one for his favorite club and therefore his restaurant. >> and we can't wait to see what they're going to do. i'm sure they're going to make a difference. >> reporter: longtime giants' fan brenda ochoa shares his optimism. >> pretty hopeful and i am -- you know, it has been a tough
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couple of years. >> reporter: she is bringing something special to the table this season too. >> i think we have a good luck charm, which is my son. this sunday, he's going to be attending his first baseball game. >> reporter: the new player she's most excited to see in a giants uniform? >> we got to go with lee for sure. >> reporter: it's taken reza several years to bounce back from the effects of the pandemic, but he says things are finally feeling pretty good. >> right now, we're almost there. right where it was before covid. >> reporter: so maybe the giants just needed a few years to turn things around too. reza certainly will be watching. >> go giants. >> reporter: keeping a good eye on his team in the hopes they knock some good business his way. >> reporter: now good baseball, a good season. that's what fans are hoping for this year. but so are the giants. this year, they've made a handful of changes to their roster. and coming up later this hour, we'll bring you the story of how one new player is making a big impact not only on the home field but for local baseball leek as well. stay tuned for that guys.
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>> looking forward to it. thank you so much lauren. reed had asked earlier what's behind lauren if i had said a massive slip and slide for pre-game festivities. would you have believed me? >> i would have believed you. yes. no, but it makes sense and they want to protect. that speaks to safety and playand everything. >> i have covered many a baseball game. tarp crew to the field and they have the khakis and you think i'm glad i have this job and not that one. >> no doubt and it makes it fun to watch. by the way lauren's assignment today should be to go check out the great food at the ballpark. brand new offerings for every season and always fun. one of the closest races in bay area politics is finally come to a close. the latest results in the race for district 16 in the south bay. and then across the country, millions preparing to watch the eclipse and the bay area no exception. still ahead, find out where you can enjoy the once in a lifetime event and how you can watch it streaming on cbs news bay area. and are you looking for a
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little bit of fun on this friday? why not step outside and say good morning to the ferris wheel? it's one of my favorite views of the city. and hopefully -- we'll be able to see it throughout th
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time now for a look stime now for a look at this morning's other top stories. this morning victims of last year's deadly shooting in half-moon bay announced their filing a lawsuit against one of the farms where the tragedy
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happened. in january 2023, chunli zhao allegedly killed seven people at two farms. the lawsuit says the farm owners should have done more to protect workers or prevent the shooting from happening. after weeks of ballot counting the race for the 16th congressional district in the south bay is finally over. the final count for the congressional seat shows evan low and joe simitian in a sigh for second place. here's what's next. the two second place candidates can either request a recounted or move forward and take part in a three way race in november. now taking a live look outside on this friday morning. we've got a little wet weather still lingering throughout the bay. this is view from the top of the mark and actually looks kind of beautiful slightly ominous but i love the gray and the clouds. and you got a little bit of the sun peeking through a little bit. let's check in with the expert though. jess, the first alert weather day that we are still -- still in effect. >> absolutely. and it's not
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nearly as severe as yesterday. yesterday the bulk of that storm system moved its way in. and now we're just kind of dealing with the leftovers. today is leftover day. when you go out and you get thai food. tomorrow for breakfast and little bit left over. partly cloudy skies down into the santa clara valley. you can see that break in the clouds and here's the good news. that's kind of the trend for us today. like i said we're dealing with the leftovers and there's going to be times where we see just a little bit of a lingering shower in the forecast for us. for example, down near gilroy that's currently happening but as we take a look at bay bridge it's dry right now and that's great news, all the showers mostly offshore and this area of low pressure they always work in counterclockwise direction and a little bit of the rotation this morning waking up and with some thunderstorm activity well offshore, but back here in the bay we're dry at least for now though. that's going to look different this afternoon and i don't want to fool you by saying we're dry right now and be dry all day. that's not the case, still see the pop-up storms throughout the bay area. throughout this afternoon with the cloudy skies matching with it too. a little bit of snow currently falling all the way
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down in the mount hamilton area and actually starting to dry up nicely in the southern portion of the santa clara valley near gilroy but watch this. take a look at futurecast advancing the clock all the way until around lunchtime. or even past that for that matter. we'll continue to watch some lingering showers off in the east bay accumulate just a little bit of rain. this is by 1:00. not that much. about 0.01 of rain. but it starts to add up into areas like fairfield by 8:00 p.m. tonight. drier conditions along the coastline which is good news if you have any late night plans along the coast anywhere from pacifica up into san francisco. similar trend up near santa rosa too. then here's the good news, also we're actually driving drying up even more with the weekend's forecast. the snowfall pack up into the sierra, we're sitting above average there. but another thing i want to mention too. our reservoir storage all throughout the bay area -- all throughout the state actually is sitting well above average. and we'll continue to see that add up really as we head into the next couple of months. as we see that storm -- sorry about that glitch behind me by
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the way. as we see all that rain and that snow melt up in the higher elevated areas and then it will continue to add to our reservoirs and let's take a step back and i want to show you today what's going on for us. the storm that came through yesterday was cold front and it brought cool chilly temperatures to the inland areas. a repeat of that today and down near san jose and los gatos. and looking at the next seven days, well, here's that warm-up that i was talking about. by mid next week we're sitting in the 80s and by late next week we're going to continue to see 80s. we start off next workweek with sunshine and 70s right around the corner and i'll have more on why that's happening coming up in just a bit. g? you know i was noticing some unusually slow delays for friday along witness stand 80 heading to the maze right through the connector and did a little digging and look what i found. live look from one of the caltrans cameras, this is big rig carrying very wide load and looks like there's a couple of things going on behind it as well but basically the big rig stuck there in lanes clausing the backup. this is a lot of slow and go conditions coming off of
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westbound 80. once you are past that, and you get to the bay bridge, it's all clear heading into san francisco. that's why the metering lights are on. because you have got all the cars stuck in the delays but heading towards there we are seeing a very slow commute. westbound 80 working over into the maze trying to get over towards the bay bridge because of that big rig. because of that large truck carrying that massive load there. so it's stuck in lanes and you are going to need an even bigger heavy duty tow truck to get it out there and in the meantime a bit slow especially for a friday as you heads over into san francisco. so hopefully that will be cleared before all the giants' fans head over into the city to enjoy the game. because we're expecting quite a few people to use the bay bridge over towards oracle park today to enjoy the home opener against the padres. first pitch at 1:35. keep you updated through the maze. 6:2 in the morning. countdown the lights
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>> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. and she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. we come to you for free! schedule now for free mobile service at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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- lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+. well, we're now just three days away from the solar eclipse and millions of people will be looking up adds the moon casts a shadow across the middle of the country. here in california we'll be treated to a partial eclipse and around the bay, there's plenty of viewing parties for the cosmic event. oakland's chabot space and science center is holding a
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special party for the eclipse. take part in special science demonstrations and also eclipse safe glasses with a chance to look through telescope. >> reminds us that we are part of a much larger universe. that there are things going on out there without any human involvement at all. and that certainly is -- you know, kind of fun to just stop and think about, you know, things off the earth. >> well, here in the bay area,the eclipse will start around 10:15 a.m. and last for two hours. monday will be our last chance to experience a solar eclipse in our own backyard at least until 2045. so join us monday for eclipse watch our special coverage of the solar eclipse all starts t 10:00 a.m. streaming on cbs news bay area and find us on the free cbs news app or on pluto tv. reed? time right now 6:26. as the a's reveal an oakland exit. people in the next city of play have a message for the friends in oakland. then lauren play
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ball. >> reporter: yeah, it's opening day and all eyes will be on the outfield later today. how one player's making a splash in a local baseball league coming up. and here's a live look outside before we head to break. happy friday everybody and hey, happy giants' home opener. you know, if you look really close there you can kind of make out oracle park off in the distance there just under -- there's a better view. thank you to mike our director for pulling this up. there it
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♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪
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welcome back and happy friday. right now on cbs news bay area at 6:30, we are taking a live look from our mark hopkins cam and you can see those gray clouds still kind of hanging out this morning. not the way i want to start my weekend, jess, with the first alert weather day. please tell me it's going to clear soon. >> you know, today is a lot better than yesterday. we're still keeping the first alert banners for a reason because we can see some more showers in the forecast this afternoon and light chance of thunderstorm activity. but really it's starting to shape up to be a really nice day for us throughout the bay area. i want to start off with our temperatures because as we take a look at the daytime highs today, it's going to be a chilly one for us this afternoon. just like yesterday. but a little bit drier compared to yesterday. we're sitting in the 50s down into the santa clara valley. 55 degrees for our friends near livermore and here's the live look right now near the santa clara valley. you can see a mix of sun and clouds as we wake up and head
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out the door. a similar trend all the way up into napa and sonoma today with 57 degrees for the daytime highs near san francisco. but let's also talk about the radar because it's still a little bit active. throughout northern california in general. but right now in the bay we're kind of spared a little bit heading out the door starting the morning commute. which means the roads are going to be dry and gianna is going to have more own that coming up in a bit. you can see the circulation of the area of low pressure. into the south all the way down along the coastline. in the center of this area of low pressure as it starts to decay moving its way inland. and that meanings we can see pop-up storms and unstable atmosphere today. instability in the atmosphere means that this is a chance of showers throughout this afternoon as heat starts to rise and long story short we can see lingering showers already down into the santa clara valley. actually just south of that up into the hills where there's a little bit of snow right now and we'll continue to watch more pop-up showers kind of form throughout this afternoon. as temperatures start to rise. more on that coming up in bit and i'll let you know how long this is going to last in your local community but for now, over to you, g. jess, thank you. i want to
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start off with a live look at conditions here for the ride over into the maze. if you are taking that connector from the eastshore freeway over towards the maze, you can see this here. looks like this is that north 880 connector as well. so just right in the heart of the macarthur maze. there's a large truck there. large big rig carrying a wide load and you can see isolate there you can got a lot of people and a tow truck working on it and certainly causing a big backup in the maze this morning. but once you are past that, look at this. no delays at all at the bay bridge toll plaza. easy commit for anyone heading into san francisco right now. gets better when you are past that point. nicole? time now for a look at this morning's other top stories. new video out of pacifica sheds a new light on a police shooting last week that left one woman dead. a warning here. this video may be disturbing. police shot and killed her after she shot her adult son. the new officer body cam -- this footage shows the woman attempting to drive away after allegedly shooting her son multiple times inside of an apartment. police say when
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aapproached her car, she pointed a gun at the officers from the driver's seat and that's when police fired. the woman died at the scene and the officers involved are now on paid administrative leave standard protocol while the investigation takes place. the son will be okay. update on the war in gaza. president joe biden is urging israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to take new steps to protect the lives of palestinian civilians and aid workers. if not, biden warns the u.s. may shift its support for the war. in response, the israeli government says it will open more aid corridors into the war-torn region. former president donald trump is facing another legal setback. a federal judge decided not to throw out hi mar-a-lago classified documents case. trump is charged with illegally withholding and concealing those classified documents after leaving the white house. a trial date has yet to be set. well, nicole looking live at the coliseum. symbol of loss this morning. a's' fans angry and heartbroken at the news of
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the a's exit to sacramento before landing in las vegas for good. now while that vegas ballpark gets built the a's will play at sacramento's sutter health park. the stadium is the home of the giants' triple-a affiliate. it's smaller by quite a stretch than what the a's are used to. we're talking about 14,000 seats compared to the coliseum's 63,000 seats. but this is the stadium the a's will play in after sacramento in las vegas. just rendering right now. but the team hopes the new home will be finished and ready to play in by 2028 in sin city. but before they exit for the desert let's talk about what the a's meant to the bay area. the legacy, proud history. talking about four world series championships and a fan base that is arguably second to none. this is what a lot of fans say john fisher doesn't and likely won't get. the a's love and the fans love for the a's. deeply in generations. and because of the team's decision to move, these feelings you are about to hear
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are the result. listen up. >> the a's have been here since'68 and all my whole lifetime. and it is very, very sad. i -- you know, i don't cry man, but i was really torn up this morning. >> and the conversation with us continues this morning with all the hurt and all the disappointment and will you drive to sacramento to support the a's? continue sounding off on x and use the #kpix. so far here's what you are saying most of you say nope. won't drive to sacramento to support the a's. lag is even further. something interesting developing in sacramento also. and that is lukewarm reaction. just like we're hearing in las vegas. many say the a's should stay rooted in oakland. >> you go to a's' games? you hear the chants let's go oakland. that can never be recipro kateed here in sacramento or las vegas the culture is not transferable. because west sacramento, we have our own respective culture and we should respect that. we
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are not oakland. oakland's culture belongs in oakland. >> i think it's exciting for the region. personally i think it shows to outside capital that our region is ready for another professional sports team. >> so kind of a mixed bag there. eh right? yes, a boon for business if anybody shows up to watch the game. but largely as you are going to hear in our "people are talking" segment at 7:00 a.m. over on pix+ 44 cable 12, even people with big broadcast reach in sacramento are none too pleased with a's' owner john fisher. it's going to be a barnburner of a conversation. we invite you to change the channel at 7:00. >> lots to talk about and i mean you think about the fans and business perspective. but really you think about the city of oakland losing so manyprofessional teams and you talked about two of them earlier. the raiders and a's and the warriors to. with chase center. >> you look at the 20% of people that say no matter what, i am a diehard fan and if they're in las vegas in in sacramento, at least those fans that make the trek up to
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sacramento will get a treat. because the ballpark is really nice. it's a fun new experience. it's more intimate. and i like that for a's' fans. because you feel like you are packing the stands and hopefully the players feel that too. during the interim period, we have to mention the players as well. >> right. yeah. and can you imagine being a player right now wow. welt, again we're going to dive deeper into fan reaction at 7:00 in our segment "people are talking" and stay with us for continuing coverage on air and on the website at and on cbs news bay area app. time right now 6:36. the government just released the march jobs report. we'll be chatting with cbs
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welcome back. time now for


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